The Mother on Auroville


Matrimandir Construction

Q : For the construction of the Matrimandir, will only Aurovilians do the work or will there also be hired workers and other people of good will?

It is preferable that the work be organised without paid labour so that it is sure to continue in all circumstances.



As we are in a period of construction, it is imperative that the Aurovilians who live at the Centre work on the construction of the Matrimandir.

Those who do not want to work on the Matrimandir should not live at the Centre.



The safety and strength of the construction should come before personal questions.



Q : Can you give some gereral ideas on the manner in which you want the Matrimandir to be built, so that, our doubts resolved, we may build with light and confident hearts?

Strength, safety, durability, harmonious balance.

The foundations are especially important and should be done by experts.

There is room for everyone of good will, and for those who want in all sincerity and simplicity to offer their work, there is enough to keep them.usefully occupied.


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Each one has good reasons to support his own opinion, and I am no expert to judge between them.

But from the spiritual point of view I know that with true good will all opinions can be harmonised in a more comprehensive and truer solution. This is what I expect from the workers of Auroville. Not that some give way to others, but that on the contrary all should combine their efforts to achieve a more comprehensive and perfect result.

The ideal of Auroville demands this progress—don't you want to make it?




Good will



I can work with you only if you do not say a lie and are at the service of Truth.


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Peace and Auromodel

I should like this whole place to be called "PEACE", and that peace, actual peace should reign there, not only between the occupants but with the whole of Auroville, present and future.

Dec, 1969


"Peace". The foremost thing must be Peace. Whatever you do must be by peaceful means.

The second thing necessary is Harmony, not only general harmony but also between the individuals living there. You must begin to look for the harmony in each individual and not dwell on the disharmony. The disharmony exists everywhere but you must reject that and allow only the harmony to enter.

There must be a sense of Order.

Each individual must have a sense of self-discipline, and actually practise it.




Auromodel is being built to make a concrete experiment and to learn how to live in Auroville.



Q : What is the purpose of life in Auroville in general and Auromodel in particular? Is it to serve the community or to be a true servitor of the Divine Consciousness?

The purpose of life in Auromodel is to learn to live in Auroville, to make all the experiments necessary for learning to live in Auroville.

We want to find a way for the community to live for the Divine.

Each individual has his own way but the group community should find a way to suit everyone.


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