CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Early Cultural Writings Vol. 1 of CWSA 784 pages 2003 Edition



Early essays and other prose writings on literature, education, art and other cultural subjects including 'The Harmony of Virtue', 'The National Value of Art'...

Early Cultural Writings

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Early essays and other prose writings on literature, education, art and other cultural subjects. The volume includes 'The Harmony of Virtue', Bankim Chandra Chatterji, essays on Kalidasa and the Mahabharata, 'The National Value of Art', 'Conversations of the Dead', the 'Chandernagore Manuscript', book reviews, 'Epistles from Abroad', Bankim – Tilak – Dayananda, and Baroda speeches and reports. Most of these pieces were written between 1890 and 1910, a few between 1910 and 1920. (Much of this material was formerly published under the title 'The Harmony of Virtue'.)

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Early Cultural Writings Vol. 1 784 pages 2003 Edition

Appendix: Test Questions

The Mediaevalists

1) Describe the nature & influence on English poetry of Percy's Reliques.

2) Sketch the career of Chatterton.

3) Describe the character of Chatterton's forgeries and estimate their effects on the value of his poetry.

4) Discuss the conflicting estimates of Chatterton's poetry.

5) What is the Ossian controversy? What stage has the controversy reached at present?

6) Macpherson's work is often condemned as empty and turgid declamation. How far is this view justified?

7) State the author & nature of the following works: Ella, an Interlude; Bristow Tragedy.

8) Who were the distinctly mediaevalist writers of the period? What was their importance in the history of the period?

[Draft-answers to the first three questions]

1) 1765 Percy's Reliques

2) Chatterton born 1752. Colston's Hospital. 1764 first Rowley forgery Elinoure & Juga. 1767 apprenticed to Lambert. 1768-9 contributions to London magazines. 1768 attempt to get Dodsley to publish especially Ella. 1769 attempt to interest Horace Walpole. 1770 life in London & death.

3) Speght's Glossary to Chaucer. Kersey's Dictionary. metres not 15ṭḥ century; rhymes inconsistent with 15ṭḥ century pronunciation; words either noted down from above & often incorrectly used; or invented by C. himself.

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Pope School

1) Trace the history of the classical eighteenth-century style thro' this period.

2) Describe the career of Goldsmith, or of a typical man of letters during this period.

3) Estimate Goldsmith as a poet.

4) Describe briefly the subject & character of the following poems; the Deserted Village, the Traveller, Retaliation.

5) What rank would you assign to Churchill among English satirists? Give your reasons for your answer.

6) Describe briefly the subject & character of the Rosciad, the Ghost, Gotham, the Times, the Prophecy of Famine.

[Incomplete draft-answer to the second question]

1728 Goldsmith born in Ireland. Father a clergyman, the original of Dʳ Primrose. Education. 1744 Dublin Unỵ. Made attempts to become clergyman, private tutor; [incomplete]

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