CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Autobiographical Notes Vol. 36 of CWSA 612 pages 2006 Edition


Sri Aurobindo's writings on himself (excluding the letters in volume 35) and other material of historical importance.



Autobiographical Notes

and Other Writings of Historical Interest

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's writings on himself (excluding the letters in volume 35, Letters on Himself and the Ashram) and other material of historical importance. The volume is divided into four parts: (1) brief life sketches, autobiographical notes, and corrections of statements made by others in biographies and other publications; (2) letters of historical interest to family, friends, political and professional associates, public figures, etc; also letters on yoga and spiritual life to disciples and others; (3) public statements and other communications on Indian and world events; (4) public statements and notices concerning Sri Aurobindo's ashram and yoga. Much of the material is being published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Autobiographical Notes Vol. 36 612 pages 2006 Edition
 PDF    autobiographical

To the Dewan, on the Government's Reply to the Letter on the Curzon Circular


Aug 14. 1903.

My dear Sir,

In reference to the answer of the Government of India to our protest dated the 2d May, 1903, His Highness directs me to write that you must think over the whole matter and consider what is to be done. You must clearly understand that it is not because His Highness wishes to go to Europe often, as is popularly supposed, that he stands by his protest, for he does not care about the matter in that light, but because he is bound to defend a natural right

Page 158

which is being hedged in with humiliating conditions and that without rhyme or reason. It is under such circumstances your part as Minister to consult with Mr Bhandarkar, Mr Samarth and other officers on whose abilities and devotion His Highness places confidence, and if they merit that confidence, they should surely be able to suggest some course which would meet the peculiar difficulties of the situation, and advise His Highness in a wise and fruitful manner.

Yours sincerely
Aravind. A. Ghose

P.S. His Highness wishes you to consult Mr Pherozshah Mehta very confidentially on the point, paying him his fees, as to what action he would advise the Maharaja to take.

A. A. G.

R. V. Dhamnaskar
Dewan Saheb

Re Govt answer to protest against the Circular about visits to Europe.

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