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Phrygia : ancient region which included varying portions of the central plateau & western flank of Asia Minor. In Greek literature the Phrygians are sometimes identified with the Trojans as descendants of Phryx.

6 result/s found for Phrygia

... war and other arts like music and painting. Achilles was destined to be the greatest of the heroes of the Trojan War. IV The city of Troy stood on Mt. Ida. This mountain forms part of Phrygia. On a hill three miles from the sea, Schliemann and Dorpfeld, in their excavations found 9 cities, superimposed each upon its predecessor, as if Troy1 had nine lives. According to Schliemann ...

... gone, the audience which was reported to have heard the disciples preach in Jerusalem contained 'Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappado-cia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians' [Acts 2:9-11]."   The long and short of my contention ...

... marched on and cleared the coast of Asia Minor as far as Cilicia and Phoenicia.) Next he marched into Pisidia where he subdued any resistance which he encountered, and then made himself master of Phrygia. When he captured Gordium, which is reputed to have been the home of the ancient king Midas, he saw the celebrated chariot which was fastened to its yoke by the bark of the cornel-tree, and heard the ...


... here I sit in Troy, far from my fatherland, a grief to you, a grief to all your children... And you too, old man, we hear you prospered once: as far as Lesbos, Macar's kingdom, bounds to seaward, Phrygia east and upland, the Hellespont vast and north — that entire realm, they say, you lorded over once, you excelled all men, old king, in sons and wealth. But then the gods of heaven brought this agony ...


... But when my arm and my Fate have vanquished their gods and Apollo, Brilliant with blood when we stand amid Ilion's marble splendours, Then let none seat deaf flame on the glory of Phrygia's marbles Or with his barbarous rapine shatter the chambers of sweetness Slaying the work of the gods and the beauty the ages have lived for. For he shall moan in the night remote from the ...

... was all founded, on Phrygia's coasts, round Ilion's ramparts, Then by the spear of Achilles, then in the Trojan death-cry; Bearers mute of a future world were those armoured Achaians. So they arrived from Zeus, an army led by the death-god. Page 434 So one can see them still who has sight from the gods in the trance-sleep Out from the tent emerging on Phrygia's coasts in their armour;... sternest Aeneas. But when my arm and my Fate have vanquished their gods and Apollo, Brilliant with blood when we stand amid Ilion's marble splendours, Then let none seat deaf flame on the glory of Phrygia's marbles Or with his barbarous rapine shatter the chambers of sweetness Slaying the work of the gods and the beauty the ages have lived for. For he shall moan in the night remote from the earth ...

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