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6 result/s found for Supramental word

... ascent that is being presented to its experience. At each height, sānoḥ sānum āruhat , the powers of the supermind increase in intensity, range and completeness. There is also a speech, a supramental word, in which the higher knowledge, vision or thought can clothe itself within us for expression. At first this may come down as a word, a message or an inspiration that descends to us from above... and impulses of the intellect and the sense mind, but it uses it in a different way and with an intense bringing out of the intuitive or revelatory significances of which speech is capable. The supramental word manifests inwardly with a light, a power, a rhythm of thought and a rhythm of inner sound that make it the natural and living body of the supramental thought and vision and it pours into the language... directly above and around and not only in the body it possesses and there will be the same action of the supramental knowledge by identity, the supramental vision, the supramental thought and supramental word, separately or in a united movement. Page 839 This then will be the general character of the supramental thought and knowledge and these its main powers and action. It remains to consider ...


... mean by this term, also to have some idea about the place and function of speech in the supramental cognition, we quote below in extenso from Sri Aurobindo: "There is also a speech, a supramental word, in which the higher knowledge, vision or thought can clothe itself within us for expression. At first this may come down as a word, a message or an inspiration that descends to us from above... knowledge. Then it is the word revelatory, inspired or intuitive or of a yet greater kind capable of bearing the infinite intention or suggestion of the higher supermind and spirit.... The supramental word manifests inwardly with a light, a power, a rhythm of thought and a rhythm of inner sound that make it the natural and living body of the supramental thought and vision." 106 [Italics ...

... 1.The Sun of Supramental Truth (Descent into the Sahasradala) 2.The Sun of Supramental Light and Will-Power (Descent into the Ajna Chakra, the centre between the eyes) 3.The Sun of Supramental Word (Descent into Throat) 4.The Sun of Supramenetal Love, Beauty, Bliss (Descent into the Heart-Lotus) 5.The Sun of Supramental Force (Descent into the Navel) 6.The Sun of Life-Radiances ...

... ng the Knowledge Power as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna-chakra, the centre between the eyes. 3) The Sun of the Supramental Word, embodying the KnowledgePower, empowered to express and arrange the supramental creation Descent into the Throat-Centre. 4) The Sun of supramental Love, Beauty and Bliss, releasing the Soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... r as dynamic vision and command to create, found and organise the supramental creation. Descent into the Ajna Chakra, the centre between the eyes. Page 326 3.The Sun of Supramental Word, embodying the Knowledge-Power, empowered to express and arrange the supra-mental creation. Descent into the Throat Centre. 4.The Sun of Supramental Love, Beauty, and Bliss, releasing ...

... Manilal's prescription did some good all the same; for the soft and mellow frame got a firm nervous tone and the muscles developed fine contours, to his great satisfaction. Perfection is the supramental key-word. Any imperfection, however slight, was foreign to Sri Aurobindo's nature. I give a minor example: one day, while talking about snoring, one of us was tactless enough to tell him that he too... work, this assiduous application would greet my eyes. His leg would rise and fall like a hammer, and I could not contain my feeling of amusement and admiration at this hard Tapasya to achieve the supramental perfection of the body. Perhaps this semi-blasphemy has come upon me like a boomerang, now making me undergo physical Tapasya even at this age! It cannot be denied, anyway, that Sri Aurobindo was... forward to the removal of the splints. Dr. Rao on his weekly visits was pressing his case for the removal and was laughed at by all of us till he promised not to raise the issue again, only to break his word the next time. About the first week of February, some disquieting symptoms appeared. There was pain in the knee-joint and a mild swelling of the leg. We were very much perturbed by this unexpected intrusion ...
