Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1970 Vol. 11 of Agenda 416 pages 2000 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Michel Danino
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Starts the terrible years.The change is DONE: a new mode of being of the cellular consciousness has appeared on earth. The future awaits - will the 'old' yield?

Mother’s Agenda 1970

The Mother symbol
The Mother

The beginning of the terrible years.... There was the feeling that Mother had found the secret of the change, conquered all she could from her own body, and that she was now sitting there, surrounded by the pack, just putting up with each and every resistance of the old species. "The change is DONE. Everything is tooth and nail, ferociously after me, but it's over." A new mode of being of the cellular consciousness had appeared on earth, as one day, in inert matter, there appeared a new mode of being called life - but this time it is "overlife": "The impression there is a way of being of the cells that would be the beginning of a new body; only, when that comes, the body itself feels it is dying." What would be the feeling of the first corpuscle to experience life? "The body feels it has reached the point of.... unknown. A very, very strange sensation. A sort of new vibration. It's so new that.... I can't speak of anguish, but it's.... the unknown. A mystery of the unknown." And there, what we call death is like the other side of the bowl for the former fish, and yet it is not "another world": "They are surprisingly one within the other! There is something there.... Is it possible? For overlife is both life and death together." And then, this cry of the breakthrough: "What appears to us as 'the laws of nature' is nonsense!...." Another world ON EARTH in which the old mortal laws of our bowl break down.... into something else? "I have just had a fantastic vision of the cradle of a future.... which is not very far. It's like a formidable mass suspended above the earth." But will the old pack let her go through to the end?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1970 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 11 443 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

The beginning of the terrible years.... There was the feeling that Mother had found the secret of the change, conquered all she could from her own body, and that she was now sitting there, surrounded by the pack, just putting up with each and every resistance of the old species. "The change is DONE. Everything is tooth and nail, ferociously after me, but it's over." A new mode of being of the cellular consciousness had appeared on earth, as one day, in inert matter, there appeared a new mode of being called life - but this time it is "overlife": "The impression there is a way of being of the cells that would be the beginning of a new body; only, when that comes, the body itself feels it is dying." What would be the feeling of the first corpuscle to experience life? "The body feels it has reached the point of.... unknown. A very, very strange sensation. A sort of new vibration. It's so new that.... I can't speak of anguish, but it's.... the unknown. A mystery of the unknown." And there, what we call death is like the other side of the bowl for the former fish, and yet it is not "another world": "They are surprisingly one within the other! There is something there.... Is it possible? For overlife is both life and death together." And then, this cry of the breakthrough: "What appears to us as 'the laws of nature' is nonsense!...." Another world ON EARTH in which the old mortal laws of our bowl break down.... into something else? "I have just had a fantastic vision of the cradle of a future.... which is not very far. It's like a formidable mass suspended above the earth." But will the old pack let her go through to the end?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1970 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 11 416 pages 2000 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Michel Danino  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1970 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  42 tracks
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September 9, 1970


(Mother seems very slightly better, though still quite exhausted.)

I had something to tell you, but I don't remember at all.... Maybe it'll come back.

(very long silence, then Mother gestures that she remembers and plunges in again)

It's coming, but not yet precise enough.

Do YOU have anything to ask?

Was it related to "that night," when you were as if in hell?

Yes, it was related to that. It was... I'll try to explain. You know that OM is said to be the sound of the whole universe turned towards the Supreme, imploring the Supreme—and the result is OM. I had the impression that I was all the pain of the world—all the pain of the world (how can I put it) felt together. I don't know how to explain.

It must be that—it must be that because, before, I was dominated, you understand: when it came, I was as if crushed by the thing; whereas from the moment I understood that way, I was able to be above pain. And I am much better. But just when I said it, it

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was very... it even had the character of a revelation. So then, it was very precise—very precise, very concrete. Now... it's a translation, of course.

I felt, I felt at the same time something like an extraordinary Protection which prevented from going mad.... It was a VERY concrete experience for several hours: the protection of a Consciousness... a higher consciousness, and a sort of power dominating the thing, with the perception that if That weren't there, there was enough to make lots of people go mad.

But the body is very... the body is very affected (Mother touches her left eye and forehead). You see, there are...

Impossible, almost impossible to eat—especially that.

(very long, moaning silence)

That sense of being crushed hasn't gone yet.

It's like something preventing me from breathing freely.

But the night after the day I saw you, when I told you, you remember, I told you (smiling) to pray for me...

Yes, Mother.

...that night was absolutely wonderful—absolutely peaceful and wonderful. A night as I hadn't had in a long, long time.... I thanked you, I don't know if you know!

Oh, Mother....

(Mother laughs,
Satprem lays his head on her knees, silence

But Sri Aurobindo? Sri Aurobindo...


What does he say?

(after a silence)

I had (and that was frightful), I had the consciousness of all that he suffered physically. And that was one of the things most... (Mother's voice is covered in tears) the hardest to bear. As if... physically... And our physical unconsciousness beside that, and

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the kind of physical TORTURE he was subjected to.1 That was one of the most difficult things, most difficult.

The torture he was subjected to, which we treated so lightly, as if... as if he felt nothing. That was one of the most frightful things.

(very long silence
Mother plunges in,
then gives a start

You see, it's like this (Mother gestures as if suffocating): an Anguish weighing down, and that's terrible.

It's not in the thought, you understand (same suffocated gesture).

But Mother, this pain of the earth, isn't it to make it call the Supreme Consciousness there too, deep down?

Yes, of course. That's what I say to myself, what I try to find, but...

There is something to be found.

(very long silence)

It's like this (same gesture of suffocation), and it's still there.... There is one spot, like a spot where there is such a dreadful anguish.... Do you feel how I have difficulty breathing?—That's it. It's constant.


It's here (Mother draws a bar across the top of her chest). It's here. And I am as if forbidden to... (Mother makes the gesture of rising to join the Origin above the head)... As if I absolutely had to find something.


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What time is it?

Ten past eleven, Mother.

Do you have anything to say?

But doesn't the Mantra have an action on this?

My body repeats the Mantra ceaselessly. I think it couldn't hold out if it didn't.... Constantly, constantly.


Sometimes I say to myself that OUR darknesses are YOUR obstacle, and that if we could conquer our own darknesses...

Ah, naturally it would be easier for me. But that... (how can I put it?) it's not my business. I have no right to demand it: I have to do the work.... Naturally, as I told you, your prayer that night had a... you know, the word relief in English. It was, oh, such a relief!

(very long, moaning silence)

It's strange, it takes hold here (gesture from the waist to the knees), but especially here (gesture at the waist). I can't say what it is, but it's a dreadful anguish.... When it comes here (gesture to the chest), I scream.

It's in the legs down to the knees. Now I can hardly walk.

Its totally physical, material.



I know very well what should be done, of course: this [phenomenon] should be observed rather than felt—it should be known: a knowledge rather than a sensation. Then it would be like other kinds of knowledge, you see.... But what does it depend on? I don't know.

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(long silence)

We shall conquer, Mother.


(silence, Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees)

You understand, that it will be conquered I am ABSOLUTELY certain of, but... has the time come? That's the question.

And it's this, this doubt, that's a torture.

(Mother takes Satprem's hands)

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