The Mother on Auroville


Guidance in Yoga

Moral laws have only a very relative value from the point of view of Truth, besides they vary considerably according to the country, the climate and the period.

Discussions are generally sterile and without productive value. If each individual makes a personal effort of perfect sincerity, uprightness and good will, the best conditions for the work will be realised.

(Reply to a member of the Auroville study group)

Aug, 1966


Everything can be part of "sadhana"; it depends on the inner attitude.

Naturally, if one lets himself be invaded by the Western atmos-rhere, farewell to the sadhana.

But even in the most materialistic milieu, if one retains one's aspiration and one's faith in the Divine Life, the sadhana can and should continue.

(To B returning to the West)


If the need is a true one the means to do it will come spontaneously.



What exactly should I do to accelerate the sadhana?

Wait quietly for the exact indication; all mental intervention and decisions are arbitrary. The clear indication comes in the silence of the mind.


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What are the steps to follow for (1) sadhana and (2) silence of the mind?

(1)Do work as sadhana. You offer to the Divine the work you do at the best of your capacities and you leave the result to the Divine.

(2)Try to become conscious first above your head keeping the brain as silent as possible.

If you succeed and the work is done in that condition, then it will become perfect.



Any suggestion?

About what?

About sadhana.

Patient aspiration.



Don't you think that the two collective "meditations" that we are trying to have in Aspiration—on Thursday and Sunday at the same hours as the Ashram—are the minimum of inner discipline that our Aspiration should give to itself?

These rare moments of silence and the effort to concentrate together —if not to meditate—are they not an opportunity to receive your force and to open ourselves a little more to you and to Sri Aurobindo, helping to form our collective soul?

Without any wish to impose anything on anybody from outside, is not this elementary discipline, however, necessary in the beginning?

Concentrating together is indeed a very good thing and helps you to become conscious. But it cannot be imposed. I advise you and them to organise this moment of silence daily for all those who want

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to participate, but without imposing anything on the others. It is not compulsory but it is good.



Should I spend some time in solitude?

It is the old methods of yoga which demand silence and solitude. The yoga of tomorrow is to find the divine in work and in relation with the world.

Look within yourself, reflect upon it and tell me what your choice is.



Several among us have passed or are passing through a period of mental disequilibrium and incoherence. What attitude should we take towards those who are in this state ? What should we do and not do to avoid passing through these crises?

Calm, Peace, Tranquillity always, and always to speak as little as possible and to act only when it is necessary. To avoid unconsciousness as much as possible.



True spirituality is very simple.



Spirituality is supreme simplicity.


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The egoistic vital reactions must disappear before anything serious can be done.



According to my experience people fall into tamas when they go into solitude.

Oct, 1971*


It is not what you do but the spirit in which you do it that is important for the integral Yoga.



... Divine Mother, I implore you to illumine and put a living faith in this dark area in me.

Do not give any importance to that part and it will lose its strength and little by little even its existence.

My love and blessings are always with you.



Those who are ready for the transformation can do it anywhere. And those who are not ready cannot do it wherever they are.



The guidance is in your heart. Go ahead according to your 102


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To find the psychic one must conquer the desires of the vital and silence the mind and then make a sincere submission to the Divine of whom the psychic is the instrument in man.

The inner contact with the psychic is a concrete and undeniable fact which imposes itself on all sincere consciousness.



Have faith in the Divine, and go deep inside yourself. My help is always with you.



The best way to get rid of the rule of the ego is to find the psychic being, instrument of the Divine in the human beings.

Go deep in yourself (i.e. the heart region) and aspire steadily. The true meeting of the psychic is unmistakable.



Have faith and go on.



Why is there this dark and stupid personality in me? Does it lie hidden in everyone, or am I a specially difficult case?

Certainly you are not the only one. Many are like this. Only those who have centred their whole being around the conscious control of the psychic can cure themselves of it.

July, 1972103


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... when the inner state is ready for the next step, you will guide it directly or indirectly the way you wish.

The next step is finding your psychic being and uniting with it.



Any advice?

Be steady and confident.



The Divine is everywhere and in everything; and we are created to discover the Divine and to unite with the Divine for his manifestation.



(Regarding a problem)

One should read Sri Aurobindo and know the answer.



(About premonitions)

They come to warn us. If one is quiet, one can understand the things to come, and try to prevent them.



Everybody is imperfect and has to progress. Keep firm and 104


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The mind does not know truly; aspire sincerely to the supermind.

Jan, 1973*


It is not what you do but the spirit in which you are doing it that makes Karmayoga.



How to learn to receive a solution for problems?

I cannot give it mentally; it is to be received inwardly.


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The Auroville Flower

The Auroville Flower

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