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Preta : spirit of the dead who denied their funeral rites may become a bhūta.
... But the Protection was there, and finally the attack fell back on the mantric, who died from it. He died in a great rage and with a great will for revenge and began circling around the Ashram in the Preta Loka (I believe this corresponds to the vital world) seeking an opportunity to do harm, but there was such a purity, such a divine force that he could do nothing. When this girl died, he attacked her ...
... move about in the earth's atmosphere just beyond the gross physical plane, being made prisoners there because of their unsatisfied thirst. These are variously named as ghosts, ghouls, vampires, asebs, pretas, pisachas, etc. Let us listen to what the Mother has said about this point: "... for you the air is empty, there is nothing in it - you see something blue or white, there are clouds, sunbeams ...
... Page 182 selection & arrangement of the right siddhi-mantra & kriya, secondly, by the presence behind the sadhaka of one who repeats what is called an angarakshaka mantra destructive of the pretas & Rakshasas or prohibitive of their attacks. The last function I have taken on myself; it is your business so to arrange the kriya that the bhutas get no chance for প্রবেশ or for the seizure & destruction ...
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