Prince of Edur : is based on the historical personalities of Bāppā, Curran (q.v.), Toramāna (q.v.), & Hooshka (q.v.). Sri Aurobindo had acquired some idea of Gujarat’s feudal history through Nandashankar Mehta’s historical fiction Karan Ghelo (Ghelo stands for both ‘Gehlot’, the dynasty to which he belonged, & ‘besotted’), when he must have read available recorded histories on Rajput & Muhammedan kings of the region (including the Kushāns, Huvishka/ Hooshka etc., & the Huns, Toramāna etc.), as also of Idar. Evidently, the Bāppā of this play was meant to instil in its readers the fire of utter dedication to Mother India, & Curran was meant to illustrate that the Moderates’ petty intrigues would only help the British to derail the freedom movement, & that is what happened at Surat. Perhaps he never cared to finish & publish it because by Jan-Feb. 1907, he realised that few Indian politicians & youth had the tenacity to stand up to invaders as had Bāppā & his descendants.
... Bassora, Rodogune, Vasavadutta and Eric) and three unfinished plays (The House of Brut, The Maid in the Mill and Prince of Edur) were published, first in Sri Aurobindo Annual year after year and later in book form. The Prince of Mathura, an earlier version of Prince of Edur, and two dramatic pieces of his student days - The Witch of Ilni and 'Fragment of a Drama' (a dialogue between... from the usurper Atry, and perhaps Ajamede also marries Atry's daughter, Urmila. Sri Aurobindo seems to have enlarged the theme in Prince of Edur by making the historically more authentic Bappa "in refuge among the Bheels" take the place of Ajamede. Prince of Edur was written (according to the Bibliographical Note in Vol. 7) "in the very thick of Sri Aurobindo's political activity". Historically... several versions, the last being revised by Sri Aurobindo in 1916. It was published in 1957. Eric - another dramatic romance - was written in 1912 or 1913. Of the dramatic fragments, Prince of Edur, written in 1907, was published in 1961; only three Acts are available, and the rest were probably never written. The first Act and part of the second Act of The Maid in the Mill and a scene ...
... Sri Aurobindo's play. The Prince of Edur. Editorial title. Sri Aurobindo wrote the three acts of this incomplete play between 28 January and 1 February 1907, and copied them on 11 and 12 February. He was at that time staying at his family's house in Deoghar, Bihar, during a brief respite from his political activities. The plot of The Prince of Edur is based loosely on the life of... Gujarat, was familiar to Sri Aurobindo, who was posted in the area while serving as a Baroda state officer. The Prince of Mathura. Editorial title. This fragment, related in theme to The Prince of Edur , was written a few years later, probably in 1909 or 1910. The Birth of Sin. This fragment, written in the same notebook as The Prince of Mathura , must date from the same period ...
... The Prince of Edur Persons of the Drama RANA CURRAN - Prince of Edur, of the Rahtore clan. VISALDEO - a Brahmin, his minister; formerly in the service of the Gehlote Prince of Edur. HARIPAL - a Rajpoot noble, General of Edur; formerly in the service of the Gehlote Prince. BAPPA - son of the late Gehlote Prince of Edur, in refuge among the Bheels. SUNGRAM ...
... these latter, only one— Perseus the Deliverer —appeared in his own life-time. Four other five act plays— Vasavadutta, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora and Eric —and an unfinished play entitled Prince of Edur have been published posthumously. It is not surprising therefore that Perseus is the maturest, but there are fine things in all the plays. Perseus rescuing Andromeda from the... characters, action—are seized poetically, and the "leap of love across the abyss of hate" is presented almost as a lightning flash, a blaze of revelation. 112 The incomplete play, Prince of Edur (1961), is dated 1907, and thus belongs to the early months of Sri Aurobindo's editorship of Bande Mataram. It would be reasonable therefore to read in this unfinished play (only three out of... of political parable. The story is redolent of the romance and heroism enshrined in the pages of James Tod's Annals of Rajasthan. Bappa among the Bheels is really the Gehelote Prince of Edur, and it is his destiny to get the better of all his rivals and enemies —Toraman the Cashmerean, Pratap of Ichalgurh, and Rana Curran the usurper of Edur—and also to marry Comol Cumary, the Rana's ...
... throwing out suggestions, hinting at possibilities, invoking inspiring visions of the future." 4 Apart from the five complete plays Sri Aurobindo has left behind some dramatic fragments like Prince of Edur (only three Acts), The Maid in the Mill (only the first Act and part of the second Act) and The House of Brut (only one scene). Strangely enough, although these three plays as they are extant... enjoyment of living. The humour expressed is either in the play of words or is of situation or of characters or of all of them together. The incomplete plays, The Maid in the Mill and The Prince of Edur are all full of joie de vivre and gaiety. The Maid in the Mill is a play largely about wit. It is full of word-play and has strong feminist undertones. It has laughter in every page. ...
... Deliverer, 120-9; The Viziers of Bassora, 128-34; Rodogune, 13441; Eric, 141-7; Vasavadutta, 147-52; The Witch of Ilni, 152; The Maid in the Mill, 153; The House of Brut, 153; Prince of Edur, 154-5; early philosophical poems, 157ff; A Vision of Science, 159-61; A Dream of Surreal Science, 160; Who, 161, 337; Invitation, 161; The Fear of Death, 162; Life and Death, 163; Rebirth... 299, 300 Pinto "Udar", 579, 739 Piper, Raymond R, 20, 515 Plato, 48, 418, 441 Plotinus, 441 Poddar, Arabinda, 26fh Prasad, Narayan, 579 Prince of Edur, The, 119,120, 152,154-55 Prince of Mathura, The, 119 Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365 Prothero, G. W., 33, 37 Psychology of Social Development, ...
... — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part One; Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at ...
... Vidyapati (Ashram, 1956). Vasavadutta (Ashram, 1957). Rodogune (Ashram, 1958). The Viziers of Bassora (Ashram, 1959). Eric (Ashram, 1960). Prince of Edur (Ashram, 1961). Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol (Ashram, 1995) The Future Poetry (Ashram, 1953). Vyasa and Valmiki (Ashram, 1956). Kalidasa (Arya ...
... Page 495 Pope, Alexander 33, 78,315,341,346,355, 410 Pound, Ezra 377, 384, 389, 392-394, 398, 402,414,447,460,461 Prince of Edur 47,51,52 Prothero, G.M. 7 Purani, A.B. 20,27,316,370, 371 Quiller-couch, Sir Arthur 377 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli 25 Rai, Lala Lajpat 10 Rajagopalachari ...
... STORIES, Part One: Perseus the Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin; Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph): Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The ...
... In Deoghar for recuperation. December At the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress. 1907 January-April In Deoghar. January 28 - February 12 Works on Prince of Edur, a dramatic romance. April 12-23 The Doctrine of Passive Resistance serialised in the Bande Mataram. June 2 First issue of the weekly edition of the Bande Mataram. June ...
... 11-14 In Deoghar for recuperation. December At the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress. 1907 — January-April In Deoghar. January 28-February 12 Works on Prince of Edur, a dramatic romance. April 12-23 The Doctrine of Passive Resistance serialised in the Bande Mataram. June 1 First issue of the weekly edition of the Bande Mataram ...
... are unmistakably dyed with purpose. Eric is Norway's unifier, but he sees the wisdom of balancing the claims of Thor and Odin with those of Freya - in other words, of Power and Love. Bappa the Prince of Edur is both liberator and redeemer, and regains his Kingdom as well as wins a bride in Kamal Kumari. In the maturer play, Perseus the Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo projected his dialectical idea of progress ...