Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1964 Vol. 5 of Agenda 345 pages 1988 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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A change must take place at the atomic undo the power of death. A new perception of life emerges with 'true matter', the matter of the next species.

Mother’s Agenda 1964

The Mother symbol
The Mother

"The only hope for the future is a change in man's consciousness. It is left to men to decide if they will collaborate to this change or if it will have to be imposed upon them by the power of crushing circumstances." As the new post gradually infiltrates Mother's body it is the earth one wonders about. How is the earth going to absorb "this vibration as intense as a superior kind of fire"? "I see very few bodies around me capable of bearing it.... So what's going to happen?" It is the year of the first Chinese atomic bomb. Mother is 86. "A tiny, infinitesimal, stippled infiltration - the miracle of the earth!" A catastrophic miracle? Isn't that butterfly some sort of catastrophe to the caterpillar? "Death is no solution, so we are here seeking another solution - there must be another solution." Imperturbably, Mother descends deeper into the cellular consciousness and deeper still: "A kind of certainty, deep in matter that the solution lies there.... It is at the atomic level that a change must take place; the question concerns the state of infinitesimal vibrations in matter." Time veers into something else: "Perhaps it is into the past that I go, perhaps the future, perhaps the present?...." And even the laws of matter change: "As soon as you reach the domain of the cells, that sort of heaviness of matter disappears. It becomes fluid and vibrant again. Which would tend to show that happiness, thickness, inertia have been added on - it's false matter, the one we think or feel, but not matter as it really is." So what, then, would true matter be, the matter of the next species? "I am on the threshold of a new perception of life, as if certain parts of my consciousness were changing from the caterpillar state to the butterfly state...." And the earth groans and protests.... at what? "The whole youth seems to be seized by a strange vertigo...." Are we going to move on to a next species or not?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1964 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 5 380 pages 1979 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

"The only hope for the future is a change in man's consciousness. It is left to men to decide if they will collaborate to this change or if it will have to be imposed upon them by the power of crushing circumstances." As the new post gradually infiltrates Mother's body it is the earth one wonders about. How is the earth going to absorb "this vibration as intense as a superior kind of fire"? "I see very few bodies around me capable of bearing it.... So what's going to happen?" It is the year of the first Chinese atomic bomb. Mother is 86. "A tiny, infinitesimal, stippled infiltration - the miracle of the earth!" A catastrophic miracle? Isn't that butterfly some sort of catastrophe to the caterpillar? "Death is no solution, so we are here seeking another solution - there must be another solution." Imperturbably, Mother descends deeper into the cellular consciousness and deeper still: "A kind of certainty, deep in matter that the solution lies there.... It is at the atomic level that a change must take place; the question concerns the state of infinitesimal vibrations in matter." Time veers into something else: "Perhaps it is into the past that I go, perhaps the future, perhaps the present?...." And even the laws of matter change: "As soon as you reach the domain of the cells, that sort of heaviness of matter disappears. It becomes fluid and vibrant again. Which would tend to show that happiness, thickness, inertia have been added on - it's false matter, the one we think or feel, but not matter as it really is." So what, then, would true matter be, the matter of the next species? "I am on the threshold of a new perception of life, as if certain parts of my consciousness were changing from the caterpillar state to the butterfly state...." And the earth groans and protests.... at what? "The whole youth seems to be seized by a strange vertigo...." Are we going to move on to a next species or not?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1964 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 5 345 pages 1988 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1964 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  39 tracks
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January 25, 1964

In the Illustrated Weekly they have published photographs of the Pope's visit to Palestine, and there is one in which he is prostrating himself: he is kissing the ground on the Mount of Olives, where Christ, as the story goes, was informed that he would be crucified.

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It put me again in contact with that man.

And his intention is clear: to make religion quite real, in the sense that it isn't a myth, it isn't a legend—it's truly God who came, and so on. So, to him, this is "human greatness" prostrating itself before the "divine sacrifice."

There is another photograph in which he is embracing the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church—heretics formerly, now they embrace each other.

And all the people around him (they are well-dressed, you know, with modern suits) look like puppets, mon petit! Oh, it's awful!... Awful. He at least has a force—or a will, at any rate. And he has a plan, he knows what he wants.


He is also the first Pope to travel by plane, so they took his photograph in the plane—he gives a "broad smile," he looks very happy.

(long silence)

In sum, it is the glorification of physical suffering as a means of salvation.

I must say I find the whole story repugnant—that crucifixion being flaunted everywhere. There's nothing so clever about Christ! There are millions others who died without making such a fuss!

That was also my feeling, and it was Théon's too. But Sri Aurobindo... as for him, he clearly said that it had brought a sense of charity, humaneness and fraternity on earth that didn't exist before.

Yes, it certainly did bring something. But they just remain there.

Ah, the Falsehood is to remain stuck there, yes.

A little later

We'll have to revise some of these aphorisms [by Sri Aurobindo] little by little. Do we still have quite a few ready?

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Not many. But at the rate we're commenting on them, we still have at least a year to go!...

(Mother laughs)

I haven't yet had the time to prepare the "Bulletin": I'm catching up with my work.

It doesn't matter. Besides... people are arriving by the hundred. Next month is going to be a bit difficult... although I'll see as few people as possible. But still...

See (Mother takes out an appointment pad), all these are people announcing their coming and asking for appointments—just look! (an endless list)

I could speed things up and prepare the "Bulletin" earlier?

No. I'll be better also (Mother still has her cold), it will give me some time to get better.... Not that the ideas aren't clear (!), on the contrary... there's a sort of very precise and sharp vision of things, but speaking is difficult.

But what I say is hard for people to understand, I find.... I gave that text from the Agenda to A.—he didn't say anything. Which shows that he didn't understand anything. As for Pavitra, he clearly didn't understand anything.

To them it's platitudes, mon petit! They take it just on the surface.

But when Sujata reads it, she understands! Yet she didn't listen to you.

But mon petit, Sujata is trained, she has typed it all, she has gone through it all.

Anyway, I don't care.

Personally, I'm very reluctant to touch up what you say under the pretext of making it more "readable."

Oh, no! It would become absolutely useless.

I'm reluctant to do that—and I don't do it. I could easily make it more "literary."

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But I find it absurd. I've never done it. I can't do it.

It wouldn't be worth the trouble.

Too bad for them!

They just read the words, you know!


They read the grammar of it.

That's right!

For instance, with that "dialogue with a materialist,"1 my experience lasted for two days, for hours on end. So there were all the arguments and counterarguments. It was extremely interesting. But I didn't say what the arguments were. So Pavitra told me, "It lacks life."

But I find it full! The whole essence is there.

But it isn't "explained."

But it doesn't need to be explained!

It would be very good if there were no need to explain....

But, for example, that "dialogue" was only the memory of the experience. When I have the experience WHILE you are here and describe it to you, it's much stronger.

Yes, obviously.

So it would be better to try to have the experience while speaking to you—or rather speak to you while having the experience.

I remember that while I was having that experience, I had the feeling that all materialism was ESSENTIALLY defeated, that there was a definitive answer, and that the force or power (because there is a Power behind materialism, a sort of sincerity that doesn't want to deceive itself), that that Power was overcome and

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convinced. And so, it has some importance. But the experience itself should be expressed for the power to be there. What I told you was only a reflection.


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