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Tritsus : “Those who seek to pass beyond” mentioned in the Veda. In Sayāna they are “priests who were Vasishtha’s disciples”. Vasishtha is said to have this class. Tritsus helped Sudas in the great battle against ten kings, mentioned in the Vedas.
... p. 43, col. 1. Page 287 grammatically implied, but also proved by explicit mention in 7,18,13 which reports an incident in the Battle of the Ten Kings where Sudās, King of the Tritsus, emerges victorious with Indra's help: Indra at once with conquering might demolished all their strong places and their seven castles. The goods of Anu's son he gave to Trtsu.... 193 ... the Druhyu" but almost immediately afterwards structures irreconcilable with the "waters" are mentioned for the enemies: he is said to demolish "all their strong places and their seven castles". The Tritsus with their king Sudās simply enjoy and invoke Indra's aid. This is the way they in turn aid Indra. But their aiding is combined with that of the river Yamuna. Here is a mysterious combination. In ...
... examination. We learn from Pusalker: "Daivavāta [Abhyāvartin], a king of the Srinjayas, is celebrated as victorious over the Turvasas and the Vrichīvants." 3 Pusalker also says: "As their allies the Tritsus were in the Madhyadesa, the authors of the Vedic Index rightly suggest that the Srinjayas may well have been a good deal further east than the Indus... 4 Turvaśas were the common enemies of the... . 5 The Bhāratas... were settled, in the Rigvedic age, in the region between the Saraswati and Yumunā. The Bhāratas appear prominently in the Rigveda in relationship with [King] Sudās and the Tritsus... 6 Among the tribes who were hostile to Sudas, the Druhyus, Turvasas and Anus lived between the Asiknī [Chenāb] and Parushnī.. Zimmer identifies Turvaśas and Vrichīvants, but the passages merely ...
... Paul, 33, 35 Tilak, 19, 78, 81, 82, 83 Tocharian, 93 Trinity, Indian, 46 Tripolye, Tripolye Culture, 74, 75, 76 triśūla, 42 trislrsan, 46 Tritsus, 126 trivtsna, 42 Tryaruna, 42 Tsarskaya, 6, 7 Turkestan, 1,68,70,72,74,75 Turvasas, 126, 127 Ukraine, 1, 74 Ulfila, 90, 91 Unman-manda, 88 ...
... him and the Seer-Will protects his march or his goal or his spiritual gains and possessions from their attack. We have then in this phrase the basis of the image of ten nations combined against the Tritsus, "those who seek to pass beyond". 3) उत ब्रुवंतु जंतव उदग्निर्वृत्रहाजनि । धनंजयो रणे रणे ॥ जंतवः. Sayana जाताः सर्वे ऋत्विजः. "Agni has risen, let people (priests) speak (hymn him)." Sayana's ...
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