CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala Four

[    ] - Blank left by the author to be filled in later but left unfilled, which the editors were not able to fill.


[RV IV.28.1–2]

Rigveda IV

त्वा युजा तव तत्सोम सख्य इन्द्रो अपो मनवे सस्रुतस्कः ।
अन्नहिमरिणात्सप्त सिन्धुनपावृणोदपिहितेव खानि ।।१।।

By thee as yokefellow, with thee for friend, O Soma, Indra set flowing the waters for this human mentality; he slew the Serpent, he poured out the seven streams, he uncovered doors concealed (opened the doors that had been closed).

मनवे. Manu, the typical मनस्वी or मनोमयः पुरुषः or simply “man” with a stress upon the root idea of the word, “man the mental being”.

अपिहितेव. Sayana says अन्नेवशब्दश्चार्थे. इव means originally, “thus”, “thus indeed”, “so”, and is identical with एव. It may, therefore, have like एव the sense of emphasis, or like एवं in Bengali the sense “and”, or its more usual significance of comparison, “as it were, like”. The latter here, comparing the concealed but now uncovered waters to doors that have been shut or curtained over, is possible, for the figure of uncovering the concealed waters is common enough in the Veda; but it would be strained and inappropriate. Sayana renders “and he opened the concealed doors of the waters”; but इव coming after अपिहिता seems specially to affect that word. We may take Sayana’s rendering or else render it, either, “doors indeed concealed”, or “opened doors that were, as it were, concealed.”

त्वा युजा नि खिदत्सूर्यस्येंद्रश्चक्र सद्य इंदो ष्णुना बृहता वर्तमानं महो द्रुहो अप विश्वायु धायि ।।२।।

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चक्रं. Sayana takes the image to be that of Surya’s wheel, one of two in his chariot, which Indra violently cuts off,—the wheel that moves in the wide air above us & goes everywhere. But there is no allusion to a chariot & चक्रं, the Greek xύxλoς, may well refer to the sun, the wheel or disc of the sun. निखिदत् is rather dug or cut out than cut off. The waters of the first verse are always associated with the cows or rays of light of Surya. The poet therefore passes naturally from the image of the waters to that of Surya himself concealed & brought out for man, like the waters, by Indra. He dug out from the darkness the disc of Surya that moves in the fixed level above of the Mahat or Vijnana and brought it down to the mental plane for Man मनवे. The two verses, then, form a connected & logical development of thought.

विश्र्वायु. Sy. takes आयु = अयन from इ or अय् to go or move = all-pervading. But we have also आयु = life, & there is nothing to prevent us from taking विश्र्वायु= that which is the source of all being here on this earth, for Surya is सविता, the Father & Creator; all things are, says the Vishnu Purana, सर्वाणि विज्ञानविजृंभितानि.

महो द्रुहो अपधायि. Sayana says “The wheel was wrested from Surya, the great doer of harm”! प्रभुतस्य द्रोग्धोः. An astonishing interpretation. The great evil-doer, injurer of the मनु is surely the demon, Vritra or another, who covers from us the waters, covers from us the disc of the Sun: of him the wheel now is uncovered, from him rapt away. It was अपिहितं, it is now अपहितं. All the ideas & expressions then hang together, allude to each other, express a connected whole.


[RV IV.31, 32, 26, 27, 28, 29, 19]

Notes on Rigveda.

चित्रः Sy चायनीयः पूजनीयः ।
ऊत्या Sy तर्पणेन ।
आ भुवत् Sy आभिमुख्येन भवेत् ।

Page 415

शचिष्ठया Sy प्रज्ञावत्तमया ।
वृता Sy वर्तनेन कर्मणा ।

ऊति—कया ऊत्या.. कया वृता—only intelligible if it means “By what expansion of being, by what action of highest energy may this brilliant one, our friend, be an ever-increasing force in us?”

को मदानाम् अन्धसः Sy मादयितृणाम् मध्ये को मदकरः सोमस्य रसः ।
मत्सद् Sy मादयेत् ।
वसुनि Sy शत्रूणां धनानि ।
आरूजो Sy समन्ताद् भंक्तुम् ।

What true and most copious of delights (Ananda) shall intoxicate thee with this (earthly) food (annam), so that thou mayst break down even firm-set states of our being.

सखीनाम् Sy समानख्यातीनाम् (जरितृणाम्) स्तोतृणाम् ।
ऊतिभिः Sy रक्षाभिः ।
अभिभवासि Sy अभिमुखो भव ।

Faults of Sayana—1. Capricious ingenuities of learning. 2. Inconsistency of interpretation. 3. Disregard of tense.

Towards us thou becomest by a hundred expandings the increaser of thy friends and adorers.

ऊति.. अव् Objection to sense “expansion”, unless अव् also means to “increase”. अव् to produce (Latin avus; auctor), to keep in being (protect), to increase in being.

वृतं चक्रं Sy वर्तमां चक्रं । But he takes it later as action.
अर्वतः Sy उपगन्तृन् ।
चर्षणीनाम् Sy अस्मदीयानां मनुष्याणां ।
नियुड्भ्डिः Sy स्तुतिभिः ।
आववृत्स्व Sy अभ्यावर्तस्व ।

Towards us in our battling activity come into active being as work that is fulfilled by the applications of our efforts. (external figure—come rolling like a round wheel or moving wheel towards us battling with multitudes of men)

चक्रम् .. अर्वतः .. नियुत्

Page 416

प्रवता पदेव Sy यजमानानां संबन्धिनः प्रवणान्देशान्देशान्पदानि स्वकीयानि स्थानानीव ।
क्रतूनाम् Sy कर्मणां यजमानानां संबन्धिनः ।
अभक्षि Sy अंह भजे ।

Verily, thou comest down headlong to the seats of our strengths (mental willings); thou art enjoyed in company with the Sun, (the mind supported by the Ideality & mingled with it).

मन्यवः Sy स्तुतयो ।
संदधन्विरे Sy अस्माभिरनुमन्यंते ।
चक्राणि Sy चंक्रमणानि कर्माणि ।
अध .. अध Sy तदानीं .. तदनंतरं ।

दधन्वेरे—cf धन्वा, firm land or desert.

When, O Indra, thy emotions and thy acts become firm in us, now in thee and now in the Sun

चक्र. Full proof of चक्रं in sense of action.

शचीपते Sy कर्मपालकेन्द्र ।
अविदीधयुं Sy विदीधयुरदीप्यमानः । न विदीधयुस्तं दीप्यमानमाहुः ।

Thee in very truth, O master of energy, they have called him of the full & compact substance, the giver who disperses not his light.

महंसे Sy प्रयच्छसि ।

Always in truth to him who offers to thee his being & joy thou increasest in fullness even his many possessions.

आमुरो Sy बाधका राक्षसादयः ।
राधो Sy धनं ।
च्यौत्नानि Sy बलानि ।
करिष्यतः Sy शत्रूणां हिंसनं करिष्यतः ।
शतं Sy शतपरिमितमपि धनं ।

Sayana’s fault—straining of words to mean what they do not convey.

Not even a hundred of those who limit & restrain can shut in

Page 417

thy delight; there are no stumblings for thee when thou wouldst act.

आमुरो .. च्यौन्तं

अभिष्टयः Sy त्वदीयान्यभिगमनानि ।

Us may thy hundred, yea thy thousand expandings increase in growth, us all approaches of thine.


स्वस्तये Sy अविनाशाय ।
महो राये दिवित्मते महते दीप्तिमते धनाय ।
वृणीष्व Sy संभजस्व ।

Us on this earth accept for thy friendship, for perfect being, for ideal felicity in the brightness of heaven (pure mind).

राये. Cannot be earthly wealth; there is no sense in “shining wealth”; even if we apply it to gold, it is unnatural and inconsistent with राया परीणसा in the next line. Neither in that line is there any sense in protecting with wealth, although increasing with wealth is possible.

विश्वहा Sy सर्वेष्वहःसु । But elsewhere he takes it differently.

परीणसा Sy महता ।

Us increase into universal being by an all-encompassing felicity, us by all manner of expandings.

For us open up like an archer the pens of the brilliant herds, O Indra, with ever new expandings.

ऊति. This is decisive against the sense of protection for uti, since to open up by protections is nonsense & along with new protections is a forced construction and forced sense. Favours is possible; but the connection of अव् & अविडि्ढ is against it.

धृष्णुया Sy धृष्णुः शत्रूणां धर्षकः ।
गव्युरश्वयुः Sy गोमानश्ववान । The meaning?

Violently our chariot of delight proceeds brilliant, O Indra, & unfalling, seeking the herds of light, seeking the steeds of life.

Page 418

गव्युः .. अश्वयुः Not decisive, but significant.

सूर्य Sy हे सर्वस्य प्रेरकेन्द्र हे आदित्य वा ।
देवेषु Sy द्योतमानेषु वहन्यादिषु मध्ये ।
वर्षिष्ठं Sy अतिशयेन प्रवृद्धं सेचनसमर्थं वा ।
द्यामिव Sy द्युलोकं यथा सर्वेषां लोकानामुपरि स्थितमुत्कृष्टमकरोः (तथास्माकं यश उत्कृष्टं कृधि) ।

Sayana’s defects. Want of literary perception & taste.

For us, O Sun, make highest inspiration in the gods like a full & mighty day above us.


तु     Sy क्षिप्रं ।
अर्धं     समीपम् ।

O Indra, Vritra-slayer, come thou to our sphere, vast with vast expandings.

चित्र Sy चायनीय पूजनीय ।
चित्रिणीषु Sy चित्रकर्मयुक्तास्वस्मद्रूपासु प्रजासु ।
चित्रं Sy चायनीयं धनं ।
भृमिश्चिद् Sy भ्रमणशीलोऽपि ।
तूतुजिर्घासि Sy अस्मदभीष्टप्रदाता च भवसि । घेति पूरणः ।
आ कृणोषि Sy समन्तात्करोषि ।
ऊतये Sy रक्षणाय ।

Thou who bringest art also he who shieldest; O curious brilliance, thou createst in the powers of brilliance their varied light for our growth.

शशीयांसं । शश प्लुतगतौ । उत्प्लवमानं महांतमपि शत्रुं ।

By little powers thou slayest in thy might one who is swifter (or bulkier) and increasing for thy comrades who live with thee.

ब्रध्न. Light is thrown on the meaning of bradhna by vrádhantam.

Page 419

नोनुमः । अतिशयेनाभिष्टुमः ।
उदव । उत्कर्षेण रक्ष ।

We to thee cleave, O Indra, we towards thee urge; us, us raise up to thee.

अव. The sense of being, increasing is established by this verse. Latin avus, avidus, avis, ovis, ovum. Cf aveo to desire, S. av to wish. But aveo to be well & ovare to rejoice, belong to the sense of av to be well off, to protect, to be glad etc.

अद्रिवो । वज्रवन् ।
चित्राभिः । चायनीयाभिः ।

O master of being, come to us with bright increasings & blameless and inviolate.

ऊति .. अद्रि Decisive for ऊति. Significant for अद्रि.

त्वावतः । त्वतसदृशस्य ।
युजो । संयुक्ता (भूयामः) ।
घृष्वये । महते ।
वाजाय । अन्नाय ।

May we be entirely the comrades of one who is a possessor of light like thee, one who battles for that brilliant plenty.

With वाजाय घृष्वये cf राये दिवित्मते । IV.31.11. See also next line.

इषं यन्धि । अन्नं प्रयच्छ ।

For thou alone art master, O Indra, of that brilliant plenty; do thou then work out for us a mighty (boundless) force.

Thee they press not back by any other when thou, established in praise, distributest fullness to those who give thee the praise, O Indra who delightest in the expressive word.

प्रानुषत । प्रकर्षेण स्तुवंति ।

Towards thee & in thee the Gotamas (the utterly enlightened) by speech widen out for thy giving, O Indra, of that brilliant plenty.

Page 420

दासीः । क्षेप्तुरसुरस्य स्वभुता याः पुरः ।

We would declare (bring out in ourselves) thy mightinesses which thou didst when in the intoxication of thy rapture thou didst assail and break the cities of the foe.

वेधसः । प्राज्ञाः ।
सुतेषु । सोमेषु ता गृणंति ।

Those then the disposers of the sacrifice express, thy virile things which thou didst in the pourings of the Soma, O Indra who hast delight of the expressive Word.

वीरवद्यशः । पुत्रपौ त्रादियुक्तमन्नम् ।

The Gotamas (utterly enlightened) who support that fixity of thee, O Indra, have increased thee (in themselves) (or, have increased their being who support that fixity in thee); in them do thou establish a forceful victoriousness.

शश्वतां । बहूनां सर्वैषाम् ।

Since indeed thou, O Indra, art common to all who attain perpetuity, therefore to thee we call.

अर्वाचीनो । (अस्मासु) अभिमुखो भव ।

सोमानामन्धसो । Sy connects these two words, but सोमस्य सोमपा, वसूनां वसुपतिः is common.

वसो । यज्ञनिवासकेन्द्र ।

Lean downward to the lower world, accept in us the utter intoxication of Earth’s food,OIndra, Soma-drinker of the Soma-wine.

मतीनां । स्तोतृणाम् ।

May the fixity of our thoughts govern thee in us, O Indra; downward turn thy steeds.


योषणाम् । स्त्रीणां गिरः ।

Thou hast eaten of our sacrificial cake and thou cleavest lovingly to our Words as a lover to the speech of his mistresses.

Page 421

युक्तानाम् । शिक्षितानाम् ।
व्यतानाम् । गमनवतामश्वानाम् ।
खार्यः । खारीः । अत्र मानविशेषवाचिना खारीशब्देन द्रोणकलश उपलक्ष्यते ।

A thousand yoked coursers we desire from Indra, a hundred measures of Soma-wine.

अश्वाः. Proved by association with psychological गावः.

आच्यावयामः । अस्मदभिमुखं कुर्मः ।

Hundreds & thousands of thy kine we make descend to us; into our world let enter thy felicity.


दश हिरण्यानाम् । हितरमणीयानां धनानाम् दशसंख्याकानि ।
कलशानां । कुम्भपरिमितानाम् ।
अधीमहि । धारयामः ।

Ten shining jars of thee we attain; a giver of largeness art thou, O Vritra-slayer.

दिस्तसि । दातुमिच्छसि ।

O giver of largeness, thy largeness give to us; not the petty bring, but the large only; the largeness it is that thou seekest to divide.

आभजस्व । समन्ताद्भगिनः कुरु ।

As the giver of largeness art thou known multiformly, O hero, O Vritra-slayer; enjoy us in our felicity.

बभ्रू । बभ्रुवर्णावश्वौ ।
गोषणो । गवां सनितर् । But cf योषणाम्
नपात् । न पातयितः स्तोतृनविनाशयितः किन्तु पालयितरित्यर्थः ।
शिश्रथः विनष्टा मा कार्षीः । गावोऽश्वदर्शनाद्विश्लिष्यंते । तन्मा भूदित्यर्थः ।

O Indra of perfect seeing, I declare in myself thy many-coloured steeds; O saviour of the herds descending (or, O thou who descendest from the saviour of the herds), destroy not by these two those kine.

विद्रधे । विदृढे ।

Page 422

नवे । नवजाते । अर्भके । अल्पके ।
द्रुपदे । द्रुमाख्यस्थाने स्थिते ।
कनीनका । कमनीये शालभंजिके ।
यामेषु । यज्ञेषु ।

Like young girls firm & new and swift-footed & small the dappled pair shine in their coursings.

यामः । Identified with yajna by Sayana.

अस्रिधा । अहिंसकौ ।
यामेषु । गमनेषु ।
उस्रयाम्णे । उस्राभ्यामनडुड्भ्यां युक्तेन रथेन यातीत्युस्रयामा । अनुस्रयाम्णे ।
पह्यामेव गच्छते ।

Sufficient for me whether moving in the light or moving unillumined are thy dappled pair for they stumble not in their courses.

अश्वः. The passage sufficiently proves the psychological character of the horses.


मनुः । सर्वस्य मंता प्रजापतिरस्मि ।
सुर्यः । सर्वस्य प्रेरखः सविता ।
न्यृंजे । नितरां प्रसाधयामि ।
पश्यता मा । हे जना मां सर्वात्मकं पश्यत । यूयमप्येवमेव स्वस्वरूपमनुभवतेत्युक्तं भवति ।

I became Manu, I am Surya; Kakshivan the Rishi am I of the illumined mind; I [    ] Kutsa son of Arjuni, I am Ushana the seer; Me behold.

अहं । वामदेव इन्द्रो वा ।
आर्याय । मनवे ।
वावशानाः । शब्दायमानाः ।
केतं । संकल्पमनुयंति ।

I give earth to the Aryan man, I rain of strength to the mortal who giveth; I bring the waters sounding; the gods move according to the perceptions of my mind.

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वेश्यं । दिवोदासनाम्ने प्रवेशार्हमकरवं ।
सर्वताता । यज्ञे ।
अतिथिग्वं । अतिथीनामाभिगन्तारं ।

I shattered to pieces, rejoicing, the nine & ninety cities of Shambara; the hundredth I made a city of dwelling in man’s universal extension when Divodasa’s being I increased, Divodasa of farranging knowledge.

मरूतो । वेगेन मरूत्सदृशः पक्षिणः ।
प्र सु अस्तु । बलेन प्रकृष्टो भवतु ।
श्येनेभ्यः । शंसनीयगमनेभ्यः स्वसमानजातिभ्यः पक्षिभ्यः ।
अचक्रया स्वध्या । चक्रवर्जितया स्वधया रथेन । स्वधाशब्दो रथवाची ।

May that bird, O ye Maruts, be first of all the birds and a hawk swift-winging above all hawks since, perfectly winging over, he brought to man by actionless self-calm the offering loved of the gods.

विः । श्येनः ।। This verse perfectly establishes the psychological intention of विः and the figure of the hawk.

वेविजानः । सोमपालकान्भीषयन् ।
भरत् । अहरत् । आहृतवान् ।
तूयं । क्षिप्रं ।

When the bird (of manifestation) brought thence his burden, quivering (or putting forth vigour) was he released, mind-swift on the paths of wideness; mightily the hawk came with (or attained strength by) the honey wine of the Soma and he attained in this world the revealed knowledge.


परावतो । दूराद् ।
अंशु ददमानो । सोमं धारयन् ।
देवावान् । देवैः सहितः ।

The hawk of strength straight-flying took the brightness from on high in his force, the intoxicating wine; he brought the Soma, growing firm in his strength, full of the godhead, taking it from that higher heavenly world.

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उत्तराद् दिवो परावतो

पुरंधिः । बहुकर्मा ।
अमुरो । अमूढः प्राज्ञ इन्द्रः ।

The hawk seized & brought the Soma, a thousand pourings and ten thousand thereto; here the holder of the city slew the hostile energies in the rapture of the Soma-wine, unlimited he destroyed their limitations.

सोमः पुरंधिः


अन्ववेदं । आनुपूर्व्येणाज्ञासिषं । परमात्मनः सकाशात्सर्वे देवा जाता इत्यवेदिषमित्यर्थः ।
पुरः । शरीराणी ।
अरक्षन् । अपालयन् । यथाहं शरीराद् व्यतिरिक्तमात्मानं न जानीयां तथा मामरक्षन्नित्यर्थः ।
अत्रैष श्लोकः पठ्यते । श्येनभावं समास्थाय गर्भाद्योग निः सृतः । ऋषिर्गर्भे शयानः सन् ब्रूते गर्भे नु सन्निति ।।

While I was yet in the womb I knew in their order all the births of these gods. A hundred cities of iron kept me in; now I have cleft my way out of them as the hawk in my speed.

जोषं । पर्याप्तम् ।
अपजभार । उपजहार । गर्भेऽपि वसतो मे मोहो नाभूदित्यर्थः ।
ईम् । इंद गर्भस्थं दुःख ।
त्वक्षसा वीर्येण । तीक्ष्णेन ज्ञानसामर्थ्येन ।
अभ्यास । अभ्यास । अभ्यभवं ।
ईर्मा । सर्वस्य प्रेरकः ।
पूरंधिः । पुरां धारकः परमात्मा ।
अजहात् । अत्यजत् । जघान ।
शुशुवानः । वर्धमानः परिपूर्णः परमात्मा ।
वातान् । गर्भल्केशकरान्वायून् ।

He took not from me my consent, (or he bore me not unconsenting), filled with an all-shattering energy I took my seat upon his wings; impetuous in force the master of the city left his foes, he

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overcame & passed by the strength that grew in him the winds of the Prana.

ईर्मा पुरंधिः वातान्

अस्वनीत् । अवाङ्मुखं शब्दमकरोत् ।
यदि वा । यदा च । वेति चार्थे ।
यद् । यं पुंरधि ।
अतो व्यूहुः । अस्माच्छ्येनात्सोमपाला विक्षिप्तवंतः ।
मनसा भुरण्यन् । मनोवेगेन गंतुमिच्छन् ।
कृशानुरेतन्नामकः सोमपालः ।
सृजदव । त्यक्तवान् ।
तथा च ब्राह्मणं । तस्या अनुविसृज्य कृशानुः सोमपालः सव्यस्य पदो
नखमच्छिददित्यादि ।

When now the hawk sent down his clanging cry from heaven each time they bear hence (or from here) the master of the city, when the archer of the subtle life willing fullness by the mind shot at him, then unloosed the string वा = and

अधि स्रोः । अपरि स्थिताद् द्युलोककत् ।
ईम् । सोमम् ।
यामनि । युद्धे ।
प्रसितस्य । कृशानोरस्त्रैर्बद्धस्य ।
वेः । गन्तु ।
पतत्रि । पतनशीलम् ।
अंतः । मध्ये स्थितं ।

Straight in flight the hawk bore him on the mighty upper plateau (of Mahas) as Bhujyu the enjoyer from the world of Indra, —deep in that winged passage flew of the bird now speeding forward in his course.

बृहतो स्नोः सानुः प्रसितः

गोभिरक्तं । गव्येन पयसा सिक्तं । कलशं । पात्रे स्थितं ।
शुक्रं । सारोपेंत ।
प्रयतं । दत्तं ।
अंधः । सोमलक्षणमन्नम् ।
प्रतिधत् । प्रतिदधातु ।

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Now the white jar sprinkled with the rays (or by the cows), the pure bright food increasing, offered by the Adhwaryus in front of the honey-wine, let Indra dispose for intoxication in the drinking, the mighty One dispose for intoxication in the drinking (lit. to drink for intoxication).

अध्वर्यु .. अंधस् .. भुज्यु


अपो । वृष्टिलक्षणान्युदकानि ।
इव । अत्रेवशब्दश्चार्थे ।

With thee as companion, in thy friendship, O Soma, Indra set the waters flowing for man; he slew the serpent destroyer; he poured forth the seven streams; he opened the doors that were sealed.

चक्रम् । पूर्व द्विचक्रस्य रथस्यैकं चक्रमाच्छिन्त ।
बृहता । महतांतिक्षेण ।
महो द्रुहो । प्रभूतस्य द्रोग्धुः सुर्यस्य संबंधि सर्वतो गंतृ चक्रमिन्द्रेणापाहारि ।

With thee as companion Indra cut out straightway by violence the wheel of the Sun, O Moon-lord of delight. The infinite life that dwells on the mighty upper plateau (of our being) was uncovered from our vast foeman (or from the assailant of Mahas).

अभीके । संग्रामे ।
पुरा । पूर्वाह्वे तव पानालल्ब्धबलौ ।
याताम् । गच्छतामसुराणाम् ।
सर्वा । सर्वाणि ।
दुरोणे । दुरवने रक्षितुमशक्ये दुरवगाहे देशे क्रत्वा न कर्मणा स्वकीयं कार्यमुद्दिश्य गच्छतः पथिकान्यथा धनलोलुश्चोरो हंति तद्व् ।

Indra slew, Agni burned, O Indu, the demons before the midday in their meeting; many thousand companies of the assailants he crushed as by the might of his will in their inaccessible dwelling.


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म् । एनान्दयून् ।
दासीः । कर्महीनाः ।
अप्रशस्ताः । गर्हिताः ।
अपचितिं । पूजाम् ।

Everywhere, O Indra, thou hurledst the destroyers down to the nethermost places, thou madest unmanifest their hostile peoples. You twain oppressed & crushed our foes; by your smitings you won worship.


अश्व्यं गोः । अश्वसमुहं गवां समूहं च ।
आदर्दृतं ।आदरयतं अश्वयं ।
क्षाश्चित् । पणीनां भूमीश्च ।
अश्ना । अशनपरेण बलेन ।
रिरिचथुः । रेचितवंतौ ।
ततृदाना । शत्रूणां हिंसकौ ।
एवा सत्यं । युवामेवैवं यत्कृतवंतौ तत्सर्वं सत्यमेव ।

Thus you in the fullness of your might, O Soma, thou & Indra, driving towards us that truth which is the wide force of the Light, tore open by the thunderbolt the things that were covered and enriched these earths, our dwelling places.


तिरश्चित् । प्राप्तानि । तिरः सतः इति प्राप्तस्य । नि० ३.२० । इति यास्कः ।
पुरूणि । पूर्णानि ।
ऊती । रक्षणार्थं ।
अर्यः । स्वामी ।
आंगूषेभिः । स्तोत्रैः ।
सत्यराधाः । सत्यधनः ।

Come to us with increase, O Indra, established by praise, with thy havings of plenty, drawn by thy brilliances, full of delight, —come even from the levels in thy high activity to our many offerings, manifested by the strong, having the joy of the truth.

आंगूष तिरस् राधस्

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नर्यो । नृभ्यो हितः ।

The strong one who perceiveth comes to our sacrifice called by the distillers of the Soma; he who fearless in his thinking and drawn by perfect steeds of sense takes his joy with the strong souls that offer the Soma-wine.

जुष्टामनु दिशम् । सेवितासु सर्वासु दिक्षु ।
उद्वावृषाणो । सोमेनोत्सिच्यमानः ।

Let his ears hear the knowledge that he may increase, even in the direction that he loves, that he may rejoice; mounting in his growing mastery, strong for the rapture, may Indra effect for us safety in our passage & freedom from fear.


त्मनि । आत्मनि स्थितानात्मवश्यान् ।
ऊती । रक्षणार्थ ।
नाधमान् । याचमान् ।
इत्था । इत्थमनेन प्रकारेण ।

He who cometh to the [    ] with increase here, to the soul enlightened that calls him and manifests by speech, setting in himself in hundreds & thousands his swift ones under yoke.

बृहद्दिवस्य । महद्दीप्तेः ।
आकाय्स्य । आ समन्तात् स्तुत्यस्य ।
रायो दावने । धनस्य दाने ।
भेजानासो । त्वां भजमानाः स्याम भवेम ।

In thee increased,OIndramaster of substance, may we illumined become sages expressing all of thee, enjoying the felicities of the vast heaven embodied here and of wide content for the giving.


ऊमा । रक्षकाः ।
ऋष्वं । दर्शनीयं ।

Verily, O Indra of the lightnings, all the gods wide-living who

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hear the call, choose out thee alone in the slaying of Vritra, thee who art swift & vast & increasest the two firmaments elect.

सुहवासः ।

ऊमः । wide-living, desirous, kindly, producing.

जिव्रयो न । जीर्णाः प्रवृद्धाः पितरो यूनः पुत्रानिवावासृजंत ।
विश्वोधेनाः । विश्वस्य प्रीणयित्रीर्वर्तनीः सर्वत्र प्रवर्तिका नदीः ।
प्रारदः । प्रकर्षेण विलेखनं कृतवानसि ।

The gods [    ] sent thee down; thou becamest supreme king, O Indra, awomb of Truth; thou slewest the dragon that slept coiled around the sea, thou hewedst out the powers of movement that are its universal streams.

वर्तनि विश्वधेनाः

अबुध्यं । दुर्विज्ञानम् । अबुध्यमानम् । किमप्यजानंतम् ।
सप्त प्रवतः । सर्पणस्वभावा अपः ।

अपर्वन् । पौर्णमास्याम् । Sayana appeals to the authority of the Taittiriya for his “full moon”.

The dragon insatiable, wide-extended, that cannot be known (or waked) & waketh not to knowledge but lies in deep sleep, O Indra, him thou didst rend with the lightning-flash in his jointless frame (?) who lies against the seven slopes.

क्षाम बुध्नं । बुध्नमन्तरिक्षं क्षाम क्षीणोदकमक्षोदयत् संपिपेष ।
वार्ण । उदकमिव ।
न्यौभ्नात् । अभांक्षीत ।
ककुभः ।पक्षान् ।

Indra dug out by his flaming force earth for a foundation, as the wind by its violences digs up the waters; desiring force he shattered the things that were firmly settled; he broke down the peaks of the hills.

विसृतः । विसरणशीला नदीः ।
उर्मीनुब्जः । मेघानवधीः ।

They ran to thee like women to a child, like chariots the hills sped together; thou didst satisfy those that moved abroad, thou

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didst crush what were heaped high;O Indra, thou settest flowing the pent up rivers.

महीमवनिम् महतीं भूमिं । Elsewher अवनयः is rendered नद्यः
तुर्वीतये वय्याय । names of Kings
क्षरंतीम् । अभीष्टान् कामान्दुहतीम् ।
नमसा । अन्नेन ।
एजदर्णः । चलतार्णसोदकेन ।

That great birth & universal stream flowing for manifestation of Force & wideness of being (or for him who manifests force & widens his being) thou didst give delight by submission to that moving ocean; thou madest, O Indra, its rivers easy to cross over.


नभन्वः । शत्रुणां हिंसिका ।
वक्वाः । सेनाः But cf Latin vacuus.
ध्वस्राः । कूलानां ध्वंसिका ।
युवतीर् । अभ्डिर्मिश्रिताः ।
ऋतज्ञाः । ऋतस्यान्नस्य जनयित्रीः ।
अग्रुवः । अग्रगामिनीर्नदाः । अग्रुव इति नदीनामैतत् ।
धन्वानि । निर्जलानुन्नतान्देशान् ।
अज्रान् । मार्गस्य गन्तृन् तृषाणाम् पिपासया युक्तान्पुरूषान् ।
दंसुपत्नीः । दमनपरा असुराः सुष्ठु पतयो यासाम् ।
स्तर्यः । स्तरीर्निवृत्तप्रसवा गाः । सप्रसवाश्चकारेत्यर्थः ।

[Riks 7 – 11 not translated.]

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