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Sarat Maharaj : (1865-1927), Sarat Chandra Chakravarti, renamed Sāradānanda on taking up Sanyāsa; joined Barānagar Math, 1887; worked for New York’s Vedanta Society; appointed Secretary of Ramakrishna Math & Mission, 1889; wrote Sri Ramakrishna Lila Prasanga.
... straightaway, "I have come to stay here. I wish to take up the spiritual life, the life of sannyasa." "In that case," they said, "you had better consult the authority in charge." This authority was Sarat Maharaj. He received me in his room and bade me sit by him. He listened to all I had to say. Then he spoke to me in a most unassuming and affectionate tone and explained a number of things. He asked... thought – I had also been told something to this effect – that the Math might feel a little nervous or perhaps even get into trouble with the police because of my connection with the Bomb case. But Sarat Maharaj gave me finally to understand that he could not accept me as an inmate. So I had to leave. Now, what was I to do next? I decided to start off straight along the Grand Trunk Road, the road of ...
... or favours the institution of Boy-Scouts, we give our aid, but not to be mere stretcher-bearers. That is the side of principle; now let us look at that of policy. (1) I don't appreciate Sarat Maharaj's position. If self-sacrifice is the object, every human being has the whole of life as a field for self-sacrifice & does not depend on any Government for that. We can show our sacrificing activities ...
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