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Risley Circular : issued in 1907 by Sir Herbert Risley to root out Bengal’s Swadeshi movement & cut it away from students enrolled in Govt. establishments.

16 result/s found for Risley Circular

... that a lawless mob bent upon mischief would pay any heed to the Magisterial ukase. Meanwhile we have seen at Tangail a foreshadowing of the first line of attack on the students under cover of the Risley Circular. The objective of the authorities is clear enough. It is to prevent the promulgation and organisation of the Swadeshi and Swaraj sentiment in Punjab and Bengal. In the promulgation of Swadeshism... It is applied, on the familiar principle of localising opposition and crushing it in detail, to East Bengal and Punjab only, but can easily be extended, should occasion arise. Finally, by the Risley Circular it is sou Page 430 ght to strike out of the hands of Nationalism its chief strength, the young and rising generation whose political activity in their student days means the creation... Mahomedan turbulence except in sporadic instances. What will happen afterwards, will depend much on the course of events between. We may also expect other attempts besides the mere application of the Risley Circular to take the sting out of the volunteer movement. Such is the prospect before us. It is high time that we should decide how we are to meet it. Our leaders have evidently abandoned the helm and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Risley Circular. This circular is only a more comprehensive and carefully studied edition of the Carlyle Circular. It brings therefore no unfamiliar element into the problem; but there is this very important difference, that while the Carlyle Circular was a local experiment hastily adopted to meet an urgent difficulty and dropped as soon as it was found difficult to work, the Risley Circular is... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The True Meaning of the Risley Circular 28-May-1907 We have seen that the effect of Lala Lajpat Rai's deportation is solely to bring the struggle between the bureaucracy and the people to a head and the leaders as well as the rank and file into the range of fire. We... on the fact that if again repeated the blunder will be worse than a blunder, it will be an offence against our posterity and a betrayal of the nation's future. What is the position now? The Risley Circular is a desperate Page 454 attempt of the bureaucracy not only to recover and confirm its hold on the student population and through them on the future, but to make that hold far more ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram The Bengalee on the Risley Circular 16-May-1907 The Bengalee yesterday made its pronouncement on the Risley Circular which closes with the following remarks. "If the Government persist in their present career of folly, one of two things must happen. Either the official ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that it was not permissible by the Risley Circular to allow students to serve as volunteers. He also revised the Draft Resolutions of the Reception Committee, printed his own counter resolutions against each of them and circulated it to the Nationalists through the columns of the Karmayogin. Thus organised, he went to attend the conference." The Risley Circular was a more comprehensive and carefully ...

... and productivity." 1 The adventure of starting the National College at Calcutta and other schools elsewhere evoked considerable enthusiasm at first, and the movement seemed to spread. The Risley Circular and the attempt to insulate Government and aided educational institutions from the breath of freedom and the breezes of Nationalism would, it was hoped, give a further fillip to national education... their teachers and pupils taking part in politics, Lord Minto's Government had disallowed the move and driven the Lieutenant-Governor to resign in a huff and get back to England. But with the Risley Circular, "the same Government and the same Lord Minto" began "out-Fullering Fuller" and flourishing the Damocles' sword of disaffiliation over all schools and colleges, and not only over the two Serajgunge... instilling it practically into the minds of its youth at school and college until it becomes an ingrained, inherent, inherited national quality. The proper way to meet the challenge of the Risley Circular would be to end all reliance on the Government college or school, but the establishment of a college here or a dozen schools at different centres - and that was all that could be done by the ...

... open letter from some teachers of the Rangpur National school in which they warn the President of the National Council of Education of the evil effects likely to ensue from the recent National Risley Circular and protest strongly against the policy underlying it. For reasons of space we are unable to publish the letter. The signatories point out that the movement took its birth in the boycott movement... the practicability of the movement took its beginning, and the sacrifices made by the teachers and students of the first established schools were intimately connected with the revolt against the Risley Circular, and yet the same circular is repeated in a more stringent form by the Council itself. There were two conditions attached to Raja Subodh Chandra's gift: the first that the maintenance of the Rangpur ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... doomed by the justice of heaven..;. But we too who look on while our sisters and mothers are outraged, - against us too the doom will go forth unless we act before it is too late. 34 The Risley Circular of 6 May provoked appropriate comment two days later: This ukase out-russians Russia.... Not even the omnipotent Tsar has dared to issue an ukase so arbitrary, oppressive and inquisitorial... for this reason we welcome the circular.... The issue of 29 May returned to the subject and called for an "Educational Strike", for not otherwise could the infamous challenge of the Risley Circular be adequately met: .. .the whole nation is on trial, - professors, teachers and students are all confronted with the choice of signing themselves serfs and, in the case of the former, paid ...

... will be held and when the Colleges reopen, there must be a general defiance of the ukase. Once Calcutta leads the way, East Bengal will respond and West Bengal follow the general example. The Risley Circular must go the way of its predecessor. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... must be an emphatic answer to these persecutions and prohibitions. The Boycott must be reaffirmed and this time in its purity and simplicity as the national policy to which all are committed. The Risley Circular must be definitely and unmistakably challenged and negatived in action. Let there be a procession of students led by those venerable leaders of Bengal who are also professors of the Government ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... with politics as its undercurrent, a sort of economico-political self-realisation. All that such an awakening could do for the political future of the country has now been done. The ordeal of the Risley Circular brought with it a great educational awakening with politics as its impulse, a sort of politico-educational self-realisation. The ordeal of the Congress split will also bring with it a fresh awakening ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... well-managed, earnest organisation; on the other hand, to follow a rational, effective and steady system of Boycott, and passively to oppose Government repression at every turn, to disregard the Risley Circular, to disregard the bureaucratic intimidation of the Press, to disregard or circumvent if we cannot disregard the Coercion Ordinance, to meet with silent contempt the danger of deportation and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... have had nothing to say. Unfortunately Mr. Bose has allowed himself to be tempted by the prevailing political atmosphere outside his true province. He refrains from discussing the merits of the Risley Circular and merely advises the public to leave no stone unturned to get the circular withdrawn but to refrain scrupulously from defying it while it is in force. This is very much like telling us to leave ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... it will not be long before the whole country is on fire with a desire to strengthen the national system of education that has been inaugurated and the impending struggle against the Risley Page 541 Circular will be the precursor of even a greater movement which will make National Education in India an accomplished success. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... An Irish Example The East Bengal  Disturbances The Gilded Sham Again National Volunteers The True Meaning of the  Risley Circular The Ordinance and After The Question of the Hour    Preparing the Explosion    Defying the Circular   ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... a holy yajna, 231; political Vedantism, 232, 238ff; on Loyalists, Moderates, Nationalists, 232; on the bureaucracy, 232; on Anglo-Indians' pharisaical cant, 233; on the boy heroes, 234; on the Risley Circular, 236, 248, 249; on Lajpat Rai's deportation, 237; on Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 364; on Morley's biparita buddhi, 241; prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244; Indian ...

... hailed from Barisal, he had taken active part from 1905 onwards during the Partition and Boycott movements, and was a professor at Calcutta's City College from which post he resigned when the Risley Circular came into effect banning any participation in politics by students and teachers; in 1909 he founded the Barisal Seva Samiti. Some visitors did not figure in that police report. Rabin-dranath ...