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... Among them were several barristers, including Chitta Ranjan Das, Basanta Kumar Das, Bijoy Chandra Chatterji; there was our R Mitter (Pramatha Nath Mitra); the list also included the names of Ramananda Chatterji, Gispati Kabya-tirtha, Lalit Mohan Das, and some others. The list of names shows us Sri Aurobindo's wide-ranging interests. Those names were, in a way, linked by politics, no doubt, but many... were interested in Indian culture, in education, and other aspects of Indian life and society. Gispati Kabyatirtha, for instance, was a founder member of Calcutta's Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad. Ramananda Chatterji was the founder editor of the Bengali magazine 1 Rapture of trance. 2 Upalabdhi = realization. Page 277 Prabasi (1901, from Allahabad), as well as the ...
... together when the seasons are good. We think of the same places when in some foreign land we are assailed by the pangs of home-sickness." Such was the sentiment expressed by the magazine's editor, Ramananda Chatterji. Page 60 The warrant of arrest was the fruit of much debate in the highest administrative circles. Letters and telegrams, proposals and counter-proposals had been triangularly ...
... Karmayogin on 19 June. In spite of the foul weather a large number of people assembled on Sunday afternoon at Beadon Square where a big Swadeshi meeting was held under the presidency of Babu Ramananda Chatterji, Editor of the Prabasi . Several speakers addressed the meeting. We publish below an authorised version of Mr. Aurobindo Ghose's speech delivered at that meeting. Sj. Aurobindo Ghose said ...
... to call on him." What a far cry from present-day 'leaders'! Among the most frequent callers were C.R. Das, Sri Aurobindo's advocate during the Alipore Bomb Case, the Modern Review's editor Ramananda Chatterji, and the Sanskritist Gispati Kavyatirtha. 1 G. C. Denham was then Special Assistant to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Bengal. Here is his address: 7, Kyd Street, Calcutta ...
... spiritual and intuitive, that made this new thrust possible. Havell persuaded Aban Thakur to become the Art School's Vice-Principal; Gagan Thakur became its energetic General Secretary. -Ramananda Chatterjee's (1876-1938) practical help in this field is inestimable. He founded the two monthlies Prabasi (Bengali) and Modern Review (in 1901). It is difficult to overestimate the role of these ...
... on intimate terms with most of the luminaries of contemporary India, Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, Jagadish Chandra Bose, P.C. Roy, Bepin Chandra Pal, Brahmabandhava Upadhyaya, Ramananda Chatterji, R.C. Dutt, Okakura, the Japanese art connoisseur, Gokhale, Tilak etc., she exerted a great influence in various fields of the resurgent life of the nation. Jagadish Chandra Bose and P.C.... 1910 After his release from the Alipore jail, Sri Aurobindo ad- dressed a few meetings in Calcutta. At a meeting at the Beadon Square held on the 13th June, 1909, under the presidency of Ramananda Chatterji, Sri Aurobindo said among other things, "...and what after all was the repression? Some people sent to prison, some deported, a number " of house-searches, a few repressive enactments, limiting ...
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