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Peters : Probably the following rulers (emperors & czars) of Russia are meant: Peter I or Peter the Great (1672-1725), emperor (1721-25) & Czar (1682-1725); Peter II (1715-30), emperor & Czar (1727-30); Peter III (1728-62), emperor & Czar (1762).

8 result/s found for Peters

... would today be considered a hard but almost perfect regime for a marathon runner; in 1952 it was almost certainly a better preparation than even Jim Peters — hot favorite for the Olympic title — had undergone. In the event Zatopek stayed with Peters and with Jansson of Sweden for the early part of the race, and then is supposed to have asked (partly, one would imagine, as a stroke of devastating... devastating gamesmanship, and partly out of a genuine desire for information) whether or not 'we ought to be going faster?' Getting no cogent answer from Peters or Jansson, who were understandably quite happy not to go any faster, Zatopek left them, accelerated away and arrived at the finish with a little over two-and-a-half minutes to spare, tiring, it is true, but tiring less then the men behind him. The ...

... so that... But something happened—the day you came, which day was it? Wednesday. Page 305 Wednesday night, I was like that, lying down, without sleeping, when suddenly I saw a St. Peters 1 in front of me, and from it rays were coming out towards me. So I understood they had done some magic. At the time, I was quite... (what shall I say?), as if... you know, as if desperate—I was... lays his head on Mother's knees, then goes to Sri Aurobindo's room ) Page 309 × Mother is referring to St. Peters Basilica of Rome, at the Vatican. × We assume that Mother is referring to the experience of the white ...


... education). 11.Bailin, S. (1988) 'AchievingExtraordinary Ends An Essay on Creativity, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 12.Cooper.D.E. (1986) Education, Values and Mind.'Essays for R.S. Peters, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Provides a good picture of Peter's formative role in the field and a bibliography of his work.) 13.Frankena, W. (1965) Philosophy of Education, New York: Macmillan... of study in the education schools of Australasia, the UK and the USA). 15.Passmore.J. (1980) The Philosophy of Teaching, London: Duckworth. (A comprehensive philosophy of pedagogy). 16.Peters, R.S. (1966) Ethics and Education, London: Allen & Unwin. (Major statement of his early view, progressively modified in later works). 17.Siegel, E. (1988) Educating Reason: Rationality, Critical ...

... He shouted, and his stature seemed to increase Striding upon the foe. Rapid his sword Like lightning playing with a cloud made void The crest before him... 42 The assault peters out, and soon another starts, but this time the Goddess withdraws   Page 116 from him, his real work being over: And passing out of him a mighty form Stood visible. Titanic ...

... France, by the House of Castile in Spain and by the Romanoffs and their predecessors in Russia is still more prominent. In the last of these instances, one might almost say that without the Ivans, Peters and Catherines there would have been no Russia. And even in modern times, the almost mediaeval role played by the Hohenzollerns in the unification and growth of Germany was watched with an uneasy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... But if the psychological justification was deficient or only in process of creation, the vital and physical case for a strictly united Russia, not excluding Finland, was overwhelming. The work of the Peters and Catherines was founded on a strong political, military and economic necessity. From the political and military point of view, all these Slavic nations had everything to lose by disunion, because ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the heroic spirit's battlefield, The forge where the Arch-mason shapes his works" Then, as though to bring out the full import of Krishna's famous dictum: No sincere endeavour ever peters out To leave things where they were; aye, even a spark Of aspiration. silvers clouds of fear, (Gita, 2.40) _____________________________. *Our hearts accept what our blind ...


... you offer In sheer delight all, all you have and are, Counting no cost and never calculating How He will indemnify you for your loss. Friend, this is no romance, nor poets' irised Fancy which peters out with the ascent Of the Sun that brooks no hues. Not once have I Felt I was renouncing this or that for Him. I only aver that when I move a step Toward Him, my Gleaming Orient, my Gopal, I ...
