Index of words in Complete Works of The Mother (CWM)
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Index of CWM
Abdul Baha 2:l04-ll; 4:316-17
Abhimana 6:404-05
Absolute, the 11: 158
arriving at 16: 253
relative and 10:94
solution to 12:157
causes of and protection from 4 :63 ,121 ,268,272-76 ; 5: 119-20 ;
6 : l-3; 7:l47; 12:113; 16:323
chance and 4:148
in sports at Ashram 12:288-89; 16:413
to body 5:403-06
witnesses of 4:11
Achilles 10 : 278
according to opinion 10;236-"38
according to Shastra 10;318
acting like others 9:43-4B
against the Mother's will 1.7859,64
all belong to Divine 10:47 as a knot 8s70-72
as spontaneous expression of our character 2;50
atmosphere created by 3:198
attachment to 7;396-98 :
attitude towards 8S160-62; 16s48,181
bad 16;306-07
bad thought is a bad c- ct 5s 146-47
being and 10:319
"better to do than to say" 3:215; 9:94
by inner command 17;317
calmness and 8:330-31
centre of 2: 93
choice? or preference? 8;405-08
complete peace in 11:326
conforming to purest will 17;131
conscious and unconscious instruments of 8:174-75
consciousness of the Presence in 5;74-76; 68393; 10;295
consecrated, after identification 17:69-70
consequences of, intervention of Grace 2;57 ; 3;30; 5;363;
10:47; 14;24-25,230-31; 16:352
desire and 4:1-2
detachment from 4:163,278; 8:104,324-25
determined by temperament 2:50
devotion fulfilled in 10:331
directing in right way 2:70
discernment in 8:3
disinterested, bears its fruit 16:82
Divine see Divine action
divine will and 16:l81,337
doing the best possible 4:117,119-20; 9:94
during physical steep 2:32,35-37,106-07 ; 5:417; 16:232,357-58,37
effect of individual a. on mankind 10;71—74
ego Grace and 4:279-81 ego observing and spontaneous 6:402
enlightenment and impersonal 2:49-51; see also below impersonal
error and 10:172-73
escape from 7:292; 8:327-28
expression of our thoughts in 2:61
fear of being mistaken in 10:197
feeling and, in Japan 2:149
filling and fulfilling one's role 4;93
for contact with Divine 6:393; 16:181-82
for the right and good 16:48
for spiritual good of others 2:67-70
free and imposed 4:32-33
general words on 14;346-47
Gita on 7:398 Gita's spiritual 10:64
God and 10.-231
governed by the Elivine 6; 393
greatness inheres in motive of 10:285
harmony of 7 :1
illusion of 3:66-67
impersonal 2;49-54
impurity of 10:296
in accord with the Mother 17:70,79
in complete peace 11:326
inaction and 10:231
indication of value of 9:31-32
individual 4 ."253-54; 9: 5-6
inner freedom and 7:292-93
integral 2s70 interest in 4:277-78
intervening in someone else's 10:236-239
is the Divine 11:260
judging 4:38-42
knowledge and 10:319
lack of control over 17:376
mental complications hindering 2:84; l0:18l-82
mind and 2:92; 3:50; 4:3,6; 5:101; 6:463; 8:l90; 10;67,116-17;
15:329-30,333 misfortune and 10;49
motives and significance of 2:91!; 10:292-93
necessity of struggling and choosing 8:3
not determined by mind 10:116-17; see also above mind and not for personal considerations 16:48
object in 4:390 occult 16:34-35
observing oneself doing 7:19-20
of Avatar in universe 9:332-34
of bad thoughts 2:90-91; 53:146-47
of different wills on mankind 5;198-200
of Divine Grace 88:251,295,316-17,325,340; 10;19,233-34,247
of experiences 8:341-43
of the Force 8;10-13,71; 10:231,234
of hierarchy 10:71
of hostile forces 3:66 16:107-88
of human will on the Mother 10:230
of individual victory on the world 5:20
of the Lord 10:152-53
of love 16:210
of mankind 9:256
of the Mother 9;112-14; 11;92,100,171,270-71; 13;82-86,92-98; 17:82,304
of the new consciousness 11:226-33 17:366-67
of peace on body 4:266 ;
of religion 10:252
of the Spirit in the world 8:10-11
of Supreme Will 4:84,408
of thoughts and desire 2:61,84-92,106-08
of vibration from above and resistance to 10:232-33
of wymon during the war 2:144
of world personality 8:378-91
on a wide scale 17:259
only under Divine impulsion 10:l97
opinions and 10:236
organised on psychic screen 5:199-204
pausing before 17:80
people blind to the ugliness of their own 3:197
perception and 9:31-325 10:291
perfection of 8:175; 10:308-09
personal will .as one of Nature's means of 10:54
power of 2:90-91; 8:359-61
prior to understanding 10:l46
progress and 16:397-98
purification of 5:213-14
purity or impurity of 10:296
reason and 10:291
rest in 5:396-97
results of 4:279-81
right spirit in 9:95-97 rule of 4:13
self -forgetful ness in 4.363-65
silence and 2:l60; 3:67-68 9:113; 10-.294; 16:425; 17:310
soul and 10:295
speculation and 9:256-58
speech and 3:215; 9:94; 14:224-26
spiritual 2:68
spiritual life and 17:80
spontaneous 2:50; 6:402; 8:282-84; 9:30-31,3:18; 10:116
supramental 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:29,116-185 15:106
surrender in 4:373
That which causes 10:295
thought's incapacity for 8:359; 10:124,146
to conform to thought 2;24
transformation and 2:106-07
true 3867-68; 9:31-32
truth of diverse 8:408
truth transformed into 2:105
unconscious instrument of 8:174-75
understanding follows 10:l46
unitary field of 10:118
universal play and 3:60
unselfish 16:181
vibration of desire and will in 10:177-78
vision and 10:124-25
wastage of energy and 16:370-71
when being is unified 8:380-81
will and 5:46-48,129; 9:176
willed, and surronder 3:8-19
wisdom and 10:236
without attachment to result 7:396-98
without preference or desire 4:1,12,388; 7:292-93
without thought 10:l46 word s have power of 2:65
wrong 3:200,264; 17:100
yogic activity in 9:29-31,316-18; 14:36-37; 16:181-82
yogic aim of 4:390-91
abandoning 16:303
approaching the miraculous 9:95
contemplation and outer 4:123
during sleep 17:14,367; see also Bliss ; Joy Action, during physical sleep excessive material 10:231
hyperactivity 10;199
in Ashram 1ife 9:95
mental 8:359-66; 17:167
mental quietude and 16:345
passivity, receptivity and 6:112-14
rest and l7:l4
utilising energies and 16:24
selfless 3:158-59,175
only to the Supreme Lord 16:269
of the new being 17:366-67
of the new creation 17:396
the great adventure" 9:151
the supreme 8:40-41
true spirit of 7:327-28
the aspiration in 7:424
conquering 7:402? 16:136
liberation from 7:402-03
suffering brought by 7:402 see also Adverse forces Adverse Forces <Asuras; Hostile forces) 6:240,305; 8:269,373,393-9
11:257-595 14:160; 15:88,93,365-66,386
absolute truth can conquer 16:50
action of 3:66; 16:l87-88; 17:110,394-95,409-10
ambition and hoi d of 6:248
anger has nature of 10:81
anti-divine forces 5:180; 8:81; 16:10
as examiners 14:42-43
aspiration for disappearance of 10:l21
aspiration in 7:424
Asuras 5:98-100,375-79; 6:161,172-74,245-48;10:65; 15;322
16:388 attack <s) from
action against 3:33-35,188
conscious of 5:94-97
formations return as 7:81-82
illness and 3:55; 5:180-88
immunity to 7:143 '
in meditation 7:80--81
in various forms 5:158
indirect 5:102-03
losing Divine's protection brings 5:l67-68
on aspirants of yoga 5:157-58
protection against 7:82,147
repeated 5:94-95
symptoms of 16:19-20
boasting and 7:18
cause all world wars 5:305-07
"censors" 9:279-60
conquering 9:5-9 16:50
Page 4
conscience and 16:348
conversion of 4:l88; 5:98-100,375-77, 6;161,174,245-48,435-37;
10:82-82; 17:216
cyclone and 17:20
death of people <3overned by 6:246-47
definition of 10:65 fn
delay transformation 7:2,406
depression created by 3:139
despair and 10:56
destruction of 7:307; 10:99
discernment of 5:102
distort Divine will 3:l70
distort the vital 3:73
the Divine and 6:169-73; 15:22-29; 16:388
domain of death and 6:55
Durga's fight against 5:97-98
emanations'of the first four 4:1885 5:372-82 ; 6:172-74,247-48;
existence conditioned by 6:462
fear and 6:49,51; 16:189,330
fight against 3;211
formations of 6:41-42,55 ,214-15
function of 7:17-19,366,403
gods and 16:370,381
the greatest beings of Light 4:119,180; 5:375-78; 6:172-74
have perverted love 10:213
hate the beautiful, noble and pure 5:99-100
how to face 4:169
humanity and 11:258; 15:24
in guise of friend 5:157-58
the in conscience 5:373
influence of 5:234-36; 6:305,434-38
insincerity and 9:306-07
instruments of 5:235; 16:190
Jehovah is chief 10:93
last chance of 6:459-60
"The Lord of Falsehood" 4:184-88
passim", 5:376-79
"The Lord of Nations" 4:185-88
passim; 5:98-99,376-79
lower nature and 16:189
microbes of the vital 6:l91
money and 6:251
most active before great accomplishments 6:240
necessary 3:34,66
never tempt 16:14
no action on psychic world 3:62
of destruction 16:8-9
oppose divine manifestation 7:406
patience against 16:188
perversion of mind by 10:87
physical mind under sway of 3:61
possession by 5:97; 6:245-48,434-37; 16:249 progress
and 7:16,18; 8:22-23; 10:120-22
protection against 7:02
Rakshasas 15:26
raison d' etre of 4:188,252; 5:95,98
Havana 5:326,328,379
rescuing life from 7:406
resisting 5:235
role in creation 10:120-22
sacrifice to 8:81 sadhana and 10:56
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seizing Sri Aurobindo's teachings 15:408-10
sex and 15:24-25
sincerity and 5:95; 7:18,366
sovereign sway over material world 9:4
struggle of, with the new spiritual force 9:5,297-98
suffering and 15:360
tests of 4:354; 17:334,3:35
theory of world-illusion and 9:4
tradition, rapid union with the Divine 53328-29
transformation and 7;2,406; 16:384
transformation of 5:95
trap of 16:188-89
victory against 5:235-36
vigilance against 16:187
will disappear with disappearance of ego 3:218
world under influence of 5:235-36
cf. Force(s); Formations; Vital beings; Vital entities
Advice 5:303
from the Mother 17:l96
giving and receiving 17:37
never 1isten to bad 17:67
Affection 17:44
love and 6:134
Affinities 17:94 Age <AQJng) 3:238; 15:l28-29,
supramentalised body and 16:324
Agni 14:168; 17:81
difficulties burned by 17:148
f1ame of
aspiration, will 7:373; see also Aspiration, f1ame of
conversion of vital and 3:l38
fulfillment of 16:363
kindled by the Mother 17:106
purification and progress 10 :76
psychic flame and 16:208
see also Firej Flame "Agni" (Hindi youth magazine) 17:332
Aim/Goal 4(164,181,213,351,356
become true to 17:250
bourgeois ideal 9:65
definite, in this life i ;::.
definition of 5 ."
central motive of earth existence 9 :208-09
earth-worm existence 5s394
egoistic 16:269-70
everyone should have 12s3
for children 12:432-33
high, vast 5:392-94
ideal of attitude in action 9:29-31
ignorance and 10:260
in work 8:160-61
individual 5:203,303,357
love is the way and 16:211
the Mother's only 58352,354-56; 17:65,385
never forget 16:378
of action 4:390-91
of the body 4:123,326-27
of concentration 4:8-9
of creation 3:31-32; 10:48; 11:268,289 ; 16:283-84
of evolution 98182-83,321-23
of efxiatence 8:120; 16:386 ,421 ,425 ,432
Page 6
of former spirituality 9;298
of human life 2:125-27; 5:392-93; 8:l76, 368; 12:18,312; 14:3-8;
16:429-30; l7:381 of incarnation 2:52
of individual 1ife 5:203,303,351
of integral yoga 16:392
of last Avatar 8:270
of life on earth 2:39,49; 4:117-18; 7:211; 8:120,176: 9; 15-19, 20B-10 ,253-54 ; 10:291 ; 12:3-8 , 18 :312-13 ( 14: 3-8 ; 15:82-84 ;
16;386,429-30,432; 17:102,381; see also Life. aim of;
Man/Mankind, aim of life
of nature 2:157-58
of physical education 8:243; 12 :275-78,298
of psychic being 4:149
of spiritual life 10:291
of Sri Aurobindo 6:314-15
of Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:394; 81179-87,366,386 ; 9:17-19
of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 7;391
of studies 8:364-66
of yoga 3:30,38,64; 6:440-42
peace 9:298
possessor of all names 2:25
progressive integral Iran '.a format ion 9:107-11
seeing clearly the 9:17-19
sincerity leads to 4:74,252
to know the Divine 16:428
to realise perfection 17:361
yogi's, in science 8:158
Alcohol 6:74-76
Allah 2:125 All-Consciousncss
leaving decisions to ll:l84 Alternations
cause of 16:133
Altruism 10:282-85,314
Ambition 17:109,119,221,235,297,330
canker 5:8
creating better than the Divine 5:16
fire that burns 3;4
hold of adverse? forces and 6«248
in the mind 16:54
pulling the divine forces 5:22
sadhana and 6:237-38
service to humanity 3:9; 5:12-16; 14:296
undoing of many Yogis 3:7-8
vital conversion and 5:255-56 America
Japan and 5:343
the Mother's message for 13:387
message of 1949 15:64
presence in Viet Nam 16:337-38
worth of a man in 7:311-12
youth in 11:1 ,6 Amour-propre's 5:144; 17:343
ridiculous 16:194 Ananda 11:2
aspect of the Mother, descent of 6:291-95,302-04
"content" of 11:43
cruelty and 10:107
divine pleasure 8:121-22,192,369
evaluation of vibrations and 11:11
Page 7
God is 10:345
in the physical 14:385
in the sex-centre 17:76
of creation 8:226
of identity and union 8:226-27
perversion of 16:399
pleasure and 6:292; 8:121; 16:297-98,390
purpose of manifestation of 16:390
suffering and 11:112-14,141
Supreme; Lord and 16;297-98
see a 1 so BIiss ; Joy
nature of 10:311
individual and 10:306
Angels 4:165
many names for 7:161
world of 7:160
Anger 7:89,107,114,141,206,348,421; 16:198
belongs to lower humanity 10: 278-79
comes from vital 16:336
consciousness and 4:179
control over 4:170: 8:350-53; 16:193; 17:364,376
deformation of vital power 10:81
feeling results of 16:26
received from atmosphere 8:54,393
removing 16:6
right attitude and 6:340 Anguish
unnecessary and useless 16:371-72 Anima 17:81-82 Animal<s> 13:247
after death 17:290-91
animality in man 7a329? 0:368,377-78
ants 5:154,267; 8: 60
attitude towards 17:104
cats see Cats
chickens 6:65-67; 8.S80
compassion for 17:174
consciousness in 9:211
cow as sacred 17:280 ,
cruelty to 6:65-67; 16:ll0
diseases in, cause of 5:273
dogs 5:248; 6:182-83; 17:4
fascinated by human language 9:222
fear and 5:241; 7:28-29
fear in 6:49-51
get taste of food? 17 : 246
the giraffe 5:251
harmonise with Nature 7:53
helper and bar 17:110
humanity and 11:26
in circuses 7:28
insects, creation of vital beings 5:149-50,309
instinct of 4:27-203 ; 9:304
lost in contact with man 5:274 more reasonable than man's 9:100-01 procreation in 5:149
intelligence in ants, cats 8:60
life of see. Animal life
1ove and 6:102,106-07
Page 8
love for man in 5:240-42
man and 7:325; 9:100-01 ,180 ,218-22 .; 14:292-93; 15:367-69; 16:402-03
man not understood by 9:271
man, the supramental being and 11 ;46,51-52
marvellous qualities in 7:330
mastery of 3:166
maternal love in 5:244-45
mental life of 4:167,240
need to be something else 9:232-33
no ill-will in 5i149-52
psychic being in 3:l51; 4;26-28; 7:100
rebirth as 3:145
reincarnation of 7;99—100
repulsion felt towards certain 3:100-02
sacrifice of 5:347-485 6:65-67; 8:8O
senses developed in 4:236-39
significance of
antelope 17:8
birds 17 :4
cat 17:6
deer 17:3-4
dog 17:4
dove 17:6
elephant 17:4
goat 17:8
hare 17:5
lion 17:3,ll
monkey 17:l59
parrot 17:4
peacock 17:4-5
pelican 17:7
pig 17:9,240
reindeer 17:6
scorpions 17:56
seal 17:4
snakes 17:56
swan 17:4
snake, remedy alongside the evil 5:365; see also Serpent species, with its special qualities 9:232
spirit of the species 4:236-39; 5:149,305; 17:291 spiritual presence in 9:339
strength and stillness of 8:330-31
vanity of 4;29-30; 11;261
victim's love for slayer 5:151-52
violence and 6:372
see also Animal ...
Animal kingdom 16:234
Animal life.
spontaneous 9:303
tendency to imitate 9:238
Anxiety 14:239
due to self-concern 16:121
fear and, from desire 2:90
stop, in relation to a child 17:415
apocalyptic vision of prophets 9:300-01
deceptive in physical world 10;300
destruction of 10:99
knowledge and 10:l7-20
passim of Divine as cruel 10:106
Page 9
ordinary consciousness and 10:79
outward, and l Truth 16:391-92
reality and 10:17
reveals inner reality 10:300
soul and 10:23-24
sublime reality behind 10:46
truth and 10:46
truth behind all 10:45
wisdom and 10:17-20 passim
Jews and 13:389-91
Arbre Ensoleille 12:333-34
Archetypes 7:122,352
Argent 6:253
Aristophanes 10:147,156,354
Arrogance 6:241
Art 15:249-50
"artistry", need of contrast 9:27-28
as an imitation of Nature 10:249-50
attitude of yogi towards 8:158-59
"beacon", inner, turned towards 5:l28
beauty in 4:311-12
Buddhist temple 5:326
cubism 5:333
curve of 4:302
decorative 5:341
the Divine expressed in 5:321-22; 8:158-59,191
drama, sensational 3:108; 5:223-24
evolution of 5:333-39
future 7:190
history of 4:298-302
impressionist 4:301
Indian 3:108-10; 4:312-13; 5:341-42
in Egypt, Greece, India, Japan 3:108-10
Japanese 4:306-09
1ife and 3:108-10
machinery and 10:323
modern , 5:333-34; 7:45-47,188-90; 10:323
the Mother's reactions to, 7:188-90
"mushroom species 3:108-11; 5:337-41
nature and 10:249-51
obstacle to 5:337-38
of Second Empire 4:301
old painting 7:109-90
painting, source of 7:351-52
photography and 4:300
photography as medium of 7:45-48; 10:250
raison d'etre of 3:332-33
realising the Divine through 5:83
real ism 4:302
Renaissance 4:301
science or 5:128-29
specialisation and 6:18-19
stained glass 7:47-48
stained glass windows 5:321
subtle—physical and 16:118
synthesis of East and West in 5:342-43
true and highest 3:104
truth in 3:110; 4:313
unity in 5:339-40
use of special powers 9:90-93
Page 10
value of 5:76,83
vital world and 3:106-07
war's effect on 4:302-03
Yoga and 3:104-13; 3:l58-59
see also Artist<s> Music; Musician(s); Photography; writers
attitude of 8:159
Cezanne 4:300
compare work of Supreme Lord to 10:40
creation of earth compared to that. of 10:220
definition of 5:321,325
Dutch painter of Sri Aurobindo's portrait 5:368
expressing the Divine 5:321-22; 8:158-59,191
function of 5:332~33
great artists of the same period 4:311
imitators and creators 10:310
infuses consciousness into hands 5:261-62; 8:319-20; 10:30
irregularity of conduct 3:106
Leonardo da Vinci 3:1105; 4:301
Manet 4;301
Moreau, Gustav, disciple of 4:298
painter's fame-hungry vital 3:l38
painter's perception of sitter's atmosphere 5:388
private lives of 4:156
self-satisfaction, an obstacle to 5:337
sense of moral beauty 6:71-72; 7:58
signature of 5:342
survival of death 3:146
true 4:364
will in action and surrender 3:47-48
Yoga and 3:104-13
see al so Art; Musicians; writers
Arya see Sri Aurobindo <2), works of
Asceticism/Ascetics 5:117-18; 6:63-70; 10:l96,313; 12:21,48-50;
16:190; 17:306,320-21
avoids contagion of men 4:75
beauty and consciousness of 7:181-85
by preference 10:302
egoism 4:334
fasting and practices of 9:117-18
in a past 1ife 4;148
leads to pride 6s301,428-29
love of humanity and 10s83
paganism and 10;322
practices of 5:171-72; 9:ll7-18
renunciation of pleasure and 6s292,301-02
self-torture 6:182
spirituality and 3:53-54
value of 10: 294
way of relating to Divine 10:114
way of, suppresses the problem 4:179,382
womin and 10:301
see also Austerity; Discipline; Tapasya
Ashram. Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Aspiration(s) 2:19,126; 9:191; ll:6,265; 12:427; 14:75-81
activity of 6:112-13; 11:192-94
agnostics and 5:144
altruistic 2i68
answer to 5:57-58
ardent 17:190,198
as Grace given to man 5:89
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as the positive side of Yogic work 6:22
awakens identity 11:64-65
bargaining and 4:101
best form of meditation 4:104-05
calm, 5 :396-97 5:17:111-12
c1ing to 11:262
common, for progress 2:69
concentrated over centuries 6:271-72
concentration and 10:300; 16:86-07,160
consecrating oneself to highest 16:276
constant 432,34,343-44; 5:170 8:211
contradiction of 16:378 ,
correct 3:249
crystallised in legendary accounts 10:62
desire and 4:101,136-37,336, 6;336-38,4:98; 7:64,241-438 16:409
development of 4:343
difficulties and 4:180,383; 14:243,246,249
Divine accepts all sincere 10:345; 16:172
Divine aspires, not you 8:79
Divine Grace and 16:252 ; 17:21,139
doubt and 5:396-97
drawing down an evolutionary being 5:265
effective 17:279
effort in 5:89; 8:24,- 10:244,300.( 16:294
expression of, in outer life 8:247-48
external conditions and 8;161--62
fire of 16:184,363; 17:127-28; see also be 1ow flame of
first thing necessary 3:1; 4:67
flame of 3:208-09; 5;142-43,350; 7:373; see also above fire
of; see also Agni
for the Absolute 7:93
for active identification 10:198
for disappearance of adverse force;10:121 ,
for the Divine 6:133,176-77; 14.-230; 16:177,359,371
for Divine love 4:244
for Divine perfection 10:58,288
for Divine union through outer act' of worship 8:235-36
for exceptional children 4:145,168,260
for faith 6:121,394,403-04
for greater knowledge and wisdom 2:60
for the Infinite 16:423
for the Mother's love and peace17:61,76
for superman, the birth of 2:157
for the supreme realisation 10:85
for transformation 9:19l; 16:391
for understanding 7:239
for union 8:235-36
for yoga 7:214
force that answers depends an quality of 3:98-99
formulate in quietness 17:361
free from words 6:99 ,
frees one from social ties 17:198
from the heart 6:389; 16:172,225
fruits of 17:159
fundamental seat of 3:130
greatest in silence 17:380
harmonising power of 10:233-34
highest 17:131
human 5:89.5 10:244
ignorance and 10:27; 16:359
ignoring deep 2:50-51
Page 12
immobility and 11:193-94
impetus towards the new race 2:164
in the cells 4:339; 5:57; 6:392; 16:369; see also Mother's body, the, aspiration of
in plants 3:132
individuality and 11:185
individual's, for collective ascent 5:250
the In-finite and 16:423
intense 7:196; 10:66,200-02
intermittent 17:103
is always good 17:264
knowledge and 10:256
lighting the psychic fire 8:252
meaning of 3:168
meditation and 17:14
mental 5:293; 16:225-26; see also below psychic and mental mental
curiosity and 8:206-07
miracles and 10:161,165
mistakes and 5:l42-43; 10:177
mixed with desire 6 :328 , 336-38 ,409 ; see also above desire and mixed with violence 6:420-2l
not many bring 11:252
of Asuras 7: 424
of body 3:130-32; 5:293; 6:139-41; 9:160-64; 10"227; 16:369
of different parts of the being 5:395; 6:391; 7:422-23
of Japanese people 2:150
of love 17:185
of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the, aspiration of nations 10:309
of the physical mind 11:95
of the psychic 4:145; 14:79
of the psychic being 4:168;;
persist in 16:268; 17:103
physical 5:293
planes of 5:143,293-94
prayer and 5:92-93,141-45
pressure on the outer crust pride and 5:351
progress and 6:175-77,337-38,386-87; 8:205-075 10:34; 16:304-05
psychic and mental 7:9; 8:22,235-36; see also above mental pulling and 11:25; 14:80-81
realisation and 8:174,244-46
realising desire and 7:241-43; see also above desire and receptivity and 5:397; 6:115-18
rejection and 6:329-30
remain concentrated in 16:86-87
remedy for inertia 11:193; 16:309
replaced by laziness; 10:200
resistance and 6:242-44
response of supramental consciousness 8:178
response to 4:98--99 right attitude in 8s124 sincere 5:159,350; 16:145,171,365;
somewhere in the being 17:304-05
spiritual 4:165,304; 5:293
spiritual experiences and 16:323
spontaneity and sincerity in 5:350
suffering and 4:295; 11:41-44
sufficient to attract That 10:170
the supramental descent and ll:314
tapasya and 4:343-44
Page 13
taste for adventure is 8:40
tears and anguish 16:371
technique and 4:42
to be what the Mother wants 16:369; 17:374
to contact psychic 17:369
to do one's beet 4;117,119
to feel the Divine Will 4:2,115
to find the Mother again 17:127,365
to find the Supreme Lord 17:379
to grow 8:25
to help others 17:377
to know and to serve 17:159,377,380
to live within 10:268
to open the heart 17:96
to overcame inertia 17:25
to receive energy 16:124
towards Sun and truth 2s2B
twelve men aspiring 8:93
two modes, joy and anguish 83249-51
vigilant 4:180,335,360,362
virtue and 8:143
vital 5:293
will and 4:2,117,254,282-83; 17:12
period (s) of 3:88; 16:252
of overcoming difficulties 16:169
of receiving help 17:189-90
of sincerity 17:386
of victory 16:122,145
that nothing is impossible 16:l86,
Astrologers 12:158
Astrology 4:312; 15:37-38; 16:306,402
as a language 7:369
half-knowledge 9:284-85
horoscope 8:91; 9:285; see also Horoscope
Asuras <ASUPIC forces) see Adverse forces Asuric being
possession of the body by 16:249
see also Possession Atavism 224 ; 12:427-28
character and 7:375-76
difficulties from 4:160-62,198,261
heredity and 7:3765 8:25,52,198,200
liberation from 4:262
subconsclent and 4:2615 16:282
see also Heredity Atheism
definition 10:363
utility of 10:286
Atheist 10:251; 16:366-67
God as the 10:57,363
hate of 10:341
view of creation and evolution 10:344 Athens 10:21
purpose of 12:275-77
dry coconut image of 7 a 206
Page 14
agitated 17:56,414
alien influence in 17:150,197
full of egoism 17; 114
heavy physicial 17; 193
in the' Sri Aurobindo Ashram 17:111-12
jealousy creates bad 16:116
mental, bad thoughts in 8:207-10,309
of a country 4:223,230
of discord 17:171
of others 17:97,121,140
suitable for study 17:160
personal , made of one's vibrations 16:13,32
idea of another dimension 4:139
presence of the Divine in 4:139,240
psychic in 4:141; Atomic bomb 15:48
of Attachments; 3:9 affection and 17:44
affinities and 17:94
expression of 17:132
freedom from 10:196
getting rid of 16:377-78
indications of 16:197
1ife without 16:157
love and 16s409
not desirable for spiritual progress 17s132
old 17:393
overcoming 16:303
repulsion and 17:22
sentimental and vital 17:132
"teguments of the soul" 7;340
Attacks 17;33,59-60,365,3:8,393
immunity to 7:143
from adverse forces see Adverse -forces, attacks from
of minor spasms 17:413 Attention
concentrated, to music 16:232
concentrating the 9:360-61
development of 12:25
turned towards oneself 16:131
necessary for the spiritual life 6:96-97
see also Awareness; Consciousness At i11 a the Hun 16:34-35 Attitude
all depends on 16:181 ,
between the Mother and others 12:332
can transform circumstances 6:123-25
commercial 8:129-30,133"34
conciliating and understanding 17:411
digestion and 3:292
education and 12:340
egoism in inner 6:28-29
enlightenment and 2:49
experience of pain or pleasure and 10:247
for coming to the Mother 17:128
Gait's, towards God 10:l02
highest possible 3:170-715 8:408
hostile, of two sexes 2:145
Page 15
ideal of complete consecration 7:192
in asking from the Divine 8:123-25
in games 4:308-89
in offering 4:133
in studies 8:364-66
in typical meditation 2:29
in vital, of depression 17:405
in work 4:33,163,215; 8:160-61,166
in yogic life 16:181
inner 2:655; 4:403; 6:28-29} 8;208; 16:290
mental, to body 8:141
mental, with Guru 4:76-77,91
of allowing the Divine to act 17:l77
of average man to the Divine 3:2-3
of a baby-cat 4:94
of blaming the Grace 4:361
of breathing up above 11:228
of children 12:340,442-43
of consciousness 12:367
of intervention and non-interference 10:237:38
of service to the Divine 17:l80
of teachers 12:185-86
of true love 2:40
of the true vision 8:398
of the? yogi (to science arid art) 8:158-59
one absolutely indispensable 16:279
outer and inner 2:65
power of right 3:154-55,170-71
receptivity and 5:371
right 6:40-41; 7:32? 15:244; 16;179-80
scientific 2:128
study and progress 6:154-55
to avoid harm 17:109
to the new consciousness 8:129
towards animals 17:104
towards captains and teachers 12:160
towards difficult life 10:58
towards Indo-Pakistan war 17:376
towards the past 17:301-02
towards poverty 10:268
towards thought 2:75
towards transformation 10:304
true 17:69,139,302,392
drifting from 17;135
equality as 10:59
in Ashram 7:394
in work 7:391
towards what one does not know 10:27 Yogic 3:9 '
Western, towards God 10:102
with regard to others 10:22-233 17:57
Attraction(s) 3:89-90; 17:62
for the Mother 17;330
of farces in nature 16:177
repulsions and 16:l97
AUM <OM> 2:64; 12:449
Aura 10:238
Aurobindo, Sri see Sri Aurobindo
Auroville 11;174-75; 13:193-356,- 17:328,331
Aspiration talks 13;317-355
Charter of 13:199-201
Page 16
children of 12:425
cinema and 12:246
collective experiment 10:270
early conceptions of 13:257-282
ideal of Ashram and 10:270
land of, aspires 16:3
marriage and 13:242-43
Matrimandir 13:229-33 ,283-316
money, Government and 13:275-81
organisation of 13:205-06,225
personal property in 13:195,208,213-215
physical culture of 13:344-45
poverty and 10:269-70
raising money for 13:252-56
reason for establishing 10:269
relations among Aurovilians 13:206-08
relations with local villagers 13s248~51
religion and 13:212-13,226
rules in 13:245-46,352-53
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 10:270; 13:202,209-11
suffering and 10:270
to be an Aurovitian (conditions for living in) 13:198-97, 203,
Austerity 12:48-50
mental 12:57
of feelings 12:64-71
vital 12:55-57
see at so Asceticism/Ascetics; Discipline; Tapasya Authority 12:l95
human, a symbol 4:92 Authors
modern 12 :325-26
see also BooK's writers
Automaton 6:212
generosity and 3:119-20
Avatar<s) 13:22; 14:87; 15 :20- 21 ,299-300; 17:76
aim of 1ast 8:270
Avatarhood 13:50
birth of the Eternal on earth 9:177-78
Buddha as 7:296-97
Christ as 10:61; 17:76
definition 10:61
highest form of love 12:69
in Kaliyuga 16:272
incarnations of the One Eteing 9:197
meaning of 7:296
miracul OUES momentia in. csarth life 7:418
necessity in the world of divine emanations 5:275-76
of Vishnu and Shiva 7:297
one cannot realise supramental 1ife 10:138 .
origin of all 9:332-334
Rama 10:311
reason for incarnation of 5:388-89; 8:167-68
Satyavan, in Sri Aurobindo's epic 5:391
special action of each 9;197
Sri Aurobindo as 10:255
superniind and 10:255
truth of 10;254-55
two perfections 9:93-94
Vibhuti and 4:398-99
Page 17
work of 3:178-79
by identity, true knowledge 3:178
knowledge and 3s 167
of difficulties 16:284; 17;85,93,112,119,130,310,322
of the Divine 7:240
of forces & 8:19-20
of origin at one's movements 4:38-40
progress and 16:31-32
see also Attentiveness Consciousness
in caring for things 16:183
Page 18
Bach, Johanne Sebastian 3:111-13; 5:76,78,262
good and, defined 3:185 ; 8:5-6; 15:330-31; 16:120,135,171,277,378
see also Ev i 1
Bad action 16;306-07
Bad adv ice
never listen to 17:67
Bad atmosphere
created by jealousy 16:116
Bad feelings 16:113; 17:81,90
Bad state 17;99,389
Bad thoughts 2:90-91; 5;146-57; 7:81; 8:-10,309,349;
9 :252-54; 16 ; 129 ,262
see also Evii1
Bad will (I11-wi11) 5:145-50,167; 17:395
against someone 5:146,100-81
cause of illness 5:179-88; 15:158-59
depression 17:74
Kali and 16:143
none in animals 5:149-52
stronghold of 16:426
BahaUllah 2:104-05; 4:316
Bahai religion 2:104
Balance 3;190-915 8;286; 14 :185
harmony, progress and 7:56; 10:266
in work 168.132
lack of causes misery 4:40
loss of 17:168
medical science of perfect 4:63
obsession and 4:346
of the being 16:77
of forces 4:251
of health for the body 8:368; 16:131; 17:7
perfection and 4:14-16,24
rest to recover 17:346
to attain true Union 16:175
Bargaining 17:99,108
being beaten and 16:13
giving to God 10:95
Beatitude 14:196
ego and 10:278
1iving 16:365
ready for us 11:325
Beauty 12:234-35,239; 13:380-81; 15:6,249-51; 17:84,340
adverse forces, hate the beautiful, noble, pure 5:99-100
"aesthetic conscience" and 7:181-85
art and 13:380-81
artistic 4:3:11-12
artists' sense of 6:71-72; 7:58
belief in the Divine and 16(342-43
body, making it harmonious 4:54-57; 5:114-16; 10:300; 15:373
children should aspire for 12:16-17,21
cosmic consciousness and knowing 5:331
Divine presence is joy and 7:402; 8:122
each has its own particular 16:91
education and 12;20-21
expression of divine 8:216
form and 7:182,279
home of 4:403
ideal of a womin's physical 8:243; 12:298-99
imagining beautiful life 4:155; 5:387-88
in Japan 2:150;4:306-09; 5:325
in physical world 10:300.
in poetry 7:279; 17:341
influence of a beautiful story 8:118-19
love and admiration of 5:234-35
manifestation of harmony and 3:109-10,113
modern art and 4:297,299
of giving a rose 4:l66; 5:242-43
of the hideous 10:46,70
of soul and body 10:300; l5:373
of thoughts 2:60; 5:388
of tree in growth 5;113-14
perception of, behind all things 10:72
physical 4:55-57
physical culture and 12:287
place of, in yoga 8:216
relative ideals of 8:58
religion and 7:l74
Sachchidananda principle of Supreme 10:45
sense of
cruelty and 6:71-72
in different countries and races 5:330-31
in flowers 4:166-67
in itself 5:331
in the vital 4:165-66
simplicity, freedom and 10:323
spontaneous flowering of 5:242-43
supramental 16:78
suprarationa! 7:168,174,181,184
tapasya of 12:50-55
true 4:l66; 5:331
truth and 7:279
ugliness and 10:45-46; 16s78
Beethoven, Ludwig von 3:111-13; 5:76,262,264
Beggars 16:407
Behav i our
ignorance and obscure 17:142
of children after school 12:364-65
absorbed in consecration 16:385
action and 8:380-81; 10:319
advent of new 16:436;17:366-67
animal, man and supramental 11:46,51-52
aspiration drawing down an evolutionary 5:265
asuric 16:249
balance in 16: 77
becoming the Divine by identity 8;94,109-10,284-85,377-79
changing the way of 4:121-22,253,262,333,373
conflict in 16;156-57
consciousness of all elements of 2:128-295, 4:34,233,236:5,l02
consciousness of physical 12:347
contact with outer 6:427-28 ,
death and 5:138-39 .
delight of 8:226-27,327; 9:l-2, 11:109
depths of 17:372
development of 8:396
different states of 7:295-96; 16-432
difficultiess help lead 6:386-87
direct contact with true 11:120-27
Divine at centre of 7:193,240; 16:377
the diivine and physical 16;359
gone astray 17 :62
homogeneity in 5 :8-11
incarnation of the One9:197
inconacience in 9:330-34; 11:27; 16:157
inner,seeking rovenge in dream 2 :32
inner 1aws of one's 3 :278-79 ; 4 :327
inner states of 16:236,331
judging another's state of 9:l31
Kali, a real 6:68
lack of unification of 16:360-61
learning to enrich 7:313
lower 6:442-45; 16:154
man is a transitional 10 :87,299; 12:ll6
the Mother's knowledge; of truth of 6:l65-66
Nirvana behind all planes of 7:248-49,318
parts of 6:316-17; 17:90
aspiration of different 5:395; 6;391-925; 7:422-23;17:304-05
assimilation and 16:252
becoming aware of higher- 6: 421-23
education of 1ower 17:113
experiences translating into a1 8:342,380-81
faith in different 7 :115-16
insignificant 5:1
pure, can tact with in s1eop 16:376
reason guiding one 9:98-112
sattwic and tamasic 16:l57
some open, some veil, the consciousness 6:394
surrender of 6:219-20
withholding consent 6:128,133
witness in differerft 6:426
yoga in one 17:94
personality and central l7:85
progress and change of 4:l00-03,116
the psychic and 9 :16-17;228-29 ; 10 :29-30
psychic see Psychic being
sense of unity of the 10:281
spiritual base indispensable for 8:367-68
spiritual laws of each 8:141-42
strong being is quiet . 16:125
supramental see Supramental being
that will succeed man 17:366
there is only One see Divine the alone exists
transforming the whole 16:368; 17:81
truth of 4:36; 6:27-28;8:52, 124 ,325; 10:l38; l2:351; 17:l82
truth of deformed 6:165-67
truth of every 8:136,141-42,280-81,326,387,396
True see True being
twelve senses in developed 4:230,235
understanding and 7 :239
unification of (unifying) 4 :81 ,88-89;5:134-36,; 11:290-92,
307; 12:3-4; 16:362-63,377-78,396,410,412-13;17:82-83
unity in 8:285; 10:281
vision of a marvellous, in the Inconscient 9:332--33
vital see Vital being
the whole, saying " I am Yours" 16:162,378
will and2:30-31
see also Central being; Exterior OP being ;Exterior being ;outer being; overmind
being; Physical Being
dissolving adverse 5:96-97,119
evolutionary and involutionary 5:324
"family of beings", consecrated to same work 5:2
help of fairy-like 4:275
in mental wortds 7:l61
independent 9:50
integral and external 16:303; 17:68
mental 4:62; 8;35; l6:l96
of higher worlds 4:165,184,196
of other worlds 7:157-62 , . '
on other planets 7:166
predestined 6:386-87
possession of body by rakshasik 16:249
thoughts as 1iving and active 2:28
vedic Rishis, involutionary . 7:360-61
see also vital beings
Beings who help human beings 17:49-50
"he who is not credulous." 3 :224
in the Divine 16:341-43
in reincarnation, in India ,16:366
knowledge .and l0:20; 16:20
Benevolence 14:200-0l
Bengal 13:368
Beylion, Hector 6:379-81,383:84
Bhagavat Purana 10:60
Bhakta(s)3:10-11; 10:331-64; 16:171,298-99,471
Bhakti 6:174-75; 10:331-64
story of Esau and Jacob 6: 161-62
ibliothegue choisie 12:329-31
according to the ideal 2:l53-54
aspiration for superman's 2:157
begin education at or before 12:9; 17:372
changing consequences of 7:375-76
choice of 6:26-27
day of Christ's 4:6
direct method of transmutation 9:84-86, 128-31
formation of new bodies in supraental life 9 :65-87;129-31
new 9:18-19,136,431-32; 17:193; see also New birth
of soul 8:198,200-93,215,333-38
of the Eternal on earth 9:177-78
stupor of physical 5:217,353,412
Birth control 17:280
Birthday 17 : 172,374,381
how to spend 16:413
the Mother's cards on 16:347
true meaning of 16:310,396-97
why we celebrate 7:336
Bltterness 17:298-99,333
Black magic 17:414-15
always put on others 6:77
blaming oneself 16:289-90,309-10
cf Relations with others (Relationships)
BIancpain, Marc 12:325
Blavatsky, madame 4:275
asking for the Mother's 17:65
difficulties as 17 :406
of the Mother see Mother (2), the, blessings of
of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo l7:109,191-92,198,213,357
feeling like blind man 16: 179
of physical mind 10:205; 16;205
Bliss 14:196
desire and 17:107-08
drop of honey is Divine 9 :23-25
is precious 16:122
true delight 9:8-9,40; 12:l6
see also Ananda; Joy
Divine 1ove and 10 :58
from the Divine 4:l22; 10:48,57-58; 16:92
the Mother giving 16:91,170
utilise for progress 16:92
Boasting 17:167,209
Body 12:247; 14:383-86,389-90; 15:129-30,374
accidents and subtle physical 4:268-69
accidents to 5:403-06
action of peace on 4 :266
after death 15:132-33
asceticism and 6: 70 ; see also Ascetictsm/Ascetics
aspiratian in the physcal 3:l30-32; 5:293; 6: 139-41; 9:160-64;
10:227; 11:13-15; 16:369
asuras and 6:173-74
attacks to, immunity to 7: 143
attitude of breathing up above 11:228
austere habits for 12:49-50
Avatar and Vibhuti takingphysical 4:398-99
balance of helth for 8:368; 16:131; 17:7
beauty and harmony of 4 :54-57; 5:114-16; 10:300; 15:373
bearing pressure of time 16 :366
becoming almost non-existent doing exercises 5:56
beyond physical laws 10:229
bodily mechanism, an instrument 5: 75
body-mind see Body-mind; Material mind
cells of see Cells (of the body )
changing the 7 :105
character and 6:1-2
collaboration of 16:370
compared with thought 4:219-20
conquest in 8:40;1-402
conscious hands 4:404
conscious will helps in development of 9:121,153-55
consciousness of see Body consciousness
consciousness physical see Physical consciousness
considers its feelings to be very concrete 10:158
correspondence with inner movement 4:264
by descent of consciousness 4:251
by different means 4:251,266-71
by exercise 16:131
certitude of 9:163
damage to cells of 6:l288-89
disease of 15:163-66
the Divine 4:251
one's own 5:185,403
pain in 7:l30-132
see also Cure/curing
death of Death, of the body
desires of 16:302
deterioration of 9:282-83
develop and control 12:350-55; 13:344-45; 16:301
developing capacity to bear the true Consciousness 11:141
discipline of 9:98-102
disease and 10:246,324
Divine and 14:383,389; 15:299-300
Divine Cansciousness descending into body 5:323-24; 11:157-59
Divine force flowing through l7:253
divine life in divine body 9:110
divinising 16:368
does not separate you from the Mother 16:163-64
drinking, smoking and the 6:174-76
each part symbolic of inner movement 3:88; 5 :60,272-73
education of the senses and 6:78-91; 7:57-59,309; 12:20-21
ego of see_ Mother's body, the, ego, disappearance of
endurance of 4:54,251
energy, physical , spending and receiving 8:195-97
equality, basis, of 5:23;. 11 :l4
evolution and 10:180
expression of a deeper reality 8:212,214
expression of true soul 3:169
exteriorisation see. Exteriorisation
fainting 4:l25
faith and 6: 124-25; 9:125; 162-64
falsehood in organisation of 11:226-27
fasting 8:141; 9:117
fear in 3:57; 5:169; 16:296-97
cells of 4:212; 7:145; 9:121-22
gymnastics 5:119-20
inertia and 12:397
food arid 4:334-35; 6:36-37; 7:62-63; 8:381; 16:131,195-96,302
form, fixity of 5:260-61
formation of
by direct transmutation 9:l28-30,237
by psychic being 4:144-45
limitations of present 8:203-04
of new 9:86
glorious 9:85-86; 11:182-83
going out of the see Exteriorisation
growth of 5:ll2-15; 8:25
habits of 4:345,367
health of , inf1uence of mind and vital on 5 :295--96
human, and animal 9:83-85
human, finding Divine presence, in 8:35,176,214
human , made for intellectual life 9:218-20
identification with 5:361;7:255
ignorance regarding development of 10:31
i11ness in see, Ii1ness
immortality and 10:28-29; 12:82-87; 16:195,429,436
incarnation in physical 2:52
inconscience, subconscience, superconsicience in 16:234
.individual not limited by 8:55, 389-97
individuality and 6:257-60; 15.-309-10
indoctrinated by mind 10:325
inertia as base of 3:144; 12:397
"inner physical" 7:l39-40
inner states expressed by 4:55
instinct of, destroyed by wrong education 5:295-96
instrument of self 5:75); 10:29
Intel 1igence and 6 ;3-4
knowledge for 6 : 110-11
knowledge of needs of 6:36--37
learning to express new consciousness 11:228,230
life not limited to physical 10:133
limitations of 9:43,48; 11:242-43
link with 10:227
living only by the Supreme Mill 48:339; 10:228-30
the Lord and 16:366
mastering activities of 8:378-79
medical and scientific conception of 10:179
medicine and 9:22-24; 10:324,328
memory of 6 :366-69
mental control of 4:355
mental attitude toward 8 : 141
mental e-qui 1 ibr-ium in 6 :310-12 ,314- 15
mental formations and 11:226-33
method of changing the conditions of 3:96-97
method of treating 9:108-11
mind and, relation between 5:294-96,402-04; 7:43-45; 8:l41,319;
9:106,124,152-55; 10:271,325; 11:191-92; 16:297,400; 17:346;
see_ also Body-mind; see also below relation of mind and
vital to
most capable of perfecion 6 :114
the Mother's see. Mother's body, the
mummy 4 :196-97
nature which exceeds; 101:244
need of strong nerves and 3:11
need to draw out all possibility from 9:94
needs of, physical 8:l40-41
new 4:54-57; 9:86; 11:302-06
no anxiety about 17:353
no longer depending on physical laws 10:229
no right to ignore 11:8-9
not one's "se1f" 16:155
obedient 4:79
occult processes for acting on 9: 152-55
of supramental being 16:403
old spiritual doctrines and 6:63
only Supreme keeps it alive 10:230
percept ion of 8 :55
perfection of
as remarkable instrument 4:326-27
must, be continuous 7:209,217-18; 8:20-21
must be governed by reason 9:98-99
physical , goal of 4:l23,326-27
those who want 4:123
perfectly adapted to environment 10 :89
physical education of 12 :7-8 ,12-17 ,275,81 ,285;
see also Physical culture; Physical education
plasticity of 8 :25 ; 16:421
possession by hostile forces 5:97; 1 6 :245~48,434-36 ; l6:249
possibities of 8:l96-97:243
possibilities of and 10:230 '
power to bear the Mother's Force 17 :51
preparation of 3:l45; 7:259
preserves separative individuality 3:169
problem of widening l0:118-19-19
progress and 5:260-61,267; 8:196-97; 10:29; 12:259,288-89;
progress and decomposition of 5:112-16,207,210,359--60; 12:359-60
progress of, to dispense with death 7:208-09; 16:429
protection given by 3:47-48; 7:24; 13:247
psychic and 7 :44; 10: 29-30 ; 17 :367-68
psychic being and 16:249
punished For a vital fault 17:75
purification only when ready 6: 1,79-61
realisation by one body 4:l59
receptivity of 17:402
increasing 4 :263-66
limited duo to fixity of form 5:260-61
to supramenta] force 9:110-11
yoga and 3:85-91
re-entry into 6:53-55; l7:412
relation of mind and vital to 4:53; 5 : 294-96; 10:27-28
remain occupied without strain l7:357
remedy for suffering and illness 9:41--42,123-26
remember's i1lness?6:366-69
respiration, true movement behind 5:61 fn
sadhana in the 7:32-335; 96:348-49; 10:31
samadhi and 8:276-77
self and 10:27-32 passim
self-- torture 6: 1 82; see also Asceticism/Ascetics
senses of, functioning falsified by preferences 8:398
sin of 10:271
sleep see Sleep
somnambulism 4 :126--28
soul and 3:169; 10 : 26; 16:358;17:75
speaks to Supreme Lord 10 :10
spirit of the form 4:196-97; 5:136
subconscient infIuencei on 4 :211,251; 7:144
sub-conscious construction of 2:153
subtle see Subtle body
Supramental and 10:29; 15:120,124
supramental body see Supramen tal body
surrender and aspiration of 10:277
surrounding movements rejection of 6:339
teaching it
immobility and aspiration 11:13-15
to bear pain 10:171-72
training the 4:56; 0:364-66
trance, s1eep and 15:120
transformstion of the see Transformation on of t^ff, body
trust in life 5:297-98
twelve senses in developed being 4:230,235
unconsciousness in, diminishes intensity of, suffering 3:l96
understanding for 8:54-55,212-14
understanding with 9:325-26
united with inner truth, 9:111,117
value of 4:123
very enduring servant 3:l36
vital and 3:l44; 4:260,368; 16:164; see also above relation of
mind and vital to
what is done in one can be done in all 11:92-93,95,100
work as "body's prayer" 7 :39l ; 14 :321
yoga and 4:338-40; 10:136-40; 16:348,359
yagic force prevents rigidity of 5 :268
see also Body. . .
Body-consciousness 5: 323- 24 ; 7 :237; 10: 193,228; 15: 301
intervention of the mind and vital in 5:294-96; 6:l40-41
knowledge of 11:139,194
manifesting in cell of body 11 :93- 101
opening to the Divine 6:388-69
physical consciousness and 16:231
psychic being and 6 :447-48
replacing mental government of intelligence with 11:106-07
sickness and 16:21-22
totalises 6:114
transformation of 6:110-11; 15 :315-16
see also Physical consciousness
physical transformation and 11:16-21 ,74
relation between body and mind 11:279-81; 16 :400
Supramental manifesting in 15:117,203
see also Body, mind and; Physical mind
Boldness 14:180; 16:286
developing ones thought and 16 :244
dirty, obscene 16: 201
Doctor Knock, by Romains, Jules 5:188
earth'-memory and book-records 5:279-82
elevating ending 4:155
experiences, path , in 5:283
trench 12 :324-26,329-31
identification with author's thought: 5:223
Jerome coignard by France, Anatolia 8:66,70
learning from 7 :34l-42 ,347
Mahabharata 5:324-25,327
novel , plot of exists an mental plane 3: 156
occultism in 12:148
of aphorisms 8:164-655 ; 10:-364
of revelation 8:163-64
at sriaurobindo .And the Mother 16:232-33
of true knowledge 3:52
opening for ansswers 8:l63-171
preparing our own in the flan ram 5:416
Ramayana see Ramayana
reading 3:27,65; 4:152-555 7:287-90,310-13,341
selection of 12 :1,47-49 ,324-26 ,329-31
Sleep and Dreams, by Dr. yaschild 2i30
viewpoints in 4;202
vulgarity in modern_times 7 : 310-11
Wu Wei, byBorel,Henri7:397; 8:267,282-83,286
see also Mother (2), the ,works of; SriAurobindo (2) Novels;
why men flee them 16:l7; 17:181
Boredom 4:89
commonest evil 8:175
cure for 5:49-52
in ordinary life 4:89,205-06
men's general condition 7:313-14
origin of all stupidities 4 :205
progress and 5: 48-52; 12:273-76
remedy for 12:73-74
screen, projecting oneself on a 5:199-204
state of 7:2
Borel, Henri 7:397
"Wu Wei" 8:267,282-83,286
Boys and girls 6: 279-60,282,265; see also Womin,men/boys and
Brahma 10:225
Brahman 2:125
all events in 10:305
creation- and 10:230,340
end is 10:304-05
manifsting of events in 10:305-06
no beginning or end in 10:218
pressure of 10:247
Brain 11:187; 16:l26
at age of five 5: 203-04,289
ballast in 4:305
before age of seven 4 :140
brainbath during meditat ion 7 :300
bunding of 16:198
cel Is of 7:250
comprehension, phenomenon of 4 :111,198,267
formation of 4 : 140 ,198; 8:180-83,385-87
in state of sleep 4:353;5:25-26
making supple 4:203
memory and 6:20-22
mental activity and 2:33
mind is independent of 6:307,314-15
pain and 16:325
preparation to understand, 16:233
sense-functioning and 4 :11
subtle hands, mind and, of an artist 5:261-64
thought and 6:307,310-12,314-15
Bravery 14:180
exile of Krishna in 10:63
ideal and earthly 10:60-61
British Government
the Mother's attitude towards 13:l25
Buddha 8:234,286: 11:170,177; 12:95-97;15:407; l6:327;17:76
as avatar 7:296-97
Buddhism and 3:76-77;see also Buddhism
"creste by conduct and state of consciousness the warld in which you 1ive 3:l99
deified 7:296-97
did not turn away from the realisation upon earth 3:194
form the Divine 5:79
in atmosphere of earth 16:380-82
"incarnations" of 3:78-80
the Middle Path 3:l90; 5:35 10;204
moral l healthiness of age of 3:235-36
Niryana see Nirvana
on charity 2:96
on desire 4:382-83; 6:336-38,409; 7:37-39,292-93,316-18;
8:52-53; 16:409
on individuality, an illusion 4:174
on self-control 4:90
problem before him 5 :148
spiritual life of, a Joy 3:203
standpoint of 4 :213-14
statues of 9:195
teachings of 3:194--95; 4:293; 7:292-93; 9:21,196-97
vibrations continuing after death 5 :19
view of ignorance, science and the 7 :316--17
See also Buddhist(s); Buddhistic...
absence of fixed ego according to 3:248
desire as origin of creation 9:8
Dhammapada 9: 196-97,see also Dhammapada
Eightfold path 3:248-50
formation of 3:77
heaven and hell to 3:199-201
idea of fate and 15:247
ignorance and desire for life 7:317-18
impurities and purities 3:90-91
life, an illuston 7:292-97
"the Middle; Way" 10:204
negative way 10:71
Nirvana 9:4; 10:336
on desire 7:37,292
on mastering desire 7:39,320
suffering, mental solution of 7:318
view of work 10:266
see also Buddha
Buddhist(5) 11 :173
Law of 2:125
story of 9 : 52-53
temple of 5:326
tradition of 2500 years 8:151
Buddhistic realisation 4:328
Buddhistic terms 4:257-58
purpose o-f 4:7
treatment of 16:105-10
Business 15:277
honest 17:250-51
Byner, han 2:93-94
Page 29
Caesar death of 10:61
calm 6:377
the Divine 3:160;7:415;8:93;16:290; 17:238,365,378-7
down the Truth 17:249,356
from family in illness 17:318
For protection 17:403-04
the Grace 5:367-68
the guru 4:l29
the Mother 6!201-02; 7:88; 16 :44-45,967,164 ,189,215;17:43,253
responding to the Divine 3:2;8:223
response and 16:388
spiritual, and Yoga 16:25
Sri Aurobindo (invocation of) 17:43,298,378,414,
world of delight 16:2I55
Calm/'Calmness 8:286;12:ll4;14:140-141;17:8 ,
action and 8:330-31
agitation of mind and vital 17:69
aspiration for 5:396-97;17:111-12
brining down 16:231 calling 6:377 ,
of conversion and 17:46
discipline and 12:336-39
effect of music 16:235
endurance is force of 8:329-31
for power to bear Force 17:51
Found in your soul 16:175
the Grace and 17:21
grateful and distinguished 6:63-64
heart and yoga 163156
in 1ooking at things 17l129
in the mind 14:370-71;17:l29; see also mind ,quiet mind
indifference 17:163
inner 17:190,253
Light received by 16:66; 17:l29,133
meaning of 17:76
of will 16:l59
ten minutes to relieve tension 17:195
tired nerves and 16:83
to become aware of the Mother's Presence 17:123,133,196
to cure a child 17:413
to get out of difficulties 17:93
to illumine the mind 17:l29,133
to let an attack pass 17:393
to unify one's being 17:82-83
waiting for inner changes 17:59,124
c-f. Peace
Calvin, John 10:345
Camus, Albert 12:324
Capacity(i e s) 17:169,321
development of 6:l8-20; 10:6
for enthusiasm 7:423-24
for manifestation of will 3:46
for occultism 6:189-90
for total identification 10:ll5
of or vision 4slOB for work 5:320
Page 30
human incapacity 16 :402
man's, for spiritual life 9:211
of the body 11:95-96,98,141; see also Progress, body's
capacity for
of the mind 7:231
of teacher 16:262
of wymon 2:83-84, 143-45
physic contact and new 9:396-97
suffering proportionateto 4 :44-45
supreme 9 :86-87
to admitall theories 10:337
to heal 16:429
Captains (instructors) of physical education 9:80-81 ; 12:355-56, 360,364-60 ; 161263,285,208,403-04
attitude towards 12:160,109
see also Physical education
gives interest 17:91
of material objects 16:11-33; 17:88
mixture of a pure blood 5:248
Social organisation on 5:247-48
attitude of a baby cat 4:94
baby monkey and baby cat 3 :45
doing yoga 3:8
dream about 3:166
exteriorisation of 4:321-23
eyes of 4:322-23
guarding her kittens 5:244-45; 7 :96-99
eye of 4:322-23
Intelligence in 8 a 60
Kiki, the Mother's cat 4:237-39
meditating 4:239; 7:99-100
the Mother's observations about, 4:27-28
mouse and5:150
significance of 17 :6
story of artist 7:127-20
wanting to be human
Catastrophes 4:44
causes of 4:192;7:16-17; 8:261
Egyptian tombs and 4:197fearand 7:63
The Mother's orders 1 disobeyed 17:302
Nature 3:38, 4:175-76;5:153
prevention of 5:l91-93
war 9:169-70
Cells <of the body> 14:384-85;
aspiration in the 4:339; 5:57; 6:392; 16:369; see also
Mother's body, the, aspiration of calling far 10:l68
consciousness of 4:139,339,404; 6:36-37,114; 7:237;1:93-101, 261-63,282 ;15:315
consciousnessmust change 11:282
curing damage to 6:288-89
death and12:344-47
DivingConsciousness in 10 :193 ; 16:360
energy in 7 :72
experience in 4:255 ;
fear in 4:212;7:l45;9:121
have faith in the Divine 10:l71
in a hurry 10:203
Page 31
instinct of true beauty in 4: 55
Join 9 :23,42,162-63,191
1ifeof 2:54
making them understand the reality 9:42
of the brain 2:33; 7-250
opening to the Divine 6:388-89
peace in 16:183
prayer of 11:91-95; 12:263-84
song of 4:339 ;
thirst for the Divine 16:369
true vibrations and 10 :180
under Standing in 9:147-48
will share in Truth and Relight 9:42,
world in miniature' 12:345-46 ,
yoga of 10:234 '
see also Cellular Mother's body , the cells, experiences in
cellular consciousness 4:139, 7:237
cellular response 7:261 Cellular substance 7:426
Central being
lies in the heart 3:1
personality and 17:85
psychic: being and 17 :B5 '
surrender of 3:7
unificationand 16:362-63
Centralwill 2:129;6:421-22
individual wi11 and 5:196;10:74
Centres <Lotuses> 6:77-78;7:76
awakening 7:213,339
emotional 16:225
Lotus of Knowledge 7:336-39
of concentration 3:1; 7:252
of consciousness 17:395
solar plexus and heart-centre 7:252
thousand-petaled lotus 7:212-13 ,338
see also ChaKras
Germony 16:271
instalIation of idols 4:397
utility of, following death 4:204-05
Certitude 11:20;14:86;17:179
confidence, inner 4:73,94,134, 9: 255
of choice 5:396-97;
of curing the body 9:163
of victory 5:5-7;9:255;16:l73,186;17:l89
peace of 16:115 ,
Cesar, Franck 3:111;5:76,272
Chaitanya 8:43 Chakras ,
opening of 16:367-68
will replace organs 10:146
see, also Centres Chaldean initiation 2:109
Chaldean 1anguage
Aryan and 8:l53-54 Chaldean 1egend
about Divine 'B Love 7:370-71,378 ,
Chaldean religion 4:289,316; 6:119; 7:244
Chaldean tradition 8:402
Page 32
chance 3:163 ; 4;406-08; 15:311-12
accidents and 4 :148
coincidence and 10:40
deceptive apprearance 10:45
for progress 16:421
guidance of world by 10:55
illusion and 10:44-45
last of adverse forces 6:459-60
not in universie 10 :44
role of, in world 4:408; 10:53
Change/Changing 5:350,377
by revolution and ignorance 16:153
character 4 :92 ,118,262 ,342; 16:349; 17:399,407
conditions of sadhana in the Ashram 6 :295-96
determinism, by Divine will 4 :84 ,160-61 ,408
determinism , by surrender 7 :366-67
difficulties and 5:303-04; 16:284
elements unwilling to 4:74,332,410
endurance for or 4:25l ,336
events in subtle physical , 10:l30
everything is in perpetual 16 :157
experience for and 9 :240
frivolousness and 16:169,
the function of the? senses 6 :355
great , a new race 16:415
habits 16:159
human animal to divine man 17 :36l
impossible overnight 17:364
in physical 1ife 14:232-33
inner 17:59,124
karma 5:93
life 4:121-22; 8:68-70,300-01 ; 9:18-19
lower nature and 3:163; 7:114,197-99
mind and 10 :1119
the most marvellous 16:153
the Mother's prayer for 9:300
nature of man 16:322 ; see also Man . changing
of being and progress 4;100-03,116
of condition 17:73-74
of consciousness see Consciousness, change of
of eating patterns l7:263
of forms 9:226-27
of knowledge into experience 8 :67,101
of the manifestation by Sri Sri Aurobindo 9:11-12
o-f Nature 10:98; 17:209,237,405
of sew in rebirth? 17:362
of work 4 s 373-74 i; 17s 248-49,280-81
on earth 1 7:326,350.
oneself 4:39,77-78,118,253,330
progress and 5:192; 10:61
psychic and spiritual 16:223
resistance to 16:330
self to change world 4:253
supramental force 9 :240-41
the Supreme and spiritual 16:223
tamas through Divine consciousness 7:287-86
time and 4:220; 11:53
to now quarter's 17:387
transformation and 4:102 ,336,349-50
truth into falsehood 10:39-40
understanding and 8:98- 102
Page 33
the vital 4:78-79 ; 6:305; 17:l60
why man does not 16:291
why things; do not 5:12-13
will for 4:337,350,356; 5:97
the world 4:253; 7:187,323, 9t145-46,156-59; 10;189,300
11:187; 16:l56 see also Transformation
Chaos 17:392
actions as spontaneous expression of 2:50
anger, rejecting 4:l70
atavism and 7:375-76
body and 6:l-2
changing 4:92 ,118 ,262 ,342; 16:349; 17:399,407
children and 6:2-3,11-12
control over l6:413-14
creation of to man if eat Ideal 2:153 ;
defect t, overcomIng a 4:178-81
forming 4:304
habits, old 4:345
heredity and 7:37S
how the Mother knows people 5:219-22
illness and 6:2-4
learning and 12:134
love and 17:376-77
observing one's own 17:375
of students 17:307-08,312-13
revealed in sleep 4:60
to progress in 16:430
vital and 16:147
see al so Individuality
Charity 2:6,49,95-102 ; 12:96,100
act of s is it beneficial; 2:100 .
begins at home 2 :97
Buddha on 2:96
Charity Bazaar, a story 4:l75-76
definition of 2:95
J desire and 2:101
evil done in name of 2:100
four modes of , 2:95-96
love and 2:96;101
nature of 2:95-102
work and 17;225
Cheating 12:20l-03; 17:233-34
Cheerfulness 8:23;14:192; 17:335;
difficulties and 16:69
story illustrating 2:184-87
Chi1d<ren> 3;159; 4;220-30,291; 10:213
adverse format ion, very rare 5:411
age of five , organise life of 7 :179
aim not same for all 12:432-33
are conscious 12:195
are most important personages 5:286
aspiration for exceptional 4:145,168,260
aspiration of wymon for 8:201,319,
aspiration to grow 8:25
attitude of 12:340,442-43 ;
attitude towards 1ittle movements of 12:442-43
as material emanations from parents; 5:361-82
behaviour of, after school 12:364-65
being one all one's life 5:288
Page 34
between age of seven and fourteen 8:180-81
brain at age of Five 5;203-04,289
brain before the age of seven 4:140
calm to cure 17:413
centre of of attention 6:255-56
character and 6:2-3 ,11-12
like path 17:l22-23
of friends important 9 :55-57
choosing games far 16:200
classic reading 7:287-90
conception of 2:l54; 4:260; 9:413; 8:201,335
control of 16:201-02
cruelty in 6:5
desires and 6:411-15
destructive 5:234,410-11
development of faculty of observation in 12:22-25
development of mind in 12:26-27
differences among 12:183-84
discipline 12:334-38
disinterested work and 12:365
Divine 17:184
Divine presence in 4:26
don't be anxious about ,17:415
do not scold 12:11,195-96
dreams of 4:128,149; 8:116-19; 9:l61-63
dreamy , absent-minded 17:413
education before birth 17:372
education of see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education evolution and 5:345-46
eyes of 4:26
fear and 5:410: l2;24
first cry 4 a 140-42
food and 12:l3-14; i7:305
forbidden to hit 12:l97
force of growth 8:196
formation of, by environment 6:391
formation of consciousness in very young 9:262-63
fourteen , until age of 4 :6
freedom and 7:202,286; 12:38 see also Sri Aurobindo ashram,
children ...., SAICE , freedom of ...
growth by inner push 7:139-40
happy 16:59; 17:120
have everything to learn 12:368
having 16 :6
heart of 16:61
held in the Mother's arms 17:130
homework and 12:1198-200
household work and , 12:16
haw to educate 12:9-ll
how to teach French to 12:324-29,331
The Ideal Child 9:80; I2:250-52
illness and 12:14-15
image in at ion of 5 :410 : 16 ;61
in Japan 2:151-52
In Sri Aurobindo Ashram see Sri Aurobindo Ashram, children In incarnation of psychic being in 8:202-03,335-37
independence and 12:153;
influences on 5:413-14; 8:203-04,392
inner 1ife and imagination of 4:120
inner truth 4:26
intellectual actual study and 12:334
Page 35
learning and 12:l35,366
1earning front 4: 91
1earning 1anguages 12 : 410-19
learning to enrich the being 7:313
learning with servants 5:413-I4
little children and energy 4:4
love of beauty and 12:16-17,21
love of , for her mother 17 : 157
maternal 1ove and 6:106-08
maturity needed for choice 5:289-90
mind of 16:202
obedient 4:93 ; 17:55
occult ism and 6:39-41
of AuroviIe 12:425
of the Light 16:118
of the Mother 16:87,117,159,362; 17:5l-52.94,115,121-22,130, 210,212,365,374 ;
older people and 5:296
openess of 11:251-52
organisation and 6:12-13; see also organisation
parents and 4:27-28; 5:243,381-82,411-13; 8 ;200,204,392;
11:211; 12:366-67,434-35,446; 14:312-15
path of 17:l21-23,212
patience with 16:202
physical education at 12:112-17
plastic matter 5:288 ;
playing and 12:134; 17:132
prayer and, 12:334,
prizes and 12:365-66
prodigies 8:315-20
the psychic in 4:40,146,246; 5:27,217; 6:4-9; 17:l20
psychic life in 17isl22,157 , ,
qualities of 8:118
qualities to cultivate 4s24-26,2Q
reason in 7:179
receive and spend energy, etc. ;5:210
religion imposed on 8:198
remembering past lives 4:149
self-control , use, of with 16:201-02
separation of boys and girl 16 :282-85.
should aspire for beauty 12:l6-17,21
should not drag burden of the past 12:404-06
sincerity and 15:319-21 l17:51-52,1:25-26,130,210
sleep and 5:296; 12:15-16
spontaneous flowering of 5:243
studies for 12:334; 17:152.
lamas and need of excitement 5:414
teaching 12:151-57,324-29,331
thoughts of 2:79
treating with quietness 17:413
unconscious , striving to become conscious 17 :75
understanding 4:157
uneducated, chooses bad company 3:244
violence and 12:196-97,436-40
vision not exclusively 5:410
visions of 7:129
visiting one's parents l6:412
the vital and 5:297-98 ; 6:11-13
vital energy in 7:137-142
Mar-children 4:303
when they prove unreasonable 16:95-96
Page 36
wickedness 5:412-13
.work and 12:16,339,365; 16:29; 17:l52 ;
writing for 17:332 ;
Yoga and 7:200,202,356,417-18; 17:l22-23
You are my child 16:72
Young and Mahasaraswati 4:404
china 6:70-71
india and 274-75; 17:217-l8
philosophy of 8:l50
use of Tao 2:64
Choice 11:17,30-32
accident , moment of 5:403-406
between distortions 10:217
certitude of , repose in action 5:396-97
what to manifest 4:326-27
constant 4:343
double life and 4:378
free , before demanding something 5 :388-89
free , of emanations 5:376,379-81
free , principle; of our universe 5 :310 ,374-75 ,379-87
freedom of 5:90-91; 7:344, 8:296; 10:88 12:369-70
Instrument , divine fore a choosing 5 :252
maturity necessary 5:289-90
moment of 4:403; 5:405-06
the Mother's experiences of 11:30-34
negro's 5:330; 8:57-58
of birth 8:26-27
of friends 9 :55-57
of human interest. 8 :23 ,26-27 ,31
of place for Sri Aurobindo Ashram 5:355-56
of psychic 4:145; 5:412
of sensations 12:55-56
of sex in reincarnation 4:183
of words 16:46
:of work 2:49-50
power of 10:287
preference and 4:1,327; 8 : 398-400 ,405-08; see also Preference
psychic's before death chooses next life 5:215-17,253,265,268-69; 8:202; 15:136
refusing impulses 6:343
remembrance and 4:143-47; 151,183
Sri Aurobindo's letter on 4:327,341-44,347-49
surrender of personal will and 10:287
teachers preparing own 5:106
to remain in universe or not 8:234
vision and 10:124
will, ignorance and 10:287
Christ, Jesus 16:327
assumes human ignorance 10:61-62
avatar l0:61; 17:76
day of birth 4:6
evclutian and 10:61
failure of mission 10:260
form of the Divine 5:79
gospels and ,10:64
incarnations of 3:79-80
1ife of humanised Europs 10:63
message of love failed 10:261
Musilm story about 4:82 fn,370
sacrifice and 10:61-61
Page 37
significance of death of 10: 61
still bound to cross 10:59-60
story about an idiot 16:369-70
visions of 3:16-17,
creation and 10:l02
God in 2:l25; 6:ll9; 7:244
gospel and 10:64
idea of Fate and 15:247
message of mediaeval 10:272
way in which it was formed 3:76-77
visiting churches of 16:414 Christmas ,
in Ashram 17:366
new 11:!67
Churches l6:414
occupied by vital beings 6:94-97
Cinema 12:244-48 ,
going to, 16:273
instrument of education 7:299-300
instrument o-f perversion 7:299-300
perfection of instrument 4 :326
songs in 7:297-98.;
way to watch 16:416; see also films
Circumstances 6:250-51 ; 14:229-33
attitude can transform 16:123-25
cause of di scorn-Fort; 17 ;379
conspire to justify doubts 16:41
contact the Divine in .a11 10 :350
effort of organising 16 :303 estimation of 16:229-30
happiness and 16:290
in life see Life, circumstances in
inner and outer 17:191,237
intervention altering 17:189
organisation of 6:175-77,386-87
psychic consciousness and 7:382
radiate life in all 10:298
so unpredictable 17:190,.196
when to avoid l6:l97
disappearing 5:250
great periods in 4:311-12
history o-f 5:249
1ack of, in Europe 10:323
mental self-control and 6:317-18
modern 3:204-05; 16:399
Nature and 5:329
now ending based on mind 2:l55
prepares physical instruments 4:329-30
present 3;I36; 4:304-05
Clairvoyance /Clairvoyants 4:125,274; 6:353-55
inner and outer 4 :360
sincerity and 16:24
chance and 10:140
Page 38
proof and 10:252
result of consciousness 10:40
cold 17:165
towards a. soil-one 17:171
Collaboration8:l31 ,206 ,236-37; 14:199
hierarchy 10:71
in transformation 16:383 ;
individual efforts , push to collaborate 9 :5-6
lack of, and psychic 16:367
need of 8:251,258,295
of body 16:370
of nature 5:251; 9:245-46; 17:291
of the vital 4:50-52; 5:55
suffering disappears with 10:50
to participate in new world 9:158-59
true 10:72
with the Divine 5:63-66
with the force 17:391
Collective ascent
individual effort and 5:250
Collective atmosphere 7:l47,323
Collectiye concentration 4:105-06
Collective consciousness
for individual transformation 5: 62
lower than individual 9:345
Collective difficulties 7:413-21
Collective discipline 8:l97-98
Collective effort for sincerity 8:249
Collective establishment
farm of 2:51;
human psychological consciousness 10:75
of ideal society 2:47
Collective experiment
Auroville 10:270
Collective illness 16;300
in Ashram 7:151-52
Co11ectiv e imagination
influence of 6:107-08
Collective meditation 9:37-39,141-42
Collective prayer 9 :37-38 ,369-70
Collective progress 8:132-33,264-65
individual and 9:141-42,172-74
Collective realisation
individual and 49-50,133
Collective sadhana in ashram 7:413-21
Collective suggestion (s) 2:24,76,110; 4:236 5:313-16 ; 7:245-46; 8:54,390-93
Collective reformation
individual and 2:47-48; 4:382-83; 5:62; 7:3223; 9:108,110-11;
10:316; 8:54 109-10; 180-81; 16:329
Collective unity 7:413 ; 10:310
Collective victory
of thought 2:89
Collective wealth 7:92
Collective work 16:264
Collective Yoga 7:413-21
Collectivity 5:250
according to Sri Aurobindo's idea 9:137
collective action of members of 2:48
effective of new realisation, upliftment 9:298-99
Page 39
individual and 4:382; 5:305-06; 7:323; 9:140-42,172-74
inferior to individual. 4 :36
laws of 9:l43 ,197-98
1iving , of individuals sharing new realisation 9:315
the Mother's programme for realisation , of the Work 5:i354
movement for progress 8:265
nature of 10:139
ordinary and true community 9:140-42
profiting by other's experience15:364-66
profiting from new Force 8:129-30
rising up or falling back to subhuman level. 9:299-301
sense of insecurity; political and religious associations 9:35
symbolic vision of 9:137-40
see also Col lective Community Colour (s) 15:40-41
appearance of in meditation 6:378
developing sense of 6:85-86; see also senses , education of
in J.S.A.S.A Championship Badge 12: 269
in Olympic rings 12:267-68
symbolising of 17:363
Comfort 17:251
aspiration and ll:252
from stories of Divine Grace ,17:292
happiness and in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 13:13133
progress and material 9:8587, 16:296
shrinking front 17:320-21
Commerce 4:376-77
Commonsense 14:184
is not a judge 16:343
of experiences 4:222
oral and direct 6:94-95 ,
Usual distortion in 9: 288-89
with the Mother 17:l71
with spirits 5:36
with other's 16:192
without 1anguage, 6:94-95
Communion 9:247-48; 16:398-99
between the Divine and the mind 3:l56
consecration and 17:l76
mental 2:111
with the Divine 16:425; 17:176,178
with the psychic 4:244-45; 7:38-40,68-69,78
Coinmunism 15: 63
condition for 10:306-07
diviner 10:306
Vedanta and 10:307
Americans and 16:338
ideal, at nucleus of supramental creation 15:405-07
ordinary and true 9:140-42
see also Collectivity
Community life 13:170-71
Compassion 11:29 ,159 ; 17:10
Divine 11:42-44; 14:138-39
experience of entering infinite 6:144-46
for animals 17:104
Grace and 16:346
gratitude and 15:297
incapable of 16:190
Page 40
noblest gift of temperament 10:359
pity and 10:360
physical education, the Mother's messages for 12:275-01
progress and 12:289
spurts and 9:96-98; 16 :403
vital upset during 5:169-70
Complaining 12:34; 14:237-38; 17:116,118
Complaints 3:131 ; 16:207-08
brings deformation 9:50-51
freedom and 8 :297
superficial knowledge and 16:200
Concentration 2:l03; 6:309-105; 8:145,182-83,228-29; 9:20; 12:25,28,171,207-08,389; 14:51-52; 17:55
aim of 4:8-9
all reiceiving 7:422
aspiration and 16:86-87
at Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi 16:395; 17:378
attention, perfect 4:5,199,364-65 ; 9:360-61
becoming aware of nocturnal activities 2:36
becoming conscious of the ,Di vine force through 6 :398-400
before sleep 6:266-67,357-58; 17:48 ,
centres of 7:252
collectives 4:105-06
constancy of 4:180; 16:24
contemplation and 7:278
daily at fixed time 17:369-70
definition of 4:5
developing of 5:125-29
dispersion and 4:4; 12:260-61; 16:224g; 17:l69,361
the Divine and 3:20; 16:l80,190, 17:47,158,,278
don't overdo 17:101
experiences of 16:318
experience through act of 7:79
fatigue and 16:23-24
first aim of 4:8-9
habit of 2:64
headache and 16:300-01
how to increase 12:400
identification through 5:225; 16:44
important to develop 5:125-29
improper 17:156
in the heart 6:309; 16:148,161,311
in the inner being 16:93
in the playground 4:105-06,122? 7:25; 7-59
in sports' 9:82-83; 12:260-61
in studies 5: 104-05 ,125-28 ,220-21 ; 12:l99; 17:71,79,153
indispensable for an realisation 4:282; 9:360-61
intensification of 4:100,105,137-30
learning and 12:199
Listening in silence 4:l99,208
listening to music with 16:232
mastery of 7:80
meditation and 4:7-8 ,104-06 ,120-23 ; 5:388; 7:277: 9;381-84[
10:63 ; 14:105-06; 16:100,231
of energy 16:125,186; 17:221,303
of the Force 17:55,296,317,361,370,407
of thought 6:310-12; 16:166,228
on the Divine 3:20; 17:47,158,379
Page 41
an a flame 17:l27
on 1ower nature 17:106-07
on psychic being 17:96-98,103,121,368-70
on psychic consciousness; 17 s96--98 ,103,121 ,36S--70
on what you want to develop 17:107
on work , not people 17:140 ,168-69
only way to shorten the way 10:26
outer activity and 4:123; 7:68
physical activity and 12:285-86
physical being and 16:24
power of 9:360-61
psychic being and 16:223
reading Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with 16:232-33
remembrance of the Divine and 4 1121,388-89
silent 7:l07; 16:397; 17:373,379
spirits, particular to man 9:430-31
story about 6:310-12
teaching and 17:161-62
time and 7il27; 17:369-70
to contact lord 10:154
to Find the Divine; 16:l61
to find the' Mother's presence 17:69
399-400; 7:277
to receive Grace 17:130,323
to reject illness 4:268-71 ,282
to solve problem 8:183; 10:l35
total 4:346; 5:220,399-400
true 7:254 united 3:29
useless talking and 16:l8l
way of life 17:153
will and 16:180; 17:130
work and 5::125-28; 16:242; 17:I40,160-69 see also Meditation ,
change of 17:73-74
for admission to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 13:115-18,133
for freedom 10:303
for the manifestation of the supermental 10:10
for realisation to be told 10:ll4-15
1aid on Grace by falsehood 6 :205-06
outer 16:190-91 ,
Confession 3:141 ; 16:171 ,265; 17:134,194
Confidence 14:84-86; 16:593 17:388
approach the Mother with 1aving 16:247
certitude of victory and 16:186; 17:169
courage, 1oss of and 16:38
difficulties and 16:69,
eliminating fear 4:211
faith and 5:297-96; 6:l20-25; 16:l73; 17:125 .
in the doctor 17:403
in life 5:297
in the Mother 16:41-42,68,116
inner certitude 4:73,94,134; 9:255
of the Mother in 'people '17:172-73
peace of certitude and 16:115-16
remain confident 16:99,144
Self-confidence 2:23,41
victory and l6:l86
Page 42
vital and 16:197
Confusion 17:112,241-42,272,269,392
eradication of 17:241,289,334
beauty and aesthetic 7:181-35
loss of 16:348
ordinary 16:249
psychic being and 16:379-80
truth and 16:348
Haste and 16:376
Conscious (becoming, being) 7:194-95,254 ; 8:3-4,20-21 174-76,
368-69; 12:195
attentive observation 4:35
exercise for 4:38-39,88
faults, getting rid of 4:74,88,180,360-61.
of an elements of being 2:128-29; 4:34,233,236
of attacks of adverse forces 5:94-97
of creation , dominates. falsehood 10:206
of divine Force 6:398-400; 16:354
of divine Love; 4:244-46
of divine Presence 10:280; 16:390-91,400-01,407
of divine Unity 8:75-77; 10:174-75
of dreams 2:30-37; 3514-1,5,19
of everything 2:53
of immortality 10:83
of inmost depth and work 2:49
of Lord 10:169-90
of the Mother 16:372,442
of origin of one's movements 4:248,335
of physical being 12:347
of Supreme Will 10:77
of thought 2:22-25,31,98,lll
of vibration surrounding atmosphere 4:222-24
self -mastery for 4:2 ;34 ,37,39,74 ; 5:203
to be conscious 63-64; 10:228; ll:84-85; 16:l55-56; 17:75
always in front of the Truth 3:133.
is the one need 3:20
of evil that one does 3:l97
of help 16:354
of peace 16:l30,150
of seep and nights 3:15,19
preparation for yoga 3 :3
remedy for evi1 5:73 see also Conscious
Conscious conception 6:335-36
Conscious sleep 4:352-53; 6:l84-88 see also Sleep
Conscious will
acting on the body and matter 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55
drams and 5:25-27
use of, for control 16:107
Consciousness 3:16,178-79; 6:394; 10:l74-75; 15:4; 16:l5; 17:185
absorbed by experience 6:362-65
action and 6:393
action behind 5:74-76
action of new 11:226-33; 17:366-67
active mental 10:l81
Aditi the creative 7:l59
anger and 4:179
at origin of creation 4:234
attitude of 12:367
Page 43
awakened and asleep 17:130
awakening of 5:31,405; 9;33-34; 10:297
awakening of , in the Mother' s .body ll:93-I01
awakens under' stress 10:201
beauty and, at asceticism 7:l81-85
becoming conscious see Conscious (becoming, being) being and 4 :233
beyond mental 1ife 2:159; 17:178,380
beyond Nirvana and Ky, istmce ,10 :100
body -consciousness see body-consciousness
brain and 4:l98
brought into body by psychic 10:29-30
centralisation of 11:203,277 ,
centre of l7:395 ,
change of 4 :18,97,99-100,220,293,336; 7 :29; 6:12,268-69,381,
402-05; 9:ll7-19,303-04; 10:l87-90,11:282 ; 12 :312 ; 15:239
1 7:61 ,166 ,193,249-50; see also below reversal of ; see also
Mother <4>,the, of change,
of consciousness classifying 7:42-43
clouding of 16:99
collective 5:.62; 9:354;. l0:75
complete 17:l37
condition of man result of 12:39
constantly by your side 16:118
contact of God changes according to 10:102
contradictory states of 5:295
control, sleep and 3:15; 4:62, 6:l84-88 ; 7:65-67; l6:228,400
convsrsion of 16:163
cosmic see Cosmic consciousness
creation and 5:l64, 9:205-07; 10:206; 11:199-207;289
creatrix 199-207,289
crises (dark periods) and 17:59
definit ion and explanation of 4:233-34
deflection of, accident and 4:272-73
descent of 4;251; 9i218-22,237-30
destiny and 15:311-13
destruction of form of 10:99
detailed multiplication of 16:427-28
determines physical condition 11:207-08,219-20,286-89
see also Mother's body, the, transformation
of determines suffering and delight 10:51-52
determinism and freedom, different states of 5:86-89
development of 16:413-14
different, in SAICE 5:417
disciplines and growth of higher 10:258
dispels darkness ;3:101
dispersal of 8:193-94; 17:l69
distortion of 11:l34-35
Divine see Divine consciousness
division in 8:77,98
doubt in 17:138
doubt veils 16:l41
drawn to ordinary 1ife 17:72
Page 44
dreams and 5:37-40 16:23
during meditation 5:386i 9;53
entering someone else's 6:308-10,424-25; c-f. Relations...
Eternal 16:160,43£i--36
example of extended 10:l31-33
expression of 10:226
exterior 3:152
external 8:3 ,290-91,16:25
falls of and assimilation 5;51~52; 16;252
feels imprisoned 4:97,100
filter of 8;208
for supervision 17:244
formation of , in very young children 9 ;262--&3
forme of 9:237-38
friction necessary -for 9;261--63
general psychological 10 :75
glnbal 4:l62
gnostic 4:157-58
going outside 1imitations of 10s221
good state of 17:60
gradations of 7:181; 10:221
growth of 16:429-30; 17:280
tunas, mixture of 5:415
help proportionate to 17:95-96
hidden behind unconscious appearance 9:322-23
higher see Higher consciousness
highest, and the best that can happen 3:154
human see Human consciousness
human unity and 15:66-68
humanity and 5:29-30
identification of 2:60. 130; 10:118.121, 16:44.165; 17:182-83
ignorance and 3:101
illness and 5:185-86; 11:207=08, 210
immobile and serene 4:1,10
immortality of 11:211
in animals 6:269; 9:172-74
in the Ashr
in cells
in hands of artist
in men
in the Mother's words
in playing
in plants
in transcendent states
in vegetable kingdom
in work
in writing
inconscience and
individualisation of
infinite grades of
influences from outside
inner see Inner consciousness
insanity as mixture of two
instrument for manifestation of 4:40-41. 195-96.326
intent on divine realisation 17:198
intervention of 10:192
is everywhere 5:271
is immortal 12:343
is inconscient 9:11;207
Page 45
keep it free -for sadhana 17:201-02
know yourself and others 5:201-04,303-04 ,
Knowledge and 11:39,185-86,194 , 244; see also Mother's body, the ,knowledge of
lack of 17:82 ,
levels of 17:182-83
light for yoga 7;201
1ike a ladder 3:178
limitation of physical 10:26
limitating itself 11:156
living throughout the; ages 3:81
love and 6:102-08; 12:65; 14:124,129 .
lowering of 17:57,77,85,133-34,137,155-56,160 ,
1uminous and radiant 17:372
manifestation of 2:158-59 ;9:209-12,322 fn
man's perpetual worry 9:302-05 , ,
mastery and 17:113
material and immaterial 10:253; 17:126,189
meaning of 3:81
memory and 2:37; 5:270; 6:20-22
mind and 14:371
miracies belongs to finite 10:163,
mirror 4:254
necessary in vital world 9:344
new see New consciousness
Nirvana, aspect of 10:100
objective and subjective 10:191 ,
of the being 2:128-29; 4:34 ,73,233,236 , 5:102 , 12:347
of body 10:193,228; see also Mother's body, the transformation of...
of cells 4:l39,339 ,404; 6:36-37,114; 7:237; 11:93-l01 ,261-63,282;15:315
of complete cure 5:292 . ,.
of Divine Oneness 17:104,
of Divine presence 5:74-76; 6:393; 10:295; 17:123,182,381
of the doer 17:309 10 ;
of earth and sun 10:187 ,
of God 10:103
of gratitude and true happiness; 17:98
of humans' 16:420
of the Mother see Mother (2),the, ,consciousness of
of the new race 16:415
of penetrating lower vital 17:136
of psychic being 4:146 ,168; 16:397; 17:90,136,369
of three .times 7:220
of totality and detail 11:222
of unity 16:288,302
of vision 10:289
one. 4:12,234
opening to, and tamas16:62
opening to super mental influence 9:110-11.
openness to 14:l51
ordinary see ordinary consciousness,
organisation of 6:320; 8:174-76 ,337-38 ,301;.4:l56
the original conceiving 16:361-62
outer 16:168; 17:123 ,140 ,143 ,159
outer and inner distinguished by by 10:155-56
parts of being 4:73,336; 5:102
penetrating 1ower vital 17:136
perception and 10:72 :
periodic movements of 7:336-38; 17:74
Page 46
personal infinite 17:190,198
personality individual and universal 8:378-81
physical see physical consciousness
planes (level) of, and determinism 3:28-30, 58-59; 4:83-85,371; 5:86-93
planes of universal 10:154
powerful , to realise transformation 9:35-36
preparation for Yoga 3:2
preparing to become divine 11:314-15
presence , divine 8:76-77,136
progress and .17:113, 130-131
progressive 4:220; 9:322 fn; 10:305
psychic see Psychic consciousness
Radha's 8:223,225-27
rapturous states , dangerous 10:175-76
rational 10:46
realisation and progress; 8 :20-21
rebirth line of 3:l45,148
reflects the supreme 4:254
regarding difficulties 17:113,130-31
relation of 10:191
relation with 10:221
remembrance of meetings on ,inner plane of 5:33
renunciations and self-centered 10 :174
replacing thought 11:319 reversal of 3:134; 4:19,357; 7:l95-96 ,272; 8112,170-74,402-05;
9:135 -36,286-88,336-38,414-17,431-32 ;10:118,305; 16 :163;
see al so above change of
right 7:64
rigidity of physical 10:74
rising above mind 7:252
seeing by 10:226
seeking without knowing 9:115--19
see Lord when you enter true 10:207
self -mastery and 5:203
sensations and 2:130
separation and 3:59-60
sincerity and 17:137
six centres of l7:395
sleep and 3:l5; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67; 16:228,400; 17:184
smiling sincerely 5:370
somnambulism and 4:126-26
soul's 10:254
speial purpose for descants of 10:74
spirit of the species 4:237
spiritual see spiritual consciousness
spiritual ised 11:106-07
states, of see Consciousness state of
steeping back 5:65
Subconscient and 2:32; 6:319 21
suggestions, collective 2:24,76,110; 5:313-16; 7:245-46;
superficial and subtler 16:331
superman 10:316; 11:148-60;,230-33,240-43; 16:415
supermind, effect of 8:206-07
supermental see supermental consciousness
supreme see supreme consciousness
surrendered to Divine 7:255
tamasic 10:53
terrestrial 10:75
Page 47
that everything is God 10:l02-05
thought and ,4:240,319
to be conscious 'see conscious (becoming, being), to be conscious
to change the world ll:l87
to control flow of energy . 4:161
to realise transformation. 9:35-36
to understand experience's 4 :234
.transcendental 4:221
transformation of see Transformation of consciousness
true se True consciousness
Truth consciousness age Truth consciousness
turn to the Divine alone 17:47
turned towards the supramental Light 16:78-79
understanding 5:29;,194; 9:245-46; 10:18; 17:159
unfolding of 4:174,217,220
unified and un-unified 11:290-92
united with psychic 7:255
unity of 11:199-207
universal (cosmic) see cosmic consciousness
universalisation of 9:65
upper and lower hemisphere 9:13-14
vast 7:249
veiled 16:41; 17:100,115,134
vibrations of 5:271; 9;287-89
wakefulness , constant 4:327
wasting of 6:l55-56
way towards, mastery 17:113
when all-powerful l6:367
where good and bad lose all value 10:267
why did you make me conscious ?" 5:4,31.
widening of 5:153; 221-223,34; 6:344-46; 8:286-88; 383-84; 16:254,307,345,398-99,432-34,17:48
witness 4:233
words and 5:74-75; 6:90 -99; 10:222
yogic 3:161
cf Attentioness; Awareness; Cosciousness...; Observation
Consciousness-force 11:265
Consciousness: states of 4:152-53
complete cure depends on on 3:96-97; 5:292
curve of creation and 11:192
different 5:134; 7:133
"egoistic" 7:354; 10:76
gaps in ladder of being 4:61
harmonious 5:386
hell as 10:65
in which all is the Divine 5:385
levels of physical 4:152-52,235
the mother's body and 11:99,117-18,126-27,137,139-42,165
parts of which one is not conscious 4:73,336
sleep in 4:352-53
union with the Divine 4:153,401
wars result from 10:52
when judgement impossible 8:2
Consercration 2:96-97,128; 4:363; 8:14; 14:36,108; 16:74-75,178,235
Aspiration and 10:300
comes first 6:341
communion and 17:176
constancy of 16:24
duty to parents and 17:162
effects of total 10:295
Page 48
entire being absorbed in 16:38S
how? 16:3.S4
in activity 16:;24
ideal of complete 7:1927
identification and 17:69-70
inner discovery by 2:66
inner and outer 17:308
integral and absolute 3:1
joy of 7:401-03
meditation and 14:105-06
of developed psychic to Divine work 4 :147
of fami1y of beings to same work 5:2
at 1ife to Yoga 10:270
offering , surrender and 4 ! 132-34
only way out of difficulties 16:206
Radha, symbol of 16:175
sacrifice and 2:76
sincerity and 4:208,339
suffering and 10:295
to the Divine 3:20,126-27; 5:119; 7;192,243; 14:l05;
16:61,135-365; 17:32-33,69-70,176,374,409
to Divinity within 2:l03
to humanity 2:126
to the idea 2:76
to impersonal work 2:52-54
to seeking the? Divine 17:379
transformation and 16 :371
work and 2:52-545 10:309
se e also Giving offering; self-giving
Conservation 17:186
Constructions see formations; Mental formations
physical and mental 17:285-85
vital 17:150-51
with the mother 17:171,370-71,400-01
with one physic 17:369,371
with others 17:56-58,61,94,116-17
with a physic being after death 17:367-68
Contemplation 7:278
correct 3:250-51
Contiance 14:276
solving 16:216
Contraries see Opposites
consciousness and power of 9:262-63
development and, of senses 6:78-79
during sleep 3:15; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67; 16:228,400
habit of 17:33-34,76
mental , and sex-impulses 2:25,61;3:5
not to yield 17:74
of anger 4:170; 8:350-53; 16:193; 17:364,376
of body 4:355; 9:86-87; 12:50-55; 16:301
of children 16:201-02
of impulse 5:213-14; 6:317-18,342-44
of lower nature 16:335
of one's life 9:261-63,98-102
of passion's and desires 5:211-14
of senses and desires 3:188
Page 49
of speech 12 :34,57-64; 14:218-23; 17:8,23,33-34
of subconscient 17:91,182
of thought 2:61-62,90:3;183-84,186,230; 4:335; 9:250-54,367-8
of vice 8:5
of vital 4:250,335-36 ; 5:211-14; 8:l90; 9:98-99
over all activities 16:401
over character and events 16:413-14;
over money power by vital beings 3 n45-46
physical, vital , mental 4:335-36
repression 4:59
true 9:310-11
see also self-control ; Self-mastery
Conversations 16:4-5
about so-called spiritual things 17:166
don't identify with 17:50
free exchange of ideas 17:166
Conversion (s) 4:92,102-03; 15:240
by 1ove 17:26
calm and 17:46
instantaneous l6:387
jay of 4:l03
1aying bare of falsehood 3:141
of Asuras (adverse forces) 3:l44; 4:I88; 5:98-100,375-77, 203-04,245-48,435-37; 8:l38-39; 10:282; 17:216
of consciousness 16:l63
of men governed by adverse forces 6:247-48.
of the mind 5:254; 17:46-47
of the vital 3 :73,136-40 ,144-46; 5:117-18,255-58; 6:203-04;
16:401,410-11; 17:7 20-21,85,121,207
of the vital being 6:203-04,246-48,435-36
of vital beings 3:144; 6:l61 8:336-39
spiritual 2:162 . '..
success and 6i246 .
sudden 17:l90
Cooking 15:289-90
in aluminum vessel 17:261-62
mats en stools for Dining Room 17:303
supplies 17:243,251 ,253,270-71 .277-78 ,284 ,287:,299 ,3,05,324 ,
vitamins destroyed by heat l7:268
see also Eating; Food . Coping 17:413
Cosmic Consciousness
becoming aware of 6:419-20
the? Divine and 3:168
expressing life 8:379-50
knowing beauty 5:331
on 1evel of matter 10:75
opening to 7 :270
other and 7:236
true and understanding 5:194
Coue, EmiIe
"coutistic optimism 7:3
method of healing 3:36,156; 7:3-8; 9:380; 16:80
Country(ies) 13:369,391
Africa, butter-fruit tree- 5:364
atmosphere of 4i223,230
Babylon Bil56
bloody revolutions in 16:153
continent between India and-Africa 5:249
government, -first duty of 5:301
Page 50
history of 4:111
inner affinity 4:259
limitation for individual 8:58
mental affinity between different people 4:227
the mother as 10:284
pantheons as of different 8:142; 9:104
people born in one who belongs to another 3:82
relations between: money and politics 9:166-69
sense of beauty in different 3:82
traditions in different 9:333
see also American China; Egypt; Greece; India; Japan; Europe;
Nations; Russia
Courage 2:5; 4:53,351; 12:151; 14:181
adventure, supreme 8:40-41
be courageous 16:178
definition of 10:284
different types of 7:26-31
facing pain with 9:40,42
fear and 7:27
for purification 9:74
frank reflection 8:228
full of 17:357
having, for others 16:193
keep 16:144
in war 7:30-31,261
little 17:63
loss of 16:38
physical and moral 7:25-32
story illustrating 2:175-83
sucess and 16:134
to walk on the path 8:261-62
ignorance and error 7:411
tamas and 7:25-26
Creation 10:252; 11:167;186, 238, 275-76,315; 15:3-6,8-9,9?
aim/goal of 3:31-32; 10:48; 11:268,289; 16:283-84
Ananda of 10:344
Brahman and 10:230.340
Buddhism and view of 9:8
by Nature of something new 2:157
christian idea of 10:102
Combinations result of different 8:312-16
Consciousness and 5:164; 9:205-07; 10:206; 11:199-207,289
consciousness at orign of 4:234
"The creative word" 7:347-350
Creator and his 16:404
descent of Divine love 8:339
desire and 9:8
differentitation of the sexes 9:203-04
disorder and 10:92
diverse multiplicity 9:47-48
deversity of manifestation 8:313-14,388
the Divine and 4:174217,234,328; 5:163-64,309-12; 16:377,415
Divine in its essence 9:156-57,209-10
the Divine mother and 17:303-04
Divine power, aspects behind 5:82
Divine will and 9:7-9
division and 6:273
Page 51
division in 9:8-12
"error" of 10:223-24;11:170
Eternal game of 9:10,35
evolution of 16:284
explanation of the ancient traditions 12:l02
formaters,. ranks among 5:308-09
free choice 5:374-75
goal of see also above aim of
God and His 5:309-12
gods and 15:375
great mystery of 16:380
heart of 17:379 ,
horrors of11:133-35,137 .166,176-81
how and why of 11:194-95,197-207
identity, separation and union 8;225-27
impermanence; 4 :213-14
inertia and 10:202; 11:192-96
individual and 3;58 -59
knowledge that transforms all 10:144
1ed by will of Lord 10:252
long duration and difficulty of 16:383-84
Mahashahti and 16:374
man only grasps infinitesimal part of 10:289
manifestation of Supermind in 10:107
manifestation progressive 8:109 -10,325-26
mind and 10:254
new see New creation /
of character capable of manifesting the Ideal 2:153
of creative thought 8:395-96
.of devotional religion 10:63
of earth 10:220
of equilibrium 5:353,355; 6:l71.-74; ll:lll-l4
of material worlds 4:241-43
of omnipotent god 5:163-64
of opposite movements 10:118
of phenomenal world 3:175
of poets, Krishna 10:64
of spiritual atmosphere 6:356-57
of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 4:93; 10:199-200
of universe 4:162,220,370-71; 5:40-41,71,163
of the world 5:163
oldest tradition on 16:370
oneness, duality and 16:374
over mind 9:148-50
peace, the Inconscient and 11:l61-64
period of transition 9:l40-51
plans for 17:303-04
power , creative , in vital world 8:l I8- 19
process of 8 :396 ; 11 :194-95 ,197-207
progressive and static universe 8:233-34
progressive perfection of 16:427-20
raison d'etre of 4;161,173-74; 6:l04-05
role of adverse farces in 10:120-22
self-creator 8:106
seventh 5:353; 6:170-71 ; 7:208; 10:219 ;
Shankara and negation of this 4:ll9,328
simultaneous, but earth is spracial 4:243
spiritual understanding of 5:374 .
story of 4:394; 5:l62-64; 7:l57-63; 8:339-40
successive involutions 9:205-07
Page 52
traditional 4:234; 352-53,372-82; 16:370
supermental see Supramental creation
the Supreme and ll:l98-207
theories. of 4:214
time and 4:220,394
Truth-Creation and Pralaya 7:208
unconsciousness of 5:41 ,71 ; 10:206
unit/ and 11:198-204
unity of Creator and ' ; 7-9
unlived dreams 8:222
Veda 's concept ion of 4 :214
vibration of 10:217
vision of divine 10:231-32 ,
why of 10:224
see also Earth; Universe; World
Divine is omnipotent 5 :163
His world and 16:404
of Great ion and 9:7-9
Cripps Proposal 8:31-32; 16;319 20 ;
Crises 17:413
the Gita, propaganda and 8:104-07
indifference to 7:393,396-97
of others 16:273,275,282
of people without taste 16:60
of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:391-92; 8:2,10,107,366; 16:273
of teachers 12:185
progress and 1 6:270
seldom useful 12:360
self -criticism, and ego 6:350; 16:309-10
Cross 4:44 45,318
Christ still hangs on 10:59-60
each carries her own 4:44-45
hung on 4:318
Transformationflower in shape of 4:393
Cruelty 3:l0 ; 15 :50
Ananda and 10:107
animal sacrifice and 6:65-66
expression of the Divine 10:106
in chi1dren 6:5
love and 10:106,166-67
of hunters 17:11
sense of beauty and 6:71- 72
to beasts 6:65 -67; 16:110-11
unconsciousness and 6;70-71
"Cubism" 5:333; 12:236-37
Culture 4:311
Intellectual 10:256; 12:l39; 16:198
physical 10:30-31 see also Physical culture
Cure/Curing 17:309,401
the body , see body, curing
calm to 17:413
complete, depends on consciousness 3:96-97; 5:292
desire 7:58-59
Divine to cure faults 16:290
fears 4:212-13
for boredom 5:49-52
from within 17:116
guide for 17:415
Page 53
ignorance 16:430
illness see Illness, cure/curing
men through faith 8:81
the Mother curing someone 5:l32; 17:317,350,353,406
natural, and medicine 10:327
obsess ions with flowers 17:104-05
oneself of negative forces 4:266-67
stupidity 4:369
suffering 7:130-32,318
through gentleness, 7:413
see also Heal/Healing
Curie, Marie and Pierre 4:l95, 5:393; 6:l8-19
Curiosity '
tack of ,16s33A
mental 8:206-07; l0:235
the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:332
Cyclone 17:20,207,291
Page 54
Dalai Lama 17:307 Dance
as expression of inner 1ife 3:111-12 Russian 3:ll2 Danger
a»uidin9 8:224,229-30 cry of material consciousness 17:199 feeling of 16:42-43 of abandoning reason 10:15
Jot rapturous 'state of' consciousness 10:175-76 of tapasya 4:72 of yoga 3:4-5 I progress and 12:l55; 16:335 protection against 3:101; 16:351 Dante 10:345-46 Darkness
consciousness dispel 3:l01 falling into 16:l42 1 feeling lost in 17:59,131 light and 16:408 reign of 16:7 return of 17:99
rising in the consciousness 17:97-98,124,158 Darshan 11:102-05 ; 16 1335; 17:1l6,286 at the balcony 7:257; 16:230 Dates 17:371
Significance of 8:90-91,93 David-Neel , Alexander 6:277-78; 7:393,397-98 da Vinci, Leonardo 3:110; 4:301 Dawn
Divine 16:383 night darkest before 16:408
Death 4:23,171-72; 9:33-36; 12:l89; 15;174,197 adverse forces and domain of 6:55
after death 4 : l91-92 , l95 ,204-05 ,321 ; 5 1116 ,134-36,261-64 ,267 ; 6;52-53,55-57,448-49; 8:333-38; 12:348; 13:l30-33; l7:l07, 290-91,367-68 alliance with 4:339 Asura of 6:173 at time of 3:l49; 5:65,215-16,261; 6:55,449-50 ; see also above.
after death
attitude towards 4:355-56 being and 5:138-39
causes of 3:87; 5:72,112; 9:34-35 cells of body and 12;344-47
conquest of 3:138,211; 5:314-19; 6;38-62; 12:82-92 conversion of life into 5:373,378 dreams and 6:449) 7:l23,l34 Barth and 10:168 ego and 10:320
expect nothing from 3:198 existence beyond life and 3:202 experience of without dying 12:347 exteriorisation total 4:142,321-23; 5:295 failure and not evil 10:263 fear of 3:188,211; 5:314-19; 6:38-62; 12:82-92 habit o-f Nature 5:112; 9:33-34 individual and 10:11-12
Page 55
life and 5:3 ; 10:166-68; 17:156 Lord of 4:180
means of awakening spiritual consciousness 9:33-34
mental personality and 10:27-28
mortal and immortal , synthesis of 5:111
the Mother's; experiences, and knowledge of 11:17,61-63,113,
169-70,209,220,222,239,205 nature of 10:319-20 new consciousness and percept ion of 11:63 . ;
no difference between 'Living and 10:i49
not a necessity 3:36--37,90, 169 ,
of the body 5:112-16,135-36; 6:54-57; 9:35
of Caesar and Christ 10:61
of desires 17:62-63
of instrument o-f evi1 5:377
of people governed by adverse force 6:246-47
of Stalin 5:377
overcoming 16:429
paradises and bells in mental regions 8:319
physical mind dissolves at 3:149
possibiity of integral realisation ceases 16:164
progress and 7:208-09; 12:346; 16:429
psychic chooses next life at time of 5:215-16,261-65
passim, 260-69, 8:202; 15:136; see also Psychic, the, reincarnation of
reasons for for 8:203,337-386 12:343-46; 17:ll3 , rebirth and 15:128-39; l6:366
receiving news of 16:416 reincarnation see also rebirth and
religion and 12:85
replies questions on 12:340-48
represented by Mira 3:188 role ; of 10:167-68,296
science and 10:207
Self and 10:27-28
spirit of 3: 36-40,193-94
survival of parts of the being after 3:l44-46 .
thinking about, usual way of 8:87
thought of brings detachment from material things ,3:l87-86 . transformation and 16:324
true significance and use of 3:37 unreality of 11:180
vibrations of Buddha continuing after 5:19
victory over 11:107
visions of the dead 15:347-58
vital takes shelter in living person after 4:191,204; 9;362-64
vital world and 6:55-56,448-49
wish for 17-405
world of 6:52-57
self. also Mother's body, the, transformation of to 1ive
Rebirth/Reincarnafrion Deception 3:212, 10:300; 11:261-62
of the Divine 3:5
of the self age. Self-deception
of the vital 11:22-23 :
Decisions , .
about collective yoga 7:200,414
about marriage 17:415 .
contradictory argument and 17:46,283-84
depends on need 17 :53
differences of opinion and 17 :333-34
Page 56
ego and 17:263,302
inwardly leaving them to the Mother 17:263,387
mind hamper is Brace in 17:271
the Mother's 10:132; 16:47-50; 17:385
of psychic consciousness 7:221
right attitude? towards 6:340-41
to change 4:78-79
to practice yoga 4:78
without consulting the Mother 17:387 Defeat/Defeatism 10 :311
of subconscient 16:425
victory of 8:401-02 Defect's) 17:397
in ourselves and others 5:357-58; 16:299
progress and 16:299
removed by yoga 3:221
reverse side of a quality 2:91
Page 57
in Nature 16:287-88 in world 5:71; 6:105-06
of Divine action 11:264
of Divine power 4:381
of love 5:239-40,242-43
of spiritual 1ife 9:8
of the vital 10:81 Deities
new creation and 11:117,126 Delight
bliss, true delight 9:8-9,40; 12:l6
cells will share' in 9:42
desire and true" 9:21-23
detachment to Feel 8:327-28
drop of honey, divine bliss 9:23-25 eternity of, intolerable for human being 10:346
fear and l0:332
in progress 10:52
in unity 9:7-9
infinite 10:158
inner, the first experience 9:62-63
Krishna message of freedom and 10 :60
meaning of 3:254
of being 8:226-27,327; 9:l-2; 11:109
of play 10s5"l-52
only way to conquer adverse forces 915,9
opposite of joy and pleasure 9r9;i 12i!l0
pain and 10i158,334-35,351
perfect unity of creation with it® Creator 9s7-9
pleasure and 9:22-23,40-41
soul and 10:333
suffering and 10:246; 14:266; 16;18
world of , calling 16:255
see also Ananda; Bliss Joys Pleasure Delirium tremens 6:75 Demands
increasing 17:231 Democracy 13:279-80
nature of 10:311-12 Depreciation
excessive 16:178
praise and 16:l70
Depression 6:32-34; 14;263-66,359; 17:17,2S,35-36,59,68, 78-79,116-17 ,401 ,404-05
causing i11ness 17:118
created by hostile forces 3:139
desire and 17:99
difficulties and 17:84,111-12
discipline and 17:74
do not open door- to 16:65,67-68
egoism and 4 :10
endurance and 14:174; 16:145
enemy of yoga 16:196
energy 1ost 4:10
humility and 3:139
impatience causing 17:116
joy, pleasure and 8:84-85,191-92
mastering 4:342
nerves and 16:120
Page 58
never accept 16:65
none in the Divine 17:28
not the Mother's will l7:ll8
passing it to others 17:77
physical fatigue and 6:32
progress and 4:ll6; 7:10-11
psychic and 6:32,34; 17:27-26
revolt through 4:52
shake off 16:119,145
solitude and 17:105
State of , contagious 7 :25
study and 12:131,134; 17:77,115
taking about 17:168
thieves of the, vital wor1d and 16:73
vital l being gets depressed 16:134
vital and 4:248-49; 5:257-58; 6:32-33; 8:192, 17:120
nark to pass through 14:337-38; 16:137; 17:213
see also Despair; Discouragement Descartes, Renee 4:l72,294 Descent
ascension and, double 1ine of Yoga 3:30
ascent, manifestation and 8:133-34
bearing pressure of Divine 3:11
fourth dimension and 12:431
into physical consciousness 17:87
into the vital and physical 6:303
miracies from aspiration and 11:313-15
of Ananda aspect of the mother 6:291-93,302-04
of consciousness , 4:251; 9:237-38; 10:74
of Divine Consciousness 3:39-39; 5:323-24; ll:l57-59
of Divine Love, supreme sacrifice 3:172; 4:240-42; 8:226 fn, 339-40; 10:204
of Divine Truth and Force 3:79-80
of First World War 5:305-06
of hostile force 5:306-07; 10:53
of the Mother on earth 17:76,119
of peace 15:424-25
of power 11:52,155,315
of Supramental consciousness and power 3:173
of Supramental truth 3:156
of supermental world 3: l57, 178, 180, 188; 11:316-17
of Truth 1ight 17:404
see also supermental descent
Desire's (s) 10:261-62,304-05; 14:269-76
abolition of 2:51; 16:431
action and 2:61,84,92,106-08; 4:1-2,72,358; 7:292-93; 10:177-78
after death death 4:191; 5:134-36
anxiety and fear springing from 2:90
aspiration and 4:101,136-37,336; 6:328,336-38,409; 7:64,241-43; 16;409
at pranam 17:99
atmosphere of 6:279-81
bliss and 17:107-06
Buddha on 4:382-83; 6 :336-38 ,409 ; 7 :37-39,292-93 ,316-18,320 8:52--53; 16:409
cause of unhappiness 17:101
Central knot of 16:245-46
charity and 2:101
could personality 3:117
Page 59
contagious 7:37 control of 3:188; 5:211-14 create a person ' s surrounding atmosphere 6 :279-81 ;
Create a personal
creation and 9:8
curing 7:58--59
death of 17 :62-63 ;
defense against 4 :325
deforms 4:12 ,113 ,293
delight and 9:21-22
depression and 37:99
detachment from, to feel Ananda 8:327-213,369
discernment of 8:14,53; 10:293
dissolving, effect on world 5:19-20
Diviner and 3 :5-6 ,9-10; 6:238-40; 17:178
eating without 7 :62
education and 6:412-15; 12:l21
effort of 16:31
ego and 8:367,399; 16:246
energies for reproduction and 16:430
error and 3 :1 92
evil and 10:263
evolution and 17 :108
falsifies experience 10:32-33
fear and 2:90
for life 7:317-18
for progress and perfection ,2:93,103; ,12:171
for sacrifice 2:56; 5:350
formations and 5:l7-21; 16:30
getting rid of an 3:268; 17:408
grace and 10:263
help and obstacle 4:3,341;7:298
humanity and 3:150; 6:411-15, 9:98-102
ignorance and 7:31-18
illness and 15:159--60 :
in agreement with Divine will 3:l9
in madmen 11:189-90
in ordinary life and in Ashram 16:134
increase of vital 10:55
indispensable for growth ,8:367
is insatiable; 16:266
joy of mastering and overcoming .9:21
judgment and 16:321
justified by the mind 6:156-59
justified under pretense of liberation 10:l5-16
life of each individual 5sl6 ;
love and 4:136; 5:151-52; ,7:37-40; l0:409
making you act 8:70-71
mastering 7:38-39; 9:21 meeting opposition 6:370'
mental and vital 10:25
mental formations 16:30
methods for satisfying 16:28-29
misfortune and 10:58
most obscure and obscuring movement of 1ower nature, 3:11 must be rejected 13:ll7-19
need(s) and 4 :49.332,384-85; 8:123-24; 16:226
not physical 4:325
of body 16:302
of ideas 2:75
Page 60
preference and 4:1,12,388; 8:256,398-99,407
progress and 10:263; 16:428
physic being being and 16:431 realising through imagination 7:242
rebelling 17:95
renunciation and satisfaction of 7:38-40; 9:99; 10:I76-82
right 3:193-94
sacrifice of bargaining with the Divine 5:350-51 satisfaction 17:135,174 seek satisfaction during sleep 2:31 sexual 12:296 shrinking and 17:321 simple way of knowing 16:343 slavery 14:269-70; 16:ll3; 17:ll 9
"soul of desire" 3:304 ,306-07 ,324 fn
sources of 7:37; 8:70-71
taken for reality 2:50
to become conscious; of everything 2:53 to own own things in universe 2:53 to see films 16:278
true happiness and 16:134
true intimacy and 16:16
unsatisfied 17:99 use of money and 3:45-46
using the Divine as cloak for 4:77; 5:5-7; 15:87
vanishing Divine of 16:177
Vibrations of 2:87-88; 4:382-83; 8;535 10:l76-82
Violent 16:117
Vital 3:133,135; 4:58,191; 5:101; 6:335-56; 9:30; 10:25,55;
Will and 6:410-11; 10:176-82
see also Preference Despair l7:174
faith and 10:56-57
no reason for 17:270
revolt in 4:52
suggestions of , source 16:73
see also Depression; Discouragement Destiny 12:77-79
Circumstances of 1ife organised 6:386-87
determinism , freedom and 9:l75-76; see also Freedom.
determinism and the Divine 16:219 individual 10:11-12 individual and 9:284-85 man and of one's 5:203
master of following the thread of one's 9:18-19 physical world and 1:307-13
predestined , answer to Ashram chi1dren 5:299 see also Determinism Destruction 17:186 by cycone 17:287 Kali and 17:256-57,340 Progress and 17:256
Page 61
Detachment 8:70-71,104,381,398; 17:91,105,109
from action 4:163,278; 8:104,324-25
from desire 8:327-29,369 ;
from material things 3:187-88 from others 16:191; 17;l37,206
from sadness 17:129,194
from world 16:190
self-detachment 2 :57
suffering and 2 :57
yoga and 4:163,304,383-84; 8:327-28 Determination 14:169; 16 :280; 17:72 Determinism 10:244; 11:221-22, 12:77-79; 15 :307-13 .391-94
absolute 3:66,90
catastrophe; preventing 5:191-93
change by Divine will 4:84,160-61,428
different 1evels of 5:86-93
-freedom and 3:29-30; 5:86-93; 6:283-86; 9:175,265-67 influence of the stars 9:284-85 influence of will of Divine Grace 4:160-61 intervention of higher planes 5:91-93,193, 7 :366-67,382-83 Justice, Grace and 5:89-93,36l-63; l 14:86--87; 17:l38,391 1aw of consequence 4:177 layers of 6:48-49,51-52
mind's way of conceiving 3:162 miracles and 7 :366-67,382-83 of the ordinary c on sc lousiness 6:357 physical 6 :48-49 ,51-£.2 planes of consciousness and 3:28-30,58-59; 4:83-85,371; 5;
predetermination and 1iberty 3:28-29 predetermined events 5:189-98 super mind and 6:48-49 surrender changes 7 :366-67 universal 3:154
voyage of the Eternal 9:265-67 Wills, intercrossing 5:189 see also Destiny
cf freedom; Karma; Liberation Development effort and 9:426-28 in children 12:22,25-27 mental 6:22-23; 9:344; 12:2l5-16; 17:62,126 of aspiration 4:343 of attention 12;25 of being 8:396 of the body 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55; 10:31; ll:l41; 12:50-55
13:344-45; 16:301 of capacities , 6;18-20;. 10:6. of concentration 5:125-29 of consciousness 6:86-87; 9:121,153-55,218-22,237-38; 16:413-14
of earth 7:361-62
at faculties 8:189; 9:396-97 ,
of forma 6:83-89; 9:106
of groups 2:59-60
of humanity l0:52;
of individual 7:366,371-72; 9:197-98,348-49; 10:97,237; 16 :304
of individuality 6)261
of mind 5:129; 6:18-20; 9:344,349,401-03; 10:60; 12:5-6,26
139-41; 16;121; 17;126,153 of one's thoughts 16:244 of perfection 2 :106 of possibilities 17:169
Page 62
of power of observation 6:8-9, 78-79, 82-91, 335-36
of the psychic 4:144, 146, 243, 246; 7:399-400
of the psychic being 5:206-07, 265
of sense of colour 6:85-86
of sense of organisation 6:86-89
of senses 6: 78-79
of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16 : 3-5, 7-8
of taste 7: 57-59, 185
of thought 12 : 142; 16 : 244
of universe 9 : 33-35
of will 12: 22-23
self-development 16 : 239
spiritual 16 : 317
God and 10: 341
pessimism weapon of 11 : 256-57
Devotion 14 : 103
egoistic ends in 8: 39
food for vital beings 6: 194-97
greatest in silence 17 : 380
human and divine love and 6: 174-75
liberation and 10 : 331
of a cat 5: 244-45
path of 8 : 43 , 252-53, 324
relation to action and knowledge 10 ;331
surrender through 3 : 126
yoga of 16 : 238
Dhamma 3 : 207
Dhammapada 9 : 196-97
meaning of faith in 3: 189
the Mother on the 3: 183-298; 9 :372
thought in 2: 87
Dharma 5 : 356-57 ; 8: 280, 326, 387
Difficulty (ies) 17 : 84, 388
as blessings 17 : 406
aspiration to overcome 4 : 180, 383; 14 : 243, 246, 249
assurance of overcoming 16 : 169
atavistic 4 : 160-62, 198, 261
attitude in 9 : 423-24
avoiding danger 8 : 224, 229-30
awareness of 16 : 284; 17 : 85, 93, 112, 119, 130, 310, 322
beginning of 17 : 120
break down resistance 6 ; 323-25
burned up by Agni 17 : 148
change and 5 :P 303-04; 16 : 248
cheerfulness and 16 :69
collective 7 : 413-421
comes from oneself 16 : 190
coming in 1955 6 :453, 457-61, 463-64
confidence and 16 : 69
consciousness regarding 17 :113, 130-31
created by a rigid principle 17 : 283
depression and 17 : 84, 111-12
destroying memory of 6 :369
the Divine and 6 : 357-58, 461-63; 14 : 234-51
do not brood over 16 : 68
do not exist in psychic 17 : 102-03
each has central 23 :55; 4 : 44-45; 7 : 419-20
effort and 9 : 423-24
facing 7 :9 ; 8 :41-42; 17 : 414
Page 63
faith and 6 :440-45; 17 :414
fatigue from listening to 17 :323
fighting 9 :74
getting rid of (out of ) 16 :216, 227
Grace and 3 : 143; 6 :242-44, 323-25, 442-45; 14 :99-102
greatest 11 :234
humanity creates 11 :66, 282, 286-88
"impossibility" and 7 :415-20
in ignorance and in sincerity 4 :251 ; 6 :325-26
in the Ashram 16 :38-39
increased by pressure of Force 8 :220-21
joy at heart of 8 :253
love and 16 :217
makes Mantra spring up 4 :389-90
material 16 :354
the Mother's help in 16 :89
narration of, indicates nature of victory 3 :6-7
not to think of 8 :220-21
of India 17 :219, 282, 304
of the individual and of the world 6 :446-47
of lower nature 8 :290-91
of the Mother's body 16 :354 ; see also Mother's body, the, transformation of
of others, never talk about 16 :63
of physical world 6 :207-08, 446-47
offering 8 :253
only way out of 16 :206
opening to 16 :116
opening to Grace 6 :323-25
ordeal of fire and 4 :354
overcoming 6 :442-45; 16 :122, 144-147, 164, 185-86, 364, 383, 421, 433;17:124, 130-31, 133
patience and 16 :144
perseverance and 16 :133
persisting in error 4 :74, 333
progress and 6 :242-44, 332-36, 357-58, 464; 17 :84
proportionate to individual consciousness 4 :44, 74
the psychic and 17 :102-03
psychic being and 7 :21, 401
psychic contact and 6 :33-34
psychological 17 :398
questioning, resistance increases 7 :8
raison d' etre of 4 :118; 16 :431
rejecting 4 :170, 337-38
regarding money 17 :236-37, 244,246,251,253,296
self-forgetting 8:288
the shadow 6:17,263-64
sincerity and 4:74; 6:242-44;14:242-43
smile (s) and 8:23; 16:69,100,220
solution to 7 :106-07; 16 :429-30
sources of 7 :33-34
standing back from 4 :72-73
start when one begins to advance 3 :264
suffering and 17 :129,149
surrender and 14 :236-37
turned to opportunities 6 :242-44
Truth and 14 "236,250
vanish in true consciousness 7 : 400
vital 4 : 52, 248-52, 335; 14 :247
Page 64
"widen yourself when in" 8 :286-88
with workers and projects 16 :38-39
work helps you pass through 14 :337-42; 16 :137; 17 : 213
yoga and 7 : 197-99
see also Depression ; Despair ; Discontentment; Discouragement
attitude and 3 :292
Dignity 12 :370; 14 : 188; 17 :372
Dimensions 4 :19, 139-40, 220; 8 :314
fourth 10 :140; 12 :431-32
inner 7 :249
understanding other 7 :240
Diploma (Degree) 7 :392; 12 :119, 202
and yogi 16 :192
Discernment 4 :50,244, 295, 385-87
between Spirit and Nature 8 :11
between things favourable and harmful to progress 8 :160-61, 210,374-75
ego, personal will and 10 :287
of adverse forces 5 :102
of desire 8 :14,53; 10 : 293
of outside influences 8 :22,393
power of 3 :185
reason 8: 373-74
surest means to 8 :3
through surrender 8 :3
will to develop 5 :198-200
see also Discrimination
given new name by Sri Aurobindo 17 : 190
in and outside the Ashram 17 :190-91
Discipline (s) 4 : 5, 124, 126, 153, 363; 12 : 113, 130,132, 155-56, 198, 287-88, 363-64 ; 13 : 168, 170, 204; 14 : 46
before sleep 5 : 26
calm and 12 : 338-39
collective, rules of initiation-schools 8 : 197-98
communal 12 : 382-83
create 17 : 74
depression and 17 : 74
Eightfold Path 3 : 248-50
for knowledge 7 : 320
fourfold 12 : 4-8
freedom and 8 : 184-86 ; 10 : 257; 16 : 286
growth of higher consciousness and 10 : 258
illness and 10 :383
in the Ashram 8 :185-86, 353-57; 16 : 8, 296, 339; 17 :191
in children, how to maintain 12 : 334-38
in education 12 : 193-94
in work and study 17 : 75
indispensable in life 8 : 185-86, 356-57; 12 : 382-84
integral yoga and 16 : 300
law and 10 : 121
moves earth toward supramental 10 : 31
nothing can be done without 16 : 273
of the body 9 : 98-102
of initiation 10 : 257
of self-control 17 : 376
of spiritual life 16 : 139
Page 65
of students and teachers in Ashram school 8 : 185-86, 353-57
of work 4 : 364, 372; 16 : 145; 17 :75
of yoga 3 : 221; 4 : 343-44, 7 : 216; 9 :291; 16 : 300; 17 : 74
path of tapasya and 3 : 4 ; 12 : 12, 382, 399-400
physical 16 : 127 ; 17 :164
physical education and 12 : 382-84, 392, 395
progress and 3 :20-21; 12 : 382-84
realising anything and 16 : 132
regularity and 17 : 156, 164
science and 7 : 320
spiritual, readiness for 12 : 398; 16 : 301
students and 12 : 412-15
study and 17 : 66, 74-75, 79-80, 90, 98, 146
surrender and 3 :18-19; 4 : 72
to understand true joy 9 :21-23
training the mind 9 : 250-52, 402
the vital and 4 :345; 12: 6-7
without it one can achieve nothing 16 : 123-24
see also Asceticism/ Ascetics ; Austerity ; Tapasya
disappearance of 16 : 67
the Mother never allowed to be 16 : 121
the Mother's help and 16 : 67
see also Depression ; Difficulties
inner 16 :286
of psychic consciousness 16 : 286
Discrimination 12 : 303-04 ; 17 : 37-38, 323-24
between good and bad influences 16 : 135
between truth and falsehood 17 : 386
between types of suggestions 16 : 45
see also Discernment
curing 15 : 163-66; see also Illness, cure/curing
divine health and 10 : 326
in animals 5 : 273
incomprehensible disorders and 16 : 421
medical science and 10 : 324-28
the Mother's body and 13 : 60
of the body 10 : 246, 324
of man 9 : 100-01
psychological and physical 16 : 72
soul and 10 : 271
see also Illness,
Disequilibrium 6 : 35-36 ; 9 : 120-22
equilibrium and 16 : 323-24
illness is 5 : 122-23, 170-82
illness and 7 : 36
in the Ashram 16 : 326
Disinterestedness 2 :163 ; 17 :109; 407
charity and 2 : 98
egoistic personality and 2 : 66-67
in action 16 : 82
in wymon 2 : 145
Page 66
in work 5 : 55-56; 12 : 365
prevents progress 17 : 64
Disorder 5 : 310
faith is only help against 17 : 231
harmony and 10 : 192; 11 : 141; 16 : 323-24; 17 : 238, 241-44, 283-85, 289
illness and 16 : 421; 17 : 186
organisation and 13 : 160-63
Truth and 16 : 341
vital world of 4 : 141 fn
Dispersion 7 : 256-57
concentration and 4 : 4; 12 : 260-61; 16 : 224; 17 : 169, 361
Dispute 10 : 301
of the vital 17 : 54-55
pessimism and 17 : 408
poison of 16 : 74
progress and 17 : 122
receptivity and 16 : 67
with the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 12 : 164-65
Dissipation 17 : 71
Disturbance 17 : 57, 59, 74, 90, 218
don't remain idle 16 : 114
to get rid of 17 : 82, 163
wrong to get disturbed 16 : 185
Divine, the (the Lord, the Supreme) 3 : 5, 23-24; 13 : 27, 133; 14 : 11-13, 17-18; 15 : 49; 16 : 53
absolutely perfect and absolutely humble 3 : 175
accepts and answers all sincere aspirations 10 : 345; 16 : 172
: acting in us 5 : 56-59, 75 fn; 17 : 177
action see Divine action
actions helpful for contact with 6 : 393; 16 : 181-82
adverse forces and 4 : 188; 5 : 375-77; 6 : 169-73, 247-48; 9 : 206-07; 16 : 388
all action belongs to 10 : 47
all are 5 : 380, 385; 6 : 133; 8 : 32, 47, 81, 232; 11 : 260-; 16 : 320, 383-84
all attracted by Him 8 : 3-4
all powerful 4 : 115
alone can liberate us 16 : 431
alone exists (experience of the Divine, the Lord, the presence, the Supreme, That, everywhere) 5 : 16; 10 : 102-03 ; 11 :55, 108-10, 132-38, 144, 147, 158, 165-68, 173, 179, 185, 215, 235, 254, 259-60, 273-74, 290
alone knows results 9 : 317
alone knows where injustice lies 17 : 170
alone with us 17 : 381
ananda 8 : 121-22, 192, 369; 16 :297-98
anti-Divine and 15 : 366
appearance of 10 : 106
approaching 7 :374; 10 : 105
atmy of 6 : 389-90
asking for things from 8 : 122-25
aspects, different for individual 8 : 44-45
aspire sincerely for 6 : 133, 176-77 ; 16 : 177, 359,371
aspiration of 8 : 79
Asuras, men and 6 : 169-73 ; 15 : 22-29 ; 16 : 388
at centre of all things 9 : 156, 209-10
at centre of our being 7 : 193, 240; 16 : 377
attitude of average man towards 3 : 2-3
Page 67
Avatar and 15 : 20-21
awaiting 17 : 178-79
awareness of 7 : 240
bargaining with 5 : 20,239, 350-51, 371 ; 8 : 17, 129-30
basis of all existence 10 : 99
battle of life and 30: 170-71
be under exclusive influence of 14 : 299-302
beauty expresses 8 : 216
being and becoming, by identity 8 : 94, 109-10, 284-85, 377-79
belief in, and Yoga 16 : 341-43
belonging to 5 : 119 ; 14 : 299-302
beyond all gender 12 : 70-71, 105
beyond good and evil 10 : 311
bliss of 9: 23-25
blows from 4 : 122 ; 10 : 48, 57-58 ; 16 :92
body and 14 : 383, 389
Buddha as form of 5 : 79
call from 3 : 2 ; 8 : 223
calling 3 : 160 ; 7 : 415 ; 8 : 93 ; 16 : 290 ; 17 : 238, 365, 378-79
can't conceive intellectually 10 : 70
cells have faith in 10 : 171
challenging 5 : 371
chooses human instruments 5 : 252 ; 8 : 23, 27,31
choosing and being chosen by 7 : 343
christ as from of 5 : 79
collaboration with 5 : 63-66
command received in silence 10 : 292
communion with 3 : 156 ; 16 :425 ; 17 : 176, 178
concentration and 3 : 20 ; 16 : 180, 190 ; 17 : 47, 158, 278, 379
conceptions of 8 : 1-3, 33, 120 ; 11 : 6
condition for earth's return to 10 : 121-22
conditions laid upon 6 : 205-06
conquest of 17 : 276
consciousness see Divine Consciousness
consciousness is 11 : 260
consecration to 3 : 20, 126-27 ; 5 : 119 ; 7 : 192, 243 ; 14 : 105 ; 16 : 61, 135-36 ; 17 : 32-33, 69-70, 176, 374, 409
contact in all circumstances 10 : 350
contact, with psychic 6 : 160-61 ; 7 : 424
contact with 69 : 393, 401 ; 16 : 371 ; 17 :195
contact with others through 9 : 133
cosmic consciousness and 3 : 168
creating a better world than 5 : 16
creation and 4 : 328 ; 5 : 163-64, 309-12 ; 16 : 377, 415 ; 17 : 379
cruelty as expression of 10 : 106
cure from 4 : 251
dealing with virtue 10 : 342 ; 16 : 378
decides length of time on earth 10 : 320
definition of 8 : 33-34 ; 11 : 64-67
denial of 6 : 211-12 ; 8 : 231-32
descent of 3 : 11
desires and 3 : 5-6, 9-10 ; 6 : 238-40 ; 17 : 178
destiny and 16 : 219
different ways of approaching 7 : 228, 374-76
difficulties and 6 : 357-58, 461-63 ; 14 : 234-50.
discovery of, in oneself 8 : 35, 94
discriminates between Truth and falsehood 17 : 386
divine disgust 6 : 286
drawing near to 16 : 173
duality, permanent and simultaneous 8 : 109-140 ; 15 : 298
duty to 17 : 162
Page 68
ego and 4 : 411 ; 6 : 254-61
element and totality of 8 : 29
emanations of 5 : 265 ; 17 : 186
enemy of 8 : 3, 230-32
essence of our being 7 : 193, 240
everyone will return to 16 : 243-44
everything in Him 10 : 147-48
everywhere equally 5 : 12-13 ; 7 : 306, 379
evil and 4 : 288 ; 7 : 425 ; 16 : 185
example of integral activity 2 : 70
exclusive receptivity to 6 : 213-15
experience of all as 5 : 79-80 ; 6 : 362-65
expressing himself 17 : 87
expressing, a million ways of 5 : 73-74, 322-23
expressing in life as art 5 : 321-22 ; 8 : 158-59, 191
extra-terrestrial and manifested, contrast between 8 : 44
faith in omnipotence of 10 : 328
faith, trust, confidence and 6 : 120-25
faithfulness to 14 : 164-65 ; 16 : 434
fighting and loving same in end 10 : 358
finding 4 : 68 ; 6 : 341-42, 393 ; 8 : 44, 120 ; 11 : 254 ; 14 : 3-8 ; 16 : 161, 173, 296, 432
first cause of world 3 : 170
force see Divine force
forgiveness and 10 : 47-48
forgotten Himself 4 : 252
free choice 5 : 310, 374-75, 379-82
freedom and 14 : 202-03 ; 16 : 422
gap between life as it is and 11 : 236
get rid of weakness to draw near 10 : 357
"gives Himself " 7 : 247
gives what one desires 6 : 238-40
giving oneself to 15 : 320 ; 16 : 427, 431
glimpse of Divine Reality 3 : 21
global vision 6 : 458-59
goal and ignorance 10 : 260
god and 4 : 2 ; 5 : 133, 160, 311-12 ; 8 : 44, 120
gods, origin, second emanations 5 : 373
good and bad and 16 : 378
government alone is true 10 : 315
Grace see Grace (Divine Grace)
gratitude to 14 : 162-63 ; 16 : 315
guilty 4 : 411
has equal love for all 10 : 298
has sent down His Consciousness 16 : 414
healing evil and 7 : 425 ; 10 : 71-74 ; 16 : 185
heals weaknesses 4 ; 391
heart and 14 : 373-74 ; 16 : 161, 172 ; 17 : 142
help and guidance of 7 : 246 ; 14 : 89-96 ; 15 : 245-49 ; 16 : 154, 320, 377,394,396 ; 17 : 12
hiding something from 16 : 27
hostile forces and 15 : 22-29 ; 16 : 388
human love for 6 : 102, 174-75 ; 12 :69-70 ; 14 : 136-38 ; 16 : 26
human relations and 14 : 303, 306-08
human will and 6 : 454, 457-61
humanity and 5 : 249-50 ; 14 : 17-25, 135-36 ; 17 : 318
humility before 5 : 46
identification with 5 : 225-26, 312, 322 ; 7 : 355-56 ; 8 : 44-48 ; 16 : 384 ; 17 : 177
identity, separation and union 8 : 94, 225-27, 377-79 ; 10 : 198
ignorance made by ? 17 : 106
Page 69
illness not given by 5 : 170
illumination by 17 : 177
imagination and 7: 234
immanent in all 7 : 340 ; 16 : 223, 253; 17 : 340
impersonal and personal 7 : 244, 248, 250
impulsion 10 : 197
in the inconscient 8 : 35, 79
in material things 14 : 345
individuality not lost in 3 : 169
influence of 6 ; 129-32, 168-69, 213-15 ; 7 : 245-46 ; 16 : 251, 388, 421
instrument of 5 : 48-51
integral idea of 8 : 2
intelligence, fire symbolising 2 : 89
intervention of 7 : 306-07
is the life of our life 16 : 180
is our soul support 4 : 339, 391
is within each man 2 : 38
judges not as man judges 5 : 22-23 ; 16 : 352
justice and 4 : 13, 91 ; 6 : 238-39
Kali 10 : 85
knowing 5 : 225 ; 11 : 66 ; 16 : 428
known only by experience 10 : 34 ; 16 : 239
knows better what is good for us 8 : 123-24, 255-56
knows, does, is 17 : 211, 247
Krishna as immanent 5 : 79 ; 10 : 51 ; 11 : 342
leaning on 4 : 339, 391
leave result in hands of 3 : 132
living for 16 : 295-96
love see Divine love
love for 6 : 102, 174-75 ; 10 : 335 ; 12 : 69-70 ; 14 : 136-38 ; 16 : 26, 177, 217, 276 ; 17 : 54, 135, 378
made us ignorant ? 17 : 106
man and 2 : 38, 44 ; 13 : 77-78 ; see also Man, the Divine and
man, animals and 15 : 368-69
man as aspect of 10 : 83
manifestation of 3 : 158-59, 180 ; 8 : 34, 109-10, 325 ; 10 : 343, 299
adverse forces oppose 7 : 466
in everyone 8 : 45-46, 48-49
on earth 7 : 193, 228, 380
man's idea of 5 : 133, 160 ; 7 : 381 ; 8 : 1-3
Master of Existence and the World-Mother 8 : 113-14
matter and 8 : 4 ; 10 : 343 ; 15 : 91-92
mind 10 : 343, 362 ; 14 : 361-62 ; 16 : 227
money and 6 : 251-52
morality of 4 : 81, 176 ; 5 : 349-50
the Mother and 5 : 162-63 ; 8 : 211 ; 10 : 154-55 ; 11 : 132-38, 227-29 ; 13 : 51
the Mother as servant of 2 : 73
the Mother's experiences of transformation and 11 : 4-5, 108-09, 259-60, 266-68, 273, 277-78, 286-90, 294-95, 297-99, 323, 325, 327, 332
must do the battling 11 : 324
Nature and 10 : 50 ; 15 : 13
negation of 10 : 121
no correct conception of 16 : 239
no depression in 17 : 28
no other influence than 17 : 67
not remote 12 : 430
not touch by destruction 17 : 256, 287-88
obedience to 14 : 165-66
objectivisation of 5 : 372-73
obliged to come if twelve men call 8 : 93
Page 70
offering to 5 : 53 ; 8 : 89-90, 160, 166 ; 12 : 391 ; 14 : 104, 319-29, 336-37, 348 ; 16 : 181, 317, 379
omnipotent creator 5 : 163 ; 10 : 328
oneness and multiplicity 7 : 228, 241, 379-80
only Divine knows 10 : 26 ; 16 : 422
only individual can unite with 6 : 256-61
only safety 11 : 262
only true freedom 13 : 221
only true judge 14 : 292-94
opening to 3 : 133 ; 6 : 388-89 ; 8 : 82-83 ; 17 : 17, 61
order and law 10 : 259
original of all 7 : 424 ; 8 : 81
pain, suffering and 5 : 385-86 ; 6 : 287-89 ; 16 : 411
peace and 14 : 148 ; 17 : 378
perfect love exists only in 16 : 255
perfection of 10 : 58, 104-05 ; 16 : 320
personal and transcendent 16 : 250-53
personal effort and 6 : 225-26
physical being and 16 : 359
physical consciousness and 16 : 431
physical presence of 10 : 154
Play of 6 : 267-68 ; 10 : 51-52 ; 11 : 39-40
pleasing 4 : 17
plunging into 3 : 21-22
"possesses by" 7 : 237-378
possesses eternal power of Truth 10 : 288
power and 10 : 260
Presence of see Divine Presence
principles, individual, transcendental, universal 4 : 392-93
progress and 15 : 84
protection of 5 : 167-68 ; 8 : 224 ; 15 : 50-52 ; 17 : 110
proximity to "sinners" 5 : 350
psychic and 7 : 227 ; 8 : 299 ; 14 : 354, 358, 360 ; 16 : 167-68, 247 ; 17 : 80
psychic being and 3 : 62-63 ; 4 : 147 ; 8 : 299-300 ; 16 : 167-68
psychic contact with man through 6 : 160-61
pulling, and self-giving and receptivity 6 : 137-41
punishment and 16 : 352
purity 9 : 469 ; 10 : 105 ; 14 : 156-57
qualities of 10 : 85
raison d'etre of 5 : 351
rare for man ti listen to Him 16 : 320
realisation of 4 : 255 ; 5 : 83-85, 385 ; 6 : 169-70 ; 8 : 21, 35-36, 141, 147-48, 191, 235 ; 16 : 139, 173, 384, 407-08 ; 17 : 116
rebelling against 17 : 28
receptivity to 4 : 96, 210, 400-01 ; 6 : 168-69, 214-15 ; 8 : 45 ; 17 : 19, 61
refuge in 14 : 9-10, 14, 16
refuse what leads away from 17 : 66
reign of, on earth 10 : 323 ; 16 : 365
reincarnation and 3 : 148-49
relation (s) with 4 : 351 ; 8 : 28-29, 121-22, 280-81 ; 10 : 114 ; 16 : 415
religion and 4 : 289 ; 15 : 30-34, 37
remembrance of 3 : 26-27 ; 4 : 121, 388-89 ; 16 : 374
sacrifice of 4 : 240, 316 ; 5 : 388-89 ; 8 : 74-75, 79
sacrifice to 8 : 74-76, 79-81
secret of incarnation in individual form 10 : 73-74
seeing, in all things 5 : 79-80, 385-86
sees things in time differently 10 : 147
seeing for 5 : 17 ; 7 : 425 ; 17 ; 178-80, 379
"self-creator" 8 : 108
self-giving to 5 : 13-16 ; 8 : 74-77,79 ; 9 : 316-17, 359-60, 421, 428
14 : 106-09 ; 16 : 180, 297
Page 71
selfishness and 14 : 278-79
separation from 5 : 310 ; 8 : 77-79
service to 9 : 49-50 ; 10 : 353, 356 ; 13 : 115-17 ; 14 : 110-12, 426-27 ; 16 357, 433 ; 17 : 135, 162, 180
shares no nonsense 17 : 211
shines in all 10 : 46
soul and 10 : 304-05 : 14 351-52 ; 16 229, 250
subconscient and 14 : 388-89
Sufi's words on 5 : 58
Supramental and 5 : 283-85 ; 10 : 31, 316 ; 11 : 315-17 ; 15 : 123 ; 17 : 80-81
surpasses everything 11 : 310
surrender to 7:255; 8:298-99, 370;10:304-05, 327; 14:113-15;16 226, 324, 389, 433-34
sympathy for 17 : 147
tears, anguish and 16 : 371-72
think only of 17 : 394,407
time and 10 : 147, 320 ; 16 : 153
to be discovered 17 : 11
to come to, abandon mental conceptions 3 : 54-55
to know and to feel 16 : 270
to live for 16 : 295-96, 364-65 ; 17 : 113, 121, 162, 181
to merge with 17 : 52
total vision of 16 : 338
transcendent 4 : 393-95 ; 16 : 352-53, 374-75
transformation and 5 : 322-24 ; 15 : 91-95
treatment He receives 17 : 279
true liberty and 10 : 258
true servitors of 16 : 433
trust in 14 : 96-99 ; 16 : 27 ; 17 : 47, 157, 387, 415
truth, falsehood and 14 : 209-11
unconsciousness made by ? 17 : 106
undivine and 11 : 108-10 ; see also Separation
union / uniting with 3 : 23, 167-68 ; 4 : 153, 401 ; 5 : 328-29 ; 7 : 211 ; 8 : 46, 76-77, 157, 226-27, 235, 245, 257, 269, 327 ; 10 : 288, 343 ; 16 : 161-62, 165, 181, 319, 360, 374, 399, 411, 421, 425, 4312 ; 17 : 147, 178-79, 181, 375
universal consciousness and 3 : 168
universe and 4 : 160-64 ; 5 : 82-83, 375 ; 6 : 267-68 ; 11 : 132-38 ; 15 : 3-10
using as cloak for desire 4 : 77 ; 5 : 5-7 ; 15 : 87
veiled by lower nature 3 : 163 ; 4 : 370
victory of 3 : 3 ; 15 : 88-90
vision of 16 : 338
vital and 14 : 378
vital bring appearing as 5 : 284
wants that you find yourself 16 : 154
way of working of 4 : 115-16, 354, 368
ways of approaching 7 : 228, 374-76 ; 10 : 105 ; 16 : 171
wealth and 6 : 249-53 ; 15 : 53-58, 279 ; 16 : 372
who belongs to 10 : 320-21
Will of see Divine will
will never fail you 17 : 387
withdrawal from universe, impossible 5 : 82-83
withdrawal of emanation of 17 : 185-86
work as offering to 8 : 90, 160, 166 ; 14 : 319-29, 336-37, 348 ; 16 : 181
working for Divine in place of will 5 : 47-48 ; 7 : 191-92
world and 3 : 170 ; 4 : 288, 292 ; 5:322-23 ; 6:105-06; 8:106 ; 15:3-10, 297; 16:324
Yoga, for sake of 3 : 1-2
see also Divine.....; Force, the; Lord, the; Supreme, the Divine action 3 : 170 ; 9 : 30 ; 11 : 273
deformation of 11:264
denial of 11:319
Page 72
simple no tricks 5:91
upon life 9:25-26
upon matter 5:308-09
Divine beings 11:86
Divine child 17:184
Divine compassion 11:42-44; 14:138-39
Divine consciousness 4:160-64,247; 8:74-79; 4:10-11,201,265,268;
accomplishes all 4:379-80
acting according to and going against 13:51
acting through you 5:79-80
aim of life and and 14:4,7
awakening of, in resurrection 3:147
can change tamas 17:287-88
condition to receive 16:68
descent of 3:38-39
difficult to brings and 16:425
direct experience of 3:134-35
exclusive influences of 14:307
hostile beings and 16:425
human beings and 16:425
identification with 16:61
in cells 10:193; 16:360
in the conscient 9:11,207
in material things 14:345;17:88
in material world 16:184
individual manifests one aspects of 3:116
knowledge by unity with 3:167-168
knows and affects 3:167
the Mother's experiences of transformation and 11:86,132-34, 157-60,
neither past, present nor future 10:178-79
the supreme 5:201
opening to 17:211
opposites and 10:341-42
ordinary vital forces of life and 6:389-90
realise to know true love 16:119
reincarnation and 3:148-49
replace ego with 11:307,316
separation from 6:100-01
spark of 3:150
suffering and 11:141,282
there no help 17:349
thirst of cells for 16:369
tragedies and 10:279
the true self is 17:68-69
union with 3:133-35,167-72; 4:153,401; 10:175; 16:158; 17:309-10
upsets people 4:96,98
vision of 10:128
vital forces and 6:389-90
Divine embraces 16:254
Divine forces 16:271,367-68; 17:185
alone can do transformation 17:350
becoming conscious of 6:398-400; 16:350
calling on 3:160
choose its instrument for manifestation 17:350
conscious instrument of 8:174-75
descent of 3:79-80
Page 73
experience of contact seized by mind and vital 6:396-97
flowing through the body 17:253
in integral yoga 16:367-68
the mother and 11:270-71,324
part of being opens to 6:394
personal strength and 17:12
play of 4:163,407;4:267-68
power to bear 17:51
pulling 5:22; 6:409
receiving in silence and concentration 17:55,361
receptivity to 6:403-04
transformation and 7:322; 17:350
trust in great supreme 2:62
turn towards, to deliver you 16:271
vital and 4:396-97
what prevents working of 17:171
work and 17:12-13,295
see also Divine power , force, the
Divine forces 6:458-59
condition to receive 16:69
limitations and 16:271
Divine grace see Grace (Divine)
Divine help 17:377
Divine influence 16:251,421
Divine knowledge 16:217
Divine life 2:68-70; 8:133; 17:39,96
human life and 16:157
fear of 11:311
in a Divine body 9:110
parts refusing 17:113
preparation for 17:251
wanting 17:62-63,116
Divine love 6:102; 7:370,378; 12:305; 14:122-25,139; 15:94-95; 16:72,,217
above quarrels 16:175
aspiration for 130-31; 4:244
becoming conscious of 4:244-46
blows and 10:58
can transform suffering into an ocean of delight 14:266; 16:18
Chaldean legend about 7:370-71,378
complete act of 8:235-36
consciousness is inconscient 9:11,207
descend of 3:172; 4:241-42; 8:226 fn, 339-40; 10:204
do not belittle 16:100
double play of 10:350
essence of truth 17:386
has power to save 16:72
hostile being and 8:340
human beings and 8:340
human love and 3:69-75; 10:83,356,361; 12:68-69;
14:125-30; 16:298-99,409
is the only Reality 17:354
Kali's force and 16:370
Mahakali's 17:374
manifestation of 3:69-75; 8:226 fn ; 10:74
necessary in our age 10:353
open to 16:365
other kinds of ":love" and 8:301-03; 16:409; 17:62,165,183,
Page 74
power of transformation and 3:371-72; 10:261
psychic and 4:245
rapture and 10:175
realising through 8:191,235
receptivity to 6:135-36
self-love and 16:19
suffering and 14:266,268; 16:18
transformation and 3:171-72; 10:261,300
true 16:175
understanding 8:339-40
vibration clothing 4:245
vital being and 3:72-73
vital , psychic and 16:176
Divine man 17:361
Divine Mother see Mother <1> , the
Divine oneness 17:104
Divine order 3:163,179; 8:3; 10:259
Divine peace
bring down 17:316
supermental future and 17:72
Divine power 2:51,147; 10:215; 16:187,195
aspects behind 5:82
deformation of 4:381
Divine will and 12:383
each person is special manifestation of 2:51
manifested on earth 4:381
no limit to 16:195
psychic being and 10:243
trust in 16:187
see also Divine force ; Divine shakti ; power (s)
Divine presence 4:20,81; 7:247,339,408-10; 8:46-77,136,232,305-06; 9:321;
10:43-44; 14:10-11,13,15; 17:35,372
acting 5:75 fn
aim of life and 14:3-5
assurance of 17:103,196,204,213,361
becoming conscious of 5:74-76; 6:393; 10:296: 17:123,182,381
contact with 5:349-50; 16:424
everything is full of 16:119
experience of 4:134-35,325; 9:134-36; 16:161
feeling 16:160; 17:95,103,133,144-45,151,167
find in the heart 16:161,172; 17:142
finding in the body 8:35, 176,214
in all 16:387
in the atom 4:139,240
in child, plant, animal 4:26
in higher mind 17:142
in inner solitude 17:126
in matter 8:35, 78-79
in Nature 8:223-24
in the psychic 4:26
in the subtle physical 10:154
in work 17:212-13
in the world 5:235
is beauty and joy 7:402; 8:122
keeping in touch with 3:154
living in 7:410
Page 75
loss of 16:160,17:151
man united by 8:75-76
the Mother's assurance of 17:103,196,204,213,361
the Mother's experiences of transformation and 16:424-25; see
also Mother's body, the transformation of
never forget 17:95
of the Lord 16:435
the everything 16:256
of the Mother 16:92,173-74
on earth 4:242
physical being and 16:359
pleasure and 8:121; 10:69
psychic being and 16:424
remembrance of the Divine and 16:374
self -giving and 16:98
sensation and 16:390-91
silence filled with 16:435
spark of, present in atom 4:140-41
spiritual life and 16:155
sublime 17:179
unification around 17:316-17
union with 17:272,379
work increases receptivity to 17:166,303
Divine protection 17:110
Divine shakti 4:358,393-95,16:389
see also Divine power
Divine solicitude 374-75
Divine truth 3:79-80; 10:102,288; 312-13;
14:209-11; 15:87 fn ; 17:386
Divine vibration 10:155; 11:193,195-96
physical world and 11:249-50 ; 16:382
see also Divine power; Mahashakti
Divine will 3:133-35,167-72; 8:205-06,256-58,267; 9:130;
10:65; 14:115-21, 301-02,331,347,354
acting in accordance with 4:87-89,114,117
actions and 9:30-32; 16:18
actions of 5:308-09; 9:25-26,176
adherence to 6:438-39
adverse forces distort 3:170
always prevails 17:321
becoming conscious instrument of 16:259,389
belonging to 5:5-7
carrying out 17:55
change determinism 4:84,160-61,408
contact with 4:135.215
creation and 9:7-9
Divine Mother and 16:153
Divine power and 12:382
error to suppose that it always act openly 3:162-64,170-71
expression of in universe 10:289
feeling the 4:2,115
follow 10:293
God and Nature playing hide-and-seek 9:9-13
great being of Over mind and the new creation 9:150
human will and 6:454,457-61
hypnotism and 7:268
identifying with and expression 17:181
ignorance and 3:170
individual will and 5:196; 10:74
judging the 4:388
Page 76
Knowing the 4:2; 17:114,117,172
life is expression of 7:68-70,317
little done according to 17:75
manifestation of 6:159
mind in communication with 3:156
the Mother's body's experiences and 11:260
nothing is outsides of 10:105
origin of creation , essentially Delight 9:7-9
perfect sincerity and 6:398
personal and 6:369-73
plastic to 4:207-08
power and 12:383;17:11
preference to carry out 17:55
progress and 7:373; 9:129-30; 15:84
recognising the 3:8-9
relying on 17:308-09
social relations and 6:369-73
surrender to 7:255; 8:298-99,370; 14:119-21; 16:266,324,389,434
to know whether one's will or desire id\s in ingreement with 3:19
to make progress 9:130
true friend 9:57
union with 3:133-35,167-72
unshakable faith, sign of presence of 3:97; 17:125,376
us and 16:179
vital and 16:196,401
will be manifest upon earth 6:159
will of 3:8
will triumph in time 16:153
world and 14:331
Divine work 7:191,389-90; 16:155
developed psychic
everything a part of 4:115
faithfulness to 17:114,219
forces for against 16:10
money for 5:161-62
readiness for 16:309
study for 5:28-51; 6:153-55
Division 6:101; 11:289
creation and 6:273
confidence in 17:403
faith in 10:324-25
humanity is slave of 10:327
illness and 5:123-24; 17:231,349-50,353,403
incompetence of 16:302-03
should not talk about patients 16:63
words of the Mother on 15:167-77
see also Medical opinion ; Medical science
cf . illness
Dogma 2:162; 4:25,284; 1c:97; 14:212-13
Sri Aurobindo's teaching and 13:22; 15:361
Dogs 5: 248; 6:182-83; 17:4
Page 77
Doubt 14:214,262
conquering 10:13-14
cultivation of 6:121
experience and 10:12
in aspiration, prevents receiving the answer 5:396-97
in the Cosciousness 17:138
in the mind 9:351
is a poison 16:74,220
lingering in the consciousness 16:41
physical mind and 6:224-25
progress and 10:27
questionings and 10:212
receptivity and 6:404
reject all 17:139
spoils intervention of Grace 5:367
veils the consciousness 16:41
waiting to be free from 17:51
Drama <s>5:223-24
not the highest of the arts 3:108
written by the Mother 7:301-04,308-09, 316,323; 12:451-516
Dream <s>12:93-94;15:143-46, 329-30,341-43,347-54,
378-79; 17:3,11,49,158
about the Mother 4:113; 6:142-50; 15:350-51 16:334;
17:55, 74, 218-19
about people one meets afterwards 3:16
as erratic activities of mental facilities 2:31-32
as vision and revelations 2:37; 3:13-15
bad , mental fermentation 16:277
becoming conscious of 2:30-37; 3:14-15,19; 16:23
being disturbed 17:218
children's 4:128,149; 8:116-19; 9:161-62
conscious will and 5:25-27
contact with occult worlds in 8:219
death seen in 7:123,134
different kinds 4:57,60
disordered stomach, and a 6:74
distinguishing other activities other activities of night from 16:232
effect of supermental descent on 8:293
entering the worlds beyond in 6:448-49; 8:116
exercising conscious will on 5:25-27; 16:23
experience after death and 6:448-49
experience <s> 6:147-48;185-86; 7:79-80,119-20; 16:317
explanations of 4:319-21
exteriorisation during 8:116-19
fear and 6:192; 17:230
fear in 4:60; 16:261-62
forgetting, reason for 5:37-39
habit of reviewing 2:37
happenings as in 17:123
imagery in , materialist 5:29
importance of 5:25
in the psychic consciousness 4:149
in sleep 3:14-16; 16:408
in the vital world 5:27-28,37-40; 8:116-19; 15:352-54
inner being seeking revenge 2:32
interpretation of 2:34-45; 3:14; 11:10-12
knowledge and 10:125-30
learning in 7:124
lights in 17:42,44-45
meeting other persons in 16:408
Page 78
meeting unknown people in 4:108
memory of 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:220
mental activity and 2:30
mental confusion revealed in 2:32
mental fermentation in 16:228
the Mother helping people in 15:350
the Mothers 2:131-36; 4:62; 5:27-28
the Mother's world about 2:30-37
"Mother of " 4:1,10
monkey and crows in 17:158-59
musical composition in 4:127
" my jewelled dreams of you " 17:363-64
nature of 2:30-37
nightmares 3:47,165; 4:129,192-94; 7:24,121; 16:189
noting 4:59,62
objectivation of of subconscient images 11:33,35-36
occur in vital space and time 3:165
of a departed person 17:367-68
of elevator crash 5:191; 10:130-31
of the Mother's friend 3:166
peculiar 17:391
premonitory 10:125,130-31; 17:35,278
purely mechanical 2:31
recurring 7:124
relation to working state 2:30
remembering 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:228
remembrance of past lives 4:148-49
scorpions and snakes in 17:56
seeing places, people, trains, etc. 4:107-08, 319-21
snakes in 16:261-62
stomach and 6:74
story in fairy-tale 8:118-19
subconscient and 15:348-49; 16:385
symbols in 4:107,149; 5:28-29; 6:142-43, 147-50; 7:129-30; 17:393
time and 3:165
"unlived dreams " 8:222
unpleasant 17:390
vital consciousness and 16:428
waking consciousness and 16:23
white serpent , two - headed 7:427-29
why do we dream? 7:132
working to realise beautiful 16:80
Drouet, Minou
child prodigy 8:318
Drugs 11:35-36; 13:246,352-53; 17:195-96,352-54,405,407,410-11
Dryness 17:112,198
depends on inner state 16:173
love behind 16:207
Dualities 8:109-10; 15:6-7,298,366; see also Opposites
Duality and oneness 16:374
Dullness 17:316
getting rid of 16:62
age-long battle of 5:97-98
cult of kali and 8:244-46
expressing herself through the Mother's body 11:104
Hymn to 12:43-44
Puja 7:352
see also Kali
Page 79
Duty 2:154; 5:301; 12:367; 14:306; 17:162
transform oneself 16:426
Dynamism 2:108; 8:8,254
Page 80
Earth 15:47,263-65,365
absence of fear on 10:89 aim of life on 2:39,49; 4:117-18; 7 :211 ,292-93; 8:120,176; 9:15 206-10,252-54; 10:291; 12:3-8,113,312-13; 14:3-8; 15:82-84 16:386,432; 17:78,102,109,375,381; see also Life, aim of
ascent and fall on 10:92
aspiration of 11 :65
atmosphere of 8:127-28 , 178; 16:237 beginning of its material reality 10:163 birth of eternal on 9:177-78 Buddha in atmosphere of 16:382 cannot bear too rap id manifestation 11:85 changes slow to come 17:326,350 coming harmony on 11:174-75 consciousness of 10:187 creation of 4:119,328; 10:220
creators and formateurs of beings on 5:308-09
death and 10:168
decisive hour in history of 16:427
descent at Divine Love only, on 10:204
descent of Divine Mother on, 17:7:119
development of , involution and evolution 7:361-62
difficult hours come to 16:422
disorder an 10:92
the Divine and 7:193,228,380; 10:121-22,320; 16:365 Divine's emanations particular work on l7:119,186 divine peace on 17:72 Divine power manifested on 4:381
Divine presence on 4:242 Divine will manifesting on 6:159
do work on 17:114
events important changing them 5:191-93
evolutionary planet 10:52-55; 13:376
existence of of Krishna on 10:60-61
field for progress 5:50,206-07,339; 7:76; 9:270; l2:l85-86
16:l64,434; 17:102,109,375 giving to man and 2:49 God speaking to 17:363-64
gods ,incarnation an 4 :184
governed by asuric forces, ignorance and falsehood 3:245;
6:169-70; 11:41; 14:209
governed by Truth 10:312
history of 4:242; 10:89; 16:421,427
identification of consciousness; with 2:130
importance of 5:275-77
in conscience on 11:87.
inner progress of 3:39-40
integral servitors on 17:183
joyfu1 child on l7:l84
justice on 2:95
life of 2:l30; 7:4l8
life on 7:76; 8:202,215
1ives in deception 11:262 !'luminous double 5:276
man on 2:44; 7:323-24; 10:137 fn
manifest at ion of all worlds on 10:60
mental atmosphere of 10:28
memory of 3:94; 4:110-12,124,281-835 5:278-82; 10:92
miracles on 10:163
Page 81
moment of transition in history of 16:421
money meant to help 17:396
the Mother and 10:255; 13:37-38,41,47,51,58-59
the mother taking body on 17:65 needs to die 10:168
new creation and 7:357; 11:116-18; see also World new
new forces upon 4:220
offer consciousness of , to the Supreme 10:121,
one cannot destroy 10:142
only place with psychic 4:164-65,243; 7:164
over mind gods and .16:235
paradise on 10:88-95,151 . .
peace on 15:64-67; 17:72 ,
place for psychic progress. 3:198; 4:l44,165
preparation of 17:314
pressure of Truth upon l3:375
progress of 16:373; 17:102,109 ,375
prophecy of new 6:159
psychic being and 6:160-62
realisation on 3:194; 17:106
responsibility of 4:246 ;
Satyayoga on? 17:78
Sri Aurobindo and 13:3-10 passim ,16-21 passim; 16:430
story of .4:22
study in ourselves whi1e on 2:128
subconscient and 11:323
subtle regions and 10:60
Supermind., rule. of, imminent on 5:283-85
Supramental and 5:203-85; 8;11,178,291-93; 10:31,316; 11:315-18
13 :52,57 ; 16:382 supramental creation on 15:404-07 ;
supramental manifestation on: 8:125-35,219-21; 11:279,284
15:100,202-03; 16:382 supreme justices upon 2:95 supreme Love on t0:74,121-22 symbol of universe, concentrated 2;80; 4:242 5, 5t272,27S-76j
7:160,164.; 9:209,321
time needed for Earth to be ready 9:l41 transformation of 3:173; 10:220; 11:279,284; 15:92-93,316;
16:331,382; 17:193-94,319,397 ; truth manifesting on 11 :85-86 victory over hostile influence , on 3:198; 6:436 vision of whole 10:264 within Falsehood 11:178-80 work on 17:ll4,186 yoga on 7:33 see also Creation; Universe; World East and West
dangers of yoga and 3:4
in relation to spiritual 1ife3:l2 synthesis of art in 5:342-43 see also west , the Eating 3:23-24; 16:302
adjusting to change of 17:263 chew thoroughly, calmly 17:142-43 habits in the Ashram 6:155-59,162-64,178-81; 7:62; 17:47,24 in moderation 17:15 in return for work 17:288
inner attitude and 16:290 , the 1ord. eating offering of devotees 17:290 meat 6:l78-81
Page 82
regularly 16:126-27 well 16:117,121
Without desire 7:62
see also Cooking; Food Ecstasy
belongs to perfected yogi 16:298
objectless joy 8:376
see also Ananda; Joy education 12:129 ,167,169-70 ,199
aim of 6:154-55; 12:l20-21
attitude and 12:340
beauty and :12:20-21
begin at or before birth 12:9; 17:372
books for reading 7:287-90,310-13
can begin b£?Tore or at birth 12:9; 17:372
cat educating kittens 5:244-45
characteristic of man 9:218-22
cinema as instrument of 7:299-300
"classics" , revading 7 :287-90
compulsion not effective 12:335
correcting wrong done through ' un consciousness 5 a 411
desires and 6:412-15; 12:121
development of individuality through 6:261
discipline in 12:193-94
doing what others do 8:179,238,240-41 :
fear and 12:11,14
five principal aspects of 12:9
idea of evil 4:23-25
in the Ashram see SAICE
Indian 12;251-55; .13:369-71
instinct destroyed by wrong 5:295-96
matter, spirit and ,13:369-70
memory , mental phenomena 5:270 ,290-91
mental 5:217-18; 6:l8-23; 8:181-84 ,364-66; 9:402-03 ; 12:24-29
mental 1azinsss 8 ; 186-87
money and 12:159 ,202 ,353-54
moral 9 :97-91
of body 12:7-8,12-17,275-81,285
of children see, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of
of 1ower parts of being 17:113 of senses 6:78-91; 7:57-59,309; 12:20-21 of wymon 8:239-43
ordinary , deadens the; consciousness 5:290 parents and ,12 ;9-38 ,434-35 ,446 perfecting of faculties 9:396 physical culture see Physical culture physi cal see Physi cat, education Sports psychic 4:26-27; 6:24-37; 12:30-35 psychic contact and new faculties 9 :396 sacerdotal 4 :92-93
science or art , orientation of one's "torchlight" 3:128-29 sex. 12:378-79
special i sat ion and 6 ; 18-21 spiritual 6:24-37!; 12t:35-3Et sports 6:237-43 passim superficiality of 12:146 supermental 12:146 true 12:335
Page 83
brain formation 4:l40; 8:180-83,385-87
difficult subjects 4:198
various inf1uence an child 8:203-04 ,392 ,
vital 6:10-17; 12:18-23,55-57
vital forces and 12:336 .
work, method of study 5:48-49 ,
work , utility of, crystallizing mental power; 5:26-28
yoga and 12:179-80,254
see also Learning; SAICE; Sports Students, Study, Teachers Effort 2:23; 6:208-09 ,220-21 ,225-26; 8:24 14:169-71
activity , passivity and 6 :113
adverse forces, counteracting attack of 5:95-96,235
attitude in each act 9:96-97
attitude of aspirants . in case of another world cata-strophe 9:169-70 to supramental life 9:24l-42;
awakening and conquering 9:421
become master of self through 9:70-71
breaking the she; 1 9:135-36
central difficulty deserves all 2:55
changing conditions of sadhana in the Ashram and ,6:297
changing somebody 5:98 .
collective 8:249
consecration and 10:300,
constant 4:346; 9:65
difficulty and 9:423-24
ego and 6:330-33; 7 :363-64 ,371
endurance to change 4:251,336
en "Iightenment and 2:49
fail Lire to make 6 :267
fatigue and 16:79-80
feeling new-force 9:319
finding one's true turn of development 9:426-28
for 1ibisration 7:376 .
for peace 6:314
for progress 4:7; 5:102-04; 7:202; 8:196,209,360-61; 9:173 316-18 ,426-,18;12:137 ;16:179-80,291,315.
for realisation 8:174-75; 9:116-19
gives joy 4;31—33
great opposition to 17 :133
human aspiration and 5:89; 10:244
ignorance yields to 17:103 , .
impossible becomes possible through 8:384-65
in aspiration 5:89; 10:244; 16:294
individual 7:363-64 collective ascent and 5:250; 9:174 determines time needed for realisation , 9:190-91 means o-f act ion of Sup r amen tat Force, 9 :5-6
intensified by opposition 10:66
key of effort. Sri Aurobindo wants us to make 9:91-94
knowing one's capacity for work 5:320
laziness and 8:162,182,296 ,
1ower nature and 6 :220-2l
making 16:275,294; 17:l00,124
meditation and 16:312
men and wymon must associate in common 2:146
mental 9:124-26 ; 17:279
the Mother's, to become conscious 12:433
necessitated by reactions 17:133,364,376
Page 84
needed for or transformation l6:391
Union of all l6:380
Ashram children 6:430-32
of conscious thought destroyed at night .2:31
of desires on work 16:31
of mankind con verges 2:125; 7:329; 8:377-76 of Nature 10:50,280
of organising circumstances 16:303 of seeking 17:178,180
opposition to 10:66; 17,133
perseverance and persistence in 9:31; 10:246,293; 16:395-96
17:l03 personal 4:94,367-68; 7:363-64; 8:370-71; 16:33,2:17,l00
the Divine and 4:411; 6:225-26
grace and 16;365
purity and l6:379
necessary to preserve faith 9:351-52 ,
will and 5:47 Physical 8:196-97 Physical nature and 6:430 Prayer and 16:275
problem, solving a 5:220 psychic 6:l39-41
reactions make need for 17:133,364,376 result of 2:62; l8:139,370-71 role of of human 10:244 sincere 16:383; 17:73.
soul and 9:373-75,426-28; 10:293 spiritual 2:57-58; 3:203; 9:l47,149 spontaneous 8 :282 ,371 surrender and 16:312 think only of going ahead 9:412
to become servant of the Divine 17:113
to correct one's movements 17:375
to create harmony 17:392 to overcome preferences and dislikes 17:171
to prevent war 9:3-4 to quiet vital 17:48,133
to sacrif ice 8:76 to transform oneself 10:269-70; 16:426; l^^l^S
to understand 8:182-84 ,358 ,385-87 ; 17:66 ,145 ,157
towards Truth 2:27,81
towards vaster perfection 9:296,298-99
transformation and 16:391
true way of 17:66,138,190,279,377
waiting and 17:57
without calculation 4:32-33
Ego 11:54-55, 167,190,219,260,307-08; 12:357; 14:203,214,
276-78,295; 15:129; 17:52,373
aberration of created material world 10:45
absence of fixed ,according to Buddhism 3:248
adverse forces and 3:218; 5:235
ambition , the canker 5:8
as prison 10:278
attachment for disinterested work 5:55-56
avoiding error and 16:402
bargaining of 5:233-34
beatitude and 10:278
becoming less and less egoistic 5:57
better to transform 16:423
Page 85
centre of preoccupation 16:l78
charity and 2:97,100
conflicts of 14:292-86
confusing service of Divine with 10:81-82
contemplation of little physical 17:171
convinced that it decides.6:51
crumbing of 2:39
cutting the knot of 6:390-91
death and 10:320
decisions and 17:263,302
definition of 3:240-41
deforms 4:401-02; 5:357-50
desires and 8:367,399; 16:246
different 'states of being and 16:432
difficult to seize 3:240'
the Divine and 4:411
divine 'government and 10:315
effective remedy for 10:271-72
effort and 6:330-38; 7:363-64,371
egoless, to become , learning identification 5:219
elimination (abolition , dissolution) of 4:333,411; 9:427-28;
10:320-21; 11:215; 16:226,379,381,389-90
emergence from 7:424
enlarging range of 10:264
enthusiasm and 7:424 . .
everyone not the same 8:387-88
evolution of 16:432
experience and 7:229-30
fear and 16:186
freedom and 10:264; 16:422
freedom from 8:71,114; 10;321-22
generous and wise people, pride and vanity of. 5:l4,-16,349
getting rid of 3:268-69; 6:37 ,256-63. ,332-36 ,390-91 ; 17:55,409
god of 10:93
Grace, action and 4:279-81
gratitude and 7:424
helper and bar l7:108-09
humanity and 5:12-16; 11:55
in primitive natures 17:235
individual and 3:240; 4:401-02; 7:1l,13,366,371-72; 16:304
individuality and 4:174 ; 8:367-68; 10:l09
inferiority complex and 16:269
inner reactions and 17:311
Judgment from point of view of 10:49; 16:321
justice and 2:95
Karma and 15:393
knot of 8:70
knowing God's will and 10:313-14
Krishna and 10:349
liberty, equality, fraternity and 10:307
living without 9:338
living in the 4:280-81
many 7:11
mastering the, moral perfection 9:409-10
mastery of complex individuality 9:402-03
Maya and l0:363
meaning of ego individuality 7:11-13
mental construction 4:200
mental, veiling of soul 10:55
merging in the Divine 6:254-61
mind and 4:200; 5:150; 7:364
Page 86
misery of 16:433
modesty and 16:265
the mother's body and see Mother's body, the, ego...
observing action 6:402
of matter 11:298
of nations 10:257
offering to the Divine 16:379
once indispensable 3:218
overcoming 10:340 ; 16:362, 379, 422,426
personal will, discernment and 10:287
philanthropy and 10:83
physical 10:193; 11:190
poverty and 10:10:271-72
preferences 10:236
psychic being and 16:432
purpose of 7:366,371-72
reactions of 10:298
reason and 8:373
receptivity and 6:136-38
refusing to abdicate 17:333
reign of, must end 11:316
renouncing 4:70
replace with Divine consciousness 11:307,316
sadness and 16:178
"satisfying" 17:171,174
self- criticism and 6:350,402; 16:309-10
self-giving and 16:422
sensitivity and 10:304
separation and 3:241
shell of, and experiences 6:332-35; 7:229-30
sin and 10:109
social life and 10:308
sorrow and 6:144-45; 10:296
soul and 10:254, 316; 16:250
source of insincerity 8:398-99
spiritual 4:364; 5:383-85
suffering and 2:56-57; 6:144-45,405;9:41; 15:359-60
"super-ego" 7:119
superman and human 10:248
Supermind unknown and inaccessible to one with 3:242
supermental vibration and 10:114
surrender of, to Divine 16:186,226,433
total lack of 10:278
understanding universe and 10:358
vanity of 5:14-16,349
viewpoint of 17:114
virtues and 5:14; 6:182-83
vital, self-conceit 9:5
war and 10:52
watching oneself and 4:361-62
will to get out of 6:37,254-61,390-91
wisdom and 10:16
withdrawal from 10:45
world created by 10:45
work of 16:389-90
see also Egoism; Egoistic... ; pride
Egoism 6:253-56 ; 16:422
atmosphere full of 17:114
begins with the mind 5:150
change by revolution and 16:153
creates complications 17:167,299
Page 87
depression and 4:10 different kinds of 4:334
Freedom and 4:400; 10:15-16,261-62 ,
give yourself , without 16:182 , .
hindrance to supramental manifestation 4:383 ,
in coming to the Mother 17:100
in inner being 6:28-29
individual 4:66
magnified philanthropy 10:83
progress stopped by 5:46,219-20; 16:128; 17:117-18, 122 ,160-61
reaction of , and pure reaction 9:6
relatively easy to correct 3:240-41
remedy for 10:271-72
selfishness 7:371-72
source of difficulties 8:135,220-21
sports and 6:28-29
suffering and 6:405; 16::290
supra mental manifestation and 4:383
transformation and 16:426
vanity and 4:39
Vedanta and 10:316
wanting to pull the Forces is dangerous 9:241-42
work on one's own self is different from 4:254,411
see also Ego Egoistic aim
offering and 16:269-70 Egoistic ends
in devotion 8:39 Egoistjci11ness ,4:10 Egoistic movements
transforming 7:75
Egoistic personality 2:66-67 , Egoistic state of consciousness 7:354 ; 10:76
art in 3:109-10,339-40
feast of, 1ight 4:6
great ages of 4:312
hieroglyphs and sounds of 8:151-56
the Mother's vision of 6:155-57
viol at ion of tombs in 8:96-97 Eight-fold Path 3:248-50
see also Buddhism Electronics 12:377 Elemental entities
the "domain of death" and 6:55
see also Entities Elite 16:263
effort towards vaster perfect ion 9:296, 298-99
of mankind 3:l50; 4:l47,156; 7:178,215-16 ; 8:291
organisation must be made for 12:181
predestined 9:92
realisation new, its effect shared by some 9:298-99,315
transformation of a small number 9:73-74 Elizabeth I 4:150 Emanation<s>
children as 5:381-82
divine 5:275-76; 17:119,185-B6
first four 5i374,376,379-81
formation and 16:375
gods, creation of the 5:372-73
Page 88
innumerable, "enemies of the Divine" 5:375
life turning into death 5:3
of adverse forces 4:88; 5:375-77; 6:247-48; 9:206-07
of Auras 6:173-74,435
o-f the Mahashakti 16:370
of the Mother 6:274; 13:76
of the over mind 5:308-09
power of 5:265
psycho-divine; evolved psychic being 5:265
truth turning into -falsehood, "Lord of Nations" 5s96,376-77,379 Emotion<s> 15:343-46
austerity o-f 12S64-71
bad feelings 7:81,90
beongs to higher vital , not psychic 3:124
characteristic of heart 16:177
containing and en pressing 3:10-11
effect of music on 16:225
"love" 7:90
passions 7:90
psychic 9:325; 15:344-46
sharing another's l6:231-32
vital impulses and 6:193,392-93
see also Feelings Emotional centre 16:225
see also ChaKras; Heart Emptiness
Divine is in depths of 16:172
in oneself 4:203
knowing one's soul and 16:288 Endurance 3:l39; 12:295-96; 14:174-75; 17:51,335,357 ,358
depression and 16:145
facing difficulties 8:41-42
faithfulness, form of 6:42
for change 4:251,336
force of calmness 8:329-31
1earning 3:136-37
needed for transformation ion 3:l36-37; 11:1 ,3 ,8,13 ,15, 173 ,271 ,276
of body 4:54,251
of wymin equal to man's 2:143
path of yoga and " 8;261
perseverance and 8:23,41-42,394
physical 4:54,251
preserving one' s , certain victory 9:255
secret of 16:366
success and 16:134
upsetting or depression and 16:145
see also Perseverance; Persistence
c f, Patience . Energy/ ies
absorbing, from outside 16:224
bathed in a sea of 16:ll8
battery of 2:64
body-cells 7:72
can be cultivated 16:145
children and 4:4
concentration of 16:125,186; 17:221,303
controlling flow of 4:161
Page 89
exchange of 4 a 4-6,32-33; 5;209-10s 16s146,429 fasting and 7:60-61
for reproduction 16:430. forms of 16:224-25
from vital forces 7:72-73,137-42
given to mind l5:370
giving l6:429
in the new world 4:70
indolent 16:2B5
inexhaustible 17:404 integral yoga and 16:225
japa and 16:224
lack of 16:ll7
1ife-energy 17:18
lost 4:l0
of Japan 2:148
of progress 2:49; 7:102
receptivity to 7:259; 8:l95-97; 16:118,124,146
sources of 6:81-82, 7 :71 ,73 ,103 ; 12:263-64; 16:140,146 ,148¦
terrestrial, contacting 4:10
utilising 16:24
vital 4:250; 6:82; 8:298-99
wasting of 4:10; 6:155-56; 8:162; 13:370 ,16 :370-71
see Also Force<s>
Cf. Force, the
English language 12:21,222-23,225 Enjoyments
be above 16:l57
distinguishing bliss from 9:6-9
ordinary 17:139 Enthusiasm 4:248-49; 14:l86
capacity for 7:423-24
increasing 16:302 Entities 16:252
behind automatic writing 5:36
behind the Elements 5:384; 7:385-86
elemental 6:55
gentle 4:275
intolerable, in physical atmosphere 4:274-76
"miracles" with help of vital 4:83,86-87; see also Vital entities
Mature-entities 7:308
over mind 5:265 Envelope
mental 16:225
nervous 3:89; 4:268
protective 4:63,273,324-2.
subtle-physical 4 :324-25
vital 4:63,273 Environment
body perfectively adapted to 10 : 89
changing one's 7:376
children formed by 8:39i1
conditions one's search for Divine 7i425
difficulties and 3:6-7
effect of on body 5:296
expresses the individual 2:68
importance of physical 3:153-54
perfecti0n of 10:312 Equality 4:90; 17:l09
bodily 5:23; 11:14
knowledge and 10:l75
Page 90
in difference and 16:173,336-37 liberty, fraternity and 10:307
of men and wymon 2:146
of soul , basis of receptivity 4:96-97; 5:23-24; 8:68 perfect 10:59
Supermind/supramental and 10:114,117; 11:193,195; 15:ll0-11 .Equanimity 14:1845 17:41 ,398 basis of 3:11,34,53; 5:23 essential condition 3:10
first step in yoga 3:100
towards, food 3:123
vital being must preserve 3:136
Equilibrium 4:14-16,24,63; 11:200
accumulation and distribution , rhythmic movement 5:357-58 as essential 1aw 10:107-08 basis of 9:241-42; 17:l29
creation of 5:353,355; 6:171-74; 11:111-14
equality of soul and 16:323-24 important for progress of soul and entrails 5:23 mental 2:64; 5:24; 6:310-12,314-15; 8:311 progress and 6 :180 re-establishing 5:122-23,173-30 universe of 10 :107
error <s> Mistake <s> 4:74,214-15; 6:236-37, 342-44; 14:251-57
abolishing , and consequence of 9:59 fn aspiration and repentance 5 :142-43; 10 :197
Atheist , Agnostic and 10:363
avoiding 16:402
cannot vex or displease the Mother 16:143
concept in time 10:147-48
consequence s of 5:363,367; 9:57 fn; 16:323
correcting 9:306-07
cosmisvision, suffering and 10:263-64
disappearance of 9:330
Divine near to one who wants to change 5:350
Divine will and 3:162-64, 170-71
effacement of 16:307
"evil persona", a cause of 5:276 fn
first effort towards Truth 2:27,81
how can one know? 16:306-07
how to abstain from 12:126
in ridiculing others 10:21
in world of reflections 10:126-27
justified 10:147
Lord's use of 10:339
obstacle to charity 2:98-99
of creation 10:223-24; 11:170
of humanity, clinging to past 9:197-98
of lower vital 7:70
of religion 9:407-08
one loves one's 3:192
perfection and 3:192
persisting in 3:192; 4:74,333
possibility and 10:151
punishment and 16:233
renunciation of 8:294-95; 10:172-73
rule to protect from 16:120
sudden vision of all 10:121
supermental descent and 11:314-15
Page 91
there is none 10:l50
through ignorance 7:411; 10:47; 16:307 throwing into inner flaim 9 :352 true vision and 10:41-43 truth and 2:27,81; 10:20,147-56. passim two possible, regarding work
understanding one's 5:55-56
way to escape consequences 10:277 ways of dealing with 10:196-97 why there is, everywhere 5;17-10 Eternal, the
birth of, on earth 9:177-78 identification with 2:l30 translation of , for the supramental descent 11:137,146 voyage of 9:265-67 Eternal consciousness
we carry in ourselves 61:60,435-36 Eternal creation 8:346 Eternal source
learn to drink from 16 :118 Eternal word 5:334-55 Eternity 11:113-14,126,146 all alike before 1-158 experience of .10:265 impression of beginning 4:217 Inconscient and 11:161
is term of soul 10:261 memory of 10:219 of do light 10:346
peace of 17:182
sleep of consciousness for 17:184 sphinx of 4:1 time and 4:232,394; 17:242 to soar in 17:l81 , Etheric being l7:B2 Etheric substance 6:307 Ethics 16:199 Europe 10:203
absence of inner sense of. people of l0:96 advanced thought of 10:307 buildings in 4:308 Christ humanised 10:63 destruction of 10:141-42 doubts and questionings; l0:212 great- ages 4:311-I2 Japan and 5:366 1ack of civilisation 10:323 music of 5:77
state of, in 1931 16:6-7
war, effect of 4:303 see also Countries; East and west ; Nations; west the Europeans 4 :306,312-13; 10:96,311 Evi1 4:23-24,40,287; 6:171 , 10:246; 11:199-200,249
bad things easier to do 5:234-36 bad thoughts 8:207-10 boredom , commonest evil 8:175 causes of 5:72-73,147 charity and 2:100
conscious of, that one does 3:197 criminal, 1iaht in depths of the 5:301 death of instrument of , changes nothing 5:377
Page 92
death and failure not 10:263
desire and 10:263
disorder, separation from the Divine 5:310
the divine and 4:288; 7:425; 16:185
easier to do 5:234-35
"evil, persona" 5:276 fn
fear, very bad thing 5:318-19
from spiritual point of view 3:189
God and 4:25,80,119; 5:73; 9:180-81; 10:311; 11:109,112,210,212 ;
grace and 6:216-17
harm, by so-called sannyasin 8:72-73
healing 7:425; 10:71-74; 16:185
human fallibility and 10:312
idea of 4:23-25; 9:134; 10:72
ignorance's, bad 5:414
karma 8:82
limit to excess of 7:424-25
meeting in sleep 17:150
mental formations, harming through 5:133
nature of 10:315
only way to escape 10:277
remedy for 5:73,147,365
source of 3:102
story of serpent and 10:92-94
tamas and wickedness 5:415
victory over 9:4-5
see also Bad....
Evolution 8:322; 11:161-64,167199,238; 12:116; 15:118; 16:224
accident of 10:90
aim of 9:182-83,321-23
all happiness conducive to 2:68
atheist and universal 10:28-29
children and 5:345-36
christ and 10:61
conscious, of humanity 7:357
descent of consciousness precedes development of form 9:218-22,237-38
desire and 17:102
evolutionary and evolutionary being 5:324
evolutionary curve in human experience 7:305,364
first man 7:332
goal of 9:321-23
human 5:333-36; 6:222-23; 10:209; 16:432
in cycles 4:311
individual and universal 2:128; 9:214-16, 225-29, 323
involution and 7:361-62; 9:204 fn , 220-21
justice in present state of 2:95
life is in perpetual 2:25
man and lower levels 7:324-25
man becomes god through 10:93
methods of 2:83-94
Page 93
mind and 10:89-91
Nature's ways and 7:162
new race and 7:333, 9:313-14
objectification and 10:162-63
of art 5:333-39
of creation 16:284
of humanity 7:357; 10:296--97; 16:432
of life 2:158-59
of matter 9:208-10
over-mind gods and 16 :235
past, approach to Divine 7:374
plan behind 7:321
progressive 2:66; 9:209-10; 10:89-90
psychic being and 5:265 ; 16:247-48
purpose in, knowing through experience 8:182
raison d'etre of 9:208-209
rebirth and 15:361-64
role of sorrow in 10:296-97
sensitivity in stage of 2:55
serpent as power of 10:93
soul in 17:78,81
speech and 6:222-23
"spirals in a globe"
constructed by the children 5 :345-46 universal progress incoherent 5:336
spiritual 2:161-62
stages in the transformation ion of the body and 11:46-53
suffering, and 11:43
superman and new race 7:333; 9:313-14
supramental 10:164 ; 17:343
teachings of life's 2:l58-59
thought and progressive 2:90
tragedies as movements in general 10:279
transformation and 16:383
unfinished 10:256
vice and virtue used for l6:267
war and 10;52-53
Mill and 9:259-60; 10:77 Example
helping by 17:377
is best teacher 8:122
1eaders must be 12:357-58
most powerful instructor 12:194-98,360,363-64
of integral activity 2:70
setting most useful 2:66-67 Exercise<s> 5:56
cure for body 16:131
for becoming conscious 4:38--39,08 for boys and girls 12:296-97
for headache '16;130
of concentration 16:318
physical 3:319-20; 12:52-53, 3:381-82
regularly 16:127
to widen the mind 4:43-47
yogic 12:287
.see, also Physical education Existence l0:100
aim of 8:120; 9:208-09; 16:386,412,421.425,432; 17:379
basis of 10:99
conditioned by adverse farces 6:462
cosmis 3:165
Page 94
earth-worm 5:394
eternal beyond life and death 2:202
God's 10:32-35 passim
imagination and 8:9
Master of 8:113-14
of heaven 10:64-65
of Krishna on earth 10:60-61
of physical life 9:41; 16:64
problem of 8:266-70
psychic organises 7:222-26; 9:269
three conditions which characterise 3:248-49
Experience <s> 14:55-60
absolutely convincing 10:265
abstraction of 7:42
action of transforming power 8:341-43
as different points of view 8:105
attitude mental, during 8:237,331-32, 342-43
being greater than one's 8:278-79
carried from life to life 10:97
change and 9:240
change of consciousness 8:12, 402-04
changing knowledge into 8:67,101
come from Divine Grace 8:279
communicating 4:222
concentration and 7:79
conscious, always remembered 7:97
consciousness absorbed by 6:362-65
consciousness to understand 4:234
craving for strong 16:147-48
death without dying 12:347
denial of 10:212
desire and 10:32-33
direct of, Divine consciousness 3:134-35
doubt and 10:12
dreams and 6:147-48; 185-86,448-49; 7:79-80, 119-20; 16:317
ego and 7:229-30
evaluation of 4:229-30
explaining 8:237,331-32,341-43
faith and 6:122-124; 10:14
fear and 6:190
formulation of 3:17; 7:360; 15:372
future "reversal" promised by 8:71,172
good, gives strength 17:96
happiness and 17:89
having 7:77-80; 10:19-20
how to esten coming of 16:99
human 7:305,364
imitation and true note of 16:316
individual 10:14,21,183
inner 4:349-50; 6:393; 7:292; 9:162-63
integral yoga and 14:56
keep it, let it grow 17:386
knowing Divine by 10:34; 16:239
Knowledge through 8:182; 11:217-19
language and 10:184-85
liberation from ego-limitations 8:114
life is 7:77
maintaining contact with outer being 6:427-28
memory, objectivity and 11:79-83
Page 95
mental construct ions 4 :194
mental preparation Far 6:350-51
mental, of Sachchidananda 4:399-402
metalasation (explanation , description) of 11 :89-90 ,112-14
162-64,194-95,235-37,267-68; see, also lords mind and 4:231, 6:353 ,396-17 misleading sourcfa1 of knowledge 11:217-19 the Mother's see Mother, <4> the; Mother's body, the,
experiences of , the Mother's, of choice 11:30-34 nature of personal 10:205
"negative and positive." side" of ,7:205 never reproduced identically the same 7:34-36 not at 1 accompanied by happiness. and Love , 17:89, obstruction of 7:42 of all as the Divine 5:79-80 , 6:362-65; 16:239, of body 4:255; 10:100 of cherry-blossom remedy 17:186 of c on consciousness and vision 10:289 of contact with the psychic 4:310; 7:77-80 of contact with the Reality 8:147-48 of deter in and freedom ,6:286 of divine influence 6:131-32 , of divine Presence, 4:134-35,325;9:134-s 16:161 of entering into infinite compassion 6:144-46 of entering new consciousness 17;89 of eternity 10:265
of freedom 10:196
of identification with physic 6:332,334
of infinite 10:98
of the Kundalini 7:212-13
of losing everything 17:58
of others 5:362-66
of other worlds 15:307,338-39,341-43,352-54, of other worlds 15:307 ,338-39 ,341-43 ,352-54 ,366,376-80 of pain or pleasure 10:247 ;
of self-giving , 8:85,279,286
of sudden opening 6:422-23
of true consciousness 8:403-05
of universal order 17:184
of unreality of life 11:17,31 ,40 ,195 ,219-19
of wideness see consciousness,
past 5:285,364-65, 15:76
power of 10:il85
profiting by 5:362-65; 9:31
progress and 6:351-55
psychic 4:143-51,310, 6:332,334; 7:77-78,374
psychic influence and 7:263-64; 10:39
purification of 7:13-14
reason and 7:41-42; 10:182;17:l76-77
relations with the Divine 8:121-22
relativity of 8:363
return of a good 17:57
role in spiritual life 6:351-55
scripture and 10:l82-83
seeing behind words 4:64
seized by mind and vital ;6:396-97
should come spontaneously 6:433
silencing the mind 4:62,182,231.
sincerity and 4:135; 10:32-34 passim,184-06
soul 's 10:183,354
spiritual see Spiritual experiences
Page 96
spontaneous and Mentalised 7:212-l5
sudden opening 6:422-23
talking about 4:76-77, 91 ; 16:22,86
thinking with 12:187-90
transcendental , untranslatable 4:221-22
translating in all parts of being 8:342,380-61
true 10:19 ; 16:323
truth of 4:395
typal 7:80
understanding 4 :234 ; 7:360; 8:67,237,341-42; 9:182); 10:210
value of , power to change 9:240
varying 8:171-72
wanted by psychic being 6:447-48
words and 10:70,184; 16:323
work and 7:291 experiment 10:94
collective 10:270
effect of reserve and doubt on 16:41
of the Ashram 8:161-62
with the physical mind 6:224-25 Explanations 4:76-77,221,319-21,370; 8:314,383-85; 9:l26; 10:56;
12:102, 15:320; 16:32
Exterior being
equanimity in 5:23
expression of emotion and 3:11
insincerity in 3:153
perishable formation. 3:148
see also Outer being
Exterior consciousness
may deny percept ion of psychic 3:152 Exterior means
are useless 16:144 Exterior personality
and rebirth 3:145-46 Exteriorisation 17:62
bringing yourself back 7:135-36
dreams 8:116-19
going out of the body 4:124,126-31,220,270,321-23; 5:53 6:41,52-54,191-92; 8:116; 10:213-14; 15:353-54; 16:163-64; 17;411-12,414
going to other planets 7:l65-67
mental, vital, physical 7:230
of mind and vital 4:l30; 5:295; 6:l91; 16:400
partial 8:277-78
spontaneous , somnambulism 8:277
story of cats 4:321-23
total 4:142; 5:295 External consciousness
answers from 16:25
helping or barring the path 8:3,290-91
care and resting of 16:81-82
hand on the 4:274
illness o-f 17:251,347-48,403
inner, and physical 16:33
1ike doors or windows 5:219
mirror of soul 4:26; 9:308-09
observing oneself sharply 5:6
of cats 4:322-23
of children 4:26
spoiling eyesight 16:32-83
Page 97
subtle-physical 4:320
Page 98
Faculties 2:31-32,143-44: 8:319-20
of observation 12:22-25
perfection of 9:396
supreme 16 :238 Failure 10 :246
essential qualities developed through 10:303
explanations for meaning of 1ife 10:56 God and 10:102-03,289,348
great and noble 10 :285
of Christ's mission 10:260-61
at Mohammed ' s message 10 :261
not an evi1 10:263
success and 5:269; 10:55-57; 16:389
suffering and 10:263
suggestions of 16 :133
to find one's soul 10:279
to make an effort 6:267 Fairies
gentle entities 4:275
treasure in fairy-tales 4 :189-90
see also Entities
Faith 11:311 ; 12:115; 14:82-84; 15:340-41; 17: 12-13,322,385,390,405,408
allows the Divine Brace to act 17:21,263,294,321
aspiration for 6:121 ,394 ,403-04
belief and 16:342
better than drugs 17:196
b1ind 10:290; 17:125
body and 6:124-25; 9:l25,162-64
confidence, trust and 5:297-98; 6:120-25; 16:l73; 17:123
confirmed 17:179
curing through 4 : 209-10;8:81
defeat and 10:311
despair and 10:56-57
difficulties and 65:40-45; 17:414
dynamic: and confidence 5 :297-98
experience and 6:122-24; 10:14
fighting against 13:49
harmonizing power of 10 :233-34
importance of 12 :310-11
in achieving the goal of Yoga 3:l52; 63:40-42
in different parts of the being 7:l5-16
in the Divine 5:297-98; 10:71,171
in Divine Grace 5;23A,299,368; 7:82,115-17,243,403; 10: 323,325-28;
14;91-96; 16:185,210,425, 17,7,21,96,189,196,212,263,294,305, 310,321,385,412
in doctors, medicine and medicine men 10:324-281; 16:195
in face of shortages 17:325
in a glorious future 17:377
in the Mother 16:68
in the perfect realisation 16:l25
in progress 5:144
in spiritual conversion 2:162
increasing 9:351-52
inner certitude 9:255
integral 3:36,152-53
intellectual and 6:121
is 1iving knowledge 16:342
lack of 5:368; 10:153-54; 17:70,263,306-07
lessening of 17: 1 65 ,207 ,331 ,237,321 love and 10:343
meaning of in the Dhammapada 3 :184 mental , vital , physical and psychic 17:125 miracles and 3 :1 52-53 must be patient 17 :350 never lose 16:194; 17:354,376,381,386 new aspect, of divine intervention in life 9:305 of god-l over 10:343 of man 9:124-36 only help against disorder 17:231 only one 17 :125 perception and 10:161
preservation of 9 :351-52 psychic and 7:116-17; 10:290; l7:l25 purpose of individuality and 11 :185 quiet 5:397; 17:305,376
reason and 10: 289-91
receptivity created by 5:371 relativity of 6:358-59 role of mind in 10:322-28; 16:195 saves, cures men 8 : 01 soul and 10:289-90
teaching of the prophets 9:300-01 that the; best happens 6:349 to get out of 'trouble 17:405 to give up seeking 17:179
true knowledge and 10:290; 6:342
trust and 6 : 120-25 ,403-04 ; 8 :242 ,257-58,262 ; 9:162-64 trust in the divine Grace 8:38-39,251,254-55; 9:428;
14:96-99; 16:195,297 unshakable 3:97; 17:125,376 . watchffi1 saves 17:244
what the Dhammapada means by 3:189
Faithulness 6:182-84; 6:37,42;14:164-65; 16:214; 17:114-15 219,355
true 16:434
Fall (1), the 5:8; 11:161-62 Fall (2)
from the good 17:128
from yoga 13:142-43
in consciousness 5:51-52
into lower rnovements 17: 136
Falsehood 4:23-24; 8:294; 11:331; 15:403
absence of 10:99
adhesion to ,17:241-42,249,399
always beingreplaced by Light 10 : 194
Asura of 4:184-88 passim; 5:98,376-79
conditions laid on Grace' by 6 :285-86
destroyed by fling 17:l06
destruction and transfiniteion 11:261
diplomatic 17:321
earth governed by 6 : 169-70 ; 11:178-80; 14:209
human governments are 10:312
human will and 10:230 ignorance and 3:245,254; 11:41; 17:181-82
ignoring 17:345
in organization of body ll:226-27
limited and unreal 11:178-81
the Lord of 4:l84-88, paasim, 5 :98,376-79
miracles and 10:160
money and 7:301-02
most dangerous kind of 10 :299
the Mother 's knowledge about people and 6 :165-67
no absolute10:99
of the body 11 :226-27 ,258
of ordinary human consciousness 10:34 7
of percept ion 10 :98
of reports of others words 17:387
origin of 10 :122
politics steeped in 16:337
remedy for 16 :7
removal of veil of 10:108
ridicule as weapon against 10:347
rising under pressure 11:272
rushing over the world 3 :245 ; 11 : 250-60
selfish and relation ships 16:280
studies and 17:313
truth and 5 :22 ,98 ,319 ,376-77 ; 10:39-40,67; 12:303-04,322-23,404;
14:208-ll; 15:87 fn; 16:194,313,341; 17:366 truth consciousness and 10 :108 ,189 unconsciousness of creation 5:41,71; 10:206 veil of 10:108 victory over 3:141-42 vital beings and 4:185 way mind creates 10:67 words belong to 10:190 world of 17:345 see also Lies Family 4:70-7l ,259,262; 5:2; 14:313-l5; 15:l32
calls from, when ill 17:176
doing for one's son 17 :190
must give money for travel 17:l76
origin of 12 : 96-97
parent's and 5:393
sadhana in the Ashram and 6:296-97
to be sure of, choose your own 3:81
working through ages for the victory of the Divine 3:3
"The Family of Man": exhibit 9:3-4 Fashion 12:368 Fasting
body and 8:l41; 9:117-18
energy and 7:60-61
food and 7:60-63
imbalance from 7 :361
Maeter1inck 7:362
no spiritual progress in itself 9:ll7-18
receptivity and 7 :61 Fatality
freedom and 3:29 Fate 10:244
Greek concept of 15:247 Fatigue (tiredness) 14:267-68; 17:12-14,16,393-94,405
bodily 17:l50
concentration and 16:23-24
disequilibrium and 6:35-36 .
effort and 16:179-80
From listening to personal difficulties 17 : 323 physical, depression and 6:32 the vital and 17:323 work and 16:80
Fault(s) 7:138-39; 16:276
body punished for vital 17 :75 consequences of 16 :323 desiire to find 3:158 the Divine cures 16:290
emphasising in throught speech 17:18
Grace behind17:196
. the Mother's awareness of 17:169,241
must be grateful to those who show' us our' 3:220-21
nobler to recognize 16:364
of other's 9:294; 17: 167,206-07
recognising and correcting 4:52,116,156-57,360-61; 5:55,350;
see clearly,but. not only them 16:64 showing , and progress 16 :168-69
telling about 16:l69-70 ' ' : ' virtues and 16:276,364 Fear(s) 8:261.; 10:318; 14:258-623 ; 15:27,197; 16: 171
17 :1l 0,118,230-31,247,330,412 abolition of 4:211; 5:ll8 absence on earth 10 :389 action and 10:197
adverse forces and 6 :49-51 ; 16 : 189 ,330 animal s obeying man through 5 :241 anxiety and 2:90 as means of education12:11,4 attracts what we fear 5 :318-19;117:63; 16:187 call the Mother 16:96-97
catastrophe and 7 :63 . cause of 4:211-12
children and 5:410; 12:124 conquering 9: 121 ; 10:13-14; 16: 187 courage and 7:27 cure of 4:212-l3 delight and 10:332 desire and 2:90
during physical en excises 5:119-20,169 education and 12:11,14 ego and 16:186 evil and 5:318-19 experiences and 6:190
gift of vital beings to the world 5:118-20 hero not afraid of b1ows 5 :235 i11ness and see ill ness , causes of fear in animals 6:49-5; 7:26-29 in body see Body, fear in in cells see cells (of the body), fear in in dreams 4:60; 6:1923 16:261-62; 17:230 in meditation 17:247 in the vital 5:169 invention of hostile forces 16:330 knowledge and 6 :20-21
love and 10:333 magical practices and 7 :267
medicine and 10:324 men. and 7:53 mental, vital, and physical 5:169-70 must get rid of all 3:57
need of fearlessness in dealing with vital beings 3 :47-40,165-66
nothing 17:386,404,415
obstacle to higher Nature 10:11-12
occultism and 6 :38-43 ,50 , 189-93
of death see Death, fear of
of divine life 11 :311
of ghosts 16:225
of Gad in play 10:332
of gads 10:297
of losinq yourself of 10:198
of Mahakali's love 17:374
of the mind 3:575 5:169
of obstacles 16:149
of punishment, 12 :365
of self giving 7:328
of wymon 16:282
overcoming 9 : 121-22
pain and 10 :171
panic: under pressure of the light 4 :206
perverse form of will 10:321
progress, and 17:118
protection and 17 :110
purity and 16:330
reflexes and 6:43-45 .
religion and 6:51,66,197
remedy for eliminating 5: 118-20 ,316-17 ,319
repulsion result of 3:100-02
right attitude and 3:134-55
trust and 16:l94-95
unconciousness and 6:50-51 Fee1ing
the Divine 16:270; 17:95,103,133,144-45,151,167
the Divine will 4:2,15
a force 8:305
joy 8:305
need for Grace 6:322-23
new force 9 :319
of danger 16:42-43
of owning material things 16:363
of being tired and rest 16:79-80
one's awn incapacity 16:320
the supramental force 4:223-24 Feelings (emotions) 16:179
action and, in Japan 2:149
austerity of 12:64-71
bad 7:81,90; 10:154-55; 11:132-38,227-29; 16:l35; 17:01,02
effect of music on 16:235
liberation of 12:71
wrong 16 :63-64
see also Emotions
Felicity 16:264 Feminine
masculine and 6:113-195; 16:l77 Fighting 8:4; 10:358; 12:l56; 13:49; 17:170 Film(s)
desire to see 16:278
"Monsieur Vincent" 5:16
the Mother' s; experience while watching 9:144-51
way to watch 16:416
"The lizard of Oz" , the Mother's comments on 12:247
see also Cinema
difficult to transform 7:30l in theAshram 13:154-58; 16:344-45 Fire
inner 17:27-28
lighting 17:106,127-28
of aspiration and purification 16 :104 ,164 ,363 ; 17 :3127-28
off ring and 17:127-28
psychic 8:252
purifying 17 : 105-06 ,143
ravaging 17: 105
revival of 17:122,127,143,151
sacred, in the heart 17:106
spirit of 5:l36-38
symbol of 2:89; 9:222
vibration of 10194
see also Agni F1ame F1ame 17:138
Agni and 16:200
inner 4 :100 ,105 ; 1:32 ,136-37 ,352 ,334; 9:352
concentration on 17:127
love is 1ike a white 10:73
of aspiration 3:208-09; 5:142-43,350; 7:373; 17:127
of purification 17:8l ,106,148
psychic 17:81,148
see also Agin fire Flaubert, Gustave 12:330; 16:200 F1ower(s)
"Aristocracy of beauty" 16:88
"Aspiration in the Physical" 3:130-31; 17:193
Champa , golden as symbolic expression in nature 8:159
Champa, white: psychological perfection 8:36-42
cherry blossom 17:186 coconut 5:366
"consciousness turned towards "The Creative Word" 7:347 "Disiniteresited work " 17 : 147 "Divine's Love" 7:370,378
suprafiiental light 16:78
force; stored in 6:229-31
hibiscus 16:373-74
"human passion turned into love for the divine" 16:177
look at, to cure obsession 17:104-05
lotus 13:32
1ove in 5:243
the mother's 13:32
the 'Mother's use of 6:229,244-45,331-33
"Now Birth" 17:193
"Now Creation" 4:107
of cosmic energy 8:115
of human spiritual of fort 9:147,149
offering of to the Mother!; the Mother's giving of 3:132
"Organisation" 17:156
pomegranate 7:378
"power of Truth in the subconscient" 11:323
"Protection" 17:148-49
"Psychic flame" 17:148
psychic presence in 4:166-67
"Radha's consciousness" 137:32
receptivity, and the mother's use of 6:229-33,244-45
receptivity of 16:371
rose, pure self giving 5:242-43
rose , sense of beauty 4 : 166 significance of 3:l30-31; 4:166-67; 5:232; 8:36
SriAurobindo's .13: 16,32
"successful future" 3:180
"supramental I beauty in the physical " 16:78
"supramental Manifestation" 8 :264
"transfarmation" 4 :393
"Trust" 17:152
see also P1ant(s)
Folly 10:98
fatuity is gross 5:337-38,349
human , and war 16:331 Food 5:366; 12:34-52; 11:280-90
amount of in conscience in 4:334
animal s and taste of 17 :246
body and 4:334-35; 6:36-37; 7:62-63; 16:131,195-96,302
children and 12:13-14; 17:305
doing without 16:195-96; 17:75
eating see Eating
energy and 7:60-6l
equanimity towards 3:l23
excessive importance of 16 :290
exclusive receptivity to the Divine and 6:214
fasting and 7:60-63
feeling that it is the Divine eating through one 3:23-24
For vital beings 6:194-77
get enough 17:7,351,354
greed and 3:123-25; 7:58-595; 14:269-71; 16:113
hunger and 16: 196; 17 :40l-02
" indispensable " ' thing 7 :93
the Mother's complaints about when young 3:131
paying for at the Dining Room 17:289
personal 17:147
place in 1ife 16:302
preparing when unwell 17:320
the presence and 16:390
receiving extra 17:15
receptivity to the Divine and 6:214
servants handling 17:254
sleep and 8:381
specific items ;
betel 17:64
bread 17:268,293
buttermilk 17:351-52
coconuts and oil 17:258,260
curds 17:262
eggs 17:353
milk 17:351-53
powdered milk: 17:243
rice 17:260-62
soda 17:247-48
sugar, honey , sugar-cane 17:299-300,305
tamarind 17:248
tea and coffee 17:47 source of vital energy 6 :82 spiritual 1ife and 16:196 transition from animalist and 11:28-29 vitamins 7 :49; 17:268 wasting 17:271 see also Cooking
Force, the 4:220; 6:284; 7:23; 8:220; 9:5; 10:207
action of 8:l0-13,71; 10:231,234
always present, 17 :371
as Divine emotion
bearing 17:50-51
being conscious of 16:354
collaborate with 17:391
concentration of 17 :51 ,296 ,317 ,361 ,407 drawing and using 16:399, 17:197
never try to pull 3:11; 9:241-42 passing upwards 17:395 receive in silence and concentration 17 :55 ,107 receptivity to 4:63,96-97,2105- 6; 403-04 regeneration of 17 : 101
single angina 6:273 Sri Aurobindo surcharged with 4 : 222-24 passim; 9 :39 to over come difficulties 16:l22 trust in Great', Supreme 2 :62 underneath material action 10:231 wasting of 6 : 156 the word and 6:198-99 see also Divine Force Force(s)
action of 8:71; 10:234
adverse see ''Adverse forces (Host tie, forces)
appearance apical ours or images, in meditation. 6;375
at core of matter 6:209-10
awareness of 6:419-20
balance of 4:25; 11:1
behind human will 61:203-04; 10:230; 16:10
curing one self of negative 4 :266-67
dissolve limits 10:174
Divine see Divine Force; Force, the
dynamic 8 :55-56
exchange of 4 :32 ,35-36
feeling joy and 8:303
field of 2:98
for and against the Divine' work 16:10
from the body 6:339
helpfu1 experienced in dreams 6 :147-48
higher, work of 6:81-82; 16;148
hostile see Adverse forces (Hostile -forces)
illness is disequilibrium of 5 :122 ,173-80 ; 9 : 120-22,
in meditation 3:97-98
intellectual 2:27,98
Kali's 16:370; 37:267,375
manifestation of 4:294-95; 10:220
mental 2:649; 6:310-12,314-15
needed for transformation 10:261
new 4:220; 6:285; 7:187; 8:l29-30; 9:5-6 ,39 ,314-15 ,319 ,325-26 ,
337-38; 16:330-31 of calm 8:329-30 of evolution 10:77
of God 10:315-16 of growth 8:196
of harmony 9:169 of Ignorance 4:340-421 of Lord 10:210 of love 2:101; 3:69-70; 5:230-31; 10:261 of money 4:379; 5:357-58; 6:249-53; 6:249-53; 7:55-56
of Nature 4:175; 5:136,150,153; 6:1-3; 7:386-90; 8:51-52,59-61;
9: 321 ; 16:177,402
of resistance 10:281 10:201
of the soul 10:247
projected by snake 6 :44-45
rest of con centrated 17 :221,303
spiritual see Spiritual force's
stored in flowers and stones 5:230-31; 6:229-31
struggle of two 17:l86
subtle 2 :52
supramental see Supramental force(s)
to conquer 17:62-63,364
to drive away depression 17:59
undesirable e , outside 17 :96
universal 2:47; 6:419-20; 7:138-39 ,140-42 ; 16-276
vital see Vital-forces
world 6:82
Mor'1 d of living 2:107
yogic 5:268
c f. Formations; Mental formation's) constructions; Vi brat ions
Forget one self 3:288; 17:l41,150
remedy for all ills 16:178 Foresight 12:77-79 Forgiuene 6:16,216
asking for 17:164,387
Divine and 10:47-48
nothing to Forgive 17 :356 ,387
progress and 10:47 Form (s) 9:2,43,46
asura assuming Sri Aurabindo's 15 :408-10
attacks from adverse farces in various 5 :l58
beauty and 7: 182,279,382
border's of , and rest 6 : 186
capable of manifesting the sprit9:214,218-19
changing 9 :226-27
creation of 6:277; 7:34,216-17; 9:226-28
development of 9:106,218-22,237-38
disintegrateion of 10 :90
evolution of 7:331-332; 9:213-22,225,323,337-38
first human 10 :91
fixity of 5:260-61
in apt ration and outer 5:70
liberation from all 12:37
Name and the Reality 6:25-27
of an cosmic existence 3:l65
of collective establishment 2 :59
of consciousness 9:237-38; 10:99
of the Divine 5:9; 10:73-74
of energies 16:224-25
of gods 6;275-76 ^
of higher mind 3:61
of Ignorance 4 :341-42
of the Mother 6:274; 17:55
of thought 3:50-51
of the vital world 3:48-49
of will 10:32
perception of true Matter and 11:38
rest on the borders of 6:186-S8
seen in med it at ion 7:60-81
sense of developing 6 :383-89
space and , of all cosmic existence 3:165
spirit of 4:l96-97; 5:136
supramental 11:96
ugly 7:81
world of 8:216
Formateurs 3:18,102,173; 5 ;308-09 Forma tt on (s) 10:238-39
adverse 6: 41-42 , 58 ,214-15
brain 4 :140,198 ; 8:180-83, 385-87
counter formations and 16 :49
definition of 8: 90-91
desire and 5:17-21; 16:30 dissolving 6:368 emanation and 16:375 human 6:68,275,396; 5:131-32 of the body see Body, formation of of Buddhism 3:77 of children 8:391; 9:262-63 of first humans 9:236-38 of material world 4:164 ,276 ,283 of new body 9:85-87,127-31; 10:119-20 of past births 3:149 of the psychic 4:535; 10:29 perishable 3:148 power of thought 2:85-86 ,108 realisation of l0:l28
rebound of 6:42-43; 7:81-82 receiving 17:132
terrestrial 4 :243
vital 6:277-81
wrong 17:230
see also Force (s); Mental formation; vibration Four Noble Truths 3:248 Fourth dimension 10:140; 12:431-32 France 12:255; 13:387-88
double pay for extra hours of .work 16:37-38
fleur-de-lis 16:88
wymon in 2:1,44; 7:155
work in 16:37-38 France, Anatole 5:163; 17:67
"Jerome Coignard" 8:68,70
one idea of 4:158 Franck, Cesar 3:111;5:76,272 Frankness
better than being hypocritical 16:277
with the Mother 16:100 Fraternity 10:307 Free Progress (System) 12:172
"old system" and 12:176-77,182,406-10
prices for 12:204
selection for 12:173-74 Free will 4:l61 ,343 Freedom (Liberty) 10:307; 11:30-32, 12;155,305
absolute 10:228
basis of 10:257
beauty, simplicity and 10:323
born free 5:205-06
chi1dren and see Sri AurobindoAshram, chi1orenin
choice and 7:344
compulsion and 8:297
conditions for 10:303,264
deliberate separation from Origin and 10 :92
desire , ignorance , egoism and 10:15-16 ,261-62 determinism and 3:29-30; 5:86-93; 56:283-85; 9:175,265-67
see also destiny
discipline and 8:184-86; 10:257; 16:286 the divine and 14:202-03; 16:422 education in the SriAurnbindoAshram and 6 :414-15 ,431
7:286 ; 8: 181-82 ,165-86 ,353 ,356-57 ego and 8:71,114; 10:264, 16:422 experienced in whole of 1ife 10:196 expression of 9 :49-50
fatality and 3:29
fear of true 9:28
felt in the true inner being 6:374
free choice
before demand something 5 :288-89
of each emanation 5:376 ,379-81
principle of our universe 5 :310 ,374-75 ,379-82
see also be1ow of choice "the freedom I speak of 16:275-76
from attachments 10:196 from bonds of world 3 :201
from collective suggestions 5:313-15
from Karma 3:176
from religion 10:317
from responsibi1ity 3:256-57
in working with the Mother 16:41-42
independence and 1ove 9 :50-51
individual's sense cf 5:90-91
inner and outer action 7:292-93
Krishna / s message of 10:60
law and 10:16,257-58,261-62; 16:291-92
license and true 4:90-91,177
mastery of ego and true 9:409-10
meaning of 12:392-9:3
of choice.5:90-91; 7:344; 8:296; 10:88; 12:369-70; see also
above free choice of India, 5:190; 8:30-31 omnipotence and 10:78 order and 12:317; 16:292 perfect 10 :78,257-53 playful 10:322 progress and 16 :335 replaced by libertinism 10:200 responsibility and 3:256-57 slavery and 9:49-50
so called 17:118-19
social convention, purity and 6 :439-~40 Sri Aurobindo champion of real 10:69 surrender and 7:246,367 teaching 12:286
to conceive a new 1ife 9:145-46 total 10:69
true 4:90-91,177; 9:267; 10:l98; 13:221; l6:308 vital claims 17:ll9
see also Liberation French 12:216-22 books
selections for library 12:329-31
selections for teaching 12:324-26 classical 17:l45 examination in 12:201
good exercise, in 16:75
good style; 17:15 how to improve student's 12:327-29 improving spelling 12:326 in the Ashram and school 12:321-31 language 7:372; 12:218-25 learning 16:37; 17:144,152 literature 12: 324-26; 17:144-45 passages from 17 : 274-76 read the Mother's works in 12:214-15
reading 16:315; 17 :158 ,347
Satprem's book , "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of
Consciousness" 17 :347
speaking 12:218-22,225
Sri Aurobindo loved 12:33l-22
studying 17:144-45
teaching children 12:324-29,331
teaching with little knowledge 17:43 French Institute (pondicherry)
inaugural messags12:255
cause of 10:294 Friend (s)
adverse forces in guise of 5:15,7-58
discussion with , learing identification 5:219-21
Divine 10:352
in another world 2:70
our ideal 9 :54-57
people to be avoided as 9 :355-57
relation with others 5:202-03
smiling at an enemy 15:370
true 9:57 Friendship
1ove and ,16:409
withdrawal of' Divine 16:119 Frivolities
divert the heart 16:172 Frivolousness
change and 16 :169 Fruits 5:364; 16:l33; 17:159 Future 12 : 113-15 , 120 ,122 , l52 ,165 ,203 ,213 ,314 ; 15:80-81
decided , but not revealed to men, 7 :2-3
Divine consciousness not past present or 10: 178-79
faith in g1orions 17:377
hope builds happy 16:186
humanity's 2:146,161-62
knowledge of 10:125-26
leave it to the Brace 17:253
letting things happen 8 : 13
occultism and 5 :88
of art 7:190
of the Ashram 17:72
of India 16:l95 17:240
past and 17:301-02
past lives and the 10:285; 12:148,169,218, 404-66; 16:353
past, present and 10:49; 15:76-81
path of 16:427
realizations of 2 : 159 ; 8 :83 ; 9:298-99
receive the 1uminous 17 :363
relation between sexes in life of the 2:155-56
reversal, , promised by experience 8:71 ,172
signs of new 7:322
Sri Aurobindo and 16:422
"successful" 3:180
supramental 8:313-17; 17:72
type 2:164
unpredictable by science 10:208
Future world see new creation
Page 111
Game (s) 12:l91
accidents in 4:273
aspiration and technique 4 : 41-42
basketball , attitude of inner meditation 4:121
choosing for children 16:200
concentration and remembrance of the Divine 4:121,388-89
"Eternal Game" of Creation 9 :10 ,35
interest in 9 :98-99
play, the Mother at 9:l3
"playing the same" 9:6
playing to win 4:10,42
use of mind is a 7: 321
Ganapati 6:68 Gandhi, Indira. 16:306
message for 13: 377
Gandhi, Mahatma 13:23; 16:6 Garuda 16:135 Generosity 5:14-16,349-50,357-358; 6:255; 10:21; 6: 12,151
avarice and 3:119-20
definition 10:284
in man 2: 97
material and moral 4:30
of heart, a richness 4:405; 17:363
truth of story 10:90
Genevieve, Saint 8:180; 9:90-93; 16:34-35 Genius 2:158 fn 4:40,155; 10:143
men of 5:129; 7:280; 9:90-94
nature of 10:260
of India 16 : 6
reincarnation of Beethoven's 5:264
Geography 12:249 Ghosts 16:225; 17 :48-49,110 Gifts
in silence 8:95
not all material 17:l94
of adverse forces 5:118-20
of Grace 5:89,93,99-100,300; 9:351-52
of tongues 9 :289-90
peace given as 4:409-10 self-giving is best 17:194
to the Mother 17:203,217-18
words transmit true? 2 :65
Gingee 16:345-46 Giri, V.V
message -for 13 :376
Girls 12:296-97
boys and 10: 346; 16:279-80,282,285,296-97
see also wymon/woming/girls
Gita, the l0:53 fn
attitude.? towards; God 10: 102
interpretation of 1ife in 8:61-65
message of 10:63
the Mother's -first contact with 8:104
on action 7:398; 10:64
powerful immobility of the spirit 8:66
propaganda and criticism of 8:104-07
sacrifice in 8:74-75,80
Page 112
secret of 8 :75 teaching of surrender 6 :63-64 ,75,80 theory of Purusha and Prakriti 8 :59,61-64 transformation, physical , not in 8:83 understanding 8:105
Giving 2:126-27; 3:132; 8:244-45; 13:161; 17:114,288 absolute and sincere 8:14-17,261-62 ,279 ,301 advice 17:37
a beating to God 10:95 birth according to ideal 2:153-54 blows, by the Mother 16:91,170 effort to the Divine Consciousness 9:316-17 Energy 16:429
favourable explanation by the mind 15:320
a good kicking to vital being 3:137
Joy of 16:212,432
moment when asked to give 8:16
money and 5 :161-62 ; 17:240-41 ,379
of silence by Sri Aurobindo 9 :28
of soul l6:l62
oneself to the Divine 15:320; 16:247,431
receiving and 5:209,333-34
a rose, beauty of 4:166; 5:242-43
surrender and 9 :317
to beggars 16:407
to earth and man 2:49
to the Lord 16:250
too strong a knowledge 2:100
up pi Erasure? of ordinary life 16:139
value of, spiritual and material 8:8-9
see also Consecration'; 0ffering; Self-giving
Glorious body 9:85-86; 11:182-83 Gnostic realm 6:93 Gnostic Consciousness 4:157-59 Goal/Aim see Aim/Goal God 14:17
a child 4:291
action of 10 :231 ,233-34
as a owning 10:331
as atheist 10:57,363
as Great Adversary 10:334
as in-Finite possibility 10:l47
as Lover 10:338
as torturer 10:51-52
as worker 10:311
believing in , and Yoga 16: 341-43
Christian and Chaldean 2:125; 6:1
conception of 10:355
consciousness of 10:102--05
creation of 5:309-12
creation of omnipotent 5 :163-64
Dante's 10:345-46
defining 11:64-68
devil and 10:341
evil and 10 : 263,286-87,339
existence of 10 :32-35 passim
experience of contact with 6:124-27
failure and 10:102-03,289,348
fear of 10:332
following 10:318,345
force of 10:315-16
Page 113
girl s and boys together- with 10 :346
Gita's attitude towards; 10:102
Giving a beating to 10:95
God-lover 10:353
Gradations of consciousness of 10:103
has no it her beginning nor end 10 :218
his command to stay 10:283
humanity and 10:267,356; 11:38-39,67; 14:125-31
ideas of 4 :176 ,289; 10:102,104
if you cannot love God 16:308-09
in the in conscience 9:10-12
in matter 2:39; 9:209-10
in the Over mind 17:52
incarnate , demi-gods 4:184
in torturer and slayer 10:364
is Ananda 10:345
joy of 10:342-43
knowledge of by identification 10:43-44 ,313-14,343-44
leads man 10:277
love of 2:126-27; 10:331,339-40,349
love of 2:126-279; 10: 331,339-40,349
man and 10:43,93,251,277
misfortune and 10:58-59
multiplicity of means. 10:66
Nature and 9:9-13
nature ' of inner 2:40-41
obey 10:318
of religion 30:95,333-34; 17:44
ourselves one inner 2:40
perception of inner 2:40
personal 10:262
personal and impersonal 10:336-37
playing hide and seek 10:57
plays fool 10:265
readiness for hour of 17:233
renunciation of to unbeliever 10:33 reveals himself to unbeliever 10:33 sacrifice for 10:282 seeing 10:361,363
Semitic 10:346-47 sense of humour 10:33 senses and 10:339 sin and 10:342
slave and servant of 10:355
speaking to earth 17:363-64
supramental 3:179
sword of 10:260-61
tempting 7:403-04
theist and 10:57
though of 2:66
to commit adultery with 10 :332
to 1ive for 10:264-65
understanding 10:262,269
use of ignorance ,10:33l
use of temp tation 10 :286
way of "circling about" 10:289
way of, with soul 10 :344,347-48
ways of seeing 10:350
weakness and 10:101-03
will of 10:54,66
withholds in love and wisdom 10:344
Page 114
works pleasing to 10:356
world and 5:163-64; 10:21 ,336-37
world Guru 10:343
worship of 17:237-38,395-96
see also Divine, the
of the over mind 7:158-62 ,244
workship of 10:255; 17: 237-38,395-96
Gods 8: 33,36,142,1.76,217-18,233 ; 15: 14-20,375-80
angel created by 7:160-61
Asuras and 16:370,381
attitude of man towards 7:333-35
cosmic 3:173
don't like to be worshipped 6:195-96
fear of 10: 297
forms of 6:275-76
free -form ignorance and falsehood 3:254
goddesses and 7: 158-62
human formations and 6: 68,275 ,296
incarnating on earth 4:184
laugh at Shankara 10:302-03
of different planes , Puranic, vedic 9:376-77
of over mind 7:158-60,244; 16:235; see also over mind, godheads of
psychic being and 6:161, 10:204-05
relation to human consciousness 11: 37-39
religion and 9:149-50; 16:235
second eitianations 5:372-73
Sri Aurobindo on Kali and 9:376-77
Supramen tat truth and 12:310
titans and 10:245-46,282 .
world of 3:18; 10:60-61
Norship of 10:246,255; 16:268-69; 17:237-38,395-96
Going within 16:166 Golconde 5:161-62; 17;165,171 Golden Age
conceived by the Rishis 7:294
Good 15:242
action for right and 2:67-70; 16:48
aspiration is a1ways 17 :264
bad and 3:185; 8:5-6; 10:267; 15:330-31; 16:64,120,135,171,277 ,378
becoming better, bad becoming worse 11:313-18
Divine knows what is 8:123-24,255-56
experience of gives strength 17 :96
evil and 4:25,80,119; 5:733; 9:180-81; 10:311; 11:109,111-12, 210,212; 16:301 ,301
fall from 17:l28 for 1ove and goodness 3 :265 ideas of what; is 4:101 1ying is never 16 :194 not done with words 16:54 the only true 16:285 triumph of 11:75-77 understanding of 11:75-77 unlimited power of 7:424 what is will remain 16:69
Good will 14:199-200; 17:128,159,244-45,407
among men 5:306
cams with understanding 14:22
Grace and 7 :-395
ignorant 9:5; 16:285; 17:379
Page 115
Gossiping/ Rumors 4:152-53,201; 8:162; 9:143; 14:223; 17:38,105,163,171,385,388
governments (s)/governing 5:301-07; 11:106-07,223; 13:279-81,378 15:58-61
Auroville money and 13:275-81
by the psychic being 17:58,122,136,372-73
by the Divine is true 10:315
human are a falsehood 10:312
the mother's attitude towards the British 13:125
see also politics
grace, the (Divine grace) 3:171; 4:161,177,243,317,387;
action of 8:251,295,316-17,325,340; 10:233-34, 247,344
after death 17:290
all is done by 16:279
all powerful 8:268-69
always at work 16:154
always leads towards Divine 10:319
answer to prayer 8:255-56
ask for help of 16:28; 17:391
aspects of peace and progress 9:298
aspiration for 5:89; 16:252; 17:21,139
attitude of blaming 4:361
behind everthing 10:50+51; 16:302; 17:176
breaks the shell 9:136
calling the 5:367-68
calm and 17:21
can cut away consequences of error 9:57
carries you along 9:423channel of 11:42-43
choice, moment of 5:405-06
collaboration, need of 8:251,258,259
comfort from stories about 17:292
compassion and 16:346
concentrate to receive 17:292
constant working of 9:420-21
contemplation of 16:180
curing disease 15:163-66
determinism, justice and 5:89-93,361-63; 14:86-87; 17:138,391
difficulties and 6:323-25,442-45; 14:99-102
does not withdraw 17:139,142
doubt spoils intervention of 5:367
effect of 17:353,410
ego, action and 4:279-81
evil and 6:216-17
everything depends on 10:53
experiences, all come from 8:279
faith in 5:236,298; 7:82,115-17,243; 10:323,325-28;
14:91-96; 16:18,210; 17:7,21,189,196,212,263,294,305,
feeling the need for 6:322-23
for self-forgetting 17:150
for those who are sincere 17:377
fulfilling conditions for 17:139-40,142
full, for work 17:209
gifts of 5:89,93,99-100,300; 9:351-52
giver of Delight 9:21
Page 116
god and 6:216-17
good will and 7:395
gratitude and 14:l62
happenings are effect of 17:410
helping at distance 8:253-54
human will and 10:54
humility and 16:252
in proportion to difficultly 3 : 143
influence of will of 4:160-61
international conflict and 13 : 389-90
intervention of in actions; 2:57; 3:30; 5:363; 10:47
14 :24-25 ,230-31 ; 16:352
interventions in human history 7:418-19
is behind ever:y thing 17 : 196
is here 7:419
is infinite 17:249
is wonderful and all mighty 17:133 Joy and 8:04
Karma and 5:91-935 15:392-93 laws and8:316-17
leave future to 17:253
lave and 4:243; 8:327,340
makes one progress 8:84 man and 16:154
marvel behind all 7:423
medical option and 17:189
merit and 16:327 mind hampers 17: 271 most active 17:318 the Mother's 16:144; 17:l30 the Mother's love calls down 16:210 no effect on laziness 17:353
nullified by insincerity 17:349
open to and welcome 16 :220
over coming ego and 16 :362 pay the price it deserves 16:172 personal effort and 16:365 prayer for 5:89-90,93; 17:31 presence of 10 :14 progress and 9:298 protect ion of the 5:406-09 psychic being , special grace given to man 5:99-100 "psychic need" and 7:41
I purity and 16:379
pushing away 6:342-44; 17:99,139,141-42 receptivity to 6:216-18 refusal to 1et work 6 :267 rely on 17:59 removal of veil by 10:19 resolution to correct oneself and 9:306-07 responsibility, given as a grace 5:300
saves 7:403
seeing it everywhere 8:251,257,305; 10:35
shall be received by those who respond to Divine Call 3l2
sincerity and 6:176-77
Sri Aurobindo speaking on 16 : 251-52
stopping of things and 10:202
stories of 17:292
surrender and 8:255-56; 17:139,151
true help 9:407-08
Page 117
trust in 7:403; 8:38-39,251 ,254-55;9:428; 14:96-99, 16:195,252, 297; 17:l40,l51
turns difficulty into opportunity 6:242-44
veiling 6:236-37
vibration of harmony and 10 : 192
vision of action of 10:233-34
will never abandon you 10: 529
work and 6:267; 9:420-21; 16:154; 17:209
Grading 12:332 Grand Revue 16:5-6 Gratitude 2:6; 12:97; 14: 164-65; 17:98-99,377,397
best way to express 16:426
compassion and 15:297
consciousness of 17 :78
devotion and 8:40,42
ego, emergence from 7:424
grace and 14:162
happiness and 14:163
innate, powerful 1ever 7:423-24
Joy of 7 :243 .
to the Divine, not men 14:162-63; 16:315
The Great Adventure 9:l51
"Great Things" 16:182 Greatness 3:83; 10:285
true 16:20 Greece 4 :312
ancient 8:153-54
art in 3:109-109; 5:339-40
concept of fate in 15:247
influence on Rome 5:343
Shakespeare and 10:251
Greed 17:393
eating and 16:290
for Food 3: 123-25; 17: 58-59; 14: 269-715; 16:113
of caws and goats 5 :274
Group (s)
formation of 2:59; 16:351-52
hierarchy of 16:329-30
in Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:415
living cells of 2:59
necessary for, supramental realization 10:138
prayers of 12:271-74
programmed for study 12:217
progress of 2:60; 12:39-40,181-82; . .
subject to same laws as individuals 2:109
encouragement and 17:406
for cure 17:415
far progress 4:146 ,151 , 165
Guru See Guru (s)
India as spiritual 16:328,
inner, true 4:25; 8:64; 17:I04
the Mother's only 17:385
Gujarati literature 17 :69,73 Guru (s) 5:386; 14:61; 15:372; 17:27
ambitions 3:9
calling the 4:129
confession to 3: 341
disobeying the command of 17:l31,142
divine Guru, "Universal Teacher" 7:346
Page 118
India as 16:341
Japa given by 16:306
the Mother as 16:211
Pranam to feet of 17:396
receiving from 4:390-91
iaays what is to be done 4:91
subject to law of progress 12:63-64
telling one's experience to 4:76-77,91
work of the 7:341
world 10:343
Page 119
Habit (s) 2:55; 4:261,342,376,410; 8:175; 10:265-66; 11:1,6,16,32-33,49,53,58-59,69-70,73-74, 94, 100, 143, 228, 247, 318
all can be changed 16:159
automatic movements 7:223
bad, pulling out 16:159
considered nature in ourselves 10:21
directing thought towards self 2:35
eating 6:1587-59,162-64,178-81; 7:62; 17:47,248
forgetfulness 7:409
good, renouncing 16:318
law and 10:243
laziness of 2:79
mental 9:46234,237
of accumulation 2:97
of boasting 16:272
of the body 4:345,367
of concentration 2:64
of controlling action and reaction 17;33-34,76
of cutting life in two 10:159
of illness 7:144-47
of mental consciousness 8:361-64
of the Mother 11:243
of Nature 5:112; 10:21
of physical consciousness 4:367-68
of referring everything to oneself and charity 2:49,101
of reflecting before action 2:56
of reviewing dreams 2:37
of seeing 7:381-83
of thought 2:76
of time for sleep 17:36
personal food 17:47
physical 6:158-59,162-63
religion and 9:16
renunciation of 16:318
social 7:245
use of 12:50-51
Hari-cutting 17:174
Hallucination (s) 10:252
definition of 10:39
Sri Aurobindo's aphorisms on 10:39-42
subconscient 11:35-36
vision and 10:41-42
Hands 3:97; 4:274; 9:254
conscious 4:404; 5:261-64; 10:30; 16:363
of musicians 4:194; 7:269; 8:236-37
as in a dream 17:123
effect of the grace 17:410
have to happen 17:402
after pranam 17:46
aim of life and 12:311-12; 14:7
best way 16:315
comes with study 17:71
condition for 10:271
deeper cause of 16:59
desire and true 16:134
exceeding all expectation 16:427
experiences and 17:89
Page 120
for lasting 17:50,301
gratitude and 14:163
here in the Mother's love 17:l25
inner 16:214
in children and grown-ups l6:59; 17:120
in doing good .17:l44
in work from the Mother 17:l66
intense, in con cent. rated silence 17:55
living .in Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:131-33
love and 17:09,120
not feeling 17 :54 ,73-74 ,143,151 ,401
of spiritual realization 16:l23
peace and 16:l31; 17:l66
possession and 3 :253-54
progress and 16:32
psychic being and 16 :290
pure; 1ove brings 16:175
quietness to maintain 17:50
real and ordinary 17:18
revolt and 16:123
sincerity and 6:215-16
spiritual 17:50,139
squandering it in talk 17:54
supreme 16 :433; 17:181
surrender, Grace and 17:l39,151
through work and self mastery l6:l31
to find again 17:151
true 16:6l,290,434; 17:98,134
to avoid 17:109
Harmony 4:166,208,403; 8 :305 ; 14:197-98
aspiration in the Mother's body 11:32; see also Mother's body, the aspiration in
atmosphere? of 9:30-31
attempts to create 17:391-92
balance and progress 7:56; 10;266
beauty and, of body 4:54-57; 5:ll4-l6; 10:300; 15:373
behind appearances 17:179
constant incarnation of vibration of 10:192-93
creation of 3:163; 9:l68-69; 10:161-625; 17:392 crookedness and 10:l65-69 degree of success depends on degree of 10 :56 developing sense at 6: 586-89
disorder and 11:141; 16:323-24; 17:238,241-42,283-85,269 everything in its place 9:55; 10:l57 exaggeration and 10:266 forces of, and chaos confronting 9:169 gratitude and 14:163 health and 16: 194 human 11:24-29 in work 14:331-36 manifestation of 3:109-10,113 .of diverse viewpoints 14:287-89 of inner aspiration and outer action 7:1 of 1ife on earth 10:89 of physical vibrations 11:20-21 of true physical nature 4:372; 7:217 of words 7:308 on earth 11:174-75 passage of time and 17:242
perfect 10:233-34; 17:179
Page 121
perfection and 10:266
progressing universal 2:47; 11:76-77
readiness to re-establish 17:363
thought and 2:92
to come down for Auroville 11:174-75
universal 5:352,354-56; 10:56; 16:78
vibrations of 10:l92; 16:323-24
wisdom and 10:17-18
with Nature? 7 :53; 10:56; 17:378
with psychic life of universe 17:102
world of 3:112
Hate (hatred)
denying or hating the Divine 8:231-32
destructive suggestions 8:397
increases farce of resistance 10:281
of atheist 10:341
of beauty by adverse force 5:99-100
of virtue 10:78-79
power and 10:281
reverse of 1ove 16:76
stupidities and 10:286
vibration of 10:215-17
Hatha Yoga 3:21; 9:l32-53; 12:287 Head
keep certitude of victory ' in 16:173
Headache 16:465 17:63,210
be regular in martial life 16:132
con cent ration and 16:300-01
cure for 6:310-12
exercise for 16:130
follow a physical disciplines 16: 127
suffering from 17 :195
capacity for 16:429
Coué's method of 3:36,156; 7:3-8 ; 9:380;
evil, and the Divine 7:3-8; 9:380; 16:80
from heart, not head 16:19
illness see Illness, heal/healing
power to 10:325
spiritual 4 :266-71 ; 5 :184-88
Sri Aurobindo's power of 9:254
suffering 9:282-83
supramental force and10:161
ugliness 10:71-74
weakness by the Divine 4:391
see also cure/curing; Health
Health 12:12-17
balance of, in body 5:295-96; 8:368; 16:131; 17:7 be proud of 16:194 be regular in material life 16:l32
desires of the vital and 16:197
disease and l0:326
in Sri Aurobindo Ashram 17:191,204,251,268,306-07,310,324
influence of mind and vital on 5:295-96
medicine and divine 10:326
sports and 12:296-97
supramental transformation gives back 10:328
yoga and 15:147
see also Heal/healing
Page 122
knowledge and 11:244
see also Mother' s body, the, transformation on , hearing...
Heart , the 14:390 ; 17 :84-85
asking and offering to the Mother in 17:127
aspiration cornea, from 6:389; 16:172,225; 17:96
approach personal or Immanent Divine through the 16:253
calm, and yoga 16 :156
central being 1ies in 3:1
centre 7:252; 8:193
Characteristic of 16: 177
concentrate in 6:389; 16:148,161,311
contact the? psychic in 17:68,98,142
the Divine and 14:373-75; 16:161,172; 17:142
divine help in 16:396
do not 1ose l6:l37
"dried up heart" 7:253; 16:175-76,190
Entering, in meditation 16:331
faith and confidence in 16:173; 17:l25
frivolities divert 16:172
generous 4:405; 17:363
has wings 7:401
healing From 16:19
home of luminous goodness 17:373
illness in 17:355,394
luminous presence in 16:410
may gratitude fill 17:377
meditation and entering 16:331
the mind and 14:374
the Mother can read 17:385
the Mother is in 16 :32 ,92 ,121 ,125 ,139 ,149-50 ,167; 17:123,381
of children 16 :61
of creation Divine at 17:379
of pain 12:75
open wider 16:98,158; 17:86-89,96
peace is in 6:32!; 16:l48; 17:l91
the presence and 16:161
psychic being and 8:193; 16:397
pulling sensations up to 17:330
purify your own 16 :193
quietness in 17:361
re-enter body through 17:412
sacred fire in 17 :106
same everywhere 3:12
seeking 6:221-22
sentiments and 16:177
sincere 17:140
sun rising in your 16:119
sweet due to love 16:213
vision in 10:330
see also Chakras
existence of 10:64-65
hell and 3:199,201; 4:325 ; 5:131-32; 8:218-19; 10:65; 16:388-89
model of 10 :346
of the liberated mind 8:275
see also hell
Hein 10:147 Hell (s) 3:278-79; 11:179
Dante's description of 10:345-56
eternal 5:l31
Page 123
heaven and 3:l99,200; 4:132; 5:131-32; 8:2l8-19; 10:65; 16 :388-89
in vital worlds 17:106
passing through 16 :388-89
state of consciousness 10:65
Help/Helping 7:309; 9:4:16-17
bar and, of ego l7:108-09
beings who 17:49-50
by being receptive 17:366-67
by example 17:377
desire is obstacle and 4:3,349; 7:298 divine, in the heart 16:396
from the awakened psychic 4:146,149,165,261
from imperfect beings 17 :93
given to mother human being 17:50 ,67 ,79 ,93 ,95-96 ,135 ,262 ,377 see also Man, helping Others, helping,
healing 4:210; 5:133,387,403
humanity see Humanity , helping
imploring 17:185,252,339,403-40,409
leading the being through difficulties 6:386-87
miracles and , of vital entities 4:83,86-87
money meant to 17:396
the Mother's 12:335-36; 16:67,89,134,169,184; 17:98-99,101,133,135,
189-90,316-17,374; see also Mother, the (2), help and...
the Mother's to find the Lord 17:379,381
obliging others 17:67,118
of the Divine 7:246; 14:89-96; 15:245-49; 16:154,320,396; 17:12,377,394
of external consciousness 8:3,290-91
of fairy like beings 4:275
of Grace 8:253-54; 9:407-08; 16:28; 17:391
of kali 17:375
of Sri Aurobindo 13:134-35; 17:58
of the vital 5:258-59
of vital entities 4:83,86-87
of work to pass through depression 14:337-42; 16:137; 17:213
the only 17:231,262
proportionate to consciousness 17:95-96
reason is bar and 8:358-59,362-63,372-73
religion and 8:148-50
silence most effective 17:195-96,198
spiritual 9:86-87,92-93; 16:220
through sincerity 5:372
to overcome exhaustion 17:394
to overcome one's nature 16:190-91
the world 5:20; 16:431
worrying does not 16:87
nature of 12:317
not afraid of blows 5:235
teacher is a yogi and a 8:354
Page 124
Heroism 11:307; 14 :179; 16 :196
admiration for 7:259
in first World War 28:144; 7:259-61
Hierarchy 4:392
in groups 16:329-30
in realization 7:340; 8: 345-46 ,48-49
in religion 4:392
of action 10:71
of beings 9:45-46
of collaboration 10:71
of surrender 10:16
spiritual 8:27,37,46
Hieroglyphs 8:336,151-52 Higher consciousness 16:216
discipline and growth of 10:258
how to raise to 17:133,136,139
inner consciousness and 4:9,18
1ight and 4:79
state of pure 1ove 16 :217
thought and 6:328
Higher course 12:177-82,214,223
study of Sri Aurobindo works in 12:210-12
Higher forces
source of energy 6:81-82; 16:148
work of 6: 81-82; 16:148
cf, Divine force; Force, the
Higher mind 10:140; 14:362
from idea to consequence 4:85
forms of 3:61 -62
inhabitants of, and psychic 6:l6l
the Mother's Presence in 17:l42
range's of , and Super mind 6:417-18
role of 7: 15
Hindi 12:223-24; 13:384
articles on sadhana 17:297-98
classical and bad 17:227
good only for Hindi provinces 17:332
poet 17:3-7
Ramayana 17:23-24,30,135,189-90,316-17,374;
teaching 17:213-14 ,227-20,235 ,268-69
translations into 17:201-03,210-11,223-24,274,324,343,345
Hindi Magazine "purodha" see "purodha" Hindi Youth Magazine "Agni" 17:332 Hindu tradition
the cow in 17:280
the Divine Child in 17:184
the four Yugas 17:279
the Lord eating devotees' offering 17:290
past and future 17:301-02.
Pranam to the feet 17:398
Radha and Krishna 17:243,282 Rama centering river Saraya 17:319
Satyayuga 17:78
worship of gods 17:237-38,395-96
Hiranyakashipou 8:244 fn; 10:355 .Hi story .1.2:249 ,325 ,403-06
civilisations, disappearing 5 :249
conquered influencing conquerors 5:343
death of Caesar and Christ and 10:61
earth memory and 4:110-11 ; 5:278-82
Page 125
evolutionary movement 5 :249-50
four great events in 50:63
intervention of Grace in human 7: 418-19
judgment of 2:125 ,
1egend and 5:327; 10:62
museum, historical sampling 5:341
of art 4:298-302; 5:333-39
of the earth 4:242; 10:89; 16:421,427
of humanity 5:249; 9:407-08
of life 9:210-11 ,213-15
of religion 12:211-12
of transformation 9 :41 2
of world 2:154-55
past experiences, learning secrets of Nature through 5:364-66
Sri Aurobindo and 12:12-13; 10:62,96
war and 10:62
Hitler, Adolf 4:184-88; 5:377-79; 15:47; 16:9-10 Ho1idays 12:161 -62 ,333 , 358-59; 17:214 Home work . 12 :198-200 ; 17:311 Honesty 3:190-91; 4:379-80; 14:216; 17:59
1acking 17 :345
mental 9:327-29
money and 16: 369-70
Honesty Society 17:344 Hope 11:169; 14:86
builds happy future 16:186
never lose 16:l95
new, and present world chaos 9:168-69.
Horoscope 8:91 ,
escaping absolute law of 9:284-85
see also Astrology; numbers
Hostile beings
Divine and 16:388
mental plan and 3:60-62
vampires 3:42-46
Hosti1e forces see Adverse, forces , Hour of God see, Sri Aurobindo (2) , works of
Human bad will 17:395
Human being (s)
all a1ike before Eternity 16:158
authority ' of , a symbol 4:92
beings who help 17:49-50
capable of doing anything at a11 10:75-76
consciousness of 16:428
contact with mystery of universe 2:147
defects or qualities 5:357-58
delight intolerable for 10 :346
a divided being 14 :355-56,359
Divine consciousness and 16:425
Divine love and 8:340
ego, psychic being and 16:432
expressions of a soul 8:239,243; 10:311
fatuity, gross folly 5 :337-38,349
the first 9:236-38
f our categories of 16:426-27
help given to another 17 :50 ,67 ,69,95-96,135,262,377
ignorant and obscure 17:107
1ove between 17:92-93
normal consciousness in 3:130
power , becoming aware of 4 :368-69
Page 126
psychological divisions of 16:239
shut up in a sack 4:170
unify all parts around the psychic 14 :355
vice, controlling 8:5
withdrawing from the Divine 5:83
Human confusions 17:386
Human consciousness 9:11,207; 10:75-78,279; 11:264,266,269,277,287 ,288-89
characteristic tendency of , reaching somewhere; 9:189
falsehood of ordinary 10:347
fundamental structure of 10:75-76
in infancy 10:16
infancy of 10:168
is so corrupted 16:433
morality and 10:75
the Mother takes on 5:388-89
relation between gads and 11:37-39
soul and 10:209 suffering sustained by ll:235-36
transformation of 3:178
truth consciousness and 10:75-76
unity and 15:66-68
yogic and 16:401
Human crookedness 17:366 Human evolution
of soul 10:209
Human forms
first 10:91
Human life (lives)
aim of 2:125-27; 5:351-52; 8:176,368; 12:18,312; 14:3-8;
16:429-30; 17:381
different periods in 8:20
divine fife and 16:157
duration of contact between 2:70
exceeded, conditions 2:163
Human love 17:35-36 ,92-93 ,341 ,376,378
Divine love and 3:69-72; 6:78 ,174-75; 10:83,356,361; 12:68-69; 14:125-30; 16:298-99,409
For the Divine 6:102,174-75; 12 :69-70; 14:136-38; 16:26
human relation ships and 16:280; 17:92-93
strength and knowledge 10:361
true love and l6:298-99
Human nature 4:332
aspiration and 5:69
fixity of 2:53
good and had mixed together 16:64
is rebellious 30:261-62
tendencies of 10:200
Human race
perpetuation of 16:6
progress and 10:272-73
prophecy of 6:159
Human unity 10:50-51
consciousness and 15:66-68
morality and 10:310
national and 10:309-10
through awakening inner Divinity 2:47
Tolstoy's son and 4:285
Page 127
Human vision
divine vision and 6:459
the Mother's way of seeing and 12:95-96
Humanity/Man/Mankind/ 11:129-30 ,159 ,206 ,216 ,235-36,252 ,261-62, 309,324 ; 14 :73,189 ,288 ; 15:263-65,274-75,309-10,326-27,355-58 367-69,
370-71, 380,406 adverse forces and 13:258; 15:24 advancing toward the Divine 5:249-50 aim to be achieved 2:125-27; 5:352 anger belongs to lower 10:278-79 animals and 11:26
apocalyptic vision, true meaning 9:300-01 appreciation of (pleasing) 15 :86-87 ,397-98 ,420-22 ascent in spirals 7:188
atmosphere of desires 6:279-81 Auroville as collective experiment of 10:270
castes 5:247-48 barbarism and 10:323 clings to conception 11:6 colour prejudice 15:280 consciousness fashioned by mind 6:401 consecration to 2:l26 consenting to be spiritualized 9:74,77-78 creates gods 6:275-76
creating difficulties 11:66, 282,286-88
creations of 14:369-70 Divine and 14:17-25,135-36; 17:318
divine and animal 3:150-51
does it still need to go through destruction? 9:74
ego and 11:55
error of 9:l47-48
evolution of 7:357; 16:432
expectations of the Mother 12:308; 17:232
"The Family of Man" (exhibit)9:3-4
fear of the divine 1ife 11:311-12
full of desires 6:411-15
future of, individuals most helpful to 2:16l-62
future temple of 2:146
goal of 2:125-27
God and 10: 267 ,356; 11 :38-39 ,67 ; 14:125-31
helping 10:360; 12:95-101; 14:295-96, see also Others, helping
history of 5:493; 9:407-08
hostile forces and 11:258; 15:24
ignorance , "sole evi1 " of 7: 316-17
increased sensitivity 11:225
individuality and 6:108,256-61,333-36
inherent contradiction in 6:308; cf. shadow
interdependence of individual and collectivity 9:141-42
key of the whole problem of 9:77-78
liberated by colloquy at Kurukshetra 10:63
liberation and 6:34-35
love of God and 10:331,339-40 ,349 ,356 ; 14 :125-31
love of 2:126-27; 10: 83
men and wymon as complementary halves 2:143; 14:309-11
mind and 14 :364 ,369-70
mistake of , clinging a1tiays to the past 9:197-98
Page 128
the Mother's personality of Ananda and 6 : 291-95 new creation and 6:417-18; 11:24-29,96-97,307 of the Mother 13:82-83
ordinary, guided by desires and passions 9:98-102 persistence of after death 6:56-57
physica1 nature and effort 6:430 pity and love 10:266,360 predestined beings 6:386-87 present general tension; new sign 9:296-98 present state of 17:110 progress of 2:101 ; 3:203-06,273; 12:305 progresses in spite of appearances 3:273 psychic and 6:160-61 qualities for growth of 10:249 real , of wymon 2:154 realization of 10:284 retations 14:291-315,331-36 resistance 11:300 sacrifice for God 10:282 science of 9:101-09
service to, form of ambition 3:9; 5:12-16; 14:296 sin, virtue and progress of 10:259 slave of doctored 10:327
social relations see Relations with others, (Relationship) sorrow and evolution of 10:296-97 spiritualized 2:161-62 Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:113-14 stages of transformation and 11:46-53 stamp of, desire to find fault 3:158 suffering of 2:57-58,126; 10:59,269-70 summit 6:108
supramental and 15:110-18
supramental manifestation and 6:307,417-18; 11 : 24-29,96-97 supreme fool in 10:265 synthesis of East and west 5:342-43 those who shall save 2:164 to be superseded 11:70-71 transformation and ascent of 10:249 true governor of 10:315 two principle occupations of 4:20S understanding of 11:75-77 unity of 10:281; 12:39-405; 15: 65-68 ,71-72 vision of 11:255
waiting for others to progress 11:208-09 war and development of 10:52 way to progress most 10:27 work for sake of 2:155 work to be realized by 5:352,354-56 world and 14:297-98 Yoga and 3:2-3 see also Collectiuity; Human...; Individual...; Man/Mankind;
Others; People
Humi1ity 2:5,147; 14:159-61; 17:82-83,143 before the Divine 5:46 consciousness and 5:29-30 depression and 3:139 divine grace and 16:252 ignorance lacks 17:90,129 karma, changing one's 5:93 progress and 5:45-46; 17: 163 scientist, real 5:30
Page 129
true 3:l75; 5:46; 16:l78
Humour 5:14; 17:279,293
sense of 4:250,254; 10:33
Sri Aurobindo sense of 10:245,332
cruelest of creatures 17:11
Hurry 17:16 Huta
and "White' Roses" 17 :215- 16
Hydari, Sir Akbar 15:332 Hymn to Durga 12:43-44 Hyper sensitivity 16:53 Hypnotism
anesthesia replaced by 9:393-95
Divine Mill and 7:268
effect of 7:268; 9:395
Hypocrisy 3:190,218; 5:31; 12:129; 14:209; 16:277
doing thing secretly 17:137
obstacle on spiritual path 17:132
shamefu1 17:64
Page 130
Idea (s) 4 : 85 , 99 ,346 ; 9 : 168 -69
about past lives 5 : 217-18 about people 17 : 40 about yoga 17 :94 ,124 accepting influence of others 17 : 124 ancient , of spiritual realisation 8 : 244-45 as true mental dynamism 2:108 bad 17:112-13
behind all appearances 2 : 81 Christian, of creation 10;102 collective wealth 7 : 92 consecration and sacrifice to 2 : 76 creative 2 :108
different expressions of 7 : 92-93 direct contact with 2 : 80 domain of pure 7 : 352 expression of 12 : 60-61 free exchange of 17 : 166 hostile 17 : 36
intellectual s and 5 :145 ; 7 : 272 knowledge and 4 : 47, 158 lacking in humility 17 : l29 1anguage and 2 : 8l love of mind for 2 : 75-77 most useful to spread 2 : 86 "moving-idea" 8 : 8
not abstract and bodiless 2 : 75 of atom 4 : 139
of collectivity according to Sri Aurobindo 9 :137 of the Divine 7:381 ; 5 :133 ,160 ,311-12 ; 8 : 1-3, 7 ,44-46 of evil 4:23-25; 9;134; 10:72 of fate and Buddhism 15 : 247 of god 4:176, 289; 10:102,104 of immortality 4 :69-70; 8 : l29 of Mahakali's power 4:397 of man and superman 2 : 156-64
of new race 2 : 164
of pralaya 5 : 353
of profiting 8 : 129-30 ,241-42 of progress 3 : 194
of renouncing physical reality 9 : 4 of spiritual 1ife 8 : 365-66 of troubles 5 : 144 of weakness 16:186
of what is good 4 :101 opposite, synthesis of 16 : 347 origin and organisation of 6 :13-14 ; 8; 346 ; 9 : 250-52 Plato and 2 :76
poetry, expression of 7 : 93 power and 10 :185
pragmatic power of 12 :61 "Preconceived" 2 :77-78 ; 8 : 395-96 preference for 2 : 75-77 primal (archetypes) 7 : t22 pure, typal 7 : 92~93 realisation limited by 8 :1 reconciliation of 2 : 25 religion as source of 2 : 78 replacing 2 ;77
Page 131
science as source of 2 : 78 seeking highest 2 : 61 ,77 senses and 2: 21
symbolising That 2 :38
thinking with 12 :187-88 ; 16 : 244-45
thought and 4 : 47,202 ; 5 : 108-12 ,399; 8 : 344-46 ,395; 9 : 381-83
true in own time .and place 3 : 226~28 ; 12 : 292 true lover of 2 : 78-79
undesirable 17 : 69
war of idea against 2 : 89
Western , of perfection 10 : 104
words and 3: 64 ; 6;98 ; 10 :184; 12 : 60-61
world of 2 : 80 ; 3 : 64
belongs to all 2 : 98-99
wrong 3 : 244
Ideal 4:114; 17:32, 90
conceiving child according to highest. 2 : 154
creation of character capable of manifesting 2 : 153
the Mother was born to realise highest 3 : 131
of the Ashram 10 : 270
of attitude in action 9 : 29-31
of beauty 8 : 58
of complete consecration 7 : 192
of 1ife 8 :57-58; 9 : 97
of a womin's physical beauty 7 : 242; 8:239-43 ; 10 : 302 ; 12 : 298-99
ours and others 2 :92
progress in light of 2 :49 ; 4 : 38-39
progressive transformation and 9 : 108, 110-11
realisation of 2 : 78 ; 3 : l31
Ideal child 12:1.50-51
Idealism 10;254 Identification 4 :133 ,174 ,328~29 ,363
action consecrated after 17 : 69-70
aspiration for active 10 : 198
becoming one with something 5 : 226.,399-.400
by consciousness 11 : 244 capacity for total 10:115 consciousness as 17 : 182 the Divine, only way of knowing 5 : 225 dynamic and passive 6 : 266
experience of 6 : 332,334 ... inner, and true closeness to the Mother. 16 : l23 knowing the unthinkable through 2 : 126 knowledge and 3 : 167-68 ; 45 : 219-220
of God by 5 ; 225,312; 10 : 43-44
learning through 5 : 219-25,299-300 methods of 5 : 220-21 , the Mother's, with ,the Lord; 16 : 230 , of consciousness 2 ;60 ,130 ; 10 : 121 ; 16 : 44, 165 ; 17 :182-83 passing beyond one's narrow limits,. 5 : 233-34 perfect 10;122
separativity and 17;177 through concentration 5 ; 225 ; 16 : 44
to work well 4; 363
unconscious need for 2;52-53
understanding others through 5 S299-301 ,31 lr-12''
with all suffering 2 : 58
with author's thought 5 : 223
with body 5 : 361 ; 7 : 255
with collective human psychological consciousness 10 : 75-76
Page 132
with the Divine 5 :225--26, 312, 322 ; 7: 355-56; 8 : 44-48; 10 : l98; 16:384; 17 ;177
with Divine Consciousness 16 : 61
with Divine play 10 : 52
with Divine Will 17 ; 181
with Eternal 2 : l30
with material world 17 :179
with the Mother 17 : 69-70
with a piece of music 16 : 232
with Supreme
condition of freedom 10 : 264 gives knowledge of everything 10:125-26
with a tree 3:168
with whole 10:198
see also Identity
Ananda of 8 : 94, 226-27
aspiration awakened 11 : 64-65
awareness by 3 : 178 becoming the Divine by 8 : 94 ,109--10 ,225-27 ,284-85 ,377-79
in origin 16;383
indifference and 15 : 299
inner and outer 17 : 75
Knowledge by see Knowledge , by identity
the Mother's sense of 11: 70-74
of consciousness 16 : 165
of opposites, (fusion etc .) 11 ; 109 ,111-14 ,198-202 ,204 .212,220,236
suffering of the Divine Mother through 5 : 388
see also Identification
Ignorance 6 : 450-51 ; 8 : 262 ,269,294 ,352; 17 : 379
aspiration and 10;27 -, 16:359
better than disobedience of guru 17 : 1,31
cause. of suffering 9: 7-8,10-11 ; 17 : l29
Christ assumes human 10:61-62
coming out of 16 : 163
conception of God 10 : 355
consciousness and 3:101
correcting 9 : 306-07
curing 16 : 430
definition of 4:164
desire and 7:317-18; 10:15-16,261-62
difficulties and 4 : 251; 6: 325-26
dispelled by growing consciousness 3:101
Divine Will and 3:170
division , cause of 9: 7-11
elements unwilling to change 4 : 74,332
error through 7 : 411; 10 : 47; 16:307
evil and 9:134; 10 :.72
falsehood and 3:245,254; 6 : 169-70; 11 : 41 ; 14 : 209; 17 : 181-82 finding justification for 10:82
Force of 4:340-42
general 4:90
getting out of 4 : 69
God's use of 10:321
greatest impurity 3;190-91,264
hallucination and 10 : 41-42
human 2 :88 ; 9:134-35 ; 10 :296 ; 16 : 227 ; 17 : 107
inconscience and 16 : 380
judgment in 10 : 49, 298 knowledge and 6 : 287-89 ; 7 : 3l0 ,317 ,411 ; 8 : l40
Page 133
lacks humility 17 : 90,129
language of 10: 103-04
limitation and 10;77
love and 6:102
luck and 10 : 263
made by the Divine? 17:106
man clings to 16:291
material world and 4 : 276
matter and 3:102; 10 : 6l-62
mental formations sweep away 9 : 134:
mind and 10 : 42, 17 : l70
miracles and l0 : 165
misery and 4:292
misfortune and 10 : 58
mistakes in knowledge and 7 : 411
the. Mother ' s help to overcome 17 :133
must be dissolved 17:140
nescience ordinarily called 9 ; 8
notions belonging to human 9 ; 134-35
obscure behaviour and 17 : 142
path of 10 : 260
perpetuation of 5 : 32
physical mind and 10 : 42
physical suffering and 11 : 41-44
poverty and 10 : 269
pride in 10 : 342
regarding development of body 10 : 31
relation to Truth 10:3
sin through 3 : 221
sole evil of humanity 7 : 316-17
sorrow and 10 : 296
spokesman for forces of 4 : 34l-42
stupidity and 5 : 30
suffering and 6 : 287-89 : 9 : 7-8, 10-11 ; 11 :41-42 ; 17:129,149
surrender to Divine and 16 : 433
sympathy for those 1iving in 10 : 279-80
taking things from below 9 : 237-38
triple world of 6 : 274
use of 10:321
very obstinate 17 : 103,327 view of science and the Buddha on 7 : 3l6-l7
wall of separative 7: 237
will , choice and 10:287
wisdom and 10 : 46
world and 3 ; 245 ; 7 : :292-96
yields only to effort 17 : 103
Illness 11 : 225 ,272 ; 15 : 148-77 : 17 : 193 ,208-09 ,308-09, 349-51 ,353-56
accepting 8 : 4-5, 68, 213
accident., moment of choice. 4 : 403
adverse forces and 3 :55 ; 5 :180-88
all-powerful remedy , putting it into practice 8 :.41-42
aspiration to overcome 5 ; 293-94
body and mind, relation of, and 5 : 402-03 ; 7 : 44-45
body remembers? 6 ; 366-69
breath and 17 : 308
call from family in 17 :318
cause (s) of 3 : 57, 85-91 ;. 16:323 depression l7: 118
disequilibrium among forces 5 : 122-23 ,170-82 ; 9 ; 120-22 external , contagion, ill-will, etc, 5 : 179-88
Page 134
fear 3:57, 90-91 ; 4 : 263; 5:161-72, 313-14; 8:120-22 ; 12 : 14 ; 15;151-52, 156 ; 16:194, 323
germs, microbes 7:146-47
ill-will 5 : l79-88; 15 ;158-59
inner conditions as 5 : 167-68 ,173
change of work in 17; 248-49 character and 6 : 2-4 children and 12 :14-15 co11ective (epidemic) 16:300 collective, in Ashram 7;151 congenital 15:164-65
consciousness and 5; 185-86; 11 :207-08, 210 cure? /curing 9 17:92
by air and sun 16 : 110
by confidence in life 5:297
by doing unselfish works 5;121-22
by faith 4:209-10
by the Mother's force 5:132; 17:317,350,353,408
by peace 15:160-63
by Sri Aurobindo 4; 264 by yoga 7 : l04,144-45
complete , consciousness of 5 ; 292
disorders of the spring 17 :186
headache 6 :310-12
localised illness 8: 212-14
mental resolution not enough 9 ; 124-25
nervous diseases, look at an aquarium 5 : 224
of different 3: 90
of Nature 17 : 351
resolution for 5:186-88
spiritually 4:74, 264, 267-71, 282
will and 16:127
with the help of microbes 4:210
you must want to be 16:127
see also Cure
see also below heal / healing
desire and 35;159-60 discipline and 12: 383 disharmony and 7; 36
doctors and 5 : l23-24 ; 17:231,349-50,353,403 drugs (medicines) in 17 ; 195-96 ,354-55 ,405 ,407 ,410-11 egoistic 4 : 10i
energy given to mind 15 : 370 First world War, people killed in 5;184 habits of 7;144-47 heal / healing 8-;212-14
capacity to 16: 429
good formations help 5 : 133,387,403
re establishing equilibrium 5 :122-23
see also above cure/curing
hypochondriac 17 ;77 imaginary 17: 63-64,67,238,249 in animals 3 : 273-74 in the heart . 17 : 355, 394 in hospital 17 : 405-06
incomprehensible disorders and diseases 16 : 421 Japan, epidemic in 5:182-85 knowledge of 8:363-64 leave Ashram because of? 17 : 407 make use of 17 : 208 Mantra and 4 : 389
Page 135
medical knowledge of 8 " 363-64 medicines and see Medicine mind and 15 : 156-57,162 memory in body and 6 ; 366-68 moral condition and microbes 5 :171-72 nerves and 3 : 89 ; 4 ;268; 17;195 new physical consciousness and 11 : 243 not given by the Divine 5 : 170 origin of 4 : 263; 9 : 120-22 pain and see Pain
people are almost always .ill 5 : 188 people who like being ill 5 :122 personal remedies (treatments) 17 : 147,67,350-53,403 physical receptivity in 17 : 223,317,329 preparing food when unwell 17 : 320 protection from others 17:238 refuse support of thought to (forget) 17 : 64, 92 rejection of 4;268-71 rejoicing from subtle body 4 : 267-69
remedy for suffering and 9 : 41-42 ,123-26
resistance .and 3 : 86-91 ; 4 : 63 right attitude towards 6 ; 340 sanitation and 3 ; 56
sources of 3 ; 85, 88-89 specific ill nesses
boil 17:329
cold attack 17 : 90, 92, 165
diabetes 17;238
exhaustion 17: 393-94
eyes 17 : 251, 347-48,403
fever 5 :186; 17 : 61,106,192
flu 17 : 221
giddiness 17 : 356
headache 16 : 46,130; 17 : 63, 195,218
heart 17:355,394
injuries 17; 278,285,317
insomnia 17 ; 354-55
mania of persecution 17 : 242
measles 17 ;208 ,410-11
mental tension 17 : 174 ,195
mental unbalance 17 : 226-27
minor spasms 17 : 413
nervous 17 : 403
pain 17 ; 63,158
prostate operation 17 : i249
sore throat 17 : 47
stomach ache 16 :130,; 17:251,315-16,350
sunstroke 4 : 270
swelling 17 : 296,321-22
tumours 17 : 393
subconscient and 7 : 144; 17 : l65 suggestions about 3 ; 56-57 ,89; 16; 194 transformation and, the Mother's experience see Mother's body, the , transformation of , painful transition , etc. vibrations, accidents and 16 : 323-24
vital being, "possession by 4 : 185 vital events, no cause of 5 : 28 wrong attitude and 16 : 21
Yoga and 3 : 55-57 ,84-91 ; 5 ; 170-71, 177 ,179 see also Cure ; Disease ; Doctors ; Healing ; Health ; Medical opinion ; Medical science ; Medicine ; Sickness
Page 136
Ill - treatment
innocence and 16;193 Illusion 4 ; 383
Buddha and 4 : 174
chance and 10 : 44-45
life as 7; 292-97
man lives in 4 : 277-78
material world is 9 : 4
maya , wheel of 8 ; 57-58
mind and 10 : 42
nature of 10 : 44-45
of action 3 : 66-67
of personality 2 : 52-58,125
of progress 6 : 428
of separation 3 : 59-60 ,63; 7 : 364
reality behind 10 : 44
rejection of life as 7 : 405
wor1d and 3 :162; 4 : 277-78; 7 : 292-94; 8 : 44, 53,234 ; 9 : 4, 339-41 ; 10 : 44-45
world illusion 11 : 173
Images 6: 275-76
for psychic discovery 7 : 271-72
in meditation 6 : 378
in a temple 4 ; 397
in vision 3 : l3-14; 16 ; 34
man' s , of God 10 ; 95
of Atman 7 : 206
of European progress 10 : 311
of the Infinite 16 : 61
of Kali 4 : 396-98
of life in the Ashram 13:149-53
of the Mother 11 ;324; 13 : 83-84
of the state of the world 16 : 365
produced by thought 2 ;108
value and use of 7 : 272
world of 10:126-27
Imagination (s) 4:81 ,154-55; 16 : 69
cause of sadness 17 : 120
children's 4:128; 5 :410 : l6 : 61
collective 6:107-08
creating what one imagines 5 : 132-33
develops creative and mental faculty 12 ; 26
disciplining 9 ; 385-88
Divine and 7 : 234
effect of literature on 17 : 69
existence and. 8 ;9
formative power of 7 : 231-32,242; 9 : 379-80
function of 7 : 233-34
generalisation and 17; 307
ghosts and 17 : 110
heaven and hell , human formations 5 ;131-32
illness and 17 : 63-64,67,238,249
influence of 6 : l07-08
inner 10 :129
meditation and 9 : 378-80
misleading (false, wrong) 16:173 ; 17;106,120,371
of c1osed doors 17 : 189
of the Mother 11 : 144
of Nature 5 ; 226-27,251,344
of oneself as instrument of adverse forces 16 : 190
of so-called vital being 16 :190
Page 137
of writers 4 : 154-55 ; 7 : 231-32
power of 3 ; 156-57 ; 8 : 118-19 ; 9 : 24
realisation and 6 : 233-34
reality and 7 ; 233-35
scientists and 7 : 233
two kinds of 9 : 385-86
use and misuse of 5 : 133 ; 7 : 63
vain 16 : 148 weakness due to 17 : 248-49
what to imagine 8 : 317
writers and 7 : 232
Imaginative activity 16 : 62 Immobility 3 : 87-88 ; 4; 1 ,10 ; 8 : 66-68 ,330-31 ; 11 ;13-15 ; see also Mother's body, the, peace .....
Immortality 4 :171 ; 6 : 53 10 : 84 ; 11 : 11 ,49-50, 52-53, 147 , 220 ; 15 : 124-26 , 131 becoming. conscious of l0 : 83
earthly 3 :188
Eternal Consciousness and 16 ; 435-36
idea of 4 : 69-70 ; 8 : 129
meaning of 10 ; 27-32 passim
the Mother' s body' s experience of the consciousness of 11 : 195-96
of consciousness 11 : 195-96 ; 12 : 343
physical 4 : 69-70 ; 10 : 28-29,84 ; 12 : 82-87 ; 16 ; 195,429,436
psychic and 16 : 432
religion and 10 : 83-84
self and 10 : 28
sense of 5 : 317
soul and 10 : 26
Sri Aurobindo's description of . 10 : 28
synthesis of mortality and 5 : 111
Titan's four strides towards 10:357
Impatience 11:196; 17 : 93,116
do not be impatient, 16:137
Impersonal action 2 : 49,54
Impersonal love 2 : 58
Impersonal and personal Divine 7 ; 244,248-50
Impersonal work 2;52-54
charity and 2 : l01 judgment and 2 : 91 mental 2 : 128
beginning of possibility 9 ; 383-85,388,394-95 difficulty and 7 : 415-420 explanation of " impossible" 8 :383-85
possibilities and 7 ; 262-63 sadhana, each person an 7 : 415,419 see also. Difficulty
Impulses 4;77-78,387 ; 10;15
control of 2:25,61 ; 3 ;5 : 5 ;211-15;. 6 :317-18 ,342-44 drive of 17 : 137
of life 9 : 98-102
passion's and 5 ;211
seat of 4 : 49-50
spontaneous, from subconscient 17 ; l94
stupidities committed 5 : 212
thoughts and 6 : 319
to create something new 2 :157
transference of vital (example of murderer) 5 : 208,377
vanquishing 17 : 121
Page 138
yielding to vital 17 ; 74 ; see also Vital impulses
Impurities 17;24,39 Inactivity
over-activity and 16 : 146
tiredness due to 16 : 147
feeling one's own 16:320
human l6 : 402
of thoughts for action 8 ;359; 10:124,146
suggestions of 16 : 133
surrender and personal 10 : 305
aim of 2 : 52
conscious 8 ; 334-36
of Buddha 3 ; 78-80
of gods on earth 4 : 184
of the one Being 9 : 197
of the psychic being 8 ; 202-03,335-37
of vibrations of harmony 10 : 192-93 of vital being 4 : 184-85
reason for 5 ; 388-89; 8 : 167-68
secret of 10 : 73-74
Inconscience (Inconscient, Unconsciousness) 4 :119,240-41,283; 11 ;109,199; 15 : 247; 17 :183
absence of diversity 9 : 48
all in unconscious 8 :77-78
amount of, in food 4 : 334
Asura of see Adverse Forces, Asuras
being of Consciousness and Love within the 9 : 332-34
cause of all misery 8 ; 77
consciousness and 4 :241
correcting wrong done through 5; 411
cruelty and 6 : 70-71
descent of Love 8 ; 226 fn,339-40
diminishes intensity of suffering 3 ; 198
the Divine in 8:35,79
divine Consciousness in 9;11,207
God in 9 : l0-12
going into during sleep 4:318-19; 16;267
how to counteract 5 ; 373
ignorance and 16 ;380
in the being 9 : 330-34 ; 11:27 ; 16 :157
in matter 17 : 365
in physical body 16 ; 234
insincerity and 6 : 125-27
laziness of 16 : 395
man cannot feel 1ife's aim 8:120
Manifestation emerging out of 11;76-77
mental 15;381-85
the Mother's experience of 15 : 381-85
no being on earth completely free from 11:87
of creation 5: 41,71; 10 : 206
peace and 11; 161-64
progress over 11 ; 88
pushing things into the 8:19
separated from the Divine 8 : 77-79
shadow is symbol of 16 : 367
"tamasic" part of the being and 16 : 157
to become conscious 11:84-85
transformation of 15 :316-17
unity in 9 : 47-48
Page 139
India 12 : 212-13, 262 ; 13 ; 14, 251, 280-81 ,359-84 ; 16 : 368 fn
ancient, and modern 10 : 271
art in see Indian art
as Guru of the world 16 : 328,341
attitude towards wymon in 12 : 105-06
beauty and 13 : 380-81
belief in reincarnation in 16 : 366
Brahmins 3 ; 151
China and 16 : 274-75 ; 17: 217-18
communal life of 10 : 308
continent between Africa and 5 : 249
dance in 3 : 112
difficulties of 17 : 219 ,282 ,304
division of 8 :32
education in 12 : 251-54; 13:369-71
freedom of 8 : 30-31
future of 16 :319; 17: 240, geniuses of 16 ; 6
government emergency 17 ; 218-19 great ages of 4 ; 312. idea of renouncing physical reality 9 ; 4 important people in 17 : 3l4 Independence Day 8 : 265-66 "India is free" 5 ; 190 ; 8 : 30-32 Indo-Pakistan conflict 16 : 326-28 ; 17 :376 ,264-67 ; see also below Pakistan and
Japan and 2 : 149-50 languages of see Indian language (s) legends about. divine protection in 8 : 224 literature in 3 ;107 ; 17 : 301 living tradition of yoga 7 : 342 loss of vitality 7 : 294 mission of 13 : 360-63,365-66,370,372,375-80 the Mother and 13 : 43-45 ; 17 : 213 Mother India 12 : 42-44 music in 5:77-78 Nehru, Jawaharlal 17 : 240 number of souls in . 4 : 48
number one problem 12 : 314 ought to be spiritual guide 16 : 328 Pakistan and 5:190; 13:372-74;. 16 ;326-28; 17 ; 264-,67 , 376 ; see also above Indo-Pakistan conflict of 19: 65 pantheon of 8 : 142 partition of 13; 359 plants used for adoration 4 : 167 poverty of 17 : 258 privileged 4 : 303 prosperity in 17 ; 258 psychic being and 12 ; 314
religious convention and 10 : 317 role in the world 7 : 307 Sanskrit in 8:153-54; 12 : 224-25, 416-17; 13;384 ; 15 ; 286-87 ; 17 : 317-19 , 322 Shankara's preaching in 10 :302- 03 save from Indians 17:254,282 "show the way to union" 16:368 fn soul of 13 : 360-61 ,376-78,380
spiritual life in 10;212 spirituality and 13 : 369,374-82 passim Sri Aurobindo's teaching and 15 : 426-28 stories of divine intervention 7 : 418
Page 140
tales of 8 : l4-18 ,104-50 ; 10;135
traditional learning of 10 ;205
unity of 13 ;362 ,368-76 passim
use of AUM in 2 : 64
the West and 16 : 328
wish to come to 5 ; 356
World War II and 13 : 125-26
worship and meditation of 10 :63 see also Indian....
Indian art 3;108,110
ancient, and Calcutta school 5 : 341-42
compared with European 4 : 312-313
Indian language (s) 8:153-54; 12 : 218, 222-25, 253, 416-17; 13 : 371 ,383-84; 15 : 286-87
the Mother's respect for 17 : 213-14
Sanskrit 8 :153-54; 12 : 224-25,416-17; 13 ;384 ; 15 286-87 ; 17 : 317-19,322
attachment and 16 : 76 calmness and 17 : 163
equality and 16 : 173, 336-37
hardening and 16 :190
identity and 15;299
mental 16:336
must lead to equality 16 :173
to all effort through fatigue 16 : 179-80
to criticism 7 : 393, 396-97
to ill-treatment 16:193
to suffering 16:190
Individual, the 11:275-76; 14;18
action of 4;253-54, 5 : 20; 9 : 5-6; 10;71-74
advice can impair development 10 : 237
afraid of not being different 2 ;53
aim of life of 5 ; 203,303,351-52
anarchy and 10:306
aspiration of 5:250
cannot change thy world 10;138-39
cannot understand consciousness of totality and detail 11 : 222
central Will in 10 : 74.
classed according to own nature 10: 268-69; see also Character
collectivity and 4:36,382; 5; 305-06 ; 7:323 ; 9 : 140-42,172-74,315
consciousness of see Individual consciousness
condition for perfection 10 ;308
contact of , with supermind 8:133,323
creation and 3:58-59
death and 10 :11-12
definition of 4 : 172 ,327-28
democracy and 10 ;312 .
destiny 10 : 11-12
development of and ego 7 ;366,371-72; 16:304
development of different parts of 10 : 97
descript ion of development 9 ;348-49
difference between 2 : l06
difficulties of 6 : 446-47
diversity of expression of 4:327-29; 8 : 387-88
the Divine and 4:392-93; 6:256-61 ; 8.44-45 : 10 : 73-74
each has favourable period for dreams 2 ; 31
effort of 5:250; 7 : 363-64; 9 ; 5-6,174,190-91
ego and 3 ; 240; 4 : 66,101-02; 7;.11,13, 15 : 22
encouraging laziness in 2 : 100
environment express 2 : 68
Page 141
"evil persona" 5 : 276 fn
evolution of 2 : 128 ; 7;331-33 ; 9 : 214 ; 16 ; 225-29, 323 experiences of 10 :14 ,21 experience and truth 10 ;183 few have escaped finite 10 : 98 first effect of Supermind in 10 ; 108 form of 2 ; 59
freedom of choice 5 : 90-91 goal of creation and 11 : 289 group progress and 2 : 60 ; 9 : 172-74; 12 : 39~40 , 18I-82 harmony between universal nature and 10 : 56 the Infinite and 16 : :61 infinitesimal role 4:163 knowing oneself and other's 5 : 300,303-04 is limited 7 : 414-15 , 8 : 58 law of 8 : 141 ; l6 : :268 living cell of group 2 : 59 love of limitations 3 ; 169 made. up of many entities 16 :252 manifestation of true vibration and. 10 : 193-94 Maya and 10 : 363 meant to manifest one aspect of the Divine Consciousness 3 : 116 mission of 4 : 118 ,324 most helpful to future of humanity . 2 : 161-62 nature of 5 : 414 ; 10 : 268-69; 16 : 268 not annulled by union with Supreme 11 ;129-30 not limited by body 8 : 55 389-97 offering of 10 :74 origin of 4: 174 parts of 4 : 80
path of 4 : 351 perfection unlimited 7 : 415 progress of see Progress, individual psychic being, the true 3 : 63,124-25 realisation of collective and 8 : 49-50 ,133 . role in supramental realisation 10 : 138 role in universe, 8 : 326 secret of divine incarnation in 10 : 73 self. government of each , 10 : 306 self-perfection 2 : 66 sense of freedom of 5 : 90-91 sense of separation of 7 : 364 small victories of 5 : 19-21 soul, Divine and 16 : 229 supreme will and . 10 : 74,88
surrender of 11; 185 tamasic nature of 5: 414 That which causes action and 10 : 295 thoughts of 2 ; 24,27-28, 86 transformation and 2 ; 47-48; 4 :382-83 ; 5 : 62; 7 : 323 ; 8 : 378-81 ; 10 : 316 ; 16 : 329, 382
true 3 : 63,124-25,169
Truth of each being 8 :52 ,124 ,141 ,280 ,325 ; l0 : 138-39 twofold labour 2 : 48 unique manifestation 7 : 375 universa1 progress and 7 ; 427 universal self and 2 ; 38-39 ,94 ; 7 : 407 ; 8 :346 ,378-81 universe, world and 10 : 218 universalising 10 : 251 victory of thought 2 ;89 virtues of 7 : 138-39; 16:276
Page 142
what constitutes 4:172-74 ,
will of 3:135; 5:97,196; 10 : 56,74
working through lower nature 8 : 22-23
world and 6 : 446-47 ; 15 :406-07
see also Human ... ; Humanity; Individual ... ; Man / Mankind
Individual consciousness 4 : 172-74,404; 9:354
difficulties and 4 ; 44 ,74
global at the same time and 11 : 222, 275-76
perception of the world and 9 : 201-03
separation and 6 :100-01
understanding of the world 5 : 29-30; 9 ; 201-03
Individual nature
each classed according to 10:268-69
universal and 10 s56
individual "law follows the law of 16;268
see also Character
Individualisation 4:36,149,174,195
creation of opposite movement 10 :118
matter and 10;115
mind and 4sl93,195; 9:43-44; 10:27-28,87-60
mental being and 10 s27-28
obstacle to suppleness 10:118
of consciousness 10 s264
of states of being 2;47
psychic being and 6 : 260
self-justified jealousy 10 : 307
vital and 10 : 41
work of ego 16 ; 389-90
Individuality 8;346,378-81; 11;165-68,203,260,324 ; 15 : 317-18 ; 17:108-09,375
aspiration and 11:185
body and 3:169 ; 6 : 257-60
a conquest 9: 43-48
development of 6 ; 261
ego and 4;174; 6 : 256-61,332-36; 7:11-13; 8 : 367-68 ; 10 :109
formation around psychic 3 :150
humanity and 6:108,256-61,333-36
illusory sense of 4 : 174
in forms of vital world 3:48-49
mastery of complex 9 : 402-03
means no body 15: 309-10
not formed in most men 7 :365
not lost in the Divine 3 : 169
perfect, for integral realisation 9 ; 345-46
physical mind and 6;258
purpose of . 11: l85
sense of , in Western people 3 : 4
sense of physical limitation unnecessary for 11 : 242-43
survival of death of 3; 145-46
transformation of 11:165
true 2 : 54 ; 6 ; 108
truth of see Being, truth of
vital beings and 3 : 48-49
vital worlds and 6 : 258
what constitutes 16 : 321
see also Personality
Indra 3:208 Inertia 4 : 349,366-67; 11;198,200-01
aspiration to overcome 17 : 25
creation and 10 : 202 ; 11 : 192-96
dominant characteristic of matter 9 : 34-35
Page 143
in the body 3 : l44!; 12 ; 397
indication of complete 16 : 308-09
mental 16 : 336-37
overcoming 17 ; 2S
peace and 11:41, ,161-64
remedy for 11;193; 16:309
studies and 12 : 133
see also Laziness; Tamas
nothing is 17:189
Inexpressible, the
expressing 16 :366
Inferiority complex 16:269 Infinite , the
"boundless finite" 8 : 97
experience of 10 : 98
two images of 16 : 61
windows that open upon 16 ; 423
plunge into 17 ;190
to breathe 17 : l81
Influence (s) 4 ; 36-37
Agni's 3:138
alien 17 : 67,130,158,167,174,197,221
asuric 6 : l72,174
bad " 5 : 414
distinguishing. 6:129-33, 16; 135
divine 4 : 160-61 ; 5; 117: 6 :129-32 ,168-69 ,213-15 ; 7:245-46 ; 14:307; 16:251. ,388,421 ; 17:67
exchange of 17 : 159,211
from others 17 : 61,68, 124,161
hostile 6: 436
Krishna's 10 : 61
mental formations acting as 6:130; 8 : 391-92
not helpful to mix 17 : 401
of adverse forces 5 : 234-36 6:305 ,434-38
of atmosphere 4 : 37
of a beautiful story 8 :118-19
of collective imagination 6 :107-08
of Greece on Rome 5 : 343
of idols 6 : 276
of imagination 6:107-08
of Japan un America 5 : 343
of mind and vital on health 5 :295-96
of Nature 8 : 51-52
of others 4:27,36; 6:168-69,213-14; 7 ; 245-46 ; 16: 191 ; 17.28-29 , 61,68,124,161
of the soul 16:249
of spiritual force over mind 9:420
of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 3;132; 16,166 ; 17 : 61, ,210-11
of the stars 9 ; 284-85
on children 5 ;242 ,412-1 4; 8 ;200 ,203-04 ,392
opening to the Mother's 17:61,210-11
opening to supramental 9;110-11 ; 16:192
outside 8 ; 22 ,54 ,389-94
passive opening to 16 ; 192
psychic 7: 263-64,422: 10;39
yoga and 8;350-52
see also Mother's body ; the external influences on
Page 144
Infrarational impulses 10 :6
speech and 10 : 8
Infrarational laws
of Nature 7 : 180
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique ; 6 : 19 Initiation
changes character 4 : 92
discipline of l0 : 257
hierarchies 4 : 392
revelation of knowledge through 4;222-24
schools of 4; 197; 6 : 39-40; 8 : 197-98
use of words in 2 : 65
Injustice 17;170
does Divine punish? 16;352
Inner attitude 2:65; 4:403,317-18,355; 5:192; 6:28-29; 8 : 208 ; 16:290 Inner being
concentrate in 16: i93
Freedom felt in true 6 : 374
invariable 3;12
organises circumstances in life 6 :386-87
outer being and (bridge between) 3 : 7
psychic consciousness is 3 ;148
resistance of external being to 3 : l0-11
seeking revenge in dreams 2 : 32
Inner consciousness
external and 7;197,354
higher and 4:9,18
outer and 10: 155-56
outer life and 5 : 401; 6 : 427-28
outer nature and 7 :1
phenomena of 10 : 39
Inner states of being
cosmic planes and 16:236,331
Inner suggestions
discriminating 16; 45
Inner truth 4:24-28; 9;111,117 Inner vision 6: 134-35
image's during meditation 6; 377-79
superior over outer vision 16 ;40
see also Psychic vision; Sight
ill-treatment and 16:193
Insanity 10;252
as mixture of two consciousnesses 11 : 81-82
see also Madness
Insects 5 : 149-50,309 ; 15 : 25
Insincerity 4:109,252-54; 9:277-79; 11:81-82,290-92; 13 : 274 ; 15: 22-23; 16:264,269
adverse forces and 9 : 306-07
Grace nullified by 17;349
in the exterior being 3 : l53
of men 13 : 274
place of 4;252
sincerity and 8;398-99 ; 14;70,74
unconsciousness and 6: 125-27
unhappiness and 6 : 215-3,6
Inspiration 4i:94
at will 5: 208
authors and 12 : l47
developing capacity for 10 : 6
Page 145
different qualities of 10 : 6
exchange constant , of physical , vital , mental, energies 5 : 209-10
finding and expressing 5 : 76-77
fallowing deep 2 : 50-51
for writing poetry 16:138 inner, to act 4: 95-96
knowledge and 4 :41; 10 :143 meaning of 5 : 208 madness and 10:280 men of genius 7 : 280 mind and 8 : 193-95 murder, promptings to 5 ; 208,377 music and 5; 75-76
of scientist 7 : 280
of what is to be done 3 : l9
origin 10 ;4
outer form and 5 :70
overmind and 10 : 5-6
precision of 4 :120
psychic 8:193-94 ; 12 : 337
reason and 10 : 5-6
receptivity, and 10 : 6
silence as source of 16 : l99
"slender river of brightness" 10 : 3-5
sources. of 5 : 69-71 ,78-79 ,208 ;16 :199
use 10 : 6-7
value, true of what is done; 5 : 76
vital impulses and 8:193-94
what it is 7 : 280
words, beyond 5 : 75 Instinct
animals', lost through human contact 4 ; 27-28 ; 5;149-50 ,274; 9:100-01 ,304 definition of 5:152 insect's, paralysing another 5:149 intuition, reason and 9 :357-58
1ower nature 4:332 of destroying will 5 ; 234 of plants 3 :132 of human body 5 ;295-96 of true beauty in cells 4 ; 55 psychic in animals 4 : 28
purity of 10 : 55 reason and 10 : 290-91
spirit of the species 4: 238-39 ; 5;149,305
supramental , of. human species 9 : 101-02
Instrument (s) 4 :329 ; 10:87; 11: l25-26 ; 14:361-70
becomes more important than work, 17 : 389
body is 4 : 326-27 ; 5 :75 ; 10 29 12 ;73
cinema , of education and perversion 4 ;326 ; 7 : 299-300
civilisation prepares physical 4 : 329-30
conscious and unconscious 8 ; 174-75 ; 16 :259 , ,389
death of evil 5 ;377
Divine chooses human 3:79-80 ; 5 : 252-53 ; 8: 23 ,27,31
enriching and perfecting 16 :434
for manifestation of consciousness 4 : 40-41, 195-96 , 325-26
for Supreme Wisdom 17 : 314
for work 4 ;326 ; 8 :22-23 ; 3!; 17:389
fragile and transient 17 :183
lower nature working through 8 : 22-23
Page 146
mental 4;109,135
mind as 3:50 ; 4 : 3 ,47,170-71,224; 7 : 41, 43,321; 8 :190 ; 15 : 329-30
of adverse forces 5 : 235 ; 16 : 190
of the Divine 5 : 48-51
of the Mother ,qualities needed 16 : 128
of the psychic being 12 ; 294
of the soul 10: 284-85
prepared for realisation 8 :366
vital is a passing 11 :124-25
Insults 17 ; 406-07
explanation of 16 : 32
Integral being 17:68 Integral progress 2;38'; 7:197,309 Integral realisation 9:94,345-46; 16:164,225 Integral transformation see Transformation , integral Integral truth 2:27 Integral unity 12 : 252-54 Integral Yoga (Yoga of Sri Aurobindo) 3 :24-25 ; 4 : 333; 7 : 200, 380, 413-15 ; 8 ; 43,190; 12 : 95, 98-99, 310 ; 14 ;33-35, 42 ; 16 ; 238, 316-18; 17
: 213
aim of 16 : 392
begins where at hers end 5 ; 284
decision about collective 7 : 414
discipline and 16 :300
divine force in 16 :367-68
energy and 16: 225
experiences and 14;56
first revelation of 10 : 89
higher and lower perfect ion 9;90-94
idea of Divine 8 :1,7,44-46
nothing useless 9:345-46
of Sri Aurobindo 9 : 337
of Sri Aurobindo and of Gita 8:62-64
other yogas and 16:367-68
physical consciousness and 16;392
physical education (culture) in 9: 81-82
samadhi in 17:342
spiritual realisation and transformation 8 : 244~45
sports in 9 : 8l ,96-97
three stage of 7 : 407-08
work and meditation in 16 : 343-44
Integrality 8:1,7,221,244,247-48,284-85,381
of the being 16:303
Intellect, the
limits of 16; 198
Sri Aurobindo' s aphorism's and 11:210,213
true and wrong movement 3 :33 : 5 :108-110
Intellectual activity
difficult means of contacting the supramental 9: 324-25
Intellectual approach to transformation 11 : 60 Intellectual culture 10;256; 16 :l98
mind and 12; 139
Intellectual exercises 16:201 Intellectuals 5 : l45; 7 : 272,401
faith and 6:121
Intelligence 2 : 5 ; 11 : 106-07
body and 6 :3-4
developing 16:301,395
fire symbolising 2 ; 89
in ants and cats 8 : 60
role in life 16 : 402-03
Page 147
understand it knows nothing; 11 : 217
Intelligent will
first instrument of psychic being 12 ; 294
Intensity 3 : l98 ; 4:254-55 ; 5:127,217-18 ; 7 : 243 ; 8; 249-50 ; 11 : l31; 16 : 225 ; 17 : l27, 143, 178 Interdependence 5 ;305 ; 6 : l53 ; 7 : 323 ; 9 : l41-42 Interest
in what one does 17 :91
lack of 17 : l37
Interiorisation 16 ; 161
effect of 7; 282-83
first step in yoga 7 : 249 ,354-55
passing into other dimensions 7 : 249
psychic being and 16 : 223
Intermediaries I.7 :304 International conflict 13 : 389-91 International politics 15 ;64-65 ,335 Intervention
from a higher plane 17 : 189
in sadhana 17 : l70
Introspection 2 : l28 ; 8 : 22-23 Intuition 4;85, 235; 6: 423-24; 8 : 188 ,382 ; 12:140
as a means of knowing 16 : 44
condition of mind for 2 : 160
different kinds, seeing and using 9 :357-59
instinct, reasoning and 9 : 357-58
mental imitation of 9 : 400~01
new race governed by 2 : 159-60
practical deduction and 2 : 83
replaces reason 2 : 160
spiritual intervention and 9 : 400
teaching and 12 : 406-07 ,424-27
wymon and 2 : 147
see also Intuitive ...
Intuitive activity
mental activity and 16 : 337
Intuitive mind 2;160 ; 3 :94 ; 8; 332 ; 9 :357-60 ; 10 : 151 ;16 :216 Involution 5 ; 324
different ways of seeing 9 : 205
divine at the centre of everything 9 :156
evolution and 7 : 361-62; 9 : 204 fn,220-21
involved , Supermind 8:315 fn ; 9 : l36-38
marvellous being in the Inconscient 9 : 332-34
story of successive 9 ; 205-07
the two extremes meet 8 : 35
true meaning of 9 :301
Ishwara-Shakti, 8:109-10 Israel l3 : 389-91
Israelites (Jews)
Arabs (Mussulmans) and 13 : 390-91
Page 148
Janaka 10 : 195-96, 204 Japa
energy and 16:224: use of 16 : 305-06 Japan
America and 5 :343
art, gardens and landscapes 3 : 108-10; 4: 306-09; 5: 325
aspirations of 2: 150
bamboo sprout dish 5: 366
beauty in 2 : 15 ; 5 : 325
Buddhist temple in 5: 326
children of 2: 151-53
conception of life in 2: 149
dance in 3: 112
energy of 2: 148
Europe and , use of vegetable kingdom 5: 366
gardener, an artist 5: 325 . India and 2: 149-50
influence on America 5: 343
knowledge in 2: 150
literature of 4: 309
the Mother ' experiences in 4: 308-10; 5: 136-37 , 182-85; 12: 75-76
the Mother's impression's and visions of 2: 148-50; 4: 319-20
the Mother's. message for 13: 391
people of 2: 148, 150; 4: 309-10
religion in 2: 149
story of a man in 4: 310; 6: 310-12
unity in 2: 150
wemon of 2 : 153-64 Jealousy 14: 281; 17: 26, 46
creates a bad atmosphere 16: 1 16
getting rid of 16: 307
remedy for 10: 340; 16: 399
self - justified 10: 307
stops progress 5: 46, 219-20; 16: 128; 17: 117-18, 122, 160-61
vanity and 16: 179
widespread cause? of misery 3: 186 Jeanne d'Arc 3 : 17-18; 8: 139 Jesus Christ See Christ, Jesus Jeunesse Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo (J.S.A.S.A.)
Award Cards 12: 290-91
symbol of 12: 262 Jews
Arabs, and 13: 390 - 91 Jiva 2: l48
Jivatman 7: 227-28 Jnana (knowledge) 10: 1-273 Jnani 10: 9
Joan of Arc see, Jeanne d'Arc Joking 17: 160, 295-96 Joy 14: 195-96
ananda, "divine pleasure" 8: 121-22, 192, 369; 16: 297-98
anguish and 8: 249-51
artist's 7: 38
as basis of yoqa 17: 129
at heart of difficulties 8: 283
bathe in Vastness with serenity and 17: 190
communicating it to others 16: 192
conquers the adversary 7: 402-03
Page 149
contact Nature with 7 : 73, 138-39
discipline necessary to understand 9: 21-23
Divine Presence is beauty and 7 : 402; 8: 122
ecstasy, object objectless 8: 376-77
essential condition for 16: 431
excitement and 8: 263-64, 328-29
feeling a force and 8: 305
fleeting, cause of 16: 204-05
from surrender 17: 13
Grace and 8: 84
highest state 8: 327-29
immutable 16: 149
in all things 8: 223
in cells 9: 23, 42, 162-63 191
in 1ife 9: 22-23
in process of realisation 3: 139 inner Presence brings 16: 98 keep inside 16: 86 light and 17: 90, 103, 191 of aspiration 4: 105, 1 37 of being the Mother's true child 17: 212 of being sincere 8: 85, 399 of consecration 7: 401-03 of conversion 4: 103 of effort 4: 31-33
of giving 16: 212, 432 of God 10: 342-43
of gratitude 7: 243 of loving 17: 99, 378
of mastering desire 7: 38-39; 9: 21 of misery and of satisfaction 5: 385
of progress 8: 20, 84-85, 253 ; 10: 166; 16: 46; 17: 191 of sacrifice 8: 75 of self-giving 4: 134, 316-17; 7: 401-03 of union 8: 75, 226-27, 233; 17: 375 of work 4: 373 ; 16: 113,132 opposite of 9: 9; 12: 18
Peace will make you full of. 16: 116 pleasure, depression and 8: 84-85, 191-92 psychic presence in aspiration is 8: 250 remorse and 16: 45-46
renunciation and 10: 172 sign of victory 7: 401 smiling at an enemy 5: 370 source of 16: 27 surrender and 17: 13
time of Buddha was a 3: 203 transformation through 7: 402
true, desireless 7: 38; 8: 228-29, 369 types of 16: 174 unmixed 17: 181 unselfish 3: 158-59
vibrations, same for suffering and 5: 386
"what men call " 7: 402 withdrawal of 16: 133 world will manifest divine 10: 343 . see also Ananda; Bliss; Delight , Ecstasy; Pleasure
Judging 8: 2, 6
according to success or failure 5: 269 actions 4: 38-42 another's state of being 9: 131-36
Page 150
the Divine Will by results 4: 388
for others is impossible 16: 268
human way of 5: 22-23
mind not capable of 4: 46, 224; 9: 416; 12: 33
the Mother 17: 82-83 , 173
oneself in the light of the ideal 4: 38-39
others 8: 2, 10; 9: 131; 16: 193, 274, 320-21 Judgment (s) 14: 291-94, 364 , 366
abstain from 4: 3
absurd in truth-consciousness 10: 76
are momentary 10: 147
basis for 2: 91-92
correct 4: 11
critical mind and 10: 26
desire and 16: 321
ego and 10: 49; 16: 321
God and 10: 43
human 4: 80-81; 5: 269; 10: 298; 16: 289
"I cannot Judge" 16: 321 impersonality and 2: 91
in ignorance 10: 49, 298
in sports competitions 12: 265-66
lacking clear-sightedness 2: 128
made by the vital 14: 291, 294
made from outward appearances, always false 3: 279-80
of actions 2: 57
of history 2: 125
of the Mother 17: 173
of ordinary man 5: 269
of others 12: 391
of things and man 4: 46-47, 117
of universe 4: 117, 177
one's own 17: 172
preference and 2: 5 7
psychic consciousness and 9: 308
rash 2: 91
reconciling opposites 4: 12
sense perception and 12: 263-66
without knowledge 10: 27 Justice 2: 6
charity and 2: 95
determinism, Grace and 5 : 89-93, 361-63; 14: 86-87; 17: 138, 391
divine 4: 13,91
Divine Grace and 14: 86-87; 17: 138, 391
ego and 2: 95
human notion of 4: 101
liberating from 17: 141
on earth 2: 195
psychic will escapes all notion of 5: 217-18
reign of, in the world 4: 23; 5: 367
Truth and 16: 376
way of the Divine and 6: 238-39
Page 151
Kali 6:289-90; 15: 16-19; 16: 342
aspect of universal 10: :85
bad will and 16: 143
chstises , but with love 16: 143
cult of Durga and 8: 244-46
destruction and 17: 256-57, 340 , 391
the Divine 10: 85
evoking force of 17: 267, 375
force of, Divine love and transformation 16: 370
great liberating power of 9: 377
help of 17: 375
images of 4: 396-98; 5: 347
Krishna and 10: 281, 358, 364
love of 10: 335
Mahakali and 4: 396-98; 6: 69--70
Mahashakti and 7: 370
method of 10: 212
of vivampatanamn , a story 6: 65-69
Puja 7: 370
a real being 6: 68
significance of 10: 85
Sri Aurobindo on god and 9: 376-77
Sumbha and 10: 357
violent intervention of 17: 349
vital 5: 347
see also Durga; Mahakali
Kalidasa 10: 354 Kali yuga
avatar in 16: 272
Karma 8: 70-71, 82; 10: 277-328; 15: 134
changing one's 5: 93
consequencs of 5: 92
freedom from 3: 176
get out of cycle of 3: 30
Grace and 5: 91-93; 15: 392-93
mastering one's 10: 277
past lives, childish ideas about 5: 217-18
rebirth and 15: 391-94
theosophy on 6: 1-2
see also Determinism
Kindness 17: 41
receiving wrong!y 17: l4l King
experiences of being a 4: 144-50
Kipling, Rudyard 6: 92
means of 16: 44
Knowledge 15: 6; 17: 80
absolute 10: 180
acquired 10: 10
action and 2: 57 ; 10: 319
added to sentiments 16: 192
appearance and 10: 17-20 paassim
applied to individual beliefs 10: 20-21
as a power of mind 10: 1
aspiration for 2: 60; 10: 256
awareness and 3: 167, 178
become and live 10: 256
belief and 10: 20; 16: 20
Page 152
bodhi 2: 80
book of true 3: 52
by experience, misleading 11: 217-19
by identity 3: 92, 167-68, 178; 4: 12, 158 , 319-20 , 364 , 369 5: 219-20,
300-01, 311; 6: 423-25; 7 : 319-20 , 369 ; 9 : 285; 10: 17-18 ,
43-44 , 125-26 , 136-37; 14: 51 -52 ; 15: 299 ; 16: 386
by inspiration 10: 143
changing it into experience 8: 67, 101
consciousness and 11: 139, 185-86, 194, 244
contrary ideas harmonised 4 : 158
delight and 10: 256
devotion and 10: 331
differentiates man from animal 12: 138
diminished and mixed with ignorance 8: 140
discipline for 7: 320
Divine 16: 217
Divine, knowing the, through identification 5: 225, 312
dreams and 10: l25-31
elements of , indispensable 16: 121
equality and 10: 175
esssential and mental 10: 3
faith and true 10: 290
faith in living 16: 342
fault, recogni'sing and correcting 8: 293-94
fear and 6: 50-51
first step for having 8: 361-63
for the body 6: 110-11
from outside , from within 3: 52
giving someone too strong a 2: 100
God and 10: 343-44
having power of transformation 10: 144
hearing and 11: 244
higher 10;213
human , mental 6: 350-51; 9: 285
human , physical needs 8: 140-41
ideas and 4: 47
ignorance and 6: 287-89; 7: 310 , 317 , 411
in Japan, exterior and learnt 2: l50
in subconscient 10: 290
inner 7: 70-71; 10: 210
intellectual and inspired 10: 143
is a child with its achievements 10: 213
jnana 10: 1-273
Judgement without 10: 27
"Knowings" and 8: 358-59
learning when young and 6: 151-53
light and 4: 219 ; 16: 150
limitation by Jehowah 10: 93
literature and 12: 141-43
"lotus of" 7: 338-39
love and 3: 70; 16: 217
magic and true 6: 266-67; 9: 391-93
man and 2: 66, 159; 7: 388; 8: 361-64; 16: l21
medical, relativity of 8: 363-64
message of modern 10: 272
metaphysics, ethics, and 16: 199
mind and 4: 47 , 170-71 , 224; 5: 398; 8: 362-64; 10: 10, 24, 43-44, 93;
12: 5-6
the Mother's 6: 165-67, 197-99
necessary 8: 186
needed to effectively help others 6: 450-53
Page 153
new 8: 315 occult 4: 397; 5:180; 10: 125-35; 15: 376, 380 of body-consciousness 11: 139 , 194
of the body's needs 6: 36-37 of the Divine, 11: 66
of Divine will 4: 2 of God 10: 43-44
of illness 8: 363-64 of Krishna 10: 255 of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the knoledge of of Nature 10: 26, 136
of night's sleep 2: 35 of occult worlds 8: 217-19
of oneself 4: 33-39, 292; 5: 201-02, 303-04; 7: 194-95; 12: 167
of other worlds see Experience, of other worlds
of past, present and future 10: 125-26
of power of rnaterial consciousness 11: 109
of psychic 3: 152; 7: 224-25, 273, 355
of psychic being 6: 396
of self leads to Self 2: 38-39; see also Self - Knowledge
of soul 10: 23-26 passim, 208
of teacher 4: 41; 17: 43
of truth 4: 3, 20-21, 158, 387,
of the universe 2: 27; 8: 27
of what is needful 17: 177-78
of world is limited 4: 407
of Yogi and of scientist 3: 92-93, 161-62
opinions and 16: 321
urdinary 10: 15
outer proofs and 9: 367-68
pain and 6: 287-89
path of 8: 43, 46, 126, 300, 324-25; 10: 1-273; 16: 238
personal effortand 6: 226
personal realisation and 10: 138
physical - mental 16: 40-41
physical vision and 11: 244-45
potential 7: 339-40
power and 3: 221: 8: 140, 190, 352, 360; 10: 208
practice of 9: 66, 70; 10: 34; 17: 31
protects against any danger 3: 101
reality surpasses metaphysics 4: 215-16
reason and 10: 14-16 passim
receiving 10 : 10
refusal of 10: 212-13
refutation of occult and spiritual 10: 253
region of, and intermediary planes 5: 400-402
relativity of 6: 358-59, 10: 24
of experiences 8: 363
external 10: 211 religion and 4: 398; 5: 31-32 revelation of 4: 222-24
revolution and true 10: 362
role in life 16: 402-03
science and seeing behind appearances 9: 322-23 silence and 10: 213, 256
sin in 3: 221
sincere lover of 2: 79 solitude and 10: 231 spiritual 8: 359; 10: 136-40 spiritual light and 10: 74; 15: 75 spontaneous 10: 89, 151
Page 154
subconscient 10:290
suffering and 6:287-89
superficial 8:87; 16:200
supramental 3:95; 4:222; 5:302-03,398; 9:193-94; 15:107,110-11
supreme 10:10
surrender through devotion or 3:126
synthesis of all human 2:47
teaching with little 10:34; 17:31,43
theoretical, and inner vision 16:40
theoretical, and practice 3:228
things we believe without personal 3:224-25
thoughts and 4:47
total 10:136-37
transformation and 6:110-11; 10:144
tree of 10:90
true 3:152; 10:362
understanding a difficult subject 4:198
value of 3:165; 8:101
vista of 4:331
we are here to learn 6:16
widening of 10:85-86
wisdom and 10:1-3 passim,14-16 passim,135,213,316
work and 2:50; 10:9-10; 17:166
worry and imperfect 10:150
worth having 10:256
yoga of see Yoga, of knowledge
yogin's aim in scientific 8:158
see also Mind; Understanding
Krishna 5:79; 10:288,300,317; 15:15; 17:76
assassinated Kamsa 10:311
at his tricks 10:341,348
creation of poets 10:64
divine Friend 10:352
"Driver of the herds" 8:377-79
exile in Brindavan 10:63
existence on earth 10:60-61
indefinable Personality and 10:337
inner guide 8:64
Kali and 10:281,358,364
knowledge of 10:255
law and 10:318
living in 10:349-50
love of 10:335,337
loves Chandrakali 10:340
message of freedom and delight 10:60
Radha and 5:385; 8:223-27; 12:148; 15:223-24; 17:243,282
significance of stealing robes of Gopis 10:347-48
sin and 10:348
to play with 10:51
Vaishnavite stories (Prahlad) 8:224-27
world's divine paramour 11:342
Kundalini 6:77-78
awakening centres and 7:339
experience of 7:212-13
Kurukshetra 10:52
will liberate humanity 10:63
Page 155
demands 17:318
Lake Estate 17:250 . Language's 11:110,169,209; 12:218-33,415-19,421-22,448-49
Aryan and Chaldean 8:153-54 ,
astrology as a 7:369 best way to 1earn 12:222
communication without 6:94-95
different power of the word in 7:349
Egyptian, hieroglyphic 8:151-54
English 12:219,222-23,225
explanations in final an analysis 4 :221 ,370
impress ion. of the Reality 6:25-27
French, ruled by Academy 7:372; 12:218-25
German, opportunity to learn 17:329
Greek, ancient 8:153-54
ideas and 2:81
in Auroville 12:225
Indian 12: 218 ,222-25,253; 13:371,383-84
linear 6:463
the Mother's respect for Indian 17:213
numbers as a 7 :369
of ignorance 10:103-04
of outer being 4:366 -fn
origin of 2 :64
policy of Indian government 17:317
power of words 2:63-65
Sanskrit 8:153-54; 12:224-25; 13:384; 15:236-37; 17:317-18
Science, each has its own 4:170,283-134,312
sounds of ancient 8:153
Taml 12:223-25
teaching of 17:213-14
to 1earn 16:97 ;
va1ue fo 4:283-86
western , are 1ess expressive 2:64
see also Words
Lao-Tse 8:282-83
Laughter ,
best means of routing the enemy 3:139
Law (s) 14:24
all beings move according to 10:209-10
body beyond physical 10:229
discipline and 10:258
Divine laws 3:163-64; 14:24
direct percept ion of 2:159 moral and 15:46 order and 10:259.
equilibrium as essential 10:107-08
freedom and 10:16,257-58,261-62; 16:291-92
Grace and 13:316-17
habit and 10:243 .
inner, of one's being 3:278-79; 4:327
Krishna and 10:318
mental formations have own 4:198
moral 12:167
of being 4:327
of Buddhists 2:125
of horoscope 9:284-85
of individual 8:141; 16:268
Page 156
of Nature see Nature, laws of
of order in universe 2 : 106
of progress 2:53; 2:63-64
of Science 3 : 161-62
of sin and virtue? 10:258-59
of superman 2:163
of truth of things 16:154
physical nature and 10 :243
progress and 10:259-60
psychic being and 10 :243
same for individual wor1ds and universes 2:109; 10:221
self-imposed 10:257-58
soul and 10:257
soul's inner 10:202-83
to be in accord with universal 2:99
Laziness 12:136,138
encourage 2:100
Grace has no effect on 17:353
in physical exercises 5:119-20
in studies 5:120,127
in work in Ashram 16 : 103
mental 16:337
the Mother was never allowed 16:121
of habit 2:79
of unconsciousness 16:395
putting off what one can do 16:164
remedy for 16:399
see also Inertia; Lethargy; Mental Tamas; Tamas; Tamasic...
qualities of 12:357-58 Learning 4:331; 12:129 ,167 ,169-70; 17:70-71
attitude towards 6 : 11
boredom ,and progress 12:73-76
boredom in studies 5:48-51
brain at the age of five 5:203-04,289
character and 12:124
children and 12:135,369
c1asses , advantage of 8:236
concentration in studies 5 :104-05 ,1,25-26 ,220-21 ; 12:199; 17:71,79
course, finishing in a year 5:106
easier when young 6:151-52
effort to understand 6:358
example , best teacher 8:122
French 16:37; 17:144,152
from a small chi1d 4:91
how to live 6:152; 7:l48,177-78
in dreams; 7:124
identification, learning through 5:219-25 ,299-300
is endless 4:33l; 5:49; 16:430
knowledge and 6:151-53
listening to a lesson 8:236-37,311,386
love of 5 :105
necessary to unlearn bad education 4:203
people have right not to 1earn 8:180-81
secrets of Nature 5:362-66
setf-observation for self-mastery 4 : 360-65 ,384-86; 5:201-03
thoroughly 16:200
time and 12:137-38
to enrich the being 7:313
Page 157
traditional , of India 10:205 true attitude and 16:278 understanding instead of 5: 105 see also Education
Page 158
Lecturers 17:408
Legends 4:184,187; 5:327; 8:224; 10:62
Lenin, Vladimir 13:280
Leonardo da Vinci 3:110; 4 :301
how to master 16:17'2
see also Laziness
austerities needed for 7 :377
devotion and 10:331
door of piritual 16:165
effort for 7:376
from the Adversary 7:402-03
from all form 12:37
from bondage to 1aw of consequences 4:177
from family atavism 4:262 from justice 17:141 am morality 10:357 from universal Nature 16:431 hastening the hour of 16:185 inner 9:118 mental l2:71
of feelings mental; vital ;. physical 12:71 of humanity 6:; 34-35; 10:63 of witness-soul 8:103-04 people who seek 4:350 perfect 3:296 world and 6:34-35 see also Freedom
Liberty see Freedom Lies 15:98,200
influence of atmosphere 4 :37 the Mother knows well 17:138,345 telling 4:261,337-38 see also Falsehood; Lying Life/Living 15:75,82,128-29,133,238,356-58 accepting and changing 8 : 68-70 ,300-01 according to highest truth 7:287 adverse forces in 7:406
aim of (goal) 2:125; 4:31 ,117-18 ; 5 :203 ,351 ,383 ,392-93; 7-211
8:l20; 9:17; 10:291; 12:3-8,31 1-12, 14:3-8; 16:386,432; 17:102,
381; see also Aim, of life on earth art and 3:108-10
artificiality of ordinary 9:277-78 ascent in 5:206-07,265 attitude of man in 7:313-14 attitude toward different viewpoints 8:105-07 birth through direct transmutation 9:84-86,128-31 b1ows given to the unconscious 5:203-04 changing quality of 4:121-22 chaos in 17:211-12 child , conception of 5:413 choice of next 5 :215-16 ,253 ,265 ,268-69 circumstances in
adverse 10:65
depend on attitude 6:123-25
organized 6:175-77
possibility and 4:213 communal, in India 10:308 condition for happiness in 10:271 confidence in 5:297
Page 159
constant state of supramentalised 10:117
correct way of 3:249
death and 5: 373,378; 10:147,166-68
see also Mother's body , the, transformation of , to live... deeper vision of things; useful 5:409
discipline , indispensable in 8:185-86
divine see Divine life
divine intervention in 9:305
duration of human life, compared with earth 2:130
egoless 17:299 enlarges and illumines itself 4: 133 evolution of 2:158-59 exceeding human 2:163 exchange of forces 4:35-36 experience of unreality of 11 :17,31 ,40,195,218-19 experiences carried from life to life 10:97 expression of Divine will in 7: 68-70,317 expression of truth in 9:257-58
exultation and all-power in 8:257-58
failure and success in 10:55-57
failure suffering in 10:263
field for progress 3:298; 5:50,206-07,339; 9:268; 12:185-86; 16:164,434
freedom experienced in whole of 10:196
Gita's interpretation of 8:61-65
given to unite with Divine 10:343
Gnostic 4:159
God and 10:339
goingforward 9:65 . governed through reason 2:159 habitual routine of 7:223; 9:45-47; 10:159 half-conscious daily life; come out of 9:261-63
harassed 10:202-03 harmony of 10:89; 17:102
history of 9:210-1 1.,213-15 human see Human 1ife ideal 4:356; 8:57-58; 9:97 i11ness cured by confidence in 5:297 impulses, enthusiasms, passions 9:98-102 in Ashram and outside 13:331-32; 17:175 in mind and vital 17:182 in perpetual evolution 2:25 in the supramental consciousness 11:205 in transitional state 10:197
inner organization for progress, 5:50 ,336 ,339 ,161,164. integral y, inner realization 9:344-46 intellectual 9:218-20 interest in 4:89; 5:221-22; 17:405 is immortal 12:82-83 is a perpetual movement 2:93 Japanese conception of 2:149 Joy in 9:22-23
last moments of, important 5:413 learning how to live 6:152; 7:148,177-78 limits of taking it seriously 10:l57 1ong 17:378 meaning of 9:15-19; 10:56-57 mechanism of 2:128 meeting consequences of what we are in 10:312 mental 7:320 mental progress in 5:359-60
Page 160
mind and 17: 81
miraculous moments of 7:418
modern and ancient 3:204-06
monastic 12:245
most important things in 7:211
need of religion in 9:354-56
new see New 1ife
no high and low things in 17:309
not as portrayed in novels 16:61
not limited to physical body 10:133
of cell dependent on whole 2 :54
of future, relation between sexes 2:155-56
Page 161
of man 8:243
as manifestation of supreme will 10:88
disorganized 7:295-96
ideal of ordinary 8:57-58
inner and outer 8:160-62
is a harassed life 10:202-03
limitation of 8:57-58,389-90
only thing worth living for 11:331
only way to make it perfect 10:157
ordinary see ordinary life
organization of 7:126-27; 9:82-83; 17:156
outer 5:401; 6:427-28; 7:295-96
past see past life/ lives
peaceful and happy 17:378
perfection and power of 10:230
physical see physical life
place of food in 16:302
private life and work 4:155-56
problems of 7:305; 8:266
process of controlling one's 9:261-63
prolongation of 4:331; 11:49-50,52-53
for transforming body 5:59
purpose of see above aim of
qualities indispensable for 16:129
realize love in 17:56
reason of existence 4:356; 5:351; 9:116-19
reason's control over 9:98-102
regularity in material 16:132
rejection of life as illusion 7:405
relation between sexes and in 2:155-56
responsibility in 4:246
role of intelligence in 16:402-03
role of reason and logic in 10:67-68
sadhana in each moment of 17:213
science of 4:33-37,327
seven beatitudes of 10:346
solution to 8:289-91
sol changes one's position in 9:18-19
spiritual see supramental life
terrestrial life
aim of 8:120,176; 9:208-10
place of progress 9:270
realizing Divine in 8:35-36
seeing as whole 2:125
totaly Divine 10:157-58
trance and escape from 10:213-14
true and ordinary way of 9:18-19; 11:218-19
"true life activity" 7:262; 8:193; 9:18-19
universal consciousness , expressing 8:379-80
what man calls "life" 9:28
why so tragic 10:150-51
will be always as now? 17:93
within and on the surface 7:282-83
The life Divine see Sri Aurobindo (2) , works of
Life-energy 17:18
must learn endurance 3:136-37
always choose 17:98
be a child of 16:118
Page 162
contact with 16:149
dark ness and 16 :400
descent, into physical contagiousness 17 : 87
a drop of 9 : 257-58
everywhere 4 : 349
Falsehood replaced by 10: 194
feast of 4: 6
the fire 7: 327-28
found in peace 16:150
higher consciousness and 4:70
in the new world 4: 70
infusion into the sex-centre 17:76
inner 4:38-39 ; 8: 143-46
into the subconscient 17:194
intuition , a drop of 9:358-59
is a symbol 4:219
joy and 17:90,103,191
knowledge and 4:219; 16:150
material symbol of the Divine 3:132
"mystic 1ight" 8:188
opening the way to transformation 4:359
opening to, and tamas 16 : 62
panic under pressure of 4: 206
penetrating 1ower vital 7 : 136
reappearing brighter 17: 194
rebirth of, at Christmas 17: 366
received by calm mind 16: 66; 17: l29,133
shadow and 4: 70,118; 16: 367; 17: 179
shadow less 17:194
simultaneity of knowledge 4:219
spiritual 15:74-75
supramental 3 : 147 ; 4 :96 ; 16 : 78-79 ,255
to enter obscure physical mind 17:98,124
see also "Mind of Light"
in dreams 17:42,44-45
Limitation (s)
Divine force and 16: 271
human understanding and 6:274
man 1ovos 3: 169
mental 14: 363-70
of knowledge 10 :93
of 1ife 8 : 57-58, 389-90
sense of physical 11:242-43
Lions 16: 125
Listening 17: 119-20,209
to the Mother in silence 17: 15
effect of 12:l41-49
English , compulsory or optional ? 12 : 171-72
forms , harmony of words 7: 300
French 12:324-26; 17 :144-45
Gujarati 17:69,73
helps one to progress 7: 309
Japanese 4:309
knowledge and 12:141-43
Sri Aurobindo and 12: 145 Living quarters 17:407
sharing 17: 398
shifting 17: 387,399
Logic 10: 67-68
Page 163
Loneliness l6:424
knowing one's soul and 16:283
Looking back
advantage of 16 :68
Lord, the (Divine, the; Supreme Lord, the)
alone is the truth 16: 274
Ananda and 16:297-78
aspiration to find 17:379
body and 16:366
discovery of 17:379
the Gods and 16:269
greatest egoist
is a11 powerful 17:257-58
is centre of universe 16:264
is with you 17:356
1aughs 11 :56
the Mother transmitting prayers to 17:356
the Mother's identification with 16:230
the Mother's only guide 17:385
only He is perfectly sincere 16:361
Play of 11:39-40
prayers to 16:422,426,433,435
Presence ever where see Divine, the, a1one ,exists; Divine Presence
refuge in 16:422
serving 9:49-50; 14:110-12,426-27; 16:433
time and 16:361
to do something for 16:250
"whatever You win" 16:434-35
will of and Truth 16:436
See also Divine , the ; Supreme ,the
Lord of Falsehood see Adverse forces. Lord ,of Falsehood
Lord of Nations, the see Adverse Forces, ,lord of falsehood Lotus see Centers Chakras
Love 6:100-08; 12:64-71 ; 14:122-395; 15:6,345-46,300,411-12; 17:22,32,62,165,241 ,376-77
action of 16:210
affection and 6:134
animal, for men 5:241
as self forgetting 17:141
act a shield 16:214
aspiration of 4:36; 17:I85
attitude of true 2:40
bargaining and 17:99,108
be faithful to 16:214
beautiful , loving the 5:234-35
behind dryness 16:207
born reluctantly 4:403
charity and 2:96,101
can version by 17:216
cruelty and 10:106,166-67
definition 10:254
deformations of 5:239-40,242-43
descent in manitestation 8:226 -fn,339-40
desire and 4:136; 7;37-40; 16:409
difficulties and 16:217
dissolves what is hard 17:397
Divine see Divine 1ove
divine Grace expressed by 8:327,340
effects of thoughts of 2:102
Page 164
faith and 103:343
finding Immanent Divine and 16:253
first expression of 5:151-52
for the Divine and others 17:378
far the jay of loving 17:378
for Krishna and Kali 10:335
for the Mother 16:l59; 17:99-100,100,141
for only the Divine 10:335; 14:l36-38; 16:26,177,217,276; 17:l35
force distributed to all 2:101
grace and 4:343
great universe force 33:69-70
happiness and 17 :89
hate and 10:215-17; 16:76
heart, sweet because of 16:213
helping through 8:254
how to spread 10:73
how to strengthen 17 :121
human and Divine see, Divine love, human and
human see Human love
"if you 1ove me, I shall 1ove you" 5:239-40
impassioned 16:177
impersonal 2:58,101
in an things, becoming the 5:234
in f1owers 5:243
in matter 4:166,241
in the stone 4:240
in typal meditation 2:29
is complete understanding 17:387
is to give oneself 16:176
is with all 17:276
knowledge and 3:70; 16:217
leads to unity 9:50-51
like a white flame 10:73
1ink between Origin and manifestation 9:49
Lord of 10:345
loving and being 1oved 17:146,150
Maharani's 17:374
manifestation of 8:226 -fn; 10:74; 17:65,276,378
masked as torture 10:31-52
maternal, in animals and men 4:27; 5:244-45
message of Christ, 10:59
method to overcome a11 resistances 10 :212-13
the Mother's 16 : 119 ,124-27 ,218; 17:65,102 ,128 ,150-51 ,354,374
"mystic light" 8:188
no need for forgiveness 17:387
not in the Ashram 16:176-77
of a child for her mother 17:157
of consecration and sacrifice 2 :76
of Gad 2:26-27; 10:331,339-40,349,356
of humanity 2:126-27; 10:83
of mind for idea 2:75-77
of neighbor 10:349
of progress 2:76
of worm and criminal 10:340
origin of 5:237-38
peace and 17:86-87,110,120
percept ion of 1ove1 everywhere 5: 230
power of 10:72-73
psychic 4:165-66; 16:174-76; 17:100,145
pure 16:217,175; 17:92-93,100
radiate in a11 circumstances 10:298
Page 165
rapture and Divine 10:175
realize in life not death 17:56
realizing Divine through 8:191,235
reason and 17:143
receptivity to the Mother's 17:61,65,354
refuge at death and 6:55
returned for hatred, returned for Love 3:186-87
rose-red wine of 17:341
sadhana and 17:22
same for all, yet different 8:407
selfish 17:99-100
selfless movement and calculation in 5:242-43
self-love and Divine love 16:19
sentimentality and 6:100-02
service, very expression of 9:49-51
sex and 14:131-35
squandering on others 17:54
strength need for manifestation of 10:201
supreme 10:167
transformation and 10:72-73,122
treat animals with 17:104
true 4:166; 5:239-40; 12:305; 16:117,119,175-76,217,255,399
understand, does not forgive 16:216
universal 5:243; 8:327
vibration of 10:215-18
victim's for slayer 5:150-52
vital, psychic and Divine 16:176
water of, never run dry 16:42
the way and goal 16:211
"what men call" 7:90; 9:180
why it doesn't manifest immediately 10:74
yoga of devoting 16:238
Lower being 16:154
overcoming difficulties of 6:442-45
Lower nature 7:114,197-99; 8:22-23
adverse force and 16:189
chance and 3:163
control of 16:117
difficulties of 8:290-91
the Divine veiled by 3:163; 4:370
don't concentrate on 17:106
effort and 6:220-21
movements of 14:271-76
never yield to 17:67
opposing meditation 17:207
overcoming 16:19
purifying 17:31
seeing 17:30-31
struggle against its instruments 8:22-23
Loyalty 3:190-91
sincerity and 15:321-22
Lsd 11:35-36; 15:321-22
Luck 6:97; 16:229
Luck now 16:140
Lying 14:217; 17:96
never good 16:164
see also lies
Page 166
has something 1ike a soul 6:212
Madness 4:186,194-95
see also Insanity
Maeterlinck 7:62; 8:318-19 Magic 8:l64
black and white 9:391
knowledge reduced to formulas 6:266-67; 9:391-92
occult powers and 7:264-67
powers 9:60
rebound of formations and 6:42-43
true occultism and 7:265-67; 9:185-86 ,391-93
truth-power and 9:392-93
yoga and 7:266-68
Marge, Maurice 4:192; 6:279 Mahabharata 5:324-25,327 Mahakali 6:290,325; 15:18,23; 17:374
Kali and 4:396-98; 6:69-70 .
see also Ka1i
Mahalakshmi 4;403-05 -, 6:289-90; 15:19 Mahasaraswati 3:179; 4:397,403-04; 6:283,209, 15:19 Mahashakti 6:290
creation and 16:374
Divine Shakti 4:393-95
emanations of 16:370
Ka1i and 7:370
the Mother's symbol and 6:395
Sri Aurobindo and 16:211
twelve is the; number of 6:395 ,
Maheshwari 4:399; 6:283,289-90 Mohammed
message of force failed 10:261
mission of 10:261
action of different wills upon 5:198-200
aim of , on cart h 2:39 ,125; 4:117-18; 9:15-19 ,252-54 ;
see also Aim, of 1ife on earth; Life, aim of
alone possesses psychic 10:205
animal and 4:236-39 ; 8:60-61;! 10:149; 16:402-03
animals' love for 5:241
animality in 7:329; 8:377-78
apprentice-superman 9;411-12
approbation of others, seeking 8s348-49
attitude of
average, towards the Divine 3:2-3
in 1ife 7:313-14
to gods, prophets and superman 7:333-35
attraction and repulsion for others 9:l79-81
avarice an d 5:358
bargaining 5:20,233-34
becomes god through evolutionary power 10:93
fall in consciousness 5:51-52 in ordinary life 4:89,205-06
changed conditions on earth 7:323-24
consequences of birth 7:375-76 generous and prudent men is difficult 5:14-16,349-50
Page 167
nature of 16:322
one's character, effect of 5:20
oneself to change the world 4:253 choice and preference of 8:405-07 collaborating with the Divine 5:63-66 compared to minerals 2:106 condition for opening to super manhood 2:l60-61 condition of madmen 9:431-32 conditions of, result of consciousness 12:39 conscious expression of Divine 10:273 considered abnormal when conscious of Divine 10:280 contact with another through the Divine 9sl33 contented people 12s67-60 creates tragedy out of Lord's play 10; 149 cultivation of inner iae1 f 2tl60 deforms love 5:239-40,242-43 destiny, the stars, and 982134-B5 developed and ordinary 7;178,215-16 developed mind and faith of^ 9;l24'-26 development of being, key to 8:396, different states and planes of being 7;295~96 difficult to feel delight of living in 9s22 diversity of individual expression 4;327-29; 8s3(37-88 Divine, the' 2:44; 10:273,280;15:368-69; 16:431,433
acting in man 5:56-57
as man wants Him to be 5:160
fighting against the Divine 8:4
Love;, bearing pressure of 8:339-40
majority potentially attracted by 8:4
man is part of 10:83
man's idea of 5:133,160,311,-12:7 ;381 ; 13 :1-3
manifests according to each one's aspiration 13:77-78
needs of man known by 8:122-25
relations between 8:28-29,121-22,280-81 doesn't know the Divine within 2:38 each has own difficulty 4:44-45; 7:419-20 efforts of, converge? towards same Goa1 2:125-27 elite 3:150; 4:147,156; 7;l78,215-16:8;291 equality of soul and outer equality 5:23-24 evil easier to do 5:234-35 evolution of form and individual 7:331-33; 9 ;215T,1.6»2?5,323 experiences, uti1isat ion of past 5:364-65 externalisation and new perception in 9:312-15 "The Family of Man", exhibit 9:3-4 fear and 7:53 first human bodies 9:236-38 forces of Nature and 5:152-53 formative power of 5s132-33 generosity in 2:97 ,
geniuses 5:129; 9:90-94 gospels and 10:64
governs life through reason 2:159 grace, special gift given to 5:89,93,99-100,300 great spiritual men 9:92-93 greatness in, recognised by criminal 4:93 habit of mental constructions 8:361-64 has right to beatitude 10:278 helping
by opposing suffering 2:57-58
in transformation process, condition for 9:293-94
others 9:407-08,415-17; 16:l92
Page 168
see also Relations hero, being a 5:235
higher, may become? independent, of Nature 9:211-12 homogeneity In the being 5:8-11 humility and will; changing karma 5:93 idea of 2:157 fn'
if only man consented to be spiritualised 9:74,77-78 ill-will in 5:45-48
incapable of perceiving Divine Command 1.0:316-17 independent, being 9:50 influences, outside 8:389-94 in love with his chains 9:28 insincerity of 13:274 intelligent people and others 5:226-27 evolutionary and evolutionary being's 5:324 is beautiful animal 4:32-33 is a universe in miniature 2:80 ivory tower of, impassible to live in 5:209 judgment of ordinary, opposes truth 5:269 knowing what the Supreme wants of him 9:322 knowledge and 7:388; 8:361-64; 16:121 led by God 10:277 life of man 8:243
as manifestation of Supreme Will 10:87-88
disorganised 7:295-96
limitations of 8 :57-58 ,389-90 lives in illusion 4:277-78 lower ranges of nature, going into 7:103-04 luminous madmen 9:280-81 made of many pieces 4:336 master of himself 16:117
materially nothing, spiritually everything 8:l36 medicine is curse; to 10:324-28 mental fortress, shut up in 4:193,199-200,202 mental life of 7:320 mind appears with 2:159 miserable state, getting out of 9:304-05 mixture of good and evil 9:180-81 must accept all as Brace 10:344 natural state of 9s19; 10s87-88 Nature and 7:180,365,388
nature of, combinations simple and complicated 7:215-16 needs of
apparently indispensable 5:368-69
extremes 10;201
fined framework 10:96-97
higher good 7:326
religion 9:354-56
symbols 8:235,246-47
tamas, and excitement 5:414
to become other than animal man 9:232-33 new 1ife 8:243
new man, becoming a 4:262; 16:415 no two similar consciousnesses in 9:55 not all have psychic being 3:l51 obstacles necessary for perfect realisation 4:118 of the world 16:156 orders of Nature and 8:238,241
Page 169
organizing consciousness around psychic 8:174-76,337-38,381
overcoming ; men to 1and, vital fear 9:121-22
parts of being, insignificant 5:1
perfect power, wisdom and knowledge in 2:66
perfection, higher and lower 9:90-94
perfection of 4:l5-16
personal value of, to be modest 4:29
perversion in 9:100-01,299-300
pessimistic tendencies of 7:4
possibility of union with Lord 10:297
primitive, and now 16:415
profiting, idea of 8:129-30,
progress of 10:272-73
protection of the Divine for practitioners of yoga 5:167-68
protective envelope 4:324-25
questions himself 10:88
reason in 9:100-02
refuses Divine's help 16:154,320
religion and 8:198; 10:272-73
responsibility of 5:300-01
revolutions do not change 16:153
rhythm, inner 8:305-06
rich 8:15-16
rules, man wants to make 5:40
saviours of 2:111
scientist, true 5:30
seeking one's truth 9:15-19
self awareness 1acking 7:276 ,2:95 ,313-14, ,365
self-importance of 5;349
sense of unity 10:281
separated on earth from Divine Origin 2:44
sin and 11:209
slave of 10:249 .
social animal 5:305-06
some live in spiritual world 2:159
soul-type of 5:356-57
special trait of: mental worry 9:303-04
speculation and act ion of : 9:256
spiritual presence in 9:339-40,345
struggle against lower nature ,9:64-65
stupidity of 8:l62,266
suffering and 10:59,269-70
superiority, sense of 4:206,310; 7:393-94
superman and 2:158-64; 7:333-35; 8:127; 10:87,256-57
supreme discovery 2:38-64
supreme man and divine man 7:380
thinking, different ways of 8:105
transformation; not ready for 7:187
transitional being 10:87,299; 12:116
true man 17:110
true nature revealed in sleep 2:30
unable to perceive the new 10:211
unavoidable period of mental perversion in loss's
unconscious of life's purpose 8:120
understanding in silence 4;227
understanding others 4:157
united by Divine Presence 8:75-76
vampires 9:181
view of events in world 10:305
Page 170
virtuous, sattwic 8:143
who feels God's touch 10:251
see also Elite ; Human.; Humanity; Individual
Others; People; Relations
Manet 4:301
Manifestation, The 4:213-14; 11:76-77 Manifestation 8:30
Ananda is purpose of universal 16:390
ascent, descent and 8:133-34
changing this into a true reality 9:12
consciousness and instrument for 4:40-41,195-96,326
consequences of 8:10
deformation of divine powers 4:381
diversity in, the innumerable one 7:365,379; 8:407
expression of truth 9:257
going out of 8:48-49,270,366; 9:1-2
hierarchy and 8;48-49
impermanence 4:213
individual, each has own relation with the; Divine 4:351
is progressive 6:31-32; 11:76-77; 16:320
love and 6:100-06
new 8:313-15; 16:421
of beauty, harmony 3:109-10,113
of consciousness 9:209-12, 322-23
of the Divine 3:158-59,180; 7:193,228,380,406; 8:34,45-46, 48-49,98,109-10,325; 10;343
of Divine love 3:69-75
of forces 4:294-95
of new world 8:9 fn
of the Spirit 9:214-15
of supramental consciousness 17:380
of supramental world 3:161-62; 16:208,430
of Time and Space 8:109-10
oneness and 16:374-75,383
progress towards a more divine 8:325-26
raison d'etre of 2:27-28
spirit is intermediary between the Supreme and 9:429-31
supramental see Supramental manifestation
variety in 4:329
work of Grace in 9:420-21
see also Creation
Mankind see Man/Mankind
Manners 12:154-55,375 Mantra 4:136,389-90; 6:98
different from magic, true occultism 9:391-93
the Mother's old 12:449
power of 7:347-49
sleep and 15:399-400
Sri Aurobindo's 7:370
Mara 3:188 Marriage 14s312-14
in Ashram 17;365-66
one must be free to decide 17:415
significance of 16:278
a terrible bondage 16:134
work and 16:29-30
Masculine and Feminine 6:118-19; 16:177 "Master of forces" 7:23
see also Divine Presence
Page 171
consciousness and 17:113
of lower nature 16:303-04
o-f the over mind 16:236
Material comfort
spiritual 1ife and 16:296
Material consciousness 14:386
danger and 17:189
knowledge of power of 11:109
see also Mother <2> , the, material consciousness, of
Material life
be regular in 16:132
Material mind (cellular mind)
of the Mother 11:16-21,74
mech,anica1 thoughts of 16:68
cf . Physical mind
Material nature 17:107 Material needs 14:269 Material things 17:88,104
care for 16:43
Divine consciousness in 14:345; 17:88
feeling of owning 16:363
"indispensable", what is 7:52-53
Presence of Lord in 16:256
use of 7:50-52,56
Material plane
the vital and 17:91
Material universe
determinism and -freedom in 6:283-86
has a beginning 10:163
symbol o-f, serpent biting its tail 5:275-76,
see also Universe
Material vital
death and 6:55-59,448-49
the Kali of Vivampatnam and 6:67-68
the most 17:83,91
the Mother's experience with 6:186-87
the psychic and 6:218
sight in 4:125
Material world
Divine consciousness in 16:184
ego aberration of 10:45
error of 10:223-24
field of concretization of all the worlds 3:102-03
formation of 4:164,276,283
identification with 17:170
ignorance and 4:276
is an illusion 9:4 .
no link with psychic 4:247
progressive consciousness in 10:305
spiritual and 10:70,139-40
subtle physical and 11:78-82
transformation of 3 :128-29
veil between Supreme and 17:178-79
see also Physical world
Materialisation 9:129-30,190-91,237 Material ism 8:189
an 'answer to 15:413-16
basis of 4:279,281,312
hallucinations and 10:39
limited prevision 10:208
Page 172
made of spiritual effort a hard struggle and a sacrifice 3:203
materialists and 4:7 Maternal love 6:106-08 Maternity
true 2:153-54
Mathematics 12:180-81 ,199 , 249-50 Matrimandir 13:229-33,283-316
Matter 11:2-3 ,5 ,41 ,82 ,84 ,130 ,217 ,221-22 ,232 ,2.71 ; 13;40-41 fc
attraction for the Divine 8:4 awakening consciousness of 9:33-34 awareness of true working of 10:210-11
cause of death and decomposition 9 ; 3 4-35
creators and "formatters" of beings upon earth 5:308-09
damaged by bombs and experiments 10:94 descent of Divine? Love in 3:172; 4:240; 8:226 fn,339-40; 10:204 Divine Consciousness in 8:35-36; 15:91-92
Divine Sacrifice in 8:74-75
divinisation of 8:270
dominant characteristic of is inertia 9:34-35
egoism of 11:298 evolution of 9:208-10
false appearance of world of 10:191
force hidden at core of 6:209-10
formation of material worlds ' 4:164,276,283
God in each atom of 2:39; 9:209-10
handling vibrations of 9:l29-30
ignorance and suffering in 10:61-62
imbecility of 11:320
imperfections in 2:20,52-54
individualisation and l0:.115 is changing 16:421 is energy condensed 16:225
a little more transfigured 2:157 fn
love in 4:166,241; 6:103-04
makes progress 4:210
mental substance and 6;306-07
mind involved in 10:253
mind, vital and 11:.1.24-25
needs to be educated 9:92-94; 13:369-70
needs to become more complex 10:94
not a synonym for obscurity and ignorance 3:102 perception of true 11:57-58
plasticity of 10:115; 11:276
power of soul over 10:209-10
preoccupation with 10:40
prepared to receive in the right way 11:250
psychic presence is contact between Divine and 6:l60-1
psychic's role in 4:164-65
resistance of 5:270-71; 8:30; 10:233
return of the true Consciousness to 11:166
science and 5:67-68,128-29; 10:18,136
screen which stops vibrations of different planes 5:273
shaped by opposites 10:167
spirit and 8:86-87; 12:251-52,254
state of, inconscient 7:365 .
supramental force acting on 4:223; ll:313-l8; 15:126 ; 16:78
Page 173
too rigid to receive Love 10:74 (/transformation of 2:52; 3:175-76; 10:144-45,210-11,15:97
unity in 8:76-79
universal consciousness on level of 10:75
the Word and 6:98-99
yoga and 7:266
essence and potency 10:363
Mayavadim 10:336-37 Meanness 16:29
Mechanical mind ,see Physical mind Medical opinion 17:l92-95
confidence in the doctor 17:403
divine Brace and 17:189
medical suggestion and 17:189,193
Medical science 15:374
aphorisms on l0:324-28
method of Coue 3:36,156
on perfect balance 4:63
Yoga and 3:56
see also Health
Medicine (s))
body and 9:122-24; 10:328
curse to mankind 10:324
divine health and 10:326
doctors and, words of the Mother on 15:167-77
fear and 10:324
fosters dependence on mind and body , 10:324
makes progress 4:209-10
natural cures and 10:327
role of mind and faith 10:324-28; 16:195
use of 9:109,123
wonders of 4s143
see also I11 ness
Meditation<s> 14:53-54
alone and with others 3:98
aspiration and 17:14
"before closed door 7:272
brain-bath during 7:300
a Buddhist story 9:52-53
collective and individual 9:37-39,141-42
coming of thoughts during 17:14-15 .
concentration and 4:7-8 ,104-06 ,120-23 ; 5:388; 7:277; 9:381-84
10:63; 14:105-06; 16;180,231
conscious of what happens during 5:388; 9:53
consecration and 14:105-06
contact between inner consciousness and outer life, 5:401 6 :427-28 control of mental activity, and 2:25 definition 10:63
different kinds of 4:l64-66,281-83; 7:276-77 dynamic 8:88-89; 16:283 . energy and 16:224
entering, a remarkable state 5:42-44 entering the heart and 16:331 everyone has own method 9:378-79 fear in 17:247
for realising the Divine 5:84 forces in operation in 3;97-98 good subject for 9:377
Page 174
how to meditate 7:269 hunger during 17:400-02 imagination and 9:370-80 impersonal 2:26
in the Ashram 4:105-06; 9:239 ,142-42 ,303-84 integra yoga and 16:343- 44 Japa and 16:305-06
meditate where you meditate best 16:276-77 mosquitoes during 17:172 must be teamed 6:151-52 on photos of the Mother 16:233 on the remembrance of Sri Aurobindo 9:171 outer 1ife unchanged by 7:295-96 persist obstinately in 17:207 Playground 17:361
prayer and, spontaneous 8:228-29 profiting by 9:ll4-15 progress and 3:20-21; 5:44-46 real 17:24
Samadhi, entering into during 4:6 seeling image's during 6:377-78 service and 14:1 1
silence and 4:104; 16:231 ,311-12 ,345 sincerity in 3:98-99; 8:228-29 spiritual life and 4:103-04, 9:87-88 spontaneous 3:276; 5:45 study and 17:24 teaching and 12:424-27 thinkers in 2:75 thought and 2:77
to heighten the consciousness 9:53 to remove mental agitation 2:22- typal 2:26-29
ugly forms seen in 7:80-81 upon a sentence 9:381-84 what the Buddhists call 3:209 with another person 17:197 with the Mother, speaking about 16:35-36 with music 16:235 words of the Mother on 14:53-54 work and 7:291-925 16:27,181,343-44 see also Concentration
Melancholy 16:173 Memory (Memories) 4:172-73; 15:76; 17:178
after death 12:348
brain and 6:20-22
consciousness and 2:37; 5:270; 6:20-22
earth memory, entering domain of 3:94; 4:281-83; 5:278-325; 10:92
increasing the? 5:270,291
memorizing in the right way 7:96-97
of all things 4:110-11
of the body 6:366-69
of Consciousness of supreme Love 10:121
of dreams 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:228
of eternity 10:219
of past births (lives) 3:40-41,148-49; 4:148-49; 6:21-22;
10:97; 15:135,137,361-64; 16:398; see also Psychic memory, of past lives; Rebirth/Reincarnation
of truth 10:183
the Presence and 16;390-91
psychic see Psychic memory
Page 175
remembrance and 5:290
subconscient 2:36
Men/boys 14:310
attitude towards wymon 2:155-56; 6:315
boys and girls together with God 10:346
truth and 17:94
want help from imperfect beings 17:93
view of wymon 2:143,147; 12:102-06,292,296-98,393-94 14:309-11; 16:312-13; 17:47,97
see also Man/Mankind
Mental activity (actions, acts) ,2:106-07; 8:358-59,9:400-01
brain and 2:33
concentration on physical and 12:205-06
consequences of 2:86-87
control over 2:61
dreams and 2:30
intuitive activity and 16:337
meditation and control of 2:25
of man 8:358-59
not fit to manifest. Divine 16:239
perception during sleep 2:33
reason at summit of 8:358-59
surmounting 12:305
value of 8:361
will and 2:61
Mental affinity with others 2:69; 4:227 Mental agitation 16:217
removal of 2:22
Mental arrogance 6:241--42 Mental aspiration 5:293; 16s225-26 Mental atmosphere
bad thoughts and 8:207-l0,349
creating strong 2:109
of city like Paris 2:87-88
Mental austerity 12:57 Mental being 4:62
higher part 16:196
of man 8:35
Mental communion 2:111 Mental consciousness 9:175-76
in men and wymon 14:310-11
supramental consciousness and 12:447-48
time in 4:232
Mental constructions se e Mental formations Mental contact with dead person 7:231 Mental contagion 15:333-34 Mental curiosity 8 :206-07; 10:235 Mental definitions 16:360 . Mental development
spiritual philosophy and 9:344
study and 12:215-16
talking and 6;222-23 ,
Mental discipline and thought ,2:6l
talking and 6:222-23
see also words, thought and
Mental domain 9:415-16 Mental education ,8:181-84,364-66, ,9:402-03; 12:24-29
intensity of, shuts up psychic consciousness 5:217-18
Mental envelope
superficial 16:225
Page 176
Mental equilibrium 5:24
accumulated in words 2:64
concentrated in different parts of the body 6:310-12,314-15
Mental fermentation
in dreams 16:227
Mental force (s)
concentrated in different parts of the body 6 :310-12,314-15
Mental formation<s>/constructions 2:106-07; 3:53-55, 4:58,200, 5:132-34,387-88, 403; 8:214,218-19,254-55,283,319,395; 10:32-331 14:368-70;
15:329-30,343; 16:183 ,185 ,316
acting as inf1uence 6 :130 ; 8 ; 391-92
bars progress 8s395-96
block receptivity 11:6
body and 11:226-33
by an adverse will 17:111
controlling impulses 6:317-18
counter-formation and 16:30
dogma 9:319
during class; "blue paper" 5:254
founded on medical opinion 17:189
gods and 6:68,275-76
have their own laws 4:198
heaven and hell as 10:65
how they work 16:183
illusion of personality and 2:56-58
imagination, power of 3:156-57
1aws of Science as 3:161-62
of dreams 2:35
of mind 8:361-64; 10:220
nightmares 4:193-94
peace and 11 :282
pleasure in 16:297-98
possession by 4:186-87,194
power of, for help 8:254-55
power of deception of 3:212
power to act on mater 9:106
progress and 4:295,355; 10:50; 12:75; 17:119
psychic and 4:45
realisation of 10:128
rebound of 6:42--43
receptivity and 6:139-41; 16:365
remembering illness and 6:366-68
revelations and 7:186-87 ,212-14 ,225 ; 9 :319
sincerity and 6:146-47
source of ancient secret societies 15:35
strength of 16:14
superstitions 5:155-56
surrounding men 6:277-81
sweep away ignorance; 9:134
thought and 2:106-07
thought-forms are 3:50—51
cf . Formation<s>
Mental gymnastics 7:93; 12:216-17 Mental habits 9:46,234,237 Mental honesty 9:327-30 Mental imbalance
possession by hostile forces and 6:437-38
Mental immaturity 17:94 Mental impersonality 2:l28 Mental in conscience 15:381-85
Page 177
Mental inertia 16:336-37
Mental insincerity 4:109,135
Mental intervention 4:182
Mental knowledge not enough 9:66,70
Mental liberation 12:71
Mental limitations and weaknesses 14:363-70
Mental narrowness 14:288
Mental nightmare 4:194-95
Mental peace 2:27
Mental plane 15:6
every image a reality on 3:156
hostile beings and 3:60-62
universal and 3:65
Mental power
crystallising 5:127
for help 8:254-55 formative 8:391-92 vital will and 2s163
Mental preparation 17:70-71,85-86
-for experience 6:350-51
Mental prison 10s69 Mental progress 4:203
indispensability for supramental path 9:134
mental constructions bar 8:395-96
mental , vital , physical value in . another, life 5:359-60
sweeps away ignorance 9:134
vital and 5:253-54
Mental Purusha 17:46 ,86-87 Mental regions 8:218 Mental relationships 2:68-70
Mental rest 2:61 Mental silence 3:196; 4:62,208,231,281,333; 9:124-25,287,400; 12:28-29,188-90'
peace in the heart and 6:32
see also Mind, silent/ Si1ence, of the mind
Mental sincerity 2:76 Mental substance 6:306-08; 9:287-89
"grey matter" in head 12:393
how to get out of 12:400
Mental synthesis, building 2:38 Mental tamas 12:133 ,135-36 ,390 ; 16:281;17:291
see also Laziness Mental value
vital , physical and, in another 1ife 5:359-60
Mental world (Mind-World) 6:307; 10:128-29
each moves in her own 3:50
1imited 3:53
many levels 3:61
space and time of 3:165
spiritual and 10:70
Mental worry 9:303-04 Metalasation see Experience (s), metallisation of Mercy 17:391 Messages see Mother <2>, the, messages of Metaphysics 4:2161; 12:216-17:16:199 Metempsychosis 4:238-39 Mind 14:291 ,361-70,390; 15:329-36
accomplice of vital 4:50-51,178.; 6:158-59 ,163 ; 7:70
action on absolute truth l0:67
Page 178
after death 4:195; 12:348
agitated 17:60,69,129-30,369
always see's successively 10:124
ambition in 16:54
analysing 4 :94
anger and 16:336
appears with man 2:159; 6:127,131
art or science, "beacon light" in mind turned toward 5:128-29
astrology and human sciences 9,'!284-85
attitude during experience 8:237,331-32,342-43
attitude to body 8:141
attunement of different 3:63-66; 6:94-95; 9:287-89
becoming aware 4:232
beings of 4:225-26
blocks reign of Divine 10:323
body and, relation between 5:294-96,402-04; 7:43; 8:319'9:124;
10:27-28; ll:l91-92; 16:400 body-consciousness and 6:140-41 body-mind see Body, the mind; Body-mind; Material mind brain at age of five 5:203-04,290 can lecture; body 16:297 cannot understand Divine 16:227 can prove anything with 10:32 change and 10:l89
civilisation now ending based on power of 2:155 common 3:134
compassion, gratitude and 15;297 concentrating on study 17:71,79 concentration , developing 5:129 conception of success and failure 16:309 conditions fixed by mind are no 1onoer inevitable 11:228-29 confusion of 4:201,295-96 conquering of 10:69 -70 conscious and subconscious 17:l89 constancy of the physical and 11:189-90 difficult to control 4:335 controlling impulses with 6:317-18 converted 5:254; 17:46-47 critical 10:26
derangement of 4;186-87,200 developed, rich personality 9:349 development of 6:18-203; 9:401-03; 12:5-6,26-29,139-41; 16:121; 17:126,153 in contact with psychic being 5:212 discipline, training of 9:250-52,402 disease and 10:324 distorts Truth 10:1-3 passim the? Divine and 14:361-62 , 16:277 Divine mind 3:115 , 10:362 does not create worlds 10:254 domination over vital 16:197 doubt in the 9;351
educating and widening 7:58-59; 17:70-71,85-86 ego and 4:200; 5:150;7:364 emptying of thought 16:311 enlightened. 17:45,92 essentially arrogant 6:241-42 evolution and 10:89-91 exercises to widen 4:43-47 experiences and 4:231; 6:353,396-97 explains nothing 7:238
Page 179
exteriorisation of 4:130; 6:191; 16:400 fabricates 4:135,231 fears of 3:57; 5:169 first stage of manifestation 10:89 formations of se e Mental formations formulation of truth of spirit and 9:398-401 fourth dimension and 12:431-32 fragments (parts) of 17:46,48 freedom of choice and 10:88 gaps filled by 4:77,109 gets excited, makes format ions 16:185 gilds everything 4:38
gives precision but limits 11:128-29,136 giving favourable explanation 15:320 God wiser than 10:343 grades' between Supermind and 3:94
greatest difficulty of ll:234 "grey" matter in head
"grey" matter in, head ,12:393; 16:281; see also Mental substance
gymnastics for 17:313
hallucinations and 10:41-42
has progressed 3:235-36:273
heart, and 14:374
heaven of liberated mind 8:275
higher see Higher mind
human body made for intellectual life 9:218-20
human mind, universe reduced to size of 4:177
ignorance and 10:42; 17:170
illness and 15:156-57 ,162
illumination of 17:129,177
ill-will 5:145-50
imposing rule on body 17:346
in accord with Nature 10:89
in contact with psychic being 5:212
inconsistencies in the 7:91
independent of the brain 6:307; 314-15
individualised 4:193,195; 9:43-44; 10:27-28,88
inner development of 10:60
inspiration and 8:193-94
for manifestation of the psychic 7:41,43,321
of action and formation 3:50; 4:3; 8:190; 15:329-30
intellectual see intellectual...
intervention in the body consciousness 6:140-41
intuition <intuitive mind> see intuitive mind
involved in Matter 10:253
is a public place 4:335; 6:3165 8:345
judging, not capable of 4:46,224; 9:416; 12:33
knowledge, not an instrument of 4:47,176-71,224
knowledge of, is relative 8:362-64; 10:24
knowledge of God and physical ,10:43-44
1imited 7:380
1inear in its action 6:463
logic and 10:189; 17:329
made man stave; of doctors 10:327
makes divisions 6:401
making one ill 17:174
mastery of 3:211-12
material se^ Material mind
memory belongs to 17:178 . ,
mental see Mental ...
"mind of light" see "Mind of Light"
Page 180
miracles and 10:162
the Mother/ see Mother (2), the, mind of the Mother's Presence in higher 17:142 nature of is to question 10:87 need of reading novels 9:366-67 needs dwelling place 10s:22 needs rest 4:62; 16:66 obscures Divine 10:343 observe 3:184 obstacle to soul 10:24 obstructs experience 7:42 of chidren 16:202 of sage 2:81
one movement, many varieties 3:61 only an instrument 10:87; ll:24-25; 14:361-70 opening to higher things 4:18; 8:262,345-46 openness and expression of 9:345-46 ,399 organises 4:171 Oriental's religious 2:64 pain and 10:359 personality of 10:27
perversion and 7:299; 9:299-300; 16;201 perverted by Asuric forces 10:87 philosophical 9:249-50 physical see Physical mind physical receptivity and 17:223 planes of 3:65,94; 10:42 playing a comedy 4:135 play of 4:170-71,201
deception in its own regard 3:212
to act on matter and body 9:106,152-55 prejudice, opposition between material and spiritual life
profit drawn by vital and 5:56 progress of 5:211 ,253-55 ; 7:272 ,321 ,425 ; 16:397-98 psychic and 5:212,395; 7:40-44 psychic being and 16:167,424 purified 3:184
quiet mind 3:195; 14:291; 1 61 1 99,345; see also Silence, of the mind ;
calm 14:370-71
quieting the mind 5:26, 8:329-31; 9:423-24; 16:62 receiving formations 17:132 receptivity and the 4:265-67; 5:210-11; 10:10 relation of vital, body and 4:53; 5:294-96; 10:27-28 rules ordinary life 3:183
Sachchidananda experienced with 4:400 scale of 3:195-96 seeing 1ife as fun 17:81 self-deception and 11:128-29 self-satisfaction of 9:419-20 separative knowledge and 10:93
shocked by aphorisms 10:14 should not decide action 17:172 silent/silencing 4:62 ,182 ,231 ; 9 :124-25 ,145 ; 10:6; 12 :28-29 , l7-90
needed for revelation 10:145
receiving vibrations in 9:287-88,400
understanding in 3:63-66,196
see also Mental silence; Silence, of the mind
see also above quiet mind sin of 10:271
Page 181
sincere state of 2:25
sincerity and 15:320
sit upon mind 11;311 -12
soul and 8:195 ; 9:309-10; 10:359
spiritual experience translated by 9:399-401
spiritual -Force influences 9:420
spiritual life, incapable of understanding 9:416;
spiritualised 8:170-71
spontaneous action not determined by 4:6; 10:116-l7
stoppage of, under pressure 17:56
studies and 12:249
subconscious 10:321
substance of, and human thought 10:65
suggestions, collective 5:313-16
suggestions undetected. by conscious 17:189
supramental /Supermind and 2:l60; 3:94; 8:177-78; 14:363;15:118
supramental knowledge in 5:398
supreme knowledge and 10:10
surrender and 3:114-16; 4:183; 9:293-94
sweep it clean of bad thoughts 16s129
tamas in, and reading 16:267
terrestrial memory 4;110-11
thoughts see Thoughts ,
three cords of 16:386
to approach Transcendent Divine 16:253
to develop the philosophical 17:144
to quiet 17:129,133
training the 4:203
transformation and 4:183; 9:293-94
transformation of 10:69; 15:96
travelling in the 7:166,219-20
true role 'of the 5:101; 8:190
Truth and 14:213-15
truth and , 3:124; 10:256
Truth Consciousness and 16:436
unbalance of 17:226-27
understanding and 8:30,99,101,183;12:139
universal mind 8:344-45
unreliable 4:178,180
use of, a game 7:321
useless 10:152
vibrations and 9:287-89
vision of mind, capacity ,of 7:231
vital and the 4:177-81; 5:211,253, 6:5-6; 7:70; 10 :27-28 17:27,29;
wandering after talk 17:50
weakness in 4:98,346
will and Faith exceeding 10:322-23
withdraws Joy 16:133
works in different ways in different people 3:12
world of 10:128-29
see also Mental Mind
"Mind of Light" 6:45l; 7:226
the Mother and 13:6.4
transparent veil 9:193-94
Mind -world see Mental World Mineral kingdom 16:234 Mirabai 3:105 Miracles 4:82-86,143; 8;128,316-17;12:79; 17:232,234
aspiration and 10:165
aspiration for true victory 11:256; see also Mother's body,
Page 182
the aspiration in
at each Darshan different person 11:102-105
best possible use of need for 10:165
body of see Mother's body the
determinism and 7:363-67,382-83
definition 3:31;7:383
Divine will acting openly 9:25-26;
extraordinary, from descent and aspiration 11:313-15
faith and 3:152-53
falsehood and 10:160
from viewpoint of Lord 10:162
ignorance and 10:165
intervention of higher planes 7:375,382-83
material explanation 10:162
the mother and 13:49
nature and significance of 10:159-66
none for Lord 10:163-64
of falsehood 10:160
on earth 10:163
sense of, belongs only to finite consciousness 10:163
term given unexplainable 10:162
thirst for marvellous 10:164
visible to deeper sight 9:246
Misbehavior 17:103
Misery (ies) 4:289-96,405; 16:431
cause of 6:101
ending 4:3,40,74;16:425
of ego 16:433
see also Misfortune
action and 10:49
desire and 10:58
finding God and 10:58-59
ignorance and 10:58
see also Misery, unhappiness
mistakes see errors
the psychic and 17:18
Moderation 3:190-91
Moder art 7:45-47; 188-190; 10:323; 12:236-38
artiest and 4:297-303
the Mother's views on 4:298-302
Modesty 3:133; 4:29;12:151; 14:159-261;16:179;17:41,166,312
ego and 16:265
story illustrating 2:248,256
Moliere 10:156; 16:200
Monastic life 12:245
Money 4:375-81;13:154-55,275-279 ,388; 15:53
accusations of misusing 17:305-06
borrowing 17:396
commercial mentality 7:311-12
conserving the Mother's 7:205,266-67, 293
dealing with 16:277
difficulties 17:236-37, 244,246,251,253,296
the Divine and 6:251-52
education and 12:159,202,353,254
Page 183
exchange, power of 5:359 extravagant demands and economy 17:350-51
falsehood and 7:301-02
for construction 17:222-23,232-33 for travel 17:175-76
from America for Ashram reorganisation 17:348
getting interest on l7:325-26
giving importance? to 17:240-41,379
giving to beggar's 16; 407
hesitancy to ask Mother -for 16:286
honesty and 16s369-76
industrial pro-fits in Auroville 17s328
is a curse 7:54-56
must come as of faring 17:206,292
must come from family 17:l76
perversion of mind 7:311-12
pocket 17:175
politics and, resistance to supramental action 9:166-69
poverty 7:55
power, sex and 4:382
rich people, giving for fame 5:161-62
setting most useful example and , 2:66-67
spending and waste 16:33
treasure guarded by serpent 4:189,382
vital beings and 3:45-46
wasting of 6:155-56
when the Mother won't give ,17:175
see also Wealth
Money-force 4:379; 5:357-58; 6:249-53; 7:55-56 Moon 16:135
symbolic 9:284
Moral education
sports competitions help 9:96-97
Moral healthiness of age of Buddha 3:235 Moral laws 12:167 Moral notions
and mastery of physical nature 5:349-50
Moral perfection
spirituality and 9:409-10
Moral qualities
not necessarily spiritual 9:91
Morality 4:80-81; 7;125-26; 8:7,143; 15:46,367-69
as mentally conceived, out of place in truly spiritual,
teachings 3:191
belongs to human consciousness 10:75 "censors" and 9:279-80
choice between distortions 10:217
condition for disappearance 10:245
conflict between vital wilt and mental power 2:163
human unity and 10:310
is a shield 16:337
liberation from 10:357
man, a moralist, not the Divine, 5:346-47,349-50
of the Divine 4:81,176
ordinary notion of 10:114
purity and 6:439-40
sincerity and 15:46
social 3:206
spiritual life and 3:118-26
Supermind and 2:163
supramental viewpoint and 9:276 ,280 ,282
Page 184
true 10:71
truth and 4:11
vice, contagion of 9:56
vision and 10:178
see also Moral ...
Moreau, Gustav
disciple, of 4:299; 9:298
Morose ness 16:173
Mortification see Body, self-torture Moses
Commandments and 10:183-84
Mosquitoes 17:172
Page 185
Mother, (1) the (Divine Mother, Supreme Mother) 15:16-20
Aditi, the create" consciousness 7:159
asks how to counter act in conscience 5:373
beyond the manifestation 7:157-58
descent, of Ananda aspect of 6:291-94, 302-04
Divine will and 16.: 153
age-long battle of 5:97-98 cult of Kali and 8:244-46
Durga Puja, Victory Day 7:352 expressing herself through the Mother's body 11:104 finding 16:161 four aspects of 6:289-90; 15:19-20
see also Kali ; Maha Kali; Mahalakshmi; Mahasaraswati; Maheshwari
in Savitri.. 5:388,390 Kali see Kali Nature and 7:163 Prakriti and 7:207
vision of, and visions of the Virgin Mary , kwannon , etc 3:18 "of dreams" 4:1,10
sakti 4:393-94; see Divine Shakti; Mahashakti takes on human consciousness 5:388-89 transcendent and Supreme 16:389 world Mother 8:113-14 see also Shakti
Mother, the (2) 13:32,105; 14:87
actions against will of 17:59,64 actions of 17:82,304 advice from 17:196 Agni kindled by 17:106 aim of 5:352,354-56; 17:385 "allow me to save you" 16:72 always present at Playground mediation 17:361 always present in psychic 17:68,100,103,170 answers of, profiting by 8:236-37,24 , 311-12 approach with loving confidence 16:247 "Are you ready?" 17:233 as country 10:284 as Guru 16:211
as servant of the Divine 2:73 I as o. witness 17:302 the Ashram and 17:72 asking her what one is 17:75
aspiration for love and peace of 17:61,76,127,365,374 assurance of Divine Presence 17:103,196,204,213,361 attitude for coming to 17:128 attitude of the Mother's mother 16:121 attraction for 17:330 awareness of 6:163-67; 17:169 being a child of 16:87,117,159,362; 17 ,2,94,115,121-22 210,212,365,374 believes lies, 17:138,233-34 birthday cards from 16:347 blessings of 13:61-62; 17:198,377
asking for 17:165
for peace 17:357
on Puja days 6:193-94
protective shade of 16:42
Sri Aurobindo and 17:189,191-92,213,357 blows from 16:91,170
Page 186
body of ,see Mother/ s body, the born to realise the highest Ideal 3:131 caning to 7:88, 16:96-97 ,215-16 ,372; 17 :43,253 can read the heart 17:305 , cannot satisfy will o-f lower nature 16:117 child of the Mother is a child of Sri Aurobindo 16:87 closeness (nearness) to 13;78-79; 16;116,120,122-23,142,162, I65-66,171,182,207,362 clothes of 16:97-90
coming to 17:95 ,99 ,128 ,150 , 153 ,196-98 ,21 0 ,219 ,342 comments of, on Savitri 5:388-91 communication with 17:171 complaints about food when young 3:131 concentrating on a sadhak 17:370 confession to 16:171; 17:134,194 confidence of, in people 17:l72-73 conscious in childhood 17:80 consciousness of
always at work 17:100
constant blessings of l7:377
in words of 16;372
presence of 17:95,126,130,182-83,211,372,380
receptivity to 16:41-42
widening of 5:233-34 contact with 8:130,307-08-. 16:206; 17:65,68,171,265-86,370-71, 400-01
contradicting 16:25 correcting faults of others 8:294 correspondence with 15:250-71 corresponding mentally with a sadhak 17:352 the creation and 17:303-04 decisions, leaving them to 17:263,387 decisions of 17:385 descent of on earth 17:76,119 disobedience of 17:64 Divine see Mother, <1> the the Divine and 2:73; 13:51 dogmatizing explanations given by 15:361 drawing on 6:201-02 dreams about 4;113; 6:142-50!! 15:350-51; 168334,336; 17:55,74,218-19 dreams of 2:131-36
early life of, studies and discipline 16:l21 earth, taking body on 17:65 emanations of 13:76 expectations of 12:308 expected to do miracles 17:232 experiences of see Mother <4> the; Mother's body, the
experiences of
experiments with physical mind 6:224-25 faith in 16:68 "The Fear of Death and the four Methods of Conquering It"
and answers relating to 6:38-42
feeling far from 17:113,162,169-70,174 feeling presence of 16:92,141; 17:l42 finding time to do all She does 16:266 finds fault with nobody 17:241 flower of 13:32 "For you I want..."16:123
force of see Mother <S>, the force of forming images of 13:83-04
Page 187
four aspects of see Mother, <1> the, four aspects of "The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations," and answers relating to 6:63-108, 12:50-55
friendship of 16:119
gifts to 17:202,217-10
giving her approval 17:288
giving orders 13:161
granting needs of sadhaks 16:16
guidance from 13:86-89
has no preference 17:53
help and protection of 13:134-35; 16:23 ,67 ,89 ,94 ,129 ,134 ,136 ,169 , 210,220 3 17:77-78 ,98-99 ,101,130 ,133 ,13:174-75 ,189-90 ,192,209, 316-17, 369-70, 374, 379,381; see also protection of
how to read books or 12:205,214-15; 16:232-33 humanity of 13:82-83
humanity's expect at ion's of 12:308; 17:232 "I am (always) in your heart" 16:32,121,125,139,167 "I am always with you" 16:89 ,114-15 ,123 ,131 ,141 ,148 , .160 ,166-67 17:381 " "I an not angry" 16:70,100 "I am not displeased" 16:142-43,148,219 "I am your true mother" 16:124 "I look and judge for myself" 16:51 "I take you on my lap" 36:38 an ideal regarding 17:90 identification with 17:69-70 "if you wish" 17:14 impressions of 17:95
in the arms of 16 ; 127 ,149-50 ,200-09 ; 17:130,192 India and 13:43-45
influence of 16:166;; 17:61,210-11, information as base of her decision 16:49-50 inspection of, during sleep 6:167 interviews with 8:130,307-08 Kali see Kali
keeping what she gives 16:385 knowledge of truth of being 6:165-67 knowledge of what is going on in the Ashram 6:197-99 knows and loves you better than you do 16:170; 17:388 leaving decisions to 17:263,387 life sketch of 17:202-03,224,227 looking into your soul 16:100 love for (relations with) 17:99-100,108,141 1ove of (her 1ove) 16:37 ,119 ,124-27 ,210,218 ;17:61 ,65 ,102 ,128 , 150-51,354,374 1ying to 17:138,345
meditation and 9:383-84 : . ' meeting department , heads .6:197-98
meeting Sri Aurobindo 13:138-39,43,45
"Mental Education", and answers relating to 6:3.823
merging into 17:72-73,114
messages of 11:250,258,290-93,331
anniversary of her firs'! arrival in Pondicherry (29. March) 15:203-04
anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Pondicherry (4 April ) 15:205-06
birthday 15:213-16
Christmas 15:209-12
Darshan days 15:196-201
departments of Sri Aurobindo Ashram 15:171-72 ,219-20
for the Annual Demonstration of Physical Culture 12:282-84
Page 188
for competitions 12:275-81 for nations other than India how to read 16:250-51 miscellaneous l2:285-91; 15 New Year's
1933-1970 15:178-96; 16:415
1954 5:418;6:98
1955 6:452-57
1956 8:9
1957 9:3-5
1958 9:245-48
1959 15:381-85
1960 16:255
1964 17:233 fn
1965 16:313
1970 16:415
of Fourth May 1967 15:112-13 of 1956 8:12-13,127 fn,264-65 on 1957 7:14 Puja 15:206-09
Sri Aurobindo study centres and organizations 15:216-19 super mental manifestation 15:102-07 ,112-13 ,202-03
The Mother 17:139
moves quickly 17s208
music of 6:383-85 ; 12 :240-41 ;
natural to take from 16:206 nestle in the heart of 16:149
never allowed to be3 discontented
never forget to call 16:44
never puts anyone in prison 17:118
no question of losing her 16:l60
not a materialist 12:353
not a pessimist 16:7
not dealing with everybody in same way 16:21
not old 11:307
not there for you a1one 16:165
old mantra of 12:449
on dreams 2:30-37
on herself and her creed 2:166
on suffering 9 :11-12 ,282-83 ; 16:73
on thoughts 2:21-28,74-92
openness to 8:305-08; 16:146; 17:69,128,401
path to 17:62
pain as touch of 10:l70
people judging 17:82-83,173
"Physical Education", and answers relating to 6:1-9
photographs of 7:275-76
powerful or not; 17:257
practice o-f occultism 6:40-41
prayer of, for change 9:300
prayers and meditations of 2:115- 21; 15:221-37; 17:l76
see also below works of praying to, for little things 16:278 presence of 16:114 ,116,130 ,161 ; 17:69-70 ,95 ,105 ,123, 133,142,198,361 profiting by her answers 8:236-37 progress of 17:208 protection from objects given by protection of 16:97,345-46,351 ;6:2:34-35 17:190,193,197;
see also above
help and protection of psychic being is a child of 17:115
Page 189
"Psychic Education and Spiritual Education", and answers
relating to 6:24-37
psychic of 11:280-81,290-92 ; 17:69,103,170
question s asked of 6:179-201 ,375-76 ; 8: 296 ,311-12; 9:112-15
quietness constantly poured by 17:60
reading the Dhammapada 9:372; 3:184-311
reasons for actions 16:17 0
receiving fram 16:230
receiving Grace of 17:130
re-flections on the war 2:137-39
relations with 16:150 ; 17 ;!51-52 ,130 ,210
relations with others 11:247-48,267,280; 13:68-105,166
action of , and 13:82-86 ,92-93
"I am with you" 13:68-79,166
physical nearness to 13:80-82; 16:348; see also above closeness to
playing tennis 13:102-03
pleasure' and displeasure 18:89-92
remonstrance's 13:l02-05
rumours, etc . 13:98-101
with people in the Ashram 8:130
remembering words of 17:301
see also Mother's body, the influences, on reports to 17;172-73,278,333 requesting work from a disciple 17:262 reservations about her way of working 16: 40-42 respect of, for all Indian languages 17:213 "scolding from 17:230,242,257
seeing in various forms 17:55 seeing people 11:115 ,135-36 ,203 ,241-43 ,251 ,265 ,332 . seeking and finding 17:62,69-70,100-01,127,156,170,172,174-75,365 separation from 16:163 serious took of 9:13:16:ll 4
showing what. she has written and said 16:20-21,116,124 ; 17:39-40,221 signature of 13:66 sleep of 16:3-4 speaking and writing 13:53 speaking in her name 17:206,225-26,234,298 Sri Aurobindo and 13:133 ,38-39 ,43 ,45 ,47 ,50-51 ,77 Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 8:130; 13:75-78,109-114,117-18; 17:72 staying physically away from 17:101-02 struggle against people who come here for comfort ll:252 subconscient and 11:285,309-11,323-25 submit views to her for decision 16:47,49 surrounding atmosphere of persons meeting 6:280-81 symbol of 6:395; 13:64-65 tell her 6:199
about your sorrow 16:55,71,89
everything 16:66
your condition 16:l37 things said in her name 13:99-101 thinking of 16;122,227-28 to be an instrument of 16:128 to love her truly 17:141 to whom she tells things 17:159 transcendental 4:392-94 transformation, experiences of see Mother's body, the,
transformation of trying to deceive 17:233-34 understanding 16:51 uneasiness at seeing, and insincerity 16:264
Page 190
unlived dreams 8:222 use of flowers 6:229,231-33,244-45 use will of 16:67
"Vital Education," and answers relating to 6:10-17 wanting love of 17:58,65,165 watching over a child 17:140,204 . way of teaching of 9:372-75
way to turn towards 17:l02 what she is bringing 17:279-80 "when I speak frankly" 16:48 when she doesn't reply outwardly 17:45,58,352 when she is Joyful and plays 9:13 will of 16:146; 17:114,110 work at Balcony Darshan and P1ayground 7:257-59 work of 6:297-99 , 16:153; 17:119 working, her usual 7:258 writing to 16:75-76,94,87-08 writings of
dramas, The Great Secret 7:301-04,308-09,316,323; 12:451-616 Prayers and Meditation s, extracts from 2:115-21; 8:222;
15:221-37 ; 16:17-18 ,20-22,27; 17:176-86 Questions and Answers I929 (Conversations) 16:4-5 "The virtues " 16:344
Mother, the <3>, force of 6:220-21; 16:134; 17:51,317,350,353,401,408
action of 9:112-14; 17.-78-79,82,159 use and help of 16:134; 178,135
Mother, the <4>, personal or spiritual experiences of 10:139-40 15:297-303,411-12; 17:178
Abdul Baha 4 :316-17 about School Programme 7:389-92 action of human will on 10:230 amethyst , power of protection 5:231 answering letters 11:213-14
application of pressure to dissolve things 10:173-74 "Are you ready for anything?" 10:227 art, reaction to modern and old 7:188-90 Asuric force assuming form of Sri Aurobindo 15:408-10 "At the very bottom of the? in conscience. . . " 15:381-85 auspicious coming brought rain 7:385-89 automatic writing 9:364
bamboo sprouts, classical Japanese dish 5:366 black cobra 10:132 cats 4:27-20,338
the Mother's, maternal devotion of 5:244-45 reason for playing with mouse 5:150 wanting to be human 5:229-30
catastrophic to forget the Divine even momentarily 11:323-24 childhood 8:54,118 age five
begins to seek the solution 5:139,163 effort to become conscious 12:433 observes action of different people 5:198 age seven
refuses to go to circus 5:199-200 choosing vegetables from garden 6:l80-81 conscious of nights 4:62
consciousness of being a dead person on earth 10:225 creation, how and why of 11:194-95,197-207,275-76 death, spirit of 5;136-40,193-94 descent of Ananda aspect of 6:291-94 ,302-04
Page 191
descent, of peace 15:424-25 developing consciousness subtle physical and material
vital 6:l86-87
direct manifestation of Truth 10:187-90 Divine can do everything 5:162-63 Divine Consciousness not felt ll:249-50 dream of
knocks received in vital world 5:27-28
recording 4:62 during a -Film of new world 9:144-51 early 'spiritual': 6:298-99 exteriorisation, story of cats 4:321-23 fainted in the Toreador Square .4:125 fairy-1ike beings helpful 4:275 feeling the presence of the Divine physically 10:154-555 11 :132-38,227-29 . first embodiment in human form 10:91 flowers storing force 6:229-31 flying saucer seen by 7:164 fourth dimension 12:431-32 Gita first contact 8:10 4 God of religions 10:333-34; 17:44 helping people in dreams 15:350 "I have? become another person" 11:280 impression of Japan 2:148-50
identity of opposites 11:109,111-14,198-202,204,212,220,236 "India is free" 5:l90, 8:30-32 in Japan 4:306-10
epidemic 5:182-85
spirit of death in 5:136-37 in the subtle physical 10:149
Japanese, learning to speak 12:75-76 'learning, constant 4:91 1etters to her son 16:3-10 lived ten years among artists 3:106 manifestation of the Supramental 13:141 meeting a Catholic . priest 5:31-32 meeting snake in mountains 10:131-32 memory of earthly paradise 10:88-95 memory visual , and aural 8:156-5 7 mental constructions and true experiences 9:319 mental suggestions 4:236 messages of 19:68;12-13 moved to tears. children 3:159 nearly hit by train 10:132-33
of the body see Mother body, the, transformation of of change of consciousness 11:262-65,277-78,323-24; see also
Mother's body, the, knowledge of, universalisation
of choice 11:30-34 of a 1 ion 4:29-30 of a new world 9:144-51 of physical world 10:39-40
of Supramental Consciousness 11:202-07,210-16,326-27, of 3rd February 1958 9:271-83; 10:113-20 passim of time 15:402
of two hemispheres 15: 386-90 on necessities 4:385-86; 7:53 opinions, formation of 10:238-39 over mind creation 9:148-50 past 1ives of others 5:35 playing tennis 4:42
Page 192
prayer for change 9:299-301
prayer, immediate realisation of 5:144
psychic memories of 16:351
Quelques Paroles 5:352
rabbit and snake 5:151-52
rarely experienced renunciation 10:172
realising union with Divine, for body 8:211
religion, discussing 8:l47-50
reminiscences of T1emcen 9:58-63
repose in Sachchidananda 4:62-63
role of adverse forces 10:120-22
sadhana, descent into vital and physical 6:303
seeing in the subtle physical 10s127-28,149
serpent guarding world's riches 4:189,382
Silence ll:265
sleep, conscious 4:62
snow in Algeria 7:386-87
spirits of death and fire 5:136-39
Sri Aurobindo and
incidents with 3:141-42; 4;B5,238,275
entering aura of 4 2 223,230 •
healing power of 9;254
supramental force passing from ll:328
trance or Samadhi conversation with 8:275-77 Sri Aurobindo Ashram, experiment of 8:161-62
palm-tree in courtyard 5:113
symbolic vision of collectivity in the 9:137-42 subtle-physical, material world and ll:78-82 supramental manifestation 8:205-07,219-21,313-17 tamas 4:367 tennis, playing 4:42
training the physical senses 10:134 to be a limpid transmitter ll:255
to nestle with the.' Divine 11:325,332
training the physical senses .10:134-35
transcripts of 15:297-303
unreality of life 11:17 ,31 ,40 ,177-82,195-96
un-unified consciousness 11:290-92
of ancient Egypt 8:155-57
of Japanese landscapes 4:319-20
of marvellous Being in the Inconscient 9:332-33
of supramental body 10:355 we change Peace into suffering 11:282 "What Thou wiliest" 11:312,321 ,332 worn in who knew how to walk 5:50; 12:75 yoga of the body 4:339; 10:136-40
Mother, the <5>, stories told by her about others
Abdul Baha 2:104 ,110-11 about accidents 4:268-71; 5:405-08 action of human will on 10:230 action without attachment to result 7:396-98 animal instinct, monkey wiser than man 9:l00 animal-tamer and courage 7:26-30 an artist and modern art 4:298-302 aspiration, constant, people with 5:170 August 15, greeting card 8:266 automatic writing (gambler from Monte Carlo) 9:363-65 Beethoven, reincarnation of his genius 5:264 brain, hands, mind etc-subtle, of artist 5:261-64 a Buddhist story, "Mr.- Tiger" 9:52-53
Page 193
cat and a Russian women 7:90-99
Catholic priest, meeting a 5:31-32 :
character, how the Mother knows people's 5:219-22
"Charity Bazaar" 4:175-76
clairvoyant under chloroform 4:125 .-clergyman on boat 8:148-50
collective prayer for English kind 9:37-38
collectivity and individual , interdependence 5:305
consciousness, means of widening 5:153
control of reason over life 9:99
conversion of men governed by adverse forces 6:247-48
Cone's method tried by a worn in 7:5; 9:380
creation, story of 5:372-82; 7:l57-63
dancer and painter who took up Yoga 3:105--06
Danish painter's practice of occultism 6:41-42
dream of elevator crash 5;191; 10s130-31
dream of friend, tiger changed into cat 3sl66 :
eating chicken 6;178-79 elephant and mahout 4s208s B=69-70 epidemic in Pondicherry 4:209-10 explanations of experiences of others 4:76-7 7 exterior i sat ion , story of cats 4:321-23 fear, cause of illness 5:168,171-72 financier-speculator 4:86 French doctor 8:364 French scientist in Jardin des PIantes 6:43-45 geometrical drawing, 'learning identification by 5:220-21 Gitpropaganda and criticism 8:104-07 giving birth according to ideal 2:53-54 goat and cows; , greedy 5:274 going to her 4:30-31 golden pencil , man with 5:159 grapes, for cure? 5:123 head of new religion 3:83 heroic action by wymon during war 2:144 humanitarian hypnotism 9:394-95 humility, value of 5:30 humorists' remark 5:14
ideals of ordinary life 8:57-58 . . . immortality, physical 4:69-70 Indian who could hear from a distance, 10:135 Japan, man who concentrated thought in the stomach ,6:310-12 the Kali of vivampatnam 6:65-69, lady afraid of cholera infection 3:91 1ady, self-denying , at Opera 7:38-39 lady whose hair was. falling out 3:l56; 9:380 1ift-boy, dream of and catastrophe avoided 5:191 losing something given by 7:49 lump of sugar in the coffee 9:30-31
Madame David-Neel 7:393,397-98
se1f-created her own mahatma 6:277-78 man preaching "morality of Nature" 7:185-86 meditate, different types; who 5:42-45 miser haunting his treasure 5:19,135 moments of inspiration in ordinary men 9;93 money for the Divine Work, "Giaconda" 5:161-62 "Monsieur Vincent," philanthropism 5:l6 the Mother's brother and the aviator 5:407-08 musicians 4:98; 5:261-64; 8:320 Muslim story about Christ 4:82 fn,370
needs, man's indispensable, "the toothbrush" 4:386; .5:368,
Page 194
negro's choice 53330; 8; 57--58 of a Ion 4:29-30 of initiation 9:67-71 on the number of souls in India 4:48 on Shankara 4:119
opening of Arts Exhibition in Paris 3:137-38 opens the; door inside all 7:69 opera dancer 7:399-400 past. 'lives, cause of unhappiness 5:217-18
perfect self-giving, an Indian story 8:15,17-18 perforated coin 6:234-35 pet animals 9 :232-33
philosopher living in South of France; 10:123-24 possession, cases of 4:184-88; 5:97--98 prayer for change 9:300 problem of worn in 7:153 progress, people who want to 5:286 psychic contact given to a .Japanese 4:310 psychic contact and new capacities 9:396-97 rabbit in Botanical Gardens 5:151-52
Ramayana, pundits who related the 5:329
reminiscences of Tlemcen 9:58 -63 rich woman's naivets about poverty 6:29-30 Rodin, August 6:72-73
sadhak collecting soap-pieces 7:51-52 Sannyasin, vengeful 8:72 scientist on reflexes 4:212 seeing her 8:304-05,307-08
self-giving, Indian tale 8:14-18 setting a pendulum clock 16:40 slaves having the:' Siamenanie 9:45 spiritism, scientist''s experience 9:367-68 A' Sri Aurobindo's room during cyclone 3:155
stones falling on Sri Aurobindo's house 6:57-62 story of initiation, Yusuf, with comfnentary , the Mahatma' s mouse 9:66-71
story of successive involutions 9:205-07 stupidity, on 4:369 subtle physical body and accidents 4:268-69
Sufi's words, the Divine and the worshiper 5:58 tamas 4:367
tiger and its victim 5:151 titans, universal, Nordic Legends 5:267 Tolstoy's son 8:106; 9 :54 transformation 5:43-45,49 true movement of mind 5:109-10
vision of coach being drawn up a hillside, 3:13-14 visions of uneducated people 5:401 vital brings passion for progress 5:256, 258-59 water-divining 4:236 women occultist 8:278
women who had lost her trust in people 5:31 women who wanted to regain her looks 5:3-4 writer, using another's brain 5:262
writer's mental activity during sleep 2:33-34 Yogi who misused his powers 3:7-8 Yogi with toothache 3:90
young man and his cruel father 3:10
Mother's body, the 6:302-04
aspiration of 11:4-5,14-15,32,41-44,88-89,92-95,98,158 cells of, experiences of
Page 195
aspiration se e above aspiration of
becoming conscious 11:93-101
calling 11:3
certitude 11-20
constant self-offering 11:189-90
direct contact with true being 11:120-27
knowledge of death 11:62-63
learning the right a1litud e 11:299
material mind 11 :16-21,74
perception of true Matter ll:57-59
personal state of consciousness 11:50
prayer of 11:91,330
reaction to injury ll:54-55.
repeating a mantra 11:127 'sense of Identity 11:70,74
spontaneous DM 11:66
suffering aspiration and progress 11:41-44
Superman Consciousness and 11:158
That. alone exist11:108-10
Thou alone existeth 11:173
unable to accept immobility 11:319
understanding in 11:147-48
unity 11:166
wholly ruled by the-Divine ll:273-74
yearning for contact with the Divine force ll:4-5 consciousness and 11:99,117-18,126-27,1.37,139-41 ,165,261-63 disease and 13:60
Divine and 11:259-60,273,286-89,297-99,332 dramatic imagination of 11:144; see also below
transformation of , material consciousness of ego, disappearance of 11:202-03 ,205-07 ,219 ,223 ,260 ,277 endurance needed (to hold on, to go on.) 11:138 ,13 ,147 ,
159,173,271,276 experiences of 15:301 - 03 ,409
incarnating the Supreme Consciousness (God) 13:48-51
repeats; "whatever" You. will" 16:435
a transmitter 13:355 external inf1uences and 11:32-34,50-52, 55-56,73-74, 85,115, 135-36, 196, 203, 231, 240,243, 251,259, 262, 265, 294, 319, 332;
sec also Mother, the <2>, relations with others given to prepare ; the transformation 11:307-08 habits of 11:243 an image for men 11:324
interested in how Matter was formed 11:119-21,123-24 knowledge of
death 11:62-63
direct, contact with the highest 11:99,120-27
Divine and undivine 11:108-09
guidance from
the Consciousness 11:240 superman consciousness 11:154-57 Supreme Consciousness ll:l85-88
identification by consciousness 11:244
precision without thought 11:10-12,130-31
process of creation 11:194-95,197-207
taught by all that. comes 11:269
through experience and direct ll:217-19
understanding creation 11:194-95
universalisation 11:262-65 , 277-78; see. also above ego, disappearance of
see also be1ow transformation of, Knowledge of
Page 196
made to do the obscure task ll:86-87,89 many beings, forces, personalities. manifest through 11:104 new 11:301-06
of body consciousness 15:2 prepared for another con set 11:246 psychological and material transformation 11:82-83 reaction to injury ll:54-55 strength of 11:321-22
superman consciousness and others ll:l58-59 surrender of 11:140 , 240-41 see also below transformation of,
painful transition transformation on of 10:355 ; 11:17-16,121 ,162-63 ,235-37
aspiration for 11:4-5, 14 -15 ,32 ,41 44 ,88-89,92-95 ,98 ,158
all the ways of seeing things 11:266
Ananda (bliss) and suffering 11:112-14 ,160
becoming conscious 11:139-42 ,264-65
being trained to bear the Power 11:269-70
condition depends upon (is determined by) consciousness, attitude, receptivity 11:3,135,181, 187-88,195-96, 207-08 ,219- 20 ,231 ,235-37 ,273 ,286- 89 ,299--300 ,319-20
consciousness 11:139,244
acting directly on body 11:143-45 rep1acing thought 11: 319
Darshan of 24 November 1967 11:102-05
death without dying 11:222; see also be1ow to 1ive or die direct contact with psychic 11:130
the Divine and 11:259-60 ,266-68 ,277-78 ,283 , 286-89 ,294-95 , 297-99,323-325,332
Divine Consciousness and 11:86 ,132-34 ,157-60 ,232 ,286-88
Divine Presence and l6:424-25
Divine Will and 11:260
effect of, on others 11:92,100,171,270-71
enveloped by the Divine 11:294-95; 16:424-25
fragility (frailty) simultaneous with sense of eternity 11: 113,146
hardness melting away 11:271
hearing changed (new way of) 11:244-45, 248,282
horrors of creation 11:133-35 ,137 ,166 ,176-81
human deception 11:261-62
identity of opposites 11:104 ,111-14 ,198-202 ,204 ,212 , 220 ,236
immobility see be1ow peace
immortality, consciousness of 11:l95-96
in stages 11:46-53,71-72,181,305
in this body and life; 11:72-73
knowledge of
beatitude ready for us 11:325
origins of inspiration and action 11:10-12
truth 11-266
looks at its falsehood 11:258
material consciousness of 11:269-70,73-74,108-10,144,316-18
material difficulties of 16:354 -57
material mind (cellular mind) 11:16-21 ,74,280
mind (mental) of, withdrawn, taken away, gone 11:94,99 ,l01118, 123-25,143, 155, 191, 236, 239, 263, 280-81, 284
nestle in the Divine 11:266-68,332
New Consciousness 11;226-33,317
not to obstruct the Divine Force (Power) 11:270-71,324
of individuality 11:165
of physical mind 11:49,69,93-95,279-80,284,293-95
one body or collective 11:52 ,109-10 ,135 ,145-46 ,180-82
one with the Supreme Consciousness ll:l68
Page 197
only hope, to be The Lord ll:169
painful transition (transforming action and suffering , disorganization etc. and aspiration , surrender etc) 11:3-5, 13-15, 17, 20- 21, 33,41-44 ., 101, 116-19, 123, 12 135,144-47,169, 177-81, 221-23, 228, 243, 245-250, 265-68, 281-83, 316 "What Thou wiliest" 11:158,167-68,171-72,222,251 peace , immobi1ity 11:9 ,13-15 ,41 ,160-64 ,192-96 ,236 ,319 ,326 seeing how much work remains to be, done' ll.:86-87
states of consciousness 1l:99,117-18,126-27,137,139-42,165 sudden reversal ll:l44 superman consciousness 11:I48-60 Supramental Consciousness 11:202-07,210-16,326-27
supramental forces., penetration by ll:l22-27 time and 11:133 ,46-53 ,72-73 ,84-86 ,95 ,100-01,121-23 ,142 ,146-48,
159-60,166,173,181,194,204,206,217,223,250,255-57,283,307,32 three approaches to transformation 11:60 to live, die ,(or live eternally) 11 :283 -85 ,297 ,299 ,330 unreality of life (world, etc.) 11:177-81 ,195-96 vision (sight, seeing) of, new way 11:244-45,248,251,282 vital withdrawn, taken away, gone 11:94,99,101,118,123-25, 143,155, 191, 239 . why eel 1s should remain: together 11:4 , without physical limits 11;242-43 ¦ work of 13:55-60 transfer of power (authority) 11 :16-21 ,33,57-59 ,69-74 ,
106-07,221-23,228,245-50 J turned toward the; Divine 11:290,327
Mother's International School, the, Delhi
messages to 12:114 , Mother India see India, Mother I Mozart, U. Amadeus 5:78 I Mukerjee 16:6
Mummy 4:196-97
Music 6:379-85; 12:239-43
Beethoven's Concerto in D major 9:249 enjoying for what is behind , 3:27 entering into 16:231-32 essentially a spiritual art 3:ll0-ll European 5:77
(vocation 7:308 <s > execution and inspiration 5:75-76
glad, word 1ess 17:179 human voice and 7:351 Indian 5:77-78 melody and 5:75-79
the Mother's 12:240-41; 16:235 musical regions 7:351 ore hesitation, difficult . task 5:262-63 origin of , 5:69-71 ,75-78; 7:351 planes of 5:75-77
playing 11:9 sadhana and 12:239-40 true way to hear 8:236-37,311 viol in 7:351
Musician (s)
Dach, Johann 3:111 -13 ; 5:76,78,262 Beethoven, Ludwig von 3:111-13; 5:76,262 Beethoven's genius, reincarnation of 5:264 dead musician using another's brain 5:262 Franck, Cesar 3:111; 5:76,272
Page 198
hands of 5:261,266;7:269;8:236-37;16:363
mediator between inspiration and execution 5:75-76
Mirabai 3:105
Mozart, W. Amadeus 5:78
Tartini 4:127
Thyagaraja 3:105
virtuoso 5:70
Wagner 3:111; 4:314
Ysaye 5:263-64
Israelites and 13:390-91
Musset, Alfred de 6:4 Mysticism 6:190 Mystics
no fear of death 5:319
prayer important for 5:145
state of consciousness in which all is divine, Radha's prayer to Krishna 5:385
Sufi 5:58
Mythology 4:184
legends 4:187
Page 199
Name and form
and the Reality 6:25-27 Napoleon 10:52,143;17:148 Narada 10:196 ,204-05 ,355 Nation (s)
ego of 10:257
nature of 10:309
soul of 12:42,44
unity of 12:40-41; 13:371
see also Countries
Nature 3:143,235-36; 6:l-3; 8:159; 10:139; 15:11-13
according to Science 3:161
animals and 7:53
art and 10:249-51
as examiner 14:42-43
asuric 10:63
attachment to things as they are 9:34-35
attempts to realise superman 2:150 fn
attraction of farces in 16:177
being of 7:363 -64 ,422
catastrophes and cataclysms of 3:38; 4:175-76; 5:153
change of 9:34-36; 10:98; 17:209,237,405
civilisation and 5:329
collaboration of 5:251; 9:245-48; 17:291
communing with 9:247-48; l6:398-99
complicated self-expression 10:l69
contact with vastness and joy 7:73 ,138-39
creates forms
necessity of simultaneous individual progression 9:226-28 with 1imi1ess abundance 7:34 ,2:16-17
creatrix, huge cauldron 5:343-44; 9:247
death 10:319-20
habit of Mature 5:112 means of awakening material consciousness 9:33-34
deformations in 16:287-88
destroys and begins again, pleasure of 5:250-51,336,344,360
destroys entire species 7:16 2
different combinations in 7:365
discernment between Spirit and 8:11
distortion changes 10:93 the Divine and 15:l3
the Divine Mother and 7:163 divine Presence everywhere in 8:223-24
earth-Nature 8:59
economy of 4:205
effort against resistance 10:280
effort to express Divine progressively 10:50
entities behind the elements 5:384; 7:385-86 ,388
evolution and 7:162
forces of 4:175; 5:136,153; 16:177 inf1uencing man 8:51-52 mechanical executrix 8:59-61 sleep and 16:402
goal of 2:157-58 God an d 2:40-41; 9:9-13; 10:340
habit as part: of 10:21
harmony with 7:53; 10:56; 17:378
Page 200
higher man may be independent of 9:211-12 human see Human nature imagination of , vast 5:226-27 ,251,344 impulse to create something new 2:157 inconscient appearance of 9:322-23 insanity of 10:252
is a conscious force 5:152; 9:221 knowledge of secrets of 5:362-66; 10:26 1aws of 7:113 ; 8:316-17; 10:243 ; 11:107, 16 :141 liberation from universal 16:431 love and 12:66-67 1ower sec Lower nature man and see Man, nature and, material .17:107 may repair damage 17:411 mind and 10:87,89 mirac1es and 10:159-66 monstrous, for men 5; 26 7 mora1i t y of 5:185-66; 7:185-86 the Mother's experience of Nature-forces 7:386--90 movements of 4:22-23; 9:323 obstacle to higher 10:11-12 of evil 10:315 of genius 10:280 of hero 12:317 of illusion 10:44-45
of individual 5:414; l0:.268-69; 16:268 of man 10:87-88 of opinions 10:235-39 of others 17:121-22 of personal experiences 10:205 of pity 10:360 of religion 3:76-84 of sacrifice 10:317 of self-deception 10:80-82 of socialism 10:311-12 of tears 16:371-72 of thoughts 2:21-28,75-92 of the vital 5:211 of wymon 2:83-84 order', chaos and 6:90-91 order in 8:238-39,241 outer 7:1
perfection and 4:15 -16 perseverance of 2:157 fn
physical 4:372; 5:349-50; 6:430; 7:217; 10:243 plasticity of 4:368,374 plays with men 6:79-80
progress of 2:157; 5:63-64,336,360; 8:12; 10:12-13,360 protecting spiritual presence 9:339-40 psychic 10:244
puppets, moves men like 5:91 Purusha and 8:59-65; 11:107 remedy, found with the evil 5:365
science and 9:322-23
seasons of, not regular 7:387
secret of 5:363-66; 9:32l-322
sex a means used by 7:162
soul of 9:40; 10:250-51,336
spirit and 8:11
spirits of at 1 manifestations of 5:136
Page 201
sun-symbol in 3:12; 7:139 Supermind complete fullness of 9:247-48 Super nature and Supreme Mother and 7:163 surrender of one's 4:183,373-74 tamasic 5:120,415 tentacles of 10:l2
titans, vital beings in -farces of 5:150 total knowledge of physical 10:136 transformation of 8:62- 63 ,245-46 ,381 universal 7:l37-39; 16:431 victory over one's 5:2 0 way of progressing 10:12-13 will of 10:56
working of 5:344 ; 9:226-28 see also Prakriti
Nature Cure 17:351
Nazis 13:124,126
Need (s) 3:6-7,11,20; 5:414; 6:36-37; 8:140-41, 251, 258, 295; 9:94; 10:168
asking Divine for 8:122-25
conception of 12:124-25
desire and 4 :49 ,332 ,384-85 ; 8:123-24; 16:226
evolutionary 3:86,90
for sleep 17:151
for transformation 8:96,98; 17:375
the Mother granting sadhaks 16:l6
new consciousness a 2:15 6
of Abhram first 17:345
of endurance 3:136-37
of man see Man, needs of
of psychic 7:40-41,399
riset height of 17:404
slavery to 17:229,306
soul knows 16:299
spontaneous 17:375
story about 4:386; 5:368
to penetrate tamas 10:106
Negligence .
meaning 3:208-09
Nehru, Jawaharlal 13:368; 17:240 Nerves 5:224
get tired 16:83
illness and 3:89; 4:268; 17:l95
sadness; depression and 16:l20
sensations and 16:177-7 8
Nervousness 17:403
causes of 6:76
New Age Association 16:351-52
messages to 12301-08
New being 17:366-67
coming of 16:436
New birth 17-193
condition of most men 9:18-19,136,431-32
into a new consciousness 17:367-68,370-72
of a particular psychic being 17:367-68,370-72
the psychic and 9:336-38,431-32
Page 202
New consciousness 2:155; 11:284-85; 15:114-16; 17:37-4
action of 11:226-33 ,317; 17:366-67
attitude towards 8:129
experience of entering 17:89
need for 2:156
perception of death and 11:63
power of 11:267-68
recent manifest at ion of 10:248
since January 1969 17:367
teaching and 12:114
New creation 3:129,178-79; 4:107; 7:157-58; 9:l49-51; 16: 331, 430
birth pangs of 17:327
deities and 11:117 ,126
earth and 7:357; 11:116-18
humanity and 6:417-18; 1I:24-29,96-97,307
preparation for 16:353-54; 17:314,396
New life 4:70; 8 :135,243,323 ; 9:77,169-70
difficult to conceives of 9:145-51
transition to see Mother'' s body, the transformation of, painful transition
you are right in wanting 16:145
see also Supramental 1ifc
New race 16:415,430,436
aspiration for 2:164
evolution and 7:333; 9:313-14
governed by intuition 2:157-60
love and 12:68-69
Supermind and 8:127,131-33,323
transformation 7:324
New realisation 9:312-15 New worId 7:357,402; 11:316-17; 15:105-06,114-16,126-27; 16:301
action of, upon the old 4:253, 7:187; 9:148-49,156-59
birth of 9;144-51
elements introduced in 8:9-10,314
1ight in 4:70
manifestation of 7:323-24
participating in 9:150-51 ,158-59
promise of 7:326-27
transformed 6:327
Newspapers 12:148; 16:416-17; 17:19,328-29,364-65 Nietzsche, Fred
conception of superman 2:161; 10:248-49
Night 2:31; 16:232; 17:60
conscious; of 4:62
darker before dawn 16:408
going to the Mother at 4:130-31
pleasure in working at 17:362-63
sleep at 16:408-09.5 17:9
vital beings active during 3:15 Nightmares 3:47,165; 4:129,192-95; 7:24,12l; 16:l89
see also Dreams
true sense 3:278-79
Nirvana 6:392; 9:123 11:177-79
aspect of consciousness 10:100
behind all planes of being 7:248-49,318
Buddhism and 7:318; 9:4; 10:336
divine delight and 8:327
Impersonal Divine and 7:248-49
going out of the manifestation and 8:48-49,270,366; 9:1-2; 10:197
not only thing 10:191
Page 203
not used in sense of annihilation 3:202
tendency towards the Impersonal 8:114
true 3:269
Noise 16:68
of words 9:423
pleasure in loud 7:24-25
Novels 3:156; 6:107-08 ,
reading 9:366-67; 12:142-44 ,329-30 ,393 ; 16:281; 17 :66 ,69 ,158 ,364
Numbers l5:39
significance of 7:368-69; 8:90-91,93,159
Page 204
first condition for acquiring power 12:279-80
of the physical body 4:79
responsibility and 17:168
surrender and 6:63-64 ,204 ; 8:299
to the; Divine 14:165-66
to Sri Aurobindo 16:147
Objectivity 11:79-83
subjectivity and 6:363-64; 11:36-38
Obscurity 17:73-74 ,90-91 ,107 ,116 ,142
depths of 16:67
destroyed by Agni 17:106
in material things 17:104
matter not a synonym for 3:102
over coming 5:19-20
violent sensations increase 16:148
attentive 4:35
children's 12:22-25
development of power of 6:8-9;78-79 ,82-91 ,335-36
distinguishing inf1uences and 6:130-33
inner vision and 6:378-79
the Mother's 4:27-28; 6:166-67
of the ego 6:402
of the law 10:257
of one-self 4:361-62; 5:6,199-204;6:262-64,402; 7:l9-20; 8:405 12:22; 17:375
of thoughts 2:23-25,61,75; 3:183-84 ,230-31
of universal farces and vibrations 6:419-20
of workings of the body 6:36-37
sincere 16:317
superficial 16:289
work of 2:128
cf. Attentiveness; Consciousness Obsession 4 :346; 17:104-05 Obstacles
do not fear 16:149
help and 4:3,349; 7:298
hypocrisy is 17:132
in yoga 3:52-53
necessary for perfect realisation 4:118
to art 5:337-38
to charity 2:98-99
to higher nature 10:ll-12
to progress 7:298-99;10:27
to receiving the supramental 10:115
to self-giving 10:122-23
to the soul 10:24
to suppleness 10:118
Saint Genevieve and 16:34-35
Occult approach to transformation 11:60 Occult powers
better not to mention "powers" 16:36
magic and 7:264-67
Occult systems 16:235-36 Occu1t work
in the Mother's sleep 16:4
Page 205
Occult worlds 4:392; 15:338-43,366,376-80
gradations of 8:217-21
Occultism 4:124,130,230,314; 8:163-64,254,277-78,337 ; 15:34-36
adverse being , dissolving 5:96 -97,119
black magic, perverted occ:u1 t knowledge 5:180
books and 12:148
capacity for 6:109-90
children and 6:39-41
clairvoyance in 4:12 5
Consciousness; in vital worlds necessary 9:344
creation, story of , on occult plane 5; 374 death, spirit of , prevent in 5:136-38
earth, importance of in 5:7
earth-memory, domain of 5:278-82 .fear and 6:38-43,50,189-93
formation of new bodies in supramental life 9 :86,127-31 ;
formations, power of 5:133-34
future, seeing the 5: 88
hallucination and 10:41
human science and 10:354
identification, processes of 5:219-26
:in the supermental worId 9:184-88
keeping aura of protect ion 10:133
knowledge of 4:397-98; 5:180; .10:253 ;15:376,380
knowledge of, in dreams 10:125-35
magic and true 7:265-67; 9:185 (36,391-93 '
"mediums" 15:395
the Mother's practice of 6;40-41
physical science and 9:393-94; see also be1ow science and
reminiscences of Tlemcen 9:58-63 ;
science and 6 :38-40 ,190 ; 7:265-67 ; 9:393-94 ; 10: 253-54 12:88-92; 16:190
seventh creation 10:219 ..
spirit of fire 5:136-38
spirits, communication with 5:36
subtle senses and 10:133
successive palayas of universes 10:107
symbol of Paradise with serpent 10:93
tradition in, formation of first human beings 9:236-38
true 16:49
yoga and 6:189-90
see also Experiences, of other worlds; Occult...
Offering 14:105
attitude in 4:133
a difficulty 8:253
egoistic aim and 16:269-70
everything to the Divine 8:89-90
fans 17:228-29
fire and 17:127-28
flowers to the Mother 3:132
food 4:335
general and detailed 3:23
individual to Supreme Will 10:74
knowledge of 2:19-20
made with sincerity 16:21.5
means of transformation 4:339,373
money as 17:206,292
necessarily to the Supreme 16:243
of the day to the Divine 16:317
of ego to Divine 16:379
Page 206
of one's defect 16:246
of physical activities 12:391
of what one does .16:269-70,396
patience 16:396
receptivity of the whole being 4:122
surrender, consecration and 4:132-34; 5:54
to the' Divine 8:90,160,166.; 12:391; 14:319-29,336-37,348; 16:181
to the Lord 5:53 ; 14:104; 16:243 ,250 ,31.7 ,^79 ; 17:290
to the Mother 17:127
union through 3:23
use of the term 6:226-29
the will 4:117,208
work as an 8:90; 16:181
work as basis in Ashram 4:93 wrong movements 8:83-84,294,309-10,399
see also Consecration; Giving; Sacrifice; Self-giving;
Soumission; Submission; Surrender —
Old Age
causes of 12:122-23
progress and 3:238; 12:259
Olympic Rings 12:267-68 OM (AUM) 2:64; 12:449; 15:36-37 Omnipotence 3:135
meaning of 10:77-78
of the Divine 10:328
Oneness 8:75-77,245
means identity in origin 16:383
attention turned towards 16:131
blaming 16:289-90,309-10
changing 4:129,77-78,118,253,338
consecration of 4:33-37; 16:276
consciousness of 2:129; 4:33-37 ,179--81 ; 12:3,21-22
curing 4:266-67
difficulties come from 16:190
emptiness in 4:203
forget 16:178
giving, to the; Divine 15:320; 16:247,431
habit of referring everything to 2:49,101
imagination of 16:190
Judging 4:38-39
knowing 4:33-39,292; 5:201-02,300,303-04; 7:194-95; 12:167
observing 4:88,99,338,361-62,388; 5:6,199-204; 6:262-64,402;
7:19-20; 8:405; 12:22; 17:375
responsibility for 3:256-57
transforming 10:269-70; 16:426; 17:171,375
Opening (Openness) 8:145-46,305; 14:151-52
experience of sudden 6:422-23
in the vital world 7:80
the mind 4:18; 8:282,345-46; 9:345-46,399
of chakras 16:367-68
of children 11:251-52
of the psychic 4:20; 5:217
only to Divine Consciousness 17:211
passive 16:l92
receptivity and 8:345-46
self-giving and 16:98
sincerity, surrender and 8:82-83; 17:133,151 ;
tamas, dullness and 16:62
to cosmic consciousness 7:270
Page 207
to difficulty 16:116
to the Divine 3:133; 5:117; 6:388-89; 8:82-83; 17:17,61
to divine knowledge 16:217
to Divine love 16:365
to the Grace 6:323-25
to inf1uences 9:110- 11; 16:192
to the Light 4:359; 16:62
to the Mother 3:l32; 16:52,67,146-47,169; 17:61-69,128, 210-11,401
t o over code difficulties 16:383
to receive energy 16:110 , 146
to the spiritual force 16:122
to superman hood 2:160-61
to the supramental force 9:5,39 ,110-11 ,117-l8; l :241-42
why difficult 16:l46
see also Receptivity
Opinion<s> 14:287-88
action and 10:236-38
difference of 17:333-34
knowledge and 16:321
medical 17:189; see also Medical opinion
nature of 10:235-39
of others 4:379; 8:348-49
study displeasing 10:301 10 ; 301
thought and 2;23--24
Truth and 3:138; 10:865 14:214-15; 16:338
Opposites/Contraries 4:119; 10:81-82,118
co-existence of all 10:197
identity of 11:109,111-14,198-202,204,212,220,236
of joy 9:9; 12:18
perfection through 10:68
reconciling 4:12; 10:341-42
stimulus to progress 10:166-70
synthesis of 16:347
transformation and 5:276
Truth above all 10:315
union of 10:304
see also Dualities
Opposition 9:85-86
against Divine transformation 17:390
between men and wymon 2:143-47
meeting 6:370
to effort 10:66; 17:133
Optimism 6:29-30 Oracle 8:188 Order 11:253
chaos and 6:90-91
discipline of work and 4:364,372; 16:145
divine 10:259
movements in accordance with 8:3 ;
supramental god to bring back true 3:179 unity of purpose and action 3:163
experiences of universal 17:184
freedom and 12:317; 16:292
lack of, causes waste 16:43
law of, in universe 2;106
Nature and 6:90-91; 8:238-39,241
of transformation of planes 9:106
of truth 4:406
story illustrating 2:226-30
Page 208
cf . Organisation Orders, of the Mother 13:161
catastrophe if disobeyed 17:302
only for those perfectly surrendered 17:232
Ordinary conscience
voice of 16:249-50
Ordinary consciousness 3:167; 10:181
appearances and 10:179
determinism and 6a357
education deaden 5:290
falsehood of 10:347
science and 3:161
spiritual and 12:405; 16:227; 17:19,92-96,114
supramental and 5:302; 9:275-77,280-82 transformation of 3:178
Ordinary life 3:123!; 12:153-54,165; 17:379
artificaity of 9:277-78
A s h ram and 16:332
boredom in 4:89,205-06
consciousness drawn to 17:72
desires in 16:134
giving up pleasures of 16:139
higher or 17:379
ideal of 8:57-58
indissolubly linked with suffering 3:248
reading about 17:152,364-65
ruled by mind 3:183
satisfactions of 16:136
spiritual life and 10:69; 12:403-06; 16:335
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:382
students and 12:361-63
way of 9:18-195 11:213-19
around the psychic 6:5-6; 8:22,174-76, 337-38, 381; 10:97; 11:29:1-92
around the psychic centre 4:40,195,229
castes, social 5:247-48
children and 6:12-13
consciousness and 6:14,320
developing sense of 6:86-89
disorder and 13:160-63
for the elite 12:181
freedom and 16:292
in the Ash ram see Sri Aurobindo Ashram, organisation of
inner, for progress 5:50,336,339; 16:164
mind and 15:329-33
of Aurovi11e 13:205-06,225
of the body, falsehood in 11:226-27
of circumstances 6:175-77; 386-87
of c consciousness 6:320 ; 8:174 - 76 ,337-38 ,381 ; 17:156
of life and work 6:13-16; 17:156-57,244,293-94
of the universe 6:284
origin and, of ideas 6:13-14; 8:346; 9:250-52
resistance to 17:167
thoughts and 9:251-54
cf. Order
Page 209
Others 2:92
acting like 9:43-48 . . actions for spiritual good of 2:67-70 advising 16:46-47 affinities for 9:179-81; 17:94 appreciation of 16:265-68 are a mirror .16: 299 -347 atmosphere of 17:97,121,140 attitude between the Mother and 12:332 attitude towards 10:22-23; 17:57 blaming 6:97
choose your relationships well 16:119-21 communicating peace and joy to. 16:192 comparison with 17:31 contact with 9:133-34; 17:56-58 ,61 ,94 ,116-17 contempt. for 17:306
criticism of 12:185; 16:273,275,282 defects in ourselves and 5:257-58; 16:299 differences of opinion with 17:333-34 difficulties of 16:63
dissociation (detaching) from 16:191; 17:137,206 error to ridicule 10:21 experience <E> o f 5:362 -66 fan1ts of 17:167 ,206-07 feeling atmosphere of 17:121,140,161,197 having courage for 16:193
having wronged 17:397 helping 2:57-58,69; 6:450-53; 9:407-08,415-17; 16:l92;
17:67,79,95-96,118-20,144,161,377,386; see also Help,
given to inf1uence of 4: 27 ,36 ; 6:168-69,213-14; 7:245-46;16:191, 17:28-29, 61, 68,124,161 Intelligent people and 5:226-27 intimacy with ,17:170 jealousy of 16:116
judging 8:2 , 10; 9:131-36 ; 12:391 ; 161:93 ,268 ,274 ,320-21 knowing nature of 17:121-22 knowing oneseIf and 5:201- 04,300 ,301-0 4 love for the Divine and 17:54,378 making fun of 17:41 meditating a 1one and with 3:98 meeting in dreams 16:408 mental affinity with 2:69; 4:227 mixing and talking with 16: 86; 17: 22-23, 33-34, 53, 58, 61,136, 53,165-66 the Mother and relations with see Mother, (2) the, relations
with others nature of 17:121-22
needs of 16:299 never talk about 16:63 not speaking to 16:86-87 opinion sot 4:379 ; 8:348-49 passing depression to ,17;77 past 1ives of 5:35 peace with .17:376
progress of 2:103, 11:208-09; 13:149-59; 17 :40 protection from 17:238 . relationships with see Relations, with others (Relationships) remarks about 17:38,155,206 reports of 17:387 seeking approbation of 8:348-49
Page 210
sensitivity of 2:69
shock from 16:347
smiling at 17:39
suffer ing of 17:105
suggestions of 17s35.,385
sympathy for 17:147
talking with 16;86; 17s22-23,33-34,53,58,61,136,153,165-66
thinking about 16=133,185; ,l7;167
troub1G •f rom 17:207,293
trouble one takes for, is never in vain 1.6 s82
understanding 4:157s 5 ;74--75 ,220-21 ,299-304 ,311-12
uneasiness with 17;36
union with 2s.110-11
wanting help from ,1.7s 93 ' what others say 16s158
when to abstain from thinking about 16s185
will acting on 17:26-29
see a1 so Man/Mankind; Mother, (5) the; People
Outer be i ng 17:101,103
language of 4;366 fn
1 ike a crust 3:7
meditation and 6;427--28
psychic being and 7s065 16;249
purification of 17;409 ' .
see also Exterior being
Outer consciousness 17:12'5 ,140 ,143 ,159
inner consciousness and 10:155-56
psychic consciousness and 5s2582 16sl68
Outer nature 17:35,37
inner consciousness and 7sl
the psychic and 7;20-21 ,110,221,263-64
tamasic tendency of 16;303
ui > i on w i th 16 a 156
Overhead regions
psychic and 17s69
Overmind, the 4:165,220,396
archetypes and 7;122
beings of 5:283-845 16s237
emanations of 5:308-09
far below the true Divine 3;173
"fashioners" of 7:158
godheads (gods) of 8:33,36; 16;235; 17:52 goddesses and 7;158-62,244 the psychic and 6:161 to participate in supramental creation 98149-51
inspiration and 10:5
mastery of 16s236
Narada froni 10:204
psychic being and 5s265,325? 7;07
space and time? in 3; 3.65
Superniind and 3:173 74; 4; 220; 5; 263-845 7;209-1016-235 :
work of 16s235
see also Overmind...
Overmind being 9;150
1ife and 16:237
psychic being and 5:265,325; 7:87
Overmind consciousness 16;235-36 Overmind creation 9;148-50
the two sexes in 9s103-04
Overmind entities 5s265
Page 211
Overmind world 10s204
Page 212
Pain 8:83-85; 10;246; 12:295-96
artistic creation and 6:379-83
curing, methods of- 7 : 130-32 ,149-50 ; 8 : 213-14
delight and 10:158,334-35,351
the Divine Mother and 10:170
fear and 10:l71 from suggest ions 17:158
go right to heart of 12:75
healed by Sri Aurobindo 9:254
how not to feel 16:325
illness and 6:406-08
knowledge, ignorance and 6:287-89
mind and 10:359
of wrongly re-entering the body 17:412
only during sleep 17: 414-15
progress and 8:214 ; 12:75
separation and 7:401
sexual desires and 12:296
suffering, the Divine and 5:385-86 ; 6:287-89 ; 16:411
teaching body to bear 10:171-72
three quarters imaginary 17:63
transforming into pleasure 7:149-50
value of 10:351-53
see also Suffering Painters
conscious hands of 16:363
sec also Artists Paintings (s) 11:98; 12:235-39; 15:292-96
"plane" from which they come 16:118 Pakistan and India 5:190 ; 13:372-74 ; 16 : 326-28; 17:264-67,376 Palmistry 15:39 ; 16:279
Paradise see Heaven Paradoxes 4:11,222 Parents
aspiration and receptivity of 5:216
authority of, is a symbol 4:92
children and 5:381-82; 11:211; 12:367,434-35,446; 14:314-15
conception of children 2:154-, 4:260; 5:413; 8:201,335
in Ashram, role of 5:289-90; 12:367
influence of, on children 5:243 ,411-13 ; 8:200 ,204 ,392
relations between children and 4:27-28
wickedness of, passed to children 5:412-13
developed psychic chooses parents 4:145; 5:215,412
duty to, and the Divine 17:l62
visiting one's 16:412 Paris
mental atmosphere of 2 :87 in 1914 saved from being taken by Germans 6:69 Passion 5:211 ,213-14 ; 6:376-77; 17:87
meaning of 16:177
passing by or through people 6:430 Passivity
activity, receptivity and 6:ll2 -14 inert 6:210; 17:24-25 Past, the 7;35 ; 15:76-79
attitude towards 17:301-02
casting away of ordinary 3:l76 ; 16:364
coming before one's eyes 17:397
contacting the Divine and 16:371
forgetting 16:186,265; 17:363
future and 12:148,169,404-06
lessons of 2:157
progress and 16:l7
self giving and 16:364 Past life/lives 4:71,151,183,255; 5:33-37
effort in 4:329-30 future and 16:353
memory of 3:40-41 ,148-49 ; 6:21-22 ; 10:97; 15:135,137;
16:399; 17 : 371
psychic consciousness of 7:221
psychic experiences in 4:143-49,151; 7:374
psychic memory of 5:33-37; 9:293; 15:361-64 ; 16:350-51 ,424
rebirth and 16 : 353,395
remembrance and choice 4 : 143-47 ,151 ,183
resolving to work together 5:2 Path
"being on the" 16:319
best for each to find her own 16:323,383
certainty of victory brightens 17 : 189
Eightfold 3:248-50
Middle 3:190 ; 5:358 ; 10:204
of devotion 8 : 43,126,252-53,300,324-25; 10:331-64
of knowledge 8:43,46,126,300,304-05; 10:1-273
of works 8 : 43-44,126,300,324-25 ; 10:277-328
of yoga see Yoga, path of
return to straight 17;62
very long 16 : 375; 17:376 Patience 4:95,117,183,251,336; 12:150; 14:175-78
against hostile forces 16:188
arm yourself with 17 : 136,193,293,350
difficulties and 16:144
for passions to cool 17:302
in looking at everything 17:129
in offering 16:396
sincerity and 17:126,376
story illustrating 2 : 193-97
things take time 16:87
will for 16:145
with childen 16:202
cf. Perseverance
Pavitra (P.B. St. Hilaire) 13:186-87 Peace 6:313-14; 12:114,123; 13:372; 14:145-48; 15:88
action of, on body 4:266
aim of old spirituality 9:298
allow it to penetrate you 16:150
always with you 16:117
base of yoga 17:129
basis of realisation 9:298
being quiet to solve problem 9:423-24
best for union 17:168
best way to be 16:315
bringing down 16:231 ; 17:163,316
by turning thoughts towards the Mother 16:122
call in 16:153
communicating it to
the divine and 14:148 don't spoil by talk 17:95
Page 213
essential condition for 16:431
given as a gift 4:409-410
higher state than immobile 9:305
ignoring falsehood for sake of 17:305
immutable (invioble) 17:181,381
in the Ashram 16:7
in the Mother's arms 16 : 149 ; 17:128
in vital and spiritual force 16:122
in what the Divine wants 17:378
in your heart 16:140,148
inertia and 11:41,161-64
inner, for receiving Force 4:63,97
Japa and 16:305-06
love and 17:86-87 ,110 ,120
mental 16:59
miseries and 16:195
the Mother's blessings for 17:357
the Mothers experiences of transformation and see Mother's
body, the, transformation of, peace the Mother's presence and 17:123 not a hardening 16:190 not feeling 17:127 , 143 of certitude and confidence 16:115-16
of eternity 17:107 outward 17:107
Positive and negative 6:361
progress and 5 : 266-67; 9 : 305 ; 15 :199 ; 17:97 receiving 4:409-10 ; 16:146 ; 17:60-61 sadhana and 17:96-97 Savitri verses, the Mother's commentary upon two 5:388-91
shaking off 17:121,127
silence and 17:55 , 126
stepping back 3:160
strong and luminous 17 : 16 8
suffering and 11:282
through work and self-mastery 5:35-66
to become conscious of , repeat "Peace, peace, 0 my heart" 16:130,150
to end troubles 17:93
T r u t h - consciousness and 5:65-66
war and 15:47-48 ,64-65
will make you strong and joyful 16:116
wit h others 17 : 376
see also Silence
c f. Calm; Quiet People
best not to listen to 16:214
don't bother about what they believe or say 16:170
live in their sensations 2:130
meeting, and wrong vibrations 16:358
what they say, of little importance 16:209
who criticise 16:270
will always have something to say 16:277
see also Humanity; Man/Mankind; Others; Relations Perception
action and 10; 291
direct, of divine law 2:159
faith, aspiration and 10:161
falsehood of 10:98
hearing and 10:226
Page 214
objective 4 : 12, 222-23 , 230 , 235
of Beauty behind all things 10:72
of body 8:55
of destructive and constructive vibrations 10:181
of difference between ordinary and true vibrations 10:202
of evil from above 10:72
of inner God 2:40
of inner reality of people 10:229
of mental activity during sleep 2:33
of other worlds 10:39
of past, present, future 10:49
of real Soul 2:165
of solitude 10:231
of suffering of humanity 2 :126
perfection and 10:224
physical world and true 10:45,187
prevents us from seeing Lord 10:154 - 55
reason and 10:291 Perfected race 6:417 Perfection 4:214 ,233 ,326 ,329 ; 12:3-4 ,118-20 ; 15:85-66
as power of life 10:230
at each instant 10:205
balance and 4:14-16,24
blows and divine 10:58
conscious and unconscious 11:194
crude means of 10:168
degrees of 17:177
developing one's own qualities of 2:106
disorder on earth and 10:92
divine 16:320
equilibrium and 10:107-08
finding in yourself 10:23
from above and below 9:86-87,90-94
global approach to Divine 10:l05
harmony and 10:266
higher, of spiritual life 2:161
ideal leading to 9:97
in man and monkey 2:159
in supermind 8:28-29
in work 2:51 ; 10:309 ; 14:325-30
increasing, in supramental world 9:185-89
inner 8:3
is the Divine as a whole 10:104
lack of in methods of Science 10:208
mind and 10:69
moral 9:409-10
the Mother on 8:20,34,233-34
obstacle to 2:52
of an action 10:308-09
of body see Body , perfection of
of environment 10:312
of external being 12:4
of life 10:157
of maimed 10:46
of manifestation 10:218-19
of negative method 10:71
of psychic personality 10:29
of sight 10:229
of society 10:308
of soul 10:312 ; 17:78
of unity 2:164
Page 215
path towards, and work 16:353
perception and 10:224
progress and 4:14-16 ; 10:166
progressive, of creation 16:427-28
psychological 8:36-42
quickest way towards 10:52
reaction and 10 : 311
realisation of 17:361
relative 6:417-18
role of love and fear in 10:333
through opposites 10:68
varies from species to species 2:159
virtue and 10:157
way of synthetic 2:158 fn
weakness and strength necessary for 10:101
western idea of 10:104
what it must be 17:375
what offends our aspiration for, seems ugly 10:46 Permanence 17:402-03 Persecution
chamber of torture 4 : 304
horrors of First World war 4:304
a new path-finders 4:317-18
of religions in Persia 4:316-18 Perseverance 2:41 ; 4:53-54 ,88 ,95 ,117 ,181 ,247 ,251 ; 7:84,104-05;
12:151 ,336 ; 14:171-73 ; 17:103,377
difficulties and 16:133
finding soul and 10:25
in study 16:l45
in unifying one's being 16:396
living for Divine and 16:295-96
of nature 2:157 fn originates in psychic 4:254
story illustrating 2:193-97
success and 16:184
will with 2:90
work and 2:49
see also Endurance; Persistence Persistence
vital and 14:171 ; 16:198
see also Perseverance Person , the 11:110
Personal effort see Effort, personal Personality 15:309-10 ,355-58
central being and 17:85
complex, extract from Synthesis 3:169
crumbling of limited 2:39
desire and passion cloud the 3:117
divine 3:169
exterior, and rebirth 3:145-46
illusion of 2:52-54,125 sensitivity and 2:55 suffering and 2:56-58
in the vital world 6:258
mental 10:27
method of increasing 2:53
perfection of psychic 3:150 ; 10:29
purified and made stronger by surrender 3:116-17
relationships and 2:68-70 ; see also Relations with others (Relationships)
Page 216
separate 8:52-53,306 10:264
superman consciousness and 11:149-50
Universal 10:255
universal consciousness and 8:378-81
victory over egoistic 2:66
see also Individuality
cause of, mind's intervention 9:299-300 .
correcting, themocautery 9:307
disease of man 9:l00-01,180-81
of body 9 : 162-64 Pessimism 4:22
dissatisfaction and 17:408
of no use 16:l87
subconscient and 16:425
weapon of the devil 11:256-57
cf. Discouragement Pests
killing 17:l04 Pettiness 17:407
no longer tolerable 16:427
want it to disappear 16:92 Phenomena 17:394 Philanthropy 4:66,290; 7:54; 14:296
film "Monsieur Vincent" 5;16
magnified egoism l0s83
service of humanity; an ambition 5:12-16 Philosophy 4:216,370; 12:374
experience of the Reality and 6:24-27
philosopher and 4:195
reading 17:365
spiritual, and developed mind 9:344
Truth and 9:406-07
understanding 17:144 Photographs 8:163 ; 16:233-34
coloured 7:44-45
the Mother's 7:275 Photography 4:300 ; 12:244
brochure : "The Family of Man" 9:3-4 Physical, the 7:218; 11:269; 14:383-86; 15:323
direct contact with the Supreme 11:173
psychic and 6:5-6; 11:291-92
Supramental and 15:119,124
Transformation and 15:96-97
true 7:217-18
see also Body ; Physical ... Physical activities
offering to Divine 12:391 Physical appearance
insult and 16:32 Physical being 17:73-74
concentration and 16:24
consciousness of 12:347
not expressive of the eternal Reality 16:228
progress and 7:425-26 ,
psychic and 16:367 ; 17:73
to be a perfect instrument 12:73
true and deformed 7:218
yoga in 16:359 Physical body see Body
Page 217
Physical consciousness 3:130-31 ; 9:107-11; 10:26; 12:46,345; 17:98
body and 5:58-59
body-consciousness and 16:231
coming out of 8:300-01
definition of 16:221 ,231
desire in madmen 11:189-90
Divine and 16:431
habits of 4:367-68
is ignorant 7:223-26,380
limitation of 10:26
mind contaminates 10:325
most material during March Past 5:259
Nature and 4:372
normal consciousness in most human beings 3:130
obscure in most men 11:189-90
psychic and 5:259
rigidity of 10:72
showing truth to 3:130-31
silence of 16:236
Sri Aurobindo's yoga and 16:392
transformation of 6:109-11
under psychic influence 6:419
see also Body-consciousness Physical culture 8:25,238-43; 10:30-31; 12:50-55
beauty and 12:287
consciousness movement 9:135-55
demonstration of 12:391
in integral yoga 9:81-82
progress and 8:196-97 sex and 12:379 see also Physical education
Physical determinism 6:48-49,51-52
Physical education 12:354-56 aim of 8:243; 12;275-78,298 body's receptivity and 12:294-95
captains of 9:180-81; 12:109,160,355-56,360,364-68;
16;263,283,295,403-04 discipline and 12:382-84,392,395 effect of environment on body 5:296 fear during gymnastics, etc. 5;119-20,169 laziness, doing strenuous exercise 5:l20-21 messages for competitions 12:275-81 of the body 12:7-8,12-17,275-81,285 perfection, physical ,uninterrupted growth in 5:120-15 physical transformation and 12:278-81 prayers of groups, with the Mother's replies 12:271-74 programme at Ashram 16:275 to satisfy everyone 16:273 sports and 12:289-90; 16:403 suppleness through yogic force 5:268 teacher of learning identification 5:299-301 see also Exercise(s); Physical culture; Sports
Physical energy absorbing 16:224
Physical habits 6:158-59,162-63
Physical liberation 12:71
Page 218
Physical life
changes in 14:232-33
the Divine and 15:374
existence of marvellous opportunity 9:41 ; 16:164
field for progress 5:50 ,206-07 ,339 ; 7:76 9:270 ; 12:185-86; 16:164,434
inevitability gone 11:228-33
organisation of 6:13-16
origin of 5:70-71
transformation of 3:128 ; 5 :59 Physical-mental Knowledge 16:40-41 Physical mind 4:50,182,225; 8:390; 14:362,366; 17 890-91 ,153-59 passim
blindness of 16:205
conversion of vital and 3:144
dissolves at death 3:149
doubt and 6:224-25
individuality and 6:258
knowledge of God through 10:43-44
love and 6:107-08
mechanical mind and 6:317-19
most difficult to change 9:106 the Mother's see Mother's body, the transformation, of physical mind
the Mother's experiences of 11:4,69,93-95,279-80,284,293-95
pride and blindness of 16:205
realisation of formations in 10:128
Science and 3:161
Supramental and 11:270-80,284 ; 13:63-64; 15:117
under sway of vital wor1d and hostile forces 3:61
cf. Body-mind Material mind Physical nature
harmony of true 4:372 ; 7:217 Physical plane 15:6 Physical transformation 4:18; 6:47,109-11 ; 12:346
(body) mind and 11:16-21,74,280
body to attain its supreme capacity 9:84-87,100-11
changing thought first 9:131-32
physical education and 12:278--81
subconscient and 7:83 Physical vision 5:410 ; 244-45
see also Mother's body, the, vision of ; Vision Physical world 15:9-10,91-92
appearances in, deception of 10:300
beauty in 10:300
crystallisation of universe 5:272-73
decomposition of 5:206-07
destiny and 15:307-13
difficulties of 6:207-08
Divine vibration and 11:249
mastery of 16:236
the Mother's vision of 10:139-40
true perception and 10:25,45,187
resistance of 6:207
symbol of universal movements 5:272
transformation of 5:275-76
true perception of 10:187
world of form 8:216
under sway of vital world 3:61
see also Material world
Physical yoga see Mother's body, the transformation of Pictures 17:72
Page 219
Pity 17:10
love and 10:360
nature of 10:360 Planchette
automatic writing 9:362-68 Plans
ambitious 17:297
for the creation 17:303-04
in advance 17:l90 P1ane (s)
awaken to consciousness of 16:163
between mind and Supermind 3:94
cosmic 16:236
mental 3:60-62,65 ,156 5 15;75
of consciousness, individual, determinism and 3:58-59
spiritual 3:64
vital see Vital world(s) / plane(s)
see also Consciousness, planes of Planets
beings on other 7:166
flying saucers 7:164-63
going to other exteriorisation 7:165
Martians 7:164
matter on other 7:163 Plant(s)
aspiration in 3:132 ; 8:24-26
consciousness in 4:240 ; 6:180-81 ; 8:26; 9:210-11
divine Presence in Nature 8:223-24
flowers and, sense of beauty, significance 4:l66-67
identification with a tree 3:168
in Japan 4:306-07
kerosene and 17:17
open to the Mother's influence 3:132
opening to the Divine? 17;17
psychic in 4:26
subtle physical takes rest in 8:338
transition from, to animal 9:210-11
trees, abode of vital beings 8:26
vanity in 4:29
see also F1ower (s) Plasticity 10:29--30 ; 14:153
manifestation of new forces and 10:220
of the body 8:25
of physical consciousness and nature 4:368,374
progress and 7:208-09
supramental 3:175-76
to Divine will 4:207-08
total 10:115
understanding and 4:l57 Plato
ideas and 2:76 P1ay(ing) 12:90-91
Anu's play, "Raukumar" 17:216
children and 12;134;; 17sl52
consequences of knowing and not knowing what's going to happen 10:150
Divine 6:267-68 ; 10:51-52 ,103 ; 11:39-40
of Lord 10:148-49
He plays with you if you know how 10:159 tragedy and 10:149
Page 220
marb1es 17:155-56
place in yoga 17:159-60
work and 12:186 Playground
presence at distribution in 17:209,212
work of the Mother at Balcony Darshan and 7:257-59 Pleasure 12:384
Ananda, ecstasy, joy and 16:297-98
bliss and 10:315
detachment from 8:327-28
Delight and 9:22-23,40-41
Divine presence and 8:121 ; 10:69
do work with 16:113
excitement and joy 8:263-64 ,328-29
in late night work 17:362-63
joy, depression and 8:84-85,191-92
of the vital 16:136,201 ; 17:160
pain and 9:40-41
perversion of Ananda 16:399
renunciation of 6:301-02
suffering and 16:297-98
to receive Ananda 6:292 ; 8:121
transforming "enjoyings" 8:376-77
see also Delight Poetry 12:243
beauty in 7:279
philosophy and 7:278
poets, expressing ideas 7:93
"sensuousness (sensuality) of the spirit" 7:278-795 12:243
study of 17:340-42
writing of, and inspiration 16sl38 Politics 15:61,426-28
in Auroville 13:226
international 15:64-65,355
money and, resistance to supramental action 9:166-69
the Mother and 13:51
politician, true 7:301
solution economics 7:304-05
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:124-30; 17:202-03
steeped in falsehood 16:337
transformation difficult 7:301-02
Truth and 16:376
unconverted 7:307
world politics, America and Russia in 7:304
see also Government(s) Pondicherry 13:381-83; 15:325 ; 16:7-9 ; 17:371
atmosphere of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother 13:75-76
the Mother and 13:43,63,109
the Mother's coming 7:387-88
seasons, irregular 7;367-88
Sri Aurobindo and 13:30,109,383
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:129 ; 15:325
world War II and 13:126 Portraits
wearing -for protection 6:234-35 Positivism
necessary period of 6:197
without attachment 6:429
see also Asceticism Possession 3:42-49 ; 17:114
cases of 4:184-88 ; 5:42-49
Page 221
of body by an asuric or rakshasic being 16:249
of body by adverse forces 5:97 ; 6:245-48 ,434-36
of nothing, and happiness 3:253-54 Possibi1ity(ies) 4:78 ; 11:255-57, 317,320,330
best possible happens 4:213-15
development of 17:169
we put limitations 6:124 Poverty 10:313-14
attitude towards 10:268
Auroville and 10:269-70
ego and 10:271-72
society and 10:269-71
spirituality and 3:53-54 Power(s) 14:l83
anger as deformation of vital 10:81
body and 10:230
call in cells for 10:168
can tolerate nothing but union 10:1 76
destruction of , in Europe 10:142
Divine see Divine power
Divine will and 12:393; 17:11
exhaustion of personal 4:180 first condition for 12:279-80 for progress 10:47 governing everything 10:231
hate is a sword, of 10:281
idea and sensation of 10:185
idea of Mahakali's 4:397
in idols 10:95-96
knowledge and 3:221; 8:140,190,352,360; 10:208
money, sex, and 4:381-82
misuse and right use of 3:7-8
neutrality and 10:175
of action of bad thoughts 2:90-91 of changing things 8:101-02
of choice 10:287
of collective prayer 9:369-70
of discernment 3:185
of dissolution and progress 10:173
of Divine Love, and transformation 3:171-72; 10:261
of evolution and serpent 10:93
of experience 10:185
of immobility 8:66-68,330-31
of immortality 10:83-84
of knowledge and wisdom 10:1-3 passim
of love 10:72-73
of mastery 8:351-52
of new consciousness 11:267-68
of perfect harmony 10:233-34
of prediction 10:129
of pure Love 10:202
of purification 10:72-73
of silence 10:213-15
of soul over matter 10:209-10
of thought 2:l07,153-545 ; 5:19 ,132-33,387 ; 9:186
of thought formations 2:85-86,108
of true consciousness 10:192
of the vital 8:73,298-99
of words 2:63-65; 7:346-50
possession of 4:86
Page 222
spiritual 2:109
material and 10:294
static and dynamic 4:368-69
Supreme, destroys vital being 4:187
sweetness in complete without 10:282
tapasya of 12:55-56
that arranges everything 10:144
that dissolves 10:173
to amuse ourselves like the Lord 10:150
to be 10:231
to change truth into falsehood 10:39-40
to heal 10:325
to observe law rigidly is basis of freedom 10:257
to open understanding 10:1210
Truth-Power 10:185,194-95
which does everything 10:234 Practice 17:31
ideal and 17:90
integral , and theoretical knowledge 3:228
mite of, more precious than mountains of talk 3:201
worth more than resolutions 16:274 Prahlad 17:9 Praise
depreciation and 16:170
loathing for, under influence of Agni 3:138
vita's hunger for 3:137-38 Prakriti 16:237
Divine Mother and 7:207
not feminine and masculine 6:118-19
power of Nature transferred to Purusha 11:107
Purusha and 7:207; see also Purusha
see also Nature Pra1aya(s) 6:171; 7:208; 10:107,191,219; 11:311
civilisations disappearing 5:250
destruction of universe 4:23 fn ; 10:99,107; see also Universe, creation...
explanation of tradition 4:218
idea of 5:353
peace, sovereign, with world's disappearance 5:390
cf. Creation Pranam
to the Mother 15:37; 16:89,166; 17:27,29-30,46,61,64,99,342 Prayer(s) 8:228,255; 15:221-36; 17:30,70-71
an imprudent 16:32-33
aspiration and 5:93,141-45
children and 12:334
collective 9:37-39,369-70
different types of 5:141-44
efficacy of 16:23
for Grace 17;381
for little things 16:278
intellectuals, their idea of 5:145
intense, a grace for men 5:89-90
making effort and 16:275
mechanical, value of 5:141
the Mother's 17:176
mystics, importance for 5:145
of cells of the body 11:91-95 ; 12:283-84
of the Creative Power 9:332-33
of physical education groups, with the Mother's replies 12:271-74
Page 223
of religions 16:235
of Saint Genevieve 16:34-35
response to 16:354
spontaneous 8:228-29
vain people, despise it 5:93
value of 10:165
weather and 6:201
whom to pray to? 5:165
with the body 16:76
Prayers and Meditations see Mother (2), the, writings of
Precaution 16:l5-16
Predestined being 6:386-87
Preference(s) 4:202 ,208 ; 10:25, 353 ; 17;178
choice and 4:1-3,327 ; 8:398-99 , 405-07 ; see also choice
desire and 4:1,12,388; 8:256,398-99,407; see also Desire
for ideas 2:75,77
judgment and 2:57
the Mother has no 17:53
only to carry out Divine will 17:55
rising above 2:25
subconscious 2:154
vital and 16:113 Premonition 17:112-13 Preparation
for receiving help 17:190
mental 17:85-86 Presence, the see Divine Presence Present, the 15;79 Pressure 4:206 Pretense 4:75,339 ; 12:129 Prevision
crystal-gazing 5:231
foretelling events 5:88
premonitions the 1if t-boy's story 5:191 Pride 10:12 ; 14:279
asceticism and 6:301,429
being sad and 16:71
discipline and 6:302
doing "great things" 16:l82
invites blows 16:92
leads to ruin 16:108
of being worshipped 6:195-96
of physical mind 16:205
wrong feeling of 16:63-64
see also Ego; Egoism; Vanity Priest
occult knowledge of 4:397 Prizes 12:365-66 Problem(s) 4:1,386; 16:216
answers, finding them in book 8:163-65
concentrating to solve a 8:183 ; 10:135
of existence 8:266-70
of vital being 8:298-99
pushed into sub-conscient 8:19
recurring 8:19
solved during sleep 4:61 Progress 5:44-45 ; 12:33-35,53,153,163,168,173-74,356,377 ;
action and 16:397-98
adverse forces and 7:16,18 ; 8:22-23 ; 10:120-22
after death 5:261-64
Page 224
Agni as will for 17:81,148
all can be opportunity for 17:l96
are you aware of making 16:118
arousing desire for 12:171
as goal of life 16:429-30
aspiration for 2:69 ; 6:175-77,337-38 ,386-87 ; 8:205-07 ; 10:34;
16:304-05 assessing 16:304-05 at each moment 2:93; 5:48-52,202 attitude towards sports and 6:28-29 blows from Divine and 4:122 ; 10:48,57-58 ;16:92 body's capacity for 5:112-16,207,210,260-61,267-68 ; 7:208-09 ;
8:196-97 ; 10:29 ; 11:95-96,98,141; 12:259,359-60,288-83 ;
boredom, learning and 5:48-52 ; 12:73-76 broken, impressions of 16:113 change of being and 4:102-03,116 change of consciousness and 4:336 competitions and 12:289 conscious and willed 5:63-66; 16:74 consciousness and 17:113,160-61 curve of 7:324 danger and 12:155 ; 16:335 death and 12:346 defects and 16:246 depends on divine Will 9:129-30 depression and 4:116 ; 7:10-11 desire and 10:263 ; 16:428 desire for 2:93 ;103 despair and 10:56-57 destruction and 17:256 different kinds of 7:309
difficulties and 6:242-44,323-26,357-58,464; 17:84 discipline and 3:20-2l ; 12:382-84 disintegration of forms and 10:90 dissatisfaction and 17:l22 dissolution and 7:208 the Divine and 15:84 Divine Grace and 9:298 Divine will and 9:130 double movement, individual and collective 8:132-33,264-65 ;
9:l41-42 doubt and 10:27 earthly life time of 5:50,206-07,339 ; 7:76 ; 9:270; 12:185-86 ;
16:164,434 easy 1ife and 12:395 effort for 4:7 ; 5:102-04 ; 7:202 ; 8:196,209,360-61 ; 9:l73-74,
316-18 ; 12:137 ; 16:179-80,291,315 endless 5:58-62,203 energy of 7:102
equilibrium important to 6:180 everything becomes an opportunity for 6:154-55 ; 10:301 exceptional chance now for 16:421 experiences and 6:351-55 faith in 5:144 faster, in sports 16:412 fasting not a spiritual 9:117-18 fear and 17:118
followed by immobility 3:87-88 forgiveness and 10:47 Free Progress (System) see Free Progress (System)
Page 225
from life to life 9:268-70
greatest obstacles to 10:27
group and individual 2:60 ; 12:39-40 , 181-82
guided by psychic being 4:146,151,165
guru subject to law of 12:63-64
happiness and 16:32
horizontal and vertical 7:35-36 humility and 5:45-46 ; 17:163 hypocrisy opposes all 5:31 idea of 3:194
identification with others to make 5:219-22 illusion of, by ascetic methods 6:428 image of European 10:311 in delight 10:52
in an evolving world 5:334-36 ; 10:56-57 in light of the ideal 2-49 ; 4:30-39 in routine 17:311-12 in spirals 5:335-36 ; 9:174 in supramental life 9:188-89 in yoga 5:206-07 ; 8:209 ; 17:40 individual 2:86 ; 9:141-42 ; 10:56-57
collective and 8:132-33,264-65
group and 2:605 12:39-40,181-82
reincarnation assures 9:2l4-16
self-perfection can make for 2:66
stages of development of 9:197-98
thought formation and 2:86
universal and 7:427 inner progress 2:146
applying materially 4:l81
of earth 3:39-40
unity and 6:428 integral 2:38 ; 7:197,309
joy of 8:20,84-85,253 ; 9:316-17 ; 10:166 ; 16:46 ; 17:191 Krishna's influence changed 10:61 law and 10:259-60 lies in widening 12:185-86 love of 2:76
material comfort and 16:296 may not be apparent 16:l33 meditation and 3:20-21 ; 5:44-46,267 mental 4:203 ; 5:253-54 ,359-60 ; 9:134-36 method to 16:317
misfortune, changing inner attitude and 5:192 the Mother's rapid 17:208 never to sit down 9:35,63, 188-89 not by boasting 17:167 objectivisation and 10s!62-63 of body 5:268 ; 7:208-09 ; 16:429 of earth, money and 16:373 of evolution 10:89-90
of humanity 2:101 ; 3:203-06,273 ; 12:305 of ideal and energies 2:49 of man 10:272-73
of manifestation 6:31-32 ; 8:325-26 ; 10:224 of mentality since time of Buddha 3:235-36 of Nature 2:157 ; 5:63-64 ,336,360 ; 8:12 ; 10:12-13 ,360 old age and 3:238 ; 12:259 on earth 17:102,109,375 on one's birthday 16:396-97 only remedy for backward, movement 10:47
Page 226
opinion of others and 8:348-49
opportunity for 16:164
opposites are stimulants to 10:166-70
pain and 12:75
past and 16:l7
peace and 5:266-675 9:305 ; 15:199 ; 17:97
perfection and 4:14-16 ; 10:l66
perpetual 2:25 ; 4:23,200 ; 5:58 ,312-13 ; 7:325
physical culture and 8:196-97
plasticity and 7:208-09
possibility for 17:401
power of dissolution and 10:173
prevented by disobedience 17:64
preventing, through self-justification 8:374-75
profound law and purpose of earthly life 3:298
psychic and 4:149,163,165 ; 5:203-06,265,359-60 ; 7:76,425 ;
9:268-70 ; 10:31 psychic life and 17:l22 quicker with Kali's help 17;375 reaction perfects and hastens 10:311 receptivity and 7:142 relativity of things and 8:6 religion and 5:32 remorse and 16:45-46 resistance to 2:31 ; 5:270-71 ; 8:209 responsibility and 5:300-01 sadhana and 7:33,197,344 search for the Divine and 7:373 self-control indispensable for 17:376 should be outcome of need 17:375 showing faults and 16:168-69 sign of life 9:174 simplification and 16:303 sincerity the key to 3:192-93 skepticism and 10:27 spiritual progress 16:316 ; 17:385
parents and 16:412
last stage of 5:57-58 Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:314,333 stable and genuine 17:118,153-54 stage by stage 4:181 stopped by egoism, vanity, Jealousy 5:46,219-20 ; 16:128 ;
suffering and 4:295,355; 10:50; 12:75; 17:119 tamas and 12:397
things inadmissible and useless for 8:5-6 thinking only of going forward 9:412 three ways of 16:433-34 thought and 2:60,86
through telling things to the Mother 6:199 through what seems bad 10:49 trance or samadhi as sign of 8:275-77 transformation and 5:266 truth from above and 10:145 two kinds of 9:396 two sides, negative and positive 8:22 understanding and 9:l34-36 uneven 6:35-36,95-96 universal 5:336 ; 8:233-34,325-26 unlimited 8:387 vice and virtue used in 10:267 ; 16:246
Page 227
vital and 4:52 ;5:256-59 passim, 425 ; 16:297,397-98
vital or mental, which more rapid? 5:211,253-54
wanting to know about one's 17:171
war and 10:52-53
why one doesn't make 16:246
will for 2:31 ; 4:78 ; 7:373 ; 8:252 16:251 ; 17 :81 , 147 ,166 ,190
without worry 17:147,161
work and 5:47-48 ; 7:291-92
youth and 12:122-24,239,259 ; 16:429 Promise
fulfilling the Lord's 17:184-85 Propaganda 8:105,107 Property
to be gifted to the Mother 17:202 Prophecies
of a new earth and new human race 6:159 Prophets
man's attitude towards 7:334 Prosperity
in Ash ram and India 17:258 Prosperity (Ashram Department)
questions about requests 17:141
refusals? 17:154-55
waste and 17:155 Protection 4:129 ,325 ; 8:261-62 ; 14:346--47
calling for 17:403-04
danger and 16:351
during meditation 17:247
fear and 17:110
getting out of 17:208 ,294 ,317
given by the body 3:47-48 ; 7:24
more spontaneous 17:278
of the Divine 5:167-68 ; 8:224 ; 15:50-52 ; 17:110
the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's 16:345-46,351 ; 17:190,193,197 Prudence 2:6
story illustrating 2:204-07 Prudhommme, Sully 5:402 ; 6:4 Psychic, the 6:161; 12:125 ; 14:265,353-60 ; 15:200-01,321
after death 6:56
age of 12:432-33
alone can replace reason 9:102
always sincere 3:153
always with the Mother 17:68,100,103,170
aspiration of 4;145 ; 7:9 ; 8:22,235-36,250 ; 14:79-80 ; 17:103,369
awakened, draws things which help 4:146,149,165,261
awakening 8:404-05
behind supporting all 7:221-22
being see Psychic being
body and 7:44 ; 10:29-30 ; 17:367-68
centre see Psychic centre
children and 4:140,146,246 ; 6:4-9 ; 17:120
choice of 4:145 ; 5:412
chooses next life before death 5 :215-17 ,261-65 ,263-69 ;
8:202 ; 15:136
coming to the surface 17:89-90
communion with 4:244-45 ; 7 :39-40 ,68-69 ,78
compassion, gratitude and 15:297
condition for knowing 10:205
consciousness of see Psychic consciousness
consciousness brought into being by 10:29-30
consciousness unified with 7:255
Page 228
contact Divine with 6:l60-61 ; 7:424 contact with 7:196,221,252,263-64,272-73,355,399,423-24 ;
cures stupidity 4:369
development of faculties and 8:189
difficulties and 6; 33-34 ; see also below difficulties and
experiences of 4:310 ; 7:77-80
hiding itself and 6:24,33-34
in heart 17:68,98,142
in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:117
new faculties 9:396-97
relationships and 10:247-48
reversal of consciousness and 8:172-74 continuity, sense of 7:221-22 dazzling when entered consciously 4:97 delegate of the Divine 7:227 depression and 17:27-28
developed 4:144-50; 5:215,412; 7:20-21,273,362 development of
capacities by contact with 7:399-400
sense of responsibility and 4-246
through lives 4:144,146,243 difficulties and 7:21,401 ; 17;102-03 ; see also above contact
with, difficulties and
the Divine and 8:299 ; 14:354,358,360 ; 16:167-68,247 ; 17:80 Divine love, vital and 16:176 divine planes and 8:299 Divine Presence in 4:26 Divine, supramental and 17:80 doesn't mock 17:18
earth only place with 4:164-65,243 ; 7:164 earth place for progress of 4:144,165 emotions belong to higher vital not 3:124 eternal principle hidden in depths of being 9:228-29 experiences of 6:332,334 ; 7:374 expression of 7:42
exterior consciousness may deny perception of 3:l52 faith of 7:116-17 ; 10:290 ; 17:125 few carry it within them 4:130,139 formation of 10:29 freedom of choice and 10:88 Brace and need of 7:41 humanity and 6:160-61
identification with 6:332-35; 9:18-19; 15:324-26 images for discovery of 7:271-72 immortality and 16:432 in animals 4:28 in the atom 4:141 in flowers 4:26, 166-67 in matter 4:141,163,184 influence of 4:165-66 ; 5-395 ; 7:263-64 inhabitants of higher mind and 6:161 inspiration from depths of 8:193-94; 12:337 is above suffering 4:45 Jivatman and 7:227
knowledge of 3:152; 7:224-25,273,355 lack of collaboration and 16:367 liberation of 7:270-71 1ife of, true 2:57
light on earth corresponding to an incarnating soul 8:202,215 man alone possesses 10:205
Page 229
material vital and 8:218 material world has no link with 4:247 matter and 4:164-65 ; 6:l60-61 mental constructions and 6:138-41 mind and 4:27 ; 7:40-44, 321, 399 ; 16:424 mirror of 5:9-10 mockery and 17:l8
the Mother's decision to achieve union with 10:132 need of 7:40-41,399 new birth and 9:336-38 ,431-32 "none in beings of Overmind world 10:204 obeys Lord 10:359
of the Mother 11:130,280-81,290-92; 17:68,103,170
oracle, inner 8:188
organisation around 6:5-6 ; 8:22,174-76,337-381 ; 10:97;
11:291-92 organises existence 7:222-26 ; 9:269 origin of 3:153 ; 4-140-41,184,254 ; 5:201 outer nature and 7:20-21,110 overhead regions and 17:69 overmind and 6:161 past lives, experience in 4:143-49,151 ; 7:374 perception of 3:152 perfection of body and 10:30
perseverance originates in 4:254 physical and 6:5-6 ; 11:291-92 physical being and 16:367 ; 17:73
physical consciousness and 6:419 ; 7:74,223-24 possession of, by vital beings 4:184-87 presence of, tries to awaken the being 9:16-17
progress and 4:149,165; 5 ;203-06,265 ,359-60 ; 7:76,425 ;
9:268-70 ; 10:31 raison d-'etre of 5:395
realisation of 7:40-41 ; 14:107-08
reaching 7:78
rebirth, cycles of see below reincarnation of
receives and transmits Truth 17:80
reincarnation of 4:143-51 ,168,183,259,311 ; 5:215-16 ,261-65
passim, 268-69 ; 7:86-87 ,374-75 ; 8:200-03 ,215,333-38 ; 15:136 ;
17:367-68; see also Psychic being, rebirth of rest of 17:367
responsibility and developed 4:246 screen 5:199-204
self-deception impossible 11:l28-29 sense of suffocation of 4:97,100 shelter from depression 6:32,34 sight of physical and 6:l34-35 spiritual life and 3:63-65 ; 4:164-65 ; 8:136-37 ; 16:223 spontaneity and 16:368-39 sub1iminal and 7:109 surrender of 6:419 surrender, physical consciousness and 6:419 ; cf. Physical
consciousness, opening to the Divine supermind (supramental ) and 3:242 ; 8:299 ; 14:358 ; l5:117 ; 17:80 terrestrial formation is tradition of 4:243 transformation and 5:99-100 ; 9:293-94 ; 11:280 ; 15:95,97 true self and 3:124 ; 7:l05-06 Truth and 15:325-27 ; 17:80 union (uniting) with 3:126,149; 7:68-69 ; 8:136-37,304-06,337-38 ;
14:355 ; 16:432 ; l7:3l6-17 ; see also Psychic being,
unifying parts of being around ; Unification
Page 230
vibhuti and 7:362
vibration of, clothing Divine love 4:245 the vital and 4:137 ; 5:258-59 ; 6:5-6,305 ; 7:44,253 ; 16:174,176 will of and justice 5:217-18,395 witness 4:233 work of 7:7 6
see also Psychic...; Soul Psychic being 4:140-51,184-85,196 ; 11:290-92; 12:430; 14:248;
15:265,310,323-28,339,357-58 aim of 4:149
already given to Divine 3:62-63 animal and man, relation between 5:241 appearance of 15:347 aspiration of 4:168; 5:265 a base and evil life and 16:249 becoming conscious of 4:146,168; 16:397; 17:90,136,369 birth, physical, stupor of 5:217,253,412 body and 4:44-45; 6:249; 16:249 body-consciousness and 6:447-48 central being and 6:425; 17:85 children in Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 5:289-90; 6:4-9 choosing next birth 5:215-18,253,263,265,268-69,412; see
also below rebirth (reincarnation) coming to the surface 16:133 concentration and 16:223 conscience and 16:379-80 consciousness at origin of 5:201
contact with 2:69-70; 3:23-25; 4:l46-49,245-46 ; 6:365-66; 7:80 8:404-05; 12:45-47; 16:223-24 ,248 ,289 ; 17:16,61,90
abolishes fear 5:118
after death 17:367-68
important moments in 5:1
means of 5:392
sense of immortality and 5:317 conversion of Asuras (vital beings) and 4:188; 5:98-100,375-77;
6:161,174, 203-04, 245-48 ,435-37; 10:282; 17:216 curve of life and 7:245-46 degradation and 16:249 desire and 16:431
developed, fully, and fusion with Overmind beings 5:265,325; 7:87 developed, is consecrated to Divine 4:147 development and perfection of 5:206-07, 265 difficulties and 7:21,401 direct contact of Mother's body with 11:130 discovery of 5:2
the Divine, and 8:299-300; 16:167-68 Divine Presence and 16:424 divine spark and 4:139-44,184-85 does not suffer 16:168
door opened when telling things to the Mother 6:199 earth and 6:160-62
easier for wymon to contact it 14:310 ego and 16:432
entered into during rest 17:367 evolution and 5:265; 16:247-48 experience of being a king 4:144-50 experience wanted by 6:447-48 faith of 17:125
"families of beings", consecrated to same work 5:2 finding and guidance of 5:394-96; 10:279; 16:250 fourth dimensions and 12:431
Page 431
freedom from collecctive suggestions 5:313-15
gods and 6:61; 10:204-05
goodwill among men 5:306
government by 17:58,122,136,372-73
growth of 16:223-24; 17:78
guides progress 4:146,151,165
heart and 8:193; 16:397
higher beings and 4:184
immortality of body and 16:195
in front 6:409
in life 3:151; 4:26-28; 7:100
in man and animal 3:151
in possession of Divine Power 10:243
incarnation of, in children 8:202-03 .335-37
independent of physical form 9:214-l5
individualisation and 6:260
individualised, more or less, but pure 3:150; 5:394
India and 12:314
influence of 5:359; 7:263-64,422
inhabitants of earth and 6:160-62
inner will of 4:165
intelligent will is first instrument of 12:294
interiorisation and 16:223
in conscious 4:146,168
is the Mother's child 17:115
is not mistaken 16:306-07
is radiant 17:372-73
knowledge of 6:396
knows true love 16:255
life of 7:374,425-26
life on earth opportunity to progress 7:76
location of 6:392
man and 5:99; 15s380
materialising 11:238-39
memory of past lives and 5:359; 9:293; 15:363
mental education of bars opening 5:217
mind under influence of 5:212,359; 16:397
mind, vital and 16:167,424
the Mother and 6:163; 17:68,108,115
motives, outer, as pretext 5:3
music 5:75-78
not all have 3:151
not conscious of 5:206
only rapid way to find 16:256-57
only upon earth 4;164-65; 7:164
origin of 6:27-28
outer being and 7:86; 16:249
overhead regions and 17:69
overmind and 5:265,325; 7:87
physical beings and 6:448
power of emanations 5:265
presence (psychic) and 3:150-51
progress of 5:205-07,265
psychic entity and 17:339-40
readiness of 17:372
rebirth (reincarnation) of 3:145-46 ,148-49 ; 4:146,168;
15:135-37,391-92;17:367-68,370-72; see also above choosing next birth ; see also Psychic, the, reincarnation of
receptivity of parents to bring down 5:216
Page 232
selfless movement 5:242
sheath of divine Presence 16:424
solitude of 17:100
soul and 3:123-25; 4:137; 16:247-48,358
special grace given to man 5:99-100
spontaneous admiration and 3:158
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 6:296; 16:367
suffering and 4:45; 16:l68
supramental being and 11:238-39
supramental knowledge through 5:398
surface signs of 17:74
to contact in psychic world 17:368-69
the true individual is 3:63,124-25,169
unifying parts of being around 3:7,126,149; 5:134
16:360-63,412-13,431; 17:436; see also Psychic, the union with; Unification veiled 5:394
vision of see Psychic vision vital and 4:141; 6:l61; 16:174 vital being and 6:161; 16:174 will of 5:217,395 works for transformation 7:76 works for unification 16:174 see also Psychic, the Psychic centre 12:4-5; 16:281-82; 17:60 fundamental seed of aspiration 3:130 heart-centre8:193
of harmonisation and transformation 9:269-70 opening of 4:20
organisation around 4:40,195,229 unification of being around 16:392 Psychic change
spiritual change and 16:223 Psychic consciousness 4:232; 5:36-37; 9:345; 17:46 ,90 ,92-93
awakening of 3:21
circumstances and 7:382
concentration on 17:96-98,103,121,360-70
contact of ordinary and 17:693
discretion of 16:286
dreaming in 4:149
extreme sweetness of 17;61
gives deep inner realisation 9:345
has no difficulties 17:l02-03
how to get 17:103-04
instinctive to plants 3:132
intensive mental education shuts off 5:217
judgment and 9:308
letting it decide 7:221
1iving in 4:325
medium for inspiration 10:5
of past 1ives 7:221
outer consciousness and 5:258; 16:168
perception in relation with others 9:179
realisation and 9:345
rebirth and 3:145-46,148-49
spiritual re-birth, an entry into 3:176-77 Psychic dignity and determination 17;:372 Psychic education 4:26-27; 12:30-35
and Spiritual Education, and answers relating to 6:24-37 Psychic effort 6:138-41
Page 233
Psychic emotion
passing to supramental consciousness 9:325
vital and 15:344-46 Psychic entity
psychic being and 17:339-40 Psychic fire 8:252; see also Agni Psychic flame 17:81,148
Agni and 16:208; see also Agni; Fire; F1ame Psychic identification 9:18-19; 15:324-26
breaking the shell of ego 6:332-35 Psychic influence 16:182,248; 17:76
on nature-being 7:263-64,422 Psychic inspiration 8:193-94; 12:337 Psychic 1aw
reign, reason and 15:246 Psychic 1ife
in child 17:122,157
of the universe 17:102
true 2:57 Psychic love 4:165-66 ; 16:174-76 ; 17:100 ,108 ,145
peace and 17:87,120 Psychic memory 5:33-373 16:350-51,424
of past lives 4:49; 7:221; 9:293; 10:97; 15:361-64
see also Past life/lives, memory of Psychic mirror 5:910 Psychic nature 10:244 Psychic perception 17:155,170 Psychic personality
growth of 16:223-24
perfection of 10:29 Psychic poise 6:393,395-96 Psychic purusha 17:88 Psychic screen 5:199-204 Psychic smile 5:242 Psychic sorrow 6:144-47 Psychic surrender
physical consciousness and 6:419; cf . Physical consciousness,
opening to the divine
Psychic vision 4:20-21; 6:134-35; see also Inner vision Psychic world (plane) 3:62-63; 4:165,228-29; 15:6; 17:368-70 Psychological condition
not a test 17:112 Psychological divisions
of the human being 16:239 Psychological qualities
can be cultivated 16:271 Psychology
inner 6:262-64
psychoanalysis of Freud 7:108
psychoanalysts 7:118
true 7:112
yoga and 12:248 Public opinion 14:299-302 Publication
of cheap editions 17:389,396-97 Puja 6:196 Pulling 5:22
aspiration and 14:80-81
Page 334
Punishment 12:379- -80 Divine and 16:352 error and 16:323
fear of 12:365
Purani , A.B. 13:186
Pure being 16:191
by love contained in silence 17:54 courage to fight difficulties 9:74
fire of 16:104,104; 17:127-28 flame of 17:81,106,148 in new bodies 17:109 in silence 17:107 integral 17:106 must begin from above 6:180 of body 6:179-81 of outer being 17:409 power of 10:72-73 true 9:241
Purity 6:338; 12:247; 14:156-57 definition 10:296 Divine 9:469; 10:105 fear and 16:330 Grace and 16:379 ignorance, greatest impurity 3:190-91, 264 in self-giving 7:243 of action 10:296 of instinct and soul 10:55 perfect 9:119; 16:388 same as sincerity 6:438-40; 10:204 supreme, deep within 3:215 true 9:241 what Buddhism means by "impurities and purity" 3:190-91
"Purodha" (Hindi magazine) 17:201, 225, 239-40, 255, 257, 281, 288-89,
296, 298, 325-26, 328,331-32
Purusha 6:327; 7:207
consent of 6:128 mental 17:46,86-87 physical 17:87-88
power of Nature transferred from Prakriti 11:107 Prakriti and 6:273; 8:59-64; 16:237 not masculine and feminine 6:118-19 see also Prakriti psychic 17:88 sacrifice of 8:74 vital 17:86 Pythagoras 2:93
Page 235
Quarrel (s) 14:282-86; 17:6,230,239-40,242,262,285
difference of opinion 17:333-34
Divine love is above 16:175
foolish 16:193-94
never 17:376
Question (s)
badly stated 17:45
an interesting one 7:377-78
questioning and difficulties 7:8
receptivity and 7:8
unnecessary 17:50-51,69
Questions and Answers 1929 6:199-201,375-76; 16:3-4
Quiet (ness) 14:142-45,370
because of confidence 17:388
bring down 16:231
constantly poured by the Mother 17:60
for coping 17:413
for more complete union 17:178
in face of violence (attacks) 17:60,238,364,393
in work 17:207,213,228
keeping, and talking 16:194
the Mother's body wants to be 17:224
of mind, and studies 16:199; see also Mind, quiet mind
perfect in heart and head 17:361
sitting down in 17:163,194,361
a strong being is 16:125
to accept things 17:406
to bear Force 17:51
to find the Mother's Presence 17:69
to maintain happiness 17:50
treating a child with 17:413
unwavering, in psychic 17:60
cf. Calm; Peace
activity and 16:345
Quotations 17:343
Page 236
Rabelais 10:156 Race
real origin of superiority of 3:150-51 Radha 15:16; 16:175
prayer to Krishna 5:385; 15:223-24
Krishna and 8:223-275 12;146; 17:243,282 Rahukal 16:15,18
Raja yoga 3:21; 8:43,46 Rajas
in vital 16:297
Rajasic eagerness 6:328,336-38,409 Rakshasas 15:26
cf . Adverse forces Rakshasic being
possession of body by 16: 249 Rama 5;3245 10:282
murdered vali 10:311
Ravana and 10:355 Ramakrishna 4:94 fn; 8:43; 9:146 fn; 10 :207,254-55
baby monkey and baby cat 3:4-5
periods of emotional excitement 3:10
swift dentification with the Divine 5:225
two kinds of masters 2:109 Ramana Maharshi 8:21 Ramayana 5:324-29
Rama, involuntary being 5:324; see also Rama
Ravana 5: 329-29 ,379-80
Sit a 5:328-29 Rancour
widespread cause of misery 3:186 Rasputin 4:188 Rauana 5:328-29,379-80
dark side of Vishnu 10:282
Rama and 10:355 Reaction ( s)
against a teacher 17:269
inner, and ego 17:311
make need for effort 17:133,364,376
not to mind 17:242
"terrible" 17:137
to fluctuations in work 17:334
to loss or breakage 17:17 Readiness
for descent of Truth-Light 17:404 for the Hour of God 17:233
for, spiritual 1ife 17:400 of psychic being within 17:372 to re-establish harmony 17:363 Reading 12:142-49; 16:199-200
about ordinary life 17:152 ,364-65 aspiration and attraction to 6:175-76 book 3:27; 4:152-55; 7:287-90, 310-13 choosing one's books 7:310-13,341; 17:364-65 effect of on imagination 17:69 French literature l7:l44-45 Gujarati literature 17:69,73 in mind's silence 3:65 looking at pictures 17:72
Page 237
monthlies and stories 17 :20 ,364-65
the Mother works 12:205; 16:232-33; see also Mother (2) the,
newspapers 12:148; 16:416-17; 17:19 ,328-29 ,364-65
novels 12:393; 16:28l; 37:66,69,158,364-65
ordinary book 4:15 2-55
sadhana and 12:217
satprem's sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of consciousness in
French 17:347 sleepiness and 17:15 Sri Aurobindo's world: 12:205-06,398-99; 16:232-33, 243,266,
269,274,311; 17:339,365,375; See also Sri Aurobindo (2) strain in 17:191 tamas and 17:152 telling stories and 37:63,65 thoroughness and care in 12:142 time for 17:146 to study a language 4:154 typing wrongly and 17:389 unwholesome 17:10 without understanding 17:70-71 writing and 17:148 Yoga and 3:27 see also Books
Realization (s) 4:16,330,355; 15:241
a1l powerful and happy 16:4 32
artists who have realized 15:83
beautifu1 17:237
by one body 4:159
complexity brings greater 10:94
conditions for it to be told 10:.114-15
"dynamic" 7:204
earthly 17:186
"evil persona", role of 5:276 fn
faith in 16:125
fatuity, create greatest obstruction to 3:337-38
future 2:593; 8:3
great leap towards 16:425
hierarchy in 7:340; 8:45-46 ,48-49
imagination and 6:233-34
India's freedom, fact and inner 8:31
individual and collective 8 :49-50 ,133
inner and outer 10:137
instruments prepared for 8:366
integral 9:94,345-46; 16:164,225; see also be 1ow of integral
limited by our idea 8:1 linear and spherical 7:251 material, of spiritual experience 8:247,379-81 new being worked out 9:313l-15
of childhood dreams 8:119 of the Divine see Divine, realization of of the future 9:298-99 of human unity 2:47 of humanity and personal 10:84 of the ideal 2:78; 3:13
of integral yoga 5:349-50; see also above integral of mental formations of physical plane 10:128 of new body through direct transmutation 9:128- 29.,237-38 of promises 16:87
of the Self 10 :138; 16 :227 ,409-10 of the Supreme 10:70,74,85,245,247
Page 238
of thing's only when... 16:185
on physical plane 16:102
outer, perfection from below 9:90-94,97
partial 4:116; 9:411
path of 5:03-85; 7:421
perfect and sincere 10:204
physical 11:269
power of concentration for 9:360-61
power of human 9:86-87,90-94
progress and 8:13,21
radical 10:228
secret of 3:178
self-giving and 7:327-28
siddhi and tapasya 8:173-74
sincerity, basis of all 8:399
spiritual 8:244-45; 14: 107-08
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, place of 7:420-21
suprarnental see Supramental realization
Supreme Power of 17:274
terrestrial 7:294
thought and 8:30,396-97
through Divine love 8:l91,235
time between revelation and 10:125
vision and 10:11
vital's power for 5:258-59
win be had in Matter 11:231-32
work to be 5:352,354-56
yogic 16:157 Realism 14:272 Reality, the 11:39-40,267; 15:8; 17:182
appearance and 10:17,46,300
behind illusion 10:44
beyond physical 10:39
desire taken for 2:50
dreams, subjective and objective 2:34-35
ether as subtle state of 2:108
essential 10:126-27
eternal 16:228
experience and 6:363-64
experience of contact with 6:24-27
field of vibrations make up physical 10:179
inner 4:25-26; 10:229
senses and 2:165
soul and physical 10:209
Supreme is sole 16:243
universal 2:107
see also truth Reason 4:46-47; 14:362; 15:246
action and 10:291
contrasts and divides 10:17-18,45
danger of abandoning 10:15
developing 7:174
discernment and pretext 8:273-75
discipline of body 9:98-102
experience and 7:41-42,171,176-77; 10:182
faith and 10:289-90
field of 7:170
guiding other parts of being 9:98-112
help and bar 8:358-99,362-63,372-73
human 9:101-02; 10:39-40
inspiration and the senses and 10:5-6
Page 239
knowledge and 10:14-16 passim
logic and 10:67-68
1ove and 17:143
man governs life through 2:159
mind and 8:184,190; 10:32
"minister of the spirit" 7:17 3
must transcend to understand 10:45
passing beyond 3 :184,363
perception and 101:291
practical 10:42-43
".prepares the path" 7:l77-78
religionon and 7 : 168-69
replaced by intuition 2:160
role of 10:15,67
senses and 10 : 5-6
speech and 10: 8
spiritua1 1i f e an d 7:170-71
super-instinct of human species ,9:101-03
trembles before higher truths 10:8-9
true role of 7:169- 80
truth and 12:334
utility of 12:138
wisdom and 10:l4-16 passim
see also mind Reasoning
as a means of knowing 16:44 Rebelliousness
and t h e Mother's help 16:67 Rebirth/Reincarnation 9:226-28; 15: 135-37 ,263 ,361-64
animals and 3: 145; 7: 99-100
assures individual progress 9 :213-16
common misconceptions of 3:145-46
death and 15:128-39; 16:366
in a higher organism 16:154
Karma and 15:391-94
line of consciousness 3:145,148
memory of past births (lives) 3:40-41 ,148-49 ; l7:371
mental personality in 10:28
of a dead man in his daughter's child 16:366
of a particular psychic being 17:78,367-72
past lives and 16:349-51,353
psychic and see Death, psychic ...; Psychic, the, reincarnation of Psychic being, rebirth of
psychic (consciousness) and 3:145-46,148-49
psychic memory and 16:350-51
reality of 16:398
return to the Mother 17:370-71
spiritual 3:176-77
see also Past 1ife/1ives Receptivity 6:135-41,213; 9:5,39; 14:153-55
accumulation and 2:98
activity passivity and 6:112-13
always when united with psychic 8:304
aspiration and 5:397; 6:115-17
at balcony darshan 7:257-59; 16:230
attitude and 5:37l
awakened by special date's 17:371
body's 3:85-91; 4:265-66; 5:260-61; 9:110-11; 17:402
doubt and 6:404
emptiness in oneself 4:283
energy, spending and receiving. 8:l95-97
Page 240
equanimity in external being, basis for 5:23 fasting and 7:61 free from egoism 4:400 greatest in silence 17:381 in Light 8:238 increasing 4:265-675 16:67 inner 8:306; 10:20 inspiration and 10:6 1ack of 5:270-71; 10:178; 16:360-61 learn 17 :61 ,71 losing 17:82,209
manifestation of new forces and 10:220 measure of 17: 60,221,303,317,329 mental, vital, and physical 5:210 mind and l0:10 of energy 16:429
of flowers and other objects 6:229-31 of Matter 2:52; 4:210; 5:270-71 of nations to Supermind 10:53 opening to something higher 8:345-46 parents', to bring down psychic being 5:216 perfect 8:258; 16:388 Playground concentration and 4:122 progress and 7:141-42' questioning and 7:8 self-giving and 16:98,334 silent mind and 1021455 16;425 specia1 8:263; 16:318 suffering and 16:365 supreme love and 10:74
to the Divine 4:96,210,400-01; 6:168-69,214-15; 8:45; 17:19,61 to Divine Force 6:403-04 to Divine love 6:135-36 to luminous future 17:363 to mental formation ("blue paper") 5:254 to the Mother 8:307-085 16:41-42 towards Idea of new race 2:164 true 9:ll4-15 trust and 6:403-04 vital forces and 5:210; 7:140-42 see also Opening /Openness
Recluses 16:l90 Reflection
method for becoming conscious of thoughts 2:22-25 Regret 17:5
Reincarnation see Rebirth/Reincarnation Rejection
aspiration and 6:329-30
of all doubt 17:l39
of a bad idea 17:ll 2-13
of difficulties 4:170 ,3:37-38
of life as illusion 7:405
of sadness and false imagination 16:l73; 17:l20
of thoughts 6:22-23
of wrong movements 7:89,197-99,205-06
procedure for 7:95
transformation and 7:83,95-96
using a force from the body 6:339
Page 241
Relations with others (Relationships) 5:202-03; 16:53-54;
all good in principle 16:280
basis of human 10:247
choose well 16:119-20
entering another / s consciousness 6:308-10 ,424-25
four categories of 2:68-70,78
how others treat you 16:53
lack of affinity 16:54
personal will , divine will arid 6:369- 73
receptivity to the Divine and 6:168-69,214-15
sadhana and social 6:369-73
see also Others Relativity 4:232,284
beauty and ugliness 10:45-46; 16:78
of all external knowledge 10:211
of all manifestation in world 10:8-9
of faith 6:358-59
of pain and pleasure 10:247
of sin 10:76-79
of truth 10 :147
progress and 8:6
theory of 5:282-83 Relaxation 4:156,205,250,265,352-53; 12:61-62
learn to real 16:312 Religion (s)
as source of idea 2:78
attitude towards 5:31-32; 12:310
Auroville and 13:212-13,226
Bahai 2:104
beauty and 7:174
bondage of 16:414
Buddhism see Buddhism
Chaldean see Chaldean religion
choose your own 3:81; 8:198-99 ,247; 9:355
Christian _see Christianity
creation of devotional :10:63
creation of the world in 5:162-64
death and 12:85
determinisms, absolute, evolutionary need 3:86,90
the Divine and 15:30-34,37
Divine realization through 8:l47-48
divine spark and 4:139
dogma of 2:162; 4:25
each a different version of escape from world 9:4
easy for most men 9:344 .
error of 9:407-08
experience of contact with the Reality and 5:79-80; 6:24-27;
fear and 6:51,66,97
flower of human spiritual effort 9:l47,149
food, consecration of 4:334-35
"formularists",of 10:251-52
freedom from conventions of 10:317
God of 10:333-34; 7: 44
gods and 9:149-50; 16: 235
good and evil, doctrine of 5:73
greatness of 3:83
hatred, stupidity and 10:286
heaven, hell and 5:131-32; 10:65
help or not 8:148-50
Page 242
hierarchy in 4:392
history of 12:211-12
images in a temple 4:39 7
immortality and 10:83-84
imposed on children 8:198
in Japan 2:149
intolerance of 10:20
limits the spirit 5:247
makes God in image of men 10:95
man and 3:82-83; 10:270-73
materialism and spirituality in 15:414-16
meditation, worship and 10:63
mental constructions 4:257
method to reach goal 2:125 miracles, revelations 4:81-89
more a habit than a faith 9:16
must avoid becoming a new 11:133
narrow-mindedness of 8:145-50; 10:186-87
nature of 3:76-84
necessary for collective life 9:354-56
of the Divine 4:239
partial realization in 7:93
persecutions in 4:316-18
progress and 5:32
real knowledge not given to laity 4:398; 5:31-32
reason and 7:168-69
reduced to human proportions 7:318
rules of, based on hygiene 5:156
sacrifice in 4:316; 5:347-48
same origin, different names 5:73-74
sense of insecurity and 9:354-55
spiritual evolution and 2:161-62
spiritual life and 3:77-79; 9:77
Sri Aurobindo's teaching and 10:96; 15:408-10; 16:4l4
Sufi 5: 58
superstition and 6:193-97
transformation and 3:93
truth and 2:82; 10:286; 15:417
unifying all the 9:76-77,149
using and surpassing 9:197-98
vaishnavite stories 8:224-27
vital beings and 6:194-97
yoga and 8:147; 10:97
see also religious... Religious being 17:185 Religious music 12:242 Religious teachers 4:318,349 Religious teachings
perpetuate ignorance 5:32
spiritual teachings and 12:120 Remarks
about others 17:155
in Sri Aurobindo Ashram 17:34 Remembrance ( s)
belong to the Universal 2:165
of the Divine and union l6:374
"Remember and offer" 3:26 Remorse
is of no use 16:45-46 Renaissance, Italian 4:301,311
Page 243
Renunciation 16:319
as e1imination 10:198
inner 3:261
joy and 10:172
no importance given to 3:128
of desire 10:176-82
at good habits 16:318
of physical reality 9:4
of world for God 10:331
self-centred consciousness and 10:174 Reports
of others' words 17:387
to the Mother 17:172-73 Repose
climbing the 1 adder 4:156
conies from concentrated energy 16:125
from which true energies come 16:149
in sachchidananda 4:62-63,108
perfect 16:302
see also Sleep Repression 4:59-60 Repu1sion
attachment and 17:22
felt toward certain animals, etc- 3:100-02
of a bad thing 17:112 Reservations
with regard to the Mother 16:40-42 Reserve
effect of 16:40-42 Resistance 6:115-17; 16:153
aspiration and 6:242-44
creates confusion 17:112
difficulties breaking down 6:323-25
getting rid of 16:218
illness and 3:86-91; 4:63
increases when Force greater 8:220
in matter 5:270-71; 8:30; 10:233
of inferior nature to Divine's action 3:170
of physical world 6:207
persist in your will to overcome 16:137
progress and 2:31; 5:270-71; 8:209
revolt and 17:119
shattering 16:425
c f . Difficulties Resolution (s) 14:168-69; 16:322
master-key 3:127
practice and 16:274
to become a true child 17:365 Respect 16:201
1iving with 16:256 Respiration 16:224 Responsibility 4:72,91,246
considering abandoning 17:334
a feeling of danger and 16:342-43
for monthly magazine 17:298
for oneself, freedom from 3:256-57
material 17:180-81
obedience and 17:168
progress and 5:300-01
Page 244
Rest 8:196; 17:l6,24,179
activity and 17:14
feeling tired and 16:79-80
of concentrated force 17:221,303
on the borders of form 6:l86,18!3
psychic 17: 367
self control and 16:52
sleep and 15:349-52
to recover balance 17:346
true 7:287; 9:65
will far victory and 17:63.
see also Sleep Restlessness
agitation and 17:316
repeat "Peace, peace, my heart" 16:130,150
wastes time 17: 73
weakness causes 16:125
See also Uneasiness
Resurrection 3:147
miraculous 4:142 Revelation 10:183-86
always personal in farm 10:184
living one's 2:125
universal 10:185 Revolt 17:119
bad temper and 16:71
causes diminution and disappearance of powers 3:116
do not open door to 16:67-68
getting rid of 16:146-47
in despair 4:52
is a rejection of Divine Love 16:72
useless and foolish 16:123 Revolution
New Force and 16:330
true knowledge can create 10:362
what we want and 16:153 Reward
and the Divine 16:352 Rhythm 7:336-37 Richaud, Paul 17:224 Rings
wearing for protection 6:234-35 Rishis
golden Age of 7:294
language of ancient and modern 8:360
teachings of 7:293-94
Vedic Rishis, involutionary beings 7:360-61 Risk
progress and 16:335 Rodin, Auguste 6:72-73 Roma ins, Jules 7:167; 12:324
Doctor knock 5:188 Rudra 16:326-27 Rules 4:13,380,384; 7:286
Municipal 16:110 Rumours see Gossip(ing)/Rumours
Russia Soviet gymnasts 9:86; 12:286
dance and mysticism of 3:112
Page 245
Sachchidananda (Sachchidananda) 16:387
forgetfulness of one's reality 7:240 mental experience of 4:399-402 repose in 4:62-63,108 Sat .Tat .Cit -Tapas 4:161 -fn separation of 7: 238 ,240-41 sleep in which consciousness merges into 3:16
source of universe 10:45
supreme beauty and 10:45
unity of 7:243
upholds all the planes 4:400 Sacrifice
basis of religions 4:336-18; 5:347-48 consciously made 8:76-77 desire for 2:56; 5:350
for God and humanity 10:282
for the pleasure of it 2:57
human or animal 5:347-48; 6:65-67; 8:80
in the Gita 8:74-75,80
joy of 8: 75
Lord of the 8:114
nature of 10:317
no room for in Yoga 3:11 4
of the Divine 4:240,316; 5:388-89; 8:74-75,79
of thought 2:27
story of Christ and 10: 61 -62
supreme 3:172
surrender 3:114; 4:315-17
to the Divine 8:74-76 ,79-81
work and 10: 317
see also Offering Sadhak 4: 411
action like the ignorant ordinary man 16:107
definition 16:298 Sadhana 14 ;32 ,38-45 ,47--50
adverse force and 10:56
ambition an d 6:2 3 7 - 38
article's in "Purodha" 17: 288-89
each person an impossibility 7:415,419
family and 6:296-97
horoscope and 16:206
in the body and 7:32-33; 9:348-49; 10:31
in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
inner peace and 17:96
inner Presence and 16:160
intimacy in 17:170
leaving the path of yoga 6:440--44
love and 17:22
marriage or 17: 400
the Mother's experience in 6:303
music and 12:239-40
preparing for 9:l43
progress and 7:33,197,344
reading Sri Aurobindo and 12:217
sex and 17:400,404
study and 6 :153-55 ; 12 : 135 ; 17: 15, 174 tests fortify and intensify" 17;385 useless words and 6:76
Page 246
wanting to know about one's 17:170-71
work as only 17:201-02,212
work, study and 6:153-55
young people and 6:192-93
see also yoga
Sadism (s) 17:400
yogi and 5:172
need to penetrate tames 10:106
sadness 17:46,70,115-16,191,402
detachment from 17:129,194
ego and 16:178
friendship and 16:119
from unsatisfied desire 17:99
from wrong suggestion 17:131
never and 16:120
quite natural when... 16:71
reject 16:173; 17:120
a sort of false imagination 17:120
suggestions, source of 16:73
work and 16:132
the only safety 16:422
Sage, Le 8:10
saint saens, Camille 6:381
true 10:313
Sri Aurobindo does not believe in 16:314
Samadhi (1)
concentration at sri Aurobindo's 17:378
Samadhi (2)
body and 8:276-77
integral yoga and 17:342
progress and 8:275-77
trace 4:61; 6:427; 9:2
illness and 3:56
sannyasi 17:246-47
sanskrit 8:153-54; 12:224-25; 13:384; 15:286-87
all-India language 17:317-19,332
india and 12:416-417
the Mother's study of 17:213
sat-chit- Anand see sachchidananda
Sri Aurobindo or Adventure of consciousness 17:347
satwic part
and "tamasic" part of being 16:157
satya yoga 16:313; 17:78
savitri see sri Aurobindo, works of
named after sri Aurobindo 17:268
of sri Aurobindo Ashram see sri Aurobindo international
centre of Education
opening a 17:246
vacation 17:399-400,409
work and 17:312
see also Education
Page 247
Science 7:301-02; 12:219 ,249 ,252 ,374 ,403
absence of cremating Force and with in 10:207
as source of idea 2: 78
behind Nature's appearance 9:322-23
can't predict future 10:208
chemical formulas in 9:391-92 ,394-95
climax of ordinary consciousness 3: 16.I
conception of body 10:179
death and 10:207
discipline in 7:320
discovery of modern 9:239
Rod-lover, God- knower and 10:353
human intellectual 9:l08-09
hypnotism and 9:394-95
ignorance as evil 7:316-17
language of, each has its own 4:170,283-84,312
1aws of 3:161-62
limitations and self-assurance of 10:207-08
Matter and 5:128 ; 10:10 ,36
modern physics, atom 4:139 ,
need of endurance 3:136-37
occult 12:89-92
occultism and 6:38-40,190; 7:265-67; 9: 393-94; 10: 353-54; 16:190
of living 4 :33-37,327
refutation of 10:252-53
relativity, theory of 5:282-83
religious rules and 5:156
soul and wonders of 10:207-13
spirituality and 15:69
theories in 9:236 fn
true 2:92,98; 10:136-40
understanding light 2:108
universe explained by 5:81
wisdom and 10:213
yogin's aim in 8:158
see also Medical science; Scientific... Scientific attitude 2:123 Scientific knowledge
as absolute Truth 10:136-37
modern percept ions in 8:314
seeing behind appearances and 9:322-23
Sri Aurobindo on occult and 5:67 -6 8
to master life 7:317 Scientific spirit
in spiritual things 4:76 Scientific teaching 5:285 Scientist
betterment of society and 5:393
the Curies 4:l95; 5:395; 6:18-19
humility of 5 :30
imagination of 7:233
inspiration of 7:280
knowledge of Yogi and knowledge of 3:91-92,161-62
true 5:30 Scolding
from the Mother 17:230 Scripture
diminution of experiences 10:182-83
infallibility of 10:l86
Page 248
conscious hand of 16:363 Sectarianism
avoiding 6:358-59 Self, the
body and 10:27-32 passim; 16:155
changing to change the world 4:253
cultivation of inner 2:160
death and 10:27-28
discovery of highest 2:160-61
finding 2:38-41,125-26
forgetfulness of truth of 7:240
illusion of separate 2:52
immortality and 10:28
individual and universal are one' 2 :38-39 ,94; 7:407
knowing one' s; 7:194 - 95
observation of 5:199-204
permanent, behind all change 7:78
psychic and true 3:124 ; 7:105-06
silent 6 :361
surface 2: 85
transformation is work of true 2:23
true, the Divine consciousness 17:68-69
truth of being 4:3 6
understanding 2:38-39
union with Divine 2:103
"What am I?" 17:75
what is called 5:17
see also self, Self-centered 16:265 Self-confidence
lack of 2: 23
loss of 2:41 Self-control 2:23; 3:190; 4:1,34,90,262; 14:271-76; 17:79,376
enough rest and 16:52
for realization 5:349-50
indispensable for progress 17:376
method of 16:248
possible to all 6:5
rest and 16:52
speech and 16:33
story illustrating 2:169-74
with children 16:201-02
see also Control; Self-mastery Se1f -criticism 6:350 ,401-02; 16 : 309-10 Self-deception 10:299; 11:128-29;16:296
discovering 16:297
Nature of 10:80-82
sincerity and 7:403; 8:14,374-75 Self-denial 10:314 Self-detachment 2:57 Se1f-deve1opmen t
methods of 16:239 Self-discipline
in the Ashram 8 :185-86; 353-57 Self-esteem
prevents you from seeing affection 16:70-71 recognizing faults and 16:364
Self-forgetfulness 8:200; 10:278; 12:130; 16:432 condition for receiving knowledge 10:10
Page 249
Self-giving 3:123-24,126,133,269; 4:68 ,132-34 ,245 ,358 ,363 ; 10:278; 12:36,68; 14:106-09,124
absolute 17:377
best gift of all 17:194
can lead one to bliss 17:108
condition to take? the path 8:261-62
doing "great things" and 16:101-82
ego and 16:422
experiences of 8:85,279,288
fear of 7:328
first movement of aspiration 4:67
in yoga 7:192,199,243,247,366
integral 2:126-27; 8:244-45
joy of 4:134,316-17; 7:401-03
obstacle? to 10:121-22
only way out. of difficulties 16:206
opening and 16:98
past and 16: 364
perfect 8:14-18,301
purity and intensity in 7:243
realization and 7:327-28
receptivity proportionate to 16:98,334
remedy of completer 17:198
sacrifice to the Divine 8:74-77,78-79
sensitivity and 2 : 55
sincere 8:261-62
surrenderand 4: 68
to the Divine 5:12-16; 8:74-77,79; 9 :316-17 ,359-60,421 ,428 ;
14;106-09; 16 : 180,297
total 7:327-28; 8:85,279; 10:10,235; 16:181-82
true 10:287
use of term 6:226-29
see also Giving; Offering Self-improvement 2:60 Self-knowledge 2:38-39; 4:33-37; 7:254,354-55
methods of 16:248
understanding others and 5:300,302-04
see also Knowledge, of oneself Self-love 6:266
Divine Love and 16:19 Self-mastery 6:124
expressing cosmic consciousness 8:381
happiness, peace and 16:131
of outer matter and 8:350-53
to become consciousness 4:2,34,37,39,74; 5:203
unificationon and 16:396
widening the consciousness and 16:345
see also Self-control Self-realization 10:130; 16:227,409-10 Se1f-reliance
methods of 16: 248
progress in 16:291
story it 1ustrating 2 :188-92 Self-respect 11:54 Self-torment 17:57 Selfishness 17:67
the Divine and 14:278-79
egoism and 6:254-56; 7:371-72
makes one jealous 16:399
meaning 16:409
Page 250
choice of 12:55-56
expressed through never 16:177-78
people live in their 2:130
the presence and 16:390-91
thoughts as result of 2:21-22
violent, never a remedy 16:147-48 Sense (s) 12:56; 14:382
changing the functioning of 6:355
development and control of 6:78-79
education of 6:78-91; 7:57-59,309; 12:20-21
extension of physical 10:135
hallucinations and 10:41
ideas and 2:21
inadequate for knowledge of 6:78-79
inner being and the 16:7 3
intermediary 9:128-29
median for outer contact 2:21
more than five 12:20
of animals 4:236-39
of color 6:85-86
of time 11: 80
Reality and 21:107,165
reason and 10: 5-6
scope of the 7:166-67
sub tie 2:86 ; 6:38-39; 9:129; 10:60,133-35
truth and 14 :332
twelve senses 4:230,234-35; 6:10-11 Sense-organs 17:91
f unction of 4:11 -12
living in perceptions of 16:93
uncertain modes of perception 12:265-66 Sensitive people 16:135 Sensitivity
as stage of evolution 2:55
assisting, of others 2:69
excessive 2:55-57
hyper-sensitivity 16:53
kinds of 16:304 Sentimentality
true love and l6:175-76 Sentiments
characteristic of the heart 16:177 Separateion 11: 111-14 ,133-34 ,140-41 ,1.65-67 ,177 ,198-207 ,212 fn
ego and 3:241
from the Mother 16;163
individual consciousness and 6:100- 01
love and 6:100-02
pain and 7:401
sense of, an illusion 3:59-60,63; 7:364 Separativity
losing sense of 17:177 Serenity
:losing sense of 17:177
of Japanese 2:149
true? union and 16:175
Page 251
Serpent 17:56-
as power of evolution 30: 9 3
biting its tail 8:36
guarding a treasure 4:109,382
remedy a 1ongside evil 5: 365
significance of 16:261-62
story of 4:212; 10:92-94
white serpent, two-headed 7:427-29 Service
studies and 12:120
.to the Divine 9:49-50; 10:353,356; 13:115-17; 14:110-12,426- 27; l6:357,433; 17:135 ,180
to parents and the Divine 17:162
wanting to be more useful 17:263-64 Servitor (s)/Servant
faithful 17:115,355
integral 17:183
true 17:212,379,386 Sex 12:54-55,157-59; 13:247; 14:131-35
beings of other worlds and 7:157-62
choice in reincarnation 4:183
danger of, in yoga 3:5
differentiation of sexes 9:103-04,131-33
hostile forces and 15:24-25
love and 14:131-35, 16: 409
mental worlds, sexless beings in 7: 161
money and 3:46
money , power and 4:381-02
money, the serpent and 4: 139,382
Nature's use of 7:162
physical culture; and 12:379
spiritual power by conquering 4:314
transition from animality and 9:131-33; 11:28
vital worlds, sexless being in 7:160
see also Sex ... Sex-centre 6:77; 17:76 Sex-education 12:378-79 Sexual desires
pain and 12:296 Sexual en titles
in atmosphere 4:192 Shadow, the 6:16-17,262-64
the Light and 4:70,118; 16:367 Shakespeare, William
Greeks -and 10:251 Shakti
Divine 4:358,393-95; see also Divine power; Divine shakti
original transcendent 16:389
see also Mahashakti Power Shan Kara 3:162; 17:292; 8:234
Gods 1augh at 10:302-03
illusory sense of individuality 4:174
negation of this creation 4:119,328 Shantiniketan 16:6 Shastra 7: 341 ; 10:317-18 Shastri, Lal Bahadur 16:306 Shiva 10:255,354
will incarnate only with supraniental 10:204; 12:205 Shock
from others 16:347 Shyness 16:286
Page 252
cause of 16:21-22
lack of energy and 16:117
see also Illness
Siddha-Purusha (the perfected ones) 17:109,388-89
Siddhartha Gautama
on bodhi 2:80-81
tapasya and 8:173-74
Sidney, Sir Philip 10:50-51
clear 4:12-13
psychic and physical 6:134-35; see also Inner vision; Psychic
see also Physical vision; Vision
Silence 6:309-10; 7:281-82; 14:148-50,371-72; 16:199; 17:20,106-07
action and 2:160; 3:67-69; 9:113; 10:294; 16:425; 17:380
aspire in 17:361,380
"Be calm," meaning of 8:329-31
bringing into manifestation 10:214
communing with Nature and 16:398-99
concrete, positive 16:231
consciousness grows in 17:380
contact with higher knowledge and 10:213
depths of inner 16:166
door to spiritual realisation 17:197,372-73
filled with Your Presence 16:435
from above 6:328-29
gifts in 8:95
greatest devotion in 17:380
immobility, power and 8:67,330
in classroom 12:156,331
in the Playground 17:209
in reading 16:233
in supramental world 9:281
informing the Mother in 17:223
knowing how to keep 9:423-24
knowledge and 10:213,256
listening in 4:199,208,281-333; 8:236-37,311
to music 6:381-82; 16:232,235
Lord, give us 16:435
means of communicating experiences 4:222
meditation and 4:104; 16:231,311-12,345
mental see Mental silence
mental laziness and 16:337
most effective help lies in 17:195-96,198
necessary to fully receive experience 10:185-86
of the mind 4:62,182,231; 5:398; 7:252; 8:283; 10:6,10,19; 12:187-90; 14: 371-72; 16:345, 425; 17:100, 129-30, 354-55, 380
psychic being and 16:397
understanding in 3:63-66; 4:227
cf. Mind, quiet mind; silent/silencing
of the physical consciousness 16:231
outer 12:58-59; 17:107
perfect 10:7
power of 10:213-15
Page 253
quality of 16:280-81
receptivity and 10:10; 16:425
remedy for tension 16:271
source of highest inspirations 16:199
speech and 3:67-68; 8:311; 9:113; 17:8,219,373
Sri Aurobindo giving 9:28
story of an Indian, lover of 8:104-05
teach us to be silent 16:433
teaching and 12:331-32
thought and 2:79
to become aware of the Presence 17:123,170,372,379
to receive Force 17:55,107
to receive guidance 17:284
treasure what you have received in 17:71
value of 8:95
vital dissatisfaction and 17:54-55
witness-soul 8:103-04
cf. Peace
Silent mind see Silence, of the mind
Silent self 6:361
Simplicity 14:158
complication and 10:169-70
freedom, beauty and 10:323
greatest power is 17:180
rule in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:7
sincerity and 8:284
tamasic tendency to simplify 16:303
transformation and 10:169
Sin 14:251; 15:367-69,373
all is potentially ours 10:75-76
ego and 10:109
God and 10:342
law of virtue and 10:258-59
man and 10:259; 11:209
of mind and body 10:271
original 10:106
relativity of 10:76-77
something not in its right place 10:76,106
through ignorance, in knowledge 3:221
trick and disguise of Krishna 10:348
yoga and 16:13
Sincerity 2:5; 4:52; 6:127; 11:290-92; 12:115,129,152,162,
70,426; 13:274; 14:67-69; 15:319-22
abolition of ego and 16:381
adverse forces and 7:18,366
ambition and success 6:237-40
bargaining and 9:317
blows to break stupidity 6:323-26
children and 15:319-21
cleverness and 16:26
compelled by Aspiration and Grace 6:176-77
condition for hearing Lord 10:318-19
definition 10:153
degrees of 6:397-98
demands of 16:142; 17:134
difficult to be truly 3:231; 5:5-7; 6:323-26
difficult to give 17:347
difficulties and 4:74; 6:242-44; 14:242-43
experience and 4:135; 10:32-34 passim,184-86
Page 254
fault, recognising a 4:52,116,156-57,360-61; 5:55,350
finding the causes of things 5:41
finding truth and 10:25
for childlike path 17:51-52,123
happiness and 6:215-16
help comes through 5:372
hero, being a 5:235
homogeneity in the being 5:8
hostile forces and 5:95; 7:18,366
in disinterested (consecrated) work 17:147,165
in not seeking 17:180
in perseverance 17:377
in seeking the Divine 5:17
insincerity and 8:398-99; 14:70-74
integral 2:24; 17:137-38
is progressive 8:397-400
key to progress 3:192-93
lack of 17:149,345
life of true 17:62,131
light of truth 7:88-89
looking at oneself clear-sightedly 4:88,99,338,388
makes one worthy of misfortune 3:279
meditation and 3:98-99; 8:228-29
mental 2:76; 4:109,158; 9:327-30
mental development and 17:62,126
moment of 3:228
morality and 15:46
most necessary virtue 10:287; 16:344
necessity of 17:62,151,291,404
no possibility of deception of Divine 3:5
of aspiration 5:159,350; 16:145,171,365; 17:21,63,172,369,380
of consecration 4:208.339; 10:309
of giving 8:16,244
of mind 2:25; 15:320
opening luminously 8:82-83
openness and 17:133
path and 16:375
patience and 17:126,376
people who predict must have absolute 10:129
perceiving guidance in action 9:31-32
perfect 4:17,327,340; 6:132-33,398; 8:284-86; 9:329-30
in judgment 2:91-92
precision of inspiration 4:120
pretense of 8:72
psychic is
source of 4:254
purity and 6:438-40; 10:204
rare quality 8:73
realisation and 8:399; 10:204
remedy for psychological problems 16:364
resistance and 6:117
result depends on 8:178,244-45
self deception and 7:403; 8:14,374-75
self-giving and 8:261-62
self-observation, screen 5:199-204
simplicity and 8:284
spontaneous 6:402
Page 255
story illustrating 2:208-19
subconscious, doubt veils 16:41
suffering and 6:146-47
supramental vision sees truth behind 5:302-03
surrender and 6:210-11; 17:151
telling things to the Mother and 6:199
test of 4:354
to hear the Divine voice 4:87
total 8:247-49; 16:380-82
tragic aspect of life and 10:152
transparency 8:38,82-83
true 3:231,283-84; 5:5-7; 6:323-26; 9:118-19
leads to the goal 4:74,252
victory over one's nature, effect of 5:5-7,20
vital and 4:50; 15:320
will and 8:19
yoga, basic quality for 8:248-49,261,399
Single-mindedness 16:318
conquering 10:12-14
Slavery 14:310
to abstinence and needs 17:229
to desires 14:269-70
Sleep 12:34,159-60; 17:3,9,17
action in 2:106-07; 5:417; 16:232,357-58,378
attacks in 7:81-82
bad, restless 17:47-48,60,93,354-55,393
best before midnight 16:408-09; 17:9
brain function during 5:25-26
children and 5:296; 12:15-16
concentration before 16:266-67,357-58; 17:48
consciousness, control and 3:15; 4:62; 6:184-88; 7:65-67;
daytime 17:48
discipline before 5:26
distinguishing between different premonitions 5:192
doing without 17:354-55
dreamless 2:30; 3:16; 4:107-08
dreams in 3:14-16; 16:408
food and, for world-personality 8:381
going to bed early 16:402
going to bed late 16:82
going to the Mother in 4:130-31
homework and 17:311
how to 4:62-63,352-53; 7:66,71,120-21,125
Inconscient, going into during 4:318-19; 16:267
meeting evil in 17:150
mantra and 15:399-401
the Mother's 4:62; 16:3-4
the Mother's inspection during 6:167
nightmares in 3:47,165; 4:129,192-95; 7:24,121; 16:189
no interest in 17:137
noises in 16:68
of consciousness 17:184,297
outer influences stronger during 8:392
peacefully 16:121
perception of mental activity during 2:33-34
pills for 17:354-55,357
problem solved in 4:61
protection in 4:129
Page 256
qualities of 4:60-63
reading and 17:151
regularly 16:127; 17:36
remembering activities of 16:357-58
repose in Sachchidananda 3:16; 4:63,108
rest and 15:349-52
school for inner knowledge 7:70-71
seven hours 17:7,146
sluggishness after 16:267
subconscient and 15:140-43; 16:385
talking in 16:400
tamas and 15:399-401
time devoted to physical 2:30
trance, the body and 15:120
unconsciousness in 16:376-77
vital worlds, going to 7:121
with head to the North 16:205
will before 17:48,151
"yogic response" 7:65,125
you must sleep well 16:117
see also Repose; Rest
Sleep and Dreams, by Dr. Vaschild 2:30
training of 6:84-85; cf. Senses, education of
Smile(s)/Smiling 14:189-91,237-38,245,249; 17:32,373
at others 17:39
difficulties and 8:23; 16:69,100,220
dissolve the clouds 16:100
gives you your strength 16:65,67-68
of psychic 5:242
sincerely 5:370
Snake see Serpent
Social conventions
to rise above 11:253
Social relations see Relations
Social ties
aspiration frees one from 17:198
Socialism 10:307; 13:280
nature of 10:311-12
Society 4:92
customs of, and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:332
ideal 2:47
typic 2:48
seeking from the Mother 17:406
Solar plexus 16:358,410
Solitude 17:101-05
in retirement 17:127
of psychic being (soul) 17:100,172
within 17:126
Solmiac, George
Governor of Pondicherry 16:9
Somnambulism 4:126-28; 8:277
Somnolence 16:172
Sorrow 6:144-47; 17:120
evolution of man and 10:296-97
helping others to overcome 16:192
tell the Mother about 16:89
Page 257
Soul 9:18-19; 14:351-53
action and 10:295
altruism and 10:282-83
appearance and 10:23-24
attempting to manifest 17:75
awakening of new 2:164
beauty of 10:300; 15:373
beginning of relation with 10:211
birth of
choosing a body 8:201-03,215,333-38
entering a body 8:200
limitations imposed 8:198,200
body and 3:169; 10:26; 16:358
bound only be self-law 17:362
calmness found in 16:175
consciousness of 10:254
contact with, and development of faculties 9:396-97
contact with others, speaking to the soul 9:133-34
delight and 10:333
desire-soul 8:304,306-07,324 fn
the Divine and 10:304-05; 14:351-52; 16:229,250
effects of defectively organised 10:271
effort and 9:373-75,426-28; 10:293
ego and 10:316; 16:250
enjoy Nature with 10:336
equality of 4:96-97; 5:23; 8:68
eternity is term of 10:265
experience and 10:183
eyes, mirror of 4:26; 9:308-09
failure to find one's 10:279
few are guided by 16:349
finding the 9:310-11
fix without desire upon end 10:304-05
flower of cosmic energy 8:115
force of 10:247
generosity of 10:216
giving of 16:162
God's way with 10:347-48
growth of 17:78
guidance of 8:194-95
how God teaches 10:344
human beings, expression of a 8:239,243; 10:311
human consciousness and 10:209
immortality and 10:26
independent life of a, apart from the body 9:214-16
individual, Divine and 16:229
influence of 16:249
inner law of 10:282-83
instruments and prisons of 10:284-85
knowledge of 10:23-25 passim,208
knows needs 16:299
law and 10:257
mind and 8:195; 9:308-10; 10:359
mind and vital are obstacles to 10:24
"naked and unashamed" 10:314
needs of others and 16:299
new birth, reversal of consciousness 9:337-38
of India 13:360-61,376-78,380
of a machine 6:212
of a nation 12:42,44
Page 258
of Nature 10:250-51,336
only soul knows 10:26
origin, "soul's native world' 8:126
pain and 10:246
perception of real 2:165
perfection of 10:312; 17:78
physical reality and 10:209
power over matter 10:209-10
presence in the body 17:75
psychic being and 3:123-25; 4:137; 16:247-48,358
rebirth and 17:78
recognition of another soul 10:16
rediscover 17:174-75
relation to mind and ego 10:254
responding to Divine's call 8:223
role of 16:229
science and 10:207-13
self, true 9:310-11
soul-strength 8:301
soul-type 5:356-57
spirit's concentration, particular to man 9:430-31
spiritual call and 16:251
spontaneity of 10:55
strangest experience of 10:354
subtle physical sheath and 9:333-38
"teguments of the soul" 7:340
true nature of 9:40
turning your back on 16:71
uniting with Divine and 16:360
vital-desire 6:355-56; 9:309
way to know 10:24-25
will alleviate all sorrow 10:296
witness 8:103-04
wonders of science and 10:207-13
see also Psychic, the; Psychic being
Soul states
perceived directly by the Mother's body 11:123-27
use of the term 6:228-29
see also Surrender
human voice 7:351
in other worlds 7:351-52
in subtle physical 9:129,248
meaning and, soul-states 7:351
of ancient languages 8:153
power of 7:348-49
Soviet gymnasts 12:286
Space 4:162,221; 8:109-10; 10:244; 11:199-200
in physical, vital, mental planes 7:219
time and 10:148
forms of all cosmic existence 3:165
going out of 9:2
possibilities in 7:262-63
Special dates 17:371
Specialisation 6:18-20
Page 259
movements of 7:97-99
Nature destroys entire 7:162
satisfied with its special qualities 9:232
spirit of 4:236-39; 5:149,305; 17:291
action and 14:224-26
better not to repeat what someone else has said 16:51
contact with others 9:133-34
control of 12:34,57-64; 14:218-23
cryptic phrases 9:177
evolution and 6:222-23
expression of ideas and 12:60-61
ill-willed gossip 9:143
indispensable words only 3:201,259-60,263-64; 10:266; 16:34
inspiration and 10:8
less you talk the better 10:266
loss of self-control 16:33
mite of practice better than mountain of talk 3:201
never talk about others 16:63
no unnecessary 16:34
present mode of expression, inadequate for supramental
knowledge 9:193-94
reason, the vital and 10:8
speak little, act well 3:215
speciality of man 9:222
spirituality and 12:62-64
thought and 6:222-23,375-76; 12:60
true and powerful 12:64
Truth and 14:216-17
unpleasant, doing harm through 5:146-47
useful, remain silent ten days 3:67
vital and 7:349
see also Talk/Talking; Words
Spelling 12:326
waste and 16:33
of eternity 4:1
Spirit, the 4:164; 17:395
"behind the intention" 8:85-86
communion of Nature and 9:247-48
education, matter and 13:369-70
forms capable of manifesting 9:214,218-19
immortal, strong immobility 8:66-68
in doing work 16:182,199
matter and 8:86-87: 12:251-52,254; 13:369-70
nature and 8:11
of the species 4:236-39; 5:149,305; 17:291
"right spirit" 6:340-41
role of, intermediary 9:430-31
Page 260
Spiritual action 2:68
the Gita and 10:64
Spiritual approach to knowledge 10:137
Spiritual aspiration 4:165,304; 5:293
Spiritual atmosphere 15:245
creation of 6:356-57
Spiritual base
indispensable for being 8:367-68
Spiritual call 16:251
Spiritual change
and psychic change 16:223
Spiritual confusion
common 8:270
Spiritual consciousness 2:68; 8:11,96,136,172
ordinary and 12:405; 16:227; 17:19,92-93,114
worldly success and 6:239
Spiritual conversion 2:162
Spiritual education 12:35-38
Spiritual ego 4:364; 5:383-85
Spiritual equality
of men and women 2:146
Spiritual evolution 2:161-62
Spiritual experiences 9:239-41,344-45,399-401; 14:55-60
aspiration and 16:323
direct and in appearances 8:96-97
meaning of 3:17
speaking of 12:63-64
translated by mind 9:398-401
see also Experience(s)
Spiritual force(s)
influence of, over mind 9:420
new form needed 2:156
peace and 16:122
Spiritual healing 4:266-71; 5:184-88
Spiritual help 16:220
Spiritual knowledge 8:359
Spiritual law
of each being 8:141-42
Spiritual life 8:27-28,96-97,136,368; 9:233-35; 13:116; 16:335
action and 17:80
ascent in 5:206-07,265
asceticism and 3:53-54
as remedy for egoism 10:271-72
awakening to 9:373-75,431-32
beginning of a more 17:172
creation of spiritual atmosphere and 6:356-57
discipline of 16:139
Divine Presence and 16:155
entering, plunge into Divine 3:21-22
food and 16:196
free from mental dogma 10:97
goal of 10:291
higher perfection 2:161
in India 10:212
man's capacity for 9:211
material comfort and 9:85-87; 16:296
Page 261
meditation and 4:103-04; 9:87-88
mind cannot understand 9:416
morality and 3:118-20
new conception of 9:148-51
not everyone meant for 6:34-35
ordinary life and 10:69; 12:403-06; 16:335
presence of, in all things 9:339-40
the psychic and 3:64-65; 4:164-65; 8:136-37
purity in 10:97
qualities that make one worthy of leading 3:190-91
readiness for 17:400
reason and 7:170-71
religion and 3:77-79; 9:77
role of experiences in 6:351-55
serious deformation of 9:8
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 16:139
static state in 5:207
supramental life and 15:388-89
time of Buddha, a joy 3:203
translating spiritual experience in 9:399-401
true 2:39; 8:95-97,136; 9:77; 14:158
uneven progress in 6:95-97
usual idea of 8:365-66
vision of new 9:149-52
vital beings and 3:41-45
Spiritual light
knowledge and 15:74-75
moon is symbol of 16:135
Spiritual music 5:75-78
Spiritual path
advance on 16:279
see also Yoga, path of
Spiritual perfection 9:90
Spiritual philosophy
mental development and 9:344
Spiritual plane
behind and above 3:64
Spiritual power 2:109; 10:294
money power and 15:55
outer realisation with help of 9:86-87,92-93
Spiritual progress 9:117-18; 17:132,385
Spiritual realisation 14:107-08
ancient idea of 8:244-45
Spiritual rebirth 3:176-77
Spiritual role of women 2:153,156
Spiritual suicide 9:143
Spiritual teaching
religious teaching and 12:120
Spiritual "theorem" 9:406
Spiritual wealth 2:99
Spiritual world
some men live in 2:159
Spiritualised consciousness
replacing government of mental intelligence 11:106-07
Spiritualism 4:86
Spirituality 14:158; 15:92
adverse forces, attacks from 5:94,157-58
answer to all problems 9:74,77-78
atmosphere of 2:60
automatic writing and 9:362-66
Page 262
creation, spiritual understanding of 5:374
goal of former 9:298
India and 13:369,374-82 passim
life and 16:335
living integrally, deeper experience 9:336-38,345-46
living spiritually 9:336-38
mind and 9:419-21
moral perfection and true 9:409-10
new birth 9:431-32
new, embraces life 9:247
new quietistic methods and 9:305
poverty and 3:53-54
protecting presence 9:339-40
religion and 15:33-34
reversal of consciousness 9:286-88,414-17,431-32
sadhu and yogi 5:172
science and 15:69
signs of entering the path 4:103
speech and 12:62-64
subjective experience, proof 9:239-41
term employed vaguely 4:226
transmission of 2:109
vision, power of 5:401
woman and 10:301-03
see also Spiritual...
Spontaneity 16:368-69
absolute 10:116
covered by mental ego 10:55
effort and 8:282,371
in aspiration 5:350; 6:139-41
in yoga 8:282-86
of action 2:50; 4:6; 6:402; 8:282-84; 9:30-31,318; 10:16-17
of development of groups 2:59-60
of knowledge 10:89,151
of life 10:89
of spiritualised man 2:161
of vital 10:87
retrograde (impulsiveness) 8:238
sensitivity and 2:55
true way of living 8:282-86
unity in the being 8:285
accidents in 12:288-89; 16:413
body, control of in Russian gymnasts 9:86-87
competition and 9:96-98; 16:403
concentration in 9:82-83; 12:260-61
conscious will helps development of body 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55
for the Divine 6:28-29,268-69
a good captain 9:80-81
importance of, in Integral yoga 9:81,96-97
interest in games and exercises 9:98-99
judgment and 12:265-66
physical education and 12:289-90; 16:403
progress in 16:412
spirit of 3:136
strength and 12:296-97
training the body through 9:81-82
transformation and 12:290
why take part in 16:412
see also Education; Physical culture; Physical education
Page 263
Sri Aurobindo (1) (general) 11:13,141,145,202-03,226-27,229-30,311,
328-29; 12:116,325; 14:302; 15:30,88,121,135,197,201,261,395,425
accepting a disciple 17:190
accident of 16:139
activities of sleep and 16:232
aphorisms of 10:1-300; 11:210,213
are result of struggle with subconscious 10:102-03
give true prediction 10:142
use of 10:4,33-34
use of "I" in 10:8
when writing, ascending from intuitive to supermind 10:151
application of supramental power 10:161-62
approach with reverence 16:247
arrival in Pondicherry 15:205-06; 17:371; see also below
Pondicherry and
Asuric force assuming form of 15:408-10
atmosphere of 13:75
August 15, significance of 8:265-66,270
aura felt by the Mother 4:223,230
being shown Auroville 11:174
best method for reading 10:7
blessing of 16:86
books of see Sri Aurobindo (2), works of
Buddhist's theory and 8:151
calling (invocation of) 17:43,298,378,414
came upon earth to... 16:430
Centenary messages 13:14-20
centenary of 12:207
champion of real freedom 10:69
changing the manifestation, (better solution) 9:11-12
child of the Mother is a child of Sri Aurobindo 16:87
collectivity according to his idea 9:137
conscious organisation of things 6:14
contact with 16:395
conversation with
a scientist disciple 5:67-68
the Mother 4:85
Cripps Proposal and 8:31-32; 16:319-20
cures illnesses 4:264
cures Kiki, the Mother's cat 4:238
Darshan, in time of 8:262-63
December fifth and ninth 16:413
description of hallucination 10:39-41
description of immortality 10:28
disciples of, and Gita 8:62-64
distinguishes Bliss from enjoyments 9:8-9
"the divine mind" 10:362
"The Divine Superman" 4:351
earth and 13:3-10 passim,16-21
eternal birth of 9:171,177-78
"evil persona" explained by 5:276
expectations of us 4:383; 9:94,191
experience in prison 10:68-69
expressing himself through the Mother's body 11:102,104
finding the Divine in 16:161
first revelation of integral Yoga 10:69
flower of 13:16,32
the future and 16:422
going to 17:116
hand of removes pain, etc. 9:254
"heaven of the liberated mind" 8:275
Page 264
help and protection of 13:134-35
helps, is not helped 17:58
history and 12:212-13
in the subtle physical 10:310; 13:12-13
incident in the "Guest House" 9:127 fn
"India is free" 5:190; 8:30-32
inevitable success of work of 3:139-40
influence of 16:166
is part of Lord 10:206
"join the spiritual consciousness to a progressive mental
consciousness" 3:194
"the last Avatar" 10:255
late to give Darshan 17:286
letter to the Mother, Vedic experience 5:276-77
liberates from all preconceptions on conventional mortality 10:357
loved French 12:321-22
Mahasamadhi 13:6-9
Mahashakti and 16:211
manifestation of the Supramental 3:144
mantra written by 7:370
meditating in room of 16:250
meditation on 9:171
mental silence given by 9:28
messages of
15 August 1947 8:271-74
on Cripps proposal 8:31-32; 16:319
the Mother and 4:403-05; 13:1-33,38-39,43,45,47,50-51,77
circumstances behind writing about money 6:250-51
questions and answers relating to 6:203-04
Samadhi, conversation between 8:275-76
writings in 1912 correspond to vision of 5:352,355
"new edition of the old fiasco" 4:349
new interpretation of Gita 10:64
not looking at 17:286
obedience to 16:147
on choice, extract from a letter 4:327,341-44,347-49
on the date 4.5.67 9:315; 16:350
on God, a child 4:291
on gods and Kali 9:376-77
on the Grace 16:251-52
on men wanting to do yoga 16:432-33
on personal effort 4:411
on physical transformation 6:110-11
on rebirth 5:36
on renunciation of physical reality 9:4
on rings, portraits and superstitions 6:234
on Sanskrit 17:332
Overmind creation, remark about to the Mother 9:148
Overmind entities 5:265
papers with his handwriting on them 17:34
peaceful during cyclone 3:155
people not reading his books 8:204-05
performed miracles in mind 10:160-61
Pondicherry and 13:30,109,383; 15:205-06; 17:371
politics and 13:124-30
portrait by Dutch painter 5:368
possibility of earthly immortality near at hand 3:188
powers of 16:35-36
problem of individual and collective realisation 8:48-50,133
prolonged fast, personal experience 9:117
promise of 7:327; 16:144
Page 265
proof of what he has said 9:255
quotation on aim of 16:314-15
references to his teachings and writings 11:3,7,19, 22, 24, 45, 49, 52, 67, 71, 85, 89, 93, 95,110, 173,175, 178, 197, 205, 207, 209, 224-26, 228-29, 236-37, 261, 279-80, 284, 293, 308, 316; 13: 71-72, 76, 97, 111, 133, 136, 149-53, 159, 162-63, 165, 169, 184-85, 209, 221, 251; 14:33-35, 241, 252, 305, 356; 15:38, 139, 148, 158, 161, 262, 317, 361, 365-67, 377, 390, 403, 424, 426; see also Sri Aurobindo
(2), works of; see also below teachings of
religion and teaching of 10:96; 15:408-10; 16:414
reply to people who told him all they could do 4:338
reply to those who want to do away with the world 5:148
retelling stories of 17:281-82
reveals secret of existence 10:339
ridicules human morality 10:332
room of 13:29-30
salvation, doesn't believe in 16:314
saying of 3:171
seeing him 16:263
seeing in dreams 16:334
sense of humour 10:245,332
speaking about powers of 16:36
speaks when we speak sensibly 17:330
spiritual revolution 9:77
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and see Sri Aurobindo Ashram
stones falling on his house 6:42-43,57-62
story of
clocks 4:275
Karma, "A Dream" 8:82
vengeful Sannyasin 8:72
Supermind/Supramental and 13:8-9,17-21
individual contact with 8:133,323
the Mind of Light and 13:63-64
Overmind in his thought and 5:283-84
the term 8:34,299
symbol of 13:28-29; 15:205
teachings of
dogmatism and 13:22
India and 15:426-28
is limitless 16:310
read the 16:301
uniting spiritual and material mastery 9:94
see also above references to teachings and writings of
teaching works of 12:208-15
theory of creation 4:214
things are not in their place 10:107
envisaged by 4:18
integral 8:83,323
irrevocable 4:357
of the body 5:59-62
presides over terrestrial 2:47-48; 7:327
three hundred years for 7:149
working for yours 16:59
treatment received by 17:270
understanding of history 10:62
using name of 17:239
Veda, on the 4:136; 8:188,204-05
Vivekananda and 7:228-29
wanted one hundred people for Ashram 10:200
Page 266
what he has come to tell us 9:374
what he represents in world's history 10:96 fn
will of, bound to be done 3:157
work of, unique earth-transformation 3:173; 17:193-94,397
world and 13:3-4,10,15
worship of gods and goddesses and 10:255
writes to awaken sluggish minds 10:246
yoga of 7:200,202,335,408; see also Integral yoga
see also Sri Aurobindo (2)
Sri Aurobindo (2), works of 13:22-24
Arya 8:282; 12:214-16
Bases of Yoga, questions and answers relating to 6:305-452
books of 8:164,204-05; 17:69,339-41,344-45,390,396-98
Delight of Being 9:1-2,7
Elements of Yoga, questions and answers relating to 6:109-197,215
Essays on the Gita 10:61
A God's Labour 17:363-64
The Hour of God 10:201; 16:414; 17:233
The Human Cycle 4:311; 12:325
Hymn to Durga 12:43-44
The Life Divine 12:216-17; 16:199
answer to problem of existence in 8:267-68
extract on evolution 8:322
method of presentation of his viewpoint 9:224-25,231-32,249-50
the Mother on 9:14,203,208
quotes from 9:291-92
literature and 12:145
"Love and Death" 17:290-91
The Mother 9:291-92; 17:139
reading books of (what he has written) 12:205-06,398-99;
16:232-33,243,266,269,274,311; 17:339,365,375
Savitri 10:162,167; 13:24-26; 16:294,381,395
some comments of the Mother 5:388-91
compact phrases 10:9
poetic terms 4:10
sentences 4:367 fn; 10:104
study of works of 12:205-17,398-99
"The Supramental Beauty" 7:168,181
The Supramental Manifestation, remark on 3:147; 9:87
The Synthesis of Yoga 8:169; 10:15,67; 16:226
effect of reading 8:347-48
extract on life 8:289-90
extract, reply to all questions 8:259-61
Part I 8:43-44
Thoughts and Glimpses 4:291; 7:343; 8:358,367,376,383,
395,401; 17:343
The Way 4:351
Yogic Sadhan 9:365
see also Sri Aurobindo (1)
Sri Aurobindo Ashram 12:116-17; 13:108-89
accidents in sports in 16:413
aim (purpose) of 5:288-90; 7:394; 8:366; 9:17-19; 13:132-33
aim of education in 8:179-87,386
another world 16:7
Ashramites' relation with others 13:149-53
aspirants to supramental life 9:150-51,169-70,241-42
attack on, in 1965 16:314; 17:253-56
attitude in, sample collection of 4:215-216
Auroville and 10:270; 13:202,209-11
basis of creation of 4:93
belongs to Sri Aurobindo 16:8
Page 267
born in 1926 13:109; 16:361
borrowing books from the Ashram library 15:290-92
cemetery ceremonies of 16:271
changing conditions of sadhana in 6:295-99
children in 4:303; 5:165,286-88,299,415-18; 6:4-9,216,426-27,
430-31; 7:200,202,356,417-18; 8:85-86; 9:55-56,372-75; 13:113;
admitted to the Ashram during the War 6:296
education of see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of
freedom of 8:185-86; 12:386
for growth 12:286
in class arrangement 12:407
to blossom 12:407
to learn through experience 7:286
opportunity of 16:413
psychic being and 5:289-90; 6:4-9
steeped in a sea of consciousness 5:417
to be a true child of 16:346
"Why are we here?" 5:299
choice of place 5:355-56
collective sadhana in 7:413-21 passim
comfort, happiness and 13:131-33
coming to 13:115-18,134-40; 16:140,254
concentrating at the Samadhi 16:395
conditions for admission 13:115-18,133
consciousness in, collective and individual progress 9:172-74
construction of "Golconde" 5:162
customs of society and 16:332
cradle of a new world 16:301
criticism of 7:391-92; 8:2,10,107,366; 16:273
Darshan 8:262-65; 16:413
deeper law behind working of 7:392-95
descent of supermind 8:219-20
descent of the Ananda aspect of the Mother 6:291-95 passim,302-04
difficulties with workers and projects 16:38-39
disciple in 17:190-91
discipline in 6:339; 16:8,296; 17:191
disharmony in 16:326
dismissing a worker 16:43-44
double pay for extra work hours 16:37-38
drawing on the Mother 6:201-02
"A Dream" 12:93-94
eating habits in 6:158-59,162-64,178-81; 7:62; 17:47,248
early development of 16:3-5,7-8; 17:224
education, sports 6:237-43 passim
energy wasted in gossiping 8:162
far from ascetic 16:7-8
far from what it should be 16:300
fear of death and 6:46-47
finances in 13:154-58; 16:344-45
formation of 7:414-16 passim
freedom in 16:325; see also above children in, freedom of
helping society and 16:307-08
here one struggles not to satisfy desires 16:134
humanity and 13:113-14
idea of "immortality" 4:69-70; 8:129
idea of profiting by staying in 8:129-30,241-42
ignorance, less than outside 8:262
individual progress in 16:314,333
judging heads or superiors 16:320-21
Page 268
judgment of people 8:2,10
laziness to work 16:183
leaving (going outside of) 12:161-66, 358-59; 13:141-48; 16:138-39, 144, 309, 339-41, 349, 411-12; 17:175-76, 191, 204-05, 245, 402
marriage in 16:134; 17:365-66
meditation in 4:105-06,122; 9:39,41-42,383-84
members of 4:255-56,408
messages 13:171-72,219-20
most difficult cases are here 16:331
the Mother and 8:130,161-62; 13:75-78,109-114,117-18; 17:72
the Mother's time and 16:165
the Mother's work in 6:297-99; 7:258-59
need to form little groups and societies and 16:351-52
never forget where you are 16:312
not a place for being in love 16:176-77
not to repeat what's done elsewhere 8:238
only constraint in 16:339
ordinary life and 16:382
organisation and work in 13:159-83
gate-keepers 13:171-73
paid workers 13:174-83
overmind level, people at 5:285-86
palm tree in courtyard 5:113
participation in descent of supramental world 3:180
people gathered here 5:1-2
for many reasons 7:200
hiding things from the Mother 6:163-67
personal contact and human relations in 13:119-23
persons in 16:284
place of Realisation 7:420
Playground, March Past and concentration, in 7:257-59
politeness in 5:417-18
politics and 13:124-30; 17:202-03
Pondicherry and 13:129; 15:325
possibilities to learn in 16:339
preparing for April 24 Darshan 16:335
problem common to all 8:166
progress and 16:314,333
progressive transformation and the ideal 9:108,110-11
psychic being and 6:296; 16:367
public interest, need to act rather than speak 5:418
reactions in 4:388
reading of Sri Aurobindo's books 8:204-05
reason for creation 4:93; 10:199-200
for presence in 6:268-72; 9:17-18
receptivity, lack of 5:270-71
reduced image of life 13:149-53
remaining in 16:245
remarks in 17:34,206,211,218-19
responsibility to workers 16:15-16
role of parents in 12:367
rules of conduct 12:325
sadhana in 6:296-97; 16:254
sadhus and yogis 5:172
school see Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education
"sea of vibrations" 5:271
Second World War conditions and 16:140
serving mankind and 16:314
Page 269
sleep, usefulness of 5:417
Sri Aurobindo's expectation from Ashramites 4:383,411
strictness of 16:332-33
surcharged with force and vibrations 4:222-24 passim
symbolic vision of the collectivity 9:137-140 passim
taking life lightly in 16:265
those who take yoga seriously 16:338
to be sure you are meant for 16:139
truth, atmosphere of, in 9:70
understanding and appreciating 16:325-26
vibrations in 4:222-24 passim; 5:271
visitors in 16:99; 17:191,230-32,310-11
ways of, misunderstood 16:22
"We have all met in previous lives" 3:3
what we want to realise 16:275
work in, not for rest 8:21; 16:183
work of the new Force in 9:39
Yoga and 16:333-34
young people in 16:289
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (S.A.I.C.E.)
8:179-87,386; 12:9-38,434-35,446
aim (purpose), integral perfection 7:391; 12:117-18
Annual Programme 7:389-92
consciousness different in 5:417
diplomas not given 7:392
dissatisfaction with 12:164-65
do not do what's done elsewhere 4:3,364-65
freedom in 6:414-15,431; 7:286
going away from 12:358-59
guiding principles of 12:308
knowing what one wants 8:181-82
messages on 12:111-13
Playground 7:257-59
preparing own books in 5:416
self-discipline in 8:185-86,353-57
symbol of 12:111
Sri Aurobindo's Action 17:331
Sri Mirambika High School 12:115
Stalin, Josef 4:188
death of, not changed the world 5:377
vital world, being of 5:378
Stars 16:158
Statistics 17:311
Status 12:254
Stealing 16:13
Stepping back 3:160,167,280
dreams and 6:74
amethyst, power of protection 5:231
crystals 5:244
forces kept and transferred by 5:231
force of Love in 5:230-31
messages carried by 5:231
receptivity of precious 6:229
rock-crystals 5:231
Page 270
Story (Stories)
reading, writing, telling 17:63,65,221,297-98,331-32
the mind makes up 16:66
value of a 4:154-55,283
see also Mother (5), the
Strength/Strong 12:123; 14:182-83
body not strong 16:131
can't be hurt 16:208
how to become 12:136
in peace and silence is greatest 12:123
know how to receive 17:133
needed to manifest love 10:201
of animals 8:330-31
of mental formations 16:14
Peace will make you 16:116
sickness and 16:117
a strong being is quiet 16:125
to do what the Mother says 17:131
to overcome difficulties 16:421; 17:130-31,133
weakness and 17:22
will 6:391; 16:45,67
your smile and 16:65,67
do not give up 16:142
progressive manifestation and 11:76-77
Student Boarding Houses
messages to 12:127-28
behaviour after school 12:364-65
best 12:115
character of 17:307-08,312-13
control of 16:201
from age of seven to fourteen 8:180-81
has right to be ignorant 8:180-82
indiscipline of 16:201
interest of 12:389; 16:263
not brilliant 12:118
regularity and 12:136
scheduling and discipline 12:411-15
should be given freedom of choice 12:369-70
Students' Prayer 12:112
who want money and "success" 17:379
Study (Studies) 12:129-41; 16:281
as discipline 17:66,74-75,79-80,90,98,146
atmosphere for 17:160
attitude towards 6:154-55
concentration and 5:104-05,125-28,200-01; 12:199; 17:71,79,153
depression and 12:131,134; 17:77,115
discipline in 17:75
dropping of 17:173
expecting seriousness in 17:62,228,235,307-08
falsehood and 17:313
for children 17:152
for self and for the Divine work 6:153-55
forms convolutions in brain 8:180
four hours a day 17:146
group, programme for 12:217
importance of 8:346-66
Page 271
in Higher Course 12:178-79
homework 17:311-12
inability to 17:63,79-80,83-84,90-91,151,173
inertia and 12:133
irregular 12:173
laziness in 5:120,127
meditation and 17:34
mental silence and 12:215-16
mind and 12:249
the Mother's, as a child 16:121
the Mother's help for 17:98-99
motives for 12:201-03
not for pleasure 17:79-80
of French 17:144-45
of Indian languages 17:213-14
of mathematics 17:145,173
of one good book 17:66
of outer phenomena 8:358-59
of poetry 17:340-41
of Sri Aurobindo 12:205-17; 17:174,341
of various subjects 17:145
ordinary life and 12:361-63
outside of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 12:163-66
opportunity to learn German 17:329
purpose of 12:131-32
quiet mind and 16:199
sadhana and 6:153-54; 12:135; 17:98-99,153,174
"tamas" and 12:397; 16:294; 17:83-84,152-53,173
taste for 16:198
to awaken consciousness 5:31
to become instrument of the Divine 5:48-51
to get rid of uneasiness 17:71
under pressure 17:56
understanding 17:90
writing lessons 17:148
boredom, origin of 4:89,205; 8:175-76
curing oneself of 4:369
different kinds of 4:51,170,201
disastrous, gossiping 8:162
human, takes effect for cause 8:266
judging the Divine Will 4:388
Lord's contact and 4:205
of the world 16:114
relaxation and 4:156
rooted in subconscient 16:18
rules the world 16:17
vanity and 5:30,337
want it to disappear 16:92
Subconscient (Subconscious), the 6:319-21; 8:19,390-92;
11:309-11; 16:234; 17:183
activities during sleep 17:367
atavism and 4:211,251,261; 7:144; 16:282
body and 4:211,251; 7:144; 16:234
bringing Light into 17:194
consciousness and 2:132; 6:319-21
construction of body 2:153
controlling (conquering) 17:91,182
defeatism, pessimism of 16:425
the Divine and 14:388-89
Page 272
dreams and 15:348-49; 16:385
earth and 11:323
effect of books read 4:152
effect of gossiping 4:152-53
illness and 7:144; 17:165
increasing one's load 4:156
knowledge in 10:290
knows more than habitual consciousness 2:32
memory and 2:36; 6:367
mind 10:321
objectification in dreams and hallucinations 11:35-36
old sanskaras in 17:240
physical transformation and 7:83
place of insincerity 4:252
preferences, overcoming 2:154
reducing range of 16:385-86
rejection of wrong movements 7:85
resistance of 11:300
rising 11:323-25
seeing in subtle physical 10:131
shocked by certain ideas about God 10:102
sleep and 15:140-43; 16:385
stupidity rooted in 16:18
suggestions affecting 4:236; 17:158,189
suggestions in 4:236
suppressed desires 4:59
things rooted there 4:261
thought about God 10:104
thought and 2:85
transformation of 15:316-18
waking up and 17:7
wrong formation in 17:230
objectivity and 6:363-64
Subliminal, the
dreams and 7:109,111
"inner physical" 7:139-40
psychic and 7:109
subtle mind, etc. 7:108-09; see also Inner...
"Subliminal self" 7:111-12
calm and grateful, distinguished 6:63-64
joyful 6:210-13
Substance 6:306-08
human thought and 10:65
Subtle body 6:38-39
(nervous envelope), and illness 3:89; 4:268
physical, after death 8:338
reactions of, not controlled by mind 9:124-26
Subtle forces
receptivity of Matter and 2:52
Subtle-physical, the 4:110,125,230; 8:389; 16:225
accuracy in sight and 10:126
art and 16:118
changing events in 10:130
material plane relationship and 10:126
experience in 11:78-83
eyes and 4:320
the Mother's experiences of supramental boat in 6:186-87; 10:116
presence of Divine 10:154
Page 274
sight in 4:125; 10:126-28
Sri Aurobindo's presence in 13:12-13
subconscient 10:131
world of 9:128-29; 10:149
Subtle regions
earth and 10:60
Subtle senses 6:38-39; 9:129; 10:133
Subtle sound 10:134
Subtle vibrations
on brain cells 2:33
Subtle vision 10:129
Subtle vital
mental sight and 10:126
Subtle world 10:39
thieves in 16:73
vision in 9:134-36,201-03; 10:41
Success 4:15; 6:238-40; 12:115,119-20,165,253-54; 15:86-88,321
conversion and 6:246
endurance and 16:134
external 16:421
failure and 16:389
perseverance and 16:184
to the strong, courageous, enduring 16:134
Suffering 8:76-77,84-85,214,250-51; 11:41-44,109,170,196-97,249-50;
13:209; 14:266; 15:93,359-60;
adverse forces and 15:360
after death 17:107
Ananda and 11:112-14,141
aspiration and 4:295; 11:41-44
Asura of see Adverse forces, Asuras
attitude, inner 4:317-18,355
Auroville and 10:270
awakening through 9:16-17
beyond 10:13
bliss and 10:359
body and 3:198; 9:41-42,123-26
brought by adversary 7:402
Buddhism and 7:318
causes of 3:248; 9:7-8,10-11; 17:149
Christ and 10:61-62
came from imperfection of Matter 2:20
compassion, Grace, and 16:346
consecration and 10:295
cosmic vision and 10:263-64
curing 7:130-32
delight and 10:246
detachment and 2:57
determined by consciousness 10:51-52
difficulties and 17:129,149
in union with Origin 9:8
with collaboration 10:50
the Divine and 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411
Divine consciousness and 11:141,282
Divine love and 14:266,268; 16:18
Divine Mother's, through identity 5:388
Divine play and 10:51-52
ego and 2:56-57; 6:144-45,405; 9:41; 15:359-60
egoism and 6:405; 16:290
ending 16:425
error, cosmic vision and 10:263-64
evolution and 11:43
from nervous headache 17:195
from obsession 17:104-05
healing 9:282-83
helpful 2:20
helping others to overcome 2:57-58; 16:192
identification with all 2:58
ignorance and 9:7-8,10-11; 10:61-62; 11:41-42; 17:129,149
imaginary in yoga 17:140
in matter 10:61-62
indifference to 16:190
insincerity and 4:252
joy and 5:386
knowing how to offer 2:19-20
knowledge, ignorance, and 6:287-89
life full of 3:248; 10:263; 16:61
mental cure for 7:318
the Mother on 9:11-12,282-83; 11:41-41,282; 16:73
the Mother's experiences of transformation and see Mother's
body, the, Ananda and suffering; transformation of,
painful transition
the Mother's message on 2:42-44
no need for 16:174; 17:119
not given by the Divine 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411
not the psychic being which suffers 16:168
of humanity 2:57-58,126; 10:59,269-70
of others 17:105
of the path 16:227
ordinary life and 3:248
origin and solution of 9:303-05
pain and 5:385-86; 6:287-89; 16:411
peace and 11:282
pleasure and 16:297-98
proportionate to capacity 4:44-45
the psychic and 4:45
raison d'etre of 4:295; 10:224
receptivity and 16:365
result of man's mistakes 10:269-70
role of 10:352
secret found through 9:41-42
seeking satisfaction through 17:149
spiritual effort and 2:57-58
surrender and 15:419-23
sustained by human consciousness 11:235-36
taking on 2:56
taste for 2:56
true attitude in facing 9:41-42
unconsciousness diminishes 3:198
union and 7:8
value of 9:11-12,40-41; 10:351-53,359,382-84
vibration of joy and, same 5:386
vital and 6:70-71; 17:105,149
way of dissolving 10:158
Page 275
wear on body and 10:171-72
will disappear with inner liberation 3:218
wisdom and 10:49-50
world's misery, cause of 7:56
see also Pain
Sufi mystic 5:58
Suggestion(s) 8:341-44
adverse (hostile, wrong) 17:101-02,106,110-11,131-32,197
affecting subconscious 4:236; 17:158,189
bad, about illness 16:194
collective 2:24,76,110; 5:313-16; 7:245-46; 8:54,390-92
destructive 8:397
discriminating between types of 16:45
following 17:147
illness and 3:56-57,89
medical 17:189
of despair 16:73
of incapacity and failure 16:133
mental 4:236
other people's 17:35,385
reject wicked 16:73-74
stronger by becoming conscious 16:15
stupid and false, never accept 16:65
thought and 2:76; 4:236
to leave the Ashram 17:398-99,401,405
vibrations in 16:45
Suicide 7:23-24,33; 11:179; 15:138-39; 17:319
rebirth, Karma and 15:391-94
suggestions of, source 16:73
Sully-Prudhomme, Rene Francois Armand 6:4
Sun 10:187
aspiration towards truth and 2:28
curing illness by air and 16:110
inner 10:158
of divine laughter 10:158
of Truth 17:386
represents Supreme Consciousness 3:132
rising in your heart 16:119
symbol in nature 3:12; 7:139
Superconscient (Superconscience), the
in physical body 16:234
sleep 4:318
solves problems 4:60
origin of racial 3:150-51
no one is superior before the Divine 16:53
speed and 16:387
true 16:20
Superman, the 7:324; 11:181,216; 12:99-101
aspiration for 2:157
attempts to conceive 2:158
birthright of 16:436
born of woman 2:156,162
coming of 16:427
consciousness see Superman consciousness
description of 2:161-64
evolution and 7:333; 9:313-14; 16:415
first step of 10:273
goal of Nature 2:157-64
human ego and 10:248
idea of 2:156-64
Page 276
law of 2:163
man and 2:158-64; 7:333-35; 8:127; 9:411-12; 10:87,256-57
mind and 2:160
mortality and 2:163
new race and 7:333; 9:313-14
Nietzche's, Fred 2:161; 10:248-49
physical education and 12:280
Sri Aurobindo, "The Divine Superman" 4:351
supramental and 9:313-14
supreme faculties of 16:238
truth and 16:436
way leading from man to 2:158 fn,160-61
who is 10:248
will lose mental ability of man 2:160
Superman consciousness 10:316; 11:148-60,230-33,240-43; 16:415
Supermind/Supramental, the 11:131,173,297,301,311,314-18;
12:116; 15:97-98,198,301-02,313; 16:403; 17:182
action of 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:116-18; 15:106
upon life, money and politics 9:166-69
advent of 17:280
agent for transformation 3:174
aphorisms written at point where higher mind merges with 10:148
archetypes and 7:122
atmosphere, earth-atmosphere 8:127-28,178; 16:237
attitude towards 8:127,129,131
Avatar and 10:255
Avatar's work, preparing universe for 9:332-34
beauty in 16:78
beyond 8:34,177-78
body and 10:29; 15:120,124
chief obstacle to receiving 10:115
completes Nature's fullness 9:247-48
condition for manifestation of 10:107
consciousness opening to influence of 9:110-11
contacting 9:324-25
determinism and 6:48-49
different planes, successive manifestation 9:188-89
difficulties increased 8:220-21
the Divine and 5:283-85; 10:31,316; 11:315-17; 15:123; 17:81
Divine vibration and 11:193,196,249
earth and 10:316; 11:315-18; 13:52,57
effect of
on consciousness 8:206-07
on earth 8:11,178,291-93
on inner light 8:144
on people 8:137-38,204-07
ego and 3:242
equality and 10:114,117; 15:110-11
evolution and 10:164; 17:343
experience of February 3rd, following 9:276-78
first effect of 10:108
first expression, power 9:241
formation of new body 9:86
forms of 11:96
gives total Truth 10:253-54
glimpse of 3:242
harmony created by 3:163; 10:161-62
heightening of general confusion and 10:316
higher and lower hemisphere 9:113-14
higher ranges of mind and 6:415-18
humanity and 15:110-18
Page 277
in manifestation 10:115
interest it takes in things 3:95-96
involved and descent of 8:315; 9:156-58
behind things 9:200-01
Karma and 15:394
knowledge and 3:94-95
man and superman 9:411-12
manifestation of 3:144; 10:107; 15:117,203
many planes between mind and 3:94
means of acting 8:178
mind and 2:160; 3:94; 8:177-78; 14:363; 15:118
morality and 2:163
new element 8:313-17
new force and individual effort 9:5-6
new force, qualities of 9:314-15,325-26,337-38
new hope of Harmony and present world chaos 9:168-69
new race 8:127,131-33,323
new realisation, effect of 9:298-301
new spiritual orientation 9:8-9
new world is born 9:147-51
ordinary and superhuman things 5:1
our world and 9:277-78
Overmind and 3:173-74; 4:220; 5:283-84; 7:209-10; 16:235
perfection in 8:28-29
physical and 15:119,124
physical (body-) mind and 11:279-80,284; 13:63-64; 15:117
preparation for 17:73
promised things 8:127-28
psychic and 3:242; 8:299; 14:358; 15:117; 17:80
pulling 11:22-23
puts each thing in its place 10:108
really divine world 3:173
receiving 4:96,383
recent descent of 16:237
receptivity to 10:53
results of immediate 8:205-07
results of descent of, visible 8:138,291,312-17
revolution 9:76-78
Shiva will incarnate with 10:204; 12:205
speculation about 17:52
Sri Aurobindo see Sri Aurobindo (1), Supermind/Supramental
stages to reach 8:171
step now being added to the ladder of consciousness 3:178-79
superman and 9:313-14
supramentalised 7:143,148-49,210; 10:29; 16:324
time necessary for becoming visible 9:157-59
truth and 3:156; 10:253-54
truth of manifestation and 3:161-62
"universal harmony", "yet sealed up sources"; terms used in
1912 for 5:352,354-56
unknown and inaccessible to one with ego 3:242
value of discipline for attaining 10:31
war and 10:53
world and 3:163; 11:313-18
see also Supramental...
Nature and 16:236-37
Page 278
Superstition (s)
mental formations, topical 5:155
origin and examples 8:92
Rahukal 16:15,18
religion and 6:193-97
religious rules and hygiene 5:156
shooting star 8:211
wearing rings for protection and 6:234-35
Suppression 11:211-21
Supramental action 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:116-17; 15:106
body and 10:29
Supramental being (s) 11:96,130,178,307; 16:237
body of 16:403
life, man and 11:46,51-52
materialised psychic being 11:238-39
protected by descent of Power 11:52,155,315
relations with humanity 11:27
soon able to live on earth 16:382
yoga and 8:205-07,323
Supramental body 7:143,148-49,210; 10:29; 11:297,301; 15:301-02;
four attributes of 3:175-76
intermediate and 9:130-31,190-91,233-34
Supramental consciousness 10:253-54; 11:326-27: 12:98;
15:107,117; 16:255
descent of 3:173
effect of 8:206-07
expansion and 10:115
hold all births 3:149
manifestation of 17:380
mental consciousness and 12:447-48
mental obscurations and 10:325-36
the Mother's experience of 11:202-07,210-16,326-27
on earth 10:316
ordinary consciousness and 5:302; 9:275-77,280-82
phase of realising power in 1967 16:357
psychic emotion passing to 9:325
receptivity and 10:316
reign of 10:316
relation of, to material and immaterial 10:253-54
response of 8:178
Sri Aurobindo and 11:210; 13:21
truth and 11:205
Supramental creation 8:312-17; 9:149-51,158-59; 15:385,388-90
on earth 15:404-07
see also Supramental manifestation; World, new
Supramental descent 3:156,174,178,180; 8:138,204-07,219-21,291,312-17;
9:156-58; 16:237,322
aspiration and 11:314
body-transformation and 7:209
effect of 8:132-34,293,315
errors and 11:314-15
first step in preparation for 6:451
manifestation and 8:79,132-34,292,315 fn,323,325; 11:95-96
message regarding 29th February 1956 13:52
Sri Aurobindo and 13:8-9,17,19-20
translation of eternal for 11:137,146
values intensified by 11:314-18
Page 279
Supramental education 12:38
Supramental experiences
new birth precedes 9:337-38
Supramental force (s) 10:208-09 fn; 16:255
acting on matter 4:223; 11:313-18; 15:126; 16:78
applied at will 10:161-62
ascent to 7:270
beauty and 16:78
descent of forerunners of 16:322
feeling the 4:223-24
healing and 10:161
in mental consciousness 10:161
manifestation of 16:78
means of action of 9:5-6
the Mother and 11:122-27; 13:96
new 4:220; 8:137
opening to 9:5,39,110-11,117-18,241-42
passing from Sri Aurobindo to the Mother 11:328
power to change 9:240-41
receptivity to 9:5-6,39,110-11,117-18,241-42
repairing damage to the body 6:288-89
Sri Aurobindo and 13:17
Sri Aurobindo embodied in part 16:450
union with 9:118-19
Supramental forms 11:96
Supramental future 8:313-17; 17:72
Supramental god 3:179
Supramental harmony 3:163
Supramental knowledge 3:95; 5:302-03,398; 9:193-94; 15:107,110-11
understanding 4:222
Supramental life 9:324-26; 15:387-88; 16:237
aspirants to 9:150-51,169-70,241-42
cannot be realised by one Avatar 10:138
differences in 9:187-89
formation of new body in 9:85-87,127-31; 10:119-20
progress in 9:188-89
some characteristics of 9:185-89
spiritual life and 15:388-89
spontaneity 9:273-74,276-77
understanding with the body 9:325-26
Supramental light 3:147; 4:96; 16:78-79,255
Supramental manifestation 3:141; 8:205-07,313-17; 12:309;
15:98-123,411-12; 16:228-30; 17:81,380
egoism and 4:383
flower of 8:264
humanity and 6:417-18; 11:24-29,96-97,307
in body-mind 15:117,203
in stages 11:96
first stages 6:417-18
inevitable 3:139-40
the Mother's message on 15:102-07,112-13,202-03
on earth 8:126-35,219-21; 11:279,284; 15:100,202-03; 16:382
power for safety of the beings 11:52,155,315
process of 3:161-62
youth and 12:309
Supramental path 9:134
Supramental plasticity 3:175-76
Supramental presence 6:209
Supramental power
effect of is irrevocable 4:383; 10:161-62
manifestation and 11:52,155,315
Page 280
Supramental realisation 3:161-62,178-79; 10:114-15,316; 17:396
aspiration for 10:85
group necessary for 10:138
how long it will take 9:157-59,190-91
new life 9:77,169-70
individual and 10:138
two conditions for total 10:114-16
youth and 5:286-88
Supramental substance 9:314-15,325-26
Supramental transformation 8:28,49-50,323-26; 10:9
gives back health 10:328
of lower nature 10:44
of the world 5:302-03
process of 9:293-94
Supramental truth
descent of 3:156
gods and 12:310
mind and 10:87
total and 10:253-54
Supramental vibration
ego and 10:114
equality and 10:114; 11:193,195
supramental will and 10:161
Supramental viewpoint 9:276,280,282
Supramental vision 5:302-03; see also Inner vision
Supramental world 3:173; 8:49,205,317
aptitude to express it 10:113-19; 15:386-90
descent of 3:157,178,180,188; 11:316-17
experience of February 3rd 9:271-83
line with ours 9:266
manifestation of 3:161-62; 16:208,430
occultism in 9:184-88
perfection in 9:185-89
silence in 9:281
vision of 5:302-03
will be brought down 3:157
Suprarational beauty 7:168-90 passim
Suprarational domain 7:172
Supreme, the 5:201
consciousness reflects 4:254
creation and 11:198-207
direct contact of the physical with 11:173
Divine 16:384,389
earth and 2:95; 10:74,121-22
exact guidance from 11:184-88
exteriorisation of 5:375
identification with 10:125-26,264
incarnation of 10:74
is sole Reality 16:243
keeps body alive 10:230
man and 9:322,429-31; 10:87-88
manifesting in a limited form 11:129-30
objectivisation of 9:321; 10:99
offering to 16:243
only existence 11:38-40; see also Divine, the, alone exists
opposites reconciled in 10:341-42
outside and in matter 6:210
realisation of 10:70,74,85,245,247
Sachchidananda, principle of 10:45
sacrifice and 3:172
Page 281
soul is portion of 16:248
spiritual change and 16:223
trust in 2:62
union with 10:262; 11:129-30; 16:392
veil between material world and 17:178-79
victory of 17:402
see also Divine, the; Lord, the; Supreme Lord, the; Supreme...
the Supreme adventure 8:40-41
Supreme consciousness
effect of identification with 10:118
in each being 7:339
knows everything beforehand 3:28
the Mother's body incarnating the 11:168,185-88; 13:48-51
represented by the sun 3:132
union with 10:262; 11:184-88; 16:392
unity through 9:47-48
"The Supreme Discovery" 2:38-64; 16:9
Supreme faculties 16:238
Supreme fool
in humanity 10:265
Supreme happiness 16:433; 17:101
Supreme knowledge 10:10
Supreme Lord 16:297-98
will of 10:252; 16:422,435-36; see also Divine will
see also Divine, the; Lord, the;
Supreme love 10:121,167
Supreme man
divine man and 7:380
Supreme Mother see Mother, (1) the
Supreme power 4:187; 17:224
Supreme purity 3:215
Supreme sacrifice 3:172
Supreme truth 4:91; 10:10
Supreme unity 10:349; 16:307
Supreme vibration 10:180-81
Supreme will 3:118-19; 4:84,339,408; 5:46-48,196; 10:74,76-82,84,
88,228-30; 16:318
Supreme wisdom 5:81; 10:15
instrument for 17:314
intervention of 11:256
Surrender 2:128; 6:219-20; 14:113-15,117,119-21; 15:419-23
absolute and complete lack of 3:6
active and passive 6:129,210-11
all must be done in spirit of 3:97
all personal will 10:352
artist and 3:47-48
attitude of baby-cat 4:94
bar to, love of limitations 3:169
changes all determinism 7:366-67
choosing to make it 4:244,343-44
deep and spontaneous, different from offering 5:54
difficulties and 14:236-37
discernment through 8:3
discipline and 3:18-19; 4:72
(tapasya) and 12:382,399-400; see also below tapasya
during a cyclone 17:287
effort and 16:312
ego and 16:433
freedom and 7:246,367
Gita's concept of 8:63-64,75,80
giving everything 9:317
Page 282
Grace, happiness and 8:255-56; 17:139,151
happy, strong and useful 4:358
hierarchy of 10:16
in action 3:18-19; 4:373
in work 5:47-48,54; 17:168
joy and 17:13
liberation and 7:246
liberty, true 4:91
mind and 3:114-16; 4:183; 9:293-94
meaning 3:114,168
necessity of 17:139,151
not abdication of personality 3:116
of the being 6:219-20
of body 10:227
of central being 3:7
of consciousness to Divine 7:255
of ego 16:186,226
of falsehood 3:141
of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the surrender of
of one's nature 4:183,373-74
of personal will and choice 10:287
of the psychic 6:419
of a rebellious part 17:139-40
of vital 8:298-99
offering and consecration 4:132-34
openness, sincerity and 17:151
orders and 17:232
passive and of the will 3:18-19
path of 3:4-5; 7:250
perfect 6:129-33
perfection and 10:308
personal effort and 16:312
personal incapacity and 10:305
personality purified by 3:116-17
purpose of individual 11:185
sacrifice and 3:114; 4:315
self-giving 4:68
sincerity and 6:210-11; 17:151
staying in the Ashram and 13:115
stop resistance by total 10:235
swiftest and most radical way to get rid of ego 3:268-69
tapasya and 3:4; 4:72; 12:382,399-400; see also above discipline
through knowledge or devotion 3:126
to the Divine 7:255; 10:304-05,327; 14:113-15; 16:389,433-34
to the Divine Will 8:298-99,370; 14:119-21; 16:226,324,327,389,434
to inner guidance 9:359-60
to inner spontaneity 2:51
total 4:91,343-44,347,357; 8:124-25,267,285,373-74,399-400; 10:65
transforming physical consciousness by 8:301
true 3:114-16
trust and 11:282
understanding and 10:344
uniting with the Divine and 16:161-62
vital, obedience and 6:204; 8:299
will and 3:118-19; 5:46-48
willing and spontaneous 10:263
yoga and 4:72; 7:246,250,367; 8:41-42
see also Giving; Offering; Submission
Sweetness 14:189
Page 283
Symbol (s) 8:90-91,158-59,235,246
earth is 4:242; 5:275-76; 7:160,164; 9:209,321
fire as 9:222
in dreams 4:107,149; 5:28-29; 6:142-43,147-50; 7:129-30; 17:393
in visions 3:13-14
Jeunesse Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo 12:262
lights going out 17:42
light is 3:132; 4:219
moon 16:125
the Mother's 6:395; 13:64-65
of cross in yoga 10:260
of human authority 4:92
of inconscience 16:367
of Mahashakti 6:395
of material universe 5:275-76
of paradise with serpent 10:93
of shadow is inconscience 16:367
of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 12:111
of the sun 3:12; 7:139
of terrestrial world 8:35
of universal movements 5:272
Olympic Rings 12:267-68
Radha, of consecration 16:175
specific 15:41-45
Sri Aurobindo's 13:28-29; 15:205
physical 4:220
extend to all who need? 17:146,163
for the Divine and others 17:147
for those living in ignorance 10:279-80
indifference and 17:163
story illustrating 2:270-77
of gladness, perfect 17:179
The Synthesis of Yoga see Sri Aurobindo (2), works of
Page 284
Tagore, Rabindranath 16:6 Talk/ Talking
about depression 17:68
about one's experience 4:76-77, 16:22, 86
about so-called spiritual thing 17:166
about work 17:166,285, 292-93
about yoga 17:21, 73, 83-84
attitude behind important 16:22
chit chat (idle small talk) 16:181, 17:10, 22-23, 62
control over 17:8, 73, 33-34
developing one's thought and 16:244
during work 17:207
keeping quiet and 16:194
in sleep 16:400
late night 17:60
only what is indispensable 17:51
open frank and cordial 17:285
remaining un affected by 17:50
spoiling peace 17:95
unnecessary 9:143, 16:181, 17:56
wasting love in excess 17:54
when it is Sri Aurobindo who speaks 17:330
with others 16:86, 17:22-23, 33-34, 53, 58, 61, 136, 153, 165-66
see also Speech word (s)
Tamas 11:2, 41, 14:319,17:9, 87, 100, 316
being awakened from 4:349
cowardice and 7:25-26
Divine consciousness can change 17:287-88
excitement and 5:424-15
found and 4:334
in body 12:394, 116:297
in mind and reading 16:267, 17:152
laziness and 4"366-67
mental 12:133, 135-36, 390, 10:281, 17:291
progress and 12:347
sadism and 10:106
shaking off 16:62
sleep and 15:399-401
studies and b 12:397, 16:294, 17:83-84, 152-53, 173
yoga and 16:339
see also inertia, Laziness, Tamasic
Tamasic body
work and
Tamasic Consciousness 10:53
Tamasic nature 5:120,415
Tamasic part
sattwic part of the being and 16:157
Tamasic tendency
of outer nature 16:303
Tamil 12:223-25
Tantras 16:367-68
Tantric system 17:395
Tao 2:64, 125; 8:2B2-86
Tapasya 14:45
abolition of ego, by and purity 16:379
danger of 4:72
definition 4:343-444
Page 285
discipline and 3:4, 12:382, 399-400
inner and outer 6:410
of beauty 1.2;:55-56
of power 12 ;55-56
path of 3::4
realisation (siddhi) and : 8:173--74
right way of doing :4:364
surrender and 4:72; 12;382, 399-400
see also Austerity; Discip1ine
animals' sense of 17;246
bad, obstacle to progress 7:298-99
criticism of people without16:60 1;.
development of 7:57--59,185
for adventure 8;40
for studies 16:l98
for suffering 2;56
greed and 7;58-59
in the modern world 7:299
literature cultivates 7:309
perversion of 7:299-300
source of 7;59
spoiling of 7; 310--11.
training of 6;83
c f. Senses, education of
Teach (s) 12:368--85 ,408-29 ; 17; 308 i
attitude of 17:301-02, 323
attitude towards 12',160; 16;; 403-04
criticism of other 12:185
during the class 5;299-301
essential condition ' for . 12;360-61
example most important 12; 194--98 ,254 ,359-60 ,363-64
first duty is to do sincere yoga 12;376
has no right to punish 12;;380
a hero and yogi 8:354
how to allow the Mother to help 12: 335-36
inspiration and knowledge of 4:41
living in Ashram and right attitude of 12;366-67
maintaining discipline 12:334-3 8
meditation and intuition of, in the classroom 12:424-27
mental laziness of 8:186-87
mission of 4:3
must be psychologists 12:371 ,374 ,376-78
must be respectable 16:201
must not be absent 12:193
prayer for 12;381
preparing own choice 5:106
reaction against 17:269 '
representing the truth 4:92-93
role of 5;106; 8;:80-82,186,353-57
spiritual 4:75,82; :-ee also Guru
subjects taught should coincide with personal experience of 12:199
successful 12:167-68
students and 17:307-08 ,312--13
true capacity of 16:262
c f. Education; Teaching
Page 286
Teaching 8:154, 12:167-97, 368-85, 408-29, 439.
as part of sadhana. . 17:271-72, 308-13, 373-74
at present, a sort of levelling 5:106
austerity and 12:61-62'
the body 10:171-72, 11:13-15
by imposing an enlightened will 17:327
children and intellectual study 12:334
criteria -for assessing : 12:378
freedom and d 12:286 Indian 1itrature 17:301
good students 12:171
idea of evil 4;23-25
Indian languages 17:213-14
interest of students and 12 : 171 ,301-02 ,3C>7-08 ,389
listening well and 8:236-37
the Mother's way of 8:311; 9:372-75
new consciousness and 12:114
new method of 12:406-07
relativity of 6;358-59
scientific: 5:205
Sri Aurobindo's works 12;208-15
silence and 12;331-32
stressing growth of the soul 17:270
tests and 17:307-08
true 8:311
wanting it to enter you 8:237
well 17:373-74
cf. Education; Teachers
of the prophets ' 9:300-01
of Sri Aurobirido see. Sri Aurobindo ( 1 ), teachings of religious, and Sri Aurobindo/s 10:96; 15;408-10; 16:414
spiritual and religious 12:12 0
understanding 8:237
indicate a weak and paltry nature 16;371-72
the Mother moved by children to 3:159
Technology 12:252-377 Temper
revolt and bad 16;71
loss of 16;26, 33
Temples 17:43
occupied by vital beings 6:194-97
sacrifices in, human and animal 5:347-48
Temptation 16:197 Tension
relief of 17:195
silence as remedy for l6:271
Teresa, Saint 4:287 Tests 12:201-04,327-29, 17:307-08 Theon, Max 11:197, 200, 311 The Theosophical Path 17;58 Theosophy
on Karma 6:1-2
antithesis, synthesis and 4:44
Page 287
about death 8:87
about, oneself 17:24 ,77-78 ,100, 407
about others 16:133, 185, 17:167
about work 17:168-69, 205
clearly 9:287-89; 1.6? 281
human 2;22
in the true way 17:64
of the Divine; 17:407
of the Mother 16:122, 227-28
of other things 17:26
progress and. 9:412
speaking and 4:201
with ideas 12;187-90; 16:244-45
with words 4:99, 204
see aso Thought (s)
This 1ife
offers all possibilities; 16;164
Thompson, Francis .16;291 Thought-force
concentrated in different parts of the body 6:310 -12, 314 -15
Thought-forms see Format i on (s) ; Mental formation (s);
cf Vibrations
Thought (s) 2:21-29, 73-92; 4;201; 5:74-75, 8:183, 189-90, 254, 309, 390; 9;286-90; 14:365-66
about oneself 17; 77-78, 100,150, 161, 407
about work (responsibilities) ,, 17:168-69, 180-81
actions of 2;24, 61,,85-86; 8;359; 10:124, 146
analysing 2:25; 4:94
answering mentally 17:352
as living and acting being 2:28, 78, 83
attitude towards 2:75
autonomous existence of 2;84
avoidance, rejection and transformation of 6:22-23
bad 5:146-47, 7:81; 8:207-10; 9;252-54; 16:129 262 action of 2; 90-91 good and 3:185
let the Mother know 16:171 victory over (getting ride of) 15;330-31; 16;262
be conscious of 2;22-25, 31, 98, 111
beautiful 2:60; 5:388
behind word 2:63
body, compared with 4;219-20
brain and 6:307, 310-12, 314-15
the central 2:39, 93-94
channel of Grace 11: 42-43
collective suggestions and 2:76, 4:236
collective victory of 2:89
concentration of 6:310-12 ; ' 16:166, 228
consciousness and 4;240, 319
control of 2:61-62, 90; 3:183-84 ,186, 230; 4:335, 9::250--54, 387-88
craving expressed in 2:87-88
creative 8;395-96
development of 12:142; 16:244
direct contact, through 7;219-20, 230
directed and sustained 2:90
Divine vibration cannot be 10:155
dramatizing things 17:138
effect of objectivising 2:23
endeavour to make actions conform to 2:24
extends beyond personal interest 2:155
Page 288
from above and impulses 6:319
from outside 2:84
giving thoughts one cannot assimilate 2:100
habit of 2:76
harmony and 2:92
human,is creative 10:65
ideas and 4:47,202; 5:108-12,399; 8:344-46,395; 9:381-83
identification with author's 5:223
ill-directed, ill-controlled, does harm 3:211-12
in Dhammapada 2:87
in Europe 10:307
independent, conditions for 2:24
individual 2:24,27-28,86
light and 2:85; 4:219
living images produced by 2:108
lover of 2:80
malevolent, chief cause of division 2:92
market-place of 6:316
"master of thought" 2:61-62; 7:93
mental formation see Mental formation(s)
method of widening 5:221-22
multiple 7:220
nature of 2:21-28,75-92
observation of 2:23-25,61; 3:183-84,230-31
of child 2:79
of death 3:187-88; 8:87
of one God in all 2:66
of other's faults 17:167
one becomes what one thinks 17:31
opinions and 2:23-24
organisation and 9:251-54
perversion of 7:90
pessimistic 16:187
physical transformation and 9:131-32
polite expressions without real 17:350
power of 2:85-86,107-08,153-54; 5:19,132-33,387; 9:186
precision without 11:10-12,130-31
primary importance of 2:74
progress and 2:60,86
progressive evolution and 2:90
projected as image in meditation 6:378
qualities of 2:21
realisation and 8:30,396-97
result of sensations 2:21-22
sacrifice of 2:27
silence and 2:79
speech and 6:222-23,375-76; 12:60
subconscient and 2:85
subtle vibrations of 2:85
suggestion and 4:236
summit of 2:27
synthesis of pure and powerful 2:90
to fight against 2:89
transformation of 6:22-23
true region of 9:289-90
truth and 2:27,78; 6:358-59; 10:123
two observations on 2:75
understanding others' 5:74-75
union with others and 2:110-11
uniting 2:109
value of 2:93
Page 289
vibration of sound and 2:63-64; 8:311; 9:287-89
watch over 3:183,185
"we are surrounded by..." 5:383,386-87
widening, to understand 4:266-67
will-power and 2:86
word as result of living 2:64
words and 3:195-96; 4:99; 6:95,222-23
asking questions of the Mother 6:199-201
work of 2:86-92
see also Mind; Thinking
Thyanaraja 3:105
Time 8:98,109-10,233; 10:244; 11:120,168,194,199,275-76,288
beyond, consciousness of three "times" 7:220
body bearing pressure of 16:366
by human measure and the Divine will 6:458-59
changed sense of 11:53
changes with the plane 4:220
concentration and 7:127; 17:369-70
creation and 4:161-62,220,394
Divine and 10:147,320; 16:153
dreams and 3:165
earth and 9:141
error, concept in 10:147-48
eternity and 4:232,394; 17:242
for progress in earthly life 5:50,206-07,339; 7:76; 9:270;
12:185-86; 16:164,434
for reading 17:146
for study 17:91
in physical, vital, and mental planes 7:219
in the world 2:154-55; 16:87
is relative 3:66; 4:232
is a succession 4:162
living in an exceptional 2:154-55
lost 3:209; 4:330-31
the Mother's personal experience of 15:402
the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:165
the Mother's use of 6:245; 16:266
nature of mentality since Buddha's 3:235-36
necessary for realisation 9:190-91
of death 5:215-16,261-65; 6:449-50
on physical plane 7:221
on Supermind plane 4:162
our relation with 7:365
past, present and future 15:76-81
patience 5:397; 16:87
rhythms, cycles of 7:336
sense of, in subtle physical 11:80
space and
escape from 17:181
in vital world 3:165
Supermind and 9:157-59
thing is and is not at same 10:148
"the time is near" 7:326-28,330
"Time presses" 9:74
to find oneself 10:199-200
transcendence and 4:394
transformation and see Mother's body, the, transformation of,
time and
Page 290
war and 9:168-69
wasting 17:79
work and 10:303-04
yoga and 16:133
Timidity 14:301
Tiredness 14:267; 17:35,208,346
comes from the vital 16:113
Coue's method and 16:80
due to inactivity 16:147
follow a physical discipline 16:127
from sleep 17:93,150
going to bed late 16:82-83
how to stop 17:151,303
need to sleep 17:151
rest and 16:79; 17:63,151,362-63
while writing 17:148
see also Fatigue
Titan (s) 10:355
beings of ill-will 5:150
four strides to immortality 10:357
gods and 10:245-46,282
human wars as seen by 5:267
Scandinavian story about 10:309-10
universal 5:267
Tobacco 6:74-76
and tomorrow 16:182
Tolerance 14:201; 15:298
and today 16:182
Toothache 6:406-08
Torment 16:126
do not torment yourself 16:99,142,144
Torture 6:70-71
true attitude towards 12:270
model 3:179
ancient, of seven universes 4:23 fn
Buddhist, of 2500 years 8:151
Chaldean, advice to novices 8:402
different in every country for same event 9:333
Earth is symbolic 9:209
"glorified body" of very old 9:85-86
gods incarnating on earth 4:184
living, of yoga in India 7:342
most ancient 9:332-33
Nordic 4:314
occult, appearance of first man 9:236-38
of creation 4:234; 5:352-53; 16:370
of rapid union with the Divine 5:328-29
of twelve men calling Divine 7:415; 8:93
pralaya 4:218
promised things 8:127
psychic, of terrestrial formation 4:243
Upanishadic 8:333-34
Tragedies 16:302
Page 291
static power in 4:368-69
see also Peace
Transcendence 4:393-94
Transcendent Divine
how to approach 16:352-53
is both one and two 4:393-95; 16:374-75
Transcendent states
consciousness in 17:184
of the being 17:181
Transformation 5:58-62; 11:199; 15:300,314-18,389
achieved in silent concentration 17:107,373
action and 2:106-07
adverse forces and 5:95; 7:2,406; 16:384
ascent of humanity and 10:249
aspiration for 9:191; 16:391
attitude towards 10:304
beginning of 16:421
best way to hasten 10:289
brings knowledge of God in lower nature 10:44
by inspired knowledge 10:143
by love 17:54
certainty of success 13:21
change and 4:102,336,349-50
difficulties, in oneself and others 5:303-04
one's way of being 4:121-22,253,262,333,373
play of Nature 9:33-36
world 4:253; 5:44-45,100
collaboration in 16:383
condition of earth and 11:279,284; 16:382
consciousness to realise 9:35-36
consecration and 16:371
consenting to be spiritualised 9:74-78
constant 4:214
continuous and total 10:77
death and 16:324
demands of 16:371
destruction and 10:349
discover what needs 17:375
disgust, revolt and 10:76
the Divine and 15:91-95
divine emanation for world-transformation 5:275
Divine force and 7:322; 17:350
Divine love and 3:171-72; 10:261,300
during dynamic meditation 8:88-89
effort and 16:391
egoism and 16:426
egoistic movements and 7:75
elements which do not wish to change 4:73-74,332,410
evolution and 11:46-53,71-72; 16:382
expressing the Divine 5:322-24
few are ready for 11:24-29
finance, politics, science 7:301-02
first necessity for 16:431
fixity of nature and 2:53
gives power of victory 16:384
hastened by destruction 17:256,287-88
health and supramental 10:328
helping movement of 9:416-17
Page 292
history of 9:412
hostile forces delay 7:2,406
in life 3:198
in stages 15:404-07
individual and collective (social) 2:47-48; 4:382-83; 5:62;
7:323; 10:316; 16:329
inner 3:218; 10:47
integral 3:24; 8:83,247,323,366; 15:95-98
of terrestrial life 16:154
positive and negative movement 4:358-59
progressive 9:107-11
Integral Yoga, third stage of 7:407-08
into world-personality 8:378-81
joy, the means of 7:402
Kali's force, Divine Love and 16:370
key to true 10:19
knowledge that brings 10:144
leads to consciousness of Lord 10:243
liberation and 16:165
life in perpetual 2:93
love and 10:72-73
love and force needed for 10:261
man and superman: intermediary states 9:411-12
man not ready for 7:127,323,355
material difficulties and 16:354
means of self-transformation 5:44-45
mental self-sufficiency and 9:419-21
mental, vital, and physical participation in 9:345-46,399-400
mind and 8:343; 10:69; 16:354
mixture before 17:100
new emergence, unique event 9:293-94
new force needed for 7:187
new race and 7:324
new world and 7:324,357,402
nothing will stop it 3:140
of "animal into the Driver of the herds" 8:377-79
of animal species 7:329; 9:232-33
of body see Transformation of the body
of body-consciousness 6:110-11; 15:315-16
of consciousness see Transformation of consciousness
of desire-soul 8:306-07
of earth 5:276; 10:220
of the elite 9:73-74
of "enjoyings" 8:376-77
of a hostile being 5:98-100
of the individual 8:378-81
of matter 10:144-45,210-11
and inmost being 2:52
of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the, transformation of
of nature 8:62-63,245-46,381
of oneself 4:39,77-78,102-03,118,338; 16:179-80
of ordinary human consciousness 3:178
of organs 10:145-46
of the physical consciousness 8:300-01
of the planes 9:106
of politics 7:301-02
of "reason into ordered intuition" 8:382
of science 7:301-02
of the shadow 6:263
of the subconscient 15:316-18
Page 293
of the vital 4:247-56; 15:96
of the world 3:128; 10:289; 16:311; see also World, transformation of
of the whole being 16:368
open the door to 17:364
overcoming obscurities 5:19-20
period of transition 17:97
physical see Physical transformation
physical education and 12:278-81
poetic way of expressing 16:387
power of 3:171-72
present conditions and sincere effort for 16:383
previous life and 17:109
problem of, and right attitude 3:154-55
problem of creating new body 10:119-20
process of 7:204; 10:192-93
progress, inner, and 4:181
progressive 9:107-08; 10:218-19
prophesy (revelation) and 11:86-87,89-90
the psychic and 9:293-94; 11:280; 15:95,97
psychic being works for 7:76
psychic presence and 5:99-100
race, intermediary 9:130-31,190-91,233
rejection and 7:83-84,95-96
release from mental misery 9:303-05
religion and 5:83
response to Supreme vibration and 10:180-81
simplicity and 10:169
sincerity, transforming power of 8:399-400
slow process will not change world 10:189
spiritual conversion and 2:162
sports and 12:290
Supermind and 3:174; 5:302-03
Supramental see Supramental descent; Supramental transformation
supramental vibration and 10:180-81
supreme love and 10:74
terrestrial, Sri Aurobindo presides over 2:47-48; 7:327
three approaches to 11:60
time and (it is a long process; it is near; now is the time, etc.) 11:1, 33, 46-53, 72-73, 84-86, 95, 100-01, 121-23, 142, 146-47, 159-60, 166, 173, 181, 194, 204, 206, 217, 223, 250, 255-57, 266, 275-76, 283, 307, 323
total, needs several people 7:415
true union with the Divine Presence 17:372,379
understanding and changing 8:98-102
unifying one's being and 16:396
universal 6:245
vanity getting rid of through 5:48
opening to divine influence 5:117
process of 4:180,247-54
wastage of energy 15:370
way of "ending" 10:218-19
weaknesses, searching for 4:252,337,361-62
without clash or damage 16:378
without decay 5:116
work of, long and slow 9:348-49
work of true self 2:23
world-transformation 5:266-67; 11:51-52,109-10,180-82
world and 11:51-52,109-10,180-82
Page 294
wrong movements 7:84,89
see also Change; Transformation...
Transformation of the body 3:175-76; 4:18; 6:36-37,114;
10:27-32 passim,84,193-94,248,354-55; 16:324,392
Ananda Aspect of the Mother and 6:292,302-04
collective change and 5:62
follows mental transformation 9:106
interesting problem 9:232-33
intermediary race 9:190-91
keeping body alive during 10:146
one body or collective 11:52,109-10,135,145-46,180-82
only interest of the body 9:191
physical 8:207,300-01
physical (body-) mind and 11:16-21,74,280
physical knowledge and 6:110-11
supreme capacity 9:86-87
three hundred years minimum needed for 5:58-59
see also Mother's body, the, transformation of
Transformation of consciousness 8:11-12,76-77,172-76,268-69,
402-05; 9:117-19; 12:80-81; 15:314-18
psychic mirror 5:9-10
changes things 5:386
need of 8:96,98
Transition see Transformation
Transmission of faculties 8:319-20
Transparency 14:187
aspiration of 5:229
food, bamboo sprouts, coconut flowers 5:366
fruits, strange 5:364
gardener in Japan 5:325
love in 5:243
medicinal plants 5:365
palm-tree in the Ashram 5:113
parasites on 5:339
Troubles 16:216
only way out of 16:206
see also Difficulties
True being 16:124,154-55
character, the body and 6:1
how to know 3:124
in the heart 3:1
realising 16:117
soul and 16:229
stands behind formations of past births 3:149
True consciousness 4:1-2,234; 11:109,114,135,140-41,159,166, 177, 194-95, 205, 209, 230, 266, 269
building up 16:378
difficulties vanish 7:400
experience of 8:403-05
True life
first condition of 16:295
you must become aware of 16:136
True vision 11:221
Trust 12:125
between the Mother and a sadhak 17:137,174,197
faith and 6:120-25,403-04; 8:242,257-58,262; 9:162-64
fear and 16:194-95
for converting the vital 17:121
Page 295
in the Divine 16:27; 17:47,157,387,415
in the Divine Power 16:187
in the Grace 7:403; 8:38-39,251,254-55; 9:428; 14:96-99;
16:195,252,297; 17:140,151
in the great Supreme 2:62
in an intermediary 17:123
in life 5:297-98
in the Mother 16:129,169
like a child 17:121,157
overcoming difficulties 6:445
receptivity and 6:403-04
spontaneous and absolute 17:157
story about losing 5:31
surrender and 11:282
tempting God 7:403-04
see also Confidence; Faith
Truth 2:5; 3:133; 11: 266,288; 12:10-11, 113-14, 126, 175, 185, 189; 13: 223; 14:204-07, 211-14, 226, 288, 291,
365, 369-70; 15:98,119, 202,
above all opposites 10:315
above virtue and sin 10:348
can conquer hostile forces 16:50
unthinkable for mind 10:66
accept apparent denial of 10:214
acting according to 16:268
acting contrary to 4:24
age of 16:213
aim of life and 14:4-5
appearances and 10:45,48; 16:391-92
arriving at 4:284-85
as a shield 16:214
aspect of That 4:2
aspiration towards sun and 2:28
atmosphere of in Ashram 9:70
attitude for understanding 4:49
beauty and 7:279
beyond all explanation 4:22
calling down 17:249,356
cause, origin and process of 5:41
cells of body will share in delight and 9:42
central 8:174-76,337,380-81
compared to white light 10:3
condition for seeing entirety of 10:124
contacting the 9:257-58
descent of Divine 3:79-80
dharma, truth of each thing 5:356-57
difficult conquest 10:294
difficulties and 14:236,250
direct approach for understanding 9:285
disorder and 16:341
distortion of Divine 10:102
the Divine and 10:288,312; 14:209-11; 15:87 fn; 17:386
earth governed by 10:312
effect on reason 10:8-9
error and 2:27,81; 10:20,147-56 passim
essential, and illusory appearance 16:391
"eternal word" 5:354-55
everything different in 10:46
expresses only the highest 7:286-87
Page 296
eyes fixed on 17:392
falsehood and 5: 22, 98, 376-77, 379; 10:67; 12: 303-04, 322-23, 404; 14:208-11; 15:87 fn; 16: 194, 313, 341
finding the 5:40; 9:407; 10:25
folly as distorted mask of 10:98
four attributes of 12:8
Four Noble Truths 3:248
hidden behind things 9:200-01
higher, must be told 17:216
highest for us now 10:9
how to discriminate 12:303-04
in art 3:110; 4:313
in daily life 17:213,241
in individual 10:138-39
individual experience not a universal 10:183
inner 4:24-28; 9:111,117
integral 2:27
international conflict and 13:389-90
irrefutable, religions try to impose 9:407-08
judging according to success and failure 5:269
knowledge of 4:3,20-21,158,387; 11:266
Law of, in manifestation 11:75-77
"lesser Truth" 4:344
lies in that which goes behind 10:250
life governed by Divine 10:313
literature and 12:144-45
living 2:105
living according to 10:301
living in Divine's Presence 7:410
logic and 10:68
"Lord of Falsehood", "Lord of the Nations" 4:184-88 passim;
manifesting on earth 11:85-86
means for discovery of greater 2:160-61
men's attitude toward 17:94
mind incapable of knowing 10:256
miraculous and 2:78
morality and 4:11
the Mother's experience of 10:187-90
the Mother's only aim 5:352,354-56; 17:65,385
negation of, constant 5:376
newspapers and 16:416-17
not expressed by words 8:56
nothing fixed in 10:243
of Avatar 10:254-55
of the being 6:27-28,165-67; 12:351; 17:182
of diverse action 8:408
of essential love 10:217-18
of every being 8:136,141-42,280-81,326,387,396
of experiences 4:395
of laws of Nature 8:316-17
of materialists 2:125
of self 4:36; 7:240
of thought 2:77-78
of the universe 5:40,82
only support 9:255
opinion and 10:86; 14:214-15; 16:338
opinion of 3:138
or the abyss 17:297
order of 4:406
Page 297
partial and true 4:116
personal contact with 10:21
philosophy and 5:406-07
physical capable of receiving and manifesting 11:230
politics, justice and 16:376
power of 9:392-93; 10:39-40
practising to understand highest 9:70-71
pressure of 13:375
falsehood and 16:341; see also above falsehood and
progress and 10:145
psychic and 15:325-27; 17:80
readiness for descent of 17:404
reason and 12:334
received by psychic and transmitted 17:80
relativity of 10:147
religion and 2:82; 10:286; 15:417
report things exactly 16:36
requires no advertisement 3:83
resistance to 17:272
rules and 7:286
satisfaction in 3:201
scientific knowledge as absolute 10:136-37
seen in distorted medium 10:2
senses and 14:382
serving 16:332
shall triumph 17:253
showing to physical consciousness 3:130-31
siding with 17:242,283
sincerity and 5:302-03; 7:88-89; 10:25
speaking the 14:216-17
spiritual 16:315
subconscient and 14:388
Sun of 17:386
superman and 3:161-62; 16:436
supramental see Supramental truth
supramental consciousness and 11:205
supreme 4:91; 10:10
surpasses thought 4:215
systems and 10:136-40
teachers representing 4:92-93
thought and 2:27,78; 6:358-59; 10:123
to be found behind 17:334
transformed into action 2:105
understanding behind events 5:194-95
understanding beyond mental formulas 5:88
understanding the 9:406-07
unwillingness to recognise what is true 3:192
value of a man 8:136
virtue and 10:348
vision and expression of 10:187-88
vital and 11:22-23
wealth and 16:372
what is Truth? 16:436
whole 10:362
Will of supreme Lord is 16:436
will triumph 4:22-23,25
Word and 10:234
world and 15:365
yoga of knowledge and 16:238
Page 298
Truth -Consciousness 10:107, 11:2, 12:116, 11:290-91, 15:116, 17, 124,403
consciousness and falsehood 10:108
human consciousness and 10:75-76
1i'fe not yet guided by 5:17-18
mind and 16:436
peace and 5:65 -66
see also Supermind/ Supramental, the
Pralaya and 7:208
Truth -power 10:185, 194 -95 Truth-vision 12:3'22-23
Truth-fulness 12:150
Page 299
Ugli ness
beauty and 10:45-46. 16:78
existence of 5:71-73
healing 10:71-72
Unconsciousness 17:74
correcting wrong done through 5:411
cruelty and 6:70-71
diminishes suffering 3:199
fear and 6:50-51
in sleep 16:376-77
in work 16:18
insincerity and 6:125-27
maid by the Divine ? 17:106
of creation5:11, 71. 10:206
of laziness 16:395
of material nature 17 :107
striving to become conscious 17:75
waste and 16:376
acting prior to 10:146 another dimension 7:240 appreciating and, Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:325-26 aspiration for 7:239; attitudes and 17:411 behind words 4:227-28 being and 7:239 body's 8:55, 212-14. 9:325-26 brain formation8:180-83, 385-87 by experience and by reading9:182 children 4:157 condition for maximum 10:7 consciousness and5:29; 10:18; 17:159 creation story of5:372-75 difficult studies4:198 difficulty of8:32,86 direct transformation of a state of 9:287-90 discussion and10:85-86 the Divine8:94 Divine Love8:339-40 effort for17:66,145,157 ego and10:358 experiences7:360; 8:67,237,341-43; 9:182; 10:210 follows action10:146 from above8:32 the Gita8:105 God10:262,289 goodwill comes with10:22 how things happen5:194; 9:245-46 how to live without ego 9:338 human way of6:274; 10:262 the impossible8:313,383-86 in the body-cells9:147-48 in silence3:63-66; 4:227 increasing one's8:101 instead of learning5:105 intimate17:155 key of past transformation 9:293-94 tight through since2:108 love in complex17:387
acting prior to 10:146
another dimension 7:240
appreciating and, Sri Aurobindo Ashram 16:325-26
aspiration for 7:239;
attitudes and 17:411
behind words 4:227-28
being and 7:239
body's 8:55, 212-14. 9:325-26
brain formation8:180-83, 385-87
by experience and by reading9:182
children 4:157
condition for maximum 10:7
consciousness and5:29; 10:18; 17:159
creation story of5:372-75
difficult studies4:198
difficulty of8:32,86
direct transformation of a state of 9:287-90
discussion and10:85-86
the Divine8:94
Divine Love8:339-40
effort for17:66,145,157
ego and10:358
experiences7:360; 8:67,237,341-43; 9:182; 10:210
follows action10:146
from above8:32
the Gita8:105
goodwill comes with10:22
how things happen5:194; 9:245-46
how to live without ego 9:338
human way of6:274; 10:262
the impossible8:313,383-86
in the body-cells9:147-48
in silence3:63-66; 4:227
increasing one's8:101
instead of learning5:105
key of past transformation 9:293-94
tight through since2:108
love in complex17:387
Page 300
means of 5:74-75,
mind incapable 8:30,99, 101,183, 12:101, 139, 183the Mother 11:194-95, 16:51
miracle constant 8:128,316-17
of humanity 11:75-77
of self leads to God 2:38-39
one's errors 5:55-56
other's 4:157; 5:74,220-21.299-301,311-12
perception liner and global 8:56
plasticity and4:157
power to open 10:210
preparation for experience 6:350-51
progress and 9:134-36
Radha's prayer 5:385
reading without 17:70-71
Scriptures 10:186,355
searching behind words 9:178
Sri Aurobindo's compact phrases and 10:9
Sri Aurobindo's history 10:62
studies 17:90
supramental knowledge 4:222
supramental life 9:325-26
surrender and 10:344
teaching, listening well 8:236-37
thoughts of others 5:74-75
thoughts vibration 9:287-90
transformation 8:90-102
true 5:164; 7:238-39; 9:177
the truth 4:49; 5:194-95; 9:285,406-07
Union with Supreme Consciousness and 10:262
universal vision needed for 10:49
the universe 5:81,88-89,311-12; 10:358
usual distortion in communication 9:288-89
the Vedas 7:368
way to 12:139-40
what one knows 16;433-34
with the body 9:325-26
the world 5:29-30,81,88-89,311-12
Yoga and 16:411
see also Knowledge and Mind
Undesirable things
attachments are 17:132
continuing 17:134
seeds of 17:138
at seeing the Mother, and in sincerity 16:264
reason for 17:34-36
to get rid of 17:67,71
Unforeseen, the
remedy for 16:18
Unhappiness 4:45,289-90,293,405
insincerity and6:215-16
past life, cause of ?5:217-18
thwarted desires and17:101
Page 301
unification 4; 80., 106
.around psychic center 16:392, see also Psychic being unifying ... of the being 4:81, 88-89, 11:290-92 12:3-4, 16:362-63, 377-78,
396,410,412-13, 17:82-83
union , unity and 16:368
Ananda of identity and 8:94,226-27
aspiration for the Divine 8:235-36
effected through offering 3:23
in the Divine consciousness 16:158
India will show the way to 16:368 fn
joy of 8:75,226-27,233; 17:375
love and 6:104-05; 16:399
the mother's with the psychic 10:132
of opposites 10:304
peace best for 17:168
perfect 5:57-58
power can tolerate only 10:176
psychic being works for 16:174
quietness for more complete 17:178
remembrance and 16:374
separation and 6: 100-01
suffering and 7:8; 9:8
sure means of attaining 16:164
true attending16:175
uniformity and 16:368
with The Divine see The Divine, the union with
with Divine Consciousness and will 3:133-35,167-72; 17:309-10
with others 2:110-111
with the outer nature 16:156
with the psychic see The Psychic, the , union with
with the supramental force 9:118-19
with the Supreme 10:78,262; 11:129-30,184-88; 16:392
Unity8:55-56,78,403; 11:166
collective 7:143; 10:310
consciousness of 16:288,302
consciousness of the Divine 8:53,75-77; 10:174-75
creation and 11:198-204
delight in 9:7-9
diversity and 4:324,328
Divine order and 3:163
divine Unity manifesting 9:150
essential 2:66
experience of 10:50-51
"the family of man" 9:3-4
freedom, expression of 9:49-50
human see Human Unity
human consciousness and 15:66-68
in art 5:339-40
in the being 8:285; 10:281
in inconscient through Supreme consciousness 9:47-48
in Japan 2:150
in matter 8:76-79
inner progress and 6:428
integrality 8:47-48
love leads to 9:50-51
multiplicity and 4:327- 29
national and international 12:252-54
of consciousness 11:199-207
of India 13:362,368-376 passinm
Page 302
of individual and group 2:60
of mankind 10:281; 12:39-40; 15:65-68,71-72
of nations 12:40-41; 13:37
of Sachchidananda 7:243
original 4:324,329
separate ion and 7:237
perfection of 2:164
realising true (supreme) 10:349; 16:307 spiritual and material 10:211
supreme 10 :349; 16:307
through supreme consciousness 9:47-48
uniformity and8:106; 12:172; 16:368
with the Divine3:167-68 Universal consciousness
not the Divine 3:168
personality and 8:378-81 Universal forces
fountains of 2:47
observation of 6:419-20
play of individual virtues, fault and 7:138-39; 16:276 Universal mind 3:115-16 Universal nature
harmony any between individual and 10:56
liberation from 16:431
vital -force and 7:137-38 Universal objectification
result of divine will 9:176 Universal personality 10:255 Universal progress 5:336; 5 :233-34,325-26
individual and 7:427 Universe all things indispensable 4:285
as harmonious power 10:235
as a play of the Divine 6:267-6 8 Avatar's action in 9:332-34
becoming as vast as 10:19
becoming conscious, remedy for evil in 5:73
beyond the 4:221
cause of ugliness 5:71-73
chance and 10:44 choice to remain in or 1eave 8:234
combinations, infinite 8:312-17
concept ions of 4:214 ,371
consciousness , unfolding of 4 :174 ,217 ,220
constantly evolving 10:47
constitution of4:164
contact with mystery of 2:147
"cosmic spirit" 7:236
creation and dissolution of 2:l47; 3:177; 4:23,162,220,370-71;
5:40-41,71,163; 6:171; 10:9; 107; see also pralaya
delight of being, foundation of 8 :226-27,327
desire to own things in 2:5 3
destruction of see above creation and dissolution of
development of is perpetual 9:33-35
disappearance of a 10:219
the Divine and 4:160-64; 5:82-83;15:3-10
Divine will acting in 9:176
earth is symbol of 2:80; 4:242; 5; 272,275-76; 7:160,164; 9:209-321
ego and understanding 10:358
eternally unrolling itself 3:31
events of, unchangeable 5:192-93
Page 303
every possible kind o 10:104
existence and truth o 5:40,82
expanding 4:220-21
explanation o 3:28; 4:154; 5:81; 7:238-41
exploring 2:128
expression of Divine 3:375
expression of sachchidananda in 10:45
exteriorization of the Divine 5:375
free choice, principle of 5:301,374-75,379-82
getting out o 16:165
identification o consciousness with 2:130
illusion of personality and 2:52
imaging something in 7:234
in miniature: man 2:80
in slow ascending evolution 10:267
individuality amidst eternal creation 8:346
individuals, worlds and 10:218
infinite combinations in 4:217-18; 8:313-14
infinite gradation of 4:83-85;8:87
udment of 4:117,177
knowledge of 2:27; 8:87
laws of order in 2:106
the lord is the centre of 16:264
manifestation of supermind in 10:107
material see Material universe motive of 4:161,324
movement perpetual in 8:2,133
multiplicity and unity in 4:327-29
necessary to explain grain of sand 2:83
new, eternally 4:218
objectification of the supreme (that) 9:321; 10:99
o equilibrium 10:107
one is part of 16:265
organization of 6:284
origin o see above creation and dissolution of
owning things in 2:53
physical world like a crystallization of 5:272-73
physically within the Divine 11:132-38
plane of; will and purpose in evolution 9:259-60
possibilities realized 4:148
pralaya of see above creation...
progressive 7:234; 8:233-34, 325-26
psychic life of 17:102
raison d'etere of 4:161,174, 9:208-12,427
reduced to size of human mind 4:177
relativity in 10:45-46
reorganization ,perpetual 8:2
repetition, no identical 5:40,226
role of individual in 8:326
source of 10:45
state, static and progressive 8:233-34
supermind, new element in 8:313-17
taps of 8:101-02
temporal: "a paradox and impossibility" 8:383-85
true reality of 7:331
truth if 5:40,82
understanding the 5:81,88-89,311-12; 10:358
universalisation of consciousness 9:65
see also creation; Earth; world
Page 304
Upanishads 8:333-34 Upsetting 17:93
endurance and 16:145 " Uti1itarianism" 12:353
Page 305
Vacations 17:399-400
Vaishnavite stories 8:224-27
Valmikie 10:269
intensified by supramental descent 11:314-18
true 8:136,403
Vanity 7:19; 14:279,301; 17:10
.bad wood 5:46
doing "great things" 16:182
egoism 4:39
fatuity 5:337
humi1ity and 16:178
in plants and animals 4: 29-30; 11:261
jealousy and 16:179
movements of 16 : 6 4
of ego 5:14-16,349
prayer and 5:93
prevents you from seeing of affection 16:70-71
progress and 5:49,219-20; 16:12,09; 17 : 117-18 ,122 ,160-61
satisfaction, personal 5:337,349-50
spiritual 5:384
stupidity and 5:30,337
transformation of 5: 4 8
unpleasant speech through 5:47
vital full of 4:52; 8:239-40, 242, 348-49; 16:54
see also Ego; Egoism; Pride
Vaschid, Dr.
"Sleep and Dreams" 2:30
Vasishtha 10: 249 Vastness
bathe in 17:190
contact Nature with joy and 7 :73 ,138-39
ways to identify with 6: 3 4 4- 4 6
see also Widening (wideness)
Vedanta 10:317
Communism and 10:307
egoism and 10:318
message of 10:272
Veda (s) 10:258,317-16
conception of creation 4:214
crookedness in 10:168
hymns of 4:136
imaged 1anguage of 7:359
Sri Aurobindo on 4 : 136; 8:188,204-05
transcription of 7:360
understanding 7:368
see also Vedic . . .
Vedic Age 7:356-59 Vedic experience
letter to the Mother 5:276-77
Vedic hymns 8:188
Vedic Rishis 7:360-61; see also Rishis Vegetal kingdom 16:234
Page 306
between the Supreme and the material world 17:178-79
Mind of Light, transparent 9:193-94
of falsehood 10:108
removal of 10:1.9
"Vers la Perfect son" classes 12:182-85 vexation
the vital and 16:132
Vibhuti 6:274, 7:362
Avatar and 4:398-99
Vibrations 8:53-55, 312, 389-90
action of higher, and resistance to 4:383; 10:232-33
answered from inside 6:429-30 awareness of 6:335-36 brains cells and subtle 2:3 3 cells and true 10:180 consequences of 4: 407 containing everything 10:155 difficulties of world and 6:446-47 distinguishing 6:131-33 distortion of central 10:215-17 Divine 10:155; 11:193,195-96,249-50; 16:382 each one emanates 16:13
equality and supramental 10:114, 11:193, 195
evaluation of 11:10-12,130 expression of 10:225 favorable and unfavorable10:180 field of, make up physical reality 10:179 golden 10:222-23
illnesses, accidents, etc ., and 16:32 in flowers 4:167
in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 4:216,222-24 passim; 5:271 in types of suggestions 16:45 influence of others 4:27,36; 17:28-29,68 1ower, e1iminating 16:358 make up atmospheres 4:223,230; 16:13,32 meeting people and wrong 16:358 mind and 9:287-89
observation of universal force and 6:419-20 of adoration 10:264 of creation 10: 217
of desire 2: 87-88 ; 4 : 392-33 ; 8 : 53 ; 10: 176-82 of fire 10:l94 of good and of evil 16:381 of harmony and disorder 10:192 of hate 10:215-17 of Joy and pain, same 5:386 of love 10:73,215-18 of music 5:75 of psychic 4:245
of thought and sound 2:63-64, 8; 311; 9:287-89 of Truth-consciousness and of falsehood 10:189 of Wi11 from, above 10: 232 on mental, vital and physical planes 10 :179 ordinary and true 10:202
perception of 10:181,282 quality of 10:178-79 receptivity and 10:194 requires own medium 2:84 - 8 5 subtle 2:33,85 supramental see Supramental vibration
Page 307
transformation and supreme10:180-81
true 10:189,193-94
understanding through 9:287-90
undesirable 4: 335,383
vital 4:244
cf . Force (s); Formation (s)
Vice (s)
contagion of 9:56
control of 8:5
progress and 10:2 67; 16:246
Victory 8:9,42,134: 12:271-74
action on world of individual 5:20
against adverse forces 5:235-36; 6:436
:assurance of, precious 16:122,145
at end of ordeal 17:388
certain, of Sri Aurobindo 3;137-40
certainty of 9:255; 16:173; 17:l89
collective 2 : 89
confidence and 16:186
"conquering", meaning of 5:267
day of, how to hasten 16:22-23
defeat and 8:401-02
Durga Puja, day of 7:352
fear and 16:107
joy is sign of 7:401
meaning of 12 : 153-54
miracles are aspiration for true 11:256
the Mother is with you 16:90
nature of, indicated by nature of difficulty'3:143
never lose will for 17:63
of the Divine 3:3; 15:88-90
of the Supreme 17:402
of thought 2: 89
over bad thought 15 :330-31; 16:262
over death 11:107
over egoistic personality 2 :6 6
over evil 9:4-5
over falsehood 3:141-42
over lower nature 16:421
over oneself 3:228; 5:20; 17:374
perseverance and 16:133
sincerity and certain 5 : 5-7
sincerity of aspiration and 16:14 5
transformation gives power of 16:384
will for rest and 17:63
win upo earth 3:19 8
Vietnam 10:233 fn 16:337-38 Vigilance 14:184
against adverse forces 16:187
correct 3:250
meaning 3:202
passive and active 3:202-03
Vincent de Paul 12:95-97
da Vinci, Leonardo 3:110; 4:301
Violence 13:218; 15:49-56
always a sign of weakness 6:372-73
animals and 6:372
aspiration mined with 6:420-21
by a teacher 16:201
children and 32:176-97,436-40
Page 308
physical and moral 12:438-40
quietness in force of 17:60,238,364,393
Violent sensations16:147-48 Virtue (s)
aspiration and 8:143
compassion is highest human 10:359
contribution of evil and 10:267
the Divine dealing with 10:342
eliminates everything bad 10:159
faults and 16:276,374
great obstacle to self-giving 10:122-23
hate of 10:78-79
height where they all meet 2:101
many lead away 'from the Divine 16:378
must drop robe of 10:348
only indispensable ones ; 10:283
perfection and 10:157
possession at., indicates exact opposite 10:81-82
sin, progress and 10 :258-59
sincerity 10 :287 ; 16:394
story depicting 2:5-6
united beyond the ego 6:182-83
vice, progress and 10:246,267
Vishnu 8:224 fn; 10:253 ; 16: 135,326-27
Avatar of Shiva and 7: 297
dark side of 10:282
apparition which brings about accident 4: 274
attitude of true 8:398
by identity 10:128
capacity of mind's 7:231
choice and 10:124
close to Origin 10:125-26
cosmic 10:263-64
deeper in life 5:409
definition of 10:41-42
Divine consciousness and 10 : 12 8
error and 10 : 41-42 ,263-64
experiences of 10:289
expression of consciousness in things 10: 2 2 6
expression of truth arid 10:l87-88
filling in 10: 129
foresight and 15:307-08 .
global 6:458-59
hallucinations and 10 :41 -42
human and divine 6:459
images in, symbolic 3 :13-14; 16:94
:in the heart 10:336
inner see Inner vision
lights and, in vital world 17:44-45
limitation of, keeps us; from Divine Wisdom 10:358
morality and 10:178
the Mother's way of seeing and human 12:95-96
of action of Grace 10:233-34
of children not exclusively material 5:410
of divine Consciousness 10: 128
of divine Creation in making 10:231-32
of humanity 11:255
of Jeanne d 'Arc 3: 17-18
of new spiritual life 9 :1 49-52
of physical world 10:139 - 40
Page 309
of prophets 9:300-01
of subtle physical 10:126 of Truth 4:13; 10:184,187-88
of whole 10: 124
of whole earth 10: 264
of the world 9:134-36,201-03; 10:41
realisation and 10:11
seeing objectively... 4:12-13
:seeing with subtle eye 4: 319
spiritual 5:401
story of a 3 :13-14
subtle 10:129
suffering and cosmic10:263-64
supramental 5: 302-03
symbolic dream and 7: 129-30
symbolic of collectivity 9:137-40 passim
total vision 10 : 11 ,124-25
morality eliminated by 10:l78 necessity of 10:77
of the Divine 16:338
true 8:398 ; 10 : 128 ,237-383 ; 11:221
Truth--vision 12 :322-23
universal 1 4: 2 2 ; 10 : 4 9
universal vital and mental 10:128
vital 10:41
will as 9:176; 10:232
see also Psychic vision; Sight; Vision ;
knowledge and 11:244-45
training of 6 : 83-84 ; c f Senses , education of
see also Mother^s body, the, transformation of, vision
Visions 6:353-55
capacity for 4:108
dreams as 2:37; 3:13-15
false 3: 16; 4 : 108-10 ,113
formulation of 3:16-18
of children 7:129
of Christ 3:16-17
of the dead 15:347-58
of the Mother 2: 148-50; 4:319-20; 8:155-57; 9:332-33
of Sri Aurobindo 5:352,355
of the Virgin Mary 3:18
seeing one thing, interpreting another 3:l3-14
sources of 10: 128
symbols - in 3:13-14
Vital, the 6:l 86-87 ; 14:300 ,376-81 ,15
active and dominating 4 :3 6 7
activity of 8:299,359
adverse, forces and 3:73; 5:94-97 ,135 ,234-235 ; 6: 191
after death 4:191,195,204; 6:563; 15:130 desires realised 5:135 take's shelter in living persons 362-63
agitation of mind and 17:6 9
anger and 10:81 ; 16:336
aspiration and 8: 250
aspiration of 5:293
attachments of 197:132
attitude in 17:405
bad feelings come from 16:113
beauty and love in 4:165-66
blows to 5:28
Page 310
the body and 4:53, 264, 368, 5:294,-96, 10:27-28,17:75
body-consciousness and 5:294 -96; 6:140-41
bother some character 16:147
'can change under psychic influence6:305
cat 1iving in 4:323 centre of dynamism 4:50,59,250
change, decision in 4:78-79 changing modes of 17:168
chemistry of 9:179-81
children and 5:297-98; 6:11-13
claiming so-called freedom 17:119
collaboration of 4:50-51; 5:55 compassion, gratitude and 15:297
competition, upset during 5:169-70
confidence and 16:197
confusion between soul and 9:308-09 conscious; part of5:53
constancy of the physical and 11:.89-90
contacts and movements (perturbations) of 17:16 ,36-39 ,47 ,136 ,207 ,242 contrary, of a sadhak17:137 control of 4:250,335-36; 5:211 -14 conversion of 3:73,136-40,144-46; 5 :117 18,255-58; 6:203-04; 16:401,410-111; 17:7,20-21,85,121,207 craves stronger experiences 16: 14 7 - 4 8 creative strength of 7:242 deceptions of 11:2 2 - 2 3 deformed from birth 4: 260 demands of 4:332
depression and 4:248-49 , 5:257-50; 6:32-33; 8:192; 17:120 deprived of satisfaction 17: 117-18 ,134 ,168 ,170
desires and 3:133,135; 4:58,191; 5:101; 16:113,196 desires of8:193; 10:25; 17:69,95
increased through repression 10:55
sound health and 16:197
way of knowing 16 :343 developing and mastering 16:301 difficulties of 4:248-52 discip1ine of 12: 6-7 dissatisfaction of 17: 5 4 - 55 the Divine and ,14: 378 Divine; force and 6:396-97 Divine love, psychic and 16:176 the- Divine Will and 16:196,401 dramatises 16:174
ego and 9:5
emotions and 15:343-46 energy and 4:250; 6:82; 8:298-99 envelope of, protects 4: 63,273 equilibrium of 4:63
experiences ::seized by mind and 6:396-97
exteriorisation of 5:295; 7:238
faith of mind, physical, psychic and17:125
fatigue and 17: 150
fault of, punishing body for 17:75
fear in 5 :169
fighting power of 4:187
film watching and 16 :416
gives intensity but divides 11:131
goes on strike5:257-58; 16:198
hides in a corner 4 :98,359-60
human relations and 14:303-04,307
Page 311
hunger of for praise 3:137-38
immortal by nature 5:211
imposing peace on 16:12 2
increases physical pain 6: 406
individualized 10:41
interdependence among men 5:305
:is a veritable hell some parts16 :388-89
law of and formation of groups 2:59
letting go and suppression of . . . 4:178
living in mind and 17:136
1ower vital
consciousness penetrating 17:136
error of 7:70
troubled by discipline 4:345
world 6: 448-49 make effort to quiet 17:48,133 making judgment 14 : 291 ,294 material see Material-vital matter, mind and 11:124-25 mental formation and 16:30
mental , physical and, participate in transformation 9 :345-46,399-400 mental sight and subtle:' 10: 12 6 mental vision and universal 10;128
mind and 4:50-51 ,178; 5:54 ,56 ,211 ,253 ; 6 :5-6 ,158-59 ,163; 7:70,78;
16:167,197; 17:27,29; see aso below relation of mind, body and mistrust power of 17:100 the Mother's love and 17:65
the Mother's, withdrawn, taken away 11 :94 ,99 ,101 ,118 ,123-25 , 143,155,191,239
music: originates from different 1evels of 5:75-78 nightmare 4:192 ,194-95
not feeling loved 17:65 obedience, surrender and 6 :6 3 - 6 4 ,204 obscure parts of 17 :91 obstacle to soul 10:24 origin of illness 4:263; 9:120-22 overcoming fear in mind and 9: 121-22 pacification of 17:48,121 a passing instrument 11: 24-25 peace in 16:122
persistence of 16:113; 16 :198 physical, psychic and 6:5 - 6 place of heroism 16:196 pleasure of 16:136,201; 17:160 possession by 4:185 power of 5 : 258-59 ; 8: 73 ,298-99 preference and 16:113 profit drawn by mind and 5:56
progress and 4:152; 5:253-59 passim; 9: 425; 16:297,397-98 projection of nervous force by snake 6:44-45 psychic: and 4:137; 6:5-6; 7:44,253; 16:174,176 psychic being, mind and 16:167,424 psychic contact with help of 5 :258-59
psychic emotion and 15 : 344 - 4 6 psychic love and 17:l08 purifies difficulties 4:52,335
quietude of 8:330 rajas and 16:297 reaction of 7:181 realisation in 4 : 7 0 reason and 10:8
Page 312
receptivity of 5:210
refined 4:166
realisation of mind, body and 4:53; 5:294-96; 10:27-28 see also
above mind and
repression of 4:178,359
revolt of 8: 192
role of, in relationship 2:69
seat of impulses and desires 4:49-50 seizing experiences 6:396-97 self love characteristic reaction of 9: 5 -6
sincerity and 4:50; 15:320
sleep and 3:155; 17: 47-48, 163
soul , psychic being and 4:137
source of energy of 6:82
spontaneity of 10:87
stopping 16:147
subjectivity and objectivity of 11:36-38
suffering and 6:70-71; 7:l05,149
surrender of 6:204; 8:298-99
three sources of subsistence 6:81-82
tiredness comes from 16:113
to detach from movement of 17:136,207
transference of (example of murderer) 5:208,377
transformation of 4:180 ,247-56 ; 5:117 ; 15 : 96
true 7:217
true role of 5:101
truth and 11:22-23
universal force and 7: 14 0- 4 2
vanity in 4:52; 8:139-40,242, 348-49, 16:54
vast, receptive 7:72-73
vexation and 16:132
violent movements 7;81-
vision of 10;41
weaknesses of 4:98--99 ,252 ,352, 361
world forces and developed 6;82
yielding to impulses 17:74
see also Vital
Vital attractions 17;62 Vital austerity 12:55-57
Vital bei ng
abode of 3:26
after death 5:134-35
appearing as the Divine, 5:284
blows to in dreams 5;27 -28
body and 4;367-68; 16;164
complaints of 3:136-37
conversion of 6:203-04,246-48, 435-36
depression of 16:134
Divine love and 3;72-73
dramatises difficulties 14;247
hungers for praise 3:136-38
incarnations of 4;184-85;; 8;338
"mediums" and 15:395
the mind and 17:27
no psychic in 4:141 fn
often sexless . 9 ; 103--04
perform miracles 10:160
power over matter 5:117
problem of 8:298-99
progress of 7:425
Page 313
psychic being and 6:161; 16;174; c £_ Psychic being, conversion and
recognition of 3:49, 4:190
Stalin was a 4:188, 5:378
two parts of, struggling 17:50
Vital beings
abode of 8:81
are sexless 7:160
cause catastrophe 4:192
chief characteristic of 4:185
churches occupied by -6:194-97
control many power 3:45-46
conversion of 3;144, 6:161 8:l38-39
destroyed by Supreme power 4;187
enter body during exteriorisation 4:128-129
fear is gift of 5:117-20
food f or 6;194-97
imagining so-called 1.6:190
individuality of 3:47- 49
insects created by 5:149-50,309
need of fearlessness in dealing with 3:47--49,165-66
possession by 3:42-44 ; 4:184-88
reign of 12:l00
religion and 16:194-97
spiritual life and 3;42-45
story about 6;57-62
temples occupied by 6:1.94-97
titans, in forces of Nature 5:150
see also Vital, the; Vital beings; Vital entities
Vital consciousness
dreams and 16:408
Vital domain
sensations and 16:177
Vital education 6:10-17; 1 2;18-23,55-57 Vital entities 17:48-50 ,110
after death 4:191-92
behind automatic writing 5;36
formed from decomposed ideas 5:36
in the atmosphere 9:362-68
miracles with help of 4:83.,86-87
stones falling on Sri Aurobindo's house and 6:57-62
weather and 6:201.
sec' also Vital beings Vital experiences
mental preparation 6;350-5l
Vital force (s) 7:72.; 8:392-94
converted 6;203-04
Divine capriciousness and 6:389-90
education and 12:336
energy from 7 ; 72-73 , .137-42
exchange of, between animals and man 5;241
in plants 8:25-26
money and 6;249,251
the Mother and 13:49
Nature and 5;136-37; 7;137-39
receptivity and 5:210 ;; 7:140-42
thought drawing on 2;90
source of vital energy 6;; B1-82
c-f . Adverse forces; Vital beings
Page 314
Vital formations
mental formation surrounding men and 6:277-81
cf. Formations
Vital i mpu1ses
controlling one's 5:211-15, 8:190, 9:98-99
emotion and 8:193,392-93
mixture of inspiration 8:193-94
Vital 1iberation 12:71 Vital love 16:176
Vital nightmare 4:192-93 Vital physical
dissolves at death 3;149
Vital plane 7:219; 10:179; 15;6; 17;91 Vital pleasure 16:136 Vital Purusha 17:86 Vital sou1 6:355-56 ; 17:81-82 Vital vibrations4:144-45 ,244 Vital will 2:163; 4 :254--55, 7:219, 8:51-52 Vital wor1d (s)/plane (s) 3:106-07, 8:217-18 392-95, 12:247,15:6 352-54; 16;!97; 17:49-50
art and 3;106-07
beings of see Vital beings
class of Bhaktas 1iving in 3:10
consciousness necessary when in 9:344
converted vital force and . 6:203-04
creative power in 8:118-19
death and 6:55-57
depression and thieves of 16:73
dreams in 5:27-28,37-40; 8:116-19
entry into 3;47-48
essentially hostile to the Divine 6:305 evil in 17:150-51 ,163
experiences in dreams etc. 15:352-54
fluidic 3:48
going to in sleep 7: 121
hells in 17:106
individuality and 6:750
individuality of forms of3:48-49
knocks received in 5:27-28
lights and vision in 17:44-45
1ower death and 6:4
lowest, idols and 6:275-76
mental and 17 :50
miracles, intervention in material world and 10: 160
the Mother's dream in 5:27 - 28
nightmares in 7: 324,121
of disorder 4:141 fn
of horrors 4:303-04
opening in 7:80
personality in 6: 258
physical mind under sway of3:61
Russian dances expression of 3:112
space and time in3:165; 7:219
Stalin, being of 5:378
thieves of 16:73
war :in 4:303-05
Vivekananda 8 :350-52 ; 10 :195 ,207 ,254-55 ,262
cleansing one's soul 4:360
incident recounted about7:358-59
Page 315
light in worst criminal 5:381 Sri Aurobindo and. 7:228-29 Vibhuti of Shiva 10:205
precision by agreement 6:321-22
inner 16:47 music and human
of ordinary consciousness 16:249-50 of Divine Will 3:8 to hear the Divine 4:87
cinema , instrument of perversion 4 : 326; 7:299 obstacle to progress 7:298
perversion of taste in modern world 7:299-300,310-11 vu1garisation
"a sign of the times" 7: 288-89 cinema songs 7:297-98
Page 316
Wagner, 3:111; 4:314 War 4:383-84
atom bomb 7:389
attitude of aspirants to supramental life towards 9:169-70
catastrophic idea threatening at present time 9:168-169
children admitted to Ashram during 6:296
courage in 7:30-31,261 descent of supermind and 10:53 Divine intervention during 7:306-07 effect of, on the world 4:303-06,329
effort to prevent 9:3-4
ego and 10:52
evolution and 10:52-53
feminist movement and 2:143-46
"great madness" 7:306
heroism in 2:144; 7:259-61
history and 10:62
human folly and 16:331
human, in universal framework 5:267
Indo-Pakistan 17 :376
"Lord of Falsehood": organised both World wars 5:376-77
the mother's reflection on 2:137-39
Nature-entities disturbed by 7:388
necessity of 10: 201
New force and 16: 330-31
oF idea against idea 2 :89
Peace and 15:47-48,64-65 possibility of 7:14
progress and 10:52-53
reason for 5:266-67
Super mind and 10:53
time and 9:168-169
transformation and 10:53
war - children 4:303
see also wor1d War I; World war II
Waste 6:155-56
avoiding 16:33
causes of 16:43
of food 17:271
Prosperity (Ashram Department) and 17:155
'spending and 16 : 3 3
unconsciousness and 16:376
Water 8:111,355
divine faculty 4:235-36
Weak, the
only the weak complain 16:207-08
weakness (es)
cause restlessness 16:125
divine heals 4:391
do not accept the idea of 16:186
due to imagination 17:248-49
God and10:101-03
good to see and correct 16 :63
in the mind 4:98,346
insincerity 4:252
justified 4:332,338
makes one lazy 16:399
Page 317
mental limitations and 14:363-70
overcoming 10:357 ; 16: 148,364; 17:53,62- 63 ,175,364
regarding wymon 17:13,26
search for 4 : 361-62
see clearly hut not only them 16:64
sentimental, reject; 16:173
strength and 10:101; 17:22
violence always a sign of 6:372-73 Wealth
collective 7:92
the Divine and 6:249-53; 15:53-58,279; 16:372
should not be personal property 16:372-73
spiritual 2: 99
see also Money
prayer and 6:201
west, the
India and 16: 320
maxim of 10:244
occu1t know1edge and 15:376,380
synthesis of East and 5:342-43
see also East and west; Europe
in children 5:412-13
insincerity and 6 :125-26
tamas and 5:415
widening (wideness) 14 : 152-53 ;16 ;225
the body 10:118-19
the mind 7:58-59; 17:70-71,85-86
of the consciousness 5 : 153 ,221-23 ,233-34; 6:344-46; 8:286-88 363-84; 16 :254,307,345,398-99,433-34; 17:41
of know1edge 10 : 8 5 - 8 6
progress and 12:l85-86
self -mastery and 16:345
thought 4:266-67; 5:221-22
to receive:116: 427
see also vastness
wi11 6:139,348-49 ; 12:35,116-17; 14:167-68
acting on others 17 26-29
action through transient instrument 17:183
action and 5:46-48,129; 9:176; 10:177-78
action against the Mother's 17:59,64
actions conforming to purest 17:131
adverse 17:111
all -powerful 10:77
as vision 9:176; 10:232
aspiration and 4:2,117,254 ,282- 83; 7:373; 17:124
bad see Bad will
before sleep 17:48,151
behind everything 10:43
calm and persevering 1 6:159
capacity for manifestation of3:46
central 2:129; 6:421-23; 10:74
choice, ignorance and 10:287
concentration and 16:180; 17:130
concourse of converging 2:108
conscious, acting on body 5:25-27; 9:121,152-55
curing illness and 16:l27
definition of 8:388-89
desire and 6:410-11
Page 318
development of 12:22-23 discernment, will to develop 5:198-200
divine see divine will
evolution and 9:259-60; 10:77
exercise of 16:318
existence and human 10:230
fear and anxiety are perverse forms of 10:321
firm 17:139
for change 5:97
for firm resolution 6:346-48
for keeping gains 17:154
for light in physical mind 17:124
for overcoming difficulties 17:124,130-31
for patience 16:145
for peace 6:313-14
for perfect sincerity 17:137
for progress, and resistance 2:31; 4:78; 8:252; 16:251;
see also below to progress
for rejection of surrounding movements 6:339
for rest 17:63,151,362-63
for victory 17:63
free 4:161,343; see also determinism, freedom and
form above translated into a vibration 10:232
grace and good 7:395
having nature of vision 10:232
higher 4:133
how to strengthen 12:137
human will action of, on the Mother 10:230
bad will 17:395
Divine and 6:454,457-61
forces behind 10:230; 16:10
Grace and 10:54
yoga and 10:54
identification with Divine and 10:198
individual will and the one (supreme, central) will 5:196;
inspiration at 5:208
instinct of destroying 5:234
intelligent 12:294
intensity of 4:254-55
invariable 16:428
kali and bad 16:143
karma and 5:93
keep the will to do well 16:185
knowing gog's 10:313-14
lacking in 16:328
mental activity and 2:61
mental power and vital 2:163
mentalised spiritual 10:117
mind and 10:322-23
the Mother's 16:67,146; 17:114,118
obstinate 16:396
of artist 3:47-48
of Brehman 10:306
of the ego, surrendering 16:226
of desire and supreme will 10:176-82
Page 319
of God for us 10:66
of lower nature16:117
of man is ignorant 16:422
of Nature and individual 10:56
of Self 10 :116
of Sri. Aurobindo 3:157
of Supreme Lord 16:435
fulfillment of 16:422 is Truth 16:436 leads creation 10:252
offering the 4:117,208
one must exert 17:100-01
original 5:71; 10:128-29
persistent and unwavering 17:104
personal 5:47; 10:287
personal and God's 10:54
personal, mental and vital 8:51-52
power and 4:5; 8:5,19
power of , in maternity 2:153-54
power to dominate the other Man's 16:48
psychic, beyond ,human action 5:217-l8
revolt as impotent 10:77
Science and creative 10:207
sensory being and action 30-31 •
sincerity and 8:19
state of 4:400-01
strength of 6:391; 16:45 ,67; 17:79,120
submitting each detail to higher 4:133
supramental 10:161
Supreme 3:118-19; 4:84,339,408; 5 : 46-48 ,196 ; 10:74 ,78 ,176-82 ,84 ,88 , 228-30; 16:318
surrender of 3:18-19; 5:46-48; 10:287,352 teach by imposition of an enlightened 17:326-27 to be childlike 17:121 to be conscious 5:63-64; 10:228 to be more honest and sincere 17:59 to be more useful 17: 208 to belong to th e Divine 5:5-7 to change 4:337,350,356; 5:97 to conquer the anti-divine 17:59 to deceive 10: 299
to get out of (cut knot of) ego 6 :37,254-61 ,390-91 to overcome resistance 16:137 to pass through 17:189 to progress. 4:77-78; 9:158-59; 17 : 81,147-48,166,190; see also
above for progress to reject an error 8:294-95 to revive the fire, etc,, 17:122,143,151 to rise 17:134-36,157-58 to stick "in Ashram " 17:401
to stop a downward pull 17 :157-58 training true need and 8:123-25
use of conscious will for control 16:l07
"where there's a will..."8:360
" willings " and 8 :360-61 ,388-89 with perseverance 2:90
working for the Divine in place of 5:46-48
see also Divine will; vital will
Will-power 2:86; 16:318
Page 320
Wisdom 12:129; 17:185,247,373
action and 10:236
appearances and 10:17-20 passim
aspiration for 2:60
beyond find 10 :1-2
capacity to admit all theories 10:337
consists in working at inner transformation 3:218
definition of 10:3
Divine 10:358
ego and 10:16
falsely attributed to practical reason 10:42
first step toward per-feet 10:3 4 8
god withholds in love and 10:344
harmony and 10:17:18
ignorance and 10:46
in man 2: 66
irrationality and 10:15
knowledge and 10 :1-3 ,.1.4-16 passim , 135 ,213 ,316
lies in union of opposites 10:304
power of 1ove and 10:202
preparation of earth for 17:314
reason and 10:14 -16 passim
reason, faith, instinct and 10:291
science and 10:213
suffering and 10:49-50
Supreme 5:81; 10:15; 11:256; 17:314
true 10:16,313
work and 17:292-93 withdrawal 17-.73
from the Divine 17:185-86
from the ego 10:75
of the Divine from universe 5:82-83
of friendshipp 16:119
witness 3:242; 6:360
attitude of 16:235
in a1l parts of the being 6:426
the Mother as 17:302
psychic 4:233
liberation of. 8:103-04 "The wizard of oz" 12:246-48
Womin / wymon/ girls
are in principle the executive power 12:428
as God 10:331
asceticism and 10:301
aspiration for child 8:201,319
attitude of India towards 12:105-06
attitude towards, 16:188-89
capacity of
analysis, synthesis, and logical reasoning 2:83-B4 during the war 2:143-45 in politics 2:145
child-birth 12:9,292-94,297-98
common tendencies of 8:242
contact with 17:25-26,56,58,61-62
disinterestedness in 2:145
duty of, in evolution 2:154
endurance of 2:143
faculties at administration 2:143-44
fear of 16:282
Page 321
flirtation with 17:65 girls and boys 10:346; 16:279-80,282,285,296-97; see also below
men/boys and ideal of a modern 10:302 ideal of 'physical beauty of 8:243; 12:298-99 importance of physical environment in maternity 3: 153-54 in France 2:144; 7:155 in Japan 2:153-64
in politics 2:145; 7:155
intuition and practical deduction of 2:83,147
men /boys and 2:143,1 4 7; 12:102-06, 292 , 296-98 ,393-94; 14:310-11 17:47,97
attitude of, towards wymom 2:155-56; 6:315
opposition between 2:143-47
qualities of both must unite 2:145-46
relation of Purusha an d Prakriti 16 :312-13
relations in the new life 8:243
see also above girls and boys mental role of 2:83
more naturally humble than men 2:147 nature of 2:83-84 physical education of 8:239-43 power of attraction of 17: 47 problem of 7:153-56
spiritual role of 2 :83-84 ,153 ,156 ; 10:301-02 to give birth to superman 2:156,162 "To wymon about Their Body" ,12:292-99 war and 2 :143-46
weakness regarding 17:13 ,26 ,31-32 work in Russian Revolution 2:16-17 work of 2:153-56
word, the "the eternal" 5:354-55 meaning of 6: 98-99 Truth and 10:234
word (s) action and 2:65; 14:346-47 "artist", definition of 5:321,325 as speech 4:201,367 fn,395
aspiration free from 6:99
automatic writing 9:364-65
awkward and limited expression through 4:160,221-22,395
battery of energy 2:64
belong to falsehood 10:190
beyond inspiration 5:75
"cabotinage" explanation of 5:269
categories of 12:59-64
choice of 16:46
consciousness and 5:74-75; 6:98-99; 10:222
the creative 7:347-50
different languages 7;349
experiences and 9:401-02; 10:70,184; 16:323
experiences falsified by ' 9 :319 ,406-08
experiences seen behind 4:64
express unreal world 10:191
expression, and truth 5:189,195
gift of tongues 9:289-90
good not done with 16:54
grammar, looking behind 5:105,127
Guru's 7:341
Page 322
:harmony of in literature 7:308
helping by placing appropriate thought behind 2:63
Hymns of the veda 4:136; 8:188
ideas and 3:64; 6:98; 10:184; 12:60-61
inadequacy of 11:44,70,89,110,112-13,121,123,162-64,194,199,282
indispensable 3:202,295-60,263-64; 10:266; 16:34
making it effective 2:63-65
meaning of 6:134
mental equilibrium accumulated in 2:64 mind is "storehouse of words" 8: 311 noise of 9:423 one rarely hears sound of 16:47
paradoxes, value of 8:383 power of 7 : 3 4 6 - 50
depends on what is behind 5:74-75
three causes of 2:63-65
transmits true gifts 2:65 prayers are spontaneous 8:228
precise meanings by agreement 6:321-22
ready-made, insincere 5:302
reports of others 17:387
result of living thought 2:64
sadhana and useless 6:76
silence and 3:52,64-66; 8:311
"smile "; complete meaning of 5:370
speak little , act well 3:215
spoken 7 :348-49
Sufi's 5:58
that gives peace 3:228
"theorem" ; meaning of 9:406
thinking with 4:99,2 0 4 thought and 3 :195-96; 6:95,222-23
asking question of the mother 6:119-201
truth not expressed by 8:56
understanding behind 4:227-28; 9:117
use of, initiation 2:65
utility of 9:287
vibration of sounds 8:31.1
see also Language; Speech work 10:303; 14:319-44; 17:247
absorbing the Mother 17:357
advising other's 16:46-47
aim in 8:160-61
anger and 16:26
as intermediary 17:232
as only sadhana 7:284-85; 17:201-02,212
as prayer 12:118-19
assigning 17:211,215-16,295,321
attitude in 4:33,169,315,373-74; 7:391; 8: 160-61 , 166
austerity of 1: 53
balance in 16:132
be conscientious in 16:27 be strong and plastic for 37: 404 "big people" in 17:236,312
"body's prayer" 7:391; 14:321
Buddhist' s view of 10: 266
capacity for 5:320
changing 17 :248-49 ,280-81
charity and 17:225
children and 12:16 ,339 ,365; 16:29; 17:152
Page 323
choice of 2:49-50 classification of ideal 2:25 closeness to the Mother and 16:141,182 collective and personal 16:264 comparison between artist's; and Supreme Lard's 10:40 concentration for more 5:125-28 concentration on 16 :242; 17:140,168-69 conscious hands 4:404 conscious of inmost depths' and 2:49 consciousness in 16:279 consecration and 2:52-54; 10:309 devo1opment of body and 10 : 31 development through 4:l38 difficulties and 14:337-42; 16:137; 17:213 dignity of 12:370
discipline of 4:364,372; 16:145; 17:75 disinterested 5:55-56 ,121:22 ; 17 :147,165 dismiss a worker who laughed? 16:42-43 Divine see Divine work divine Force and 17:12-13,295 Divine Grace and 6:267; 9:420-21;16:154; 17:209 Divine will and 14:331 does one good 17:166
double pay for extra hours of 16:37-38 eat in return for 17:280 effort of desir on 16:31 egoism and 4:254,411 experience and 7:291 expression of inmost depth 2:49 fatigue and 16:80 field of is oneself 5:303-04 . fighting injustice in 17:170 finding temporary 2:49 for sadhana 7:284-85 for sake of humanity 2:155 good not done with words , 16:54 guided by human passion 17:302 happiness and peace in 16:131; 17:166 harmony in 14:331-36 identification to work well 4:363 impersonal 2:52-54
in the Ashram ' 4:93; 8:21, 13:159-83 ; 16:183 in France 16: 37-38 increases receptivity 17:166,303 inner meditation and 4:121, see also below meditation and instrument for 4: 326; 8:22-23; 17: 389 integral yoga and 16:343-44 interrupts union with Divine Consciousness 10:175 knowledge and 2:50; 10:9-10 joy of 4:373; 16:113,132 1iterary , and translation 17 :201-03 ,2l0-l 1 manual, and studies 12:186 marriage and 16:29-30 mediocre 16:262
meditation and 4:121; 7:291; 16:27,181,343-44 method of study 5:48-49 mind and 16:199 miraces and 17: 232 modesty in 17:l66 most useful 2:47 the Mother a1ways with you in 16:166
Page 324
the Mother's programme for realization of 5:354
the Mother requesting from a disciple 17:262
necessity working hard 17:302,331,352-53
not enough and too much 16:147
not going well 17: 171 ,213 ,216-17 , 230-31,244,250,278,302
notice to reduce worker 16:38
occult 16:4
of Avatar 3:178-79; 9:332-34
of the ego 16:389-90
of higher force 6:81-82; 16:148
of humanity 5:352,354-56 of know1edge , not blind 17:166
of lighting the inner fire 17:127-28 of the Mother 16:153; 17:100,119 at balcony Darshan 7:257-59
in the Ashram 6:297-99; 7:258-59 of the new in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram 9:39 of observation, analysis, introspection 2:128 of over mind 16:235
of the psychic 7:76
of Sri Aurobindo 3: 139-40,173; 17:193-94,397
of terrestrial regeneration 2:96
of thought 2:86-92
of transformation 2: 23; 9:348-49; 13:55-60
of wymon 2:155 -56
in Japan 2:153
in the Russian Revolution 2:16 -17 offering to the Divine 8:90,160,166; 14:319-29,336-37,348; 16:181 on earth 17:114,186
,organization of 17:156-57,244,293-94 past lives and 5:2 path of 8:44,300; 10:319 peace through self-rnastory and 16:131 perfecting oneself and 16:253 perfection and 2:51; 10:309; 14 :325-30; 16:353 perseverance and 2:47 place in universal 2:49-51 play and 12:136
pleasent or unpleasant 17:262,301-02 private life and 4:155 -5 6 progress and 5 :44-45 ,47-48 ; 7 : 291-92 projects need to be considered carefully 16:38 psychic being and 5 : 2 quietness 17:207,213 ,220 reactions to f1uctuations in 17:334 reduction of 17:268 ,347 ,349 ,357 regu1ar 16:77,121; 17:165,236 reports to the Mother on 17:172-73,206,213 requested by the Mother ' s .7:165,262 responsibility in 17:214-15 result and 4:163 retire front 17 :320 ,333-34 sacrifice and 10:317 sadness and 16:132 school and 17:312
"school of experience" 7:291-94 self-forgetfulness in 8: 288 service of divine and 10:356 silently 17:207,213,304 social and political 17:202 spirit in which one does 16:182,199
Page 325
study, sadhana and 6:153-54 surrender in 5: 47 talking about 17:166,285,292-93
tamasic body and 16:183
thinking about 17:168-69,180-81,205
those who accomplish not in the habit of boasting 16:272 time and 10:303-04
tired' nerves and 16:83 to better 171,208 ,284-85,293 trembling after hard 17:50-51 two perfectly pleasing to God :10:356 two possible error regarding 2:50-51 unconsciousness in 16:18
undoing to redo better 16:84 usefulness of 5:126-28 useless talk and 16:84 violation of procedure in 16:46 way of 8:1.60- 61,300; 10:311 will in action and surrender 5:46-48
wisdom and 17:292-93 without, strain 17: 357
yoga and 4:93,132,364,372-73; 5:63; 7:191-92,284-85; 8:22; 16:353 see also Action
world 11: 253,261-62,287,299; 15:6,72-74 ,419-22
absence of falsehood and untruth in 10:99 action of Force in 8:10-13 action of individual victory on 5: 20 action of Spirit in 8:10-11 adverse forces in 3:62; 5: 95 ,98 ,234-36 ; 6:462; 9:4 arena of egoistic energies 3:342 as it is proves the Divine 16:342
as Maya 10:336 as soul's husband 10:342 aspiration in outer conditions of 10:200-01 atmosphere (earth-atmosphere?) 8 : 127-28 ,178 attitude of aspirants towards possible catastrophe in 9:169-70 badly made 4:287-89 battle
between True and False 3:170
fought in Mother 's consciousness 11:323-24 being example to 2:105 best way to help 16:431 birth pangs of the? New Creation 17:3 2 7 Brahman and 10:218
capable of manifesting the Divine 10:299 cells are mine 12:345-46 chance guides 4:408; 10:55 change into model of heaven 10:346 changed 11:228-30 changes in 16:59
consciousness to change 11:187 contribution of evil and virtue; to 10:267 create own by conduct and consciousness 3:199 created by ego and senses 10 :45 creating better than the Divine 5:16 creation of omnipotent Bad; so he is a monster! 5:163-64 creation of phenomenal 3: 175
creation, tradition about, "seven attributes" 5:352-53 Creator and His 16:404 de-formations in 5:71 a de-formation o:f the Divine 6:105 -06
Page 326
detachment from 16:190
different in Truth- consciousness 10:188
difficulties of individual and 6:207-08,446-47; 10:200-01
disappearance of and sovereign peace 5:390
diversity 4:285; 8:407-08
Divine and 3:170; 4:288,292; 15:3-10,297 divine, of first truths 3:165 Divine presence in 5:235 divine will and 17:75
each has own space and time 3:165 earth. is symbolic concentration of cosmos 9:209
effect of dissolving desires of 5:19-20
effect of war on 4:303-05
egoless individual and 15:22
easentia1ly bad 9:8
everything in, is harmony or disorder 16:323-24
everything in, is mixed 16:326
evolutionary movement of 5:249-50
exceptional time in history of 2:154-55
experience of unreality of 10:108; 15:403
false, not an illusion 3:162
falsehood rushing over 11:258-60
fear, gift to 5:1
forget it, concentrate on the Mother 16:122
freedom from bonds of all 3:201
friends in another 2:70
God and 10:321,336-37
humanity and 14:297-98 ignorance and 7:292-96 illusing and 4:277-78; 7: 292-94; 8:44,53,234; 9:4; 10:44-45
discovery of modern science 9:239-41 image? of state of 36:365 impossibility in 8:383-87 India as guru of 16:341 India's role in 7 ':307 individual can not change 10:138-39 individual consciousness and 5:29-30; 9:201-03 individuals , universe and 10 : 218 inevitability gone 11:228-33 infernal 3:199-200 influences on the Mother's body see Mother's body, the,
external influences and intellectual 2:75 is expression of Divine 8:106
in its purity 5:322-23 is progressive 10:122 knowledge of is limited 4:407 Krishna is divine paramour of 11:342 1iberation and 6:34-35 man and, view of events in 10:128 -29 man of 16:156
material and. spiritual see Material world matter as false appearance of 10:1.91 means of change at 10:300 uteri , do not want Divine Grace 16:154 mental see Mental World misery in 4 :3 ,40 ,292-96; 7:56 modern , extremes in taste 7:299 the Mother and 13:49,52 moves quickly 10:143
Page 327
must find the Divine in 11:254
necessity of Avatar in 5:275-76
new 7: 324,357,402; 11:316-17; 15:105-06,114-16,126-27; 16:301
action of upon the old 4:253; 7:187; 9:148-49,156-59
birth of 9:144-51
participating in 9:150-51,158-59.
promise of 9:150-51,158-59
transformed 6 :327 no support from outer 10:228 no two things alike in 5: 226 not changed by death of Stalin 5:377 not created by mind 10 :2 5 4 not final reality to yogic co : 3:l61 nothing but the One? 10:245 objectivity of 11:79 occu1t see Occu1t wor1d of angels 7:160 of death 6:52-57 of delight 16: 255 of falsehood 17:345 of gods 3 :18; 10:60-61 of harmony 3:112 of ideas 2:80,98-99; 3:64 of images 10:126-27
of 1iving forces 2:107 of mind 10:128-29 of reflections 10:126-27
of Sri Aurobindo 16:7,301; see also below Sri Aurobindo and of subtle physical 9 :128-29 ; 10 :149 of yesterday and tomorrow 1 7:31 9 ,3 2 6 only way to change 10:109 apposite of what it can became 4:119 ordinary, impermanent and fugitive 3:160 other worlds 4:242 ours and super mind 9:277-78 Over mind 10:204
participate in difficulties of 6:446-47 perfected by the Lord's stumbling 10:339 perpetual change in 16:158 phenomena1, creation of 3:175 physical see Physical world politics of 7:3 0 4
pressure on 11:297-98,310,313-18 problem of existence in 8:266-68 progress in an evolving 5:334-36; 10:56-57 psychic see Psychic world , reality independent of Falsehood 10: 108 reality of 10:44-45 reign of justice in 4:23; 5:367 relative 8: 92
relativity of all manifestations in 10: 89 X religion is an escape from 9:4 renunciation of for God 10:332 ruled by falsehood and ignorance 3:245 salvation of 12:311
by love and force 10:261 seeing it as it is and as it could be 10:164 -65 separated from Divine 8:77
Page 328
solution of problems of 12:314
something not open to divine vibration 11:249-50 soul's native 8:126
Sri Aurobindo and 10:96 fn; 13:3-4,10,15; 16:7,307 state of 16:6-7
sti1l in infancy 10: 168 stupidity and blindness of 16:17,114 substance and 6:307 subtle physical 9:128-29 supermind and 3:163; 8:312-17; 11:313-18 suppression, ill-will at origin 5:147-48
supramental see supramantal world
supramental creation individual 15:406-07
supramental transformation of 5:30
terrestrial world
situation of 9:168- 7 0 symbel of 8:35
time in 2:154-55 ; 16:87
to be master of 10 :354
to laugh at 10;354
transformation of 3:128-29, 4:253; 5:44-45 ,100 ,266-67 ,275
10:192-93,289 , 11: 51-52,109-10,180-82 ; 16:311,361
triumph of good 11:75-77
true vision of the 9 :134-36 ,201-03
truth and 15:365
ugly, 'stupid, and brutal 16:320
under standing 5 : 29-30 ,81,88-89 ,311 -12
unreality of 11: 177-81 , 195-96 ; see Life, experience of unreality of
upsetting action on 11:1
vision of subtle 9:134-36,201-03; 10:39,41; 16:73
vital see vital world (s) /plane (s) vulgarity in nodern 7:299-300,310-11
way of advancing 10:309 we could easily belong to whole 9:168
what it should be 4:291
why accept to be hurt by it? 16:157
will manifest divine Joy 10:343
words express unreal 10 :191
yoga and 4:378-79
see also Creation; Earth; Universe; world... wor1d (domain)
of death 6:52-57 world-forces
the devil aped vital and 6: 82
World-guru 10:343 World-illusion 11:173
see also Life, experience of unreality of
World Mother
Master of existence and 8:113-14
wor1d-personality 8:1
food and sleep for 8:384
World Union 16:351-52
the Mother's " messages to 15:68-92
World War I 7;260-61
action of w yen on during 2:114
descent of hostile forces during 306-07, 10:53
horrors in 4:403-04,322
Lord of Falsehood organized 5:376-77
peop1e killed in 5:184
Page 329
world war II 13:125-26,389-90
the Ashram during 16:140
Lord of Falsehood organised 5:376-77 ;
statesmen's during 7:303
worrying 14: 238-39; 17:100,111,113,120,191-94,196,326,355-56
do not worry 16: 185
does not help 36: 8 7
imperfect knowledge and 10: 150
progress with out 17:147 ,161
special trait of man 9:302-05
worship 14 :103-04 ; 15: 31
aspiration for Divine union through 8:235-36
definition 10:63
meditation and, of India 10:63
no need to offer to gods 10:246; 16:268-69
of goddesses and gods 10:255; 17:237-38
vital beings live and flourish on 3:13 7
writers 3:107
after death using Another 5:262
Borel , henri 7:397; 8:267, 286
Divine, expressed in His purity 5:322-23
Drouet, Minou, child prodigy 8:318
France, Anatolia 4:158; 5:163,272,325; 8:68,70; 17:67
imagination Of 4:154-55 ; 7:231-32
Maeterlinck 7:62; 8:318-19
Marge, Maurice 4:192
mental entity independent 8:319
prudhomme, Sully 5: 402
Romaine, .Jules 5:188; 7:167
vaschild, Dr. 2:30
"The writer" in The Great Secret 7:308
automatic 5: 36; 9:362-68
A book well 4:364
consciousness in 17: 2 8 9
for learning lessons better 17:l48
for children 17:332
like Anatole France 17:67
poetry, inspiration in 16:138
speaking and articles 17:63,65,221,297-98,331-32
stories and articles 17 : 63 ,65 ,271 ,297-98 ,331-32
teaching and 17:302
tiredness while 17:148
to the Mother 16:75-76 ,84,37-88
of sri Aurobindo 10:151; see also Sri Aurobindo (2) wrong
find reason in oneself 16:290
wrong attitude
illness and 16:21 wu wel 7:397; 8:267,282-83,286
Page 330
Yasa 3:207 Yoga 13:137; 14:32-63
abstaining from
accept all that happen 16:156
advancing, condition for 4:99 adverse forces attack aspirants of 5:157-59
advice to aspirants of 9:169-70,180,241-42 aim/goal of 3:30 ambition in 7:265
cause of fall 5: 8 application for 17: 16 4 approaches to: power,peace, etc. 4:64,66
art and 3: 104-113; 8:158-59
as first duty of teacher's 12:376 ascent and descent, double line of 3:30 aspiration for 7:214
attachment contrary to 17:44
attitude, ideal in difficulty 9:423-24
attitude in action 4:133,279-80
attitude in effort for progress 9 :316-18,426-28
attitude necessary for 4:93-95; 17:94
basis for being spiritual 8:367-68
basis of perfect equilibrium 9:24-1-42;
beauty's place in 8:216
being, individual and universal belie finthe Divine a n d 16:341-43 body and 4 :338-40 ; 5 :268 ; 16:348,359
cat doing 8:8
undoing knot of action 8:70,325,328 cause of catastrophes and 8:261
change of consciousness and 17 : 16 6 childlike path of17:122-23 children and 7 : 200 ,202 ,356,417-18 classical methods of 4:193-94 collective 7:413-21
collective symbolic vision of Ashram 9: 137-42 conscious light for 7:201
conscious preparation for 3:2 contact with pure being and 16:376
dancer and painter who practiced 105-06
dangers of 3:4-5
decision to practiced 4:78
delays in 8:1
depression is of 16:l98
desire-soul , transforming 8:306-07,324 fn
detachment in 4 : 163 ,304, 383; 84: 8,327-28
determination and 16:280
discipline of 3: 221 ; 4: 343-44 ,364 ; 7: 216 ; 9: 29; 16 : 300
Divine protection for practitioners of 5:167-68
Divine relation s with 8 : 28-29, 121 -25 ,280-81
earth, place of 7: 33
education and 12:179-80,254
egoistic motives in 7:192
eliminating ego and 16:226
endurance, path of 8:261
equanimity in 3:100
escaping absolute law of horoscopes through 9:284-85
the examiners 14:42-43
experience 14:55-60
in physical body 10:139
value of activities 9:146 exteriorization and dreams 8:116-18
faith in achieving goal of 6:440 -42
fall from 13:142-43
fasting as principle of 8:141
first step, exteriorizations 7:249,354-55
for the sake of the Divine 3: 1-2 fruits of, take time 16:133 going to cinema in town and 16:273 going to the very end 5: 4 habits and 16:318 Hatha 3 : 21; 9:152-53 ; 12: 287 health and 15:147 human will and 10:54 humanity and 3:2-3 ideas about 17 : 12 4
illness and 3 :55-57 ,85-91 ; 5: 170-71 ,177,179 ; 7:104 , 1 44-45 impossible without discipline 17 : 7 4 immunity from other's option 4:379 in the Ashram 5:284-85,288-09; 7: 200,415; 10: 270 "in mater " 17 : 266
in difference to criticism and 7:393,396-97 influence's, Divine's and others 7: 245-46 integral 3:24-25; 4:333? 7s200,380,413,415; 8;43}
12; 95,98-99,310; 14: 33-35;, 16:386; 17 :42-43,213
begins where others end 5:284
first revelation of 10:89
idea of Divine 8:1,7,44-46
of Sri Aurobindo 9: 337
physical consciousness and 16:392
physical education in 9:81-82
spiritual realization and transformation 8:244-45
three stages of 7: 407-08
see also Integral yoga Japa and 16 : 3 0 6 joy as basis of 17:129 knowing how to wait 5:397 know1edge pf 3:92-93; 9:66-67; 16:238 leaning on the Divine alone 4: 391 leaving the path of 6:440-44 liberation through 7: 246 , 3 7 7 1iving in the Ashram and 16:333 - 34 losing all to gain all 4:203,247 lower nature , changing 7; 114 ,197-99 "lower ranges of nature"' 7:103-04 magic and 7: 266-68
manifestation , different explanation 4 : 180 mastery and influence 8:3 5 0 - 5 2
over complex individuality 9: 402-03 medical science and 3:56 mental statement of success 9:124-25 Middle Path 8:286
mind impedes sadhana often 5:101 miracles 4:82-87
mistakes in ignorance and knowledge 7:411 moral notions 4: 81,101 music, experience through 5:76-77
must be born anew 3: 83 -84
mystic, remedy for fear 5:319
needs, asking Divine about one's 8:122-25
new birth 9:1 35-36 ,336-38 ,431-32
no question of giving up 17:113
not interested in 17:208-09
nothing outside of 16:387
obstacles and adverse conditions in 3: 52-5 3
occu11ism and 6:189-90
of the body 4:338-39; 10:136-40
of cell 10: 23-3
of devotion 10:9,331-64; 16:238
of knowledge 8:43-46 ,324-25 ; 10:1-273; 16:238
of works 8:43-46,324-25; 10:9,277-328
offering food 4: 335
old yogas 7:405,407 ; 9: 90,160
organising the being 7: 216
passing from lower to higher hemisphere 9:202-03
path of 14:29-31
each has her own 8:43,171,325
entering upon 4:246
signs of readiness for 4:97
three principal paths of 8:43-46 ,126 ,300 ,324 ; 10 :9;
see also above of devotion; of Knowledge; of works periodic return of movements 7: 336 -37 personal method 4:180-81 physical 17:306
physical and psychic beings helping each other 6:448 physical consciousness in 8:290,300-01 place of play in 17:159-60 power of mental formation in 3: 156-57 powerful 8:7
practice of 7:201-02 ,355 ; 8:64-65,293-94,296 precautions to take 4:272 predestined people 7:343-44
preparation for 3 : 1-2; 4:67-68,255,401
progress in 5:206-07; 8:209; 17:40
psychic influence on nature being 7 :263-64 ,422
psychological perfections, five 8:36-42
psychology and 12:248
pulling the divine forces 5:22 ,
purification is indispensable for 8:253,261,309
qua1ities most important for 8:2 3 ,41 ,248,261-62
quietude 8:329-31
Radha's consciousness 8: 223-27
Raja Yoga 3:21; 8:43
reading 3:27; 7;214-15,312,341
realization, led towards over centuries 6:272
receptivity of body to, 3:85-91
reducing range of subconscient and 16:386
religion and 8:147; 10: 97
remembrance of the Mother 8:197
representative group in Ashram 7:415
resisting adverse forces 5:235
"resolution of steel" 7:203
reversal of consciousness in 8:172-74 ,402-05
rules, before finding inner light 8:143-44
sacrifice in 3:114
in the body 9:348-49; 10:31
rapidd progress and 7: 33,197,344
seeing with open eyes 4:212,338
seeking approbation of others 8:348-49
self giving 7:192,243,366
self knowledge 7:254,354-55
seriousness in 4:343,345-46; 16:338-39
servant and worker 6:266
sin and 16:13
sincerity in 5r:5-7, 159,350; 8:248-49, 261,399
sleep and 7:65,125
so-called freedom and 17:119
spiritual life
true 8:96-97,136
spontaneity in 8:202-86
stages in 84:181
started in one part of the being 17:94
starting when young 9:160-61
story of initiation 9:66-71
supramental being 8:205-07,323
surrender and 8:41-42
freedom and 7:246
path of 7:250
tapasya and 3:4, 4L:72; 8:173
symbol of cross in 10:260
symbolism of dreams 4:107,149
tantric methods and 9:152-53
tapasya and siddhi 8:173
teaching ,true 8:311
trance or samadhi in 8:275-78
transformation 4:333
trancending conseiousness of finite and 10:98
true way of union with suprem 10:262
understanding and 16:411
undoing knot of action 8:70,325,328
unfitness for 10:78-80
unification of being 5:134-36,139
aspiration for 8:235-36
identification with the divine 7:355-56
perfect stages progress 5:57-58
war of knowledge of diffrent space-time 3:165
war can lead to 4:303-05
work 4:93,132,164,372-73, 16:353
choosing for sadhana 7:384-85
for the divine 7:191-92
world without leaving the 4:378-79
unified being, free from laws after death 5:134,136
see also sadhana
yago maya 6:220
yoga-shakti 7:102,211-12
yogi 17:44
artist and 3:104-13
in action 9:96-97
towards art 8:158-59
towards outward appearance 16:391-92
towards science 8:158
becoming a true 16:117
cobbler a great 5:84-85
dirt and 16:192
ecstasy belongs to perfected 16:298
faith in 3:152
influence of others and 16:191
knowledge of 3:92-93
and knowledge of scientist 3:161-62
power of , over magic 9:392-93
saddhu and 5:172
term very vague and wide 3:93
university of mahesh yogi 17:314
yoguc life
depends on,... 16:181
youth 8:20; 12:271
eternal 3:238
in America 11:1,6
new creation and 16:430
progress is youth 12:122-24,239,259; 16:429
supramental manifestation and 12:309
to be young 12:118
see also students
ysaye 5:263-64
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Sri Aurobindo Ashram
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