The Mother on Auroville



Conditions for Living in Auroville

1.The first thing needed is the inner discovery, to find out what one truly is behind social, moral, cultural, racial and hereditary appearances.

At the centre there is a being, free and vast and knowing, who awaits our discovery and who should become the active centre of our being and our life in Auroville.

2.One lives in Auroville to be free from moral and social conventions; but this freedom must not be a new enslavement to the ego, to its desires and ambitions.

The fulfilment of one's desires bars the way to the inner discovery which can only be achieved in the peace and transparency of perfect disinterestedness.

3.The Aurovilian should lose the sense of personal possession. For our passage in the material world, what is indispensable to

our life and action is put at our disposal according to the place we must occupy.

The more we are in conscious contact with our inner being, the more will the exact means be given to us.

4.Work, even manual work, is something indispensable for the inner discovery. If we do not work, if we do not put our consciousness into matter, matter will never develop. To allow the consciousness to organise a little matter by means of one's body is very good. To create order around us helps to create order within us.

We should organise our lives not according to outer artificial rules, but according to an organised inner consciousness, for if we let life go on without subjecting it to the control of the higher consciousness, it becomes dispersed and inexpressive. It is a waste of time in the sense that no conscious use is made of matter.

5.The whole earth must prepare itself for the advent of the new species, and Auroville wants to work consciously to hasten this advent.

6.Little by little it will be revealed what this new species must

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be, and meanwhile, the best course is to consecrate ourselves entirely to the Divine.



The only true freedom is the one obtained by union with the Divine.

One can unite with the Divine only by mastering one's ego.


The freedom we want to realise in Auroville is not licence— each one doing what he pleases without concern for the well-being of the organisation of the whole.



Freedom is possible only in union with the Divine. To unite with the Divine one must have conquered in oneself the very possibility of desire.


All fancies are vital movements and most undesirable. Liberty does not mean to follow one's desires but, on the contrary, to be free from them.


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From the psychological point of view, the required conditions are:

(1)To be convinced of the essential unity of mankind and to have the will to collaborate for the material realisation of that unity;

(2)To have the will to collaborate in all that furthers future realisations.

The material conditions will be worked out as the realisation proceeds.


From the spiritual point of view, India is the foremost country in the world. Her mission is to set the example of spirituality. Sri Aurobindo came on earth to teach this to the world.

This fact is so obvious that a simple and ignorant peasant here is, in his heart, closer to the Divine than the intellectuals of Europe.

All those who want to become Aurovilians must know this and behave accordingly; otherwise they are unworthy of being Aurovilians.


The push towards the future is to be ready to give up all gains, moral and material, in order to acquire what the future can give us.

Very few are like that, there are many who would like to have what the Future is bringing, but they are not ready to give up what they have in order to acquire the new wealth.


To be an Aurovilian one must at least belong to the enlightened

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portion of humanity and aspire for the higher consciousness which will govern the species of tomorrow.

Always higher and always better,—beyond egoistic limitations.

Feb., 1971


The ideal of the Aurovilians must be to become egoless—not at all to satisfy their ego.

If they follow the old human way of selfish claim, how can they hope the world to change?



Every good Aurovilian should strive to free himself from all desires, preferences and repulsions.

Equality in all circumstances is the chief aim to "be attained in order to live in Auroville.


It is true that to live in Auroville a great progress of consciousness has to be made.

But the moment has come when this progress is possible.

June 1968


Auroville is meant not for the satisfaction of desires but for the growth of the true consciousness.


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One does not live in Auroville to be comfortable but to grow in consciousness and to serve the Divine.


As long as they have desires, they are not true Aurovilians.

Let them not play with words: there is a world of difference between desires and aspiration. Every sincere person knows this. And above all let them not mistake their ego and their desires for the Divine. It is because they deceive themselves that they make this confusion.

They must be conscious of the divine presence in themselves, and for that, the ego must be silenced and desires must disappear.



Is it to satisfy little personal needs that you have come to Auroville?

That was really not necessary. The ordinary world is there for


One comes to Auroville to realise a divine life which wants to manifest on earth.

Each one should make an effort in this direction and not remain hypnotised by the so-called "needs" which are nothing but personal fancies.

Look upward and forward, strive to surmount the animal human nature. Make the resolution and you will see that you are helped on the way.


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It is not for comfort and satisfaction of desires that one comes to Auroville; it is for the growth of consciousness and consecration to the Truth that has to be realised.

Unselfishness is the first need to participate in the creation of Auroville.



Sexual activities bind man to the animal and they will be completely transformed in the future.

Those who want to work for the future and prepare themselves to live it, would do well not to be hypnotised by this subject which animalises the consciousness. Above all, do not associate it with love in your thought, for they really have nothing to do with each other.


To follow all the impulses of the lower nature is surely not the supramental way and has no place here.

What we want is to hasten the advent of the supramental, not at all to fall into the ugly condition of a humanity full of desires and low impulses.



Auroville wants to shelter people happy to be in Auroville. Those who are dissatisfied ought to return to the world where they can do what they want and where there is place for everybody.


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Auroville has been created for a progressive superhumanity, not for an infra-humanity governed by its instincts and dominated by its desires. Those who belong to the infra-humanity, the animal humanity, have no place here.

Auroville is for those who aspire for the supramental and make an effort to reach there.



Everybody has to progress and become more sincere.

Auroville has been created not for the satisfaction of the egos and their greeds, but for the creation of a new world, the supramental, expressing the divine perfection.



Auroville has been created for a superhumanity, for those who want to surmount their ego and renounce all desire, to prepare themselves for receiving the supermind. They alone are true Aurovilians.

Those who want to obey their ego and satisfy all their desires belong to a subhumanity and have no place here. They must return to the world which is their true place.


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