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Ushana Ushanas Kavya : son of Kavi; a Vedic Rishi ‘of the heavenward desire that is born from the seer-knowledge’ [SABCL 10:232], he is associated with Kutsa & Indra. In Vāyu Purana, Ushanas Kāvya is the same as Shukrāchārya.
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Eight Hymns to the Mystic Fire Ushanas Kavya SUKTA 84 प्रेष्ठं वो अतिथिं स्तुषे मित्रमिव प्रियम् । अग्निं रथं न वेद्यम् ॥१॥ 1) Your guest most beloved I laud who is like a beloved friend, Fire who is as if the chariot of our journey, the one whom we must know. Page 378 कविमिव प्रेचतसं ...
... and the Blissful One, tataḥ sūryo vratapā vena ājani . Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as a child to the Lord of the Law," yamasya jātam amṛtaṁ yajāmahe (I.83.4-5). Angira is the Rishi who represents the Seer-Will, Atharvan is the Rishi of the journeying on the Path, Ushanas Kavya is the Rishi of the heavenward desire that is born... Truth concealed behind the lower life and its crookednesses; Atharvan forms in their strength the Path and Surya the Lord of Light is then born as the guardian of the divine Law and the Yama-power; Ushanas drives the herded illuminations of our thought up that path of the Truth to the Bliss which Surya possesses; so is born from the law of the Truth the immortality to which the Aryan soul by its sacrifice ...
... The Veda speaks of the Angirasas, the forefathers who had traced the whole Path from Ignorance to Knowledge. In 1.83.4,5, of the Rig Veda, we have the description of the Angirasas, of Atharvan, and Ushanas Kavya, in their process and in their attainment of the Knowledge of the Truth: "The Angirasas held the supreme manifestation (of the Truth), they who had lit the fire, by perfect accomplishment of... of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter, Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tatah sūryo vratapā vena ājani. Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as a child to the Lord of the Law." Attainment of Knowledge is seen in the Veda, not as the possession ...
... the occurrence or the legend is used as a symbol of the human soul bound by the triple cord of sin and released from it by the divine power of Agni, Surya, Varuna. So also Rishis like Kutsa, Kanwa, Ushanas Kavya have become types and symbols of certain spiritual experiences and victories and placed in that capacity side by side with the gods. It is not surprising, then, that in this mystic symbolism ...
... Carlylean sense of heroism, a power of God in man. "I am Vasudeva (Krishna) among the Vrishnis," says the Lord in the Gita, "Dhananjaya (Arjuna) among the Pandavas, Vyasa among the sages, the seer-poet Ushanas among the seer-poets," the first in each category, Page 160 the greatest of each group, the most powerfully representative of the qualities and works in which its characteristic soul-power... inexorable line between the being and nature of the Divine and our human being and nature; it is the sense of the divine in humanity. But still the Vibhuti is not the Avatar; otherwise Arjuna, Vyasa, Ushanas would be Avatars as well as Krishna, even if in a less degree of the power of Avatarhood. The divine quality is not enough; there must be the inner consciousness of the Lord and Self governing the ...
... oblation. व्यश्वस्त्वा वसुविदमुक्षण्युरप्रीणादृषिः । महो राये तमु त्वा समिधीमहि ॥१६॥ 16) [ Not translated. ] उशना काव्यस्त्वा नि होतारमसादयत् । आयजिं त्वा मनवे जातवेदसम्॥१७॥ 17) Thee Ushana of the inspired wisdom set within for men as the Priest of the call, the doer of sacrifice, the knower of all things born. विश्वे हि त्वा सजोषसो देवासो दूतमकत । श्रुष्टी देव प्रथमो यज्ञियो ...
... but the symbol of an inner giving. And if the Angiras Rishis are also in part symbolic or are, like the gods, semi-divine workers and helpers in the sacrifice, so also must be the Bhrigus, Atharvans, Ushana and Kutsa and others who are associated with them in their work. If the Angiras legend and the story of the struggle with the Dasyus is a parable, so also should be the other legendary stories we find ...
... Vibhuti; I am Bhrigu among the great Rishis. The great seer, the inspired poet who sees and reveals the truth by the light of the idea and sound of the word, is Myself luminous in the mortal; I am Ushanas among the seer-poets. The great sage, thinker, philosopher is My power among men, My own vast intelligence; I am Vyasa among the sages. But, with whatever variety of degree in manifestation, all beings ...
... "Thou art this boy and yonder girl and that old man walking supported on his staff,"—even as in the Gita the Divine says that he is Krishna and Arjuna and Vyasa and Ushanas, and the lion and the Ashwattha tree, and consciousness and intelligence and all qualities and the self of all qualities and the self of all creatures. But how are these two the same, when they seem ...
... पश्यता मा । हे जना मां सर्वात्मकं पश्यत । यूयमप्येवमेव स्वस्वरूपमनुभवतेत्युक्तं भवति । I became Manu, I am Surya; Kakshivan the Rishi am I of the illumined mind; I [ ] Kutsa son of Arjuni, I am Ushana the seer; Me behold. 2) अहं । वामदेव इन्द्रो वा । आर्याय । मनवे । वावशानाः । शब्दायमानाः । केतं । संकल्पमनुयंति । I give earth to the Aryan man, I rain of strength to the mortal who giveth; ...
... when he had drunk up the three lakes of the immortalising wine, then all the gods called to the Doer of works, the Bringer of substance for the God-in-mind so that he slew the Python. (9) When Ushana, soul of desire and thou together sped to thy home, O God-in-Mind, borne by forceful and speeding swiftnesses, conquering here thou didst go in one chariot with Kutsa, the embracer of knowledge and... to play for Yadu and for Turvasu,—kine of a good milking,—and didst bear them to their other shore. Thou borest on Kutsa, embracer of knowledge, in his fierce driving against the foe when in ye two Ushana and the gods rejoiced together. (9) O God-in-Mind and O embracer of knowledge, borne on in your car may the powers of your movement bring you to our ear of inspiration; do ye dispel Night from the ...
... he refers not merely to past top echelons but also to contemporary ones: "I am Vasudeva [Krishna] among the Vrishnis, Dhananjaya [Arjuna] among the Pandavas, Vyasa among the sages, the seer-poet Ushanas among the seer-poets" (X. 37). Here the second and third names are of Krishna's own contemporaries who would have their proper lines of earlier births, which would have no identity with Krishna's ...
... to Heaven, smote asunder the limiting walls. (10) When Ushanas carves into shape thy force by his force, then thy strength besieges with its might earth and heaven. O strong god-mind, thou growest filled, and the mind-yoked horses of the Breath of life bear thee to the inspired knowledge. (11) When Indra takes rapture along with Ushanas son of the seer, he mounts behind a happy and still happier ...
... the knowledge of the knower, and many other such powers are also vibhutis. Among the great and well- known personalities, Rama is reckoned as vibhuti among warriors, Bhrigu among the great rishis, Ushanas among the seer poets, Krishna himself among the Vrishnis, Arjuna among the Pandavas and Vyasa among the sages; many more are named as vibhutis in this account given by Sri Krishna to Arjuna. 105 ...
... attained to heaven, to immortality that we must think of Aryaman. Krishna in the Gita, enumerating the chief powers or manifestations of the eternal Godhead in things and beings, speaks of himself as Ushanas among the seers, Bhrigu among the Rishis, Vyasa among the sages, Vishnu among the children of Aditi, Aryaman among the Fathers. Now in the Veda the Fathers are the ancient illumined ones who discovered ...
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