Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1969 Vol. 10 of Agenda 549 pages 1998 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Michel Danino
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Mother has found the 'new consciousness': 'these cells, other cells, it was life and consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!' SALVATION is PHYSICAL.

Mother’s Agenda 1969

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 582 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 549 pages 1998 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Michel Danino  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1969 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  62 tracks
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April 26, 1969

(Mother first shows a note she has written about religions:)

The attitude to be taken towards religions:

A benevolent goodwill towards all worshippers.
An enlightened indifference towards all religions.

All religions are partial approaches to the one
simple Truth that is far above them.

Then replies to questions from the New Age Association:

In what sense is our Yoga an adventure?

We may say it is an adventure because it is the first time that the yoga aims at the transformation and divinization of physical life, instead of aiming at escaping from it.

Why is faith supremely important in the yoga?

Because we are aiming at something completely new which

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has never been accomplished before.

What is the power of faith?

When you have faith, you put yourself under the domination of the Divine, who is all-powerful.

Soon afterwards

You know that L. went to Delhi to see Indira. He brought her a message about the situation up there [in Bengal]. Then, at the end of the conversation, he told her about the new Consciousness, saying she should open to this Consciousness and that it's all-powerful (he repeated it all to me), all-powerful. He even told her, "Even if there is a fire, you can walk through the fire without danger if this Consciousness protects you," something like that. Just when he narrated it to me, they were holding there [in North India] a meeting of the Congress1 in a big pandal [dais], and the pandal caught fire and burned down! Indira was there, and she walked out unharmed—just when he was telling me about it! It's amusing (Mother laughs).

She is beginning to really have faith.


So that question, "Why faith?", it's like asking, "Why does faith have power?"

Basically, it's stupid, isn't it?

(long silence)

There have been queer things... and I thought it may again have been the result of what they're doing there. I was looking, like that (in fact, trying to put the Light and Peace everywhere), when this new Consciousness said something to me (Mother looks for a note).... It didn't "say," it showed me. It showed me the vibrations of those who want to cause harm (you know how it is there), vibrations, formations, and it showed me that when it is around someone, around a person, those vibrations come and are violently thrown back on the person who sent them. And it also showed me how, when they go back, they take just the form that can affect the person!

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It was seen, like that. Afterwards, it made me write (Mother points to her note). I first wrote it without the first line:

"To people of ill-will"

I first wrote without putting any title, then it insisted, it said, "No, you must put it, it's very important."

"The harm you have caused willfully always comes back to you in one form or another.
(said by the S.M. consciousness)"

And, you understand, it's something practical: it was DONE like that; he [Sri Aurobindo] showed me it was like that: "You do like this." So if what he showed me is really now established in the world, it must have extraordinary consequences.

On the mental heights, Buddhism had already said something like that: your thought, your will goes around the world and comes back to you. "Do not think you can do something with impunity," it says, "because it goes around the world and comes back to you." But here, it was... He showed me bad vibrations with their will to harm, he showed how they came, like that, and how, with this Consciousness there around someone, the vibrations hit and went back, they bounced back as if against a wall—they hit and went back. And on their way, they modified themselves so as to take the very form needed to strike the person [who sent them].

That's what I SAW.

Then it made me write that afterwards, as if I were speaking to those people.

Are you referring to the Vatican people, or to the Chinese?

All of them! That's just it, it was... The planes are different. With the Vatican, it's much more mental. With the Chinese, it's very material.

The harm you have caused WILLFULLY.

What I saw seems to be much more effective (that is, with an immediate effect) in the mind than in the physical. in the mind, it appears to be immediate. So it might rather be against magic practices. But it was general: for instance, I don't know if an invading army... Unless this Consciousness gives the other army the power to repel it? I can't say.

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I haven't shown this note, haven't spoken to anyone about it.

I get a sense of many ill—wills at the moment—many forces of ill-will.

Yes, oh yes!

But this message of Sri Aurobindo about the Grace has almost been a revelation to me.2 I thought, "What! There are people who refuse the Grace...." And since then, several people have told me so. It was something almost unthinkable for me.

But the impression is that things are moving fast and a very radical change is taking place—in people too.

This (Mother points to her note) came when I was looking at those actions there [at the Vatican], first; and then here in India, there's a gentleman... a nasty gentleman (I saw his photo), a wicked man who wants to get into the Parliament (he isn't in it) so as to demolish Indira.3 He's taken that into his head. So she was afraid. She's been told not to be afraid, what she should do, and so on. He hasn't been elected yet (I think the election is to take place next month). But I was looking at that, and it's in response to my concentration that it came; it came like that: first the vision, then the explanations.

There would seem to be a rage among the adverse forces; they feel that something radical is now going on and want to prevent it at any cost—which is idiotic, by the way, completely stupid.... But we might say it's fine, because they actually give an opportunity... they put themselves in the conditions needed to receive the answer: the backlash.

You know, I saw something last night.


I saw an immense sea in a fantastic state of violence, a raging sea with formidable hollows and whirlpools (and a steely light), and beside that, a huge wave, like a mountain, behind which I was, which came and smashed against that sort of raging sea,

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throwing it all back. Something seemed to fall over—that collision nevertheless sent small bits flying over that mountain and falling back on my head. But I saw that huge mass (I don't know what it was) of force and power, and that raging sea which came and collided against that mountain.... It looked like quite gigantic powers.

But that's the image of what I saw. It has aroused the resistance.

But the Consciousness was quite smiling—with an absolute certitude. It was showing me, it was there around someone (an imaginary person), it was around like that, and really with a smile: it came (gesture showing the onslaught of the bad vibrations), and as soon as it touched That, it was thrown back—but thrown back with extraordinary power!

Yes, that's also what I saw. It was thrown back with tremendous power. Yet it was like a wildly violent ocean, and beside that ocean, there was a mountain of "water" still more powerful than all that violent ocean. It was awesome.

That's it.

And the ocean actually came and collided against that mountain, and was thrown back.

It's exactly like that.

But I got something on the head!

Did it hurt your head?

No, but over that mountain, something came and fell on my head. I saw it. It didn't hurt, I just noticed it.

In this Consciousness there's really an extraordinary power. And it encourages to act—it encourages. Previously, when I was told that someone was ill or there had been an accident, something of the sort, I would merely do this (gesture of offering, both hands open Upward): I would present it to the supreme Lord, and that was all, I would remain like that (immobile, passive gesture). Now this Force encourages me to take... (laughing) to take the supreme Lord and put him like this (swordlike gesture) on the event. You

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understand, instead of being like that (gesture of passive offering), it's like this (swordlike gesture). It responds. Strange.


But are you better?

Yes, yes, I'm better!

It doesn't give you a headache?!

No! But I feel something relentless.

Ah, yes. Oh, yes, ooh!...

But that's why this Consciousness told me that, it's to... to be, to REMAIN in the Consciousness, tranquil, peaceful, like that (gesture of being enfolded).

But if the forces weren't relentless, things could go on for a long, long time, you understand; this way, the conflict becomes swifter. And that's what this consciousness... That trust is what it wanted to give. We mustn't go out of this Consciousness, you understand. It has power. And a fantastic power.

Basically, this message of Sri Aurobindo is almost this: Do not go out of this Consciousness, do not refuse this Consciousness. It is sent by the Grace, do not refuse it.


(Mother gives soup packets to Satprem) Yesterday I received lots of soups, and I thought, "Well, it has come just for him!" (Mother laughs) That's how it is! And for VERY SMALL things, mon petit, everywhere, like that—fantastic, unbelievable. Unbelievable. It would take a long time to tell everything.

But we should keep well—and have faith! (Mother laughs)

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