The Mother on Auroville



(To find the necessary funds for Auroville one could proceed in the following manner: Find in every country a very wealthy person who would be the centre for collecting funds for Auroville.

Advantages: Such a person would carry weight, would be an example for the others and would never give the impression of begging.)

In principle this way is alright. But in practice, and to avoid all possibility of failure (because failure would have a deplorable effect), we must wait for an indication from circumstances of which I will be immediately informed. And then I will give the signal to go ahead.

Nov , 1965


Begging is not permitted in Auroville. Persons found begging on the road will be distributed as follows: children to school, the old to a home, the sick to the hospital, the healthy to work.

A school, a home, a hospital and special work areas will be arranged for this. They will not be mixed with the others, because some people may come from outside and begin to beg in the street.

There are no police. We have... we haven't found the word... a band of guards, a battalion of guards, something like the firemen in Japan, who are gymnasts and who do everything when there are accidents—anything, earthquakes—they do everything. They climb up into houses. Instead of police, there will be a kind of battalion of guards, who will go out regularly into the various parts of the town to see if they are needed. And if they come across people begging, they will be distributed as I said. There will be a school for the children, a home for the old, a hospital for the sick and disabled, and a place where work will be provided for all those who... there will be every possible kind of work, from sweeping to... anything,and work that is needed, they will do it, according to their abilities.

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This has to be organised.

A special school for the children to teach them to work, to teach them the things that are indispensable for them to be able to work.

No prison, no police.

Sep, 1966

(In response to a question on individuals and groups willing to aid Auroville's development, the Mother replied:)

They may not practise themselves, but if they do not know about yoga, how can they understand the purpose of Auroville?



... Of course the whole idea of marriage is amusing because I consider the thing childish.

You know in Auroville there will be no marriages. If a man and woman love each other and want to live together they may do so without any ceremony. If they want to separate they can also do so freely. Why should people be compelled to stay together when they have ceased to love each other?

A lot of crimes would be prevented if people were free in this respect. They would not have to hide things from one another or even commit crimes to be separated. Of course, if they truly love each other they will continue to live together always naturally, without being forced to do so by any law. That is why this ceremony and ritual of marriage is so childish.

Children born in Auroville will have no family name. They will have just the first name.


(Mother remarked that this statement should be read along with

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the following letter to X for her marriage.)

To unite your physical existences and your material interests, to become partners so as to face together the difficulties and successes, the defeats and victories of life: this is the very basis of marriage, but you already know that it is not sufficient.

To be united in feelings, to have the same tastes and the same aesthetic pleasures, to vibrate in a common response to the same things, one by the other and one for the other: it is good, it is necessary, but it is not enough.

To be one in profound sentiments, your affection, your feelings of tenderness for each other unvarying in the midst of all the shocks of existence and withstanding weariness, nervous irritations and disappointments, to be always and in all conditions happy, most happy to be together; to find, under all circumstances, one in the presence of the other, rest, peace and joy: it is good, it is very good, it is indispensable, but it is not enough.

To unite your minds so that your thoughts harmonise and become complementary to each other and your intellectual preoccupations and discoveries are shared between you; in a word, to make your spheres of mental activity identical through a broadening and an enrichment acquired by both at the same time: it is good, it is absolutely necessary, but it is not enough.

Beyond all that, in the depths, at the centre, at the summit of the being, there is a Supreme Truth of the being, an Eternal Light, independent of all circumstances of birth, country, environment, education. That, the origin, cause and master of our spiritual development, gives a definite orientation to our existence; That determines our destiny; in the consciousness of That you should unite. To be one in aspiration and ascension, to advance with the same steps on the spiritual path: this is the secret of a durable union.

March, 1933

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(Someone asked the Mother about interviewing people of Aspiration to find out their views on things, including sex and drugs.)

It would perhaps be better to ask people who, by a serious practice of yoga, have had at least a glimpse of the Higher Wisdom.



(Mother wrote down the languages to be taught at the School:)



(3)Simplified Sanskrit, to replace Hindi as the language of India

(4)English, as the international language.



Q: I have always considered the Ashram and Auroville to be parts of an integral whole. I cannot see them as different entities. How then was a difference made by you, Mother?

The Ashram is the central consciousness, Auroville is one of the outward expressions. In both places equally the work is done for the Divine.

The people who live in the Ashram have their own work and most of them are too busy to give time to Auroville.

Each one must be busy with his own work; this is essential for a proper organisation.


Auroville is not a work of charity. A night spent in Aspiration is equivalent to a day's work.

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(The Mother was asked about the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in Auroville. She replied:)


Auroville should not fall back into old errors which belong to a past that is trying to revive.

March. 1971


"Therefore if the spiritual change of which we have been speaking is to be effected, it must unite two conditions which have to be simultaneously satisfied but are most difficult to bring together. There must be the individual and the individuals who are able to see, to develop, to re-create themselves in the image of the Spirit and to communicate both their idea and its power to the mass. And there must be at the same time a mass, a society, a communal mind or at least the constituents of a group-body, the possibility of a group-soul which is capable of receiving and effectively assimilating, ready to follow and effectively arrive, not compelled by its own inherent deficiencies, its defect of preparation to stop on the way or fall back before the decisive change is made. Such a simultaneity has never yet happened, although the appearance of it has sometimes been created by the ardour of a moment. That the combination must happen someday is a certainty..."

This quotation was read to The Mother by a disciple who asked her whether the time has come for the conditions laid down by Sri Auro-bindo to be fulfilled. The disciple said that the first condition concerning "the individual and the individuals" had been fulfilled by The Mother and Sri Aurobindo. But what about the second condition of "a mass, a society, a communal mind, or a group-body" capable of receiving and assimilating?

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This is exactly what Auroville is for. But Auroville is still far from fulfilling the necessary conditions.



(On 30.10.72 The Mother gave three alternative forms of greeting for those Aurovilians who wish to use them.)

Au Service de la Verite

At the service of Truth



(About the cyclone of 5-6.12.72)

It is a warning that nature is giving, that those who do not have the true spirit of Auroville will have to change or to go if they do not want to change.


(Regarding the attitude to be taken when dealing with outside organisations.)

At the service of the Divine in complete receptivity and sincerity.


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Administrative Notes

(This section is composed of some of the oral answers of The Mother as well as those notes presented to The Mother for consideration which were approved. She has signed most of these with 'Blessings' or 'yes'. The entries appear in chronological order.)

(About industries)

Each case is a special one and must be considered separately. No categories.



(About setting up a workshop)

At present it is preferable to undertake only what is indispensable immediately, and to leave the future to take care of itself.



(The Mother was asked about the external arrangements for the birth of an Auroville child.

About the people to be present she said, "Only the doctor and the father", and added:)

The most important thing is to be quiet, in a peaceful atmosphere, so that the Force can work without disturbance.

+ 1967


According to my experience it was unwise from the beginning to distribute application-forms for employment, for only less capable people use them. Men who are capable and have experience have no need at all to ask for work, they always have more than they can

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It would be more interesting to have an information office where those who are interested in the idea of Auroville could come to find out what work is to be done and what personnel is needed.

March. 1968

To be at the head of the Liaison Office, one must feel absolutely equal towards each and every nation. A complete sincerity is required in this attitude!

April. 1968


Q : To raise funds for Auromodel, what shall we do?

The more you chase funds the less you get. What you should do is to inform people about Auroville. That is important.

Nov, 1969*


The Mother does not agree to any new committees for Auroville She says:

"No more committees,

No more useless talk."



Admission to Auroville is subject to approval by The Mother. There will be a trial period of one year. This period can be made longer or shorter.

People living in Auroville should not provide hospitality there to others who have not been accepted to live there.

Those who have been accepted should lead an Aurovilian life

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the main principles of which have been clearly indicated by The Mother.

Everyone should work at least five hours every day including Sundays. Working for oneself is not working for the community. Each member of the community should have an activity that corresponds to the needs of Auroville.

Drugs are forbidden in Auroville.

When Auroville is a city there will be several kitchens providing different types of food. But even now individuals should not cook for themselves. It is better to organise kitchens for groups.

Those who live in Auroville should aspire for the new life.

The Mother will decide whether a member of the community can become an Aurovilian—which implies having the Auroville consciousness. Until then he is not an Aurovilian.



Whenever a woman is about to have a child at the Auroville Maternity Home, The Mother should be informed.

The children born in Auroville are naturally Aurovilians and Auroville will be responsible for them. But if the parents take the children away from Auroville with them, Auroville's responsibility comes to an end.



For the smooth running of Auroville all individual questions about the life of Auroville should be presented to The Mother by Shyam Sunder and nobody else.


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All construction projects should be submitted to the Construction Service before being sanctioned by The Mother.



Auromodel will be developed as a first attempt at community life in Auroville. At the centre of Auroville we shall build huts for twenty to thirty people who will participate in the construction of the Matrimandir and in its organisation.



Nothing should be built in Auroville, not even temporary huts, without the agreement of the Construction Service of Auroville.



Auroville is in the construction stage and disciplined workers are needed.

Those who do not want or are not able to follow a discipline should not be here at present.

Good will, sincerity and discipline are indispensable qualities for those who want to be Aurovilians.



In this country cleanliness is indispensable to avoid typhoid.



Smoking must not become a public menace.

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Those who cannot do without smoking may do it in a room expressly set aside for the purpose.



Aspiration is a place to work for Auroville. Those who do not work should make room for the workers who are needed.



The building of the Matrimandir now requires the support of all men of good will, both inside and outside Auroville.

The help of specialised and qualified contractors, backed and supported by the enthusiasm and faith of the Aurovilians, is necessary for its rapid construction.



About the fire at the Aspiration Workshop, The Mother said that her protection was not effective because the atmosphere there was very bad. There was no harmony, sincerity, faith, or trust in the Divine; everyone was working for his own satisfaction and not with an aspiration for the Divine.

The blow is hard but it is a lesson that must be put to use. They must start again, start again with the true attitude of working for the transformation.



(On the note recording The Mother's remarks:

"Children below 15 years will see only educational films. Care

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should be taken in selecting films to be shown in Auroville." — She wrote:)

All that encourages the lower movements and actions must be avoided.



The Mother has clearly indicated that from now on, for various reasons, above all, reasons of safety, construction of thatched houses should not be undertaken.

Consequently, future constructions, even temporary ones, should not include bamboo or thatch and should receive the technical approval of Aurofuture/State House.



... while putting things in order, be very careful not to offend the people from the Tamil village. It has been very difficult for us to win their confidence and nothing should be done which could make them lose this new-born confidence which is of a capital importance.

Take with you someone who knows and speaks Tamil fluently so that you can talk with them and explain things to them.

They are your brothers in spirit—this should never be forgotten.

July, 1972


The Mother has advised that all requests to the various Auroville associations abroad, for money, books, any objects or equipment should be centralised by Shyam Sunder who will organise the distribution of the requests and establish an order of priority according to the needs of Auroville.

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We are always too attracted by animals, and it is more interesting to look to the future than towards the past.

As far as I am concerned, a zoo does not interest me. We already tend to be too attached to animality rather than supermentality.



I understand that you do not like us to have dogs and cats in our houses. Is that right? Yes.


The Mother does not at all approve of any kind of religious ceremony in connection with any religious festival.



When asked about recruiting people for Auroville The Mother said: We don't want any recruitment.

Oct, 1972

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