The Mother on Auroville


Synthesis of cultures

... the unity of the human race can be achieved neither through uniformity nor through domination and subjection. A synthetic organisation of all nations, each one occupying its own place in accordance with its own genius and the role it has to play in the whole, can alone effect a comprehensive and progressive unification, which may have some chance of enduring. And if the synthesis is to be a living thing, the grouping should be done around a central idea as high and wide as possible, and in which all tendencies, even the most contradictory, would find their respective places. That idea is to give man the conditions of life necessary for preparing him to manifest the new force that will create the race of tomorrow.

... the cultures of the different regions of the earth will be represented here in such a way as to be accessible to all, not merely intellectually, in ideas, theories, principles and languages, but also vitally, in habits and customs, in art under all forms—painting, sculpture, music, architecture, decoration—and physically too through natural scenery, dress, games, sports, industries and food. A kind of world-exhibition has to be organised in which all the countries will be represented in a concrete and living manner; the ideal would be that every nation with a very definite culture would have a pavilion representing that culture, built on a model that most displays the habits of the country; it will exhibit the nation's most representative products, natural as well as manufactured, products also that best express its intellectual and artistic genius and its spiritual tendencies. Each nation would thus find a practical and concrete interest in the cultural synthesis and collaborate in the work by taking over the charge of the pavilion that represents it. A lodging house also could be attached,

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Divine Initiation

1.Who has taken the initiative for the construction of Auroville?

The Supreme Lord.

2.Who participates in the financing of Auroville?

The Supreme Lord.

3.If one wants to live in Auroville, what does it imply for oneself?

To try to attain the Supreme Perfection.

4.Must one be a student of yoga in order to live in Auroville?

All life is yoga. Therefore one cannot live without practising the supreme yoga.

5.What will be the Ashram's role in Auroville?

Whatever the Supreme Lord wants it to be.

6.Will there be camping-grounds in Auroville?

All things are as they should be when they should be.

7.Will family life continue in Auroville?

If one has not gone beyond that.

8.Can one retain one's religion in Auroville?

If one has not gone beyond that.

9.Can one be an atheist in Auroville?

If one has not gone beyond that.

10.Will there be a social life in Auroville?

If one has not gone beyond that.

11.Will there be compulsory community activities in Auroville?

Nothing is compulsory.

12.Will money be used in Auroville?

No, Auroville will have money relations only with the outside world.

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13.How will work be organised and distributed in Auroville?

Money would be no more the sovereign lord. Individual value would have a greater importance than the value due to material wealth and financial position. Work would not be there as the means for gaining one's livelihood, it would be the means whereby to express oneself, develop one's capacities and possibilities, while doing at the same time service to the whole group, which on its side, would provide for each one's subsistence and for the field of his work.

14.What will be the relations between the inhabitants of Auroville and the outside world?

Each person is allowed full freedom. The external relations of residents in Auroville will be established for each one according to his personal aspiration and his activities within Auroville.

15.Who will own the land and buildings of Auroville?

The Supreme Lord.

16.What languages will be used for teaching?

All the spoken languages of the earth.

1965, 1969

If you ask Mother for news of Auroville, She will answer: Auroville is going well and is becoming more and more real, but its realisation does not proceed in the usual human way and it is more visible to the inner consciousness than to the outer eye.

+Jan , 1966

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