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Tamburlaine Tamburlaine the Great, : two-part romantic tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on Timur-i-lang (Tamerlane).
... were the strivings of a few far-sighted and patriotic men in a generation misled by false ideals. On that generation Madhu Sudan's first great poems, Sharmishtha and Tilottama , had a complex effect much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in Elizabethan England or Hugo's Hernani in nineteenth century France. They took men's imaginations by storm with their splendour,... the field before Bankim and Madhu Sudan. The paths of the Gods are always prepared for them. Many daring minds were already at work, but they fell short of their high conception. Rammohan Ray, the great Vidyasagara, Okhay Kumar Dutt and the Bengali playwrights were all working bravely towards the same consummation. But Page 112 Vidyasagara, though he had much in him of the scholar and critic... overcome a vast opposition. Lauded with rapturous enthusiasm by the cultured, they were anathematised by the pedants. All the Pandits, all the Sanscritists, all the fanatics of classicism, even the great Page 113 Vidyasagara himself, then the intellectual dictator of Bengal, were startled out of their senses by these magnificent and mighty poems. Tilottama was a gauntlet thrown down by ...
... disaster, against the universe and the Divine. Page 63 The first bodying forth of Marlowe's daimon, the occult greatness which seems to have tried his life-force as its vehicle, we find in that unwieldy colossus of his early twenties, Tamburlaine — a work meant to be a drama but destitute of all constructive artistry, a manifold confusion through which the figure of its hero... hero moves in a storm of word-thunder and imaginative lightning. The conception underlying it is the titan-soul's battle with destiny: Tamburlaine, a Scythian shepherd, raises the banner of revolt against Persia and rides victorious over half the world in a gigantic beauty of arrogance and ambition and defiance of man and God, with only one joint in his armour — the love which ravages his heart for his... of Faustus. It is as though what had moved the old life-force has now appeared behind the new intellectual being and Marlowe's daimon risen to Milton's mental level, making Satan a transfigured Tamburlaine, a sublimation of Barabas, a high unity of Faustus and Mephistophilis. That is why after revolving about a hundred subjects in his mind, many of them scriptural and the rest from British history ...
... Encliffed above the day's sky-fall, 43 Enhaloed love, why flowerest thou to bless 431 Eternal rest, the Almighty's deepest power— 328 Evening! The west is a giant Tamburlaine 343 Everything points now 18 Explosion of sunrise never can be heard: 593 Eyes like blue lotuses, 289 Eyes see you not— 361 Eyes shut... white 639 God's victories are 540 Great is your beauty, earth! 477 Great Mother, grant me this one boon I crave: 158 Great poems came to him begging for birth, 609 Great wings, one white and one cf gold 294 Greatness and gaiety go hand in hand. 662 Greatness of earth—high mountain, ocean deep— 315 Haloed... sleep: 113 He is gone from us—deep within Truth's secrecy beyond, 534 He sat aloof 12 Heart whose each beat cried "Brother" to my heart, 645 Hearts have great hungers—some would stand, earth-free, 720 Her eyes embrace all life; 516 Here on night-hills all passion-clamours cease: 111 Hers the still charm, the cold magnetic ...
... men of original genius. "The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new prose and a new poetry." "...Madhusudan's first great poems Sharmistha and Tilottama had a complex effect, much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in Elizabethan England or Hugo's Hernani in 19th century France. They took men's imagination by storm with their splendour, passion and mighty... occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music; few people can do it, as things are, - not even one in a million; for poetry and music come from the inner being and to write or to compose true and great things one has to have the passage clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being.... ... the Gita, the Puranas, the two great epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the poems of Bhartrihari, the dramas of Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti etc., Page 27 etc. Ancient India, the ageless India of spiritual culture and unwearied creative vitality, thus revealed herself to his wondering vision, and he discovered the secret of her unparalleled greatness. His soul caught fire. In d ...
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