Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1966 Vol. 7 of Agenda 340 pages 1991 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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The 'mind of the cells' will find the key at the level of cellular consciousness: the old matter and 'laws' change to reveal 'true matter' and a new species.

Mother’s Agenda 1966

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Humanity is not the last rung of terrestrial creation. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed. It's up to each one to know whether he wants to participate in the adventure of the new species." This was 1966, the year of the Cultural Revolution in China. A far more profound revolution was taking place in a body which, on behalf of all the little bodies of the earth was seeking the one solution that would change everything: "We are seeking the process that will give the power to undo death.... The mind of the cell is what will find the key." It is the perilous transformation from a human body moves by the laws of the mind to the next body moved by a still nameless law buried in the heart of the cell: "A coagulated vibration, denser than air, extremely homogeneous, of golden luminosity, with a fantastic power of propulsion.... Everything is becoming strange, everything.... The body is no longer dependent on physical laws…" Isn't this the sensation the first vertebrate must have had when it emerged from the watery milieu into another nameless one in which we breathe today? "Each part of the body, at its moment of change, feels the end has come.... All the supports have been taken away.... I have no path to follow!" For what is the path to the next species? "A few have got to open it up." At times, though, the other "milieu" suddenly appears: "An instant marvel.... A state in which time no longer has the same reality, it's very peculiar.... an innumerable present. Another way of living." 80 years earlier, a little girl had undergone her first revolution of matter: "When I was told that everything was made up of "atoms", it caused a sort of revolution in my head: Why. nothing is real, then!" A second revolution takes place at the level of the cellular consciousness: the old matter and its apparent laws change into a new world and a new way of being in the body.

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1966 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 7 1980 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

Humanity is not the last rung of terrestrial creation. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed. It's up to each one to know whether he wants to participate in the adventure of the new species." This was 1966, the year of the Cultural Revolution in China. A far more profound revolution was taking place in a body which, on behalf of all the little bodies of the earth was seeking the one solution that would change everything: "We are seeking the process that will give the power to undo death.... The mind of the cell is what will find the key." It is the perilous transformation from a human body moves by the laws of the mind to the next body moved by a still nameless law buried in the heart of the cell: "A coagulated vibration, denser than air, extremely homogeneous, of golden luminosity, with a fantastic power of propulsion.... Everything is becoming strange, everything.... The body is no longer dependent on physical laws…" Isn't this the sensation the first vertebrate must have had when it emerged from the watery milieu into another nameless one in which we breathe today? "Each part of the body, at its moment of change, feels the end has come.... All the supports have been taken away.... I have no path to follow!" For what is the path to the next species? "A few have got to open it up." At times, though, the other "milieu" suddenly appears: "An instant marvel.... A state in which time no longer has the same reality, it's very peculiar.... an innumerable present. Another way of living." 80 years earlier, a little girl had undergone her first revolution of matter: "When I was told that everything was made up of "atoms", it caused a sort of revolution in my head: Why. nothing is real, then!" A second revolution takes place at the level of the cellular consciousness: the old matter and its apparent laws change into a new world and a new way of being in the body.

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1966 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 7 340 pages 1991 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1966 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  47 tracks
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March 30, 1966

(The following conversation, in which Mother speaks entirely in English, took place while she listened to the English translation of the conversation of March 4, in which she said in particular: "It becomes just a choice: you choose things to be like this or like that....")

I had the same experience in the cell-consciousness. It lasted for

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one hour and there it was truly almost miraculous.

The same Consciousness as this consciousness I had in what we can call the "material mental" (that is, the collective consciousness of the cells), but this morning it was in the cells themselves, this Consciousness [the eternal Consciousness Mother speaks of in the conversation of March 4], the same Consciousness. And it was truly miraculous. With the impression that with THAT there [in the cells], there is nothing impossible.

It comes, it stays in spite of everything, whatever I do, even if I speak, and it goes. And when it's gone it's gone, I can make an effort, it doesn't come back. But so long as it is there, it is all-powerful, it dominates everything and... yes, the whole world seems to change. And yet everything is the same. You remember this sentence of Sri Aurobindo: "All was changed and yet everything was the same"? That is exactly that.

"And then, it becomes just a choice: you choose things to be like this or like that..."

Yes, this same thing, this same experience in the cell-consciousness. What the human beings call "life" and "death," the continuation of this present organization or its cessation, it was absolutely a question of choice (something like a choice—there are some who say "the Divine's Will" or "the Supreme's Will"; it is a way of saying, but it is... it is something that chooses). And there was at the same time the exact... it was more than a feeling, it was a lived knowledge of what is the individual and why the individual and in what way the Supreme becomes the individual and how He can continue to be the individual or stop to be the individual.... Now that the experience is gone, naturally what I say has no meaning, but at that time it was the exact perception: the individual is that (gesture), that position taken by the Supreme, and if He chooses to continue it continues.

It becomes quite material, you see, no more mental at all (it is very difficult to express because of that). It becomes a living experience of just what makes the individual and how this individual can remain individual although it is united perfectly, united in perfect consciousness with the Supreme.

It lasted about fifteen to twenty minutes in complete stability and I continued doing my normal activities (it was during the time of my toilet—I wash my mouth and gargle), purposely it comes at that time to show that it is absolutely independent from the

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activity. And it comes more often at that time than when I sit in meditation. When I sit in meditation generally begins a kind of all-around-the-earth activity or even universal activity, it becomes conscious of that, but this body's experiences are not there—to have the body experience you must live in your body! It is why the ancient sages or saints didn't know what to do with the body, because they went out of it and sat, and then the body is no more concerned. But when you remain active, then it's the body that has the experience.

That is the secret.

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