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Vicurna Vikarṇa : youngest of Dhṛitarāṣṭra’s 100 sons. In the War, he joined the Pāndavas in protest against the insults & injustice meted out by his father & Duryōdhana to Sri Krishna who tried to prevent the fratricidal war.
... comes. Vasavadutta escapes towards her own apartments; Vicurna enters from the outer door. Why is thy brow A darkness? VICURNA Wherefore was King Vuthsa brought Into Ujjayiny? why is captive kept? UNGARICA Thy father's will, who knows. Page 695 VICURNA But I would know. UNGARICA Him ask. VICURNA ( taking her face between his hands ) I ask thee; thou... obey. VICURNA Not I, or not In evil things. Page 696 UNGARICA Respect thy father! He Will not, unsatisfied, release his foe. Demand not this. VICURNA I will release him then. UNGARICA Him by what right who is thy house's peril? VICURNA He is a hero and he is my friend. UNGARICA Didst thou not help to bring him captive here? VICURNA For Vasavadutta... Vuthsa, when? What wild and restless spirit keeps thy feet Tonight, Vicurna? VICURNA 'Tis the wine. I wait. GOPALACA For what? Page 720 VICURNA ( with a harsh laugh ) Why, for the wine to do its work. GOPALACA Where's Vasavadutta? Call her to us here. We are not happy if she walks apart. VICURNA There with the mother underneath the trees. GOPALACA Call ...
... of u Vuthsa's men who has come in disguise from Cowsambie, the Queen Mother Ungarica, and Vasavadutta's younger brother, Vicurna. Under cover of a moonlit party in the pleasure-groves of the palace, the lovers escape, along with Munjoolica Page 151 and Vicurna. Pursuit by Mahasegn's forces proves fruitless. Reconciled to the event Mahasegn sends through Gopalaca all Vasavadutta's ...
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