Auroville references in Mother's Agenda


February 29, 1956

MA 1-69

[This experience represents a radical step in the evolutionary process making possible such breakthroughs as the creation of Auroville.]

This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.

As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that "THE TIME HAS COME", and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.

Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.*

August 20, 1960

MA 1-409-410

(While filing various old papers, notes, etc., Mother happens upon the plan for a film studio at the lake some five miles from Pondicherry.)

It's at the lake. The property belonged to the mission and at that time its manager was a very good friend of ours, even though he was a missionary. He said that he would arrange for us to have it. Everything was arranged, and I was to receive the money to buy it (they asked for more than fifty or sixty thousand rupees). But then the money didn't come and our missionary friend left. He's no longer there; he's been replaced by someone else.

(Mother looks at a piece of paper)

* Written in the leap year 1956, this statement was first publicly distributed as the message for 29 February I960, the first "anniversary" of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth.

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"Calling Antonin Raymond".* The architect for the construction. Then there was also "making ready temporary quarters for [an American film maker]". But then [the film maker] left; he died. That's what happens - things change. It's not that the project stops, but it's forced to take other paths.

But this film project has been completely abandoned now, hasn't it?

No, no. You see, it wasn't a studio — it was a school, a school of photography, television and film. It's not at all buried. But [an Ashramite] has enlarged the program. (Mother indicates the plan) This is only a small part of his extensive total program. He is planning to have a school of agriculture, a modern dairy with grazing land — there's a lot of agriculture, really a lot - fruit orchards, large rice fields, many things. And then a ceramics factory. My ceramics factory will be at the far end of the lake, so as to utilize the clay - the government has agreed; as they have to dig out the lake one day, we shall use the topsoil for the fields. First we'll remove all the pebbles (you know, there are hills over there), which can be used for construction — it's a mine of pebbles. After removing the pebbles, there will be holes which then we'll fill with earth from the lake. And below this earth is a thick and compact layer of clay which is so hard it can't be used for farming — it's impossible - but it's wonderful for making ceramics. So right at the very end, in Indian territory,** we'll have a large ceramics industry. On the other side, we'll have a little factory for firing clay. All this is huge. A tremendous program.*** We can file it with the other things.

* The architect who had already built "Golconde ", the Ashram guest house.

** Pondicherry was a French enclave, under French administration. The neighbour ing territory was the Indian state of Madras, or Tamil Nadu.

*** Perhaps it was the beginning of Auroville.

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