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7 result/s found for Political evolution

... of political science and for the future unification of the Indian subcontinent. We shall now take up in some detail the different periods of political evolution in India. The first period The first period of the socio-political evolution passed through three stages: first, the simple Aryan community, then a period of long transition with a considerable variety of experimental ...

... the end conciliate a general moral support and prove a starting-point for freer and better forms. Yet another possibility that cannot be ignored is that the merely inter-governmental and political evolution which alone we have considered, may be broken in upon by the long-threatened war of classes. Labour internationalism broke down, like every other form of internationalism—scientific, cultural ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... outside of Science, progress, civilisation and humanitarianism, and we are likely to see more signs of it in the era that is coming upon us. A similar law holds in politics and society. The political evolution of the human race follows certain lines of which the most recent formula has been given in the watchwords of the French Revolution, freedom, equality and brotherhood. But the forces of the old ...


... War of Secession, the First World War, the Liberation of India, etc. At levels 9-10, there will be a more systematic study of the history of a few nations, with an emphasis on their political evolution throughout the ages. The Second World War and contemporary world history will be given a special attention. The above programme is tentative; it has been given here only with the aim to ...

... Indian Polity The Renaissance in India XXIII Indian Polity - 3 The socio-political evolution of Indian civilisation, as far as one can judge from the available records, passed through four historical stages, first the simple Aryan community, then a long period of transition in which the national life was proceeding through a considerable variety of ...


... still exercised its influence, even when all tended at last to become traditionalised and conventionalised instead of moving forward constantly in the steps of a free and living practice. The political evolution of this early system varied in different parts of India. The ordinary development, as in most other countries, was in the direction of an increasing emphasis on the control of the king as the ...


... Life- Work of Sri Aurobindo. "The coming of Sri Aurobindo to Bengal marks an epochmaking period in the annals of the Page 374 country. Never before in the history of the political evolution of the country had there been such a precious acquisition in the cause of the country's fight for freedom ... because there was no equal to him in the supreme self-consciousness he possessed ...