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Vaisheshika : one of the six Darshanas, written by the sage Kanada
... manifests itself as world, as subject, & as object; thirdly, Yoga, the psychological basis of experience, experiment, practical analysis, synthesis which verifies the discriminative analysis; fourthly, Vaisheshika, the physical analysis of the form or matter in which the manifesting world-energy Page 570 is expressed & established to our outgoing perceptions; fifthly, Nyaya, the analysis of the... narrowed itself and became Sankhya of Kapila; the psychological experimentation, separating, narrowed itself & became Yoga of Patanjali; the physical analysis, separating, narrowed itself and became Vaisheshika of Kanada; the analysis of discriminative processes, separating, narrowed itself and became Nyaya of Gautama; the application in formulas of life-action, separating, narrowed itself extremely & became ...
... means of knowledge. And this is the position which is accepted by all the other philosophies which claim to have been derived from the Veda. These philosophies include, apart from Nyaya, also Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Poorva Mimamsa, Uttara Mimamsa and the varied interpretations of the philosophy of the Uttara Mimamsa, notably the philosophies of Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhwa, Nimbarka, Vallabha... spiritual life. Philosophers and saints such as Sri Chaitanya (1485-1533) and others of the 15th and 16th centuries belong to this stage. There *Particularly, the six systems, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Sankhya, Yoga, Poorva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa and their numerous interpretations and commentaries. These 6 systems are Vedic systems or philosophy. There developed also Buddhism and Jainism ...
... thoroughly understood that the Modified-Monistic and Dualistic-Monistic with their intermediary shades can be profitably studied. When the Vedantic theory has been mastered, the Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya & Vaisheshika can in its light be easily mastered in succession with Vijnanabhikshu's work & the great synthesis of the Bhagavadgita to crown the whole structure. The philosophical basis will then be properly ...
... according to a conservative hypothesis, its origins are dated 2000 B.C. The Purano-Tantric age can be regarded to have extended from 600 B.C. to 800 A.D. 3 Particularly, the six systems, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa and their numerous interpretations arid commentaries. These six systems are Vedic systems of philosophy. There developed also Buddhism and Jainism and their ...
... spiritual mind of India. The tradition of philosophy in India goes back to very early times, and based upon the Veda, several systems of philosophy have flourished. These systems are: Ny ā ya, Vaisheshika, Sānkhya, Yoga, Poorva Mimāmsā and Uttara Mimāmsā. All these systems of philosophy accept the authority of the Veda, and although there are differences among them, attempts have also been made to ...
... close the first Mandala of the Rig Veda. Nor can we accept the astonishing identification of the Puranic Prajapati, Kashyapa, progenitor of creatures, with the father of the Kanada who founded the Vaisheshika philosophy. It distresses us to see Indian inquirers with their great opportunities simply following in the path of certain European scholars, accepting and adding to their unstable fantasies, their ...
... Upanishads. The philosophical analysis of Sankhya, the practices of Tantra, the worship & devotion of Purana, the love of the formed Divinity & the aspiration to the Formless, the atomic structure of Vaisheshika & the cardinal principles of Yoga,—whatever has been afterwards strong in development & influential on the Indian Mind, finds here its authority & sanction. Not the unmanifested & unconditioned alone ...
... period. Class VII Ancient Indian Physics and Chemistry: a) The concept of five basic elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth; b) Sankhya theory of evolution and Vaisheshika theory of atom; c) The concept of speed of light; d) Ancient chemistry in India; e) Ancient chemistry and Ayurveda. Class VIII Development of Ayurveda in ancient ...
... be regarded to have extended from 600 B.C. to 800 A.D. × Particularly, the six systems, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa and their numerous interpretations and commentaries. These six systems are Vedic systems of philosophy. There developed also Buddhism and Jainism and their ...
... argument, teleological argument, historical argument; I studied Deism, Pantheism, Theism, Pluralism, Dualism, and Monism of various kinds. I studied the Veda, the Upanishads, the Gita; I studied Nyaya, Vaisheshika; I studied Samkhya and Yoga; I studied Poorva-Mimansa and Uttara-Mimansa. I studied Jainism and Buddhism; I studied Materialism and modern Empiricism; but I found no satisfaction." Page 245 ...
... this Self is the Brahman". 15 The main conceptions of the Upanishads remained in parts in the various philosophical systems and efforts were made from time to time to recombine them. Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Poorva Mimansa and Uttara Mimansa bear the imprint of the Upanishadic thought, and the last one, particularly has as its basic text, BrahmasOtra, which was composed by Badarayan, ...
... (Anaxagoras or Democritus, for example), coming to more Page 326 recent times, we can say that line runs fairly well-represented from Leibnitz to Bergson. In India the Sankhyas and the Vaisheshikas move towards and approach the position; the Tantriks make a still more near approach. Once again, to repeat in other terms the distinction which may sometimes appear to carry no difference ...
... (Anaxagoras or Democritus, for example), coming to more Page 222 recent times, we can say that line runs fairly well-represented from Leibnitz to Bergson. In India the Sankhyas and the Vaisheshikas move towards and approach the position; the Tantriks make a still more near approach. Once again, to repeat in other terms the distinction which may sometimes appear to carry no difference ...
... of the Rishis, who were in the beginning the teachers not only of spiritual truth and philosophy,—and we may note that all Indian philosophy, even the logic of Nyaya and the atomic theory of the Vaisheshikas, has for its highest crowning note and eventual object spiritual knowledge and liberation,—but of the arts, the social, political and military, the physical and psychic sciences, and every instructor ...
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