Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... the near presence of H through a particular smell. But H was not at all present in the Hall and wherever I moved the smell also accompanied me. Once you wrote to me that each person has a special subtle smell different from others'. Was the experience something of the kind? It is simply that the subtle physical sense has been developed and you feel H near although he is not physically present ...
... I wrote that the something may be of different kinds in different cases and one cannot give a rule that it is this or it is that. What has the dirtiest smell is sex. Has this subtle smell any connection with sadhana? It isn't connected with one's sadhana. It is a part of the character, quite noticeable in those who do no sadhana. When certain people pass by ...
... flute of Krishna. Subtle Smells and Tastes It [ experiencing subtle smells and tastes ] was not an opening of occult knowledge and powers, but simply an opening of the inner consciousness. Subtle smells of that kind [ sweet smells ] are a common feature of occult experience. Their exact nature and provenance varies, but they have no gross physical cause. The smell [ coming from a person... The Opening of the Inner Senses The Opening of the Inner Senses Visions, Sounds, Smells and Tastes Letters on Yoga - III Chapter III Subtle Sights, Sounds, Smells and Tastes Sights and Sounds of Other Planes The sounds of bells and the seeing of lights and colours are signs of the opening of the inner consciousness which brings with it an opening... something may not be prominent at all times. When it is, the smell is there. I wrote [ in the preceding letter ] that the something may be of different kinds in different cases and one cannot give a rule that it is this or it is that. What has the dirtiest smell is sex. Every man has a different smell; also there is a particular smell that goes with different states of the vital-physical. Animals ...
... consciousness though it may not carry with it any spiritualisation of the nature. 9 July 1936 At a certain stage of the sadhana, everybody receives some occult opening or other: visions, voices, subtle smells or touches. I was told that each occult opening helps one, but none of them has helped me in my practical sadhana. I do not know what you mean by practical sadhana. If one develops the occult ...
... MANILAL: Vishuddhananda is said to be able to produce all sorts of smells, for which he has been known as Gandhibaba. Do you think it possible to do such things? SRI AUROBINDO: It is difficult to know if the smells are all materialisations or subtle smells projected into the physical or on the senses. Many people have experiences of subtle realities. Paul Brunton told us he was always aware of some Presence... Brahmin features. But curiously enough, about two years later when I met him again I found that he had completely changed to what I had seen in my vision! These things are thrown out in this way from the subtle world to the surface consciousness. Take another instance. I was in the past a great tea-addict; I could not do any work without my cup of tea. Now, the management of the tea was in the hands of ...
... own) in its internal parts is a Yogic power developed by the Raja and Hathayogins—I suppose it could be extended to the body of others. There is also the sense of subtle smells and I have noticed that sometimes one smell persists. Subtle images can be images of all things in all worlds. There is no criterion [ for distinguishing visions from dreams of a deeper origin ], but one can easily... belonged to the subtle physical plane. (1) It [ the vision of a flower ] was seen through the physical eyes but by the subtle physical consciousness; in other words there was an imposition of one consciousness upon another. After a certain stage of development, this capacity of living in the ordinary physical consciousness and yet having superadded to it another and more subtle sense, vision,... The Opening of the Inner Senses The Opening of the Inner Senses Visions, Sounds, Smells and Tastes Letters on Yoga - III Chapter II Kinds of Vision The Inner Vision There is an inner vision that opens when one does sadhana and all sorts of images rise before it or pass. Their coming does not depend upon your thought or will; it is real and automatic ...
... Qualified Eternal, saguna brahma ; these evolutes are made of five gross elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether), five subtle elements (smell, taste, colour, touch, sound), four internal senses (mind, understanding, ego, reason), five senses of perception (hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell) and five organs of action (tongue, hands, feet, organs of generation and defecation). But Prakriti by herself cannot... rays? The way the Flood at the end of a cosmic cycle, pralaya , inundates everything, so has this tree occupied the entire creation. If you are looking for a fruit to have its taste, or a flower to smell its fragrance, then you will find none there; for, indeed, whatever is, is this tree alone. The sky has become the cause for the rich and thriving expanse of its foliage, and the wind blows because... us, even as in its manynesses it grows and expands in the sky. It is neither the knower nor the known, but only the knowledge; it has occupied the whole creation by being there as an all-pervading subtle presence. It is neither cause nor effect, duality nor non-duality, but it is comprehending and apprehending consciousness,—such is that Eternal. Out of that Eternal, the supreme Brahman, has come into ...
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