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Viswamitra : born a Kshatriya, son of King Kushika or Kusinabha; by intense tapasyā he realised the Brahman & became one of the seven great Brahma-Rishis. He composed most of the hymns in the 3rd Mandala of the Rig-Veda, especially for his Gāyatri mantra. The Vishwāmitra of legend describes his persistent struggle for supremacy with Vasishtha & their reconciliation. Other legends describe his relationships with Rishi Jamādagni, Trishanku, Harishchandra, Lord Rama, & the Apsarā Menaka – resulting in the birth of Shakuṇtalā.
... work of the sisters." Pure divine tapas in man, says Viswamitra, equipped with the full capacity of the mind and a power of discernment purified from the errors & disorder of the lower mortality, establishes, as soon as it can manifest, the divine bliss of Sachchidananda both in the purified mind & in the purified body of this mortal. Viswamitra then enlarges the word जनुषा by the usual Vedic symbolisms... knowledge; the sacrifice is the offering of the realised Ananda to the gods of the higher life. Every other word, also, bears its plain & natural sense. Agni, the pure tapas, has made the sacrificer, Viswamitra, by establishing him in the higher knowledge, a fit vessel for the divine Ananda which is to be offered up in Yogic action & enjoyment to the gods. He calls upon the god to sustain his lower parts... workings, they have taught the realisations of heaven of the seers, yea, they have had power to chant them to the man who hungers after them & has strength (to bear their force)." Page 612 Viswamitra has offered the supreme sacrifice of the Ananda to the gods; he prays that as a result the power of divine speech by which men chant the Vedic knowledge in these inspired poems may grow in him; for ...
... East has quite a different movement. The ideal of the East is represented by Vedic seers like Vasishtha and Viswamitra who sought to realise the great Heavens – the Vast Truth. And their descendants clung to this ideal so firmly that no other thing existed for them. Vasishtha and Viswamitra have been consummated in Buddha and Shankara. The West has brought religion down to the level of the mundane ...
... best with the context of the tenth rik and is concealed in the vahatu of the Brahmanas. There is no other difficulty of interpretation in the passage. What then is it that Madhuchchhanda, son of Viswamitra, has to say in this Sukta of the goddess of inspiration, speech and knowledge? He does not directly address her, but he assigns to this deity the general control, support and illumination of the... a ray of it into our understanding that we receive the high truths, the great illuminations which raise us above our normal humanity. But it is not an isolated illumination with which this son of Viswamitra intends to be satisfied. The position for him is that the human perception & reason, but asleep, sushupta, achetana, on the level of the pure ideal knowledge. He wishes it to awake to the divine ...
... shall come again to Bala & the Titans & the meaning of these divine battles,—viryani yani chakara prathamani vajri. All the passages I have quoted proceed from the hymns of Madhuchchhanda son of Viswamitra, the opening eleven hymns of the Rigveda. This seer is one of the deepest & profoundest of the spirits chosen as vessels & channels of the divine knowledge of the Veda, one of those who least loses... without excluding the symbolic, but often the symbolic has to be sought for & if we did not know the true Vedic tradition from Madhuchchhanda we could not gather it unaided from Medhatithi. The son of Viswamitra is deeply concerned with knowledge & with immortality & rapture as its attendant circumstances & conditions, the son of Kanwa, though not indifferent to knowledge, with the intoxication of the wine ...
... more perfect Nirukta which the future will move inevitably to discover. By recovering the realisations of Yajnavalkya & Ajatashatru, we shall recover perhaps the inspired thoughts of Vasishta and Viswamitra, of Ghora from whom perhaps Srikrishna heard the word of illumination, of Madhuchchhandas, Vamadeva and Atri. And we may even find ourself enriched in spiritual no less than in psychological knowledge; ...
... poems and presented according to the inner realisation of great Rishis like Yajnavalkya & Janaka in a more modern style and language. It is used much in the sense in which Madhuchchhandas, son of Viswamitra, says of Indra, Athá te antamánám vidyáma Page 176 sumatínám, “Then may we know something of thy ultimate right thinkings,” meaning obviously not the latest, but the supreme truths, the ...
... celebrated and beloved brother, Laksmana (son of Sumitrā), who was polite of speech and stood unperturbed (by his side): — (12) "Calling Agastya (a son of the sage Agastya) and Kausika (a son of Viswamitra), both of whom are foremost among the Brāhmanas, 0 son of Sumitrā honour them by offering valuable gifts (to them) and (then) satiate them with (presents of) a thousand cows (each) as well as with ...
... His Guru, Vasishta, refused to perform the needful rites as it would be against the laws of nature. Cursed by Vasishta's sons, forced to leave his country and wander the lands, Trishanku met sage Viswamitra, a rival of Guru Vasishta, who promised to help him instead. The yagnas (rituals) began and by the power of the great sage, King Trishanku started ascending to heaven, greatly to the chagrin of the ...
... vadanti (The one Truth has been expressed differently by different seers.) The Gayatri Mantra which has become as natural as the air we breathe in and breathe out was first sung by the immortal sage Viswamitra of the Veda. Even in the Page 63 20th century we follow the injunctions of the Vedic seers in conducting the ten principal functions of our social life right from our birth to ...
... of truth and right thinking—visva dhiyo vi rajati. A governed & ordered activity of soul and mind, led by the Truth-illuminated intellect, is the aim of the sacrifice which Madhuchchhanda son of Viswamitra is offering to the Gods. For we perceive at once that the yajna here can be no material sacrifice, no mere pouring out of the Soma-wine on the sacred flame to the gods of rain & cloud, star & ...
... guardian of the Truth who increases in his own home. Do thou be easy of access as is a father to his child, cleave to us for the bliss. Page 457 [10] Hymns of Madhuchchhandas son of Viswamitra. A Hymn to Agni, the Divine Flame A hymn to Agni the divine Flame, priest of the sacrifice, bringer of the gods to man, giver of the treasures, protector and leader and king of the sacrifice ...
... sense that he was a creator of 'forms' with fully internalised qualities rather than those with only external features, and the dramatist's creation of 'brave new worlds' in the manner of the rishi Viswamitra who called up the special world of 'Trisankuswarga' mid-way between earth and heaven. That is, Shakespeare's drama does not content itself with 'hold(ing) the mirror up to nature' or with being 'a ...
... Commentaries and Annotated Translations Commentaries and Annotated Translations Mandala Three Hymns to the Mystic Fire [20] RV III.1.1-12 Viswamitra's hymn to Agni. 1) O divine Strength, bear me up, thou who hast made me strong to bear in the knowledge the Soma for life's sacrifice; brightening towards the gods I yoke to them my settled being ...
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