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Sthenelus : friend of Diomedes; he led an Argive contingent in the Trojan War.

1 result/s found for Sthenelus

... and alone through the ranks of the seated and silent princes Old Talthybius paced, nor paused till he stood at the midmost Fronting that council of Kings and nearest to Locrian Ajax And where Sthenelus sat and where sat the great Diomedes, Chiefs of the South, but their love was small for the Kings of the Spartans. There like one close to a refuge he lifted his high-chanting accents. High was... left whom the threatenings of Fate cannot conquer, Always souls are born whose courage waits not on fortune; Hellas' heart will be firm confronting the threat of the victor, Page 428 Sthenelus war and Tydides, Odysseus and Locrian Ajax, Thebes' unconquered sons and the hero chiefs of the northland. Stern and persistent as Time or the seas and as deaf to affliction We will clash on in ...

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