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Titaness : twelve primordial children of Uranus (Heaven) & Gaea (Earth): Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetos, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, & Cronos, & certain of their offsprings; they were the ancestors of the Olympian gods. Cronos, the youngest Titan, ruled the world after overthrowing & castrating Uranus. He swallowed each of his own children at birth, but Zeus escaped. Cronos was made to vomit up the others (including Hera, Demeter, Poseidon, & Hades) &, after a protracted struggle, he & the other Titans were vanquished, all of them but Atlas imprisoned in Tartarus, & the reign of Zeus was established. More broadly, the word Titan may be applied to any being of a colossal force or grandiose & lawless self-assertion, or even to whatever is huge or mighty.
... half-discernible movements and vague but colossal revolutions. In later story his issue form one of the most sacred clans of Rishies, and Purshurama, the destroyer of princes, was of his offspring. By the Titaness Puloma this mighty seer and patriarch, himself one of the mind-children of Brahma had a son Chyavan—who inherited even from the womb his father's personality, greatness and ascetic energy. Chyavan... Asuras, or Titans, spirits of disorder between whom and the Hindu Olympians there was ever warfare. Yet their hostility did not preclude occasional unions. Sachi herself, the Queen of Heaven, was a Titaness, daughter of the Asura, Puloman; Yayati, ally of the Gods, took to himself a Daitya maiden Surmishtha, child of imperial Vrishopurvan (for the Asuras or Daityas, on the [terrestrial] 3 plane, signified ...
... MAHASEGN What dost thou see? UNGARICA That Vuthsa is too great For thy greatness, too cunning for thy cunning. He Will bend not to thy pressure. MAHASEGN Thou hast bent, The Titaness. This is a delicate boy Softer than summer dews or like the lily That yields to every gentle, insistent wave. A hero? yes: all Aryan boys are that. UNGARICA Thou thinkst thy daughter thy ...
... the slow fraying of bonds, here and there a sharp tearing and snapping; but freedom of movement has not yet been attained. The eyes are not yet clear, the bud of the soul has only partly opened. The Titaness has not yet arisen. Mr. Cousins puts the question in his book whether the word renaissance at all applies since India has always been awake and stood in no need of reawakening. There is a certain ...
... Incarnation? Kanu withdraws the violent Kalki-mood within his bosom And kneels down at the feet of Radha. The plenitude of kindness is kept imprisoned within the Mother's heart,― Demoness, Titaness, Ogress - all their brood run riot in wild strife. This Buddhist cult was created in illusion and delusion Forbearance has made the spirit sluggish, compassion filled it with affliction — ...
... imprudent? Charm is the seal of the gods upon woman. Distaff and girdle, Work of the jar at the well and the hush of our innermost chambers, These were appointed thee, but thou hast scorned them, O Titaness, grasping Rather the shield and the spear. Thou, obeying thy turbulent nature, Tramplest o'er laws that are old to the pleasure thy heart has demanded. Rather bow to the ancient Gods who are seated ...
... Apsara his mother liquid-orbed Page 136 Bore to the youthful Chyavan's strong embrace This passionate face of earth with Eden touched. Chyavan was Bhrigu's child, Puloma bore, The Titaness,– Bhrigu, great Brahma's son. Love gave the flower that helps by anguish; therefore He chilled not with the breath of Hades, nor The cry of the infernal stream made stone." But at the name of ...
... wingest! Centauress galloping wild through the woods of Himâloy high-crested! Yakshini brooding o'er treasure down in earth's bowels arrested! Demoness gnashing thy teeth in the burial-ground! Titaness striding Restless through worlds for thy rest, the brain and the bosom not ridding Even one hour of the ferment-waste and the load beyond bearing, Recklessly slaying the peoples in anger, recklessly ...
... Commonwealth, and we know the attitude of the Australian working-man to Indians and Asiatics generally. India's hope lies not in English Liberalism or Labour, but in her own strong heart and giant limbs. Titaness, who by thy mere attempt to rise can burst these Lilliputian bonds, why shouldst thou clamour feebly for help to these pigmies over the sea? Page 125 ...
... of Tyndareus, foster-father of Helen. Menelaus succeeded him to the throne and led the Spartan contingent against Troy. Taygetus: Highest Mountain range in the Peloponnesus. Themis: Titaness who came to personify law and justice; her name probably meant "steadfast". Page 124 Thetis: A sea goddess, one of the Nereids. She was desired by Zeus, but he learned that she was ...
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