Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts
1910 - 1950

Short prose pieces written between 1910 and 1950, but not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material is arranged in four parts: (1) 'Essays Divine and Human', complete essays on yoga and related subjects, (2) 'From Man to Superman: Notes and Fragments on Philosophy, Psychology and Yoga'; (3) 'Notes and Fragments on Various Subjects', and (4) Thoughts and Aphorisms. (Some of this material was formally published under the title 'The Hour of God and Other Writings')

- Essays Divine and Human
- Vol. 12
- 1997 Edition
- The Hour of God
- Vol. 17
- 1972 Edition

We live under the reign of Science, a reign which from the mouth of its hierophants claims to be a tyranny or at least an absolute monarchy. It makes this claim by right of the great things it has done, of the immense utilities with which it has served, helped, strengthened, liberated, mankind, right knowledge of the world, an increasing and already fabulous mastery of Nature, a clear and free intellectual vision of things and masterful dealing with them, liberation from the fetters of ignorance, from blind subjection to authority, from unquestioning political, social, religious and cultural tradition with all their hindrance and their evil.
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