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Westminster : officially City of Westminster; one of the 32 boroughs of Greater London, in the heart of London’s West End. The term is also used for Westminster Palace & the House of Parliament.

19 result/s found for Westminster

... all these things?   "And they were offended in him____" 5   The natural comment on these verses is surely along the lines of D. E. Nineham's quotation from A. E. J. Rawlinson (Westminster Commentary, p. 75) in relation to the same incident as reported in an earlier Gospel, that of Mark (6:3): "The theory of the perpetual virginity of our Lord's mother had not yet arisen when this... "sister's son" (Colossians 4:10). But all subsequent translations are unanimous in setting right the mistake. For example, today's English Version on which the Protestant Canon David Edwards of Westminster Abbey bases his admirable Jesus For Modern Man 9 has: "Mark, the cousin of Barnabas." The prestigious Jerusalem Bible, which is a Roman Catholic publication with a "Nihil Obstat" from the church... col. 2. 28.  Ibid., p. 349. 29.  Ibid., p. 39, col. 1, note a. 30.  Ibid., p. 95, col. 2, note c. 31.  Ibid., note d. 32.  The Gospel of Mark (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1956), p. 150. 33.  Ibid., pp. 150-51. 34.  Ibid., p. 150. 35. Liddell and Scott, op. cit., p. 45, col. 1. 36.  St. Paul (London: The Home University Library, ...

... Examination is fixed for tomorrow I will write again as soon as I can add anything to the foregoing. Very truly yours E. A. Collier IV CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, WESTMINSTER. Case of Mr Arvinda A. Ghose Memorandum by the Senior Examiner, Civil Service Commission respecting the Examination in Riding. Ordered to be examined with the other probationers... accordingly K Dec. 5 Page 333 Correspondence Relating to Sri Aurobindo's I. C. S. Examination ¹ XVII CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, WESTMINSTER. 29th November 1892 Sir, I am directed by the Civil Service Commissioners to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (J & P 1926) of the 25th instant, transmitting for their co... but this house was definitely not affected. Yours faithfully, sd. V. H. Honeyhall, Community Recreation and Information Office 2.  London Country Council, Westminster Bridge, London S. E. 17th January, 1956. The only change to have taken place since 1879 is that No. 6, Burlington Road became No. 68, St. Stephen's Garden, W.2, with effect from 1 ...


... The trees -quiet. Even the houses are congealed into a sort of a trance. The nice, tender buds, the young leaves, so quietly beautiful. And I feel what Wordsworth has said in his bright sonnet "Westminster Bridge" 167 - I suppose you remember the last two lines: Dear God! The very houses seem asleep; And all that mighty heart is lying still! You actually feel that stillness... them. Then after this frivolous introduction, I'll come to the serious part, otherwise I'll be like the priest saying to another: "You rise by 167 "William Wordsworth, "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" (published 1807). Page 116 your gravity and I sink by my levity." 168 (Laughter) Well, I am trying to keep a balance between the two. (Laughter) So ...


... policy initiated by the genius of Parnell when by the plan of campaign he prevented the payment of rents in Ireland and by persistent obstruction hampered the transaction of any but Irish business in Westminster. It may attempt to make administration under existing conditions impossible by an organized aggressive resistance in the shape of an untiring and implacable campaign of assassination and a confused ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... might either according to its fortunes dissolve the still loose or compel a more coherent system. At present, however, this possibility is held back by the arrival of true Dominion Status and the Westminster Statute which make federation unnecessary for any practical purpose and even perhaps undesirable for the sentiment in favour of a practical independence. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... in "Aspects of New Testament Thought", The Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 795, col. 2. 9.  The Acts of the Apostles, translated with an Introduction and Interpretation (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1955), p. 1. 10.  Ibid. 11.  Searching the Scriptures (New York: Image Books, 1963), p. 116. 12. D. E. Nineham, The Gospel of St. Mark (Harmondsworth: The Pelican New ...

... Bultmann, Theology of the New Testament, Vol. I, trans. Kendrick Grobel (New York: Scribner's, 1951), p. 87. 11. In New Testament Apocrypha, trans. R. Mel. Wilson and others (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1963), pp. 72-73. Page 10 ...

... the specifically individual elements of Man - and in virtue of   7. The Design of Teilhard de chardin. An Essay in Theological Reflection, translated by Arthur Gibson (The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1967), p. 304, note 119. The passage form The Divine Milieu is quoted on p. 225. 8.Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ, p. 85. 9.The Prayer of Teiihard de ...

... Majesty, we poets always excel in fiction."" How neat and ingenious was the way of getting out of a difficult situation! (3) From Dr. Busby: Dr. Busby, presumably the headmaster of Westminster School, was a very small man. One day he was accosted by a very tall Irish baronet with: "May I pass to my seat, O giant!" "Pass, O pigmy!" said the doctor, making way for him. "Oh, sir ...

... will surely appreciate with pleasure how the real dig is here conveyed with surprising and ingenious brevity. Ex. 2: Here is the epitaph of the poet Gay as inscribed on his tomb in the Westminster Abbey: Life is a jest; and all things show it, I thought so once; but now I know it. 5 Ex. 3: Here is an epitaph composed by Dryden who allies humour with solemnity to ...

... the minorities. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he has moved a little. SATYENDRA: There is something else too. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh yes, that point about India's Dominion Status being equivalent to the Westminster Act? SATYENDRA: Yes, and then he has agreed to give a few seats to the leaders in his Assembly. SRI AUROBINDO: That is another concession, in place of his previous panel system. SATYENDRA: ...


... teeth at the vapourings of O'Donnell; we in India are no longer affected by their frown or by their smile. The sympathy of people beyond the seas is no longer our guiding star and what happens at Westminster is no concern of ours. We have to improvise our own means of meeting the Regulation lathi and other bureaucratic means of repression and we neither hope for nor desire its mitigation. If it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hardly be surprised at the affection of the Friend of India for absolutism and absolutist methods or the support it has given to the new Grand Mogul who now governs India on mediaeval principles from Westminster. Page 695 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Latin in order to hide its embarrassment. All Page 422 India, Moderate and Extremist alike, have begun to realise that the principles of Liberalism which are so loudly mouthed about in Westminster and on the hustings, are not meant to be applied to India. They may be applied to England and the Colonies but they are obviously unsuitable to a subject nation where the despotic supremacy of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... for Progress in Religion to the amount of roughly $1 million, slightly above the value of the Nobel Prize. It is the most lucrative prize in the world today, prestigious enough to be presented in Westminster Abbey by royalty. In this book Davies writes: “I would rather not believe in supernatural events personally. Although I obviously can’t prove that they never happen, I see no reason to suppose that ...

... Religion of Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, London, 1967), p. 262. 15. The Design of Teilhard de Chardin, An Essay in Theological Reflection, translated by Arthur Gibson (The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1967), pp. 121-22. Page 9 pantheism spells self-loss and facile inactivity for the present peak of evolution, the human person. He sought a compromise by differentiating ...

... be serious. Besides, talk of independence is absurd. England won't concede that, especially if after that you declare yourself neutral. When the British Government offered Dominion Status of the Westminster variety— NIRODBARAN: That was as good as independence and, as in the case of Ireland, the British Government could not force India to join the war. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and Egypt too. Suppose ...


... initiated by Page 81 Parnell when by the plan of campaign he prevented the payment of rents in Ireland and by persistent obstruction hampered the transaction of any but Irish business in Westminster. The second alternative course was the one illustrated by the first triumph of Russian liberty which involved a series of strikes on a gigantic scale that manifested widespread, desperate and un ...

... disliked any inroads into his privacy and said whatever his fancy dictated on the spur of the moment. Page 53 Woodroffe Ware, was solemnized at the Register Office, in the District of Westminster, County of Middlesex. One of the two witnesses was Augusta Rolfe, who is none other than the devoted Teresa. Théon's father is listed as: Judes L. Bimstein, Rabbi. Alma's father as: William ...