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9 result/s found for Supramental education

... premature to talk of supramental Page 516 education, which the mere mind cannot grasp at all. But the dream of today may yet become tomorrow's actuality. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt convinced that the supramental descent was no mere phantom of hope but an event decreed and inevitable. And it would be specifically a "descent" of consciousness, and hence supramental education too will ... that will be to man what man is to the animal and that will manifest upon earth a new force, a new consciousness and a new power. And so will begin a new education which can be called the supramental education; it will, by its all-powerful action, work not only upon the consciousness of individual beings, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which they... progress from above downwards, its influence spreading from one state of being to another until at last the physical is reached.... ...the supramental education will result no longer in a progressive formation of human nature and an increasing development of its latent faculties, but in a transformation of the nature itself, a transfiguration of the being in its entirety, a new ascent of the species ...


... species that will be to man what man is to the animal and that will manifest upon earth a new force, a new consciousness and a new power. And so will begin a new education which can be called the supramental education; it will, by its all-powerful action, work not only upon the consciousness of individual beings, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which they live... live. In contrast with the types of education we have mentioned previously, which progress from below upwards by an ascending movement of the various parts of the being, the supramental education will progress from above downwards, its influence spreading from one state of being to another until at last the physical is reached. This last transformation will only occur visibly when the inner states... these will be the last to change and the supramental force can be at work in an individual long before anything of it becomes perceptible in his bodily life. To sum up, one can say that the supramental education will result no longer in a progressive formation of human nature and an increasing development of its latent faculties, but in a transformation of the nature itself, a transfiguration of the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... to man what man is in relation to the animal and that will manifest upon earth a new force, a new consciousness and a nevI power. Then will begin also a new education which can be called the supramental education; it will, by its all-powerful action, work not only upon the consciousness of individual beings, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which they live... live.     Contrary to the type of education we have spoken of hitherto that progresses from below upward through an ascending movement of the different parts of the being, the supramental education will progress from above downward, its influence spreading from one state of being to another till the final state, the physical, is reached. This last transformation will happen in a visible manner... physical is the last to change and the supramental force can be at work in a being long before something of it becomes perceptible in the life of the body.     In brief, one can say that the supramental education will result not merely in a progressively developing formation of the human nature, an increasing growth of its latent faculties, but a transformation of the nature itself, a transfiguration ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... earth a new force, a new consciousness and a new power.45 And The Mother hints at the future education, when she adds: Then will begin also a new education which can be called the supramental education; it will, by its all-powerful action work not only upon the consciousness of individual beings, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which they live... live. Contrary to the type of education we have spoken of hitherto that progresses from below upward through an ascending movement of the different parts of the being, the supramental education will progress from above downward, its influence spreading from one state of being to another till the final state, the physical, is reached. This last transformation will happen in a visible manner only... physical is the last to change and the supramental force can be at work in a being long before something of it becomes perceptible in the life of the body. In brief, one can say that the supramental education will result not merely in a progressively developing formation of the human nature, an increasing growth of its latent faculties, but in a transformation of the nature itself, a transformation ...

... being and to live a psychic life you must abolish all egoism; but to live a spiritual life, you must no longer have an ego. 6 As far as the supramental education is concerned, the Mother pointed out that: ...the supramental education will result no longer in a progressive formation of human nature and an increasing development of its latent faculties, but in a transformation of the ...

... new world. ... And so will begin a new education which can be called the supramental education; it will, by its all-powerful action, work not only upon the consciousness of individual beings, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which they live. .. .the supramental education will result no longer in a progressive formation Page 767 ...

... you must abolish all egoism; but to live a spiritual life, you must no longer have an ego. As far as the supramental consciousness is concerned, the Mother pointed out that: The supramental education will result no longer in a progressive form of human nature and an increasing development of its latent faculties, but in a transformation of the nature itself, a transfiguration of the being ...


... since integration and harmony of personality is a lifelong process. As a matter of fact, it has been affirmed that psychic education is to be complemented by what can be called spiritual and supramental education, into the details of which we need not enter here. This pedagogy emphasises the combination of pursuit of Truth, austerity of harmony and joy of free creativity. It counsels us not to encumber ...


... Ashram, 760; on the aim of the Ashram School, 762; message to Sri Aurobindo Memorial Convention, 762; about the University Centre, 764ff; letter to Jauhar, 764; message to children, 766; on Supramental Education, 767; 90th birthday, 770; her Dream, 773; inauguration "of Auroville, 775; on Auroville, 777; on what Sri Aurobindo represents in the world's history, 781 Mother of Dreams, The, 330 ...