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Ruth : in Old Testament, a Moabite widow. Her fidelity to her Jewish mother-in-law (Naomi) is told in a little story. The idyll is one of the popular of scriptural stories.

19 result/s found for Ruth

... the sad heart of Ruth, when sick for home, She stood in tears amid the alien corn; The same that oft-times hath Charm'd magic casements opening on the foam Of perilous seas in faery lands forlorn. I do not know whether criticism has noted the subtle artistry of this Page 352 passage which has striking felicities enough. The sad heart of Ruth admits of a path... by perilous seas — Ruth is sick for her own home, while those magic casements are in dream-distances — she stands in tears that are the common lot of humanity, while they look out on waters that human labour can hardly cross — everywhere we have a lovely contrast and yet the intimate and touching human picture prepares the remote and exquisite snatch out of gram-marye, for Ruth is away from her home ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... but something in the style of "Night's tapers are burnt out and jocund day" etc. seems to give him a wonderful flash of the Unknown Country! He also alludes to the four magical lines of Keats about Ruth "amid the alien corn" and Victor Hugo's at least-for-once truly delicate, unrhetorical passage on the same theme in La légende des siècles. I wonder if you recollect the passage. Its last two stanzas... especially enchanting: Tout reposait dans Ur et dans Jérimadeth; Les astres émaillaient le ciel profond et sombre; Le croissant fin et clair parmi ces fleurs de l'ombre Brillait à l'occident, et Ruth se demandait, Immobile, ouvrant l'oeil à moitié sous ses voiles, Quel dieu, quel moissonneur de l'éternel été, Avait, en s'en allant, négligemment jeté Cette faucille d'or dans le champ des ...


... pervades the lucid hours, Is priest and summoner of these melodies. The spent and weary streams refresh their youth At that creative rain and barren groves Regain their face of flowers; in thee the ruth Of Nature wakening her dead children moves. But chiefly to renew thou hast the art Fresh childhood in the obscured human heart. Page 36 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... is a fragment of a day,     And the swift eve all sweet things bears away, All sweet things and all bitter, rose and weed. For others' bliss who lives, he lives indeed. But thou art pitiful and ruth shouldst know.     I bid thee trifle not with fatal love,     But save our pride and dear one, O my dove, And heaven and earth and the nether world below Shall only with thy praises peopled grow ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... passions, from thy peace out-thrust Into the gyre Of every gust?     Betrayed to grief, o'ertaken with dismay, Surprised by lust? Let not my grey     Blood-clotted past repel thy sovereign ruth, Nor even delay, O lonely Truth!     Nor let the specious gods who ape Thee still Deceive my youth. Page 212 These clamours still;     For I would hear the eternal voice and know ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Make its brute claws grasp intellectual truth - Vain strife! yet only the subhuman nest Bears the untrammelled vigour that can strain To skies like some vast super-rose of ruth, Seer suns beyond the gold of Plato's brain. The Divine Comedy gets invoked quite often in crystalline poems. Some passages from Dante and Prudhomme have also been transcreated ...


... place of Sri Aurobindo at his most Avataric was not in any particular physical spot but in the profundity of love in a devotee's being?   On one side of me was Saurav and on the other my friend Ruth who had asked for the favour of accompanying me as a permitted associate. At first we three were alone. After a while the whole room filled up. At the end of the time allotted for meditation I asked ...


... Vedantin's aspiration, but while the spirit is willing the flesh is weak; the Vedantin can but send this prayer forth to the Supreme: Let not my grey Blood-clotted past repel thy sovereign ruth, Nor even delay, O lonely Truth! Nor let the specious gods who ape Thee still Deceive my youth.... O hidden door Of Knowledge, open! Strength, fulfill thyself ...

... peace out-thrust Into the gyre Of every gust? Betrayed to grief, o'ertaken with dismay, Surprised by lust? Let not my grey Blood-clotted past repel Thy sovereign ruth, Nor even delay, O lonely Truth! Nor let the specious gods who ape Thee still Deceive my youth. These clamours still; For I would hear the eternal voice and know ...

...         O woman fair,     My love might cease to be. Or, had I sought thee for thy virtuous youth     And tender yearning speech, Thy swift compassion and deliberate truth,         O heart of ruth,     Time might pursue, might reach. Page 206 But I have loved thee for thyself indeed     And with myself have snared; Immortal to immortal I made speed.         Change I exceed     And ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... generous sail outspread     His strong breath fills. Page 280 Exulting in the grace and strength of youth     Pursue the Ocean's distant bound, Trusting the Pilot's voice, the Master's ruth     That rings us round. Rejoice and fear not for the waves that swell,     The storms that thunder, winds that sweep; Always our Captain holds the rudder well,     He does not sleep. If in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... breast, Make its brute claws grasp intellectual truth— Vain strife! Yet only the subhuman nest Bears the untrammelled vigour that can strain To skies like some vast super-rose of ruth, Seer suns beyond the gold of Plato's brain.  The exquisite heart, the delicate reverie gain  Miracled escape, but never the God-life's zest.  Blind hungers alone draw down transcendent ...


... Long glass can sweep—   Invisible infinity  Where dream, like perfect stars, the pure  And vast originals of the unsure  Time-throbs we see.   Waking in them a quiver of ruth  Those hands of hushful prayer below  Draw down to the heart a deathless glow— And this is truth!   28.6.48 Page 319 ...


... his step.   Love to one single ruin guided us: But deep hell waits the soul who spilled our youth."  Then, by the anguish she had spoken thus,   Moved to a silence of unbearable ruth I looking down drooped long my countenance Until the Poet questioned: "Why so mute?"   And I replied: "Alas, by what intense Sweetness of yearning thought could these have come ...


... generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown: Perhaps the self-same voice that found a path Through the sad heart of Ruth, when sick for home, She stood in tears amid the alien com; The same that oft-times hath Charm'd magic casements opening on the foam Of perilous seas in faery lands forlorn. ...


... gravity charged with imaginative insight, in which his thought and his ethical Page 136 sense and spiritual sight meet in a fine harmony, as in his one great Ode, in some of his sonnets, in Ruth , even in Laodamia , in lines and passages which uplift and redeem much of his less satisfying work, while when the inner light shines wholly out, it admits him to the secret of the very self-revealing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... Long glass can sweep— Invisible infinity Where dream, like perfect stars, the pure And vast originals of the unsure Time-throbs we see. Waking in them a quiver of ruth Those hands of hushful prayer below Draw down to the heart a deathless glow— And this is truth! 28-6-48 Page 91 ...

... from Thy peace out-thrust Into the gyre Of every gust? Betrayed to grief, o'ertaken with dismay, Surprised by lust? Let not my grey Blood-clotted past repel Thy sovereign ruth, Nor even delay, O lonely Truth! Nor let the specious gods who ape Thee still Deceive my youth. These clamours still; For I would hear the eternal voice and know The eternal ...

... lilts. His deathless melodies, And visits the temple of your soul to seek Your pure love's hospitality! 0 daughter of divinity and stainless purity! Sing on ... ever on ... dispense His nectarous ruth's Lavish bounty... (Thickly) In this our world of greed And gloom you come, missioned to teach us, misers, How to win all thro-ugh staking one's all for Him, To grow blue wings, with ...