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4 result/s found for Poltergeist phenomena

... incidents and similar extraordinary occurrences which go outside the ordinary course of physical Nature happen frequently in India and are not un known elsewhere; they are akin to what are called poltergeist phenomena in Europe. Scientists don't say or think anything of such supernormal happenings except to pooh-pooh them or to prove that they are simply the tricks of children simulating supernatural man ...


... on.’ 6 This was a world in the shadows of public life, as it were, but the object of widespread interest and busily frequented. It was the world of mediums, spiritism, automatic writing, poltergeist phenomena, alchemy, astrology, channelling, white and black magic, Satanism. As Peter Washington writes: ‘Churches were in decline. Atheists and materialists attacked them from without. The abuse of clerical ...

... Man These extraordinary occurrences which go outside the ordinary course of physical Nature happen frequently in India and are not un known elsewhere; they are akin to what are called poltergeist phenomena in Europe. Scientists don’t say or think anything of such supernormal happenings except to pooh-pooh them or to prove that they are simply the tricks of children simulating supernatural man ...


... appearing, to move about material things, e.g. furniture or to materialise objects or to shift them from place to place. This accounts for what are called poltergeists , phenomena of stone-throwing, tree-inhabiting bhūtas and other well-known phenomena. (5) Apparitions which are the formations of one's own mind but take to the senses an objective appearance. (6) Temporary possession of people by... itself—till that formation either exhausts itself or is dissolved by one means or another. This is the explanation of such phenomena as the haunted house in which the scenes attending or surrounding or preceding a murder are repeated over and over again and many similar phenomena. (3) A being of the lower vital planes who has assumed the discarded vital sheath of a departed human being or a fragment... the existence of less material worlds which certain subtler instruments can show to us. Occult Forces [ Occult forces: ] The forces that can only be known by going behind the veil of apparent phenomena—especially the forces of the subtle physical and supraphysical planes. Nature-forces are conscious forces—they can very well combine all that is necessary for an action or a purpose and when ...

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