Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1970 Vol. 11 of Agenda 416 pages 2000 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Michel Danino
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Starts the terrible years.The change is DONE: a new mode of being of the cellular consciousness has appeared on earth. The future awaits - will the 'old' yield?

Mother’s Agenda 1970

The Mother symbol
The Mother

The beginning of the terrible years.... There was the feeling that Mother had found the secret of the change, conquered all she could from her own body, and that she was now sitting there, surrounded by the pack, just putting up with each and every resistance of the old species. "The change is DONE. Everything is tooth and nail, ferociously after me, but it's over." A new mode of being of the cellular consciousness had appeared on earth, as one day, in inert matter, there appeared a new mode of being called life - but this time it is "overlife": "The impression there is a way of being of the cells that would be the beginning of a new body; only, when that comes, the body itself feels it is dying." What would be the feeling of the first corpuscle to experience life? "The body feels it has reached the point of.... unknown. A very, very strange sensation. A sort of new vibration. It's so new that.... I can't speak of anguish, but it's.... the unknown. A mystery of the unknown." And there, what we call death is like the other side of the bowl for the former fish, and yet it is not "another world": "They are surprisingly one within the other! There is something there.... Is it possible? For overlife is both life and death together." And then, this cry of the breakthrough: "What appears to us as 'the laws of nature' is nonsense!...." Another world ON EARTH in which the old mortal laws of our bowl break down.... into something else? "I have just had a fantastic vision of the cradle of a future.... which is not very far. It's like a formidable mass suspended above the earth." But will the old pack let her go through to the end?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1970 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 11 443 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

The beginning of the terrible years.... There was the feeling that Mother had found the secret of the change, conquered all she could from her own body, and that she was now sitting there, surrounded by the pack, just putting up with each and every resistance of the old species. "The change is DONE. Everything is tooth and nail, ferociously after me, but it's over." A new mode of being of the cellular consciousness had appeared on earth, as one day, in inert matter, there appeared a new mode of being called life - but this time it is "overlife": "The impression there is a way of being of the cells that would be the beginning of a new body; only, when that comes, the body itself feels it is dying." What would be the feeling of the first corpuscle to experience life? "The body feels it has reached the point of.... unknown. A very, very strange sensation. A sort of new vibration. It's so new that.... I can't speak of anguish, but it's.... the unknown. A mystery of the unknown." And there, what we call death is like the other side of the bowl for the former fish, and yet it is not "another world": "They are surprisingly one within the other! There is something there.... Is it possible? For overlife is both life and death together." And then, this cry of the breakthrough: "What appears to us as 'the laws of nature' is nonsense!...." Another world ON EARTH in which the old mortal laws of our bowl break down.... into something else? "I have just had a fantastic vision of the cradle of a future.... which is not very far. It's like a formidable mass suspended above the earth." But will the old pack let her go through to the end?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1970 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 11 416 pages 2000 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Michel Danino  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1970 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  42 tracks
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October 14, 1970

While sorting papers, I found this. I don't know what it is.

(Satprem reads)

Page 345

"My hair is not dyed. It is its natural color, except for a slight reddish hue that comes from the soapbark lotion I use to wash my head.
"When I used to go out, I had to put rose juice on my lips so they would not chap, and sumo (powder of burned pearl) on my eyelids to prevent irritation by sunlight and dust.
"To take care of one's skin and hair is no more artificial than to take care of one's teeth.
"If a sadhika [a female disciple] has spare time and the inclination to make up, I see no harm in that, provided she does not do it out of vanity or affectation.
"What matters in sadhana is not what one does but the spirit in which one does it.
"Ill will, criticism, doubt, skepticism and depression are far more serious obstacles to the spiritual development than life's trivialities and childish pursuits, if they are accepted without attaching importance to them."

13 May 1965

(Laughing) That was when R.R. came; he said I dyed my hair! (Mother laughs) "Mother uses makeup." I never sent him this, besides.

Along with your answer, there's a letter from R.R. Yes, he asked you, "Why do you use such devices?..." He also asked, "Why is there in the Ashram this extreme iconolatry?"

I think the gentleman has changed a bit. Is there a date?


I think he has changed.

(Satprem reads another note)

"To calm all personal ambitions, I must declare that
"If, for any reason, this body becomes unusable, the universal Mother will again start manifesting in hundreds of individualities according to their capacity and receptivity, each one being a partial manifestation of the Universal Consciousness."

Page 346

That's important.

It's amusing!... It's a long time ago too.

There's no date.

We're finding some amusing things again.... Three or four people here, at the SAME time, had come (when I wrote this, I forget when), had come to succeed the universal Mother!... Three or four. Especially two from America. And there's also one here (Mother laughs).

It's futile, it's very childish.

(Mother nods and gives Satprem the handwritten note)

(Then Mother takes up a few extracts from Savitri that are to be set to music.)

A little point [shall] reveal the infinitudes.


It's interesting.

(Satprem reads the second chapter of Supermanhood, "The Great Process." After a few satisfied remarks, Mother adds:)

It produces a curious phenomenon of absorption: nothing existed anymore but that.1 It's curious. And I knew it was about to end because I resumed contact with the world. It's really interesting. Oh, it's very good.

Where will we get it published?

Normally, it should be the publisher of "The Adventure of Consciousness."

Page 347

Yes.... But does he have the caliber?

He has... he will benefit from "The Adventure of Consciousness."

(Mother looks at Satprem, smiling)

What time is it?

Eleven, Mother.

Don't you have a practical little work to do?

No, Mother... except if you want to go on with the translation of "Savitri".... But what about you, Mother, you don't say anything?

Me, I have nothing to say.


The body consciousness is slowly changing, in such a way that its whole former life seems foreign to it. That seems to be someone else's consciousness, someone else's life. Its "situation," if you like, in the world, is changing.

With regard to its whole former life, it regards that as someone... not exactly a stranger, but the life of someone close, whom you understand well (you're not surprised, you understand well), but... a stranger. No, it's not "stranger," it's... OTHER, other. Someone other.

(long silence)

But the new person has no limits in its contact, it doesn't end anywhere (Mother touches the skin of her hands).... An odd sensation.

(long silence)

It's being done. It's not something you can look at, it's something being done.

(long silence)

As if there were no past, you know, one is wholly like this (gesture ahead), there's nothing behind. A curious sensation.

(long silence)

Page 348

A curious sensation of something beginning. Not at all, not at all something ending—something beginning. It's a curious sensation: something beginning. With all the unknown, the unexpected... Strange.

I have that all the time. I constantly feel that things are new... that my relationship with them is new. Me, it's something there (gesture above). And the body's impression too (Mother touches her hands) is that of a new way of feeling, new way of reacting.... It's very strange.

(Mother takes Satprem's hands)

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