CWM Set of 17 volumes
On Education Vol. 12 of CWM 517 pages 2002 Edition
English Translation


Compilation of The Mother’s articles, messages, letters and conversations on education and 3 dramas in French: 'Towards the Future', 'The Great Secret' and 'The Ascent to Truth'.

On Education

  On Education

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Dans ce volume ont été réunis des articles, des messages, des lettres et des conversations de la Mère avec des étudiants et des professeurs de l’école de l’Ashram, et trois pièces de théâtre : Vers l’Avenir, Le Grand Secret et L’Ascension vers la Vérité.

Collection des œuvres de La Mère Éducation Vol. 12 502 pages 2008 Edition
The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume is a compilation of The Mother’s articles, messages, letters and conversations on education. Three dramas, written for the annual dramatic performance of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, are also included. The Mother wrote three dramas in French: 'Towards the Future' produced in 1949, 'The Great Secret' in 1954 and 'The Ascent to Truth' in 1957.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) On Education Vol. 12 517 pages 2002 Edition
English Translation
 PDF     On Education

Le Grand Secret : narration by The Mother

  French|  5 tracks
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Replies to Prayers of the Physical Education Groups

The groups are listed here as they were originally formed; since then, they have been reorganised.

Group A

Sweet Mother, for us Thou hast kept the path free from all dangers and difficulties, the path that surely leads to the goal; and when the final victory will be won, it will reach out to infinity.

Mother, keep us always green, so that we may advance without stop on the road Thou hast with such labour prepared for us.

My little ones, you are the hope, you are the future. Keep always this youth which is the faculty to progress; for you the phrase "it is impossible" will have no meaning.

Group B

Sweet Mother, we want to be Thy faithful soldiers to fight for Thy final victory.

Victory to Sweet Mother.

Call to Victory

I salute you, my brave little soldiers, I give you my call to the rendezvous with Victory.

Page 269

Group C

Lord, free from all ignorance Thy supreme workers and guide their standard of purity by the shortest way towards the Realisation.

May Thy will be done and not ours.

The Lord will name "supreme" only those of his workers who will have wholly surmounted and overpassed in them all animality. Let us be at the outset his faithful and sincere workers and when this more modest programme is accomplished we shall prepare ourselves for greater realisations.

Group D

Sweet Mother, we want to be Thy valiant warriors, we will follow Thee to the final Victory.

With a single sincere heart we all will for Victory, but it is by stages that it can be achieved. A scrupulous discipline is the first step. Let your new uniform be the symbol of its fulfilment.

Group DG

Sweet Mother, we are Thy little children aspiring for Thy all-powerful Light. And Thou, Sweet Mother, hast given us the assurance of the final Victory; it is Thy will that we should be Thy faithful, sincere, brave and disciplined soldiers.

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Sweet Mother, here is our pledge. We are determined to be so, and above all, to place ourselves, without reserve, in Thy hands. Give us the power to do it.

I accept your pledge and you can rely upon my help to realise it. Age exists only for those who choose to become old.

Forward, ever forward, without fear and without hesitation.

Group DK

Mother Divine, here is our prayer:

Grant that we may always be Thy obedient and sincere soldiers, may Thy force enable us to fight the hostile powers and win Thy victory.

Victory to the Mother!

Be always faithful and persevering and you will have your share of the realisation.

Group E

We want to be what Thou wantest us to be.

I have full trust in your goodwill. Trust in my help.

Captains' Group

All you Captains of Physical Education:

Page 271

You can and must be the élite. I was thinking that, in the Ashram, there should be a nucleus around which all will be organised. The Captains of Physical Education can be the nucleus of Physical Education. They need not be many in number, but a good selection, first class people, true candidates for supermanhood, ready to give themselves entirely, unreservedly to the big divine work. This is what is expected from you. This must be your programme.

Sweet Mother,

We aspire to work all together towards the goal that Thou hast proposed to us.

Grant us the rectitude, the courage, the perseverance and the goodwill necessary to accomplish this sublime task.

Kindle in us the flame which will burn out all resistance and make us fit to be Thy faithful servants.

My children,

We are united towards the same goal and for the same accomplishment—for a work unique and new, that the divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you will understand the exceptional importance of this work and that you will sense in yourselves the sublime joy that the accomplishment will give you.

The divine force is with you—feel its presence more and more and be careful never to betray it.

Feel, wish, act, that you may be new beings for the realisation of a new world and for this my blessings shall always be with you.

Page 272

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