Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1967 Vol. 8 of Agenda 469 pages 1993 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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The 'yoga of the cell' leads to 'true matter' and eventually the victory over death. A collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth is needed.

Mother’s Agenda 1967

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This year, all the features of the yoga of the cells become clear: "A growing conviction that a perfection achieved in matter is a far more perfect perfection than any other. The consciousness expressed in transformed cells is a marvel: it legitimises all these ages of misery. Oh, what a fuss all those gods make." This year marks the discovery of "true matter".... without fuss: "In that cellular limpidity, there are no more problems: the solution precedes the problem. That is, things arrange themselves automatically." It's another mode of life on earth - "such a natural way of being" - in a body freed from its mental shackles and the laws of false matter: "The extraordinary impression of the unreality of suffering the unreality of illness.... It does not cure illness: it annuls it - it makes it unreal.... And then you see: as the functioning gradually grows perfect, it necessarily, inevitably means victory over death." And meanwhile, Surveyor is digging the ground of the moon with its mechanical arms, while our own secrets remain buried in a little cell: "We can travel anywhere, we know what's going on anywhere.... and we don't know what's going on inside ourselves." War is raging in Biafra, the Israeli troops are marching toward Suez, American planes are bombing Haiphong, China explodes its first thermonuclear bomb.... and so on. "A tremendous conflict over earth." At stake is a new earth, or a return to the old fiasco: "A local and momentary manifestation is not ruled out, but what is needed is a collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth.... This fact is certain." Will we understand where the real way out is, and the Marvel concealed in a human body?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1967 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 8 1980 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

This year, all the features of the yoga of the cells become clear: "A growing conviction that a perfection achieved in matter is a far more perfect perfection than any other. The consciousness expressed in transformed cells is a marvel: it legitimises all these ages of misery. Oh, what a fuss all those gods make." This year marks the discovery of "true matter".... without fuss: "In that cellular limpidity, there are no more problems: the solution precedes the problem. That is, things arrange themselves automatically." It's another mode of life on earth - "such a natural way of being" - in a body freed from its mental shackles and the laws of false matter: "The extraordinary impression of the unreality of suffering the unreality of illness.... It does not cure illness: it annuls it - it makes it unreal.... And then you see: as the functioning gradually grows perfect, it necessarily, inevitably means victory over death." And meanwhile, Surveyor is digging the ground of the moon with its mechanical arms, while our own secrets remain buried in a little cell: "We can travel anywhere, we know what's going on anywhere.... and we don't know what's going on inside ourselves." War is raging in Biafra, the Israeli troops are marching toward Suez, American planes are bombing Haiphong, China explodes its first thermonuclear bomb.... and so on. "A tremendous conflict over earth." At stake is a new earth, or a return to the old fiasco: "A local and momentary manifestation is not ruled out, but what is needed is a collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth.... This fact is certain." Will we understand where the real way out is, and the Marvel concealed in a human body?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1967 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 8 469 pages 1993 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1967 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  60 tracks
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January 28, 1967

Mother shows a note she has just written:

I wrote this to someone here.... He hasn't been in India for a long time, and he doesn't understand anything about Indians (which isn't a crime), but he's full of scorn. Because he doesn't understand, he is full of scorn. So I wrote this to him:

"One should be careful not to scorn what one does not understand, for innumerable are the marvels sealed from our narrow view.
"The Lord has unsuspected splendours which He reveals progressively to our too limited understanding."

It's a whole category of a way of thinking. Those who think they have superior intelligence and scorn what they don't understand are countless—countless. And that's the very sign of stupidity! On the other hand, there are many (they are generally regarded as "simple-minded," but for my part, I appreciate those simple-minded people, they have a warmth of soul), they admire everything they cannot understand. They have a sort of dumb admiration, which is looked upon as silly, for anything they don't understand. But they at least have goodwill. While the others on the lofty heights of their so-called intelligence, anything they don't understand is worthless. This man came here and said, "One can't work with these people, they are Indians!" (Mother laughs) And he says it quite naturally.

You met someone the other day, I heard?

Yes, the man who is to write an extensive article on India in "Planète."

So then, what's this gentleman like?

He's a man full of sexuality. When you enter his atmosphere there is sex and nothing else. It's the only problem that interests him. So in his magazine and a few other similar ones, they are trying to make Tantrism "of the left hand," the "Vama Marga," fashionable.


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He asked me questions on sexuality and talked to me about a "yoga of sexuality"!


So I set things straight....

Oh, good.

Not very diplomatically, by the way. I said it had nothing to do with Tantrism. But the strange thing is that despite all this sexual atmosphere, the man still has an opening: one day, about twelve years ago, as he had a problem, instead of writing to Sri Aurobindo (he had read Sri Aurobindo), he said to himself, "But why don't I concentrate on Sri Aurobindo to get the answer to my problem?" He concentrated, and in the night he suddenly saw a big golden disk come and fill him, and a voice of extraordinary force told him the words he was waiting for, words of revelation.... So the man has an opening.

Oh, yes.

But then he told me, "That was probably my Unconscious, it came from my Unconscious, but anyway..."

(Mother laughs) He has a good unconscious!

Those people!... The Grace comes to them just like that, and kindly gives them a beautiful experience, and then: "It's my Unconscious"!

(Mother laughs)

When he said that to me, I really felt Sri Aurobindo smiling.

Yes, it amuses him.?

But it seems that this so-called Tantrism and "yoga of sexuality" is overflowing everywhere in the West.

Yes, it's dangerous. It's dangerous.

It may be the cure, they may go through, I don't know.... Because

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Sri Aurobindo said that if you go beyond satiation you are cured, the same as when you get rid of desire you are cured. But if you go beyond satiation you are cured, you are disgusted, you feel the same disgust.... That's possible, I don't know.

(Laughing) In the meantime, it makes a fine mess!

The other method is much quicker: abolition. (I mean not only material abolition, but abolition of the PRINCIPLE of the thing; that's what I said: when you go beyond animality, the material fact no longer has any reason to be, so it falls away.) That's so to say immediate. But if you carry on until nausea ensues, that's another method!

Carrying on until nausea isn't the most dangerous thing; it's covering up this business with spirituality, making a "yoga of sexuality."

Oh, (laughing) if you say that to them, they'll all fall ill!

But maybe one day we will reach impotence. Then it will be the end. Because it's only Nature's instinct that gives power to this somewhat morbid imagination, and once Nature's instinct is exhausted or finished.... Oh, I have to say I knew some old, very old people who were full of dirty things; but that was probably because they were repressed during their entire youth.

There is something very repugnant about it, isn't there, which people overcome in order to get the "pleasure"; but at bottom there is something very repugnant about it, which, as soon as the pleasure is gone, becomes thoroughly repugnant. What I meant was that they will perhaps be cured through disgust.

Lots of sects and movements have been accused of practicing this kind of sexuality (I think it was the "moral" basis for the accusation against the Templars). It's probably the result of the Christian attitude; Christianity has spoken of "sin" and made it a sin, so there's the result. It's the reaction.

But as soon as you are capable of having the true Ananda, truly, spontaneously, it's absolutely repugnant, just like wallowing in mud.

Only, with this method there will be a good amount of wastage.

But it's nothing but the survival of a natural process which was useful in the beginning of evolution.

Quite so.

And the meeting of two beings must take place through other means.

Page 35


From every side people ask the question of the sexual relationship between man and woman and of spiritual discipline.

(Mother remains silent awhile)

To tell the truth, the Lord makes use of everything! One is always on the way towards something.

There comes a point when you go beyond indignation.

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