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Pyrrhic victory : a futile military success, like that of Pyrrhus (319-272 BC), the king of Hellenistic Epirus. The heavy losses suffered by him in his victory at Asculum in 279 BC caused him to declare, “One more such victory & I am lost”.

6 result/s found for Pyrrhic victory

... dharma is better; it is a dangerous thing to follow the law of another's nature'. Such a death brings new birth, 'success in an alien path means only successful suicide'. Savitri is a great Pyrrhic victory." It is not easy to make out Mr. Lai's meaning. One inclines to adapt K. Raghavendra Rao: "some good phrases, yes, but the whole is verbose." What is the sense of disapproving of "Sri... crammed and mixed-up endeavour to give Sri Aurobindo something with one hand and take it away with the other. If any piece of writing which purports to come to a conclusion can be called a Pyrrhic victory, this is it. Pyrrhic essentially because the reader does not quite know where he stands and especially because what remains over in the reader's mind are words like: "the large philosophical ...


... dharma is better; it is a dangerous thing to follow the law of another's nature'. Such a death brings new birth; 'success in an alien path means only successful suicide'. Savitri is a great Pyrrhic victory." Page 434 It is not easy to make out Mr. Lal's meaning. One inclines to adapt K. Raghavendra Rao: "some good phrases, yes, but the whole is verbose," What is the sense of disapproving... endeavour to give Sri Aurobindo something with one hand and take it away with the other. If any piece of writing which purports to come Page 435 to a conclusion can be called a Pyrrhic victory, this is it. Pyrrhic essentially because the reader does not quite know where he stands and especially because what remains over in the reader's mind are words like: "the large philosophical ...


... even half his energy of prophet to humanity as the soldier of the Divine Mother just as he spent so much of his energy of sadhana as Her son and devotee, his philosophy would not have been such a Pyrrhic victory of the trenchant intellect over the illumined soul. He was right in holding that each finite is necessarily a front and face of the whole Infinite which is hidden behind it and is its Self ...

... hold the sky Together and upbear the teeming earth. I was the eternal thinker at my birth And shall be, though I die. 25 In received mythology, that was a Pyrrhic victory which wasted Vishvamitra's gains of tapas without winning for Trishuncou quite what he wanted. Neither here on earth, nor there in Indra's heaven, but in some incredible space-station in mid-air ...

... repression without becoming unnerved and demoralised, the course we have suggested is the best, because it is the boldest. If not, it would be sounder policy perhaps to leave the bureaucracy to its Pyrrhic victory for a while and immediately turn all our energies to giving the movement the necessary strength,—in other words, the necessary organisation of men, money and means which it needs in order to cope ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... his hour the God, Trample thee down to reach the immortal heights, Transcending grief and pain and fate and death. 14 In 1899 Sri Aurobindo could describe only an inconclusive Pyrrhic victory of love over death. For the outcome of Love and Death illustrates the potency of sacrifice, not the unconditional power of love. The divinity of love appears there in the form of Kama, but Kama ...