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... The Future Poetry Chapter IV The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty The light of truth, the breath of life, great and potent things though they are, are insufficient to give poetry the touch of immortality and perfection, even a little of which is enough to carry it safe through the ages, unless the soul and form of delight and beauty take possession... sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amṛta , without which the gods themselves could not be immortal. A lightest trifle, if it manages to get itself saturated with this sweetness of poetic delight and beauty, will be preserved for its sake, while the highest strenuous labour of the thinking mind and the most forceful assertion of the life-power, if deprived of or deficient in this subtlest... sweetness in poetry and art, nor a satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor a harmonious perfection of the spirit. An insufficiently profound and intimate perception of the real deep soul of poetic delight and beauty is the first obstacle to a recovery of the old strong soundness of the aesthetic sense and spontaneity of the aesthetic impulse. This comes from the peculiar character of the modern ...
... guiding all three, bringing the element of restraint, management, subordination to a superior law of harmony, is the intellectual element, the driver of the chariot of sound; within this again is the poetic delight in the creation of Page 241 harmonious sound, the august & disinterested pleasure of the really great poet which has nothing in it of frenzy or rather has the exultation & increased ...
... feeling of it a form of universal Ananda...the calm yet moved ecstasy with which the spirit of existence regards itself and its creation. This deeper spiritual feeling, this Ananda is the fountain of poetic delight and beauty.” Jnaneshwar drank freely and abundantly of that fountain of poetic wonder and joy. But how has this come about? who must have led him to this wondrous joy? making that a sudden ...
... their best normal qualities, their culture, taste, tact of expression, and missed too the greater gifts of the classical French poetry. For, though that poetry may often fall short of the intensest poetic delight by its excessive cult of reason and taste, though it may run often in too thin a stream, though it may indulge the rhetorical turn too consistently to achieve utterly the highest heights of speech ...
... our highest being, quite possible if we can only get some abiding realisation of that secret oneness which is the foundation of the law of universal love. Then, not seeking this at all but only poetic delight or, if you are so inclined, the criticism of life, we listen to Creon's fierce reproach to Antigone that in her refusal to hate the national enemy she stands unnaturally apart from the mind and ...
... otherwise they cannot lead to the height on which lives the Mantra. For neither the intelligence, the imagination nor the ear are the true or at least the deepest or highest recipients of the poetic delight, even as they are not its true or highest creators; they are only its channels and instruments: the true creator, the true hearer is the soul. The more rapidly and transparently the rest do their ...
... just mind-set. In the over-all subjective and artistic experience it is the poet's personality that matters the most; it stamps his uniqueness, even his presence in the enjoyment of poetic delight that flows from it. But there is an aspect of impersonality too, impersonality not of aloofness but of universality, even of the transcendent. Savitri has all the three. That makes the poetic ...
... Poetry; Rhythm and Movement; Style and Substance; Poetic Vision and the Mantra; The Evolution of Poetry; The Character of Poetry; The Ideal Spirit of Poetry; The Sun of Poetic Truth; The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty; The Word and the Spirit; The Process, Form and Substance of Poetry; Sources of Poetic Inspiration and Vision; Poetic Rhythm and Technique; Beauty and Art; Appreciation of Poetry and ...
... with this poet we gain admittance to the very heart, the innermost sanctuary of poetry where we fully realise what our old Indian critics had laid down as their final verdict, namely, that the poetic delight is akin to the Delight of Brahman. But even the moon has its spots, and in Wordsworth the spots are of a fairly considerable magnitude. Manmohan Ghose too had mentioned to us these defects ...
... Thus, with this poet, we gain admittance to the very heart, the innermost sanctuary of poetry where we fully realise what our old Indian critics laid down as their final verdict, namely, that the poetic delight is akin to the Delight of Brahman. But even the moon has its spots, and in Wordsworth the spots are of a fairly considerable magnitude. Manomohan Page 442 Ghose too had mentioned ...
... discussions on themes like "The Essence of Poetry", "Rhythm and Movement", "Style and Substance", "Poetic Vision and the Mantra", "The Ideal Spirit of Poetry", "The Sun of Poetic Truth", "The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty" and "The Word and the Spirit", all these are thrown into the melting pot, and the result is a fascinating adventure in creative understanding, - an unconventional but truly prophetic ...
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