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Prophet Mahomed Mahomet Mohammad : Abū al-Qāsim Muhammad (Arabic for praised) ibn Abd Allāh ibn Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim (his clan) (c.570-632), the sole Prophet of Islam was born in Mecca in the tribe of Koraish (q.v.) which ruled Mecca. His father having died soon after he was born, he was brought up by his uncle Abu Tālib. At the age of 24 he married Khadija, a wealthy widow, & became a wealthy merchant. Fatima, their only child, later married Abu Tālib’s son Ali. At 40 Mohammed felt that he had been selected by God & had a vision in which he was commanded to preach the true religion. Thereafter throughout his life he continued to have revelations, many of which have been collected & recorded in the Koran. His fundamental teachings were: There is one God; man must submit in all to him; in this world nations have been amply punished for rejecting God’s prophets, & heaven & hell are waiting for the present generation; the world will come to an end with a great judgment. His first three converts were his first wife Khadija, his cousin Ali (Ali ibn Abi Tālib), husband of his first child Fatima, & Abu Bakr. His teaching created many enemies in Mecca but it was accepted at Yathrib, so on 16 July 622, he went to Yathrib accompanied solely by Abu Bakr; that Hegira (departure) became the first day of the Mohammedan era. Yathrib became his first kingdom & he renamed it Medina. But his relations with the Jews & Christians of Arabia became gradually worse since he had expected them to accept him as their final Prophet. The Prophet’s last favourite wife was Ayesha, daughter of Abu Bakr, in whose arms he died on 8 June, 632. Islam is theoretically, a theocracy, & its caliph the vice-regent of God. [Encylopedias Britannica & Columbia (1950)] Sri Aurobindo: “Mahomed’s mission was necessary, else we might have ended by thinking, in the exaggeration of our efforts at self-purification, that earth was meant only for the monk & the city created as a vestibule for the desert.” ─ “When all is said, Love & Force together can save the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore…Mahomed’s religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi.” ― “The first four were real Khalifās. Afterwards it became a political institution. . . . In these four there was the reality of the Khilafat. They were centres of Islamic culture & had some spirituality. After that the Umayyad & other dynasties came & it became more & more religious & external. When it passed into the hands of the Turks it became a mere political institution.” [CWSA 12:444; Evening Talks…, A.B. Purani, 2007, p.268 (7th March 1924), pp.269-70 (11th March 1924)]

29 result/s found for Prophet Mahomed Mahomet Mohammad

... Socrates, Tasso's familiar, the Angel Gabriel dictating the Koran to Mahomet are only exaggerated developments of this impression due to an epileptic, maniac or excited state of the mind; and this, as I have already suggested, is itself due to the premature attempts of the Spirit to force the highest work on the body. 1 Mahomet's idea that in his epileptic fits he went up into the seventh heaven & ...

... mankind for deeds of theirs. And centuries later, the little maid of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc, was burnt alive, because she said that she saw the angels and heard their voices and conversed with God. And Mohammad—whose glory today rings reverberant in all the four corners of the globe—in his day was tracked from place to place like a hunted animal. Since then the situation seems to have worsened, not improved; ...

... are essentially of one and the same tradition ." 5 Bridget and Raymond Allchin inform us about the early phase of Mundigak I: "Some characteristic painted designs are similar to those of Kili Ghul Mohammad II [north Balūchistān] and Anjira I [upper south Balūchistān]." 6 The succeeding phase of M I, says Fairservis, adds to the KGM ware "the jars and cups and design repertoire, including black and... developed individuality in c. 3500-3000 B.C. Its most advanced centre would be constituted by the Rigvedic Civilization in North-west India. Its principal sites outside this region would be Kili Ghul Mohammad and Rānā Ghundāī in North Baluchistan, Anjira in upper South Baluchistan, Mundigak in South Afghanistan, Anau in Russian Turkestan, Shah Tepe, Hissar and Sialk in Irān, and Tripolye in the Ukraine ...

... formalities and prejudices. But she will not do Page 457 so unless she is sure that she has God's command to do it,—unless the Avatar descends and leads. She will follow a Buddha or a Mohammad wherever he will lead her, because he is to her either God himself, or his servant,—because as Sri Ramakrishna would have put it, she saw the chapras . It was a little of that daemonic, volcanic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... course; here Indus shall flow, there Ganges pace yellow and leonine to the sea. Therefore we find that the greatest men of action the world has known were believers in Fate or in a divine Will. Caesar, Mahomet, Napoleon, what more colossal workers has our past than these? The superman believes more readily in Destiny, feels more vitally conscious of God than the average human mind. A saying of Napoleon's ...

... murmuring lips too large for human speech to utter or for the human brain to understand. Such was she then. Yet five rolling centuries had not passed when sleepless all-beholding Surya saw the sons of Mahomet pour like locusts over the green fields of her glory Page 214 and the wrecks of that mighty fabric whirling down the rapids of barbarism into the shores of night. They were barbarous ...

... seething with rage, they yearned for bold action. This was the beginning of the Pan-Islamic movement and it gathered force in 1919. The All India Muslim League led by the brothers Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali launched an agitation for the Khilafat Movement and they got the full support of Gandhi. In supporting the Khilafat Movement, Gandhi saw "an opportunity of uniting Hindus and Muslims ...

... night,     The water and the wind. His cry sang like a stormy shower     Upon a thundering sea: "O Thaliard, Thaliard, Britain's flower,     Wilt break a lance with me? The golden scythe of Mahomet     Gleams crescent on my shield: My harvest upon thine is set,     A cross in argent field. Page 51 Prince-errant, prop of battle styled And flawless glass of chivalry, O Thaliard ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... camps. Phase II of Operation Topac began in 1992 with the ISI training Afghans. The aim: to spread the Kashmiri cause and rally support from the Islamic world. In 1993, Indian security forces caught Mohammad Fazal-al-Haji, member of Palestine-based PFLF, in south Kashmir. The ISI soon realised that unless it had Pak-based groups operating in the Valley, it would not be in full control. Therefore, with ...

... subsequently known as 'Pakistan Resolution' was presided over by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The resolution was moved by Mr. Fazlul Haq, the chief minister of Bengal, and seconded by Chaudhry Khaliq uzzaman. On Mar. 23, 1940, Muslim League held its Annual session at Lahore under the Presidentship of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The Quaid-e-Azam in his Presidential address made a detailed ...

... Horse-finds at Rānā Ghundāī I 58 Zeuner's criticism invalid 58-59 Horse-figurine at Pertano Ghundai 59 Equine evidences at Kili Ghul Mohammad 59 Horse-knowing RG culture below Harappā and Mohenjo-dāro 59-61 Archaeological evidence demanded for pre-Harappān Aryan Vedism 61 ...

... dislocation and law and order problems. Second, the India-Pakistan war over Kashmir encouraged the state to concentrate resources at the centre and, again, in the army. Finally, the death in 1948 of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation, left a political and ideological vacuum. When the British partitioned and left the Indian sub-continent in 1947, Pakistan faced the formidable task of building ...

... and are getting richer by their nefarious practices". In his maiden speech, Ayub stated that he had been asked on numerous Page 84 occasions by Governor-General Ghulam Mohammad to take over the country but had refrained from doing so because he had a faint hope that some politicians would rise to the occasion and lead the country to a better future. It will be pertinent ...

... but otherwise too it is, at the latest, only a little after 2500 B.C. Lastly, there is the verdict of Fairservis several years ago on the materials from a site pretty close to RG: Kili Gul Mohammad, which starts as early as 3500 B.C. if not earlier. Here equine remains - subsequently suspect without real cause on account of the Zeuner-inspired onager-obsession -were found scattered through all ...

... 73 Khan, F., 13 Khatti-Khattiyo = Kshatriya, 89 "Kheta", 89 Khurri-Mitanni, 88 Khuvaruvash, 88 Kikkuli, 2, 32, 33, 86 Kili Ghul Mohammad (KGM), 60, 69, 75 Kish, 73 Konow, Sten, 28-29, 43, 110, 116 Kosambi, D.D., 89fn., 125fn., 128 Kot Diji, 62, 63, 64, 101 Krishna, Sri, v Krumu ...

... (d) Messages received by Prophet Mohammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindra Nath Tagore's experience of his opening to poetic inspiration. (f) "Powers of the Mind" from Swami Vivekananda. 3. Topic for deep study and reflection: how to progress continuously? 4. Study of great personalities: Prophet Mohammad (a detailed study). III. Methods ...

... exercises of this faith. The Five Pillars of Faith 1. The Shahada or Declaration of Faith The first rule is the declaration or Shahada: "there is no God but (Allah) and Mohammad is his messenger." 2. Prayer The second rule is the commitment to prayers (Salat) five times a day: Between first light and sunrise, after the sun has passed the middle of the ...

... of the All-India Muslim League at Dacca in 1906. With the Aga Khan (18771957) as the permanent President and Nawab Salimullah Khan (the Nawab of Dacca), Nawab Muhsin-ul-Mul, Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk and Mohammad Ali (1877-1931) as the core of its leadership, the League aspired to become the political mouthpiece of Indian Muslims. Its platform included safeguarding of Muslim interests, articulating their demands ...

... For your reward the dumb may speak to you. Ismenia: What I shall I do, dear girl? Page 258 Brigida: Why, speak the first, Count Conrad's sister! Be the Mahomet To your poor mountain. Hang me if I think not The prophet's hill more moveable of the two; An earthquake stirs not this. What ails the man? He has made a wager with some lamp-post surely. Ismenia: ...

... revelation from "what one could call a Divine Being ... bringing down with him from a higher plane a certain Knowledge and Truth for the earth". 47 Mahavira, the Buddha, the Christ, the Prophet Mahomet, Guru Nanak were all historical personalities, and were also divine-human persons who originated the several religions that still claim millions of followers today. But aside from the initial i ...

... Keith, A.B., 253, 288-9, 291, 333, 347, 362 Kekaya, 239 Khuzistan, 251 Khvalynsk, 277 Kikkuli's manual (see also Mitanni documents), 212-14 Kile Ghul Mohammad (KGM), 248, 249 Kish, 252 Koldihwa, 220, 221, 250, 278, 279 Kosambi, D.D., 187, 188, 197 Kotri, 189 Krick, Hertha, 230 Krishna, 200, 203, 240 ...

... Mother's School, New Delhi 652, 772, 797 Mountbatten, Lord Louis 450-1, 457 Mrinalini Ghose 153, 199 Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya 209 Mrityunjoy Mukherjee 270-1, 289, 349, 364, 379, 691 Muhammad (Mahomet), Prophet 180, 317, 482, 485 Mukherjee, Dr Shyamaprasad 533 Munshi, K.M. 426, 490, 536-7 Mussolini Benito 395ff, 403-4, 430 Nag, Dr Kalidas 534 Nandini Satpathy 778 Napoleon Bonaparte 405 ...

... that, As perseverance is a powerful virtue, For your reward the dumb may speak to you. ISMENIA What shall I do, dear girl? BRIGIDA Why, speak the first, Count Conrad's sister! Be the Mahomet To your poor mountain. Hang me if I think not The prophet's hill more moveable of the two; An earthquake stirs not this. What ails the man? He has made a wager with some lamp-post surely. ISMENIA ...

... militates against an understanding of Hinduism is that it seems to be many things to many people. Has it a single scripture like the Bible or the Koran? a single Founder like the Buddha, Christ or Mahomet? "The only thing fixed, rigid, positive, clear is the social law," says Sri Aurobindo; "and even that varies in different castes, regions, communities." 16 No wonder Page 496 Dr ...

... * At the Bombay Seminar on 'Sri Aurobindo and Indian Literature' (14 May 1972), more than one Urdu scholar (K.A. Faruqi, Malik Ram, Waheed Akhtar) referred to the similarities between Sir Mohammad Iqbal and Sri Aurobindo. Both had been critical of Sankara's Mayavada. Both had visualised a great future for the present unfinished man. And Akhtar added: "The comparative study of Iqbal and Aurobindo ...

... murmuring lips too large for human speech to utter or for the human brain to understand. Such was she then. Yet five rolling centuries had not passed when sleepless, all-beholding Surya saw the sons of Mahomet pour like locusts over the green fields of her glory and the wrecks of that mighty fabric whirling down the rapids of barbarism into the shores of night. They were barbarous, therefore mighty: we were ...

... special prohibitive circumstances against the parity proposed. But what would be the date of this animal? Shashi Asthana arrives at a neat estimate by a series of comparisons between RG, Kile Ghul Mohammad (KGM) and Mehrgarh. "Dales (1965:278-279) keeps RG I under his Phase C which is early chalcolithic. However, later he (Dales 1973: Fig. 11.1) revised the sequence and bracketed RG I with the lowest ...

... Aurobindo understood, in the stage of evolution from mental to supermental or divine consciousness. The enlightenment of the Buddha and the revelation of Krishna in the Gita and later the revelation to Mahomet in the Koran were stages in this evolution of humanity towards divine consciousness. In my view the resurrection of Jesus marks the point when the body of man and through it the matter of the universe ...

... intelligence goes straight to the point. It is not possible to say everything. An Ashram without a guru?... That is a Church! It is the same eternal story since (and before) Christ, let alone Mahomet and the Prophets — or Karl Marx! Though the latter found his Mao Tse-Tung, whose perpetual revolution is simply fantastic, but that is quite a different matter. Sri Aurobindo and Mother well knew ...