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St. Joseph : in New Testament, a carpenter of Nazareth; Christ’s earthly father.

1 result/s found for St. Joseph

... long connected phrases) 1) St Joseph's College .. St James' Gazette —Continually recurrent since the beginning of the abundant record period: meaning, nature or purpose never yet fixed beyond doubt. 2) Jollity—festivity—& then absolute jollity, festivity —also of frequent recurrence & generally confirmed in fact, often unexpectedly on the very day. No data. 3) St. Stephen's—Hyslop's College... surprising rapidity .            (fulfilled) 21) Beehive .    21.a. Faith—filling 22) Transition period .. (To be read with 19) 23) Suffer (twice—fulfilled in the afternoon) 24) St Joseph's College —(daily & frequent)—refers to far future. 25) Les Meilleures dispositions 26) Joyfully exhaust struggle . (Direction to Shakti) 27) Suffer always, changed to Suffer always delight ...

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