The 'yoga of the cell' leads to 'true matter' and eventually the victory over death. A collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth is needed.
This year, all the features of the yoga of the cells become clear: "A growing conviction that a perfection achieved in matter is a far more perfect perfection than any other. The consciousness expressed in transformed cells is a marvel: it legitimises all these ages of misery. Oh, what a fuss all those gods make." This year marks the discovery of "true matter".... without fuss: "In that cellular limpidity, there are no more problems: the solution precedes the problem. That is, things arrange themselves automatically." It's another mode of life on earth - "such a natural way of being" - in a body freed from its mental shackles and the laws of false matter: "The extraordinary impression of the unreality of suffering the unreality of illness.... It does not cure illness: it annuls it - it makes it unreal.... And then you see: as the functioning gradually grows perfect, it necessarily, inevitably means victory over death." And meanwhile, Surveyor is digging the ground of the moon with its mechanical arms, while our own secrets remain buried in a little cell: "We can travel anywhere, we know what's going on anywhere.... and we don't know what's going on inside ourselves." War is raging in Biafra, the Israeli troops are marching toward Suez, American planes are bombing Haiphong, China explodes its first thermonuclear bomb.... and so on. "A tremendous conflict over earth." At stake is a new earth, or a return to the old fiasco: "A local and momentary manifestation is not ruled out, but what is needed is a collective transformation sufficient to create a new species on earth.... This fact is certain." Will we understand where the real way out is, and the Marvel concealed in a human body?
(The disciple reads out to Mother an "old" conversation dating from ... two weeks ago.)
...It's gone. As soon as it's said, it's gone and away. When things
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are read back to me, I don't remember what I said, it comes like something new.
As soon as it's expressed, it's gone. And it's gone for good as though expressing yourself emptied you of something and made room for a new thing—always. When you speak of an experience, the effect of the experience is as though exhausted and you are ready for another. Speaking always makes a void for a new thing to come in.
And the impression is always: how old, oh, how old! I find everything old. The movement must be extremely rapid.
But it's a pity that material occupations are so cumbersome.1
There must be a reason.
What organizes the world and life is much wiser than we are: we don't see, we are extremely short-sighted. But That (vast gesture), as I told you last time, is marvellous! Marvellous. So there must also be a reason for the fact that I am so overburdened. Of course, the general reason is very clear (it's easy to understand), but even from the point of view of the sadhana: that way, probably, nothing is overlooked.
What's interesting is to follow this kind of change in the consciousness of the cells: there are still many of them with a sense of wonder that the Truth exists. That's the form it takes: a sense of wonder.... "Ah, so that's what it is!" A wonder. A wonder at the existence, the UNIQUE existence of the Lord—a joy! Such an intense joy and a child-like wonder, you know: "Oh, so it's really like that!" And this goes on in one part of the body after another, one group of cells after another. Truly charming. And then, when the mantra comes spontaneously, oh!... There is an adoration: "It's like that, like that! That is true, it is THAT which is true—all the disorder, all the ugliness, all the suffering, all the misery, all of that isn't true! It's not true, it is THAT which is true." And not with words (words trivialize it): with an extraordinary sensation, extraordinary! And then ... it's the beginning of that sort of glorious, marvellous life. It's still at the stage of wonder; that is, something unexpected in its sublimity.
At the same time, there is an overall vision which becomes more and more total, in which each thing has its own purpose, its own place, and which excludes nothing. That need to exclude the mind in order to surpass it no longer exists. Now the mind is perfectly tranquil, peaceful, and it sets itself in motion only when it receives a command, an imperative command. It receives a command, then it does something precise for a precise reason, a very precise action, and then ... silence and calm.
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So then, that rehabilitates everything. It's only the quagmire that we have made of it that ceases to be.
When it will be complete, there will come the Power ... to restore order, obviously. I increasingly feel the need to intervene to restore order and harmony. It's the main reason for all this burdensome work. It's a lesson and an experience to learn gradually how to put things in order and establish harmony.
It's a big work.
There's still a lot to be done, quite a lot! (Mother laughs)
The Mother
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