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Sadi : Muslih-ud-Din Sādi, 13th century Persian mystic writer of Gulistan & Bustaan.
... Asoka, Carlyle, Porphyry, Seneca, Emerson, Socrates, Plato, Heraclitus, Voltaire, Tseu-Tse, Confucius, Minamoto Sanetomo, St. Paul, St. Augustine, Epictetus, Lao-Tse, Leibnitz, Hermes, Schopenhauer, Sadi, Asvaghosha, Rumi, Spinoza, Bahaaullah, Omar Khayyam, Pythagoras, Kant, Firdausi, Ramakrishna, Vivek ananda , Pasteur, Giordano Bruno and Antoine the Healer. It is a fascinating mosaic of the choicest ...
... fulfilment of hasyasiddhi has recently been predicted with great persistence by the lipi "laughter", which I could not then understand. Cf the old lipi, "Safety" (2) Ekas tisthati viras tisthati. (3) Sadi Carnot. (4) Disorder—at once; yes. The last script had reference to the prolonged attack on the first two chatusthayas & also on the new siddhis of the third which had produced in the annam some ...
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