Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 Vol. 13 of Agenda 468 pages 1983 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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It's neither life nor death.. BOTH are being changed.. into something still unknown.. dangerous and wonderful. On Nov 17, 1973, she left her body - why?

Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973

The Mother symbol
The Mother

"Before dying falsehood rises in full swing. Still people understand only the lesson of catastrophe. Will it have to come before they open their eyes?" This is the year of Watergate, of Nixon's first trip to China, the assassination of the Israeli athletes in Munich, the first oil embargo. This is Mother's last lap. A lap strewn with heartrending little cries and stunning visions. The end of one world, the beginning of another.... whether we want it or not. "Sometimes, it is so new and unexpected, it's almost painful." And I would ask her, "But is it a state outside matter?" "I don't go outside of physical life, but.... it looks different. But it is strange. And it is PHYSICAL, that is the extraordinary thing! As if the physical had split in two.... A new state in matter. And it is ruled by something that is not the sun, I don't know what it is.... I am touching another world. Another way of being.... dangerous but wonderful." How I listened to her little breath as she gasped for air, a breath that seemed to come from another side of the world: "There is no difference between life and death. It's neither life nor death, it is.... something. It is not the disappearance of death you understand: BOTH are being changed.... into something still unknown, which seems at once extremely dangerous and absolutely wonderful." And what if "death" were merely the other, MATERIAL side of our human bowl, the sunlit shore for a species to come? A new condition on both sides of the world, in which life and death change into.... something else? "I am treading a very thin and narrow line...." And then this cry, this entreaty: "Let me do the work!" On November 17, 1973, she passed away - why?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1972-1973 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 13 476 pages 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

"Before dying falsehood rises in full swing. Still people understand only the lesson of catastrophe. Will it have to come before they open their eyes?" This is the year of Watergate, of Nixon's first trip to China, the assassination of the Israeli athletes in Munich, the first oil embargo. This is Mother's last lap. A lap strewn with heartrending little cries and stunning visions. The end of one world, the beginning of another.... whether we want it or not. "Sometimes, it is so new and unexpected, it's almost painful." And I would ask her, "But is it a state outside matter?" "I don't go outside of physical life, but.... it looks different. But it is strange. And it is PHYSICAL, that is the extraordinary thing! As if the physical had split in two.... A new state in matter. And it is ruled by something that is not the sun, I don't know what it is.... I am touching another world. Another way of being.... dangerous but wonderful." How I listened to her little breath as she gasped for air, a breath that seemed to come from another side of the world: "There is no difference between life and death. It's neither life nor death, it is.... something. It is not the disappearance of death you understand: BOTH are being changed.... into something still unknown, which seems at once extremely dangerous and absolutely wonderful." And what if "death" were merely the other, MATERIAL side of our human bowl, the sunlit shore for a species to come? A new condition on both sides of the world, in which life and death change into.... something else? "I am treading a very thin and narrow line...." And then this cry, this entreaty: "Let me do the work!" On November 17, 1973, she passed away - why?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 13 468 pages 1983 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1972-73 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  75 tracks
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March 29, 1972

(That same day, after Malraux, the conversation took a completely different turn, which is why we publish it separately, although under the same date.)

I had a feeling I had something to give you....

Did they give you a tape-recording?... I had said something to R. and to Sujata.

Is it good?

Yes, Mother, yes, it was good! We could perhaps publish it? It

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was about the vision you had of your own transitional body.

I simply wanted to make sure you had received it.1

Yes, Mother, it's extremely interesting.... Did you see anything new since that vision of the new body?

No. It's something totally new for me—it was the first time and it seems it's going to be the last.


My body has asked for... (it is in a constant state of aspiration, you know), it has asked for.... It feels (I don't know how to explain it), it feels the complete Presence of the Divine, I mean in all things, everywhere, all the time, as if it were at once enveloped and permeated by it—and it asked for something even more concrete. Then, a kind of Consciousness answered me that the body wasn't given a more complete perception because it would still feel like... (what shall I say?) fusing into the Divine, and then the cells would... (gesture of explosion). So the body would lose its form.

Oh, I see!

Something like that, you understand?

And I felt it was very true. I felt it.

For instance, eating is still a major problem—it's been ages since I've derived any pleasure from eating, but now it's become a real problem; well, any cellular contact with the divine Presence magnifies those things [like refusing food]. I mean all external processes—food and so on—seem then so cumbersome! Without a doubt the next creation will use something else, another way of staying alive, but we don't yet know what it is. I have a feeling there already exists a certain type of food—an intermediary type of food—which is no longer like the old kind but isn't yet... [the direct absorption of energy], and which has a minimal material basis. But we don't know anything about it, we don't know, nobody knows, we are still inexperienced; we have to find it—but how?

Nobody knows about it; nobody can say do this or do that. I don't know.

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The only thing we really know is glucose.


That's what they give to people who can't eat normally.

Yes, that's what the doctor told me; he told me to take glucose. I take some, but is that enough in itself?


How does glucose enter the bloodstream?

I think it's directly assimilated.

But what does directly mean? You have to swallow it.

Yes, of course, you have to swallow it!

And how....

It goes into the stomach and enters the bloodstream through the intestinal walls.2

Oh, that's how! It doesn't go through the kidneys?

Yes, Mother, automatically. After entering the blood, there's elimination through the kidneys.


Always, I think.

But does the glucose itself change into blood?

No, I think the intestinal walls absorb it and the necessary chemical reactions take place during this absorption through the walls—I think (!)

Oh, that's how it is.

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Yes, Mother, at least I think so.

Is there anything else besides glucose that works like that?

In liquid form, yes. There is glucose or very pure fruit juice—which is more or less the same thing.

That's almost all I take: glucose and fruit juice.

But many yogis—at least some—had the capacity to absorb energy directly, Mother, without eating. There are many such stories from the past.

Yes, but I don't know if they're true.

You don't know if they're true?... They are quite common, though, and often cited.

All that Sri Aurobindo told me is that people always eat too much. That was his experience. He went forty days without food, you know.3 I myself went without food (I don't remember for how long) and felt I was receiving nourishment directly,4 it simply passed through like this (gesture through the pores of the skin).

But couldn't you again use that sort of thing now, through the breathing process?

But I lost a tremendous amount of weight, you see, which means that I wasn't getting the proper nourishment, I was feeding on my body.

But I haven't lost too much weight now, have I? ... I don't know, I can't see.

Since when?

Since I was supposedly ill.

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No, not since then.


No, I don't find you have.

I went foodless for a few days—almost without food.

No, I don't see any change. Although, of course, there is so little left of your body! (Laughter)

I am pretty thin!... I can't see, you know.

But I don't look thinner than usual, do I?

No, you don't, Mother. But getting any thinner would be difficult!

If something new comes, I'll tell you.... Is today Wednesday? If something comes, she [Sujata] can come in, just come in, and if there's something new I'll tell her.

Yes, Mother. As a matter of fact, Sujata has been wondering about her visits to you: she is afraid of imposing her presence, of disturbing you.

No, she doesn't disturb me! I'll give her a flower and she can leave, unless I have something to tell her. It's better that way; every day she'll know if there's something to tell you.

Yes, Mother, every day—but she was getting the feeling she was... intruding upon you!

No, not at all! It's not that. I am inundated with people so I had to stop, but it was mostly birthdays, things like that. But she can come, bring me her flowers, take flowers from me, and if I have something to tell her, I'll tell her, otherwise she'll leave immediately. Is it all right like that?

(Sujata aside: "My thought is mainly for Mother.")

Sujata says it's all right, but what about you?

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For me it's fine. It doesn't tire me.

She's a little.... I don't know, she has something of a heavy heart.5


Well, exactly because of that.

Oh, no! Come here, mon petit! Oh, no, not at all.

(Sujata comes near Mother)

You know... you see, the consciousness is very clear, clearer than it has ever been, but I can't speak—something has to be found. So I am unable to tell you, but I am always happy to see you. I haven't said anything these last days because "saying" means explaining.... But I am always happy to see you, I have thought of you very, very, VERY, often—you understand?... Do you understand?... You understand?

You don't seem to understand.

(Sujata:) Yes, Mother, I do.

In any case, one thing you know: I tell the truth. If I say I am happy to see you, it means I am happy to see you. That you understand.

Yes, Mother.

What is it, mon petit? You've been hurt, did someone hurt you?

Very hurt, Mother.

Why, mon petit? Did someone tell you something?

No, Mother, I was simply told that you see me far too often,

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and... and that you didn't want to see me.6

But that's not true! I never said that to anybody.7

Well, Mother, each time, I see Sujata's name just crossed off [the list of visitors], so I take it that you don't have time or don't wish to see Sujata. So Sujata simply withdraws.

Who said that?

No one: I am telling you. That's how it happens.

But it's not true!

It is, Mother, that's what happens every time.

It's not true. It's not true that not to see you makes me happy—it's not true. I don't understand. I am not the source of that.

Well, practically, that's what happens. The slightest thing, and Sujata's name is crossed off. So I take it that you don't have time or don't wish or don't like to....

But that's not true! It's not true, mon petit! These last few days, I stopped everything because I had to, but again and again I thought it would be good if you were here. Only... you see my difficulty to speak, so....

Listen to me now—will you do as I say? Come to see me every day. Come to see me every day as before. If I have nothing to say, I'll give you flowers; if there is something I want you to convey to Satprem, I will tell you. But come, just come.

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The time will be more or less the same as before. You came after who?

I used to come after R.

Well then, come after R. That's settled: you come every day after R. I even had practical things for you to do: sometimes I rearrange my cupboards and I may have things to give you and explain to you8; and I was thinking, "I must see her every day."

If it's all right with you, come every day after R. If I have something to say, I will tell you; if I have nothing to say, I'll give you some flowers. But never, never think that I don't want to see you, it's not true—it's a BIG lie, it's not true. It's a big lie.

You know, you must be sure of one thing: I say things exactly as they are. I may say them poorly, but I say exactly what is true. I can't speak very well nowadays, I find it difficult, but the consciousness is clear. So I am telling you: I want to see you every day. Understood?

Yes, Mother.


(Sujata returns to her place
Satprem comes near Mother

That's what it is: I have difficulty speaking, I immediately... (Mother gasps for breath). There's obviously something happening here (Mother touches her chest).

But the consciousness is clearer and stronger than EVER before. And I see that people think I am getting "soft in the head" because I can't speak anymore. But the consciousness is clearer and stronger than ever before.

It's perceptibly stronger. It's quite perceptible.

(after a silence)

The biggest difficulty is this: if only there were someone to tell

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me what I should take.... Although I must say glucose is what I drink the most easily—so I'll just take more of it.

I think it's the only physical, material means; people who are hospitalized for months at a time take only glucose (usually intravenously). Well Mother, you can be fed that way indefinitely.

Good. It's all right, then.9

I'll see you Saturday; and if I have something, I'll tell you through Sujata.

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