Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1969 Vol. 10 of Agenda 549 pages 1998 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Michel Danino
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Mother has found the 'new consciousness': 'these cells, other cells, it was life and consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!' SALVATION is PHYSICAL.

Mother’s Agenda 1969

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 582 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

Now Mother has found the "passage", what she calls "the new consciousness," the one capable of opening up a new world to us, just as the first breaking of the watery mirror by an amphibian opened up a new air to us: "I don't know what is happening, there's a state of intense vibration, like waves of lightning rapidity, so rapid that they see motionless. And then I go off to America, to Europe.... This body has never been so happy: these cells, other cells, it was life everywhere, consciousness everywhere, all bodies were this body!...." And all our physiological misery vanishes by the same token: "There is a sort of dilation of the cells, the sense of boundaries lessons, fades away, and the pains vanish physically." And it isn't "another world," it is this earth, our earth but lived otherwise: "As if we had entered an unreal falsehood, and everything disappears once you get out of it - it simply does not exist! And all the artificial means of getting out of it, including Nirvana, are worthless. SALVATION IS PHYSICAL! It is here, right here. All the rest, death included, really becomes a falsehood - there is no such thing as "disappearing", no "life vs death"!...." And as she breaks through the walls of our bowl, the whole world is in revolt - including Mother's entourage - as if it were under the pressure of a new air: "A considerable number of desires for it to die [Mother's body]; everywhere, they are everywhere!.... The whole gamut of feelings around me, from anxiety, eagerness for it to be over quickly, to impatient desires: free at last!.... I don't want to be put in a box, the cells are conscious.... What is going to happen? I don't know. It runs contrary to all habits." A new species is quite contrary to the old habits of the world - will the world accept it, or wind up killing it off?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1969 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 10 549 pages 1998 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Michel Danino  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1969 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  62 tracks
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January 1, 1969

There's a frightful crush! And even as it is, I don't see half of the people who've asked to see me.

I started at 8 this morning... without stop.

That's not too good!

It's certainly less than half of what I've been asked.

But naturally, there has to be a limit, otherwise it would start all over again as it was before. There was a time when I had only two hours for sleep and when I pretended to eat... but... One can do that for a time, but not for too long.

It's not the physical work that tires, it's what people add. With some, after five minutes you feel as if everything is about to break apart; with others it's fine. With most people, I must say, what's tiring is above all an "ignorant solicitude": people who have all this thought that they "shouldn't tire," shouldn't do this, shouldn't do that—that's quite oppressive. But otherwise, when they are tranquil and receptive, it's not tiring at all, not at all.

But the medical atmosphere is dangerous.

It's VERY dangerous.


Do you have any news of P.L.?1

He wrote that he was abruptly leaving for [such and such a country].

What time is it?

Quarter past eleven.

Shall we be quiet for ten minutes?


Last time, I told you about that "morbid imagination" the body had—completely gone, finished, cleaned out! The moment the body reacted by saying, "No, it's disgusting, what's that!"—gone. That's what is so remarkable with this body: in the vital, in the

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mind, you have to do things over and over again for the experience to be established; the body is less prompt in opening itself, but once it has understood or has had the right experience, it's over, the thing is established. That's what is remarkable. And it's very tranquil. So then, when certain things tried to come back (even when they were some distance away, just on the periphery), it said, "Ah, no! I no longer want that, it belongs to the past."

Certainly, according to the present experience, the majority—the vast majority—of illnesses and bodily disorganizations come from the vital and the mind, from their influence.


Recently, I got a letter, I forget from whom or where, but it was from someone in Europe, someone who saw my vital being, and someone else who saw my mental being. You know that they have been sent away (they go on working, seeing people, going and coming...). So that person saw it as I myself know it (which surprised me, because generally people change the appearance according to their own conception). She saw me, she knew it was me, and it was a tall warrior—a very tall warrior with an ancient costume, holding a halberd.

It's the first time.

Yes, I know who it is. She told me her vision, I met her. She is an Italian who has visions of you that are extraordinary. She often tells me extraordinary things. She lives in you in a manner that... I've never seen anyone live in you like that.

Oh!... Is she still here?

She arrived two weeks ago. Her name is F.

Oh, F.... For a while she couldn't see anymore physically, so that has developed the inner vision.

A diamond warrior, she said.

Yes, that's it. Oh, it has an extraordinary power on the vital atmosphere. I have seen it since I was quite small—I noticed it before knowing anything outwardly, before anyone explained it to me. And I saw it LEFT TO ITSELF, that is to say, without the intervention of all ideas and all that.... Strange. And invincible... (how

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should I put it?), it cannot be affected in any way: it doesn't receive from outside, it receives only from the psychic consciousness, or directly from the supreme Consciousness.

And now it's going about here and there! (Mother laughs)

These two, the vital and the mind, care very little—very little—for the body's well-being: it's merely an instrument meant to be used, and it just has to obey But the body feels much freer than before. That's one of the reasons why they were sent away, it's not merely to go faster—we said it was for the speed of the work, but it's not merely that, it's because the body left to itself has so much more practical common sense.... I don't know how to explain. An extraordinary STABILITY.

The only thing in it that was a little morbid was this physical mind, the body-mind, which Sri Aurobindo regarded as impossible to change—it was very stubborn, but you see, it's the one that has done the work, it has worked out the change. It had that habit of imagination, but it's over, I mean it's now like this (Mother brings down her hands in a gesture of authority), it's the master.

It has interesting possibilities.... Very patient, very patient. Very steady.2

(the clock strikes)

Oh, there would be mountains of things to say, but we'll see later (Mother peers at the clock hidden by a stack of letters on top of which she has placed two flowers called "Prosperity"). Now, see, the "prosperity" hides the time from me! So... (Mother laughs)

So, a happy new year, mon petit!

(Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees)

Yes, there was... It came slowly in the night, and this morning when I woke up, there was a golden Dawn, as it were, and the atmosphere was very light. The body felt, "Oh, it's really... truly new." A light, golden Light and... benevolent. Benevolent in the sense of a certitude—a harmonious certitude.3

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It was new.

So there.

When I say "Happy new year" to people, that's what I pass on to them. And this morning, I've spent my time like that, spontaneously saying, "Happy new year, happy new year...." So...

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