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Ramanujam : (c.1017- c.1137), leading opponent of Absolute Monism (Adwaita) taught by Shankarāchārya, he preached Vishistadvaita or Qualified Monism incorporating realities from Vishnu Purana to identify the Brahman in the Upanishads with Vishnu, thus providing a Vedic foundation to the Sri Vaishnavism.
... comfort of being able to assert truthfully that Indian & European authorities agree. The Upanishads, accepted by Schopenhauer, have been explained by Shankara; they have shaped the Particularism of Ramanujam and influenced the transcendentalism of Emerson. Great philosophies have been born of them, which, as Europeans have noted with an admiring or patronising wonder and Indians with a sort of obsequious ...
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