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Sammer : Francis Sammer, a young Czech who worked in the Ashram as resident architect of Golconde, assistant to Antonin Raymond. He was in the Ashram for three or four years, & left around 1940 to join the War.
... × MS mutilated from this point. × Mrs. Sammer, the wife of Francicheck Sammer, one of the Czech architects of Golconde. × "Sky Transcendent", Sun-Blossoms , p... X-ray. The pain subsided, but it has recurred here. I said X-ray is best. But who will pay or shall we pay considering her as an Asram member? [The Mother cancelled "Sahmeyer" and wrote below "Sammer ". 193 ] It is better to pay—I will pay—Nothing must be asked from her— April 20, 1938 "Through the night's pendulous haze Stars wane and glow..." Pendulous! You might just ...
... intention and power. (Later on, she must have intended the same but on a bigger scale with Auroville.) Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter: ‘In Golconde Mother has worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others. First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living... Pavitra. In 1938, the year he was invited to design the plans for Golconde, Raymond had built up a successful firm of architects, two of whom would assist him in building Golconde. The one was František Sammer, a student of Le Corbusier and also a Czech; he had assisted Le Corbusier in the building of a housing complex in Moscow, and afterwards he had travelled to Japan where he met Raymond. The other was ...
... It took place in our house called “The Red House”. The guests were Nishtha (Margaret Woodrow Wilson), Ambu (our very close friend, the young hatha yoga teacher who looked after Nishtha) and Francois Sammer (one of the architects for Golconde). Nishtha made a big star to place on the top of the tree that year. Later, in 1943, when other children joined the Ashram, the Mother asked my mother to arrange... date ultimately became fixed to this time of year as a symbol of the “return of the light”. Mother in the 1950s in the Ashram Theatre on Christmas day First Christmas 1938 with Mr. Sammer, Margaret Woodrow Wilson, Mona and Baby Gauri and Ambu Eventually the Mother stopped coming to the theatre and asked my mother to distribute the gifts. She said to her, “I am there in you so ...
... Centre, for Antonin Raymond, the architect of Golconde, had then drawn a plan for it. This plan must have remained a distinct possibility for some years as František Sammer too got involved, but this was already during the war, when Sammer was a Squadron Leader with the Royal Air Force. The plan almost got realized when Sir Hyder Ali, chief minister of the Nizam of Hyderabad, offered the Mother a plot ...
... František Sammer, also a Czech, and George Nakashima, an American Japanese. The Ashram engineer was Chandulal, and Udar, a recent Anglo-Indian disciple formerly named Lawrence Pinto, was put in charge of the manufacturing of the tools, accessories and fittings, nearly all of which were custom-made. Sri Aurobindo writes: ‘In Golconde Mother has worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others ...
... and eventually took on the project. Working with him on the Golconde project were the Japanese-American architect, George Nakashima and another Czechoslovakian architect by the name of Francicheck Sammer. The building work had already begun by 1937 when Mona and Udar joined the Ashram but they were both associated with it from that time. The Mother put Mona in charge of Golconde before it was finished ...
... These words within brackets were omitted from the published letter. 30 . The sentence within brackets has been omitted from the published version of the letter. 31 . Raymond and Sammer were the two architects of Golconde, the oldest guest-house of the Ashram. 32 . Mona Pinto (1911-2004), a sadhaka and the caretaker of Golconde, she was the wife of Udar Pinto. ...
... it—except of course the profit to the zamindars. But why should you be philanthropic to that now much abused class? Get what you can out of it; even if it is only for your creditors. Engineer (Mr. Sammer) has hardly had any motion for some days. No pain or mucus. Free purging by salts would have done good, perhaps, but I held off, giving a simple mild laxative. Enema not effective, he says. [ Mother ...
... and the Government thinks perhaps that he may be made a Fascist king if England is defeated. SATYENDRA: Hitler has already declared that. SRI AUROBINDO: Has he? SATYENDRA: Yes. PURANI: Sammer has a very nice idea. He says that all Europe will turn communist. SRI AUROBINDO: Every communist says that. If Hitler is defeated, Germany may turn communist. In that case the whole of Europe will ...
... was presently to develop on its own. For a time all roads led to Golconde, and all talents were mobilised to hasten its completion. The Mother had an idea of her own, which the architects - Raymond, Sammer and others, an international team - translated into significant form. As many as possible of the sadhaks were pressed into service, and they worked shoulder to shoulder with the mass of paid workers ...
... should be cut down, but she would not hear of it. In fact the Mother used to pay special attention to facilitate the full and unimpeded growth of its hundred arms and pervasive personality. She asked Sammer, the Czech architect of "Golconde", to design artistic pillars and railings to support the sagging branches. 27 Known always and loved as the Service tree, it was now - in the winter of 1950 - to ...
... regards Golconde and its rules – they are not imposed elsewhere – there is a reason for them and they are not imposed for nothing. In Golconde Mother has worked out her own idea through Raymond, 31 Sammer and others. First Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living ...
... northwest of Pondicherry, where the Ashram had acquired some land. Later the Mother found some notes from that time reminding her to call the two architects of Golconde, Antonin Raymond and František Sammer (who in the meantime had become a Group Captain in the R.A.F.) for planning the ‘tremendous programme.’ It may have been in reference to this occasion or to another one that she said in 1961: ‘What ...
... Golconde and its rules—they are not imposed elsewhere—there is a reason for them and they are not imposed Page 579 for nothing. In Golconde Mother has worked out her own idea through Raymond, Sammer and others. First, Mother believes in beauty as a part of spirituality and divine living; secondly, she believes that physical things have the Divine Consciousness underlying them as much as living ...
... Belgium and fight there. SRI AUROBINDO: Still, it shows the rebellion of the people. PURANI: It will be like the Czech and Polish armies—with only small numbers of men. SRI AUROBINDO: With our Sammer we can start a Czech army (laughter), so that they may realise the situation and learn a lesson. NIRODBARAN: Dilip is passing through ups and downs. Now he is trying to take a philosophical view ...
... Here the implication seems to be that Japan would represent the East and that the whole East would be left under Japanese influence. After some time Purani brought in the subject of art. PURANI: Sammer has a queer idea. He says that nowhere in Europe and India was there any popular art. Only in Russia has it come now. Communism has brought in popular art, he says. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the s ...
... Pondicherry perhaps because they have declared a status quo. They know that if there is no trade, they won't get anything from outside. SRI AUROBINDO: And nothing from inside. (Laughter) PURANI: Sammer must be glad over the arrest of workers in France. He says that Fascism, will help towards bringing about communism in France. SRI AUROBINDO: How? It is Germany that has arrested the workers because ...
... for the betrayal of France. PURANI: In Africa the Italians are not faring very well. SRI AUROBINDO: No, the Africans don't seem to be willing to give their lives for the Italians. PURANI: Sammer still holds that if France declared herself communist, the Russians would attack Hitler and come to help France. And people here in Pondy believe that Hitler doesn't want the British Empire. He only ...
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